Prof. Erwin M. Globio, MSIT Page 1 of 66 WORKTEXT for ITEC223 Advance Programming (With Laboratory Exercises on every chapter) By PROF. ERWIN M. GLOBIO, MSIT

A tutorial on C++ Programming

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Page 1: A tutorial on C++ Programming

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 1 of 66



Advance Programming

(With Laboratory Exercises on every




Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 2 of 66

Chapter 1

Introduction to C programming language

C is a general-purpose high-level programming language with features of economy of expression modern flow control amp data structures and a rich set of operators It is not

specialized to any particular area of application the absence of restrictions and its generality make it more convenient and effective for many tasks than any other powerful

languages It is not tied to any particular hardware or system and therefore it is easy to write programs that will run without change on any machine that supports C It is often

called a middle-level computer language because it combines the best elements of high-

level languages with the control and flexibility of assembly language

Structure of programming in C Lets start learning by writing a simple program

Every C program starts execution form a user defined function called main() This

function must be present in every C program Program can have only one main function

This is a simple C++ program Call this file Samplecpp

include ltiostreamgt include ltconiohgt

using namespace std

A C++ program begins at main()

int main()

cout ltlt C++ is power programming


return 0

Before beginning letlsquos review two terms source code and object code Source code is the human readable form of the program It is stored in a text file Object code is the

executable form of the program created by the compiler

When run the program displays the following output

C++ is power programming

Although Samplecpp is quite short it includes several key features that are common

to all C++ programs Letlsquos closely examine each part of the program The program begins with the lines

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 3 of 66

This is a simple C++ program

Call this file Samplecpp

This is a comment Like most other programming languages C++ lets you enter a

remark into a programlsquos source code The contents of a comment are ignored by the compiler The purpose of a comment is to describe or explain the operation of a program to

anyone reading its source code In the case of this comment it identifies the program In more complex programs you will use comments to help explain what each feature of the

program is for and how it goes about doing its work

In the case of this comment it identifies the program In more complex programs

you will use comments to help explain what each feature of the program is for and how it goes about doing its work In other words you can use comments to provide a ―play-by-

play description of what your program does

The next line in the program is

using namespace std

This tells the compiler to use the std namespace namespaces are a relatively recent

addition to C++ A namespace creates a declarative region in which various program elements can be placed Elements declared in one namespace are separate from elements

declared in another Namespaces help in the organization of large programs The using statement informs the compiler that you want to use the std namespace This is the

namespace in which the entire Standard C++ library is declared By using the std namespace you simplify access to the standard library

The next line as the preceding comment indicates is where program execution begins

int main()

All C++ programs are composed of one or more functions As explained earlier a function is a subroutine Every C++ function must have a name and the only function that

any C++ program must include is the one shown here called main() The main() function is where program execution begins and (most commonly) ends (Technically speaking a C++

program begins with a call to main() and in most cases ends when main() returns) The

opening curly brace on the line that follows main() marks the start of the main() function code

The next line in the program is

cout ltlt C++ is power programming

This is a console output statement It causes the message C++ is power

programming to be displayed on the screen It accomplishes this by using the output

operator ltlt The ltlt operator causes whatever expression is on its right side to be output to the device specified on its left side cout is a predefined identifier that stands for console

output and generally refers to the computerlsquos screen Thus this statement causes the message to be output to the screen Notice that this statement ends with a semicolon In

fact all C++ statements end with a semicolon

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The message ―C++ is power programming is a string In C++ a string is a

sequence of characters enclosed between double quotes Strings are used frequently in C++

The next line in the program is

return 0

This line terminates main() and causes it to return the value 0 to the calling process

(which is typically the operating system) For most operating systems a return value of 0

signifies that the program is terminating normally Other values indicate that the program is terminating because of some error return is one of C++lsquos keywords and it is used to

return a value from a function All of your programs should return 0 when they terminate normally (that is without error)

Control Statements

Inside a function execution proceeds from one statement to the next top to bottom It is possible however to alter this flow through the use of the various program control

statements supported by C++

The if Statement

if(condition) statement

where condition is an expression that is evaluated to be either true or false In C++ true is

nonzero and false is zero If the condition is true then the statement will execute If it is false then the statement will not execute For example the following fragment displays the

phrase 10 is less than 11 on the screen because 10 is less than 11

if(10 lt 11)

cout ltlt 10 is less than 11

However consider the following

if(10 gt 11)

cout ltlt this does not display

In this case 10 is not greater than 11 so the cout statement is not executed Of course the operands inside an if statement need not be constants They can also be

variables C++ defines a full complement of relational operators that can be used in a conditional expression They are shown here

Operator Meaning

lt Less than

lt= Less than equal to

gt Greater than

gt= Greater that equal to

== Equal to

= Not equal to

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Notice that the test for equality is the double equal sign Here is a program that

illustrates the if statement

include ltiostreamgt

include ltconiohgt using namespace std

int main()

int a b c

a = 2 b = 3

if (a lt b)

cout ltlt a is less than bn An if statement

this wont display anything

if (a == b)

cout ltlt you wont see thisn cout ltltn

c = b - a c now contains 1

cout ltlt c contains 1n

if (cgt= 0) cout ltlt c is non-negative n

if (c lt 0) cout ltlt c is negative n

getch() return 0

The output generated by this program is shown here

a is less than b

c contains -1 c is negative

c contains 1

c is non-negative

The complete form of the if the statement is


statement else


where the targets of the if and else are single statements The else clause is optional The targets of both the if and else can also be blocks of statement The general forms of the if

using blocks of statements is

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statement sequence


statement sequence

If the conditional expression is true the target of the if will be executed otherwise

the target of the else if it exists will be executed At no time will both be executed The

conditional expression controlling the if may be any type of valid C++ expression that produces a true or false result

The following demonstrates the if by playing a simple version of the ―guess the

magic number game The program generates a random numbers prompts for your guess and prints the message Right if you guess the magic number This program also

introduces another C++ library function called rand( ) which returns a randomly selected integer value It requires the ltstdlibgt header

include ltiostreamgt include ltconiohgt

using namespace std


int magic guess

magic = rand()

cout ltlt Enter your guess cin gtgt guess

if (guess == magic) cout ltlt Right


return 0

This program uses the iflsquo statement to determine whether the userlsquos guess matches the magic number If it does the message is printed on the screen

Modular Programming

As programs grow in size it becomes important to break them into separate parts (modules) that communicate with rest of the program through a few well defined interfaces

