A-Z PROJECT RESEARCH BOOK by Vladislav Loveyko

A-Z Project, Vladislav Loveyko

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as part of the A-Z Project.FdA Design for Graphic Communication, Yr 2London College of CommunicationUniversity of the Arts LondonLondon, 2011

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Page 1: A-Z Project, Vladislav Loveyko


by Vladislav Loveyko

Page 2: A-Z Project, Vladislav Loveyko


Deconstruction......................1-6 Cymatics..............................7-11Punctuation.......................12-15Onomatopeia.....................16-18Meme................................19-20


According to our brief:“The ultimate aim is for you to have produced a portfolio of work that will help you progress, either into employment in the area of the design industry you are interested in or onto further study by clearly showing your skills, personal interests and highlighting your ambitions within communication design..”

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At the beggining, I looked for natural ways of deconstruction, and started creating visuals by melting, free falling, dissolution and overlaying materials.


On the first stages I took wax crayons and tried to melt them in a different ways, then started to mix media - wax, ink, acrylic, water.

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For the next step pins were used as the basic for typefaces which I was disassembling step by step to see how readable they are after the separation.

I decided to think about deconsruction in the way of the process opposite in the meaning to ‘construction’, something which consists of smaller parts which can be separated from the main object.


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Then I thought that it would be interesting to show a visual dif-ference between identical items after they being deconstructed in a variety of ways. Does it af-fect form or functionality of the object?So, throw the series of expire-ments with A5 blank sheet of paper I got a collection of textures.

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During the combustion of paper I have tried different materials, to have possibility to compare the different nature of the dam-age. I tried to melt a little some black and white film - then the image was enlightened through the film and the uneven soot area gave an interesting picture lighting, the main thing was time to shot. And you should be really carefull if you want to repeat this at home, because film burns really fast and unpre-dictabby moves!

The idea of cutting can have many possible variations.

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As the result from the previous steps I got a lot of samples of cutted paper, so I put them on the lighbox and started playing around with the shapes and forms.

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For the final pieces I chose 3 images which represents the deconstruction of the sheet of paper. I like the fact that it looks like 3D object which is frozen in the space, and the plastic of the paper shows dynamic and energy when it’s actually static.

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Cymatics - the study of visible sound and vibration. Visualisation of the sound. Sound it’s vibrations that travel through the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a person’s ear.After the research I under-stood that usually most of the cymatics experiments are ‘dry’ based, so I went for water. Firstly, my idea was to melt wax to the water and I expect that vibrations will create diffrenet visuals. It works from time to time, but I wanted something more clear.

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So, first of all I changed wax to ink and moved to the biggest possible place - my sink. Than I thought about the underwater, put the torch down and started observing how ink feels itself inside the water.

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0.30 sec



For the final format I chose moving image because I decided to use the dynamic’s vibration for oscillations of the water surface, because it wasn’t strong enough to convey the wave through the entire water. Depending on the song rhythm - pattern obtained different images. The screenshots show us 3 visuals of the song each 10 seconds and gives the possibility to see and com-pare changes in dynamics.My biggest problem was technical equipment, be-cause for proper vibration I need massive subwoofer.

0.40 sec

0.50 sec

0.40 sec

Movie #1



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0.30 sec



0.40 sec

0.50 sec

Also, for futher develop-ment of the idea, I want to use a round fishtank and record the metamorposis in the dark, to avoid reflec-tions on the glass and water.It will help to create the feeling of depth during the changes of the recording angle.

Movie #2



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So, I can say that result clearly illustrates the development of the song.

1.05 sec

0.45 sec

0.55 sec

Movie #3




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“To be, or not to be, that is the question:Whether ‘tis Nobler in the mind to sufferThe Slings and Arrows of outrageous Fortune,Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles,And by opposing end them: to die, to sleepNo more; and by a sleep, to say we endThe heart-ache, and the thousand Natural shocksThat Flesh is heir to? ‘Tis a consummationDevoutly to be wished. To die to sleep..”

At first look punctuation seems kind of obvious thing - it helps to organise speech in writing, using different signs like com-mas and full-stops. It turns out that punctuation also helps to express the tone and correctly place a pause when reading aloud, which is extremely important not just for actors in plays, but in everyday communication as well. As an example, I decided to take few lines from one of the most fa-mous works - Hamlet.





Then I recited and recorded the first 9 lines, tried to gain entry to expand the maxi-mum number of parametersA - Voice B - Voice and pausesC - Pauses and loudnessD - Voice and punctuationE - PausesF - Punctuation line


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After the combination of the punctuation marks together I got a line, then print it on acetate paper (that gave the opportunity to play around with the geometry)Repetition of the image step-by-step with diffirent angles of the lines creates interesting geometrical patterns.

