Aitor, Anton adn Nana Teens of our country

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1. SCHOOL Teenagers at secondary schools in Scotland wear uniforms, even in state schools Students go to school from 8 am to 3 pm. 2. FREE TIME Many teenagers in Scotland do the same as other teenagers around the world: they hang out with friends and play computer games at home. Yet others learn to play an instrument, or join theatre groups 3. FOOD Teenagers in Scotland like hamburgers, pizzas, and fish and chips, but they also eat a lot of Chinese, Indian and Italian food, which are very popular in the UK 4. SCHOOLS Teens in Brazil go to different types of school: private and state schools. Teenagers do 3 years of primary school (year 6 to year 9) and then 3 years of secondary school before university. 5. FREE TIME Brazilian teenagers love football, and they play it at the beach. They also practice a special Brazilian sport called capoeira. 6. FOOD When Brazilian teens eat at home, they eat feijoada, a dish made out of beans. When they eat out, they might go to meat buffets, where they eat lots of grilled meats. 7. SCHOOL Students usually don't wear school uniforms. At school children play tennis, football, basketball... 8. Free Time: Teens meet their friends at the park to play football, eat something, listen to music... 9. FOOD: Meat, marmitako, potatoes riojana style, and other hot foods are very popular here