If we decompose the program into modules well is we can code each module

independently Also if change happens we can localize changes to a particular module without impacting the rest of the programs

For example as is their habit a LCD which we had used in a product went obsolete

We had a written the hardware abstraction layer for the LCD as a separate module We

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substituted a different LCD and modified the LCD hardware abstraction module while not

impacting rest of the program

How to achieve a modular programming in C

C provides two keywords static and extern that facilitate this Disciplined coding

practice also aids modularization

The key is to have a header file for each module This header file contains

a comment section about the module definition of all constants publicly exposed by the module

definition of all structures publicly exposed by the module all publicly exposed variables defined with extern

all publicly exposed functions defined with extern

In the header file you should only put definitions of constants structures variables and functions that you want to expose

As a coding practice prefix all constant structure variable and function definitions with

the name of the module This makes it easy to identify the source of definition in a larger program with many modules

The implementation file(s) contains the actual definition of variables and

implementations of the functions defined in the header file

The implementation file also contains definitions of those variables structures and constants that are used only in the implementation file It also contains definitions and

implementations of helper functions These should be declared as static to prevent access from outside I all find it a good programming practice to prefix all internal names with _


Header file for a module named node nodeh

Interface for node module

node_var1 is a variable used inside the module node_do_something() is a function in the module

extern int node_var1

extern int node_do_something(void)

Implementation file for module named node nodec

include nodeh

int node_var1

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static int _node_var2

static void _node_helper_function(void)

int node_do_something(void)

node_var1 = 2

_node_var2 =35


The main file which uses module node

include nodeh

int main(int argc char argv[])



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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 1 COURSE TOPIC Review of Introduction to C Programming language I Objectives

To learn and understand the basic syntax and script delimeters of C

To understand and use CC++ variables and operators II Part I Basic Syntax of C++

1 Where does the C++ program begin execution __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 What is cout __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 What does include ltiostreamgt do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 What does the if statement do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 How is block of code created What does it do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 What is a namespace __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that averages the absolute value of five values entered by the user Display the result

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Chapter 2 amp 3

String Handling Functions

The string handling functions in the standard C++ libraries incorporated from the

standard C libraries do not have a single header file for a source When declaring a

character array that will hold a null-terminated string you need to declare it one character

longer than the largest string that it will hold For example if you want to declare an array

str that could hold a 10-character string

char str[11]

Specifying the size as 11 makes room for the null at the end of the string A string

constant is a list of characters enclosed in double quotes Here are some examples

―hello there ―I like C++ ―Mars ―

It is not necessary to manually add the null terminator onto the end of string

constants the C++ compiler does this for you automatically Therefore the string ―Mars

will appear in memory like this

M a r s 0

The last string shown is This is called a null string It contains only the null

terminator and no other characters Null strings are useful because they represent the

empty string

The easiest way to read a string entered from the keyboard is to use a char array in

a cin statement For example the following program reads a string entered by the user

using cin to read a string from the keyboard

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[80]

cout ltlt ―Enter a string ―

cin gtgt str read a string from keyboard lt-- read a string using cin

cout ltlt ―Here is your string ―

cout ltlt str

return 0

Here is a sample run

Enter a string testing

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Here is your string testing

Although this program is technically correct it will not always work the way you

expect To see why run the program and try entering the string ―This is a test Here is

what you will see

Enter a string This is a test

Here is your string This

When the program redisplays your string it shows only the word ―This not the

entire sentence The reason for this is that the C++ IO system stops reading a string when

the first whitespace character is encountered Whitespace characters include spaces tabs

and newlines

One way to solve the whitespace problem is to use another of C++lsquos library

functions gets( ) The general form of a call to gets( ) is


To read a string call gets( ) with the name of the array without any index as its

argument Upon return from gets( ) the array will hold the string input from the keyboard

The gets( ) function will continue to read characters including whitespace until you enter a

carriage return The header used by gets( ) is ltcstdiogt

This version of the preceding program uses gets( ) to allow the entry of strings

containing spaces

Using gets() to read a string from the keyboard

include ltiostreamgt

include ltcstdiogt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[80]

cout ltlt ―Enter a string ―

gets(str) read a string using gets() Read a string using gets()

cout ltlt ―Here is your string

cout ltlt str

return 0

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Notice that in a cout statement str can be used directly In general the name of a

character array that holds a string can be used any place that a string constant can be used

Keep in mind that neither cin nor gets( ) performs any bounds checking on the array

that receives input Therefore if the user enters a string longer than the size of the array

the array will be overwritten

Some string Library Functions

C++ supports a wide range of string manipulation functions The most common are





The string functions all use the same header ltstringgt Letlsquos take a look at these

functions now


A call to strcpy( ) takes this general form

strcpy(to from)

The strcpy( ) function copies the contents of the string from into to Remember the

array that forms to must be large enough to hold the string contained in from If it isnlsquot the

to array will be overrun which will probably crash your program


A call to strcat( ) takes this form strcat(s1 s2) The strcat( ) function appends s2 to

the end of s1 s2 is unchanged You must ensure that s1 is large enough to hold its original

contents and those of s2


A call to strcmp( ) takes this general form

strcmp(s1 s2)

The strcmp( ) function compares two strings and returns 0 if they are equal If s1 is

greater than s2 lexicographically (that is according to dictionary order) then a positive

number is returned if it is less than s2 a negative number is returned

The key to using strcmp( ) is to remember that it returns false when the strings


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Therefore you will need to use the operator if you want something to occur when

the strings are equal For example the condition controlling the following if statement is

true when str is equal to ―C++

if(strcmp(str C++)

cout ltlt str is C++


The general form of a call to strlen( ) is


Example using strlen

include ltstringhgt

include ltiostreamgt

include ltconiohgt

using namespace std

int main()

char aString1[11] = abcdefghij

aString2[11] = tooShort


unsigned int len1 len2 len3

cout ltlt endl ltlt endl

cout ltlt Please supply a third string

cingetline(aString3 11) n delimiter assumed

len1 = strlen(aString1)

len2 = strlen(aString2)

len3 = strlen(aString3)

cout ltlt endl ltlt String 1 ltlt aString1 ltlt length =

ltlt len1 ltlt endl ltlt String 2 ltlt aString2

ltlt length = ltlt len2 ltlt endl ltlt String 3

ltlt aString3 ltlt length = ltlt len3

cout ltlt endl ltlt endl


return 0

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where s is a string The strlen( ) function returns the length of the string pointed to by s

