Animal in capitivity

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Animals in captivity in the Sea World,
California, USA

Animals in captivity is never about conservation but always about earning money.

The ocean as an ecosystem

The average depth of the oceans are around 4 km but certain places can reach the depth of 10 km.

Sunlight can penetrate only some hundred meters so most animals have to adapt their food and social habits to their environment. For example, if the rays of the sun is too strong than they escape by diving into the deep ocean.

Certain marine animals are highly social animals and lives in stable social groups. For example, young whales stay with their mothers for life.

In nature, animals choose their own mates and breeding takes place when animals are mature enough.

Nature have its own way of preserving life. All living beings through the process of evolution has managed to build up an immune system that protects them from most sickness and disease.

Pleasure or punishment

Marine animals face many difficulties and danger in the wild but keeping them captive in a concrete tank is cruel. These also causes stress and many animals lose their teeth trying to break the barriers.Animals are not used to the loud noise of music and excited crowds, neither to artificial lights which causes stress and early death.In captivity, animals are forced to live together with individuals from other families or are constantly moved from one place to another causing stress.Since the tanks are not more than 12 meters deep, many animals suffer severe sunburns as they cannot dive for shelter.Captive animals are artificially inseminated and are often forced to breed at a much younger age leading to complication and even death.Animals in captivity do not live longer than 9-10 yrs due to failing immune system and psychological stress.

Cause of loss of natural habitat

The loss habitat is directly linked to increasing human activity in and along marine environments. For example:- construction of harbors, shipping channels, fisheries etc causes destruction of feeding, resting and breeding area. - increasing boat traffic for tourist and other purposes drive away the whales and dolphins that normally use an area.

Only a small percentage of the worlds oceans are protected. This causes degradation of biodiversity.
