CBT is an abbreviation for Computer Based Training


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is an abbreviation for

Computer Based Training

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Computer Based Training:definition

training program

a type of education

the product containing the pre-build learning material

the computer takes the role of teacher

the student learns by executing special training programs on a computer

CD-Rom or online packet

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Use of Computers for learning in the definition stresses that CBT refers to:

• instruction

• management of learning/teaching processes

• imparting training

• monitoring trainee progress

• providing feedback

• assessing final results

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In this sense CBT is close in meaning to some other acronyms:

• CAI (computer-assisted instruction) also (computer-aided instruction)

• CMI (computer-managed instruction) • CBI - Computer-Based Instruction• CAL Computer-Assisted Learning • CAT Computer-Assisted Testing

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• CBT = or > CAI, CMI, CBI, CAL, CAT


• CBT = (CD_clip)

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as far as Forms of Learning are concerned,CBT can be used in:

• Formal learning

• Non-formal learning

• Informal learning

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CBT and Learning Theories:CBT are created following the principles of

different LT

• Behaviorism – gave the concept of individualized instruction, the idea of a continuous control of

effectiveness • Cognitivism - led to provide metacognitive tools

instead of giving an immediate feedback.

• Constructivism - led to reduce granularity and include open problem solving situations

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Types of CBTdepending on the teaching method – pedagogic strategy

• Demonstration

• Tutorial

• Simulation

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Mind Map with forms of learning and Learning theories

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• is best used to support the introduction of new information

• applied widely for creation of instruction books

• is similar to E-book concerning the learning method

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Tutorial• main feature: a sequential manner of introducing new

information• useful for teaching factual information, simple

discrimination, rules, and simple application of rules • type variations

– Drill and Skill practice - used after initial instruction when mastery of a new skill or information is desired

– Problem solving - used to augment higher order thinking skills

– IST = Intelligent Tutorial Systems - provide direct feedback to students, without the intervention of human beings, whilst performing a task.

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Learning Theories used

• Drill and Skill Practice– behaviourist theories

• Problem Solving– cognitive theories

• IST• cognitive/constructivist theories

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Simulation• is most often used when practicing a skill in its

real context is too costly or dangerous (such as training of military or pilots)

• used to model real-world situations

• type variation: – Training games - used to provide motivating

and engaging opportunities for practice after a skill or new information is taught

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some historical notes

• Beginnings in the 50´s: military purposes– testing, management

• Development for the professional education:– dependent on the economical factors and suitability

for non-formal learning

• Stages of the development for the school education– infrastructural factors – evaluation problems

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CBT Components

• Technical structure

• Didactic structure

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Authoring Tool/Authoring System

• AT is a software package which developers use to create and package content deliverable to end users

• AS is a program that allows a non-programmer to easily create software with programming features

• Example of recent version (internet offer)

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Didactic aims

• Bennefits of using CBT

• Drawbacks of CBT

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• Dependent on technological factors

• Dangers of didactic shortcomings

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Technological difficulties

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Didactic problems

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Short Demonstration/Video