A String Function Example

The following program illustrates the use of all four string functions

Demonstrate the string functions

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstringhgt

include ltwindowshgt

include ltconiohgt

using namespace std

int main()

char s1[80]s2[80]

strcpy(s1 C++)

strcpy(s2 is power programming)

cout ltlt lengths ltlt strlen(s1)

cout ltlt ltlt strlen(s2) ltlt n

if(strcmp(s1 s2))

cout ltlt The strings are equaln

else cout ltlt not equaln

strcat(s1 s2)

cout ltlt s1 ltlt n

strcpy(s2 s1)

cout ltlt s1 ltlt and ltlt s2 ltlt n

if(strcmp(s1 s2))

cout ltlt s1 and s2 are now the samen


return 0

Here is the output

lengths 3 22

not equal

C++ is power programming

C++ is power programming and C++ is power programming

s1 and s2 are now the same

Using the Null Terminator

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The fact that strings are null-terminated can often be used to simplify various

operations For example the following program converts a string to uppercase

Convert a string to uppercase

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

include ltconiohgt

include ltctypehgt

include ltwindowshgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[80]

int i

strcpy (str this is a test)

for (i=0 str[1] i++)

str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt str


return 0

The output from this program is shown here


This program uses the library function toupper() which returns the uppercase

equivalent of its character argument to convert each character in the string The upper()

function uses the header ltctypehgt

Notice that the test condition of the for loop is simply the array indexed by the

condition variable The reason this works is that a true value is any non-zero value

Remember all character values are non-zero but the null terminating the string is zero

Because the null terminator marks the end of the string the loop stops precisely where it is

supposed to

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Table 1 Character functions in ltctypehgt

Function Function Signature


isalnum() int isalnum(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is alphabetic or numeric

isalpha() int isalpha(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is alphabetic

iscntrl() int iscntrl(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a control character

isdigit() int isdigit(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a digit 0 - 9

isgraph() int isgraph(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a non-blank but printing character

islower() int islower(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a lower case alphabetic character ie a - z

isprint() int isprint(intc) Returns a non-zero if c is printable non-blanks and white

space included

ispunct() int ispunct(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a printable character but not alpha numeric or blank

isspace() int isspace(int c) Returns a non-zero for blanks and these escape sequences

f n r t and v

isupper() int isupper(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is an upper-case alphabetic character

ie A - Z

isxdigit() int isxdigit(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a hexadecimal character 0 - 9 a - f or A - F

tolower() int tolower(int c) Returns the lower case version if c is an upper case character

otherwise returns c

toupper() int toupper(int c) Returns the upper case version if c is a lower case character otherwise returns c

Table 2 Some String Handling Functions in ltstringhgt

Functions Function Signature Description

strcat() char strcat(char s1

const char s2) Adds string s2 onto the end of s1 (conCATenation)

strchr() char strchr(const char

s int c)

Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of c in

string s Returns NULL if c is not found in s

strcmp() int strcmp(const char

s1 const char s2)

Compares s1 and s2 alphabetically Returns a negative zero or positive number depending on

whether s1 is before the same as or after s2 if you

were alphabetizing s1 and s2

strcpy() char strcpy(char s1

const char s2) Copies s2 into s1 and returns a point to s1

strlen() size_t strlen(const char s)

Returns the number of characters in the string s starting at s[0] and ending before the first NULL

strncat() char strncat(char s1

const char s2 size_t n)

Tacks on the first n characters of s2 onto s1 A

pointer to s1 is returned

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strncmp() int strncmp(const char s1 const char s2 size_t


Compares s1 with the first n characters of s2 Returns a negative zero or positive integer (just like


strncpy() char strncpy(char s1 const chars2 size_t n)

Copies the first n characters of s2 into the first n characters of s1

strrchr() char strrchr(const

chars int c)

Returns a pointer to the last occurence of c in string

s (Compare with strchr())

strstr() char strstr(const char

s1 const char s2)

Returns the address of the first occurence of string s2 that is also in string s1 Returns NULL if s2 is not

found in s1

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 2 COURSE TOPIC String and Handling Function I Objectives To know the String handling function used

Part II String Handling Functions 1 amp 2

1 What is a null-terminated string __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 To hold a string that is 18 characters long how must the character array be __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 Show how to initialize a four-element array of int to the values 123 and 4 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 How can this initialization be rewritten char str[6] = lsquoHrsquo lsquoersquo lsquolrsquo lsquolrsquo lsquoorsquo lsquoOrsquo)


5 Rewrite the following as an unsized array Int nums[4] = 44 55 66 77


Supplementary Programming (50 points) 1 Write a program that prompts the user for two strings and then compares the strings for equality

but ignores case differences Thus ldquookrdquo and ldquoOKrdquo will compare as equal

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 19 of 66

Chapter 4

Introduction to Pointers

A pointer is an object that contains a memory address Very often this address is the

location of another object such as a variable For example if x contains the address of y

then x is said to ―point to y

Pointer variables must be declared as such The general form of a pointer variable

declaration is

type var-name

Here type is the pointerlsquos base type The base type determines what type of data

the pointer will be pointing to var-name is the name of the pointer variable For example

to declare ip to be a pointer to an int use this declaration

int ip

Since the base type of ip is int it can be used to point to int values Here a float

pointer is declared

float fp

In this case the base type of fp is float which means that it can be used to point to

a float value

In general in a declaration statement preceding a variable name with an causes

that variable to become a pointer

The Pointer Operator

There are two special operators that are used with pointers and amp The amp is a

unary operator that returns the memory address of its operand

For example

ptr = amptotal

puts into ptr the memory address of the variable total This address is the location of

total in the computerlsquos internal memory It has nothing to do with the value of total The

operation of amp can be remembered as returning ―the address of the variable it precedes

Therefore the preceding assignment statement could be verbalized as ―ptr receives the

address of total To better understand this assignment assume that the variable total is

located at address 100 Then after the assignment takes place ptr has the value 100 The

second operator is and it is the complement of amp It is a unary operator that returns the

value of the variable located at the address specified by its operand Continuing with the

same example if ptr contains the memory address of the variable total then

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val = ptr

will place the value of total into val For example if total originally had the value

