Are we there yet? Normal ising CALL in the context of primary languages in Engl and. Monika Pazio University of Bedfordshire, UK

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Are we there yet?Normalising CALL in the context of primary languages in England.

Monika Pazio

University of Bedfordshire, UK

The new normal

“Do not confine your children to your own learning, for they were born in another time”Chinese proverb


A stage “when computers … are used every day by language students and teachers as an integral part of every lesson, like a pen or a book … without fear or inhibition, and equally without an exaggerated respect for what they can do. They will not be the centre of any lesson, but they will play a part in almost all. They will be completely integrated into all other aspects of classroom life, alongside coursebooks, teachers and notepads. They will go almost unnoticed.” (Bax 2003: 23)

MFL in the UK

Mandatory primary MFL status from September 2014

Varied provision

Generalist and specialist teachers

Low numbers of foreign language speakers

ICT in the UKICT in the UK

Big investment into ICT equipment

All primary school equipped in at least one interactive whiteboard

Pilots of tablets

Variety of equipment available


What is normalisation in the primary context?

What factors impede normalisation in primary MFL?

Normalisation in primary MFL

Normalised MFL

Normalised ICT





Towards successful provision

Towards languages in general

Towards Early Language Learning (ELL)

Towards ELL

Towards languages

towards MFL


Stakeholders and staff


Towards change

Towards integration

towards ICT

Training and supportTraining and supportMFL

Pedagogical training

Secondary school support

Foreign language training and exposure


Training and supportICT





Teaching arrangements

Type of provision

Secondary school requirements


logisticsLogistics (ICT)

Availability of equipment


Quality of equipment



Only IWB use

Better understanding of children’s learning needs

Lack of confidence with language skills to be creative with CALL

Wide variety of technology embedded into other subjects


Only IWB use

Lack of confidence with ICT to be creative with CALL

Better knowledge of the language and language teaching pedagogy

Children’s views

Preference for generalists

Value individual work with technology

Expect creativity they experience in other subjects

Enjoy learning languages


The need for a more three dimensional integration

Limited integration driven by lack of confidence in case of both types of teachers

Obstacles to normalisation center around: attitudes, logistics, training and pedagogy

Twitter: @monikapazio

A special “thank you” to Kamil, Julia and Magda Karton for the photos

Email: [email protected]

Thank you!