Australian Aboriginals

Australian aboriginals

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Australian Aboriginals

Who Are They?

In 40,000 B.C. the first Aborigines arrived in Australia from Southeast Asia.

Who Are They?

Aboriginals and Torres Straits Islanders were the first inhabitants of Australia and are the world’s longest surviving culture.

Who Are They?Many different tribes lived throughout Australia. They are identified by languages.-Koori-Murri-Nungga-Noongar-Yolngu-Yapa

Who Are They?Today, only 3% of the population are made up of Aboriginals.

Who are they?

Pre-colonial they were semi-nomadic hunter gatherers, with each clan having their own territory.

Who Are They?

Territories were defined by geographic boundaries such as rivers, lakes, and mountains.

Tools for Everyday Life and Hunting

-spears-boomerangs-woomera (spear thrower)-message sticks-stone fish traps-carrying dishes-baskets-string bags


Aboriginal housing usually consisted of simple shelters made from a frame work of straight branches then covered with leaves or bark.


FoodA wide array of plants, insects, and animals were eaten:-grubs and beetles-fish-eel-goanna (large Australian lizard)-berries-wichetty grubs

Aboriginal Bush Food

Blue flax lily has a sweet flavor, which becomes nutty when chewed. The leaves are used to become a strong fiber.

Aboriginal Bush Food

Spiny- head Mat-rush leaves were dried and braided to make baskets. The seeds were used to make flour for cakes. The leaves were also eaten and have a pea like flavor.


The Aboriginals did not have a written language. All of their history was passed down orally by older generations or through art.

Art Leaf Painting

Bark Painting

Art Rock Art

Rock Art

Sand Art


Body painting was one of the Aboriginals earliest form of art.

-Designs represent clans -Used in ceremonies


Music is a large part of the social, cultural, and ceremonial observances.


A didgeridoo is made of hollowed out bamboo or eucalyptus.

It is played by buzzing the lips and using a technique called circular breathing.


Clapping sticks are used to keep the rhythm while chanting.

MusicA bullroarer is an ancient ritual musical instrument that can be heard from great distances.

It was taboo for women, children, and non-initiated men or outsiders to hear it.

Belief System

The Rainbow Serpent is the creator god. The link between a rainbow and a serpent (snake) suggests the cycle of seasons and the importance of water in everyday life.

Belief System

Dreamtime is a place where past, present, and future exist as one. You can enter this place through dream as well as in death. ‘Dreaming’ refers to an individual or groups set of beliefs.

Belief System

Aboriginals believe that all natural objects have a soul. It is also believed that plants and animals are interchangeable with human life through reincarnation.



Aboriginals did not have a written language so they used common symbols in their artwork. The meaning of the symbols change depending on the context of the story.

Family Life

Aboriginal custom throughout Australia says neither husband or wife can speak directly to their mother in law.

A clan is made up of 40 to 50 extended family members.

Family Life

Each clan belonged to a totemic group. A totem is an animal, plant, or object that is believed to be their ancestor.

Family LifeRoles of Men:

- Trap fish- Hunt large animals- Cooked large game meat- Conducted initiation rites for boys- Passed stories of culture and the dreaming to the young

Family LifeRoles of the women:

- They gathered fruit, nuts, insects and fungi.- Taught children how to kill small animals (birds and goannas)- Prepared smaller foods