Action Verbs

Action verbs

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Page 1: Action verbs

Action Verbs

Page 2: Action verbs

Explode! Scream! Sneeze! Type! Kick! What are these words doing?

◦ They are expressing action, something that a person, animal, force of nature, or thing can do. As a result, these words are called action verbs.

◦ Example:◦ In the library and at church, Michele giggles inappropriately.◦ Giggling is something that Michele can do.

*They can be used in the progressive tenses!!!

Page 3: Action verbs

©1997 - 2012 by Robin L. Simmons All Rights Reserved.

Page 4: Action verbs

Some verbs cannot be used in the progressive tenses. They are called non-action verbs.

Non-action verbs indicate state, sense, desire, possession, or opinion.

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The most common non-action verbs:

be* seem Appear* (existence)

Look* Taste* Sound* Feel* Smell* (senses)

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Like PreferWant Love* (desire)

Have* OwnPossess (possession)

Think* BelieveConsider* (opinion)

*Verbs with an * have both action and non action meanings.

Page 7: Action verbs

Note the usage in the following sentences:◦ Mr. Smith is seeming like a nice guy (Wrong!)◦ Mr. Smith seems like a nice guy. (Correct)

◦ This salad is tasting delicious (Wrong!)◦ This salad tastes delicious (Correct)

◦ I am liking banana cream pie. (Wrong!)◦ I like banana cream pie. (Correct)

Page 8: Action verbs

The situation determines situation determines whether the action action or non-action formor non-action form of the verb is used.

◦ Those flowers look beautiful (Non-action)◦ Flora is looking out of the window (Action)◦ I think that’s a great idea (Non-action)◦ I am thinking about my upcoming speech (Action)◦ We have a brand new car (Non-action)◦ We are having a party this weekend (Action)◦ Craig is a real estate agent. (Non-action)◦ Billy is being naughty today (Action)

(From eslgold.com)