Looking back upon my findings in the audience research section, I can draw a few things from it. For one I can use that the age range for my magazine will be 15-17 because that was the most popular age range within my survey. This means that when I come to making my magazine I will add features that 15-17 year olds will enjoy and will get the most out of my magazine. This could include things like bold fonts, more diverse language and pictures. Then if I look at the audience research again it tells me that the gender was 50/50 split so that it was the same amount of males as there was females. This means I can use this to my advantage and create a wider market for audience and so to increase potential sales of my magazine. The audience research can help me to determine what type of fonts I will be using, what type of images appeal to the audience and what the audience would like to see on a magazine of my chosen genre.

Audience research brief reflection

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  1. 1. Looking back upon my findings in the audience research section, I can draw a few things from it. For one I can use that the age range for my magazine will be 15-17 because that was the most popular age range within my survey. This means that when I come to making my magazine I will add features that 15-17 year olds will enjoy and will get the most out of my magazine. This could include things like bold fonts, more diverse language and pictures. Then if I look at the audience research again it tells me that the gender was 50/50 split so that it was the same amount of males as there was females. This means I can use this to my advantage and create a wider market for audience and so to increase potential sales of my magazine. The audience research can help me to determine what type of fonts I will be using, what type of images appeal to the audience and what the audience would like to see on a magazine of my chosen genre.