Methuselah Methuselah was claimed to be the oldest person to ever live at 969 years. His name means “his death shall bring judgement” meaning, the flood during Noah’s time. Methuselah was only mentioned in one passage of the bible. In this passage, they trace the ancestors from Adam to Noah. He is also mentioned in the Jewish “Book of Enoch” where it mentions him receiving warning of the flood. Someone refered to as Methuselah would be known to have aged quite a bit. Could also be inferred as wise or older age. There has been discussion and debate over Methuselah’s age. Some commentators believe the Septuagint text (greek manuscript) suggest that the Genesis numbers could have been in 10 th s of years which "will explain how it was that they read 930 years for the age of Adam instead of 93 years, and 969 years for Methuselah instead of 96 years, and 950 years for that of Noah instead of 95 years"... "Surely it is much more rational to conclude that Noah lived 50 years instead of 500 years before he took a wife and begat Shem, Ham, and Japheth."

Bible story presentations block 4

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Methuselah was claimed to be the oldest person to ever live at 969 years. His name means “his death shall bring judgement” meaning, the flood during Noah’s time.

Methuselah was only mentioned in one passage of the bible. In this passage, they trace the ancestors from Adam to Noah. He is also mentioned in the Jewish “Book of Enoch” where it mentions him receiving warning of the flood.

Someone refered to as Methuselah would be known to have aged quite a bit. Could also be inferred as wise or older age.

There has been discussion and debate over Methuselah’s age. Some commentators believe the Septuagint text (greek manuscript) suggest that the Genesis numbers could have been in 10ths of years which "will explain how it was that they read 930 years for the age of Adam instead of 93 years, and 969 years for Methuselah instead of 96 years, and 950 years for that of Noah instead of 95 years"... "Surely it is much more rational to conclude that Noah lived 50 years instead of 500 years before he took a wife and begat Shem, Ham, and Japheth."

Page 2: Bible story presentations block 4

JOB AND SATANSummaryJob is a man that once lived a wealthy life, and was perceived to be an embodiment of all that is just. God dictates to Satan that Job is faithful, however Satan argues that Job will have a change of heart once he is punished, and blame God. Despite the loss of everything he loves, Job continued to stay faithful to God, and was rewarded with twice the property he once owned.

MessageThe message that is conveyed through the story of Job and Satan is one of allegiance. Despite Job having everything he loved destroyed, Job retained his faithfulness to God, and refused to scorn him.

Job 1:22“In spite of everything that had happened, Job did not sin by blaming God.”

Satan smites Job

In LiteratureAn allusion to this story is made in the novel, Fahrenheit 451. In fact, the Book of Job is read, and is used to establish a connection between the suffering of the main character and to that of which Job endured.

Carter Cummins

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The Prodigal Son • Summary: This story is about a son who wants to live on his

own and he takes the money his father gave him and leaves but, when he runs out of money and has to work with pigs he decides to return home to his father and brother.

• The movie “Breaking The Press” uses the story in the way of the older son running away because he feels like he can take care of himself but, he returns quick back to his father and family when he realizes he is wrong.

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THE TEN COMMANDMENTSThe Story: God lead the people of Israel out of Egypt. After

traveling through the desert, they stop at Mount Sinai. Here, God speaks to Moses and gives him the Ten Commandments on the top of the mountain. Moses is to use these rules and God’s guidance to lead the people of Israel. God gives Moses 2 tablets of stone that had the 10 commandments inscribed. When Moses returns from the mountain top, he find the Israelites worshipping a false god in the form of a golden calf. He then breaks the tablets in anger, but then later makes two new tablets.

Message: Provides the guidelines to being a disciple of God, and the basic morals by which every Christian should abide.

Allusion: The seven commandments in George Orwell’s Animal Farm can be seen as an allusion to the Ten Commandments.

The Ten Commandments(shortened):

1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. 

