About Mule Transformers Prudhvi

About mule transformers

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About Mule Transformers

Page 2: About mule transformers


A Mule transformer has simple behavior. It strictly enforces the types of data it receives and outputs. This can be relaxed by configuration: in that case, a transformer won’t report an exception for bad input, but will return the original message unchanged, without enforcing the expected result type (return class) .

A transformer can alter a message in different ways:

Payload type transformation —The data type of the message payload is transformed from one form to another. For example, a java.util.Mapis transformed into a javax.jms.MapMessage.

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Payload format transformation —The data format of the message payload is transformed from one form to another. For example, a DocBook XML instance is transformed into an XSL-FO instance.

Properties transformation —The properties of the message are modified, whether by adding new properties or by removing, renaming, or changing the values of existing properties. For example, a message needs a particular property to be set before being sent to a JMS destination.

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Mule is extremely rich in terms of available transformers: each Mule library you’ll use in your project can potentially contain transformers:

The Mule core contains a wealth of general-purpose transformers.

Modules can also contain transformers. Transports may provide transformers as well.

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A transformer element supports two common configuration attributes, in addition to its name:

ignoreBadInput—This instructs the transformer to perform no action and return the message unchanged in case its type isn’t supported.

returnClass—This attribute allows you to configure the fully qualified name of the type of class that the transformer is expected to return. This is useful if you want to strictly enforce a stricter type than the transformer’s default (for example, a transformer might target java.lang.Object whereas you want it to produce only java.util.Mapobjects)

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