Betty Miller, Randy Westin, and Wayne Fischer Boise State University February 12th, 2010

Blogger Bladt Presentation

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This is the PowerPoint presentation BLADT will be presenting on Friday.

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Page 1: Blogger Bladt Presentation

Betty Miller, Randy Westin, and Wayne FischerBoise State UniversityFebruary 12th, 2010

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3rd Annual Meeting of the PISCES Group 2

AcknowledgementsThis project was accomplished with the support of several people. Sincere appreciation is given to everyone involved who shared his or her time and knowledge as we developed our design proposal.

Dr. Barbara Morgan, Special Lecturer and former astronaut, Boise State University Departments of Education and Engineering in Boise, Idaho; and Dr. Robert Davidson, Boise State University Department of Engineering in Boise, Idaho.

Mr. Greg Miller, Seed Technology Specialist, Mr. Brad Peters, US Quality Control Manager, and Cody Reynolds, Manager of Operational Technologies, Nunhems USA, Inc. in Parma, Idaho;

Dr. Douglass E. Owen, Park Ranger Naturalist/Park Geologist, Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve in Arco, Idaho;

Dr. Jared Noorda, Design Engineer, HyPerComp Engineering;

Dr. Michele H. Perchonok, Manager Shuttle Food System/Advanced Food Technology; Dr. Thomas A. Sullivan, Senior Engineer Specialist, NASA/Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas; Dr. Paul D. Spudis, Senior Staff Scientist, Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston, Texas.


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Technical Rationale Easily transportable Cost-effective Basic data gathering

PISCES and the Bronco Lunar Agricultural Design Team (BLADT)

Lunar Seed Repository


Figure 1 : Schematic of the seed repository at Svalbard Global Seed Vault in Norway [10].

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I. Concepts and Strategies

II. Selection of Seed

III. Packaging and Radiation Mitigation

IV. Container Locations and Monitoring

V. Analog Experiments

Overview of the Lunar Seed Repository Design


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A. Appropriateness of Proposal

B. Required Tech. Developments for a Life Support System

C. Seed Container

D. Core Drilling

E. Seed Technologies Preparation Storage

I. Concepts and Strategies


Lunar Seed Repository Project

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A. Appropriateness of Proposal

I. Concepts and Strategies


Lunar Seed Repository Project

Figure 2: Lunar base development will fall into four principal phases: a Precursor Phase, a Pioneering Phase, a Consolidation Phase and a Settlement Phase [3].

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B. Required Tech. Developments for a Life Support System

I. Concepts and Strategies


Lunar Seed Repository Project

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C. Seed Container

I. Concepts and Strategies


Lunar Seed Repository Project

Figure 3 : High-pressure container modified for seed containment [6].

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D. Core Drilling

I. Concepts and Strategies


Lunar Seed Repository Project

Figure 4: Using a 2cm core bit sampler, Apollo 12 astronauts were able to bore into the lunar surface and yield samples to return to Earth [8].

Figure 5: Surface temperature variation becomes constant at a depth of 100cm. Placement of containers should reside at a depth of a 100cm to provide ideal conditions to maintain pressure in seed containers [9].

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E. Seed Technologies Preparation Storage

I. Concepts and Strategies


Lunar Seed Repository Project

Figure 6 : Aerial photo of Nunhems USA Inc. located in Parma, Idaho where our team was able to meet with and tour the facility with seed technologists and company management, and participate in a question and answer discussion.

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A. Lunar Seed and Plant Criteria

II. Selection of Seed


Lunar Seed Repository Project

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B. Seed Longevity

II. Selection of Seed


Lunar Seed Repository Project

Figure 7: Schematic presentation of the main interactive parameters determining seed longevity [17].

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A. Seed Packaging

B. Radiation Mitigation

III. Packaging and Radiation Mitigation


Lunar Seed Repository Project

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A. Using SELENE GIS Data

IV. Container Locations and Monitoring


Lunar Seed Repository Project

Figure 8: Lunar topographic map of the near and far side of the Moon produced from precise altitude data at a range of up to 5 meters obtained by the laser altimeter on board JASXA' KAGUYA [22].

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A. PISCES Field Test SiteB. Craters of the Moon National Monument

V. Analog Experiments


Lunar Seed Repository Project

Figure 9: Field trip photo of lava tube at Craters of the Moon National Monument. Lava tube was found off-trail approximately three miles from common public areas.

