
Audience Research

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Page 2: Audience Research


* I decided to post a quick survey on my blog to get an idea of weather it was best to feature a narrative, performance or abstract video. As you can see by my initial ideas I want to feature a narrative and performance in my video. As you can see by my survey this was the correct idea as both narrative (4 votes) and performance (3 votes) received votes compared to abstract which didn’t get any votes. Another thing that I found out was important through this poll is that it was important that the video relates to the lyrics of the song. This received six votes from the people who voted and I will try to stick by this and make my video relate to the songs lyrics. Finally it also seems important to the audience that artist appearance is featured in the video and because of this I will feature performance from my artist. Overall this small survey has helped me to understand what I needed to feature in my video.

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* I posted both of my surveys on social media sites

such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram in order to

gain more responses to my surveys. By doing this I

have found a way to gain many responses for my

surveys which would have been more difficult had I

not promoted my surveys as they would not have

been viewed by many people. However, there is an

issue through doing this as most people I have on

my social media sites are around teenager age.

Despite this I believe doing this was a big help in me

gaining responses to my survey.

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* I sent out a survey to find out what people believed

would be the best way to present my video. I have

looked to the results of my survey and will take

them into account when I create my video. I asked

10 questions and will look to each of the answers

and see what the majority of people said. On this

survey I got 82 responses which I believe is a good

number as it will give me a wide verity of peoples

opinions to look at. To get this many responses I had

my survey sent out to everyone in my college

through the college email.

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* I wanted to know the age of the people who are answering my survey because it was important to me that my survey was answered by people of various age groups so that I knew I was getting opinions from many people. My survey was answered mostly by people 17 and under meaning I didn’t get my desired verity. However, doing this was still helpful as people of this age are the current market for music so getting their opinion on what I should do for my music video is important.

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* I wanted to know the gender of the people who

were answering my survey as it would be easier to

see who is the larger target audience for my music

video if I follow the advice of the survey. I found

out that more females answered my survey than

males meaning that the wider target audience for

my video would be females if I followed the advice

given to me in the survey.

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* I wanted to know whether people liked to see the artist in the music video as I knew this was something I was considering doing. Through the survey I found that around 82% of people liked to see the artist in the video, meaning I was right in my assumption to include the artist. I must also take into account the 17% of people who don’t like the see the artist and maybe include the artist less than I have originally intended to.

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*I wanted to know whether people liked to see

a verity of locations because I had planned to

do this from the beginning and wanted to know

if this was the right thing to do. From the

results I can see that it is the right thing to do

as 86% of people said that they wanted to see a

verity of locations in my video.

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*I wanted to know whether people liked to see a verity of costumes and again the larger majority of people answered yes to this question with 74% of people saying that they like to see a verity of costumes. This was the result I had been expecting and have already planned to include a different verity of costumes.

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* I wanted to know whether people believed that my music video would fit better in colour or in black and white because of the mood the song creates. Surprisingly to me the highest majority of people said to use a combination of both, something I hadn’t thought about doing but am now considering because of the response I got from the audience. Using colour also received a high majority of votes, only receiving one less than using both, meaning I’m still considering doing this.

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I asked people what they thought the song was about so I knew whether my concept would make sense to the audience to fit in with the song I have chosen. I had made my own conclusion about what the song meant and have come up with a concept for it. These are some of the responses I got;

*Life’s too short to care about little things

*Overcoming difficulties

*Finding a better life

*Not dealing with problems


*Not sure

Many people where unsure what my song was about meaning it may be easier for them to understand when there is a video accompanying the song. A few people believe the song means the same as I do, not dealing with problems or distractions. I’m glad there was a few people who answered like this as I’m basing my video concept around this idea and this means people will be able to relate to my concept and understand my concept.

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* I decided to ask people what they believed my video should be in terms of structure. A majority of people said they would like the video to be a narrative with 58% of people answering this way. Looking at this only 9% of people answered with how I am planning to structure my video as a narrative and performance piece. This has made me consider reconstructing my plan to be a pure narrative but I believe that performance is a strong part of what I have planned for my video and would like to keep it as part of it.

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* I decided to ask people what they believed my

video should be in terms of editing as I wanted to

know what they thought the beat of the song would

best be seen as. Looking at my results I have found

that most people agree with what I was originally

planning on doing with 63% of people saying using a

combination of both fast and slow editing which

means its what I’m probably going to do.

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I asked people what emotion this song creates when listening to it to

find out what mood I should direct my video towards. Some of the

responses I got to this question are;







*Not sure

Looking at this list of emotions there is a wide scope for what I can

aim my music video towards. I will most likely try and implement

many of these emotions into my video but will most likely have it aim

most towards sadness but in a creative way.