But then the decision was made to come back for actual recordings and make more initial research.


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Returning to the records, I thought again about the rela-tionship between words and pauses, as in fact periods and commas is a pause of vary-ing duration, which allow us to construct the overall rhythmic structure of the sentence.

To show the difference between words and pauses, I decided to use well-known idiom - “The silence is golden” to illustrate it.I took gold and silver paint spray and paint them using a brush.

I decided to go for laser-cut, to keep small details which visu-ally emphasize the rhythm and better illustrating voice changes during the speech.

The cut-out from laser cut can be used as the stencil for ‘intel-lectual’ graffiti.


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This can be used as inspira-tion for a line of jewellry.That depends from what you want - necklace with a quote from Hamlet, or a bracelet with your favorite song?


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Onomatopoeia is the word using to describe words that look like the sound they are describing.“Boom” is an example of onomatopoeia because it spells exactly in the same way as it sounds. This sound comes with any kind of explosion you see.

But I founded that in dif-ferent languages ono-matopoeia words with one meaning represented by words which are spelled and written diffirently.

For examples I chose sounds of baby crying, laughing and explosion.


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I created a book made of acetate paper, where each layer represents word with meaning “boom” in particular language.The thick transparent plastic background allows you to keep book more comfortable in hands while looking through the light. While turning the pages layers of the image are shifted from right to left one by one.


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The effect of the image ‘building’ was really nice, so I thought that it will be intresting to show the step-by-step construction faster and created an animatiion, where you can see it clearly. There is an overview of the few random screenshots from the beggining till the end of the movie.

On fast speed playing similar-ity of the image’s texture with block and brick increases. The soundtrack is designed to reinforce the impression and entertain the audience.



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Meme - that means the defini-tion for the ideas, symbols, words which are transmitting from one to another person by any possible way.

So, I started to think about the things which are traveling be-tween people. Viruses, gossips, news, money..


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:$:$ :$:$:$

:€:€ :€:€:€




Baskerville Comic Sans MS Futura Garamond Helvetica TimesNewRoman Arial

:¥:¥ :¥:¥:¥ :¥:¥

:£:£ :£:£:£

:$:$ :$:$:$

:€:€ :€:€:€




Baskerville Comic Sans MS Futura Garamond Helvetica TimesNewRoman Arial

:¥:¥ :¥:¥:¥ :¥:¥

:£:£ :£:£:£

:$:$ :$:$:$

:€:€ :€:€:€




Baskerville Comic Sans MS Futura Garamond Helvetica TimesNewRoman Arial

:¥:¥ :¥:¥:¥ :¥:¥

:£:£ :£:£:£

:$:$ :$:$:$

:€:€ :€:€:€




Baskerville Comic Sans MS Futura Garamond Helvetica TimesNewRoman Arial

:¥:¥ :¥:¥:¥ :¥:¥

I tried to create a physical copy of the coins I have, but then de-cided to go opposite way and think about money as a symbol and look deeper to the meaning of the word as well.

I thought about the kind of connections between people, different relations and networks, which are exist in our society.

I stopped at ‘money’ point and asked a quiestion - Do we know where were our money? For what kind of reason they were spent, where and by whom? I thought about the money as a particular coin or note.

Network - Transmittion - Money

When I got all this keyword together, I came up with the idea of ‘currency signs’-based smiles.

Do they have any emotion? Or maybe they reflects cultural background of the countries they are belong to?


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:£:£ :£:£:£

:$:$ :$:$:$

:€:€ :€:€:€




Baskerville Comic Sans MS Futura Garamond Helvetica TimesNewRoman Arial

:¥:¥ :¥:¥:¥ :¥:¥

So, for the next step I thought about that the same currency sign should be diffirent in various typefaces. And as the idea of the smile itself is the expression of the emotions. But does it changes it’s emotion?

At the last stage of the develop-ment I came up with the long-term project which is based on the people response. The idea is to mark all the possible banknotes I have with the short message ‘Response [email protected]’.I hope that it may intrigue peo-ple and provoke at least e-mail back. Then I will ask person a four simple quiestions, like sex, age, location and occupation. Also I’m recording number of the note.To make the process quicker I think about to design a rubber stamp with my message during the Christmas holidays.

Also, according to the “small world” theory, you should be just six handshakes away from any person on the planet, so, in borders of ‘pound area’ it will be easier to see the relation between the people.


After the data will be collected it will be possible to visualise it throw infographics.

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A-Z Research Book

FdA Design for Graphic CommunicationLondon College of Communication

by Vladislav Loveyko

London 2011