Chapter 19 Pgs 460—479 An Age of Exploration and Isolation, 1400—1800

An Age of Exploration and Isolation, 1400—1800

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World History Patterns of Interaction Chapter 19

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Page 1: An Age of Exploration and Isolation, 1400—1800

Chapter 19

Pgs 460—479

An Age of Exploration and Isolation, 1400—1800

Page 2: An Age of Exploration and Isolation, 1400—1800

Europeans Explore the East

Section 1

Pgs 463—468

Page 3: An Age of Exploration and Isolation, 1400—1800

Main reason for exploration Through overseas exploration, merchants ,and traders

hoped to benefit from the trade of spices in Asia Christians introduced to these items during the Crusades After the crusades Europeans still demanded these goods

High demand=high prices

Muslims and Italians controlled trade of goods from east to west Muslims sold Asian goods to Italian merchants Italians controlled the trade across land routes of the

Mediterranean Resold to items at increased prices to merchants, severely cutting

merchants prophets

Sought to bypass Italian merchants by finding a sea route directly to Asia

Search for Greater Wealth

Page 4: An Age of Exploration and Isolation, 1400—1800

Crusades left feeling of hostility between Christians and Muslims

European nations believed they had a sacred duty to continue fighting Muslims and to convert non-Christians throughout the world

Wanted to Christianize the people of AsiaBartolomeu Dias explained motives

“to serve God and His Majesty, to give light those who were in darkness and grow rich as all men desire to do”

Spread Christianity

Page 5: An Age of Exploration and Isolation, 1400—1800

Advances in technology made voyages of discovery possible

Shipbuilders designed a new vessel, which was sturdier than earlier vessels and was able to sail against the windEarlier boats couldn't sail against the wind

To better determine their location, Europeans used the astrolabe

Used magnetic compass invented by the Chinese

Technology Advances

Page 6: An Age of Exploration and Isolation, 1400—1800

Used to better determine location at sea

Perfected by MuslimsBrass circle with

carefully adjusted rings marked off in degrees

Using the rings to sight the stars, the sea captain could tell how far north or south of the equator he was


Page 7: An Age of Exploration and Isolation, 1400—1800

Portuguese sea captain explained motives for converting non-Christians

“to serve God and His Majesty, to give light those who were in darkness and grow rich as all men desire to do”

sailed down the coast of Africa, until he reached the tip, when he was caught in a storm

The storm blew him and his crew to the southeast coast of Africa, and he considered going to IndiaExhausted crew and short supply forced him to

turn back

Bartholomeu Dias

Page 8: An Age of Exploration and Isolation, 1400—1800

“Henry the Navigator” Portugal's most enthusiastic supporter of explorationDreams of oversea exploration began when he

conquered the Muslim city of CeutaFirst glimpse of the wealth outside of Europe

Determined to reach the source of the wealth in the East

Wanted to spread the Christian faithIn 1419, he founded a Navigational school in PortugalBy time of his death Portugal had many trading posts

along the coast of Africa

Prince Henry

Page 9: An Age of Exploration and Isolation, 1400—1800

Muslim city in North AfricaConquered by Henry the

Navigator of Portugal Gave Portuguese, their

first glimpse of the wealth in the east

had exotic stores filled with pepper, cinnamon, cloves, and other spices

Contained large supplies of gold, silver, and jewels


Page 10: An Age of Exploration and Isolation, 1400—1800

Portuguese explorer Reached the port of Calicut

On the southwestern coast of IndiaAmazed by the spices, rare jewels, and

precious gems that filled Calicut’s shopsFilled ships with such items

After returning from Calicut, he received a hero’s welcome

Voyage of 27,000 miles had given Portugal a direct sea route to India

Vasco da Gama

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Located on the southwestern coast of India

Filled with spices, rare silks and precious gems

Discovered by Vasco da Gama Gave Portugal a

direct sea route to India


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Italian sea captainConvince Spain to finance finding a route to

Asia by sailing west across the Atlantic OceanWhile “sailing to Asia” he reached the shores

of an island in the Caribbean, and believed he had reached India, and claimed it for SpainOpen way for European colonization in the

AmericasIncreased tensions between Spain and Portugal

Unknown if Columbus’ land he had claimed for Spain had already been claimed for Portugal

Christopher Columbus

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Stepped in between Portugal and Spain to keep the peace of the two nations

suggested the Line of Demarcation

Pope Alexander VI

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Created to keep peace between Portugal and Spain

