A2 media portfolio evaluation 3

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I gathered my audience research by carrying out focus group screenings of the music video, magazine advert and digipak. This was useful as it gave me the opportunity to see how my target audience reacted to my productions,

and how they thought I could improve.


This feedback was useful as it confirmed that using visual

relationships to the lyrics was effective in keeping the audience entertained, for example popping

balloons for ‘bang’. This convention of our music video proved to be very

popular in a lot of the audience feedback. From this feedback I also

found that the chosen mis-en-scene in my music video was popular and well

liked by the audience. Comments were made on the lighting used as the

pinks and purples stereotypically related well to the target audience of females. The audience feedback also

commented on the inclusion f the ‘male gaze’ by focusing appropriately

on the females appearance in he video, which is good as it shows we

have attracted a wider audience than originally intended.


The audience feedback provided constructive criticism on how we could have improved our music video. One thing the audience did not like was the repetitiveness of some of the

shots used. At the time we thought this would be effective, however the audience did not like it and could have made our video less

exciting to watch, therefore we could improve by getting a wider range of shots to

use. In relation to the point, the audience feedback also stated that we could have included more close ups of the artists to

focus more on what they were singing, and the artists themselves, rather than long shots that emphasise their bodies or location. The

majority of my audience feedback did say however, that they looked the use of props

and glamorous clothing, as it made the video look a lot more professional and high budget,

which is what we were aiming for.


After looking at more of my audience feedback, I could have improved the

video by using a tripod for the panning of the camera. This would have made

the video a lot more professional looking, so this part of the feedback has been very useful. The audience also commented on the fact that the fan in the studio shouldn’t have been

in the shot. We knew this when filming and editing, however it was hard to

crop out a part of the shot. The audience however, did like the use of

the spotlight lighting in the club shots, and the way that the video followed conventions of the pop genre well.

This feedback has been useful as it has informed me on how I could have

improved my video, and how much the audience actually were entertained.


This audience feedback reinforced the fact that my target audience was females. This female liked the fact that the advert was primarily pink colours, and said that this attracted her to the advert. Another

thing my audience liked was the typography used for the title of the album being advertised. It made the advert look ‘high budget’ which Is good to attract

more people to buying the album. Finally, the audience also liked the fact that the artists names

were underneath their image. This was so they would be recognised by the audience, and this

feedback has reinforced that idea.


This audience feedback was helpful as it reinforces my ideas I had to attract the right target audience. The audience liked the fact that we used the bubble gum, as it was an original idea that they hadn’t seen before, therefore masking the digipak more memorable. The audience also liked the way the image and

text had a visual relationship in that the image looked as though it was making a bang, and the text said bang. This was my intention, and the feedback has

supported this.