“Bio-Intensive Gardening: Its Effects in the Top 5 Elementary in Ilocos Norte”,

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This research was conducted at the top 5 Elementary Schools in Ilocos Norte namely, Tubburan Elementary School- Bacarra, Parang Elementary School- Sarrat, Bimmanga Elementary School- Currimao, Benigno Macadaeg Memorial Elementary School- Batac, and Cayetano Bumanglag Elementary School- San Nicolas for the school year 2012-2013, involving 23 teachers, 5 from Tubburan Elementary School, 5 from Parang Elementary School, 4 from Bimmanga Elementary School, 4 from Benigno Macadaeg Memorial Elementary School, and 5 from Cayetano Bumanglag Elementary School. Those schools were given by the Department of Education, Division Office of Ilocos Norte. The said respondents were asked to share their personal perspective on the research topic. To supplement the gathered data from the respondents, the researchers accumulated related informations, principles, theories and results of related researchers from available published references from the library and the internet. This research was conducted to determine the effects of Bio-intensive Gardening in the Top 5 Elementary Schools in Ilocos Norte. Its main goal is to know the perceptions of the teachers about BIG particularly for the benefits of the pupils. This study although it is simple and brief can serve as a guideline for other elementary schools and future teachers. In like manners, current teachers and future teachers will also know the effects of BIG its advantages and disadvantages (if it has). Future teachers (like us) can have a brief knowledge regarding BIG and how can it help the school and most specially the pupils’ love in nature (gardening) and fresh vegetables. Future teachers can also have knowledge on the activities to be conducted regarding BIG, on the plants to be planted, on the people to be involved and most specially the different unique ways of preserving and sustaining BIG. Through Bio-intensive Gardening in the schools, it can be an epitome in the community and train the pupil’s skill and interest regarding nature. The main purpose of this research, however, is to educate and impart knowledge to the future teachers on the effects of Bio-intensive gardening on the top 5 elementary schools in Ilocos Norte.

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  • 1. Are you like Ted? Or the distractive selfish humans?