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A. PISCES Field Test SiteB. Craters of the Moon National Monument

V. Analog Experiments


Lunar Seed Repository Project

Figure 10: Pictured left Apollo 12 aerial photo of a lunar rille and pictured right an aerial photo of rille at Crater's of the Moon National Monument in Arco, Idaho [23]

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Plan for Project Completion

Mission, Project Goal, Performance Gaps


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Plan for Project Completion

External Critical Success Factors

Tentative Schedule


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Plan for Project Completion Action Items and Decisions Made Log


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Commitment to Project

Team Members and Academic Goals Betty Miller

M.S. Adult and Organization Learning and Leadership Randy Westin

B.S. Geophysics and Materials Science Wayne Fischer

M.S. Mechanical Engineering

Website & Blog

Education and Community Outreach


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References[1] Leafy Green Astronauts. (2001, April 9). Retrieved July 1, 2009, from Science at

Nasa Web site: http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2001/ast09apr_1.htm

[2] Benaroya, H., & Bemold, L. (2008). Engineering of lunar bases. Acta Astronautica, 62(4-5), 277-299.

[3] Eckart, P., Eckart, P., & Aldrin, B. (1999). The lunar base handbook: An introduction to lunar base design, development, and operations. Space technology series. New York: McGraw-Hill.

[4] Grandl, W. (2007). Lunar Base 2015 Stage 1 - Preliminary design study. Acta Astronautica, 60(4-7), 554-560.

[5] Neal, C. R. (2009). The Moon 35 years after Apollo: What's left to learn? Chemie Der Erde-Geochemistry, 69(1), 3-43.

[6] HyPerComp Engineering. Retrieved July 13, 2009, Web site: http://www.hypercompeng.com/index.php

[7] Noorda, Jared. Personal interview. July 8th, 2009. 

[8] Allton, J. H. (1989). Catalog of Apollo lunar surface geological sampling tools and containers. JSC, 23454. Houston, Tex: NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center.

[9] Lindsay+, Hamish (2008). ALSEP Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package 19 November 1969 - 30 September 1977. Apollo Lunar Surface Journal, Retrieved July 10th, 2009, from http://history.nasa.gov/alsj/HamishALSEP.html

[10] Fowler, C. (2008). The Svalbard Global Seed Vault: Securing the

Future of Agriculture. The Global Crop Diversity Trust.


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References Cont.[11] Kameswara Rao, N. & Hanson, J. , Dulloo, M.E., Ghosh K., Nowell D. and Larinde,

M. Michael. (2006). Seed handling in genebanks Self-learning module. Rome: Bioversity International.

[12] Sowing Seeds in a Magnetic Field. (n.d.). Retrieved May 31, 2009, from http://weboflife.nasa.gov/currentResearch/currentResearchFlight/sowingSeeds.htm 

[13] Schmidt, R. (1998). Physical mapping of the Arabidopsis thaliana genome. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry : PPB. 36 (1-2), 1.

[14] The Arabidopsis Information Resource. [Statistics]. (n.d.). Retrieved July 7, 2009, from http://www.arabidopsis.org/index.jsp 

[15] Tibbitts, T. W. (1989). Plant Considerations for Lunar Base Agriculture. In D. W. Ming & D. L. Henninger (Ed.). Lunar base agriculture: Soils for plant growth. (pp. 237-243). Madison, Wis., USA: American Society of Agronomy.

[16] Perchonok, Michele. Personal interview. July 10th, 2009.

[17] Kumagai, J., Katoh, H., Kumada, T., Tanaka, A., Tano, S., & Miyazaki, T. (2000). Strong resistance of Arabidopsis thaliana and Raphanus sativus seeds for ionizing radiation as studied by ESR, ENDOR, ESE spectroscopy and germination measurement: Effect of long-lived and super-long-lived radicals. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 57 (1), 75-83.

[18] Rajjou, L., & Debeaujon, I. (2008). Seed longevity: Survival and maintenance of high germination ability of dry seeds. Comptes Rendus Biologies. 331 (10), 796.

[19] Handling Arabidopsis Plants and Seeds. Retrieved July 14, 2009, from http://www.biosci.ohio-state.edu/pcmb/Facilities/abrc/handling.htm


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References Cont.[20] Sinicio, R. (2004). Generalized Longevity Model for Orthodox Seeds. Biosystems

Engineering. 89 (1), 85-92

[21] Walters C, Wheeler L, & Stanwood PC. (2004). Longevity of cryogenically stored seeds. Cryobiology. 48 (3), 229-44.

[22] Lunar Topographic Map using KAGUYA (SELENE) LALT observation data. [Image]. (n.d.). Retrieved April 14, 2009, from http://wms.selene.jaxa.jp/selene_viewer/en/observation_mission/lalt/004/lalt_004_1.gif 

[23] Masursky, H., El-Baz, F., Doyle, F. J., & Colton, G. W. (1978). Apollo over the moon a view from orbit. 

[24] Spudis, Paul. Personal correspondence. July 14 th, 2009.


