A2 Music Video Project ‘Take Me To The Hospital’ By Alex Roberts

A2 music video project treatment

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A2 Music Video Project ‘Take

Me To The Hospital’

By Alex Roberts

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Your Age:…………

1. In a music video what kind of genre would you prefer?

2. Would you prefer to see the band performing or would you prefer to see the video as a narrative.

3. Would you prefer to see a violent video or a video with no violence?

4. Would you like to see the use of props in the video?

5. What attracts you to a music video?

6. What do you think makes a music video interesting?

7. What age group do you think would be attracted to a violent music video?

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CD Cover Analysis

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CD Cover Analysis

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CD Cover Analysis

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CD Cover Analysis

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Video Analysis

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Ok Go Video Analysis

This video is set as a Performance video which features the band. This video is book ended with the shot of them sitting on the sofa as shown below. This could represent the band and what they do in their life with the band, it could show that they don’t really do much when they aren’t making music or performing.

Start Finish

This video is conceptual in the way that when the lyrics say something a picture then pops up showing the audience what the lyrics are saying, for example, in the second verse it says “slipping change from the till” and whilst that was being said by the lead singer a picture, (shown to the left) of an old fashioned till popped up.

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The idea behind having all of these pictures pop up is mainly to portray the humour of the band and maintain quite a comical effect throughout the video. This is very important because it keeps the audience interested and it would make them want keep watching.This is also a very random video, this is because some pictures that pop up don’t really go with what the lyrics are saying. This is also shown by the fact that before the bridge of the song there is a short clip of the band mates playing a game of ping pong. This shows the comic side of the band very well and also helps to bring an anti-climax ready for the climax of the song.

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In the video ‘D.O.A’ by the Foo Fighters there are quite a lot of connotations. For example at the beginning the train that goes past would be representing life as it goes on its journey. The train and everything on the train is in black and white, this might be representing the fact that life can be very boring at times.

As the world is spinning in video this could be showing how as time goes on the world is gradually spinning out of control and no one can do anything about it. The lyrics also show that everyone dies eventually they show this by saying, “it’s a shame we have to die my dear, no one’s getting out of here alive”.

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As the song progresses it gradually gets faster and more up tempo, this is shown in the video as the camera shots get faster and as the spinning gets faster. In the video the band are surrounded with coloured lights this might show that they know how to live life and they are living it to the full whereas the other people are not living life as much as them.

In the video there is a lot of overview shots to show what is going on in a certain part of the video. These are very effective because they show what is going on. There is also a lot of close up shots of each band member.

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DIGI Pack Production Process

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Research on DIGI Pack

A DIGI Pack is basically the case for a CD. A DIGI Pack had got to be eye catching and must relate to the band and their music.

A DIGI Pack can be made out of various materials such as Card or thick glossy paper. DIGI Packs can range between having either four, six, eight or ten different panels when it is opened up.

In order for us to create a decent DIGI Pack we needed to d some original research. The main things we had to research for our DIGI Pack are as follows:

• Font Styles• Logos• Layout

• Images that we could use

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A Typical DIGI Pack Layout

A typical DIGI Pack layout would normally use the four panel style shown below.

This is the amount of panels that we have chosen to go for. In order to make sure we get the most out of creating out DIGI Pack we have decided to use a template like the one shown below.

To create our finished product we are going to use a software called Microsoft Digital Imaging Suit 2006 to format our pictures and put them onto our template.

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DIGI Pack Analysis

Most band opt for a four panel DIGI Pack. This of course is not the only type of DIGI Pack that they can use, for example, shown below are plenty of different types of DIGI Packs:

This is a six panel DIGI Pack as chosen by the band Nine Inch Nails.

This is an eight panel DIGI Pack which is not as commonly used as a four panel or a six panel. This is a very rare ten

panel DIGI Pack. One of the main reasons that these are use is because as you open then the images often tell a story, much like A Day To Remembers CD “What Separates Me From You”.

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ept We have chosen the song

‘Take Me To The Hospital’ by The Prodigy. Our aim is to produce a music video for this song and design a CD Cover plus a magazine advertisement.

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Narrative This song gives the audience a sense of violence and fear. We then thought that in order to rein act a fight this song would be the song to create it with. We thought that this song would be perfect for the image of ‘working class teen life’ we are trying to create in the video.

At the beginning we will focus in on some friends sitting around a table socializing, having fun with a couple of beers. This will set the scene for the rest of the video. After this we will cut how an argument starts and then how it rapidly escalades into an out of control fight.

We then cut to one of the friends being hit over the head with a source pan and then he will be knocked out and will then be in his weird dream.

Eventually as he goes through his dream it gets even more weird and it will then end up with ‘passing out’ in the dream to then wake up back in reality.

Key moments in the Video:

• One friend gets violently injured

• He passes out and goes into a dreamy state

• Wakes up as if everything is normal

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The main idea for our video is to show the audience what events happen in the life of today’s youth. The main locations that we have chosen are a friends kitchen which we though was good for our opening scenes and my house which we also thought would be good for the dream scenes.

These are good locations to film our video because of the odd surroundings and because it is always going to be in either mine or my friends house this also means their will be less risk of injury.

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The whole video will be in colour with some special effects to show the difference between reality and the dream. We chose to film our video in natural light to give the audience a sense of realism. Realism is important in our video as it would give the audience an idea of how a fight would escalate to quickly and then the outcome would not be a good one.

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Our target audience for this music video is going to be around 16 – mid 20’s.

The main reason we have chosen this age group is because the song is up beat and up beat music mainly appeals to this kind of age group.