3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain

4. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 

5. Honour thy father and thy mother:

6. Thou shalt not kill.

7. Thou shalt not commit adultery.

8. Thou shalt not steal.

9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.

10. Thou shalt not covet.

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JUDGMENT DAY http://prezi.com/nfofijt7buvr/day-of-


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John the Baptist and SalomeAfter King Herod’s marriage with Herodias was condemned by John the Baptist, he was imprisoned. Unhappy, Herodias asked for John the Baptist’s head on a platter through her daughter, Salome, who was promised anything she desired after pleasing Herod with her dancing on his birthday. “The wide circumference of an elaborate ruff,

beneath his gray beard, in the antiquated

fashion of King James’s reign, caused his head

to look not a little like that of John the Baptist

in a charger.” ~The Scarlet Letter

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Samson & Delilah Samson was a Nazirite who fell for Delilah, a woman from the Valley of Sorek. It didn't take long for the rich and powerful Philistine rulers to learn of the affair and to pay a visit to Delilah. Samson was judge over Israel at the time and had been taking out great vengeance on the Philistines. Hoping to capture him, the Philistine leaders each offered Delilah a sum of money to collaborate with them in a scheme to uncover the secret of Samson's great strength.

Using her powers of seduction, Delilah wore down Samson

with her repeated requests, until he finally told her his

weakness. Samson, at birth, had taken the Nazirite vow. This

vow stated that his hair was never to be cut. Samson told

Delilah this and she devised her plan with the Philistines.

While Samson slept on her lap, Delilah called in someone to

shave off the seven braids of his hair. Samson was then

captured. Instead of killing him, the Philistines gouged out his

eyes and used him as a slave in the Gaza prison. While he was

a slave his hair began to grow back, and Samson's heart

turned to the Lord. During a pagan sacrificial ritual, the

Philistines gathered in Gaza to celebrate, and they paraded

Samson into the temple to entertain the crowds. Samson then

prayed to God asking if he could return his strength for one

more time, and God answered. Samson braced himself

between the two central support pillars of the temple and

pushed with all his might. The temple collapsed killing

Samson and all of the people inside.

Moral message- The blessings of God (Samson's strength) on your life should be cherrished and

guarded closely in your heart for your closest enemy (Delilah) are always waiting to seize the moment that

they can rob you of them.

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The Last Supper• Matthew 26:17-30; Mark 14:12-25; Luke 22:7-

20• The Last Supper occured on the first day of

Passover and was a meal between Jesus and the twelve apsotles. During this meal Jesus told his dispicles that this would be the last meal that they would share together and that one person sitting in the room would betray him. Then, our Lord Jesus took bread, gave thanks, broke the bread and gave it to his disciples saying, "Take, eat; this is my body which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” Likewise, when the supper was over, he took the cup, gave thanks, gave it to his disciples, and said, "Drink from this, all of you, this is my blood of the new covenant, poured out for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.” After the meal was over, the disciples sang a hymn and went out.

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The Last Supper

• With the betrayal of Jesus Christ occurring after the Last Supper, the Biblical allusion of the Last Supper is commonly paired with the idea of betrayal. In “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” Edmund betrays his siblings by cooperating with the White Witch. Edmund represents Judas Iscariot , while the White Witch represents Satan.

• The Last Supper represents one of the last moments where Jesus Christ and his disciples were together in unity before the betrayal of Jesus by Judas. Today, Christians participate in Communion as a way to remember the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ and how he died on the cross for forgiveness of our sins. Also, The Lord’s Supper serves as a way to honor the life, death, and the coming again of Christ.

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Ruth and NaomiNaomi becomes a widow after living in the Maob plateau and travels with one of her daughter-in-laws Ruth, who is also a widow and refuses to leave Naomi alone by staying in her home country. After arriving in Bethlehem, Ruth meets Boaz who was in the same clan as Naomi’s husband, Elimelech. Because of this relationship, Boaz has a duty to marry Ruth and take care of Elimelech’s land, which he does after making sure the closest relative of the family did not want to assume this responsibility.

