Analysing our Rough Cut The scenes that need to be re-filmed for the final cut have a black background...

Analysing Rough Cut

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Analysing our Rough Cut

The scenes that need to be re-filmed for the final cut have a black background...

Page 2: Analysing Rough Cut

Banner and logo matching the colour scheme and the handcuffs tear apart to represent the character breaking free and therefore matching the rebellious and wild vibe to the music video. There is some shadow so the scene needs to be re-filmed with appropriate lighting to avoid getting shadow. This scene introduces the main character – the person who sings the song, successfully.

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The DJ set appears twice throughout the music video. The silver rings match the mise-en-scene of the silver table and silver DJ set, which completes the scenes nicely. The nails are black and white in order to match the colour scheme of the music video and this keeps consistency with the colours throughout the scene and throughout the music video.

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This is also in the sequence of shots at the beginning to introduce the main character of the music video. This shot is successful, however, it needs more lighting to match the rest of the lit scenes in this sequence. It would be a good idea to also have the rest of the characters in the music video also putting their red lipstick on at this stage too as this would introduce them as side characters for the music video, rather than having them appear randomly throughout without being introduced.

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These shots have successful lighting. The grills on the characters bottom teeth match with previous research we have carried out which a lot of current artists seem to be wearing. The white clothing and red lipstick create successful mise-en-scene because it links with the colour scheme of the music video.

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The model writing on the mirror is rebellious and fits with the theme of the music video. The hashtag links to current music videos and how they are linking to social media sites. The red fits with the mise-en-scene and colour scheme of the music video. It would be a good idea to film the other people in the music video to introduce them as her friends into the music video, they could be writing other things on the mirror such as the name of the song.

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These scenes are shown when the lyrics sing ‘got that glitter on my eyes’, and therefore the glitter is linking in with the lyrics of the song. However, this needs to be re-filmed for the final cut because the glitter is very messy, the models eyebrows are not very neat and the white background is creased which lowers the quality of the scene and therefore the music video. When we re-shoot these scenes we will use the three people in our group because this will keep consistency with the characters that appear in the music video and avoid confusion for the viewer when random characters and appearing.

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These scenes were filmed outside and therefore are not lit very well, the ripped tights scene shows the character sticking out her tongue, linking with the vibe of the music video. However, the outfit of the character is very innocent and the ballet tights, ballet shoes and leotard do not fit with the theme of the music video making these scenes look out of place. Also when the model is riding the bike, the motion is quite slow and does not match the up beat of tempo of the song. This needs to be re-filmed against a plain white background, with a different outfit and better lighting.

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The costume of this character is effective in keeping the consistency of the mise-en-scene throughout the music video, with the red dress and red lipstick. The fur coat makes the character look ‘sassy’ and matches with the vibe of our music video. The background of the scene changes the scenery of the music video so the characters do not look as though they are in the same place constantly throughout.

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These scenes with the character sitting on the table with her feet up while she ties her laces are effect in fitting with the colour scheme of the music video. When she pretends to eat the flame of the lighter and when she drinks from the bottle of vodka it helps to create the rebellious, wild and young vibe for the music video. We set up some black white a red coloured props to match the colour scheme of the music video to create some successful mise-en-scene.

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These bed scenes fit nicely with the provocative and rebellious vibe of the music video. The characters actions are raunchy and push boundaries to make the music video more exciting for the people to look at and make it more interesting. The white clothing and the red lips fit with the colour scheme of the music video and the white walls create successful mise-en-scene for these bed scenes.

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These scenes with the characters messing around on the exercise bike are effective in adding to the rebellious and young vibe of the music video. The colour scheme of black white and red is portrayed through the characters clothing. The sunglasses add a sassy and wild vibe to the scenes. The room we filmed this in is only small however, these scenes need to be re-filmed with additional lighting coming from the right hand side to make the scene look brighter. It would also be more effective if we could remove the painting from the wall and move the running machine from behind the exercise bike that the characters are messing around on.

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The scenes with me ripping up money against a black wall are effective with the red lipstick and the fur coat matching the mise-en-scene of the music video. However, the brick wall is quite dirty and this should be re-filmed, either against a very clean and fresh looking brick wall and with the hair neater with no strands of hair flying out because this ruins the scene, making it look messy and incomplete.

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The model singing in the bath is successful, the lighting brightens up the scene. The white clothing and red lipstick fit the colour scheme of the music video and the white bath is shiny, fitting with the plasticy, shiny feel we wanted for the music video. It would be more effective it the tiles around the bath were also white, however, none of the members of my group have a bath with surrounding white tiles and therefore this is unable to be achieved. The characters bra straps are on show over her shoulders, however, after getting feedback from our rough cut, we were told this was not much of an issue because the vibe we wanted to create was provocative and raunchy. If we have time to film this again, we will and we will film things from different angles, however, this is not high on our list of priority scenes to re-film.

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Having both the characters dancing around on the bed is successful because their clothing matches effectively with the colour scheme and the way the clothing is short fits with the provocative and wild theme we wanted to create for the music video.

