Beyond Knowledge Brokerage: An Exploratory Study of Innovation Intermediaries in an Evolving Smallholder Agricultural System in Kenya Presentation at the International conference on “Innovations in Extension and Advisory Services: Linking Knowledge to Policy and Action for Food and Livelihoods” November 15th 2011 -Nairobi, Kenya Catherine Kilelu, Laurens Klerkx, Cees Leeuwis, Andy Hall Communication and Innovation Studies Group

Beyond knowledge brokering: an exploratory study on innovation intermediaries in an evolving smallholder agricultural system in Kenya. Primary tabs

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Catherine Kilelu

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Beyond Knowledge Brokerage: An Exploratory Study of Innovation Intermediaries in an Evolving Smallholder Agricultural System in Kenya

Presentation at the International conference on “Innovations in Extension and Advisory Services: Linking Knowledge to Policy and Action for Food and Livelihoods”

November 15th 2011 -Nairobi, Kenya

Catherine Kilelu, Laurens Klerkx, Cees Leeuwis, Andy Hall

Communication and Innovation Studies Group

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Smallholder agriculture undergoing transformation: dynamic market opportunities (high value supply chains) and food insecurity challenges.

The need to enhance innovation of smallholders in context of larger Agriculture Innovation systems (A.I.S)

A.I.S- Innovation not research driven but emphasize:

● Interactions among multiple stakeholders bringing different knowledge

● Institutions that shape how individuals/orgs interact

● Learning within networks of actors

How to support A.I.S ? Need to counteract system and market failures

Need to go beyond knowledge brokers as ‘infomediaries’(new role for traditional extension) but move to broad innovation system intermediaries

Need to define innovation intermediaries and their diverse functions - a changing domain

Klerkx, Laurens
generally the acronym is without dots
Klerkx, Laurens
this is tricky: in the debate on modernizing extension, this is seen as a new role. it is then about extension as 'infomediaries'. but innovation intermediaries go beyond that.
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Range of innovation intermediaries functions

Innovation intermediaries/brokers)

Demand articulation

Network Brokering

Gate keeping

Matching making



Scanning / scoping

Gathering information

Strategic planning



Needs assessment

Demand stimulation


Selecting collaborators

Linking and coordinating

Forming partnerships

Knowledge brokering

Disseminating knowledge& Technology

Communicating knowledge/ technology




Innovation process management (monitoring)



Articulating experiential/ indigenous knowledge

Mediating relationships



Managing conflict


Providing space/platforms

Complementary assets sharing

Building trust

Capacity building(entrepreneurship)

Organization development Training and competence building

Initiating organizations

Organizational strengthening/group dynamics

Incubating enterprisesManagerial skills Technical skills (agri)


Market linkages

Institutional support

Boundary work

linking science, policy, practice

Platform for policy advocacy

Facilitating changes in rules/ regulation

Working on attitudes and practice

Peer exchange

Interface mgt

Institutional change


Matching knowledge demand and supply

Demand led research

Knowledge gaps assessment

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Research objectives and methods

To explore the changing intermediary domain and their role in supporting innovation in smallholder development in Kenya

Who are the intermediary actors in the evolving Kenyan agricultural innovation system?

How are the intermediaries contributing to innovation system support?

Using a case study design (explorative)

Focus on dairy, horticulture and staples sub-sectors

Snow ball sampled 22 organizations

Data collected through semi-structured interviews and document reviews

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The types of organizations identified as intermediaries

• NGOs (9),

• Consultants (5),

• Govt agencies (3),

• Private companies (3),

• Consortium (1),

• Producer association(1)

Funding mixed but mainly donor funded programs

New and old actors (changing roles)

Typology of intermediaries identified

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Typology of innovation intermediariesInter-mediary type

Example Sectoral focus

Area of focus in their functions


KDSCP, NALEP, Agri-Profocus

Dairy, Horticulture, SectorwideAgribusiness

Strategic demand articulation- sector agendas (including research)Network building and facilitating platforms for interaction and learning Steering sector wide Institutional innovation- policy

Technology broker



Demand stimulation for proprietary technologiesNetwork building and learning ( researchers, private sector Knowledge /Technology brokeringInstitutional innovation- policy and regulation


Farm Concern Int, Techno-serve, SHOMAP

Horticulture and Dairy

Demand articulation-Market driven opportunitiesNetwork building –input- output linkagesInnovation process monitoring and learning , negotiationsKnowledge brokeringCapacity building- human and organization development (entrepreneurship)

Pro-poor inputAccess


Staples (maize)

Demand stimulation for inputsNetwork building and supporting learning for input access and uptakeKnowledge brokering- Local experimentation with input applicationCapacity building and learning organization

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Findings confirm a ‘mix’ of organizational forms, public and private actors involved, and ways of funding (Birner et al 2009; Klerkx and Leeuwis 2008)

Role of intermediaries is seen as critical in facilitating networks and learning among multiple actors

Focus on technical and entrepreneurial support (K

Emergence and structure of innovation intermediaries is influenced by context ( quasi- privatized system in Kenya)

Innovation intermediation as a specialized function (acting as full-time ‘innovation brokers’) is limited in the Kenyan context- tensions with ‘wearing double hats’?

Some gaps noted in the intermediary landscape in the Kenyan context

● No intermediaries work on aligning research demand and supply

Klerkx, Laurens
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Conclusions and Recommendations

Policy focus is on demand-driven, pluralistic extension services but is not explicit on how to provide systemic support and how to fund this

Adequacy and optimality of Kenyan intermediary landscape? Understanding best fit to guide policy? (Birner et al., 2009)

Areas for further research

● This research provided a structural view of innovation intermediaries but need to understand them in processes

● Evaluating impact and contribution of innovation intermediaries

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Thank you for your attention!

See also: Kilelu, C.W.; Klerkx, L.; Leeuwis, C.; Hall, A. (2011)Beyond knowledge brokering: an exploratory study on innovation intermediaries in an evolving smallholder agricultural system in Kenya Knowledge Management for Development Journal 7 (1). - p. 84 - 108.