Beyonce - digit pack research

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This is Beyoncé front cover of her album ‘4’ that I will analyse on this slide.Camera work:There is one medium shot presented on the cover of Beyoncé herself. The medium shot was taken from a low angle. Thus making Beyoncé appear superior than her fans. This is also significant as it connotes that Beyoncé fans, known as ‘Bey Hive’, are looking up to Beyoncé as a role model. This creates a desirable atmosphere that makes her readers want to become like her, hence buying all her products to get to know her better.Male gaze:The camera takes on a male perspective of women perceiving women as a sexual objects, this is denoted from the lack of her clothing. Thus, indulging the stereotype of a stripper, which is evident in Beyoncé only wearing G-Strings and feathers/fur gilet. Goodwin theory: This links to Goodwin theory as the low angle shot presents a voyeuristic treatment of the women body as it exposes Beyoncé body features. Reinforcing the idea of women as sexual beings.

Typography/LayoutBeyoncé's album contains a simple layout. The focal point of her album is the enlarged low angle imagine of Beyoncé. The main imagine has been places in front of the name of the artist. This elaborates on the fact that Beyoncé is so known that her audience will recognise Beyoncé even without her name appearing on her album cover. Similarly, the title of Beyoncé music album ‘4’ is placed on the right-bottom alignment of the cover. This further emphasis that her target audience are more keen in seeing her on the cover than the title itself.

Body LanguageBeyoncé uses her body language to look straight up above the camera lens. This connotes her looking forward, which denotes that her album is the way will forward for the music industry.

The analogy of her title 4: That it’s her fourth album she had produced.

Costume/PropsBeyoncé on her album ‘4’ is seen wearing gold jewellery on her right hand. This embodies Beyoncé elegant persona onto her album cover. It gives the album cover a more classy appeal. This is because the use of the colour ‘gold’ denotes wealth, upper class and elegance. This is an important convention we see in R&B/Pop albums as the placement of gold jewellery has become a virtue in todays music.

Beyoncé appearance Beyoncé hairstylists’ made Beyoncé appear messy. This is significant as it enhances edgy atmosphere which Beyoncé's target audience wants to feel.

The use of Dark make up further contributes to edginess’ look Beyoncé is trying to portray through in her music album cover. This is effective as the cover successfully attempts to combine the edgy and classy look together so that it will appeal to a wider range of audience.

This is the back of Beyoncé album ‘4’. Synergy- social media symbols embodied into the back cover. This is effective because it remind Beyoncé target audience to follow her on social media to keep updated with when the album is coming out. This is significant as it increases Beyoncé popularity on social media platforms such as twitter and Facebook.

The celebrity endorsement name and the title of the album is spread across the top alignment of the page. The serif writing is underlined and this is effective because it makes the writing stand out, hence catching the audience attention.

The album consist of an embedded image of the front cover. Reminding the audience of what the front cover looks like so that it becomes memorable to the audience.

List of songs. This is a key convention found in music albums as this reminds the target audience of the songs included in the album. This is useful as a person may not be aware which that the song they like was sang by Beyoncé and when they read the cover they will acknowledge this and this will persuade them to buy the album.

Barcode= important convention as it shows the prize of the album.

Celebrity endorsement name inserted on the side, this is helpful as it makes the cover to be easy spotted by the audience.

This is Beyoncé magazine advert cover. Beyoncé’ publisher used media convergence to advertise Beyoncé music album.

Beyoncé magazine advert doesn’t contain much imagery nor text. This is because of being in the music industry for many year Beyoncé had developed a powerful fan base. This means that her target audience don’t need much information as they are most likely following her on different social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. This means that they ‘re already updated/aware that her new ‘album’ is coming out.

Product placement of heel less shoes are used on Beyoncé magazine advert. This is done to promote the product to Beyoncé target audience as they will want to buy anything that Beyoncé wears. This also gives the shoes a more elegant appearance that will make anyone who wears them feel superior than others as they will feel like they are a star. Examples of other stars which had worn the heel less shoes:

Beyoncé music album cover is also inserted on the magazine advert. This is important as it acts as a reminder to Beyoncé target audience of what the album looks like. This is important as Beyoncé target audience will know what to look for when going to the stores to buy the music album.

This is an long-establishing shot which connotes an sub-urban area. This elaborates on the edgy mood Beyoncé is trying to create.

In this long shot image, we are able to further endure the persona Beyoncé is trying to express to her target audience.To exemplify, her open-neck bodycon reveals her cleavage, this and the fact that Beyoncé used her body language by pushing her chest out and moving her chin up signified sexual desire. This shows that Beyoncé wants to re-inform her status as one of the hottest celebrities on earth. This is further evident by the use of lighting which lilts her chest as well as her legs. Thus further contributing to her seductive appeal.

The fact that Beyoncé's costume designers chose deliberately to select the black colour for her costume denotes that they want Beyoncé to be presented as dangerous and secretive. This connotes mystery that persuasive Beyoncé's target audience to buy her new album.

Through this use of synergy, Beyoncé presents her readers with a digitally advanced website. The website opens up with a simple long/medium and eye level angle shot of Beyoncé herself being photographed by paparazzi. Costume: The colour pink implies femininity, the use of fur indicates elegance creating an innocent image of Beyoncé. This is in contrast with her open neck dress which reveals cleavage thus implying Beyoncé sexualise image the media had been portraying.

The page contains a simple and organised layout. For example, when you click on my menu bar a new a new tab opens up from the left hand side. This presents the audience with 6 sub headings they can go on. This includes merchandised; where Beyoncé's target audience can order clothes; perfume online. This is also useful to advertise an album or an up coming event. However, I can do this through incorporated social media sites therefore, I won’t be creating a web page for my ancillary task but rather a album cover and magazine advert.

Menu bar