Connecticut State Data Center & Map and Geographic Information Center - MAGIC Census 2010 and Its Impact on Libraries Michael Howser Connec;cut State Data Center Coordinator/ Undergraduate Educa;on & GIS Librarian

Census 2010 and its impacts on libraries

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Presentation at Connecticut Library Association Conference on May 3, 2011 in Stamford, CT.

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Connecticut State Data Center & Map and Geographic Information Center - MAGIC

Census  2010  and    Its  Impact  on  Libraries  

Michael  Howser  Connec;cut  State  Data  Center  Coordinator/  Undergraduate  Educa;on  &  GIS  Librarian  

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Connecticut State Data Center & Map and Geographic Information Center - MAGIC

According  to  the  2010  Census,  what  Connec;cut  Town/City  has  the  

Largest  Popula;on?  

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Connecticut State Data Center & Map and Geographic Information Center - MAGIC

According  to  the  2010  Census,  what  town  in  Connec;cut  has  the  smallest  


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Connecticut State Data Center & Map and Geographic Information Center - MAGIC

What  is  the    Connec;cut  State  Data  Center?  

•  Connec;cut’s  Census  Bureau  Liaison  

•  Part  of  the  Na;onal  Data  Center  Network  

•  Assists  public  with  accessing  Census  Data  

•  Provides  custom  data  resources  for  Connec;cut  

•  Funded  by  Office  of  Policy  and  Management  


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What  is  MAGIC?  

•  University  of  Connec;cut  Libraries  Map  and  Geographic  Informa;on  Center  –  MAGIC  

•  Over  220,000  print  maps  

•  Historical  Aerial  Photography  for  Connec;cut    

•  Provides  digi;zed  maps  and  aerial  photography  in  full-­‐quality  TIFF  format  for  download  –  FREE!  


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Connec;cut  State  Data  Center  +  MAGIC  =  Data  &  Maps  

•  Connec;cut  State  Data  Center  moved  to  MAGIC  in  October  2010  

•  Collabora;on  combines  GIS  and  Mapping  technology  with  Census  data!  

•  Custom  datasets  are  digitally  preserved  


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Who  is  MAGIC  and  the    Connec;cut  State  Data  Center  

Library  Staff  •  Steve  Ba^  •  Michael  Howser  •  Bill  Miller  

Graduate  Students  •  Jeffrey  Dunn  •  Jie  Lin  •  Josh  Strunk  

Undergraduate  Students  •  Thomas  Bachant  •  Will  Carnes  •  Joel  Cintron  •  Steven  Daniels  •  Tia  Hogan  •  Anna  Kuziara  •  Adrian  Sonnenschein  

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2010  Census  Quick  Facts  

•  Just  over  72%  of  U.S.  Households  mailed  back  their  forms  (same  as  2000)  

•  48  million  addresses  were  followed  up  

•  2010  Census  was  $1.6  Billion  under  budget!  

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2010  Census  Timeline  

•  December  2010  –  Na;onal  Popula;on  

•  Feb  -­‐    March  2011  –  Redistric;ng  Data  Released  

•  May  2011  –  Demographic  Profiles  Released  

•  June  –  Aug  2011  –  Summary  File  1  Released  

•  December  2011  –  Summary  File  2  Released  

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December  21,  2010  

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2010  Winners  and  Losers  Increase  in  House  Seats  •  Texas  (+4),  Florida  (+2),    

Arizona  (+1),  Georgia  (+1),  Nevada  (+1),  South  Carolina  (+1),  Utah  (+1),  Washington  (+1)  

Decrease  in  House  Seats  •  Ohio  (-­‐2),  New  York  (-­‐2),    

Illinois  (-­‐1),  Iowa  (-­‐1),    Louisiana  (-­‐1),  Massachuse^s  (-­‐1),  Michigan  (-­‐1),    New  Jersey  (-­‐1),  Pennsylvania  (-­‐1)  

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What  is  Appor;onment?  

