Brand identity By Emily and Lois

Brand identity

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Page 1: Brand identity

Brand identity By Emily and Lois

Page 2: Brand identity

Marketing O Our fashion brand is an online advertising campaign.

Our audience as the web 2.0 play a large role with the marking of Ellie-may. As our audience a digitally native we are focusing on promotion on social media, such as Twitter and Instagram. We feel this will modernise our brand and make it more accessible to our audience and easier to spread the word directly to them.

O However, we still need to stick to the traditional ways of marking, like magazines and fashion magazines. This will allow us to have a backup distribution method to reach all of our audience and it then widens the chance of reaching future buyers.

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Why we have chosen Instagram and twitter.

O Instagram has been around for the IPhone users since October 2010. By December 2010 it had one million users and now currently has over 200 million active users.

O 60 million photos get uploaded per day.O 40% of the total globe users for

Instagram live in the USA. O 70% check their feed at least once a

day, with 35% several times a day.

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O The average tweet per user is 307O 32% of all Internet users are using Twitter.O 9. 69% of follows on Twitter are suggested by friends.O The USA’s 141.8 million accounts represent 27.4% of all

Twitter users.O 13. 50% of Twitter users are using the social network

via mobile.O 64% of consumers have made a purchase decision

based on social content.O 19. 91% of 18-34 year olds using social media are

talking about brands.O 16% of U.S. Internet users are on Twitter.O 28. The average Twitter user has 126 followers.O 29. The average business has 14,709 Twitter followers.O 340 million tweets are sent each and every day.O 92% of retweets are based on interesting content

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Instagram O We have created an Instagram page, this

will allow us to target our age group directly and have below-the-line marketing. We will be posting Outfit ideas, up coming releases, event coming up, and anyone who tags our brand in their OOTD could be featured.

O It is necessary for us to use social media as a upcoming brand we can use this below the line method to market our product effectively.

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Twitter O We have created a twitter page. This

has the same reason why for our Instagram. It is below the line marketing which will allow us to target our audience directly to their mobiles. 19. 91% of 18-34 year olds using social media are talking about brands. We feel twitter is a great way in which to target our brand.

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Magazine ideas O We decided that by also having printed

magazine adverts, we will also feature a monthly magazine our selves. You can have it as either a hard copy or a downloadable copy as we are an online brand. These magazines will feature upcoming styles, fashion tips, outfits we have loved from our followers, events you can go to, interviews with models, style icons and famous bloggers. This will allow us to gain more followers and a larger profile because we will have many different forms of advertising.

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Radio advert O We will be placing our radio advert

on capital, this is because of the age group which listens to this station. They play current pop songs which will target our audience of females aged 18-25. We are stationed in the east midlands we will then be targeting a regional audience. Capital also allow advertisements to be on their page.