Charla Dilan Advert pitch explanation Organisation I chose the organisation AHS (American Heart Association) because they highlight more issues within the obesity issue as a whole. The addressed issues that they cover are for one, nutrition which is a big factor when it comes to just keeping healthy in general; also, physical activity is spoken about and gives you advice on how you can make it exciting and so that it does not feel forced because you are unhealthy. Another few topics are having healthier kids, weight management, stress management, being able to quit smoking if you already do which can have devastating effects on your body later on in life. Within the website, they have a page where people that are in an unhealthy situation can talk to others in the same position which can help deal with stress if they are feeling under pressure or generally horrible in their own skin. General aim What I am trying to accomplish in my advert is to address obesity and unhealthy living in teenagers from 15 to 19 years old and hopefully decrease the current percentage with a powerful message in my advert. Also, I want to promote exercise so that it increases, even if it is the bare minimum of 10 minutes each day; I do not want to promote being stick think to look good, I aim to help others be healthy and nourished. I believe my advert will help my audience by motivating them and to make it fun or rewarding; inspiring people with a real life circumstance of someone who did not look after themselves to show the audience what could happen if they do not take care of their health. The real question is “can you only help yourself?” and the answer is definitely, any person or website can inspire you but whether you are actually motivated to change your life for the better is a completely different situation; therefore, you can only seek help if you have addressed and admitted your problem and desperately seek help.

Advert pitch explanation

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Page 1: Advert pitch explanation

Charla Dilan

Advert pitch explanation


I chose the organisation AHS (American Heart Association) because they highlight more issues within the obesity issue as a whole. The addressed issues that they cover are for one, nutrition which is a big factor when it comes to just keeping healthy in general; also, physical activity is spoken about and gives you advice on how you can make it exciting and so that it does not feel forced because you are unhealthy. Another few topics are having healthier kids, weight management, stress management, being able to quit smoking if you already do which can have devastating effects on your body later on in life. Within the website, they have a page where people that are in an unhealthy situation can talk to others in the same position which can help deal with stress if they are feeling under pressure or generally horrible in their own skin.

General aim

What I am trying to accomplish in my advert is to address obesity and unhealthy living in teenagers from 15 to 19 years old and hopefully decrease the current percentage with a powerful message in my advert. Also, I want to promote exercise so that it increases, even if it is the bare minimum of 10 minutes each day; I do not want to promote being stick think to look good, I aim to help others be healthy and nourished. I believe my advert will help my audience by motivating them and to make it fun or rewarding; inspiring people with a real life circumstance of someone who did not look after themselves to show the audience what could happen if they do not take care of their health. The real question is “can you only help yourself?” and the answer is definitely, any person or website can inspire you but whether you are actually motivated to change your life for the better is a completely different situation; therefore, you can only seek help if you have addressed and admitted your problem and desperately seek help.

Target audience

I chose to aim my advert at male and female teenagers from 15 to 19 years old; I decided this because when I was doing my secondary research, statistics have shown that these are the common ages it effects in teenagers. Naturally, as a teenager you start to worry and be concerned about your appearance, male or female, meaning that my advert will be highly benefitting for both sexes. I chose not to pick a specific social class because an unhealthy lifestyle can affect pretty much anyone! As the target audience I chose are teenagers, their lifestyles are different from the average adult which means that they will be attending one of the following: school, college, university or even going to work. Therefore, because they have a fair amount of free time, teenagers tend to be on their phone, computer or even just watching television a lot which means that in that time, they could be exercising instead of being “lazy”. I am not saying that if you’re obese or unhealthy you are like that because you are lazy, but as a society that is how we tend to be as a whole. Values of my target audience are the typical things such as family, love, education, motivation, respect, loyalty and friends, these are all important for an adolescent, especially because most people at these ages do not really have any huge responsibilities. Guessingly, my primary

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Charla Dilan

audience is obviously my target audience because it is directed right at them; however, my secondary audience are parents and friends that want to help their child/friend with their issue which can encourage enthusiasm and motivation.

Primary research

Male and females from 15 to 19 answered some questions that I had in a focus group which inspired me to talk about how much teenagers spend online when they could be making time for exercise and keeping on top of themselves. Also, I conducted a survey for the same age group and most of them said that they feel or know that they are “lazy” or not as motivated as they should or could be meaning that in my advert, I will have to make sure that I get a clear message across and acknowledge their weaknesses in order to help them.

Secondary research

In 2012 more than one third of adolescents were overweight to obese, I found this out from my online research that I needed to help me explore further into the issue. As I have already said, the American Heart Association which is my organisation is something that I found about on the internet and it really helps people in unhealthy lifestyle situations. AHS allows people to talk about their issues anonymously, this can be benefitting as they could agree with someone that they do not know to do something about their life separately but together in terms of doing it alone, I believe that it is nice to know and talk to someone who is in the same situation as you to motivate and dedicate you.

The message

My advert has a very simple message which is to basically change your life for a better you, in terms of health and even appearance. I will promote, exercise, (even if it is minimal) healthy eating and keeping it up for healthy living.

Form of advert

I really want my advert to be genre based, realism and documentary. I would love to be able to have my advert documentary style where someone is talking to the camera by answering questions and talking about his/her life; therefore, I will need to get someone who is in an unhealthy situation and agrees to do so in order for them to share their simple everyday struggles, how it effects them, why people should take care of themselves and nourish the body…don’t abuse. I believe that it will have a powerful message as it will be an ordinary person who used to be healthy but has took a turn for the worst.

Story or narrative

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Charla Dilan

As I have already explained, I would like to have a documentary based advert to show the realistic side of life in that position; therefore, I will not have a specific beginning, middle and end. I would possibly like for another person, or even the same person to show how they have changed their life around for the better.

Distributing my advert

As my advert will not appeal to or concern children, I will be airing it from 5pm-11pm. I realise and understand that adolescents may not be watching television with their parents at this time, but it is very likely that they will be watching alone possibly in their room. With all that said, I want my advert to be shown on E4, ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5 as these are mature channels.


ASA is the Advertising Standards Authority and they make sure advertisements follow codes in order for my advert to be acceptable and shown on the channels and times I would like. ASA cover five main things: awareness, proactive, understanding, support and impact. Therefore, nothing is overlooked and every small problem will be addressed and improved in order for the advert to be eligible for certain times and channels. Refreshingly, the constantly check for the changes in the advertisements that need to made, meaning that it will not be forgotten about.