Campaign Planning Campaign Planning Advertisement campaign

Campaign planning

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bjmc 5 sem notes of advertising practices

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Page 1: Campaign planning

Campaign PlanningCampaign PlanningAdvertisement campaign

Page 2: Campaign planning

What is Campaign?What is Campaign?A campaign can be defined as a uni-

focus, short term communication program, making use of various mass media, aimed at a defined target audience.

In an advertising campaign, strategy is considered the most important part of the campaign. The pre campaign decisions were taken and included in the strategy.

Since the campaign are cost intensive, it is important to plan to precision to achieve the desired response.

Page 3: Campaign planning

5W’s and 1H of campaign5W’s and 1H of campaignEffective campaign must answer 5W’s

and 1H:Who: The target audience/segment or

target market.What: What is to be said to elicit the

desired response. What to say? It includes the key communication proposition.

Where: Where our target audience located, wha media do they attend to. It include the media vehicals for the campaign.

Page 4: Campaign planning

5W’s and 1H of campaign5W’s and 1H of campaignWhy: The objectives of the campaign,

both advertising and marketing objectives.

When: It decides the timetable. Some products are all season, while other are seasonal. It includes the scheduling of the campaign.

How: The crucial strategy. It is the art and science of deploying available resources to attain objectives in the face of active competition. Strategy needs to cover both creative and media angle.

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5W’s and 1H of campaign5W’s and 1H of campaignBudget Appropriation 5W’s and IHFeedback or evaluation


Page 6: Campaign planning

Planning an Advertising Planning an Advertising CampaignCampaignThe creation and execution of series

of advertisement to communicate with the particular target audience.

Campaign advertising have similar logic they are like step brothers but not identical twins.

Advertising campaign is a process where the advertising plan is integrated to overall marketing plan and corporate plan.

Page 7: Campaign planning

Planning an Advertising Planning an Advertising CampaignCampaignGeneral Steps in Developing and

Implementing an Adv. Campaign:

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Planning an Advertising Planning an Advertising CampaignCampaign

Page 9: Campaign planning

Planning an Advertising Planning an Advertising CampaignCampaign Identifying and analyzing the Target

AudienceTarget audience is the group of people

at whom advertisements are aimed.a)Location and geographical location,b)Distribution of demographic factors,c)Lifestyle Information,d)Consumer attitude.

Page 10: Campaign planning

Planning an Advertising Planning an Advertising CampaignCampaign Defining the advertising

ObjectivesWhat does the firm hope to

accomplish the campaign?a)Objectives should be clear,

precise and measurable,b)Increased sales (Units or dollar)

or increased product or brand awareness.

Page 11: Campaign planning

Planning an Advertising Planning an Advertising CampaignCampaign

Creating the advertising platform- Basic issues or selling points to be

included in the advertising campaign.- Issues in the selection and use of the

product that are important to consumers.

Determining the Budget Appropriation- Advertising budget foe specific period.It includes:a)Geographic size of the market and

distribution of the buyers within the

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Planning an Advertising Planning an Advertising CampaignCampaignmarket are important factors in

determining the size of the budget.

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Planning an Advertising Planning an Advertising CampaignCampaignDetermining the Advertising


Budget Approach/ Method


Objective and Task Determining advertising objectives and then calculating the cost of all the task needed to attain them.

Percent of Sales Multiplying the firm’s past and expected sales by a standard percentage based on what the firm has traditionally spend on adv. and the industry average for advertising spending.

Competition Matching Setting the adv. Budget to match competition spending on advertising.

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Planning an Advertising Planning an Advertising CampaignCampaignBudget Approach/ Method Methodology

Arbitrary Setting the advertising budget at a level of specified by a high level of executive in the firm.

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Planning an Advertising Planning an Advertising CampaignCampaign Developing the Media Plan:- Specifies the media vehicles (eg:

magazine, radio, T.V and N.P) and the schedule for running the adv.

- Plan objectives focus on achieving the reach and frequency that the budget will allow.

a)Reach: The percentage of consumers in a target market exposed to an advertisement in a specific period.

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Planning an Advertising Planning an Advertising CampaignCampaignb) Frequency: The no. of times

targeted consumers are exposed to an adv. In a specific period.

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Planning an Advertising Planning an Advertising CampaignCampaign Creating the advertisement


Page 18: Campaign planning

Planning an Advertising Planning an Advertising CampaignCampaign Creating an advertising Message- Copy: the verbal portion of the

advertisement.a). It includes headlines, sub

headlines, body copy and signature.- Copy Guidelines:a)Identify a specific desire or problem.b)Recommended the product as the

best way to satisfy the identified desire or

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Planning an Advertising Planning an Advertising CampaignCampaignc) State product benefits.d) Substantiate the advertising claims.e) Ask the buyer to take actions.- ArtworkAn advertisement illustrations and

layout.- IllustrationsPhoto, drawings, graph, charts and

tables used to spark audience int. and for better understanding.

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Planning an Advertising Planning an Advertising CampaignCampaign- LayoutThe physical arrangement of the

adv. Illustrations and copy.

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Planning an Advertising Planning an Advertising CampaignCampaign Executing the campaign:- Planning and coordination.- Implementationa)Detailed schedule of campaign

phases.b)Evaluation and corrective actions

as necessary to make the campaign more effective.

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Planning an Advertising Planning an Advertising CampaignCampaign Evaluating the campaign

effectiveness:Evaluation Assessment

Pretest Evaluation of ads performed before a campaign begins.

Consumer jury A panel of a product’s actual or potential buyers who pretest ads.

Post test Evaluation of advertising effectiveness after the campaign.

Recognition Test A post test in which respondents are shown actual ads and asked if they recognize it.

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Planning an Advertising Planning an Advertising CampaignCampaignUnaided Recall Test A post test in which

respondent identify ads as they have recently seen but are given no recall clues.

Aided Recall Test A post test that asks respondents to identify the recent ads and provides clues to joy their memories.

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Planning an Advertising Planning an Advertising CampaignCampaignWho develops the Advertising

Campaign?- Individuals- Advertiser or Financer- Firm’s Advertising Department- Advertising AgencyThey all develops the advertising


Page 25: Campaign planning

Planning an Advertising Planning an Advertising CampaignCampaignThree phases of campaign creations:I. Strategy Development Phase: This

state objectives and decide contents of communication and decide the positioning of the brand. Strategy is more important than creativity.

II.Adv brief to creativity: Job of company to give brief but usually they don’t do that, success of the adv depends on how

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Planning an Advertising Planning an Advertising CampaignCampaignWell the co. has briefed the agency

about strategy job of the co. is to tell what he wants to say, it is agency's job to decide how to say.

III.The creative phase: Creative people are brained people, they are involved from the inception to the commencement stage.