2. What about the schools where the youth are known as the hope, are they trained to develop and nourish their surroundings? 3. Indeed! Its a big YES! 4. because the Department of Education in Ilocos Norte is conducting a contest regarding nature which is 5. the Bio-Intensive Gardening (in short BIG). 6. Bio-Intensive Gardening: Its Effects in the Top 5 Elementary Schools in Ilocos Norte RESEARCH TITLE: 7. * *Bio-intensive gardening focuses a lot on the quality of the soil. *Gardener loosen up the soil at least twice as deep as normal gardening preparation. This way, their plants roots can penetrate through the soil deeper and get more nutrients and water from deep underground. By Kathleen Mierzejewski 8. BIO-INTENSIVE GARDENING IN THE PHILIPPINES 9. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY Future teachers (like us) can have a brief knowledge regarding BIG and how it can help the school and most specially the pupils love in nature (gardening) and fresh vegetables. Future teachers can also have knowledge on the activities to be conducted regarding BIG, on the plants to be planted, on the people to be involved and most specially the different unique ways of preserving and sustaining BIG. 10. PROBLEMS 1. What are the significance and effects of BIG to the top 5 elementary schools in Ilocos Norte? 2. How does BIG help the top 5 elementary schools and the pupils? 3. What are their programs conducted related to BIG? 4. What are the plants-planted in their BIG? 11. 5. Who are the people involved in making their school as one of the top 5 elementary schools in Ilocos Norte? 6. What are their unique ways of preserving and sustaining their BIG? 7. (As a teacher of the school) How are these programs and activities help develop their pupils love of nature? 12. RESEARCH DESIGN Library and Internet Research Survey Research Formulation Of the Research Topic Confirmation Of the Research Topic Requesting For the Top 5 Elementary School in Ilocos Norte Conclusion And Recommendation 13. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE RESPONDENTS The respondents are chosen via request of the Top 5 Elementary Schools regarding Bio-Intensive Gardening from the DepEd, Division Office of Ilocos Norte. 14. THE TOP 5 ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS IN ILOCOS NORTE 15. TUBBURAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BACARRA , ILOCOS NORTE It is located away from the center of their town thus, it is near the mountain. The ambiance of the school is so refreshing because of the plants around it. 16. BENIGNO CAYETANO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL -BATAC, ILOCOS NORTE It is also located away from the town proper because it is located within the feet of a mountain. Thus, the school environment is so eco-friendly. The school have exquisite landscape. 17. BIMMANGA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL- CURRIMAO, ILOCOS NORTE It is located away from the town proper of Currimao near the solar plantation. The teachers of this school are very hospitable thus, their pupils are also like them. 18. PARANG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL- SARRAT, ILOCOS NORTE It is located away from the town proper but, along the national highway. It is eco-friendly because of the several plants around it. 19. CAYETANO BUMANGLAG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL- SAN NICOLAS, ILOCOS NORTE The school is very clean, green and beautiful because of the supportive people. This school is also a title holder regarding BIG in their town. 20. Most of the Top 5 Elementary Schools are located away from their town proper. 21. METHODOLOGY The study is an analytical research that presents the different aspects of the research topic. There are two research strategies utilized, the library research and the survey research. 22. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Table 1. The Significance and Effects of BIG in The Top 5 Elementary Schools in Ilocos Norte 23. Moreover, they also revealed that the benefits of the school from BIG are: acquire extra income in the school that serves as Income Generating Project or resources of the school specially school needs from BIG.; beautifies the surrounding and supports the clean and green program of the DepEd; 24. prevents soil erosion in our school and maintains the fertility of soil through the use of non-toxic fertilizers; promotes the consumption of nutritious foods like vegetables; also eliminates the use of chemical pesticides which may be harmful to the pupil and makes the school more productive in terms of agriculture aspects and more useful in terms of vacant land in the school. 25. In addition, the benefits the pupils can get from BIG are: it will train them to be responsible, Caring, loving and serves as the first hand training of the pupils for them to realize the importance of BIG, to love vegetables and of course our mother nature. 26. Activities Conducted by the Top 5 Elementary School in Ilocos Norte 27. The plants-planted in the BIG of the Top 5 Elementary Schools in Ilocos Norte 28. They also included: Dragon fruit Kamote Katuday Cabbage upo 29. Moreover, they revealed their unique ways of preserving and sustaining their BIG which are: making fences to protect their plants against astray animals; usage of organic fertilizers, involving the parents, volunteers, pupils 30. Municipal Agriculture Office; watering and weeding the plants regularly; improving the soils physical condition; crop rotation; pupils are providing manure; and using madre de cacao extract as pesticides. 31. Finally, they publicize the benefits of the programs and activities to the pupils love of nature like: pupils love towards nature; interest regarding BIG is arouses and develop; they learn that BIG helps the preservation of our mother nature; they realize the importance of BIG that could help them in their future life; they develop their planting skills; 32. develop the habit of dealing to plants; soil conservation and preservation of the environment are promoted; they will realize that they can yield crops in an environment friendly way; they learn that they can do this without the use of commercial fertilizer which is so detrimental the health of the soil. 33. CONCLUSION We therefore conclude that BIG is very important to the pupils within the school because it helps them to know about BIG and love their environment. This will also make the school personnel healthy because of the fresh air it provides and green colors which are good in our eyes. It will also train the pupils regarding farm crop planting that will lead them to be a role model in their respective homes. The only disadvantage we found out is that it consumes the time allotted for classes. This research also proved that through BIG teachers and pupils will be environmentally friendly and will possess what Ted has in the movie narrated in the introduction. 34. RECOMMENDATION We recommend you future teachers to engage BIG in your future designated school and if possible in your respective homes to have a cleaner, greener, healthier and fresher environment for your own sake. We also recommend that the time in working BIG is during free hour or vacant time and during TLE subject ( If the lesson is related to gardening) or they may come during weekends to sustain quality education. 35. DOCUMENTATION