Message: Own up to your responsibilities, no matter what the circumstances are as seen through Ruth and Boaz.

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The Woman at the Well

The Woman The Well

The Jesus

Summary:Jesus and his disciples are traveling from Jerusalem to Galilee. Taking the shortest route possible, they travel through Samaria. The Samarians and the Jews hate each other. Jesus and his disciples stop at a well and, after the disciples travel to a nearby town to buy food, Jesus encounters a Samarian woman who has been married five times and who is currently living with a man whom is not her husband. It is revealed that she is an outcast and comes to the well during the hottest part of the day to avoid others. After asking for a drink of water, Jesus tells her he can give her “living water,” meaning eternal life. He then reveals that he is the messiah and the woman goes back to the town and tells everyone about the messiah.

The Message:All people matter to Jesus

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Literary Allusion• The Silver Chair by C.S. Lewis – 4th Narnia book

o In this book, Jill tells Aslan she is dying of thirst, and he invites her to drink from the stream.

• 3 other expressions that come from the bible:o By the sweat of your brow

• Genesis 3:19 - In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.

o Go the extra mile• Matthew 5:41 - And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go

with him twain.o Peace offering

• Leviticus 3:6 - And if his offering for a sacrifice of peace offering unto the LORD be of the flock; male or female, he shall offer it without blemish.

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Ruth stays with Naomi even though the other daughter-in-law leaves the pair in order to remain in the Moab plateau.Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/32357038@N08/4352387584/

Thou wast not born for death, immortal Bird!No hungry generations tread thee down;The voice I hear this passing night was heardIn ancient days by emperor and clownPerhaps the self-same song that found a pathThrough the sad heart of Ruth, when, sick for home,She stood in tears amid the alien cornThe same that ofttimes hath Charm'd magic casements, opening on the foamOf perilous seas, in faery lands forlorn.

Ode to a Nightingale

By John Keats

This poem is an allusion to the story Ruth and Naomi because the bible does not describe how Ruth is homesick, but the author of the poem interprets the situation and includes it as a reference in the poem.

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DAVID & BATHSHEBA David was a man in charge of the King’s army and resided in Jerusalem. David discovered Bathsheba bathing on her roof and called for her to meet with him, and they slept together. Bathsheba became pregnant by David, instead of by her husband Uriah. Uriah was in the army and David sent him to fight on the front line, knowing he would be killed. When Uriah died, Bathsheba married David and had his son. “But the thing David had done displeased the Lord.” (2 Samuel 11:27)

“The walls were hung round with tapestry, said to be from the Gobelin looms, and, at all events, representing the Scriptural story of David and Bathsheba, and Nathan the Prophet, in colors still unfaded, but which made the fair woman of the scene almost as grimly picturesque as the woe-denouncing seer. “ (Scarlet Letter) This allusion parallels Reverend Dimmsdale’s secret relationship in the Scarlet Letter with David’s secret relationship with Bathsheba.

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Mary MagdaleneSummary:

Mary Magdalene was present for Jesus’ crucifixion, burial, and empty tomb. She led a group that followed Jesus around the country as he taught, this group had planned on washing and anointing Jesus’ body after his crucifixion. When they arrived to his tomb to do this, it was empty. This is when Mary Magdalene had a vision of Jesus where she saw him and he told her to spread his story. Because she was going to tell the story of Jesus, she is considered to be an apostle of Jesus. Before Mary Magdalene got close to Jesus she was not in a good place. It is said that she was full of sin. Then Jesus came to her house and forgave her of all of her sins after she confessed to them. She then washed his feet with anointed oil. Message:

The story of Mary Magdalene is important because it shows people that they are able to change their lives for the better. Allusion:In the song “Judas” by Lady Gaga it says, “When he calls to me, I am readyI'll wash his feet with my hair if he needs.” This refers to Mary Magdalene because Jesus comes to her house and she confesses her sins to him. After she confesses her sins she washes his feet with anointing oil.

