CARL JUNG’S ANALYTIC THEORY OR ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY Jung expanded the notion of the unconscious. Two Types of Personality

Carl Jung Theory of Personality

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Jung expanded the notion of the unconscious.

Two Types of Personality

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Personal unconscious-, each person has his or her own unconscious, and although they have some similarities (the structures and defense mechanisms, for example), what is in one person’s unconscious might not be in another person’s unconscious. The hidden thoughts and ideas of one person.  

Collective unconscious- all human beings share certain unconscious ideas because we are all human and were created from similar evolutionary circumstances and common ancestors. The collective unconscious is the storehouse of hidden memory traces that were inherited from our ancestral past. It is our minds’ residue of human evolutionary development He emphasize on the study of different cultures. He believed that the similarities between cultures were an indication of what it means to be human; that is, by looking at how we are all alike, we can determine the essence of humanity.  

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These elements (the content) of the collective unconscious are known as archetypes.  Patterns in the people and events around us which are mostly symbols of common human social realities such as heroes, maidens, and babies.

 Projection-making factors in the brain. To project is to see something in the outside world when its actual source is inside youRepresents a common and significant feature of ancient human social environment

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The self: Our feelings of wholeness and unity, our sense of organization within our personality, our identity

The persona: The artificial, phony self that we show to others; our public self that conforms to societal standards, the personality “mask” that we wear in public

The anima: The feminine side of men

The animus: The masculine side of women

The shadow: The dark, cruel side of us that contains animal urges and feelings of inferiority. Jung considered the shadow to be a source of creativity

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The Mother: The nurturant, loving

The Father: The demanding and rewarding

The Baby: The helpless infant

The Man: The strong, aggressive, rational male

The Maiden: The fair, unspoiled, intuitive female

The God: The Almighty, the guiding light

The Devil: The embodiment of evil

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The Wild Man: The untamed primitive, hairy and dangerous

The Trickster: A mischievous figure who plays pranks

The Boogie Man: A monster which preys on reckless children

The Mandala: The circular symbol of self and consciousness, usually with something holy in the middle

The Hero: The strong, capable man who saves and protects

The Hag: The old, deformed woman who casts spells or makes poisons

The Wise Man: The sage, usually with a long white beard

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The extraversion attitude orients a person toward the external worldoutward turning of "goal-directed energy

Extraverted people channel their life energy into activities and social involvement

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IntrovertsThe introversion attitude drives a person toward the inner, subjective world.

Introverts, by contrast, are turned inward, more interested in the life of the mind than the events of the outside world

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Some people seem to use their minds all the time, making conscious value judgments about which way to direct themselves. 

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The feeling type - makes decisions according to emotional evaluations 

The thinking type. The thinking type makes decisions based on conscious calculations (for example, marrying somebody who will someday be rich).

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One who relies on perception or intuition to guide decision-making. They tend to be rooted in the present, and they are more likely to make snap decisions or do impulsive things.

 Some irrational types emphasize sensation. They respond to external stimuli and are quite attentive to sensory perceptions, which guide their actions in a way they would be at a loss to explain. Such a person might be found wandering in a meadow on a pleasant morning, drinking in the sights and sounds, or spending all night at a nightclub, for no reason the person could identify except "liking it."