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These scenes show the characters dancing and messing around on a bench. Their clothing is short, skimpy and sassy to fit with the provocative vibe of the music video. The background scenery would look better if the trees were a lot greener and brighter, however due to filming this in winter, it is difficult to find any bright green leafy trees. If we were to re-film these scenes we would try and move the bench against a thicker tree with more leaves to give a fuller background. However this is not high on a list of re-filming priority because the main focus of the scene is the models due to their clothing and actions, however it would be more successful if the background completed the scene.

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These scenes filmed in the grey corridor are not very successful due to the darkness of them. They do not fit with the colour scheme of the music video. They would be more successful if the characters were wearing short, skimpy and brighter coloured clothing such as white and red because this would fit with the vibe of the music video. These scenes are to be re-filmed in a lighter area with skimpier clothing and brighter colours to make them fit better with rest of the music video.

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These additional bed scenes give the main character attitude and make her more sassy to fit with the vibe of the music video we have created throughout. The white of her clothing, the white walls and the white chewing gum all create successful mise-en-scene for the music video and the red of her lipstick and a burst of colour to the scene making it more exciting and interesting to look at.

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These bath scenes show the main character in the music video messing around with children's bath toys, adding an element of ‘being young’ to the music video which is part of the message of our video of being young, wild, free and crazy. The colours of the toys are bright and show the character having fun.

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These shots were filmed numerous times to get them to look successful against the white background with no shadow but we finally got them to look good. The way all three of these characters have dark hair and red lipstick creates consistency within the scenes. The models are filmed from chest upwards because this makes them look like they have no clothes on and creates a provocative and raunchy vibe to the scenes making the fit with the message of being young, wild and free.

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These shots show the characters having fun behind a bar. The mise-en-scene with the cups and the bottles of alcohol around the bar successfully fits with the colour scheme and the message of the music video. The models are shown laughing in slow motion as this captures them having fun and being young and wild.

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The scenes with the dog are very successful, the mise-en-scene with the fur coat completes the scenes nicely because the fur links to the fur of the dog. The actions of the dog licking the main characters tongue and face are funny and interest the viewer into watching the music video. The dog is also white which fits in with the colour scheme of the music video and the red lipstick of the model and the red collar on the dog (when it can be seen) add a burst of colour to the scenes.

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These scenes filmed against a projector screen using a projector to project different optical illusions and words on the background are very successful as they are different and interesting for the viewer to look at. The backgrounds we have projected onto the screen match the colour scheme of black white and red, creating consistency within the music video.

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These scenes show three of the characters writing the main lyric of the song on a blackboard. This is effective as it cuts between the three different people as the artist sings these words to the song making it link to the song. The colours in the scene are consistent with the colour scheme of the music video and if we were to re-film this again – although it is not high on our list of priority to film, we would make the blackboard cleaner so that is is easier to see the white chalk writing on the board.

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This shot is quite dark and needs to be re-filmed with more lighting coming from the left side of the shot. The colours all match the colour scheme, however, having the characters sitting down it does not make them look as though they are being very wild and therefore when we re-film this scene, they should either be standing on the sofa or standing in-front of it dancing and messing around having fun as this would look more active and exciting to watch. The disco lights on the white wall are effective however, because there are only a very little amount it looks a little bit pointless so when we re-film we will either make them bigger and more central, or just not have them on.

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When the song sings ‘Turn it up’ in a repetitive sequence, these words are displayed on the screen. The bold red writing stands out and matches the colour scheme of the music video and the mise-en-scene with the red lipstick behind is successful. The lighting of the scene behind is effective because there is no shadow and the scene is bright.

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When the deep electronic voice sings ‘DJ, turn it up’ this mask is shown with a dark background and flashing light. The flashing light flashes to the tempo of the music making it more effective. This scene is intriguing to the viewer as it is different to the rest of the music video but is still effective because the voice at this stage of the music video is also different than the rest of the singing throughout the song.

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This shows two of the characters coming out from bushes looking like they have been mischievous and don’t want to get caught and this leaves it up to the viewers imagination as to where they have been. I do however, think it would look better if there were more people coming from the bushes as it would be more interesting to look at and add more action to the scene. If we have to to re-film this with more people then we will as I think it would make the scene more interesting.

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This is in slow motion with a number of people running in slow motion down a hill. It was however raining and very muddy when we filmed this which made it difficult to run because it was muddy. Also most of these people are not previously in the music video which makes it look like they are just random people. We will re-film this in a different location, with the four people who appear in the music video the most.

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These shots were filmed on a top level car park, it was quite a dull day meaning the lighting isn’t brilliant. The clothing of the main model is effective because it meets the colour scheme and is still provocative because it is skimpy. However, the clothing of the other two blonde characters do not really match the vibe of the music video because they are long sleeved and cover the whole leg and are a soft cotton material. This will be re-filmed with the other models wearing different clothing such as shiny black leggings, or shorts and skimpy tops.