WordPress, August 2012 Blogging with WordPress (.org, although .com very similar) WordPress.org requires purchase of a domain name and some webspace, whereas WordPress.com offers free hosting, but with more limited options for plugins, etc. See also: http://prezi.com/svdi72l9gmtk/raising-your-academic-profile-with-a- blog/ URL to log in: http://domain-name/wp-admin/ You will enter at the dashboard: New Post: Dr Bex Lewis: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. 1

Blogging with word press

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Basic instructions on how to make good use of a WordPress account. Assumes that user has already set up a WordPress account.

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Page 1: Blogging with word press

WordPress, August 2012

Blogging with WordPress (.org, although .com very similar)WordPress.org requires purchase of a domain name and some webspace, whereas WordPress.com offers free hosting, but with more limited options for plugins, etc.

See also: http://prezi.com/svdi72l9gmtk/raising-your-academic-profile-with-a-blog/

URL to log in: http://domain-name/wp-admin/

You will enter at the dashboard:

New Post:

Dr Bex Lewis: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. 1

Page 2: Blogging with word press

WordPress, August 2012

Once in, the editing is very much like using a Word document. You’ll see the editing bar – select the highlighted button to ensure that that the second row appears.

Hover over each item for a description of what it does. It’s worth taking note of the ‘Format’ button, as Google assigns different levels of importance to headings/regular text – so rather than bold/enlarge, use the various heading settings.

Adding a LinkOne of the particularly valuable aspects of being able to offer material online is that you can ‘hotlink’ to other resources, externally or within this blog.

Highlight the phrase that you want to use as a link (avoid ‘Click here’, as Google again adds emphasis to links/the words used in links – so try & be descriptive whilst using normal English). The ‘link’ button will activate – click on it, add the web address/URL (see below the 2 boxes there’s an option to link to a pre-existing file on the website) – ignore ‘Title’. The other icon is to ‘break link’.

Adding a PictureEach post should include an image – helps contextualise/people to remember the post. Whilst in editing mode, look for the Upload button (some other file types other than image, e.g. PDF).

Click on the button to bring up the following menu:

From Computer – to find any file that you have saved on your hard driveFrom URL- to embed a picture from somewhere on the internet (doesn’t release from copyright)Media Library- images that you’ve already uploaded and can be re-used.

Assuming that you are uploading from new (care with copyright, etc. – you can’t just take any old pic from Google Images - e.g. http://bigbible.org.uk/about-2-2/policies/image-policy/) - the following screen shows you the options.

Dr Bex Lewis: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. 2

Page 3: Blogging with word press

WordPress, August 2012

Edit Image – Allows you to rotate image, etc. Title – uses file name by default, but can be changedAlternate Text – important for usability, should describe the content of the imageCaption – usually use to describe the image originDescription – often don’t bother, but can be used by Google search – images send a surprising amount of trafficLink URL – by default uses the file name of the image, but can be changed to an external link to work as a link – double-check that it’s worked. Sometimes I have to press ‘none’ before I can enter the internal link. Alignment/Size – as it says – right/left align will cause text to wrap round imageWe’re not using ‘Featured Images’ on this blog, but if you were, click it first – wait til its done, then press ‘Insert into post’.

Editing the Image Once LoadedIn editing mode, click on an image, and 2 options will come up. The one that looks like an old-fashioned slide will take you into a space where you can update most of the options identified a bit. You can also resize the image in this section – reducing it by 60-90% (this can be done multiple times if you need to shrink smaller; you can’t always make images larger again afterwards, so watch out of that).

If you need to delete the image, click the ‘delete’ button.

Dr Bex Lewis: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. 3

Page 4: Blogging with word press

WordPress, August 2012

Embed a file/videoFinding the embed code is usually fairly straightforward, but as an example – here’s how to find the code on YouTube – look below the video for ‘Share’, find ‘Embed’ and copy the HTML code.

To post the content into WordPress, you may need to use the HTML tab (otherwise ensure that you’re in the Visual tab at all times). <p></p> or <div></div> indicate the beginning/end of paragraphs/sections – look for the right part of the page, and paste.

