Being the examiner and understanding the criteria

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THEM. By Elsie Williamson

Page 2: Being the examiner and understanding the criteria


What I liked: I liked the mixture of camera angles and subtle editing techniques because they helped with the narrative. The reason for this is because it ables the audience to understand what is going on. However, when I viewed the examiners mark scheme it showed that they did not agree with this when marking. Therefore, this shows how opinionated media is.

I also liked the use of sound with the voice over because it was effective and suited the general mise-en-scene of the opening due it making the audience feel on edge. Finally I liked the use of focus pulls, the reason I think this is because it created an ominous atmosphere which was needed to show the unusual and creepy man’s intentions.

What I disliked: Although as what I stated above with the use of camera angles and subtle editing, I do agree with the examiner slightly. The reason for this is because in my opinion I think that when the girl had been shot rather than it simply going from a close up of the field with it cutting to the floor with just her arm in shot. They could added a sound affect of a gun shot in the background before cutting to her on the ground.

Page 3: Being the examiner and understanding the criteria


What I liked: I liked the use of quick shots flipping through a mixture of images before cutting back to the man in the dressing gown. The reason I thought this is because it made the atmosphere uneasy and mysterious. Therefore, making the audience more curious about what is going to happen. I also liked certain camera angles used specifically the use of the close up of his back with lighting to make him seem like a black silhouette.

Another thing which I liked about this piece is the use of sound. The reason which I think this is because it reflects the mans unusual personality due to being upbeat showing his enjoyment. However, the music is also uncomfortable to listen too so showing that he may not be a person you would want to know. But also reflecting the bizarre behaviour shown on the screen. This a similar technique we’re using in our thriller to show Bertie’s unusual and bizarre behaviour.

What I disliked: However, although I liked the use of sound I felt that the volume levels could have been more controlled and balanced. The reason I think this is because the music at parts was a bit too loud which could distract the audience. I also think that the shot I described above from behind the man would have been more effective if the audience had not already seen his face because it would of made him seem more mysterious and dangerous.

Page 4: Being the examiner and understanding the criteria


What I liked: I liked beginning shots such as the close up on the rocking horse at the beginning. The reason I thought this is because it creates a mysterious and on edge feeling towards the audience due to it rocking without a child on it. I also liked the use of the first low shot of the gate because the darkness along with the black gate makes the audience curious to what is going to happen and is simplistic in a good way of leaving the audience to their imagination thinking about what is going to happen. Therefore, the cutting between these weird and dark images on the screen raises the tension with wonder between the audience of what will happen.

The use of lighting at the beginning is also done well because darkness has conations of the unknown and mystery. Also the filter used when she is on the phone builds on the curiosity because it makes the room seem dim which carries the understanding that it is night which heightens the fact something may go wrong due to it being common in thrillers that most things happen at night.

What I disliked: However, although the lighting was done well at the beginning it suddenly becomes daytime. Therefore, this shows the lack of continuity due to it being dark earlier and Halloween. But now they are in broad daylight which may confuse the audience due to throughout through lighting and filters are used to make it look dark but now it looks like a sunny day.

Another thing which I disliked was the sound affect at the end. The reason I think this is because although it was used correctly it seem a bit to loud and needed to be more balanced.

Page 5: Being the examiner and understanding the criteria

What I liked: I liked the use of titles and the effect used on the words when they drop down onto the screen. The reason I thought this is because it created a eerie tone and matched the music. The music also used well used during the titles and was not too loud or quite.

The use of camera angles was also good and had a bit of a mixture but was mainly close ups, mid shots and long shots. Therefore, showing a variety of distance. Good use of editing was also shown with fade in and outs during the scene which the girl is attacked.

What I disliked: The sound was not very clear when they were speaking therefore the use of a microphone would have been better. Particularly, due to the windy weather. This would have been most important when the boy was doing the voice over of the scene of the girl being attacked. The reason I think this is because it is a crucial part and it is difficult to hear and understand what he is saying.

Another part I disliked was the use of the birds when it stopped simply being the titles. The reason for this is because they were far too loud combined with the music. Also the mise en scene was partially broken when you could see a person walking their dog taking away from the mysterious atmosphere.

Finally, I disliked the scream at the end because once again it was too loud. This may have been used for affect but it should have been more balanced due to it taking away from what had just happened.


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I learnt that the acting is not important. The reason for this is because you are not marked on this. Therefore, it is more important to focus on the four things stated in the criteria which is sound, editing, camera angles and mise en scene. I observed this by looking at past as level thriller openings and seeing the positives and negatives with them