Suggested by Pope Alexander VIImaginary dividing line, drawn

north to south through the Atlantic OceanAll lands to the west would

belong to PortugalAll lands to the east would

belong to Spain Later line would be moved

farther west to include parts of modern-day Brazil for the Portuguese

Line of Demarcation

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A 1494 treaty between Portugal and Spain

Declared newly discovered lands to the west of the Line of Demarcation would belong to Spain

Declared newly discovered land to the east of the Line of Demarcation would belong to Portugal

Treaty of Tordesillas

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Port city on India’s west coast

Captured by the Portuguese

Capital of Portugal’s trading empire


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City on the west coast of the Malay peninsula

Attacked by Portuguese

Its capture gave the Portuguese control of the Strait of Malacca

Later captured by the Dutch


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Captured by Portuguese after they captured Malacca

Its capture allowed the Portuguese gave them control of the Moluccas

Strait of Malacca

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“spice islands”Very rich in

spicesCaptured and

controlled by Portugal after they captured the Strait of Malacca


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Portuguese sea captainStressed country’s intense

desire to crush the Muslim-Italian domination over Asian trade “If we deprive them [Muslims] of this

their ancient market there, there does not remain for them a single port in the whole of these parts, where they can carry on their trade in these things. . . . I hold it as very certain that if we take this trade of Malacca away out of their hands, Cairo and Mecca are entirely ruined, and to Venice will no spiceries . . .[be] . . . conveyed except that which her merchants go and buy in Portugal”

Alfonso de Albuquerque

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Spanish sea captain

Claimed the Philippines for SpainBegan

settling in them

Ferdinand Magellan

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NetherlandsSmall country situated along the North Sea in

northwestern EuropeLeading sea power

Largest fleet in the world –20,000 vesselsEstablished the Dutch East India CompanyBegan to challenge Portugal’s dominance

over the Indian Ocean trade

Dutch Republic

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Companies that established and directed trade throughout Asia

Had the power to mint moneymake treatiesraise their own armies

East India Company

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Founded in the early 17th century by the Netherlands Meant to establish and direct trade throughout Asia Had the power to

mint money make treaties raise their own armies

Richer and more powerful than England’s company Dutch eventually drove out the English and established dominance over the

regoin established their trading headquarter at Batavia seized the port of Malacca and the valuable Spice Islands from Portugal increased its control over the Indian Ocean trade so many goods from the East traveling to the Netherlands, the nation’s capital,

Amsterdam, became a leading commercial center ruled much of Indonesia and had trading posts in several Asian countries controlled the Cape of Good Hope

used as a resupply stop.

Dutch East India Company

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On island of JavaLocation where Dutch

established their training head quartersFrom their the Dutch

conquered several nearby islands

Batavia. Batavia

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Controlled by Dutch

On southern tip of Africa

Cape of Good Hope

Cape of Good Hope

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Less powerful than the Dutch East India Company

Focused much of its energy on establishing outposts in India

Built up a successful business trading fine cloth

English East India Company

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It struggled at firstit faced continual attacks by the Dutch

Eventually established an outpost in India in the 1720s.never showed much of a profit.

French East India Company

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China Rejects European Outreach

Section 2

Pgs 469—473

Page 30: An Age of Exploration and Isolation, 1400—1800

1368—1644 (276 years)Caused China to become the dominant power

in Asiarulers were not going to allow outsiders from

distant lands into their country in fear of them threating the peace and prosperity they had brought to China when they ended Mongol rule

Ming Dynasty

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Son of a peasant Commanded the rebel army that drove the Mongols out of china in 1368 First emperor of Ming Dynasty Began reforms

Agricultural reforms Increased rice production Improved irrigation Introduced farm fishing and the growing of commercial crops (cotton and sugar cane)

Erase traces of Mongol past Promote China’s power and prosperity

Used respected traditions to bring stability to China Encouraged a return to Confucian moral standards

Improved imperial administration Restoring the merit-based civil service

Became a ruthless tyrant, later on in his rule, when problems began to develop Suspecting plots against his rule, he conducted purges Thousands of government officials were killed

After his death, there was a struggle for power Father of Yonglo


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Located in southern China

Capital city under the Yuan Dynasty

Hongwu’s place of rule


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Son of HongwuBecame ruler of China, after a struggle for power,

after his father’s deathContinued many of his father’s policiesMoved the royal court to BeijingHad a far-ranging curiosity about the outside world

1405 , before Europeans began to explore, he launched 7 voyages of expeditionAll led by Zhang He