3200 then val will have the value 3200 because that is the value stored at location 100

the memory address that was assigned to ptr The operation of can be remembered as ―at

address In this case then the statement could be read as ―val receives the value at

address ptr

The following program executes the sequence of the operations just described

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int total

int ptr

int val

total = 3200 assign 3200 to total

ptr = amptotal get address of total

val = ptr get value at that address

cout ltlt Total is ltlt val ltlt n

return 0

It is unfortunate that the multiplication symbol and the ―at address symbol are the

same This fact sometimes confuses newcomers to the C++ language These operators

have no relationship to each other Keep in mind that both amp and have a higher

precedence than any of the arithmetic operators except the unary minus with which they

have equal precedence The act of using a pointer is often called indirection because you are

accessing one variable indirectly through another variable

The Base Type of a Pointer

In the preceding discussion you saw that it was possible to assign val the value of

total indirectly through a pointer At this point you may have thought of this important question How does C++ know how many bytes to copy into val from the address pointed

to by ptr Or more generally how does the compiler transfer the proper number of bytes for any assignment involving a pointer The answer is that the base type of the pointer

determines the type of data upon which the pointer operates In this case because ptr is an

int pointer four bytes of information are copied into val (assuming a 32-bit int) from the address pointed to by ptr However if ptr had been a double pointer for example then

eight bytes would have been copied

It is important to ensure that pointer variables always point to the correct type of data For example when you declare a pointer to be of type int the compiler assumes that

anything it points to will be an integer variable If it doesnlsquot point to an integer variable then trouble is usually not far behind For example the following fragment is incorrect

int p double f p = ampf ERROR

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This fragment is invalid because you cannot assign a double pointer to an integer pointer That is ampf generates a pointer to a double but p is a pointer to an int These two

types are not compatible (In fact the compiler would flag an error at this point and not compile your program) Although two pointers must have compatible types in order for one

to be assigned to another you can override this restriction (at your own risk) using a cast For example the following fragment is now technically correct

int p double f p = (int ) ampf Now technically OK

The cast to int causes the double pointer to be converted to an integer pointer However to use a cast for this purpose is questionable practice The reason is that the base

type of a pointer determines how the compiler treats the data it points to In this case even though p is actually pointing to a floating-point value the compiler still ―thinks that p is

pointing to an int (because p is an int pointer)

To better understand why using a cast to assign one type of pointer to another is not usually a good idea consider the following short program

This program will not work right include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

double xy int p

x = 12323 p = (int ) ampx use cast to assign double to int

y = p what will this do

cout ltlt y what will this print

return 0

Here is the output produced by the program (You might see a different value)


This value is clearly not 12323 Here is why In the program p (which is an integer

pointer) has been assigned the address of x (which is a double) Thus when y is assigned the value pointed to by p y receives only four bytes of data (and not the eight required for

a double value) because p is an integer pointer Therefore the cout statement displays not 12323 but a garbage value instead

Assigning value to pointers

You can use a pointer on the left-hand side of an assignment statement to assign a value to the location pointed to by the pointer Assuming that p is an int pointer this

assigns the value 101 to the location pointed to by p

p = 101

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You can verbalize this assignment like this ―At the location pointed to by p assign the value 101 To increment or decrement the value at the location pointed to by a pointer

you can use a statement like this


The parentheses are necessary because the operator has lower precedence than does the ++ operator

The following program demonstrates an assignment through a pointer

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int p num

p = ampnum

p = 100 assign num the value 100 through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)++ increment num through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)-- decrement num through p cout ltlt num ltlt nlsquo

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

100 101 100

Pointer Expressions

Pointers can be used in most C++ expressions However some special rules apply

Remember also that you may need to surround some parts of a pointer expression with parentheses in order to ensure that the outcome is what you desire

Pointer Arithmetic There are only four arithmetic operators that can be used on

pointers ++ ndash ndash + and ndash To understand what occurs in pointer arithmetic let p1 be an int pointer with a current value of 2000 (that is it contains the address 2000) Assuming

32-bit integers after the expression


The contents of p1 will be 2004 not 2001 The reason for this is that each time p1

is incremented it will point to the next int The same is true of decrements For example again assuming that p1 has the value 2000 the expression

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causes p1 to have the value 1996

Generalizing from the preceding example the following rules apply to pointer

arithmetic Each time that a pointer is incremented it will point to the memory location of the next element of its base type Each time it is decremented it will point to the location of

the previous element of its base type In the case of character pointers an increment or decrement will appear as ―normal arithmetic because characters are one byte long

However every other type of pointer will increase or decrease by the length of its base

type You are not limited to only increment and decrement operations You can also add or subtract integers to or from pointers The expression

p1 = p1 + 9

makes p1 point to the ninth element of p1lsquos base type beyond the one to which it is

currently pointing

Although you cannot add pointers you can subtract one pointer from another

(provided they are both of the same base type) The remainder will be the number of elements of the base type that separate the two pointers

Other than addition and subtraction of a pointer and an integer or the subtraction of

two pointers no other arithmetic operations can be performed on pointers For example you cannot add or subtract float or double values to or from pointers

To graphically see the effects of pointer arithmetic execute the next short program

It creates an int pointer (i) and a double pointer (f) It then adds the values 0 through 9 to

these pointers and displays the results Observe how each address changes relative to its base type each time the loop is repeated (For most 32-bit compilers i will increase by 4s

and f will increase by 8s) Notice that when using a pointer in a cout statement its address is automatically displayed in the addressing format applicable to the CPU and environment

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int I j[10]

double f g[10] int x

i = j

f = g

for (x=0 xlt10 x++)

cout ltlt i+x ltlt ltlt f+x ltlt nlsquo display the addresses produced by adding x

to each pointer

Here is a sample run (The precise values you see may differ from these)

0012FE5C 09012FE84

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 24 of 66

0012FE60 0012FE8C

0012FE64 0012FE94 0012FE68 0012FE9C

0012FE6C 0012FEA4 0012FE70 0012FEAC

0012FE74 0012FEB4 0012FE78 0012FEBC

0012FE7C 0012FEC4

0012FE80 0012FECC

Pointer Comparisons

Pointers may be compared using the relational operators such as == lt and gt In general for the outcome of a pointer comparison to be meaningful the two pointers must

have some relationship to each other For example both may point to elements within the same array There is however one other type of pointer comparison any pointer can be

compared to the null pointer which is zero

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I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers in C and its use

II Basic Information Scenario Answer the following using Pointers

1 What is a pointer


2 Show how to declare a long int pointer called valPtr __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 As they relate to pointers what do the and amp operators do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7 What are two pointer operators __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 5

