Byzantine Empire student notes

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The byzantine empire

The byzantine empire

Byzantine EmpireByzantine Empire

A. Reason #1 1. Economic Cost of an Empire so large 2.Economics- Part of society that creates wealth.Wealth comes from the production of goods and services, which people buy with money. 3. It cost a lot of money to keep anarmy. The army protected people and trade routes. 4. Government programs to take care of citizens cost money. 5. Government raised money by increasing taxes.

Collapse of the roman empire

B. Reason #2 1. Decline of traditional Roman values 2. As Rome grew stronger and richer, moral values declined. 3. Corruption grew also.Corruption- Decay of people's values. 4. Example - Corrupt government officials took bribes and used threatsto achieve goals such as political power.

Collapse of the roman empire

C. Reason #3 1. Threats from Outside the Empire 2.Barbarian Invasions- Barbarian means savaged or uncivilized. Anyone not Roman was considered a barbarian. 3. Groups such as the Vandals, Angles, Saxons,Huns(leader was Attila), and Visigoths attacked and invaded parts of the Roman Empire making it weaker.Collapse of the roman empire

D. Reason #4 1. Division into Eastern and Western Empire 2. Emperor Diocletian thought the empire was too large for one person to rule and split it into two parts. 3. Eastern Part became known as the Byzantine Empire. Constantinople became its capital.

Collapse of the roman empire

A. The Roman Empire was divided into two parts; Western Roman Empire and Eastern Roman Empire. 1. The Western Roman Empire lasted till AD 400. 2. The Eastern Half, theByzantine Empirelasted until 1450 AD.

II. Beginnings of the byzantine empire

A.Constantinoplewas the capital of the empire. B. Roman Emperor Constantine moved the capital of the Roman Empire here from Rome. He is considered by many to be the "Last Roman" emperor. 1. This city was located on the continents of Asia and Europe. 2. It is located on the Bosporus Strait connecting the Aegean Sea (Mediterranean) and Black Sea. 3. It became important for international trade. 4. It was easily defended. 5. It became the greatest city in the west. 6. Today the city is known as Istanbul.

iii. Location of the byzantine empire

A. Scholars preserved the literature of theGreeksand theRomans.

iv. Preservation of greek and roman culture

A. Emperor Justinian created theJustinian Code. 1. He made a code or collection of laws, like Hammurabi did in Babylon and the Roman Law of the Twelve Tables. 2. The code made it easier for the average citizen to know the laws. B. Justinian wife's name was Theodora. She influenced the Byzantine Empire.

v. Government and law

A. The empire had government officials and teachers educated. B. Artists createdmosaics. These are designs made of small bits of colored stone, marble, or glass. C. They decorated Christian Churches throughout the empire. D. The most famous was theHagia Sophia.

vi. culture