Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

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Page 1: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan
Page 2: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Amazing Benefits of Tulsi A Study

ByMr. Allah Dad Khan

Page 3: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan
Page 4: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan


Tulsi also known as basil leaves, is a fairly common plant in Indian households. Considered holy by many religions, the tulsi plant is revered for its divine properties.

Besides praying to the plant, a number of people advice including the leaves and roots of the plant in various medical decoctions.

With immense benefits right from clear skin to dissolving kidney stones, tulsi is tonic for the entire body. Here are the top 10 benefits of tulsi.

Page 5: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Ocimum basilicum

Most culinary and ornamental basils are cultivars of 

Ocimum basilicum and there are many hybrids between species. Thai basil (O. basilicum var. thyrsiflora) is a common ingredient in Thai cuisine with a strong flavour similar to aniseed, used to flavour Thai curries and stir-fries

Page 6: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan


It’s suspected that tulsi is native to tropical Asia, although it now grows in many tropical climates across the globe. Historically used in these areas as medicine because of its widespread healing power, holy basil leaves are now regarded by most countries as adaptogen herbs (anti-stress agents) and have been used widely to promote health throughout the entire body.

Page 7: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Health Benefits

The health benefits of holy basil, also known as tulsi, include oral care, relief from respiratory disorders, as well as treatment offever, asthma, lung disorders, heart diseases and stress. Holy Basil, which has the scientific name Ocimum Sanctum is undoubtedly one of the best medicinal herb that has been discovered.

Page 8: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi Adds Glow To The Face

Rubbing finely powdered dry Tulsi on the face like a loose powder adds glow to the face glow and removes dark spots from the face.

Page 9: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi Adds Young And Fresh Look The antioxidants present in

Tulsi makes you look younger and fresher. Tulsi is very healthy for the skin. It works well as a skin and hair moisturizer too.

Page 10: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi as Anti-Cancer

Tulsi is anti-carcinogenic in nature and helps to treat some forms of cancer like breast cancer. Tulsi restricts the blood vessels that feed tumors. It also helps to inhibit the growth of oral cancer that is caused due to tobacco. But Tulsi should not be used as a sole treatment of cancer howeve

Page 11: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi is Beneficial For Facial Skin

Rubbing dried basil leaves on your face improves your facial skin in many ways, giving it a younger and fresher appearance. Applying a paste of basil leaves on your face and neck improves your skin tone.

Page 12: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi Boosts Immunity

Tulsi has a complex constitution that includes immunity booster, adaptogens and anti-oxidants. Hence, Tulsi juice when taken every week keeps our scalp healthy and hydrated.

Page 13: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi and Children’s Ailments

Common paediatric problems like cough, cold diarrhea and vomiting respond favourably to Tulsi juice.

Basil leaves taken with honey keeps chicken pox at bay.

If a baby is given Tulsi juice regularly before teething, it helps grow teeth easily without any of the usual teething troubles. Massaging the gums with a mixture of Tulsi leaves and honey will also help.

Page 14: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi is beneficial in Cough And Respiratory Problems

Chewing Tulsi leaves also cures cough and flu. It helps to mobilize mucous in bronchitis and asthma attacks. A decoction of leaves with honey and ginger is an effective remedy for bronchitis, asthma, influenza, and cold. A decoction of leaves, cloves and common salt also relieves influenza.

Water boiled with basil leaves can be taken as a drink in case of a sore throat. You can also gargle with this water to soothe sore throat. Tulsi is an important ingredient in the preparation of cough syrups and expectorant.

Page 15: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi Beats Diabetes

Tulsi is one of the many herbs that help to control blood sugar level in a person. It reduces the blood sugar levels by causing a sudden or drastic drop.

Page 16: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi is effective in Eye Disorder

Basil juice is an effective remedy for sore eyes and night blindness, which is generally caused by lack of Vitamin A. Two drops of basil juice can work wonders for the eyes. It soothes eyes and reduces stress. Also, it can protect from conjunctivitis, boils and other problems of the eyes which are caused mainly due to bacterial and fungal infections by washing eyes with water soaked in Tulsi leaves

Basil leaves act as relaxants for your eyes to sooth stress induced fine lines. Chewing a couple of basil leaves helps to ward off eye problems caused by free radicals such as vision degeneration, cataracts and glaucoma. Basil leaves juice is an effective remedy for sore eyes and night blindness

Page 17: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi relieves Fever And Common Cold

The medicinal use of Tulsi begins with the ability of the leaves to cure many kinds of fever.

