Osteoporosis By James Chang

Avoid osteoporosis

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  • 1. Osteoporosis
    James Chang

2. Osteoporosis Means Porous Bones
Is a serious condition where the bone become porous.
It affects 20million people in the United States.
It is a disorder that cause the bones to become porous.
3. Skeletal System Support and Protect
There are 206 bones in our body that protect us, help muscles move, maintain homeostasis, store minerals, and make blood cells.
You may think bones are dead, dry, or brittle but they are alive and growing.
Is the organ system whose primary function is to support and protect the body and allow the body to move.
4. Osteoporosis Affects Many People!
It affects more than 25million people and starts at pre-teens.
Only 68% of teens get enough of calcium in there diet.
People especially pre-teens are not getting enough calcium into there body
5. National Institute of Health
Instead of consuming dairy products pre-teens consume soft drink.
If pre-teens eat or drink calcium they will not get Osteoporosis.
National Institute of Health says that Americandont consume enough calcium and that why we have Osteoporosis.
6. Exercise is Beneficial
Exercise helps strengthen bones when do an outdoor activity.
It helps you build strong bones and muscles.
You have to exercise 30 minutes a day so that you could get your exercise.
7. Calcium Rich Foods
Food that are rich in calcium build bones.
We need about four serving a day to get enough calcium in our body.
The rich calcium food choices are ice cream, yogurt, and pudding.