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Crucifixion Message:Jesus was nailed upon a cross and died for our sins, hence why the crucifix, or cross, is a symbol for Christianity.

Summary:Jesus was accused of blasphemy, disrespect to God or something holy. Pontius Pilate found Jesus innocent but the people chanted for him to be put to death. Jesus was publicly beaten, stripped naked, and a crown of thorns was placed on his head. He had to carry his cross to where he would be crucified. He was nailed to the cross by his hands and feet. Typically the guards would return after awhile and break the legs of the person so death would happen faster. When they returned Jesus was already dead so they pierced his side. He was later taken off the cross and laid in a tomb.

Allusion:Aslan from The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. Aslan is the king of Narnia and is willing to die to save his kingdom. He dies and later disappears and has risen from the dead.

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Lot, Sodom, and Gomorrah• In the Bible, the men of a city named Sodom

met a man named Lot and his companions, who were sent by the Lord to investigate the wickedness of Sodom. They demanded that Lot and his guests come in. They had bad intentions and portrayed inhospitable behavior to their guests, causing the Lord to destroy them along with their city. The Sodomites were destroyed for their wickedness and for their misdeeds towards the angels, including inhospitality, attempted rape, and the intention of homosexual behavior involving the angels.

• This story was referenced in Uncle Tom’s Cabin to create the image of destruction: "And the only reason why the land don't sink under it, like Sodom and Gomorrah, is because it is used in a way infinitely better than it is.“

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Absalom is one of the son of David. When Absalom found out that his half brother, Amnon, raped his sister, Tamar, he had his men kill Amnon. After this incident he fled the kingdom. Although Absalom murdered his own brother, David still loved him very much and asked him to return to Jerusalem. However, even when Absalom had returned to Jerusalem he was not allow to see his father for two years. After those two years Absalom made plans to take over the throne. Absalom stood in front of the palace sweet talking the visitors who walked by, winning their hearts. After hearing the news, David fled fearing that his people will turn against him. One day, as Absalom was riding his mule, his hair was caught on a branch. His mule kept going and he was left hanging in midair. David's men found Absalom and pierced his heart with three javelins. When David heard the news of Absalom's death he cried "O my son Absalom! My son, my son Absalom! If only I had died instead of you-O Absalom, my son, my son!"

Allusion: Cry, the Beloved Country by Alan PatonMessage: Forgiving others will lead to more positive outcomes-Father's love to his son

Absalom and David

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Jesus fasted for forty days and forty nights when Satan appeared and tempted him three times; Jesus refused him each time. The first challenge was to turn stone into bread to prove his power, the second was to jump off a pyramid to prove God’s protection over him, and the third was to worship Satan and gain the wealth and power over the world.

The message is to stay faithful and believe full heartedly in God, which will give one strength to withhold from negative temptations.

Allusion: The Chronicles of Narnia between Edmund and the White Witch

Snow into Turkish Delights- Stone into bread Invites Edmund into sleigh with warmth and fur coat- protection Tells Edmund he could be king- Lure of power

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King Ahab and Jezebel

• King Ahab was married to Jezebel. She was a woman that faithfully worshiped Baal an idol. She crudely murdered any prophets of the Lord and went as far as to kill children as sacrifices to Baal. During battle her husband was killed and dogs licked his blood off of his chariot. Not long after, his wife, Jezebel was thrown out of an upper story window to be trampled by horses underneath. Then dogs came and ate her body leaving nothing but her skull, hands and feet, just as the prophet Elijah prophesized.

• Message: Don’t worship false gods.

• One allusion of this story is in Moby Dick. Elijah warns Queequeg and Ishmael of Ahab.  Ishmael says he and Queequeg are boarding the Pequod. The bible story of King Ahab and Jezebel foreshadows the destruction of the Pequod.