Hoped to impress the world with the power of Ming ChinaAcomplished by voyages


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led Yonglo’s seven voyages of expeditionDistributed gifts, such as gold, silver, silk and scented outs to everyone,

to show Chinese superiority

As a result, more than 16 countries sent tribunes to China Many envoys traveled to China Chinese scholar-officials opposed this idea, saying that it

was a waste of valuable resources

Zheng He

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To keep influence of outsiders down, only the government was able to conduct foreign trade

In reality, trade flourished up and down the coast Prophet-oriented merchants sold goods such as spices and silk

to Europeans, for much less than what they were used to paying

Demand for Chinese goods had a large effect on the economy Silk and ceramic making industries grew rapidly Manufacturing and commerce increased

China did NOT become industrialized Idea of commerce offended China’s Confucian belief Chinese economic policies traditionally favored agriculture

Taxes on agriculture lowered Taxes on manufacturing skyrocketed

Ming Trading

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First missionary, under Ming rule, to have an impact

Italian JesuitGained special favor at the

Ming courtAble to speak and write

ChineseStill opposed by many of the

educated Chinese opposed Christianity

Matteo Ricci

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Extravagant palace complex at the capital city, Beijing Monument to China’s isolationismBuilt by Yonglo between 1404 and 1420Known as foreign city because it was forbidden to all

commoners and foreignersInside emperors conducted business of China and lived

in luxuryOnly emperor and his court lived in the palaceExpensive to maintain

6, 000 cooks to make meals for 10,000-15,000 people1949 converted into a museum and open to the public

Forbidden City

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Ineffective rulers, corrupt officials, and a government out of money, all weakened Ming China

Higher taxes and poor harvests pushed millions of peasants to starvation

Civil strife and rebellion followedManchus invaded China

The Ming couldn’t hold them back and the dynasty collapsed

Fall of Ming Dynasty

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From ManchuriaLocated beyond the northeast end of the Great

WallIn 1644, they invaded China

The Ming couldn’t hold them back and the dynasty collapsed

Took a Chinese name for their dynasty, like the Mongols, naming it the Qing Dynasty1644—1911 Bring Taiwan, Chinese Central Asia, Mongolia,

and Tibet under Chinese rule


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1644—1911 Resisted by many of the ChineseForced Chinese to wear hat in a ponytail as a

sign of submissionSlowly earned respect of people

Upheld traditional Chinese systemsMade frontier safe

Qing Dynasty

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Became emperor in 1661 and ruled for about 60 years

Reduced government expenses and lowered taxes

Gained support of Chinese intellectuals by offering them government positions

Enjoyed company of the Jesuits at courtInformed him of the latest developments in

science, medicine, and mathematics in Europe


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Kangxi’s grandsonRuled from 1763—1795 Helped China reach its greatest size and

prosterityOften rose at dawn to work on the problems of

his empireArmed namads on its bordersChristian missionariesEuropean merchants

Refused to make better trade arrangements with King George III/England


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If foreign states wished to trade with China, they would have to follow Chinese rules

Dutch accepted these restrictionsDiplomats paid tribute to China’s emperorsPerforming “kowtow” ritualAs a result, dutch returned with many fine

Chinese goods, like porcelein, silk, and tea

Dutch trade with China

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Ritual that merchants who wanted to trade with China were required to do

Involved merchants kneeling in front of the emperor and touching their heads to the ground nine times

“Kowtow” ritual

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British wanted to trade with China, but didn’t like China’s trade restrictions

In 1793, King George III asked for a better trade trade arrangement , which Quian-long refused

British trade with China

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Delivered letter from King George III (England) to Quian-long (China)

Letter asked for a better trade arrangement between England and China

Refused to “kowtow” the emperor, although he bowed on one knee

Lord George Macartney

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Sent Lord George Macartney with a letter to Quian-long, asking for a better trade arrangement

King George III

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Conquered by the Manchus in 1636 and turned unto a vassal state

Existed in Korea’s shadowOrganized their government according to Confucian

principlesAdopted Chinese technology and culture, especially their

its policy of isolation When the Manchus established the Qing dynasty the

political relationship with China did not change. But Korea’s attitude did.

The Manchu invasion, combined with a Japanese attack in the 1590s, provoked strong feelings of nationalismmost evident in their art—of traditional Chinese subjects,

many artists chose to show popular Korean scenes


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Most Chinese families had farmed the land the same way their ancestors had.

during the Qing dynasty, irrigation and fertilizer use increased

Farmers grew rice and new crops, such as corn and sweet potatoes, brought by Europeans from the Americas. As food production increased, nutrition

improved and families expanded and the population exploded\

Population Explosion

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Sons Only a son was allowed

to perform vital religious rituals.

A son also would raise his own family under his parents’ roofassuring aging parents

of help with the farmingMen dominated the

household and their wives

females were not valued, and many female infants were killed.

