Certificate Ratings…


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Certificate Ratings…

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The U certificate rating stands for universal. This means that the film is suitable for audiences as young as four and upwards. There is no bad language in a U rated movie, the only bad language used is maybe ‘damn’ or ‘bloody’. There will be

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PG means Parental Guidance this means the film is suitable for general viewing, but maybe unsuitable for younger children. In a PG film there is mild bad language, some sex references. There should be no detail of violence in a PG.

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The 12 certificate rating means people from over the age of 12 can view the film. There is also a 12a certificate and the difference between a 12 and a 12A is that a 12 certificate is just for DVDS and Blu-rays, whereas the 12A certificate rating is for films at the cinema only.

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The 15 rating certificate means no-one under the age of 15 is allowed to see, rent or buy this film. 15 films contain: Strong violence, strong language, portrayals of sexual activities, strong verbal references to sex, sexual nudity, discrimination and drug taking.

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An 18 film rating certificate are for adults, nobody under the age of 18 can see this film. No theme is prohibited at 18. The sort of things that are in an 18: Very strong violence, frequent strong language, sexual scenes, strong blood and gore. Most films that are rated an 18 are horrors.