Pointers and Arrays

In C++ there is a close relationship between pointers and arrays In fact frequently a pointer and an array are interchangeable Consider this fragment

char str[80] char p1

p1 = str

Here str is an array of 80 characters and p1 is a character pointer However it is the third line that is of interest In this line p1 is assigned the address of the first element in

the str array (That is after the assignment p1 will point to str[0]) Herelsquos why In C++ using the name of an array without an index generates a pointer to the first element in the

array Thus the assignment

p1 = str

assigns the address of str[0] to p1 This is a crucial point to understand When an


array name is used in an expression it yields a pointer to the first element in the array Since after the assignment p1 points to the beginning of str you can use p1 to


elements in the array For example if you want to access the fifth element in str you can use




Both statements obtain the fifth element Remember array indices start at zero so when str is indexed a 4 is used to access the fifth element A 4 is also added to the pointer

p1 to get the fifth element because p1 currently points to the first element of str

The parentheses surrounding p1+4 are necessary because the operation has a

higher priority than the + operation Without them the expression would first find the value pointed to by p1 (the first location in the array) and then add 4 to it In effect C++ allows

two methods of accessing array elements pointer arithmetic and array indexing This is important because pointer arithmetic can sometimes be faster than array indexingmdash

especially when you are accessing an array in strictly sequential order Since speed is often a consideration in programming the use of pointers to access array elements is very

common in C++ programs Also you can sometimes write tighter code by using pointers

instead of array indexing

Here is an example that demonstrates the difference between using array indexing and pointer arithmetic to access the elements of an array We will create two versions of a

program that reverse the case of letters within a string The first version uses array indexing The second uses pointer arithmetic The first version is shown here

Reverse case using array indexing

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include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = This Is A Test

cout ltlt Original string ltlt str ltlt n

for(i = 0 str[i] i++)

if(isupper(str[i])) str[i] = tolower(str[i]) else if(islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt Inverted-case string ltlt str

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

Original string This Is A Test Inverted-case string tHIS iS a tEST

Notice that the program uses the isupper( ) and islower( ) library functions to determine the case of a letter The isupper( ) function returns true when its argument is an

uppercase letter islower( ) returns true when its argument is a lowercase letter Inside the for loop str is indexed and the case of each letter is checked and changed The loop

iterates until the null terminating str is indexed Since a null is zero (false) the loop stops

Here is the same program rewritten to use pointer arithmetic

Reverse case using array indexing

include ltiostreamgt include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = ―This Is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

for i = 0 str[i] i++) if (iupper(str[i]))

else if (islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i]

cout ltlt ―Inverted-case string ― ltlt str return 0

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In this version p is set to the start of str Then inside the while loop the letter at p

is checked and changed and then p is incremented The loop stops when p points to the null terminator that ends str Because of the way some C++ compilers generate code these

two programs may not be equivalent in performance Generally it takes more machine instructions to index an array than it does to perform arithmetic on a pointer Consequently

in professionally written C++ code it is common to see the pointer version used more frequently However as a beginning C++ programmer feel free to use array indexing until

you are comfortable with pointers

Indexing a Pointer

As you have just seen it is possible to access an array using pointer arithmetic

What you might find surprising is that the reverse is also true In C++ it is possible to index a pointer as if it were an array Here is an example It is a third version of the case-

changing program

index a pointer as if it were an array

include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt

using namespace std


char p int i

char str[80]=This is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

p = str assign the p address of the start of the array now index p

for (I = 0 p[i] i++)

if (isupper(p[i])) p[i] = tolowerp[i])

else if (islower(p[i])

p[i] = toupper(p[i])

cout ltlt ―Inverted ndash case string lt str

return 0

The program creates a char pointer called p and then assigns to that pointer the

address of the first element in str Inside the for loop p is indexed using the normal array indexing syntax This is perfectly valid because in C++ the statement p[i] is function

functionally identical to (p+i) This further illustrates the close relationship between pointers and arrays

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 4 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and Arrays I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers and Arrays using C

II Tasks Procedure Instructions Answer the following questions

1 Can an array be accessed through a pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Can a pointer be indexed as if it were an array __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 An array name used by itself with no index yields what __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 6

Pointers and String

Strings and Constants

You might be wondering how string constants like the one in the fragment shown

here are handled by C++

cout ltlt strlen(Xanadu)

The answer is that when the compiler encounters a string constant it stores it in the

programlsquos string table and generates a pointer to the string Thus ―Xanadu yields a pointer to its entry in the string table Therefore the following program is perfectly valid and prints

the phrase Pointers add power to C++

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char ptr

ptr = ―Pointers add power to C++ n ptr is assigned the address of this string constant

cout ltlt ptr

return 0

In this program the characters that make up a string constant are stored in the string table and ptr is assigned a pointer to the string in that table

Since a pointer into your programlsquos string table is generated automatically whenever

a string constant is used you might be tempted to use this fact to modify the contents of the string table However this is usually not a good idea because many C++ compilers

create optimized tables in which one string constant may be used at two or more different

places in your program Thus changing a string may cause undesired side effects

Reversing a String in Place

Earlier it was mentioned that comparing one pointer to another is meaningful only if the two pointers point to a common object such as an array Now that you understand how

pointers and arrays relate you can apply pointer comparisons to streamline some types of algorithms In this project you will see an example The program developed here reverses

the contents of a string in place Thus instead of copying the string back-to-front into

another array it reverses the contents of the string inside the array that holds it The program uses two pointer variables to accomplish this One initially points to the beginning

of a string and the other initially points to the last character in the string A loop is set up that continues to run as long as the start pointer is less than the end pointer Each time

through the loop the characters pointed to by the pointers are swapped and the pointers are advanced When the start pointer is greater than or equal to the end pointer the string

has been reversed Step by step

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1 Create a file called StrRevcpp 2 Begin by adding these lines to the file

Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test

char start end int len

char t

The string to be reversed is contained in str The pointers start and end will be used

to access the string

3 Add these lines which display the original string obtain the stringlsquos length and set the initial values for the start and end pointers

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

Notice that end points to the last character in the string not the null terminator