Although men dominated the household and their wives, women had significant responsibilities. working in the fields supervised the children’s

education managed the family’s

finances most women were forced to

remain secluded in their homes, but some found outside jobs such as working as midwives or textile workers.

Sons vs. Daughters


Page 51: An Age of Exploration and Isolation, 1400—1800

The culture of early modern China was based mainly on traditional forms

The great masterpiece of traditional Chinese fiction was written during this period Dream of the Red Chamber by Cao Zhan examines upper class

Manchu society in the 1700s. Most artists of the time painted in traditional styles, which

valued technique over creativity. In pottery, technical skill as well as experimentation led to the

production of high-quality ceramics, including porcelain.Drama was a popular entertainment,

especially in rural China where literacy rates were low. Plays that presented Chinese history and cultural heroes

entertained and also helped unify Chinese society by creating a national culture.

Cultural Developments in China

Page 52: An Age of Exploration and Isolation, 1400—1800

Japan Limits Western Contacts

Section 3

Pgs 474—477

Page 53: An Age of Exploration and Isolation, 1400—1800

“Warring States,” period Powerful samurai seized control of old feudal estates.They offered peasants and others protection in return for

their loyalty.Under this system, security came from a group of

powerful warlords. The emperor at Kyoto became a figurehead, having a

leadership title but no actual power. resembled European feudalism in many ways. The daimyo built fortified castles and created small

armies of samurai on horses Rival daimyo often fought each other for territory.

This led to disorder throughout the land.


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became lords in a new kind of Japanese feudalism.

meant “great name.” built fortified castles and created small armies

of samurai on horses. Later they added foot soldiers with muskets

(guns) to their ranks. Rivals often fought each other for territory.

This led to disorder throughout the land.hoped to gather enough power to take control

of the entire country


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defeated his rivals and seized the imperial capital Kyoto in 1568.

sought to eliminate his remaining enemies. These included rival daimyo as well as wealthy

Buddhist monasteries aligned with them. In 1575, his 3,000 soldiers armed with muskets

crushed an enemy force of samurai cavalry. first time firearms had been used effectively in

battle in Japan. was not able to unify Japan. He committed seppuku,

Oda Nobunaga

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the ritual suicide of a samurai

Nobunaga committed seppuku in 1582, when one of his own generals turned on him.


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Nobunaga’s best general continued Nobunaga’s mission. set out to destroy the daimyo that remained

hostile. By 1590, he controlled most of the country.did not stop with Japan.

With the idea of eventually conquering China, he invaded Korea in 1592 and began a long campaign against the Koreans and their Ming Chinese allies.

With his death in 1598, his troops withdrew from Korea.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi

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One of Hideyoshi’s strongest daimyo allies, completed the unification of Japan. In 1600 defeated his rivals at the Battle of Sekigahara.

His victory earned him the loyalty of daimyo throughout Japan. became the sole ruler, or shogun. moved Japan’s capital to his power base at Edo To keep the daimyo from rebelling, required that they follow the

“alternate attendance policy” and other restrictions tamed the daimyo.

a major step toward restoring centralized government to Japan. As a result, Ieyasu founded the Tokugawa Shogunate, which would hold

power until 1867. On his deathbed in 1616, Ieyasu advised his son, Hidetada, “Take care

of the people. Strive to be virtuous. Never neglect to protect the country.” Most Tokugawa shoguns followed that advice. Their rule brought a

welcome order to Japan.

Tokugawa Ieyasu

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Tokugawa Ieyasu, completed the unification of Japan.

Ieyasu defeated his rivals. His victory earned him the loyalty of daimyo

throughout Japan

Battle of Seklgahara

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a small fishing village that would later become the city of Tokyo.


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Japan was unified, but the daimyo still governed at the local level.

To keep them from rebelling, Ieyasu required that they spend every other year in the capital.

Even when they returned to their lands, they had to leave their families behind as hostages in Edo. Through this and other restrictions, Ieyasu tamed the daimyo. major step toward restoring centralized

government to Japan.

“Alternative Attendance Policy”

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A dynasty of shoguns that ruled unified Japan from 1603 to 1867

Their rule brought a welcome order to Japan’s power until 1867 Japan enjoyed more than two and a half centuries of stability, prosperity, and isolation under the Tokugawa shoguns

Tokugawa Shogunate

Page 63: An Age of Exploration and Isolation, 1400—1800

Confuciusthe ideal society

depended on agriculture, not commerce.

