A ll T he D ifference Two Roads. One Traveler. Tim Miles timmilesco.com

All The Difference - Stuff Learned From Smart People - MSTA New Professionals

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AllTheDifferenceTwo Roads. One Traveler.

Tim Miles


ME?40 Years of Curiosity20 Years of Getting Paid to be Curious

Hundreds of business ownersHundreds of non-profit leadersHundreds of mentors, instructors, and leaders.


MEASUREHow will you measure success?

FINDsomeone who will tell you the truth.

RAISEexpectations… for your students… for your colleagues… for yourself.

MODELthe behavior you want to see in others.

Chris Ulmer


For it to be effective, curiosity has to be harnessed to at least two other key traits. First, the ability to pay attention to the answers to your questions— you have to actually absorb whatever it is you’re being curious about. Second is the ability to act.

“Brian Grazer A Curious Mind

Life isn’t about finding the answers. It’s about asking the questions.“

Brian Grazer A Curious Mind


PRACTICEcritical thinking skills.

READgooder stuff. Write gooder stuff.


WRITEnotes and letters by hand.

BUYa little notebook (or use Evernote or OneNote or something). Write stuff in them.

TREATthe part-time, temp office worker EXACTLY the same as the principal.

LEADwhen it’s your turn—even if it’s scary.

DOthe hard thing first.

KNOWthe Law of Attraction.

KNOWthe Law of Attraction.

KNOWthe Law of Attraction.

STARVEthe trolls.

SAVEdrama for Euripides and Shakespeare.



POINTout what people do well.


CHOOSEhow things affect you.

Patton OswaltJune 18, 2008

CHOOSEhow things affect you.

Patton OswaltJune 18, 2008

GO.Just keep walking… and walking… and walking.

HOLDyourself accountable.

GIVEyour full attention.

Human relationships are rich and they’re messy and they’re demanding. And we clean them up with technology. And when we do, one of the things that can happen is that we sacrifice conversation for mere connection.We short-change ourselves. And over time, we seem to forget this, or we seem to stop caring.

“Sherry Turkle Author, Professor - TED, February 2012

GIVEmore than you receive.

DEVELOPthe fine art of gift giving.

DEVELOPthe fine art of gift giving.

Saw this… thought of you…

Saw this… thought of you…

Saw this… thought of you…



There's no question whatsoever that multitasking, especially among those who do it the most, is at the very least ineffective and at the worst, harmful.Basically, they are worse at most of the kinds of thinking not only required for multitasking but what we generally think of as involving deep thought.

“Dr. Clifford Nass Stanford University

PREPAREthe night before.

ASKyourself, “to what will I say ‘no,’ today.”

REVIEWyour progress at the end of every day.


TITHE3-10% of your monthly income to training and improving you and your craft. Remain a student forever.

CHAMPIONyour students.

Dr. Rita F. Pierson, the daughter of Hazel and Julius Walker, was born October 27, 1951 in Houston, Texas.

She departed this life on Friday, June 28, 2013.Most recently she was recognized for sharing her expertise on the PBS production of TED Talks. The ABC television news magazine, 20/20 reported, "Educator Rita F. Pierson talks about the bond that is missing between educators and students". It was viewed and modeled for educators as far away as New Zealand. Over one million online viewers watched the 2013 TED Talks. [It’s now over seven million.]

Rita possessed a keen sense of observation and rare ability to accept and respect people for who they were. She never met a stranger and her infectious humor touched all with whom she came in contact.

“Houston Chronicle July 12, 2013

REMEMBERYou’re going to die, too.

MAKEyour life extraordinary.

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,Old Time is still a-flying;And this same flower that smiles todayTo-morrow will be dying.

The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun,The higher he's a-getting,The sooner will his race be run,And nearer he's to setting.

That age is best which is the first,When youth and blood are warmer;But being spent, the worse, and worstTimes still succeed the former.

Then be not coy, but use your time,And, while ye may, go marry:For having lost but once your prime,You may forever tarry.

Robert Herrick To The Virgins, to Make Much of Time, 1648