Tender Tulsi leaves boiled in water act as a preventive against malaria and dengue fever.

In the case of acute fever, a decoction of the leaves boiled with cardamom powder in half a litre of water mixed with sugar and milk brings down the temperature.

Tulsi is also a good germicidal agent and a disinfectant that protects the human body from all types of viral infections.

Page 18: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi is useful in Gum Disorder

The leaves are also useful in treating gum disorders. Tulsi leaves dried and powdered can be used for brushing teeth. It can also be mixed with mustard oil and can be used as a toothpaste. It maintains the health of the gums and helps to counteract pyorrhoea and other dental problems. This toothpaste can also be rubbed on the gums to hinder gum inflammation.

Tulsi is also used as a mouthwash to relieve tooth for headache. A faciache. Tulsi is an excellent mouth freshener and oral disinfectant and destroys 99% of germs and bacteria found in the mouth. These leaves are quite effective for several mouth infections like ulcer

Page 19: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi Help to Get Rid Of Bad Breath Bad breath can be detrimental

to your self-confidence. Basil leaves can be a healthy substitute to special toothpastes and chewing gums to ward off bad breath. You can chew a handful of basil leaves to prevent bad breath

Page 20: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi is Helpful In Quitting Smoking Chain smokers can try chewing

basil leaves to get rid of their addiction. These can be more beneficial than nicotine patches, flavored gum or even plain candy to curb the urge. While the juice has a cooling effect on your throat, the chewing will distract you and the antioxidants will repair the damage caused due to years of smoking

Page 21: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi have Healing Properties

Basil leaves have antiseptic properties and are hence, used in the treatment of ulcers, cuts and wounds. They help in reducing the pain caused by measles, chicken pox, and small pox. A mixture of basil leaves juice and coconut oil can be applied on cuts and wounds to give relief. Chewing a basil leaf or applying the juice of basil leaves on the area stung or bitten by an insect also helps relieve the pain as well as draw the venom out.

Page 22: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi cures Heals Wounds, Cuts, And Burns

Dry Tulsi leaves in a shade, add alum, grind and sieve well and store the powder in a clean glass bottle. Apply the powder on wounds and cuts. Pain due to burns can be alleviated by applying equal amounts of Tulsi juice and coconut oil mixed in it.

Page 23: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi Protect Heart Disorder

Basil is very beneficial in combating cardiac disease and the weakness resulting from it. It reduces blood cholesterol levels. Tulsi also contains Vitamin C and other anti-oxidants such as Eugenol protects the heart from harmful effects of free radicals. Tulsi can also reduce blood pressure and thus is useful for heart patients.

Page 24: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi prevents Insect Bite

This herb also prevents insect stings and bites. A teaspoon of fresh juice should be applied on the affected areas and repeated after a few hours. A paste of fresh roots is also effective in case of bites of insects and leeches.

Apply a paste of Tulsi leaves and roots ground together on the sting of the scorpion. It will completely eliminate the effects of poison. Also in such cases, crushing a few leaves of Tulsi and mixing it with lemon helps too. Apply it on the area of the sting and it will cure the problem. The pain caused by the sting can be reduced by drinking Tulsi juice and also by applying it on the sting.

Page 25: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi dissolves Kidney Stones

 One of the Tulsi plant’s uses is that its leaves have a strengthening effect on the kidneys. In case of renal stones, the consumption of juice of basil leaves mixed with honey helps remove these stones through the urinary tract. Tulsi being a detoxifying agent can help to reduce uric acid level which is the main reason behind kidney stones.

Page 26: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi Lightens Scars And Marks

Besan and Tulsi paste face pack is a popular pack to get rid of scar marks and get a clean and even skin tone. Skin whitening effects of besan lightens the appearance of scars and black marks and Tulsi kills the bacteria that lead to acne

Page 27: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi prevents Damage by Radiation Basil leaves have antioxidant properties. They

contain the flavonoids, orientin and vicenin that protect the chromosomes and cell structures from oxidation, thus preventing cell ageing and death and providing protection against radiation damage.

