Jaxon McGowan Mr. Appleby September 9 th 2015 Antarctica Social’s Assessment

Antarctica social’s assessment

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Page 1: Antarctica social’s assessment

Jaxon McGowanMr. Appleby

September 9th 2015

Antarctica Social’s Assessment

Page 2: Antarctica social’s assessment

TASK THREE: Summary of findings.

TASK FOUR: Evaluation of collecting and the annotation information.

TASK ONE: Collecting information.

TASK TWO: Processing information (through annotation).


Learning Intention: Antarctica is an environment of global significance.  Success criteria: You will have:- Collected information to answer the following focus areas- Processed( by annotation) collected information- Evaluated the whole process of collecting and processing.

Page 3: Antarctica social’s assessment

Although the impact of climate change and the Arctic are discussed often in the media, climate change in the Antarctic is comparatively neglected, or reported misleadingly. The science, however, is clear: climate change is already negatively impacting Antarctica.

The West Antarctic Peninsula is one of the fastest warming areas on Earth, with only some areas of the Arctic Circle experiencing faster rising temperatures. However, since Antarctica is a big place, climate change is not having a uniform impact, with some areas experiencing increases in sea ice extent. Yet in others, sea ice is decreasing, with measurable impacts on wildlife. ASOC believes that understanding climate change impacts on Antarctica is a matter of critical importance for the world and for the continent itself.

See more at: http://www.asoc.org/advocacy/climate-change-and-the-antarctic#sthash.cpsr9hrY.dpuf

Antarctica Sources #1 with Annotation Why is Antarctica a significant environment?

This here relates to the climate change and temperature.

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Antarctica Sources #2 with Annotation Why is Antarctica a significant environment?

In this picture it shows that this father believes his son will be able to solve the Antarctic problem after it all melts.

It shows here at about 98% is covered by ice sheet at least 1 mile thick and when it all melts people will want to know why it melted and they will be able to solve it just like this little boy.

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In this cartoon it shows how there are Penguins standing there, while that older man is saying they will protect The Fishing Industry not the animals species and that would make the environment over in Antarctica different.

Also in this article it shows how the animal system will soon all die and that Antarctica is uninhabited.

Antarctica Sources #3 with Annotation Why is Antarctica a significant environment?

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Some Antarctic species have been taken to the verge of extinction for economic benefit. Others have been killed incidentally or disturbed, soils have been contaminated, untreated sewage has been discharged into the sea and rubbish that will not decompose or break down for hundreds of years has been left behind in even the remotest parts.

Recently attitudes have changed as we begin to realise that there are few untouched and unvisited places left on earth and that they are tremendously important to humanity.

Antarctica's clean air, water and ice of are of importance to science for understanding how the Earth's environment is changing both naturally and as a result of human activity. Tour operators are tapping a huge and ever increasing demand to visit the Earth's last great wilderness.Both science and tourism have the potential to damage the very qualities that draw them to Antarctica.

The concern for the environmental management of Antarctica is how to make good past damage and how to reduce the current and future impacts.

Antarctica Sources #4 with AnnotationWhat impact do people have on this environment?

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Antarctica Sources #5 with Annotation What impact do people have on this environment?

Antarctica Sources #2 with AnnotationIn here it is talking about some of the mean temperatures over the whole planet compared to Antarctica.

In the last 100 years, it has been as low as (1.4* F) that it around -17* Celsius

In this picture here, it shows how they think Antarctica has Global Warming.

As you can see in this article it shows the rate and info about Global Warming in Antarctica so there must be Global Warming then.

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Antarctica is often thought of as a pristine land untouched by human disturbance. Unfortunately this is no longer the case. For a little more than 100 years people have been travelling to Antarctica and in that short time most parts have been visited and we have left more than just footprints.

Human impacts include: harvesting some Antarctic species to the verge of extinction for

economic benefit, killing and disturbing other species, contaminating the soils, and discharging sewage to the sea and leaving rubbish, cairns and tracks

in even the most remote parts. Changing attitudes More recently attitudes have changed as we begin to realise that

there are few unvisited places left on Earth and that they are of enormous value to humanity. The clean air, water and ice of Antarctica are now of global importance to science for understanding how the Earth's environment is changing both naturally and as a result of human activity. Tourist operators are beginning to tap into the huge demand to visit the last great wilderness on Earth. Paradoxically both science and tourism have the potential to damage the very qualities that draw them to Antarctica.