4 Add the code that reverse the string

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts

starts = end end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The process works like this As long as the start pointer points to a memory

location that is less than the end pointer the loop iterates Inside the loop the characters being pointed to by start and end are swapped Then start is incremented

and end is decremented When end is greater than or equal to start all of the characters in the string have been reversed Since both start and end point into the

same array their comparison is meaningful

5 Here is the complete StrRevcpp program

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Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test char start end

int len char t

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts starts = end

end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The output from the program is shown here Original this is a test Reversed

tset a si siht

Arrays of Pointers

Pointers can be arrayed like any other data type For example declaration for an int

pointer array of size 10 is

int p[10]

Here pi is an array of ten integer pointers To assign the address of an int variable

called var to the third element of the pointer array you would write

int var

fpi[2] = ampvar

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Remember pi is an array of int pointers The only thing that the array elements can

hold are the addresses of integer valuesmdashnot the values themselves To find the value of var you would write


Like other arrays arrays of pointers can be initialized A common use for initialized

pointer arrays is to hold pointers to strings Here is an example that uses a two-dimensional array of character pointers to implement a small dictionary

Here is a sample run

Enter word network

An interconnected group of computers

When the array dictionary is created it is initialized with a set of words and their

meanings Recall C++ stores all string constants in the string table associated with your program so the array need only store pointers to the strings The program works by testing

the word entered by the user against the strings stored in the dictionary If a match is found the meaning is displayed If no match is found an error message is printed Notice

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that dictionary ends with two null strings These mark the end of the array Recall that a

null string contains only the terminating null character The for loop runs until the first character in a string is null This condition is tested with this expression


The array indices specify a pointer to a string The obtains the character at that

location If this character is null then the expression is false and the loop terminates Otherwise the expression is true and the loop continues

The Null Pointer Convention

After a pointer is declared but before it has been assigned it will contain an arbitrary value Should you try to use the pointer prior to giving it a value you will probably

crash your program While there is no sure way to avoid using an uninitialized pointer C++ programmers have adopted a procedure that helps prevent some errors By convention if a

pointer contains the null (zero) value it is assumed to point to nothing Thus if all unused pointers are given the null value and you avoid the use of a null pointer you can avoid the

accidental misuse of an uninitialized pointer This is a good practice to follow

Any type of pointer can be initialized to null when it is declared For example the

following initializes p to null

float p = 0 p is now a null pointer

To check for a null pointer use an if statement like one of these

if(p) succeeds if p is not null

if(p) succeeds if p is null

Multiple Indirection

A pointer to a pointer is a form of multiple indirection or a chain of pointers Consider Figure 4-2 As you can see in the case of a normal pointer the value of the

pointer is the address of a value In the case of a pointer to a pointer the first pointer

contains the address of the second pointer which points to the location that contains the desired value Multiple indirection can be carried on to whatever extent desired but there

are few cases where more than a pointer to a pointer is needed or indeed even wise to use Excessive indirection is difficult to follow and prone to conceptual errors

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 5 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and String I Objectives To know how is Pointers and String worked using C II Tasks Procedure Instructions Asnwer the following question

1 What is it called when one pointer points to another pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Of what significant is a null pointer in C++ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that counts the uppercase letters in a string Have it display the result

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Chapter 7

Structures in Arrays Functions and Pointers

What is a Structure

Structure is a collection of variables under a single name Variables can be of any type int float char etc The main difference between structure and array is that arrays are

collections of the same data type and structure is a collection of variables under a single name

Declaring a Structure

The structure is declared by using the keyword struct followed by structure name

also called a tag Then the structure members (variables) are defined with their type and variable names inside the open and close braces and Finally the closed braces end with

a semicolon denoted as following the statement The above structure declaration is also called a Structure Specifier


Three variables custnum of type int salary of type int commission of type float are structuremembers and the structure name is Customer This structure is declared as


In the above example it is seen that variables of different types such as int and float are

grouped in a single structure name Customer

Arrays behave in the same way declaring structures does not mean that memory is

allocated Structure declaration gives a skeleton or template for the structure

After declaring the structure the next step is to define a structure variable

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How to declare Structure Variable

This is similar to variable declaration For variable declaration data type is defined followed

by variable name For structure variable declaration the data type is the name of the structure followed by thestructure variable name

In the above example structure variable cust1 is defined as

What happens when this is defined When structure is defined it allocates or reserves space in memory The memory space allocated will be cumulative of all

defined structure members In the above example there are 3 structure members

custnum salary and commission Of these two are of type int and one is of type float If integer space allocated by a system is 2 bytes and float four bytes the above would

allocate 2bytes for custnum 2 bytes for salary and 4 bytes for commission

How to access structure members in C++

To access structure members the operator used is the dot operator denoted by () The

dot operatorfor accessing structure members is used thusly

structure variable namemember name

For example

To assign 2000 for the structure member salary in the above example of structure

Customer with structure variable cust1 this is written as

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Pointers to structures

All that we have discussed so far has been OK but runs into problems when structures have

to be moved between functions for the following reasons

if the structure is large it is more efficient to pass a pointer to the structure instead of the structure its self This techniquepri is also used to pass pointers to

arrays between functions

When passing a structure to a function you actually pass a COPY of the structure Therefore it is not possible to change the values of members within the structure as

the copy is destroyed when the function ends

Here is an example (these are 2 examples the one to the left uses a pointer)

| |

struct x int a int b int c | struct x int a int b int c

| void function(struct x) | void function(struct x )

| main() | main()

| struct x z | struct x z pz 3

| pz = ampz 4 za = 10 1 | za = 10

za++ | za++

| function(z) 2 | function(pz) 5

| |

void function( struct x z) | void function(struct x pz) | 6

printf( first member d n za) | printf( first member d n (pz)a) |


Here is the annotation

1 Give a structure member a value 2 Pass a COPY of the whole structure to the function

3 Define pz a pointer to a structure of type x

4 Put the address of z into pz pz now POINTS to z PLEASE NOTE z is defined to reserve memory equal to the size of the structure pz only holds an address so will

be 4 bytes long 5 Pass the pointer into the function

6 Print the value of the member a

The (pz)a syntax is used a great deal in C and it was decided to create a short hand for

it So

(pz)a == pz-gta

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Structures and Arrays

include ltiostreamgt

include ltfstreamhgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

ofstream outData

input file structure ifstream inData

char menu_id[10] char menu_name[10]

char menu_col[10]

char menu_row[10] char button_id[10]

char button_label_1[10] char button_label_2[10]

char button_label_3[10] char button_col[10]

char button_row[10]

menu file structure

struct menu

int mid char name[20]

int mcol int mrow

int bid char blabel[24]

int bcol

int brow

List of menus

enum menu_id

MAIN = 1

Define Main menu

menu Main_menu[3]

void createMenu(menu newMenu[] int menu_num MAS_Configure_Button_Request_Messagemsg )