Apart from all these benefits, it has been recently discovered that Tulsi has environmental benefits too. Tulsi apparently gives out oxygen for 20 hours and ozone for 4 hours along with the formation of nascent oxygen which absorbs harmful gases like carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide from the environment.

After knowing all these amazing benefits of this herb, I’m sure all of you would try these home remedies. It will work wonders on your life and living habits.

Page 28: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi helps in Prevention Of Hair Loss Hair loss is a common problem

which can occur due to itchiness and sweatiness of scalp. You can make a paste of basil leaves and add it to your hair oil. Applying this oil on your scalp will keep your scalp cool, reduce itchiness and promote hair growth by improving circulation in your scalp

Page 29: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi Promotes Quick Healing

Another good remedy for treating all types of skin diseases is boiling Tulsi in mustard oil till the oil turns black. Let it cool, then strain the oil and apply all over the body during winters. This promotes quick healing. Application of Tulsi juice on the boils is beneficial and gives relief too

Page 30: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi Prevents Inflammation

Tulsi leaves contain antibacterial and antifungal compounds. A paste made of Tulsi leaves along with sandalwood paste and rose water can be applied on the face as it helps to prevent inflammation.

Page 31: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi Prevents Blackheads

Basil leaves also prevent the appearance of blackheads. Wet the top side of the basil and place one leaf on each side of your nose for 5 minutes. After this take it off and wash your face.

Page 32: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi in Prevention of Acne And Pimples

Basil leaves prevent the outburst of acne and pimples as they purify your blood by removing toxins. They contain antibacterial and antifungal agents and you can apply a paste of these leaves mixed with sandalwood paste, neem paste or rose water to prevent inflammation

Page 33: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi as Pain Relief

Tulsi plant acts like a COX-2 inhibitor and benefits people with painful medical conditions. Some compounds found in Tulsi helps to ease inflammatory and neurological pain and has no side effects whatsoever. Tulsi is also used in the treatment of ulcers, cuts and wounds because of its beneficial antiseptic and healing properties

Page 34: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi Relieves Skin Irritation

Apply Tulsi paste for relief from skin irritations caused due to plucking of the hair.

Page 35: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi Rejuvenate Hair Follicles

Basil leaves help in rejuvenating and producing healthy hair by stimulating the hair follicles.

Page 36: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi provides Relief From Headache Basil leaves are considered a great

medicine for headaches. A facial steam of dried basil leaf is effective in alleviating headache. For this purpose, add a tablespoon of dried basil leaves to 2 cups of water in a large pot. Covering your head with a towel, carefully lean over the pot and breathe in the steam for 5 to 10 minutes. You can also apply pounded basil leaves mixed in sandalwood paste on your forehead to get relief from heat and headache as well as cooling effect in general.

Page 37: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi Strengthen The Hair Shaft

If you are suffering from brittle hair or hair thinning, you can consider basil leaves as they are effective in strengthening the hair shaft.

Page 38: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi Stomach Problems

 Several stomach problems like acidity, constipation and flatulence can also be cured with Tulsi leaves. Tulsi supports the digestive system and makes you feel less bloated and more comfortable. It also helps people suffering from vomiting and lack of appetite.

Page 39: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Soothes Itching

Rubbing Tulsi leaves on areas that itch gives quick relief. Itching can also be soothed by applying a mixture of Tulsi and lemon juice.

Page 40: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi beats Stress

The anti-oxidants present in Tulsi help in balancing different processes of the body. Drinking Tulsi extract daily smoothes the nervous system and helps to relieve stress.

Page 41: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi Keeps your skin and hair healthy and glowing

Tulsi works very well on eczema, acne and pimples and many cosmetic companies use Tulsi as an ingredient in skin ointments due to its antibacterial properties. People suffering from scabies and eczema should drink Tulsi juice to help cure it.

Page 42: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi is helpful in Treatment of Sore Throat

A concoction made by boiling basil leaves in water can be taken as a drink or used for gargling to get relief from a sore throat.