Adding Your User NameRather than adding your author details to each post, you need to allocate each post to your user name. Look below the post for ‘Post Authors’ – I usually ensure that the following plugin is used: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/co-authors-plus/.

Look to the left hand menu for ‘Users’ – go to ‘Add New’ and follow the straightforward instructions, ensuring that new password, etc. is emailed to the new user.

Admin gives users rights to change EVERYTHING on the site – Editor or contributor are usually a safer option – contributor posts can’t be posted until editor approves.

Dr Bex Lewis: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. 4

Page 5: Blogging with word press

WordPress, August 2012

Once you have put your name in, you need to remove admin (unless you have logged in with your user name in the first place – which is preferable!). Simply click on ‘remove’:

Categories/TagsLook to the right of the blog post, and select 1 (2 if necessary, but not more) categories. Try to keep these options really TIGHT, top-level, so try and keep these to around 10-12 ever. Think really carefully before adding a new category, and try and ensure that Uncategorised is not left clicked.

Tags – we can use a lot more of these, but are still looking for consistency.

Both categories & tags are ‘interactive’ clickable links within the blog, so e.g. if you click on ‘Toolbox’ you will get all the posts in that category, or if you click on one of the tags below a post, it will bring up any other tags with EXACTLY the same tag (remember –computers are stupid & can’t tell the difference between e.g. friend and friends!)

PublishingVery simply – look to the left for the ‘Publish’ button:

Dr Bex Lewis: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. 5

Page 6: Blogging with word press

WordPress, August 2012

Pre/Post-Setting PostsPosts can be placed as if published at a past date, or pre-prepared for a future date (meaning you could write several at once and then let them go!). Look for ‘Edit’ next to Publish immediately, and select the date that you want, then press OK.

If it’s a future post, it will come up with ‘Scheduled’ and show the date that’s coming up – if past it will just publish and settle itself into the list of posts in date order.

Post-Publication EditingOnce a post is published, it can still be edited/deleted. Simply go to ‘All posts’ (once you are logged in you should be able to see the name of your blog in the top-left at all times – click that to trigger between the dashboard/seeing the live site… although I often work with 2 tabs open – editing in one/viewing in the other – just a bit faster!). Click on all posts…

A list of posts will come up – most recent post first (although posts can be filtered/re-ordered etc.). Hover over a post title, and the 4 options will appear.

Edit – takes you to full edit modeQuick Edit - quite limited but can allow the tags, categories, etc. to be changedTrash – delete the postView – View the live post

Dr Bex Lewis: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. 6

Page 7: Blogging with word press

WordPress, August 2012

Comments I usually use a plugin called Disqus (http://disqus.com/) as if a human being fills this in, it auto-accepts the comments. Do need to set a schedule for monitoring these. Looks something like this in action:

Sortware called Akismet can be activated to filter out spam. Don’t allow spam to be published to up the ‘comment numbers’, as it’s better to allow the real comments to shine out. Gaining comments can be REALLY hard work – you often have to target specific people to ask them to comment – at least until the conversation has gained some momentum.

Most of the spam comments won’t come via Disqus – but check:

Then hover over a comment to bring up the options – which are pretty self-explanatory:

PluginsPlugins are the extra functionality that MAKES WordPress. We need to ensure that these are kept up to date. Look for ‘Installed Plugins’, look to the top of ‘Update Available’, then look to the results for ‘Update Now’.

Dr Bex Lewis: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. 7

Page 8: Blogging with word press

WordPress, August 2012

Don’t click away from the page until the following message appears:

Encouraging People to ShareThere are a range of plugins for sharing – including this below:


Other particularly recommended options include: http://www.sharethis.com/, http://www.addthis.com/, http://www.linksalpha.com/ and http://www.shareaholic.com/.

Changing the Look of the SiteWith WordPress, you only need to call on the services of the designer if you have very specific wishes. Many people have provided free ‘themes’ (and others have provided paid ones), but it must be remembered that it doesn’t just change the LOOK of the site, it also changes the functionality… so think before you click. The latest option for WordPress offers the option to see the site, with customised headings, etc. before you press publish.

Dr Bex Lewis: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. 8