Nicole Adam

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The story of the Tower of Babel tells of a united humanity that all spoke the same tongue. They settled in the land Babylon and resolved to build a tower to become closer to “God”

and as a shrine to his greatness. God came down to see what they had done and said: "They are one people and have one language, and nothing will be withheld from them which they purpose to do." "Come, let us go down and confound their speech." And so God scattered them upon the face of the Earth, and confused their languages, so that

they would not be able to return to each other, and they left off building the city, which was called Babel "because God there confounded the language of all the Earth"

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The Burning BushThe burning bush is an object described by the Book of Exodus. According to the Bible, the bush was on fire, but was not consumed by the flames, hence the name. In the story, the burning bush is the location at which Moses was appointed by God to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and into Canaan.

In The Grapes of Wrath, Rev. Jim Casy refers to himself as a "Burning Busher," an allusion to the Book of Exodus. In this case, the allusion applies to Casy being one to motivate and inspire those around him. Throughout the book, Casy is one to persuade others to do things, not intentionally, but through his words. He is constantly convincing those he meets to work together towards a unified goal, just as God told Moses to unite all Israelites in a journey out of Egypt.

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Birth of ChristThe virgin Mary gives birth to God’s son in a stable.

Harry Potter: raised in humble circumstances – under the stairs of the Dursley’s. Much like Christ’s birth in an animal stable.

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Harrowing of Hell

Tells the story of the triumphant decent of Christ into Hell between the time of his crucifixion and resurrection. While there he brought salvation to all those who had died since the beginning of man except those who were damned.

Christ saves the souls of everyone who had died since the beginning of man, during his almost limbo like period after his death.

A scenario that this story could be related to would be of a man or woman intentionally being arrested and sent to prison just for the purpose of breaking one or more prisoners out.

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Daniel (dreams and handwriting on the Wall)

• King Belshazzar throws a party for many of his nobles and used goblets from the temple in Jerusalem. They began to worship the gods of gold, silver, bronze, iron, wood, and stone. A hand appeared and began writing on the wall but the king couldn’t read it. He called in many men but none could interpret what it meant and then the Queen suggest Daniel who had interpreted many dreams. Daniel comes before the king and explains that he has not humbled himself before God and therefore has placed himself apart from God. He then tells the king the writing says Mene, Mene, Tekel, Parsin which is translated to: God has numbered the days of your reign, you have been found wanting, and your kingdom will be divided between the Medes and Persians. That night King Belshazzar was murdered by Darius the Mede who assumed control over the kingdom.

• The message of this story is to stay humble and do not let arrogance be the controlling source of your life.

• This story is referenced by Charles Dickens in A Tale of Two Cities. It is seen when wine falls into the street and people begin to sing a dance and someone jokingly writes the word

blood on a wall.

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Isaac and Rebekah Isaac, the son of Abraham, was in need of a wife. So Abraham sent out a servant to find a wife. He prayed to God for guidance, and was told that when he asked a maiden for a drink of water, the chosen one would not only give him a drink, but also offer water to his camels. The first maiden that he asked was Rebekah and she also offered water to his camels. The servant then took Rebekah back to marry Isaac and she bore him two sons, Jacob and Esau. The message is that since God has always proved to be a faithful provider, Abraham had no reason to doubt that he would also find Isaac a wife. So Abraham received the promise that God would prepare the way.

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Found in 2 Samuel Absalom was King David’s third born son at Hebron and was the favorite of King David and the people. He murdered Amnon his half brother and then fled to his grandfather’s kingdom: Talmai. It took him 3 years until his father liked him again. Absalom declared himself king and caused a revolt at Hebron in order to fight King David. At the Battle of Ephraim’s Wood Absalom’s army was crushed and Joab, the King’s Commander killed Absalom. This brought great sorrow to King David.

References in Literature: Cry, The Beloved Country by Alan Paton. Absalom is the name of a comedic character in "The Miller's Tale" in the Canterbury Tales.