Page 43: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi and Treatment Of Grey Hair For this purpose, soak dried basil

leaves powder and amla powder in water overnight and wash your hair with it after straining it the next morning. This prevents graying of hair as well as hair fall.

Treats Skin Diseases Tulsi works very well on eczema,

acne and pimples and many cosmetic companies use Tulsi as an ingredient in skin ointments due to its antibacterial properties. People suffering from scabies and eczema should drink Tulsi juice to help cure it.

Page 44: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi Treats Dandruff And Dry Scalp:

One of the major causes of hair loss is dandruff and dry scalp. Add a small quantity of Tulsi oil to regular carrier oil like coconut oil and massage well on your scalp. Tulsi helps to improve the blood circulation and keeps your scalp cool reducing itchiness and dandruff and thus promotes hair growth. You can also apply Tulsi paste which keeps the scalp, roots clean and keeps the dandruff at bay.

Page 45: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi and Treatment of Vitiligo

Regular intake of basil leaves has the potential to cure ‘vitiligo’, a disease characterized by white patches on the skin.

Page 46: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi Tightens Skin Pores

Skin with blemishes can also benefit from Tulsi leaves. Make a face pack using one egg white and Tulsi leaves paste. Then rub the mixture gently on the face particularly on the infected areas of the skin. Wash off the face pack after 20 minutes scrubbing it gently. The egg white used will tighten the pores while the Tulsi paste will disinfect the skin and prevent infections which cause pimples and acne.

Page 47: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi and Treatment Of Skin Infections And Ringworms

Due to their antibacterial, antibiotic and antifungal properties, basil leaves can restrict the growth of bacterium like E coli and B anthracis which cause skin infections. A concoction prepared by grinding and boiling 200-250 grams of basil leaves with equal quantity of sesame seed oil can be applied on the skin to cure itching. A mixture of ground basil leaves and lemon juice can be applied on the skin to treat ringworm.

Page 48: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi seeds control sugar

In facts, all parts of basil are important for health and medicinal aspects so the seed part. The decoction of seeds is beneficial for urinary infections. In a study which is at the initial stage, it has been seen that basil seeds are useful in controlling of blood sugar and management of diabetes. Weight reduction may also be observed if one takes regularly the drink of basil. Nutritionally, basil seeds contain vitamin, minerals, fat and carbohydrate.

Page 49: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi for dental protection

Powder of Tulsi dry leaves is used as brushing of teeth, thus helps  in teeth protection. It is also used as toothpaste when used with mustard oil. Mouth wash through basil leaves means keeping oneself away from many mouth diseases such as gums diseases, pyorrhoea, and other dental infections. To get relief from toothache, applied the mix of basil leaves juice and camphor. Chewing of Tulsi leaves is beneficial for mouth ulcer. It protects you from bacteria and germs that are the main source of mouth diseases.

Page 50: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi for asthma cure

The leaves of Tulsi are used as home remedy for the treatment of respiratory disorders such as cough, cold, influenza,  mild-asthma and bronchitis. For these disorders, it is advisable to take the decoction of Basil leaves + honey  and ginger. The mix of Tulsi leaves, common salt and cloves are also used in curing of influenza.  A large number of  Ayurvedic cough expectorant and syrups used basil as one of the ingredients. Chewing of Tulsi leaves are also beneficial in case of cold and flu.  The asthma patient should take the mix of Tulsi juice and black pepper.

Page 51: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi have Anti-ageing properties

Its antioxidant properties prevent the body from damages caused due to free radicals, thus, delaying the aging process and the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of aging.

Page 52: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi Balances Hormones 

Elevated cortisol levels can be dangerous; it’s commonly known as the stress hormone, and it can have a major impact on our learning, memory, immune function, bone density, weight gain and heart disease. Luckily, tulsi has the amazing ability to regulate cortisol levels and keep hormone levels balanced naturally. Tulsi has a physical effect on the body and mental benefits as well. By drinking tulsi tea or adding tulsi to your meals, you calm your system and keep your body running smoothly.

