Agile Testing Elhanan Rosental Matrix Global Agile Leader

Agile testing

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Page 1: Agile testing

Agile Testing Elhanan Rosental – Matrix Global Agile Leader

Page 2: Agile testing

• Agile is perfect for Israelis

• No Documentation

• Do Whatever feels good

• Code to the last moment

• Compressed schedule

Is that right?

Some Agile myths

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• Agile is not sloppy coding but a very


• That means that some teams are not agile but

just sloppy

• Being Israeli doesn’t mean you are Agile


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• Every iteration is a shippable product

• Every iteration Must be tested

• “Done” is not done without testing

Potential Shippable Product

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• Sprint Planning

• Beginning of the sprint

• During the sprint

• Toward the sprint end

• Retrospective

Tester Lifecycle in a sprint

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• The Tester is full part of the team

• He estimates the developers tasks as well

• His insight is very valuable as he think “out of

the box”

Sprint Planning

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• The tester and developer sits together to make

sure that they understand the user story the

same way

• In any disagreements the PO will be asked to

make sure that everything is clear

• Developer start develop, Tester starts design

the test.

Beginning of the sprint

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• Agile encourage just enough documents

• There is no need to spend time of formal STD

• The test should be designed with the correct


Is there a need for STD?

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• Testing is done all the time!!

• We are not waiting to the development finish

• Every time there is something done the tester

should test it and give insight.

During the sprint

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• Toward the sprint end the developer should

finish the task

• The tester should run final overall test

• The developer should concentrate on bug fix

and closing the task

Toward the sprint end

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• Understand the bugs idea

• Bugs are not Product

• In what cases should a bug opened

• When should a bug opened

Should the tester open bugs?

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• Tester is part of the team

• Retrospective should refer to the points:

• Cooperation in the team

• Did the tester get the task with enough time to test?

• Cooperation with the other stakeholders


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• Don’t let the bug number grow. Handle them

while the number is small

• Are there bugs that we shouldn’t treat?

• Can sprint requirements be considered “done”

with bug hanging around?

Bug Handling

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• Is there a need for an independent system test

QA team?

System tests

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• Testing for overall flows that were created

over the sprints

• Acceptance before version release

• In case of a outsource team important for the

customer confidence

Reasons for a system QA team

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• Every Sprint we should deliver Potential

shippable product

• Shippable product mean that all the system is

tested for regression

• After some sprints it is impossible to be done


Some thoughts

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• Automation testing can save a lot of repeatable


• We should aim toward as much automation as


• Automation needs a maintenance

The solution: Automation Testing

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• Create Automation

backlog tasks

• Prioritize tasks

by 3 factors

Balance Automation

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• No!!! Every body is responsible for working


• Tester added value is his experience and


Is the tester the only one testing

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• Unit Testing

• TDD- Test Driven Development

• Tester and developer can work in TDD. Write

tests before start developing!

Developer Testing

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