Brandon Almack - The Day Google AdWords Changed Forever!

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Meet the Wolfgang

As you can probably tell from my accent, this isnt our home town. Were from Ireland and were based in Dublin.Ciarans accent 3


Despite what you might have heard, this man is not the leader of Ireland 4

Enda met Wolfgang



We were delighted this year to bring two europena search awards to Ireland, including the gran prix.

Its actually the first time an Irish Agency has won.7

What were going to talk to you about today is a solution to some of the paid search challenges weve been discussing in Wolfgang Digital for years.

Every Tuesday, the AdWords teams sits down for an hour to discuss the latest innovations in paid search and how they can help us solve some of the problems we encounter in AdWords.

Up until recently, there have been lots of innovations, but the problems have remained the same.

These include 8

What AdWords problems am I referring to.

Well, there are 3 big problems that we we encounter on an ongoing basis.9

Problem 1: Leaky Bucket

The first is the leaky bucket

This is really a problem of loss of impression share which stems from not having a budget sufficient enough to cover the market.

Now, the ideal Clients budget will be large enough to cover all relevant searches within their industry, but not every Client is the ideal Client unfortunately.

This means in some cases you might loose impression share to budget.10

Paths to Conversion

This, believe it or not, is a pretty typical example of the paths to purchase for a retain Client. To sell this one dress there were 90 touch points in total with 30 coming from page search.

If your budget cant cover all these searches, the journey for your Client could end 11

Problem 2 : Generic KeyWord Conundrum

The second problem follows a similar theme, but focusing on generic keywords.

Its a problem that we have come to call the generic keyword conumdrum.12

Generic KeyWord Conundrum

Let me demonstrate what I mean with example

Its keywords like this clothes online. IF youre a retailer, this is absolutely an important keyword for you, but its top of funnel.

These keywords, carry a lot of search volume but typically have low conversion rates ie a higher cost per aqcuisition.

Again, if your budget or your Clients budget is restricted it might not be possible to target these keywords. 13

You say Tomato

Lastly. Is a big one and its the fact that we bid on keywords.

On the one hand its whats so amazing about Google AdWords. We show ads to users seraching keywords relevant to your business

.but on the other hand, we all search differently and there can be varying degrees of intent behind the same keyword.14


Pizza for example If Im dominos pizza it might make sense for me to bid on it, but my add could be displaying for users

Looking for directionsOr looking for a recipe


So. We got really excited when RLSAs first hit the scene, because it looked like it could solve some of these problems.

Add to that the fact that people seemed to be falling out of love with traditional (or display) remearketing16

and remarketing was almost a victim of its own success

When it was introduced back in 2010 it performed phonemically well. It was new.

But years of bad targeting and creepy ads have started to negatively impact remarketing campaign performance

I knew it was the end of remarketing


It looked like RLSAs were going to see a rebirth of remarketing, but on the search network.

Google spent a lot of time championing it 18

Adjust Bids

But the focus of Googles advice seemed a little bit unsophisticated.

Taking the same campaigns and bid more based on a user visiting your site, a product etc.19

Spend More Money

Basically Google were recommended that we spend more money 20

Tag Pages

RLSAs were also slightly restricted by the fact it was based on a tag, which meant that youd build audiences based on the fact that theyd visited a certain page

Lump everyone together

So we were underwhelmed by the hype surround RLSAs at this stage and honestly, we didnt see great results.

It felt like we were just paying more for traffic we were going to get via our standard campaigns.21

But then everyhitng changes on the 25th June22

On June 25th Google allowed us to start sharing audiences from Google Analytics with Google AdWords.

This meant that we could new look23

So what why is this important or whats the big deal?


Full Funnel Remarketing

It allows us to remarket to users across the funnel

Previously we were remarketing to users based on the page that they had visited.

We madde assumptions about the stage they were at in the purchase funnel based on whether they viewed a category page or a prodcut page

But by applying segments in GA, we can now remarekt to users based on the channel they came from or the ttype of interaction

We can speak differently to users that came from Twitter, or facebook, or Google or even email


Integrating Social Targeting

But thats only the start, because if we integrate our social targeting with our Google Analytics Audiences we start to learn an awful lot about who we are targeting.

Custom audience, location, age, gender, interests, income in the US

I can target men aged between 35-45 living in New York and earning over 100k

I can then collect this campaign as an audience in GA and call it rich dudes in New York and sell them expensive shit on search.

I can overlay this targeting in FB UTM the campaign and capture them as a list in GA for remarketing on search


Targeting on Social

Using UTMs I can call users that click on this facebook ads Parents interesting in education, collect them as an audience

And sell them a college savings plan on search for example


Targeting People

Were now longer just bidding on keywords, were bidding on people who are searching specific keywords.

And this approach has completely changed we at Wolfgang Digital now approach the set up, opt of our paid search accounts.

So, Im going to invite my colleague Ciaran up on the stage to show us some of the ways were using audiences in GA to drive results for our Clients.