Page 53: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi as Good Source of Vitamin K  Vitamin K is an essential fat-soluble

vitamin that plays an important role in bone health and heart health. It’s one of the main vitamins involved in bone mineralization and blood clotting, but also helps maintain brain function, a healthy metabolism and protects against cancer. One cup of tulsi leaves has more than your daily recommended value of vitamin K, making it a perfect source to prevent vitamin K deficiency, and can be beneficial to your bone density, digestive health and brain function.

Page 54: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi Protect Lung Against Infection

Tulsi has a long history of use against various infections in India. Many plants and essential oils are antibacterial when applied topically, but tulsi is one of the few that has been shown to fight infection when given orally.

A 2009 Indian study conducted by Panjab University found that “dietary supplementation with tulsi and clove oils protects against bacterial colonization of the lungs” in rats exposed to pneumonia.

They concluded “dietary supplementation with tulsi and clove oils protects against bacterial colonization of the lungs”.

Page 55: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi Protect Against Mouth Ulcers

If you have an ulcer (or have been warned by your doctor that you are in danger of developing one), drinking tulsi regularly may help.

A 2003 study conducted by University College of Medical Sciences in Delhi using rats found that tulsi helped reduce the ulcer index and increased the amount of protective mucous secreted by the digestive system.

Page 56: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Treats Convulsions

Tulsi might be efficient for the treatment of convulsions, in accordance with a 2003 research published within the “Indian Journal of Experimental Biology.” Convulsions, or even seizures, frequently exist in problems just like epilepsy. The research, guided by Rag Jaggi from Panjab University in India, compared the effect of tulsi against a standard drug useful for convulsions known as phenytoin, and also the extracts of the herb’s stem and leaf were found to function in avoiding convulsions.

Page 57: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Helps Fight Free Radicals

Of all the typical Tulsi benefits you might find, the first one to take note of is it is actually a wealthy method of obtaining anti-oxidants. Antioxidants are essential to fight free-radicals within the body which weaken the immune system, advance aging, and they’re recognized to assist reduce your lungs and heart to enhance a greater cardiopulmonary system.

Page 58: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Crush your workload

Tulsi tea has got the incredible advantage of growing our effectiveness against stress that basically reduces us of stress. We have observed a boost in my work stamina when I drink tulsi tea. Unlike coffee, it is not a chemical stimulant; however it does improve the mind

Page 59: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi Prevents flatulence and promotes digestion

Tulsi tea will help with promoting digestion of food and may decrease bowel problems, acid reflux, in addition to abdominal problems. Additionally, it may also function as an appetizer.

Page 60: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi For Chicken Pox

If pustules of chicken pox postpone their appearance, basil leaves taken along with saffron will speed up them.

Page 61: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi For Ear Pain

Warm a few tulsi juices. Put 4 drops within the affected ear. Prevents pain. If you have release from the ear, proceed this for many days.

Page 62: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi As Painkiller

Consuming holy basil tea regularly might help to reduce pain, in accordance with an evaluation released within the Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology in 2005. The authors, P. Prakash and Neelu Gupta, suggest that the existence of eugenol in holy basil may behave like a selective COX-2 inhibitor. This means that this substance works exactly the same way as modern day painkillers to focus on as well as control the COX-2 enzyme accountable for leading to pain and inflammation.

Page 63: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

Tulsi Lose Weight-

You must have tried several weight loss products and supplements to shed those extra calories and achieve a healthy and slimmer body. Some of those supplements work, but most are just a scam! If you are tired of trying several diet pills without any successful results, try tulsi tea for effective and safe weight loss results. This herbal brew works by increasing your metabolism, which in turn helps in accelerating fat burning process. It provides a healthy and natural way to lose weight.


Page 64: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan

tulsi for Nervous system-

Tulsi tea has been discovered a very good remedy for epilepsy and other nervous system disorders. It helps in calming the nervous and improving the motor-sensory coordination. According to a study done in Punjab University in India, tulsi has the same effect on convulsions and seizures as that of phenytoin (anti-epileptic medicine).


Page 65: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan
Page 66: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan
Page 67: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan
Page 68: Amazing benefits of tulsi A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province & Visiting Professor Agriculture University Peshawar Pakistan