Farmers, not merchants, made ideal citizens

peasant farmers bore the main tax burden and faced more difficulties than any other class. Many of them abandoned

farm life and headed for the expanding towns and cities. There, they mixed with samurai, artisans, and merchants.

Industrial, not agricultural

Confucius vs. Reality


Page 64: An Age of Exploration and Isolation, 1400—1800

The rise of large commercial centers also increased employment opportunities for women.

Women found jobs in entertainment, textile manufacturing, and publishing.

the majority of Japanese women led sheltered and restricted lives as peasant wives.

They worked in the fields, managed the household, cared for the children, and obeyed their husband without question

Role of Women

Page 65: An Age of Exploration and Isolation, 1400—1800

Samurai attended ceremonial noh dramas, were based on tragic themes. read tales of ancient warriors and their courage in battle.

In their homes, they hung paintings that showed scenes from classical literature.

traditional entertainment faced competition in the cities from new styles of literature, drama, and art.

Townspeople read a new type of fiction, realistic stories about self-made merchants or the hardships of life.

The people also read haiku Townspeople also attended kabuki theater. The paintings the people enjoyed were often woodblock

prints showing city life.

Culture under Tokugawa

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Attended by townspeople

Actors in elaborate costumes, using music, dance, and mime, performed skits about modern life.


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3-line verse poetrypresents images rather than ideas.


On a journey, ailingMy dreams roam aboutOver a withered moor. MATSUO BASHO, from Matsuo Basho

Tabi ni yandeYume wa Kareno oKakemeguruMATSUO BASHO, in Japanese

Page 68: An Age of Exploration and Isolation, 1400—1800

The Japanese first encountered Europeans in 1543, when shipwrecked Portuguese sailors washed up on the shores of southern Japan. Portuguese merchants soon followed. They hoped to involve themselves in Japan’s trade with China and

Southeast Asia. The Portuguese brought clocks, eyeglasses, tobacco, firearms,

and other unfamiliar items from Europe. Japanese merchants were happy to receive the newcomers and

their goods. The daimyo, too, welcomed the strangers.

interested in the Portuguese muskets and cannons, because every daimyo sought an advantage over his rivals

The Japanese purchased weapons from the Portuguese and soon began their own production. Firearms forever changed the time-honored tradition of the

Japanese warrior, whose principal weapon had been the sword.

Portuguese and Japanese Relationship

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Christian missionaries began arriving in Japan in 1549

The Japanese accepted the missionaries in part they associated them with the muskets and other

European goods that they wanted to purchase.the religious orders of Jesuits, Franciscans, and

Dominicans came to convert the Japanese. Francis Xavier, a Jesuit, led the first mission to

Japan. baptized about a hundred converts before he left Japan.

By 1600, other European missionaries had converted about 300,000 Japanese to Christianity

Christian Missionaries in Japan

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Jesuit led the first mission to

Japan. baptized about a hundred

converts before he left Japan.

Francis Xavier

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The success of the missionaries upset Tokugawa Ieyasu.

He found aspects of the Christian invasion troublesome.

Missionaries, actively seeking converts, scorned traditional Japanese beliefs and sometimes involved themselves in local politics.

At first, Ieyasu did not take any action. He feared driving off the Portuguese, English, Spanish, and

Dutch traders who spurred Japan’s economy. 1612 the shogun had come to fear religious uprisings

more. He banned Christianity and focused on ridding his country

of all Christians.

Persecution of Christianity

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Ieyasu died in 1616, but repression of Christianity continued off and on for the next two decades under his successors.

In 1637, the issue came to a head. An uprising in southern Japan of some 30,000 peasants, led by dissatisfied samurai, shook the Tokugawa shogunate. Because so many of the rebels were Christian, the shogun

decided that Christianity was at the root of the rebellion. After that, the shoguns ruthlessly persecuted Christians.

European missionaries were killed or driven out of Japan. All Japanese were forced to demonstrate faithfulness to some

branch of Buddhism.

These policies eventually eliminated Christianity in Japan and led to the formation of an exclusion policy

Persecution of Christians

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remained open to foreign traders only Dutch and Chinese merchants were

allowed into the port the English had left Japan voluntarily the Spanish and the Portuguese had been

expelled. Since the Tokugawa shoguns controlled

Nagasaki, they now had a monopoly on foreign trade, which continued to be profitable


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The form of Buddhism that had the greatest impact on Japanese culture

especially influenced the samurai. sought spiritual enlightenment through

meditation. Strict discipline of mind and body was the Zen

path to wisdom. Zen monks would sit in meditation for hoursIf monks showed signs of losing concentration,

a Zen master might shout at them or hit them with a stick.

Zen Buddhism