The vehicles are lined up side by side. line /lain/: Xếp hàng All the vehicles are the same. There is no one sitting in the vehicles. All the vehicles have their doors open.


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The vehicles are lined up side by side.

line /lain/: Xếp hàng

All the vehicles are the same.

There is no one sitting in the vehicles.

All the vehicles have their doors open.

You can see a reflection on the water.

reflect /ri'flekt/: N: sự phản chiếu

The girl is ready to go swimming.

It appears to be raining.

The girl is talking on her cell phone.

It is a hot summer day.

The trees are full of leaves.

leaves /li:f/:Lá cây

There are other people walking on the path.

path /pɑ:θ,: Đường mòn, đường nhỏ

The kids are sitting on their parent's shoulders.

shoulder /'ʃouldə/


The roof is completely flat.

roof /ru:f/:Mái nhà

The man is wearing a watch.

Water is coming through the roof.

The man is using a hammer.

Both men are holding fire hoses.

hose /houz/: Ống vòi

There is a person sitting in the fire truck.

The firemen are wearing protective gloves.

protective /protective/:Bảo vệ

glove /glʌv/:Bao tay

The fire is almost


extinguish /iks'tiɳgwiʃ/:

Làm tắt

These notices mean you're late making payments.

notice /'noutis/:Thông báo

payment /'peimənt/:Sự trả tiền

The yellow notice is good news.

yellow /'jelou/: Màu Vàng

You are almost ready to apply

for a loan.

apply /ə'plai/: Nộp

loan /loun/:Khoản vay

These notices are all good news.

The boat is far out at sea.

The person in the boat is getting ready to fish.

The boat is traveling from the left to the right.

You can see street

lamps in the picture.

There are three children in the picture.

The floor is completely smooth.

smooth /smu:ð/: Trơn, nhẫn, phẳng

One person is pulling a red suitcase.

suitcase /'sju:tkeis/:Va li

All the people are walking toward the camera.

toward /tə'wɔ:d/:Về phía

This picture was taken at night.

The plane is getting ready to land.

land /lænd/:Đất liền

There are no controls overhead.

overhead /'ouvəhed/:

Trên đầu

There is a package sitting on the bumper.

package /'pækidʤ/:Kiện hàng

bumper /'bʌmpə/:Cái hãm

The man is unloading the truck.

unload /'ʌn'loud/:Dỡ hàng

truck /trʌk/:Sự trao đổi

The truck is almost empty.