Bone and muscle features

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Bone and Muscle Features

Bone and Muscle Features

Some Surface Features of BonesProcessLineForamenSinusFossa SutureCondyleMeatus

Bone ProcessArea where the bone has extra tissue ProjectionsOften articular = Can help form jointsCan provide attachment sites for muscles and ligaments

Zygomatic processs imagehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zygomatic_process_of_temporal_bone

Temporal process imagehttp://www.studyblue.com/notes/note/n/skull-and-spine/deck/26253793

Bone lineGroove in the bone from other developmental processesA narrow, low ridge

Image fromhttp://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/semilunar+line


Bone ForaminaHoles in the bones through which nerves and blood vessels passLigaments may also pass through

Images fromhttps://www2.aofoundation.org/wps/portal/!ut/p/c0/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3hng7BARydDRwN3QwMDA08zTzdvvxBjIwN_I_2CbEdFADiM_QM!/?segment=Mandible&bone=CMF&showPage=A&contentUrl=srg/popup/additional_material/91/X02_Anatomy.jsp5

Bone sinusesEmpty spaces in the bones that make the skull lighterCavity within a bone

Image fromhttp://trialx.com/curebyte/2011/06/15/paranasal-sinuses-photos/6

Bone fossaA relatively deep pit or depressionAlso a flat surface on a bone

Left Image fromhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Mandibular_fossa_3.jpg

Right image fromhttp://www.drcink.net/skeletonlab.htm


Bone suturesAn interlocking line of union between bones

Image fromhttp://www.drcink.net/skeleton/coronalsuture2.jpg8

CondyleA condyle is the round prominence at the end of a bone, most often part of a joint.an articulation with another bone.

meatusA natural opening or canal

Muscle features (skeletal)StriationTendonOriginInsertion


Muscle striationsSkeletal & cardiac muscle onlyThe striations seen in skeletal muscle fibers are the result of the alignment of hundreds of myofibrils (long protein strands) within each muscle fiber.

Image fromhttp://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fil:Lateral_head_anatomy.jpg

A myofibril is a long protein structure, as long as the muscle. The differences in the thicknesses of the myofilaments accounts for the banding pattern of light and dark striations.


TendonsA tough band of fibrous connective tissue that usually connects muscle to bone.

Image fromhttp://virtual.yosemite.cc.ca.us/rdroual/Course%20Materials/Elementary%20Anatomy%20and%20Physiology%2050/Lecture%20outlines/muscle_anatomy.htm13


Where the muscle attaches to the bone

The structure that the origin is attached to always tends to be moved by the contraction of the muscle.14

InsertionWhere the muscle meets a tendon

Look up the rest of the terms related to muscles:HeadBellyMultinucleateSingle-nucleus (uninucleate)Involuntary muscleVoluntary muscleInnervationBlood supply (vasculature)