Causes of the Revolution

Causes of revolution

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Causes of the Revolution

Terms• Stamp Act- Colonist had to pay a tax on

newspapers, books, court documents, & contract.

• Patrick Henry- Va. representative that believed that only the colonial assemblies had the right to tax the colonist.

• Sons of Liberty- an association that led popular and powerful protest to show opposition to the British taxes.

• Boston Massacre- Colonists hurled rocks and snowballs at British troops guarding the Customs House. The soldiers grew nervous and fired on the protesters, killing five.

• Townshed Acts- Levied new import taxes on everyday items like glass, lead, paint, and tea.

• First Continental Congress- delegates from every colony, except Georgia met in Philadelphia.

• Boston Tea Party- Boston Patriots board three British ships, dressed as Indians, filled with tea and dump it all into the harbor.

Key Players • John Adams- lawyer from Massachusetts, and he

believed that already lived in a new country in 1774

• Patrick Henry- young Va. representative that argued that only the colonial assemblies had the right to tax the colonists.

• Samuel Adams- Most famous leader of the Sons of Liberty. Also was the leader of the protest at the Boston Massacre.

• John Hancock- with other colonial leaders he convinced a Provincial Congress to govern without Thomas Gage.

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