The Mass

An introduction to the mass

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A classroom introduction to the beautiful gift of the Mass.

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Page 1: An introduction to the mass

The Mass

Page 2: An introduction to the mass

What is the Mass?

The Mass is where in a special way God loves us and shares his life with us

At every Mass Jesus shares the same love for us he did on Calvary

At Mass we are brought into the very presence and mystery of God

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What is the Mass?

We say sorry to God and each other for our sins

We hear God speaking to us

Jesus becomes truly present

The Mass is the most amazing thing to happen in our life

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How can the bread & wine become Jesus?

• It is a mystery of God’s love

• Through the action of the Holy Spirit

• Jesus is Risen from the dead and so is not limited by space & time

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Discussion point:What are the connections between the

Cross and the Host?

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Why do people go to Mass?

The Church tells us to… for our benefit

Jesus said “Do this in memory of me”

To be with others and God

Special celebrations

To pray

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Other Names for the Mass

The Eucharist (this word means ‘thank you’)

The Lord’s Supper

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

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How did the Mass start?

Jesus celebrated the Last Supper with his Apostles

He took bread, blessed it, broke it and shared it saying:

“This is my body which will be given up for you”.

He then took the wine, blessed it, shared it and said,

“This is the chalice of my blood which will be poured

out for you”.

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How did the Mass start?

After Jesus died and rose from the dead the first Christians gathered every Sunday to remember Jesus and do what He told them.

Ever since, Christians have done the same.

This is a fresco on the wall of the catacombs of St Priscilla dating from around the year 175 showing Christians celebrating Mass.

Christians had to do this in secret in the early days for fear of being murdered.

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What are the 2 main parts of the mass?

In the Liturgy of the Word we listen to what Jesus, the Word of God, is saying to us

•Through the readings from the Bible

•Through the words of the priest

•Through the Holy Spirit at work in our hearts

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What are the 2 main parts of the mass?

In the Liturgy of the Eucharist Jesus, as God and human, becomes fully present to us under the appearance of bread and wine.

When we receive holy communion we also become part of the Body of Christ and are caught up in the mystery of God’s love for the Church.

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How to receive Holy Communion

When you come forward the priest will hold up the host and say “The Body of Christ”.

You will answer “Amen” (this means “Yes, it is”.)

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How to receive Holy Communion

You will then hold out your hands as in the picture, and put the sacred host in your mouth immediately.

You may also have the priest place Holy communion on your tongue.

To pray

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Prayerful silence

The time after receiving holy communion is especially precious. It is a time for silent prayer.

St. Alphonsus once wrote that “there is no prayer more dear to God than that which is made after communion.”

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Living the mass

Going to Masshelps us to find peace.

It helps us

to love one another.

It helps us spread the Good News to others.