Antarctica Sources #6 with Annotation What impact do people have on this environment?

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Is the global community doing enough to make sure that this area is sustainable?

In this comment it shows that more and more people are coming to Antarctica to see wife life when in 2000, people didn’t care but now more people are coming and that shows that tourism can change. This happened in 2002,2003.

In that comment it shows that tourism is not that great over in Antarctica. It shows that people don’t care about wildlife and that its largely inhabited. This happened in 2000.

Antarctica Sources #7 with Annotation

There is no doubt Antarctica is an incredible tourist destination. It is a magnificent and largely uninhabited wilderness with majestic mountains, glaciers, icebergs and abundant wildlife. Its remoteness, inaccessibility and severe climate add an element of adventure to a visit to Antarctica. Visitor numbers have increased rapidly over the last few decades. In 2002/2003, 13,571 tourists visited Antarctica, compared with only 6,000 ten years ago (IAATO). Only 5% of these tourists have visited the Ross Sea region of Antarctica, where New Zealand’s national programme activity is focussed. The majority of tours are to the Antarctic Peninsula region, close to South America. Tours are organised by private companies and people from all over the world make the journey to see the icy continent. The majority of tourists come from the USA, followed by Germany, Britain and Australia (IAATO).

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In this it talks about how the huge fishing boats are taking to much fish and because of the boats coming in and taking it all, they say here that it should ok because of natural reproduction, but I believe that in years to come what if they all start to die.

More than 85% percent of the world’s fisheries have been pushed to beyond the limits of taking to much fish.

Antarctica Sources #8 with Annotation Is the global community doing enough to make sure that this area is sustainable?

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Antarctica Sources #9 with Annotation Is the global community doing enough to make sure that this area is sustainable?

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Is the global community doing enough to make sure that the Antarctic Environment is Sustainable?

I believe that that the global community could really do more to make sure that the Antarctic Environment is sustainable By being able to do that, some people need to think and really care about it because some others don’t. They need to speak up and they need everyone to know that the main species of animals and mammals are really based around that area. So that means if they don’t look after them or the environment it could cause the ice to melt causes deaths of hundreds of people and also could loss the animals that are living there.

Also like I said up above if you don’t look after the environment it could cause the ice to melt and end lots of life's. You need to think and see what if that was someone who you knew. So their life is now gone. How would you feel for not helping and trying to make it a better place. I wouldn’t feel good at all. So how can we all help and make sure it becomes a better place?

I think we all need to pick up everyone and work as a team because we are all human so it’s not like it’s going to be hard. Everything bad that is happening needs to stop now, like tourism and taking to much fish. That’s another cause that could end the life's of some fish species in years to come. I think we need to make sure the community knows that these are the consequences that will come along the way if those don’t stop.

Summary of Findings

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Research aspect: Which two sources of information were the most helpful and give reason why? I think that the information on the fishing and tourism was helpful because it showed me facts that I didn’t know and it was really

good to see that some people are trying to do to help both of these causes. Which type of sources did you not use – give a clear reason. Wikipedia and Wiki Answers and Ask.com, because most of the information on those websites are rubbish and made up, but some

of it can be useful. Were there some sources which showed bias? ( good or bad viewpoints expressed that are based on the interest group that

presents the source material) Wikipedia, how it said it will melt in 1 year, you could but that’s really unlucky. All the other websites that I put in my references

are really good and have most of the information I needed. Annotating the resources chosen Did you find the process of annotation easy or difficult? Why? It was really difficult at the start until I read through what we had to do and then it was like, wow that’s easy. I just needed to

think and use my brain. ii. Did the example of the annotated work help with the annotation process. Yes, because like I said it was hard at the start but when I looked back and read what the examples looked like it sounded easier. Improvements: Would you change your approach to researching and collecting info.? How? No, because I believe that the websites, I used we really good and there is always room for improvement.

Evaluation of collecting and the annotation information

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www.worldwildlife.org www.antarctica.gov.au www.suggestkeyword.com www.env.go.jp www.bas.ac.uk