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 40 of 66

int y = 0

while ((inDatagetline(menu_id10 $)eof()) ampamp (atoi(menu_id) == menu_num))

newMenu[y]mid= atoi(menu_id)

inDatagetline(menu_name 10 $)

newMenu[y]name[0] = 0

strcpy(newMenu[y]namemenu_name) outData ltlt Main Menu Name ltlt newMenu[y]name ltlt

inDatagetline( menu_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]mcol = atoi(menu_col)

inDatagetline( menu_row 10 $) newMenu[y]mrow = atoi(menu_row)

inDatagetline( button_id 10 $) newMenu[y]bid = atoi(button_id)

inDatagetline( button_label_1 10 $)

inDatagetline( button_label_2 10 $) inDatagetline( button_label_3 10 $)

newMenu[y]blabel[0] = 0 strcpy(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_1)


strcat(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_3) outData ltlt newMenu[y]blabel ltlt

inDatagetline( button_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]bcol = atoi(button_col)

inDatagetline( button_row 10 n)

newMenu[y]brow = atoi(button_row) y++

int main()

int loop

inDataopen(datatxt) if (inData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening datatxt End program ltlt endl


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outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 42 of 66

recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 43 of 66

Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

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Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

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the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

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main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

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include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

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next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

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Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

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1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

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47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

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I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 2: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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Chapter 1

Introduction to C programming language

C is a general-purpose high-level programming language with features of economy of expression modern flow control amp data structures and a rich set of operators It is not

specialized to any particular area of application the absence of restrictions and its generality make it more convenient and effective for many tasks than any other powerful

languages It is not tied to any particular hardware or system and therefore it is easy to write programs that will run without change on any machine that supports C It is often

called a middle-level computer language because it combines the best elements of high-

level languages with the control and flexibility of assembly language

Structure of programming in C Lets start learning by writing a simple program

Every C program starts execution form a user defined function called main() This

function must be present in every C program Program can have only one main function

This is a simple C++ program Call this file Samplecpp

include ltiostreamgt include ltconiohgt

using namespace std

A C++ program begins at main()

int main()

cout ltlt C++ is power programming


return 0

Before beginning letlsquos review two terms source code and object code Source code is the human readable form of the program It is stored in a text file Object code is the

executable form of the program created by the compiler

When run the program displays the following output

C++ is power programming

Although Samplecpp is quite short it includes several key features that are common

to all C++ programs Letlsquos closely examine each part of the program The program begins with the lines

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This is a simple C++ program

Call this file Samplecpp

This is a comment Like most other programming languages C++ lets you enter a

remark into a programlsquos source code The contents of a comment are ignored by the compiler The purpose of a comment is to describe or explain the operation of a program to

anyone reading its source code In the case of this comment it identifies the program In more complex programs you will use comments to help explain what each feature of the

program is for and how it goes about doing its work

In the case of this comment it identifies the program In more complex programs

you will use comments to help explain what each feature of the program is for and how it goes about doing its work In other words you can use comments to provide a ―play-by-

play description of what your program does

The next line in the program is

using namespace std

This tells the compiler to use the std namespace namespaces are a relatively recent

addition to C++ A namespace creates a declarative region in which various program elements can be placed Elements declared in one namespace are separate from elements

declared in another Namespaces help in the organization of large programs The using statement informs the compiler that you want to use the std namespace This is the

namespace in which the entire Standard C++ library is declared By using the std namespace you simplify access to the standard library

The next line as the preceding comment indicates is where program execution begins

int main()

All C++ programs are composed of one or more functions As explained earlier a function is a subroutine Every C++ function must have a name and the only function that

any C++ program must include is the one shown here called main() The main() function is where program execution begins and (most commonly) ends (Technically speaking a C++

program begins with a call to main() and in most cases ends when main() returns) The

opening curly brace on the line that follows main() marks the start of the main() function code

The next line in the program is

cout ltlt C++ is power programming

This is a console output statement It causes the message C++ is power

programming to be displayed on the screen It accomplishes this by using the output

operator ltlt The ltlt operator causes whatever expression is on its right side to be output to the device specified on its left side cout is a predefined identifier that stands for console

output and generally refers to the computerlsquos screen Thus this statement causes the message to be output to the screen Notice that this statement ends with a semicolon In

fact all C++ statements end with a semicolon

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The message ―C++ is power programming is a string In C++ a string is a

sequence of characters enclosed between double quotes Strings are used frequently in C++

The next line in the program is

return 0

This line terminates main() and causes it to return the value 0 to the calling process

(which is typically the operating system) For most operating systems a return value of 0

signifies that the program is terminating normally Other values indicate that the program is terminating because of some error return is one of C++lsquos keywords and it is used to

return a value from a function All of your programs should return 0 when they terminate normally (that is without error)

Control Statements

Inside a function execution proceeds from one statement to the next top to bottom It is possible however to alter this flow through the use of the various program control

statements supported by C++

The if Statement

if(condition) statement

where condition is an expression that is evaluated to be either true or false In C++ true is

nonzero and false is zero If the condition is true then the statement will execute If it is false then the statement will not execute For example the following fragment displays the

phrase 10 is less than 11 on the screen because 10 is less than 11

if(10 lt 11)

cout ltlt 10 is less than 11

However consider the following

if(10 gt 11)

cout ltlt this does not display

In this case 10 is not greater than 11 so the cout statement is not executed Of course the operands inside an if statement need not be constants They can also be

variables C++ defines a full complement of relational operators that can be used in a conditional expression They are shown here

Operator Meaning

lt Less than

lt= Less than equal to

gt Greater than

gt= Greater that equal to

== Equal to

= Not equal to

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Notice that the test for equality is the double equal sign Here is a program that

illustrates the if statement

include ltiostreamgt

include ltconiohgt using namespace std

int main()

int a b c

a = 2 b = 3

if (a lt b)

cout ltlt a is less than bn An if statement

this wont display anything

if (a == b)

cout ltlt you wont see thisn cout ltltn

c = b - a c now contains 1

cout ltlt c contains 1n

if (cgt= 0) cout ltlt c is non-negative n

if (c lt 0) cout ltlt c is negative n

getch() return 0

The output generated by this program is shown here

a is less than b

c contains -1 c is negative

c contains 1

c is non-negative

The complete form of the if the statement is


statement else


where the targets of the if and else are single statements The else clause is optional The targets of both the if and else can also be blocks of statement The general forms of the if

using blocks of statements is

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statement sequence


statement sequence

If the conditional expression is true the target of the if will be executed otherwise

the target of the else if it exists will be executed At no time will both be executed The

conditional expression controlling the if may be any type of valid C++ expression that produces a true or false result