•  Each  state  has  at  least  one  representa;ve  in  the  House  of  Representa;ves  

•  435  Total  Seats  available  •  States  ranked  by  

Popula;on  to  provide  equal  representa;on  per  person  

•  Representa;on  based  on  Decennial  Census  Popula;on  Counts  


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2010  U.S.  Census  Reappor;onment  (Public  Law  94-­‐171)  Data  


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Redistric;ng  Data  –  State  by  State  Released  by  April  1,  2011  

•  Total  Popula;on  •  Race  (White,  Black  or  African  American,  American  Indian  and  Alaska  Na;ve,  Asian,  Na;ve  Hawaiian  and  Other  Pacific  Islander,  Some  other  Race)  

•  Ethnicity  (Hispanic  or  La;no)  •  Vo;ng  Age  (18+  years  of  age)  •  Housing  Data  (Occupancy  and  Vacancy)  

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U.S.  Popula;on  Snapshot  

2000   2010  

Total  Popula;on   281,421,906   308,745,538  (+9.7%)  

White   211,460,626   223,553,265  (+5.7%)  

Black  or  African  American   34,658,190   38,929,319  (12.3%)  

American  Indian  &  Alaska  Na;ve   2,475,956   2,932,248  (18.4%)  

Asian   10,242,998   14,674,252  (43.3%)  

Na;ve  Hawaiian  and  Other  Pacific  Islander   398,835   540,013  (35.4%)  

Some  Other  Race   15,359,073   19,107,368  (24.4%)  

Hispanic  or  La;no   35,305,818   50,477,594  (43%)  

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Connec;cut  Redistric;ng  Data  

•  Released  March  9,  2011  @  2:00pm  •  Includes:    –  State  –  Congressional  District  –  County  –  Town  –  Tract  –  Block  Group  –  Block  

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2010  U.S.  Census  Data  -­‐  Connec;cut  

2000   2010  

Total  Popula;on   3,405,565   3,574,097  (+4.9%)  

White   2,780,355   2,772,410  (-­‐0.3%)  

Black  or  African  American   309,843   362,296  (16.9%)  

American  Indian  &  Alaska  Na;ve   9,639   11,256  (16.8%)  

Asian   82,313   135,565  (64.7%)  

Na;ve  Hawaiian  and  Other  Pacific  Islander   1,366   1,428  (4.5%)  

Some  Other  Race   147,201   198,466  (34.8%)  

Hispanic  or  La;no   320,323   479,087  (49.6%)  

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Want  to  Explore  the  2010  data?  

•  For  Connec;cut  Data  Visit  ctsdc.uconn.edu  

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2010  &  2000  Connec;cut  Town  Data  Viewer  


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According  to  the  2010  Census,  what  Connec;cut  Town/City  had  the  Largest  Percent  of  Increase  in  


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Exploring  Na;onal  Data  •  New  York  Times  2010  Census  Map  


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Custom  Data  Sets:    American  FactFinder2  

•  2010  Census  Data  will  be  available  in  the  New  American  FactFinder  (facvinder2.census.gov)  

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Libraries  and  the  2010  Census  

•  Become  familiar  with  the  new  American  FactFinder  

•  If  you  need  help  the  Connec;cut  State  Data  Center  is  here  to  help!  

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American  Community  Survey  

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What  is  the  American  Community  Survey?  

•  American  Community  Survey  (ACS)    – “yearly  census”  –  survey  of  popula;on  each  year  –  Includes  14-­‐17  pages  of  ques;ons  –  In-­‐depth  ques;ons    – Takes  the  place  of  Decennial  Long  Form  

–  Includes  a  1,  3,  and  5  year  dataset  

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Visualizing  the  ACS  5  Year  Data  


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ACS  Custom  Data  Download  •  American  FactFinder  (facvinder.census.gov)  

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Sta;s;cal  Abstracts  

An  Opportunity  for  Libraries?  

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Sta;s;cal  Abstracts:  End  of  An  Era  

•  Publica;on  ceases  in  2012  

•  Combines  government  sta;s;cs  into  one  product  

•  Great  place  to  explore  what  data  is  available  

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Next  Steps  for  Libraries?  

•  Do  we  try  to  create  this  type  of  resource  for  each  state?  

•  Do  we  create  a  website  that  points  users  to  the  sources  of  data?  

•  What  is  the  role  of  libraries  and  providing  access  to  data?  

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Is  this  a  Wright  Brothers  moment  for  libraries?  

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Stay  Current…  Follow  Us    


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Special  Thanks  •  Connec;cut  Office  of  Policy  and  Management  •  Na;onal  Endowment  for  the  Humani;es  •  On  the  Line:  How  schooling,  housing,  and  civil  rights  shaped  

Harvord  and  its  suburbs  •  UConn  Department  of  Geography  &  Center  for  Popula;on  Research  •  UConn  Libraries  Digital  Projects  Team,  Directors  Council,  

Informa;on  Technology  Services,  Planning  Team,  and  Undergraduate  Educa;on  Team