5 Ways to use RLSAsWebsite visitorsFacebook trafficRepeat customersPast purchasers

Website Visitors

Generic KeyWord Conundrum

Facebook Visitors

Facebook Conversion Rate

74% less than Search

MonetateAdd some research on FB conversions ratesInterrupting their experience


Wolfgang Analysis

Facebook audience on FacebookAnalytics AudienceAdWords audienceSeparate slides


Facebook Audience

Facebook audience on FacebookAnalytics AudienceAdWords audienceSeparate slides


Analytics Audience

Facebook audience on FacebookAnalytics AudienceAdWords audienceSeparate slides


Audience in AdWords Search

Facebook audience on FacebookAnalytics AudienceAdWords audienceSeparate slides


Facebook Visitors Case Study

Facebook Results

Jen some images42

Past Purchasers & Repeat Customers

Adobe Study Revenue per Visit

Customer insights there is a study 44

Adobe Study Conversion Rate

Customer insights there is a study 45

Segment in GA with Customers

X 2

Customer insights there is a study 46

This is NOT New vs Returning

2 Year Cookie for Users & Sessions!

New v Returning is meaningless47

The Value of the Repeat Customer

Spending 2.5xAOV nearly Double48

Past Purchasers Case StudyCampaign for past-purchasersCampaign for non-purchasers

Screen grab from adWords 49

One campaign for customers, one for acquisition

Screen grab from adWords 50


Focus on - Repeat customers

52 all visitors11252

52 all visitors111 for RLSA

AOV: 151Conv rate: 1.84 v. 11.24%Cost Per conv: 7.79 v 2.60ROAS: 18.68 v 42.8553

Use our Audience List

AdWords Problems Darrel Slide54

AdWords Problems Darrel Slide55

Use our Audience List

AdWords Problems Darrel Slide56

Thanks Ciaran, some great practical applications of using audiences in GA.

So, I just want to delve into why these tactics work

why does this strategy work so well?

It works because it solves the three problems we discussed earlier.57

Firstly, in instances where our budget isn't sufficiently large enough to cover the marketWe can be even more strategic about how we assign our budget across campaigns 58

1. Budget Control

For example, here weve split our campaigns and seperated customers (ie converters) into one campaign. In tis case, weve defined an audience in GA for users that have previously bought for usWe assing budget across these users to get 100% IS No IS to budget We then accept some budget loss for non-customers.59


2. Control Ad Message

we want our communications with customers and potential customers to be as elegant as possible.Not everyone were remarkeitng to should see the same comminication For example, for user that arrive to our site via our FB campaign, Were collecting these users as an audience and tailoring our message to them61

Control KPIs

Having one KPI applied globally to an account doesnt make sense anymore. Whenter its ROAS, cost/conv. CPA or whatever Applying a global kpi to your adwords account ignores the fundamental difference between Customer retention and acquisition. In this example we split our account and KPIS between customers The reality is the Client is willing to spend more acquiring a customer, so by using GA lists and segmenting our campaigns in AdWordsOur optimisation strategy can reflect this.63

X 5


Lastly, the targeting we have allows us to refine targeting.

IF you know your customer as well as you should, you can build that persona in facebook, collect them as an audience in GA and target them on search 65

September 27th

So RLSA and GA audience integration has fundamentally changed how we approach adwords camapigns,But there was a recent equally important story that makes audience targeting even more exciting

But before I jump into to that, I have to credit another marty

September 27th 66

Audiences Are Valuable Brand Assets

This is Marty Waintuarp and I was lucky enough to see him speak at MOZCon this year.Marty is half raving lunatic and half digital prophet He said something that stuck with me.


Control TargetingAsset

When I think of assetets, I think of something you own like a tangible asset.such as a building

But even with intagable assets, you still own them.


I was uncomfortable with the thought of audiences in GA as brand assets,Because their existence is still based on cookies.But these can be cleared or deletedand their goes your audience For reasons I dont want to get into right now, I regularly delete my cookies 69

Also, tracking across devices with cookies is impossible, so you loose some really valuallbe information 70


.but you own an email listthats actually a tangible asset.71

Google joins the party

So on Sept 27th Google joined the first party data party with customer match.

Google have never been great at naming products, that peaked at Google.72

I dont mind that hover boards havent replaced sakte boards in 2015, Im more excteid about been Able to user first party data in Google AdWords 73

Customer Match - Wolfgang Hack

With Customer match your list size needs to be greater than 1,000

But what if you dont have the list you target isnt that size?

There is a hack 74

Custom Audiences - Hack

We have an email newsletter list mainly Clients, but the match was initally 300 400

So we went through a process of adding fake email addresses until we got reached > 1000

You can see here, it only took 2 itterations 75

Custom Audiences - Hack


And sure enough on the third try Google accepted the list

We had a very specific reason for wanting to tarhet this list.

You see its mainly comprised on Clients, 76

Our clients searching for a digital marketing agency?

7 Key Takeaways Collect Audiences within Google AnalyticsLeverage targeting on social to build granular lists of your target persona If your budget is restricted, do not lose impression share across your customer baseSet different KPIs for retention and acquisition and optimise accordinglyTurn Facebook into a conversion machine via RLSA & GA audiencesHACK Customer Match to target small discrete email lists on searchDownload our audience builder!

.thank you