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Job and Satan

The Grapes of Wrath

The novel revolves around the Joad family during the Great Depression. Like Job the Joads were once a successful family, but after drastic changes they must live off of their spirit. They do not blame others for their situation.

God informs Satan about Job's upright character. Satan says God has given Job everything, duh Job would be loyal. If all Job has been given were to be taken away, his faith would end. God therefore grants Satan the chance to test Job. Job did not blame God.

Allusion in Literature Summary

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Job and Satan

Don’t blame others for your misfortunes.

Picture Meaning

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• In John Chapter 11, Mary and Martha send for Jesus’s help as their brother Lazarus has fallen ill. By the time he arrived in Bethany, Lazarus had already been dead for 4 days. Jesus arrives to a mass of weeping Jews and is overcome with emotion himself. Jesus commands the stone of Lazarus’s tomb to be removed and cried, “Lazarus come out”. Lazarus emerged after being dead for 4 days wrapped in burial linen, proving to the people that Christ had the power to raise the dead as his seventh miracle.

• Meaning: Jesus Christ truly is the God’s son or the Messiah as he has the power to do all things, even raising the dead.

• Allusion: Resurrection story where Jesus rose from the dead.

Logan White

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conducts his first miracle,

which is turning

water into wine.

Allusion:An allusion to this story is in Fahrenheit 451 when Faber

describes himself as fire and Montag as water.

Summary:While Mary and Jesus were attending a wedding feast in Cana, Mary realized the wine had run short. If this news reached the guests at the feast, the bride and groom would have been embarrassed. So, Mary told Jesus to fix the situation but Jesus said his hour had not yet come and he could not help. However, Mary told the waiters to obey anything Jesus told them to do. Jesus then told the waiters to fill up six stone jars with water. After they had fulfilled this task, they were instructed to take a cup to the chief steward of the feast. The chief steward replied, “Every man first puts out the good wine and when the men have drunk it they then put out the worst wine. But you saved the best wine for later.”

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Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors

Joseph was one of 12 brothers, and he was his fathers favorite. His father gave him a coat of many colors, and that made his brothers very jealous. They came together and decided to sell him as a servant and tell his father that he had died.

Joseph was sold and worked for a man named Potterfer. Potterfer and him became close friends. Potterfer’s wife tried to seduce Joseph but Joseph did not give in. His wife told him that Joseph had raped her. He liked Joseph and didn’t want to kill him, so he threw him in prison.

Joseph began interpreting the Pharaoh's dreams and the Pharaoh found Joseph to be useful so he took Joseph out of prison. Meanwhile, Joseph’s brothers were stricken by famine and went to the Pharaoh to beg for food.

There, they saw Joseph, and saw that he was doing well. They expecting him to be angry with them and violent. However, he was kind and forgave them.


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Resurrection of Christ

• Soon after the crucifixion and burial of Christ, a violent earthquake took place as an angel from heaven rolled back the stone to his tomb. The guards were struck with fear as the angel, dressed in bright white, sat upon the stone. The angel announced to guards that Jesus who was crucified was no longer in the tomb, “He is risen, just as he said.” Then he instructed the women to inspect the tomb and see for themselves. They soon learned that Christ had truly risen from the dead.

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Resurrection of Christ

An example in literature can be found in the Greek Princess Alcestis. Soon after her death she is brought back to life by Heracles. Just like Jesus was brought back to life by the angel.

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The Apocalypse/ArmageddonArmageddon was the final battle that occurred on Earth between God and Satan. The Apocalypse is when God will return back to Earth and take the good and the righteous up to heaven.

The Day After Tomorrow is a movie that serves as a modern day Armageddon. Due to a drastic climate change the equilibrium of the world quickly spirals in a negative direction. Professor Jack Hall relates to God as he tries to save the world and believes that if he can not put a stop to global warming the world will eventually come to an end.