The following demonstrates the if by playing a simple version of the ―guess the

magic number game The program generates a random numbers prompts for your guess and prints the message Right if you guess the magic number This program also

introduces another C++ library function called rand( ) which returns a randomly selected integer value It requires the ltstdlibgt header

include ltiostreamgt include ltconiohgt

using namespace std


int magic guess

magic = rand()

cout ltlt Enter your guess cin gtgt guess

if (guess == magic) cout ltlt Right


return 0

This program uses the iflsquo statement to determine whether the userlsquos guess matches the magic number If it does the message is printed on the screen

Modular Programming

As programs grow in size it becomes important to break them into separate parts (modules) that communicate with rest of the program through a few well defined interfaces

If we decompose the program into modules well is we can code each module

independently Also if change happens we can localize changes to a particular module without impacting the rest of the programs

For example as is their habit a LCD which we had used in a product went obsolete

We had a written the hardware abstraction layer for the LCD as a separate module We

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substituted a different LCD and modified the LCD hardware abstraction module while not

impacting rest of the program

How to achieve a modular programming in C

C provides two keywords static and extern that facilitate this Disciplined coding

practice also aids modularization

The key is to have a header file for each module This header file contains

a comment section about the module definition of all constants publicly exposed by the module

definition of all structures publicly exposed by the module all publicly exposed variables defined with extern

all publicly exposed functions defined with extern

In the header file you should only put definitions of constants structures variables and functions that you want to expose

As a coding practice prefix all constant structure variable and function definitions with

the name of the module This makes it easy to identify the source of definition in a larger program with many modules

The implementation file(s) contains the actual definition of variables and

implementations of the functions defined in the header file

The implementation file also contains definitions of those variables structures and constants that are used only in the implementation file It also contains definitions and

implementations of helper functions These should be declared as static to prevent access from outside I all find it a good programming practice to prefix all internal names with _


Header file for a module named node nodeh

Interface for node module

node_var1 is a variable used inside the module node_do_something() is a function in the module

extern int node_var1

extern int node_do_something(void)

Implementation file for module named node nodec

include nodeh

int node_var1

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 8 of 66

static int _node_var2

static void _node_helper_function(void)

int node_do_something(void)

node_var1 = 2

_node_var2 =35


The main file which uses module node

include nodeh

int main(int argc char argv[])



Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 9 of 66

COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 1 COURSE TOPIC Review of Introduction to C Programming language I Objectives

To learn and understand the basic syntax and script delimeters of C

To understand and use CC++ variables and operators II Part I Basic Syntax of C++

1 Where does the C++ program begin execution __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 What is cout __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 What does include ltiostreamgt do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 What does the if statement do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 How is block of code created What does it do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 What is a namespace __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that averages the absolute value of five values entered by the user Display the result

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 10 of 66

Chapter 2 amp 3

String Handling Functions

The string handling functions in the standard C++ libraries incorporated from the

standard C libraries do not have a single header file for a source When declaring a

character array that will hold a null-terminated string you need to declare it one character

longer than the largest string that it will hold For example if you want to declare an array

str that could hold a 10-character string

char str[11]

Specifying the size as 11 makes room for the null at the end of the string A string

constant is a list of characters enclosed in double quotes Here are some examples

―hello there ―I like C++ ―Mars ―

It is not necessary to manually add the null terminator onto the end of string

constants the C++ compiler does this for you automatically Therefore the string ―Mars

will appear in memory like this

M a r s 0

The last string shown is This is called a null string It contains only the null

terminator and no other characters Null strings are useful because they represent the

empty string

The easiest way to read a string entered from the keyboard is to use a char array in

a cin statement For example the following program reads a string entered by the user

using cin to read a string from the keyboard

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[80]

cout ltlt ―Enter a string ―

cin gtgt str read a string from keyboard lt-- read a string using cin

cout ltlt ―Here is your string ―

cout ltlt str

return 0

Here is a sample run

Enter a string testing

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 11 of 66

Here is your string testing

Although this program is technically correct it will not always work the way you

expect To see why run the program and try entering the string ―This is a test Here is

what you will see

Enter a string This is a test

Here is your string This

When the program redisplays your string it shows only the word ―This not the

entire sentence The reason for this is that the C++ IO system stops reading a string when

the first whitespace character is encountered Whitespace characters include spaces tabs

and newlines

One way to solve the whitespace problem is to use another of C++lsquos library

functions gets( ) The general form of a call to gets( ) is


To read a string call gets( ) with the name of the array without any index as its

argument Upon return from gets( ) the array will hold the string input from the keyboard

The gets( ) function will continue to read characters including whitespace until you enter a

carriage return The header used by gets( ) is ltcstdiogt

This version of the preceding program uses gets( ) to allow the entry of strings

containing spaces

Using gets() to read a string from the keyboard

include ltiostreamgt

include ltcstdiogt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[80]

cout ltlt ―Enter a string ―

gets(str) read a string using gets() Read a string using gets()

cout ltlt ―Here is your string

cout ltlt str

return 0

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Notice that in a cout statement str can be used directly In general the name of a

character array that holds a string can be used any place that a string constant can be used

Keep in mind that neither cin nor gets( ) performs any bounds checking on the array

that receives input Therefore if the user enters a string longer than the size of the array

the array will be overwritten

Some string Library Functions

C++ supports a wide range of string manipulation functions The most common are





The string functions all use the same header ltstringgt Letlsquos take a look at these

functions now


A call to strcpy( ) takes this general form

strcpy(to from)

The strcpy( ) function copies the contents of the string from into to Remember the

array that forms to must be large enough to hold the string contained in from If it isnlsquot the

to array will be overrun which will probably crash your program


A call to strcat( ) takes this form strcat(s1 s2) The strcat( ) function appends s2 to

the end of s1 s2 is unchanged You must ensure that s1 is large enough to hold its original

contents and those of s2


A call to strcmp( ) takes this general form

strcmp(s1 s2)

The strcmp( ) function compares two strings and returns 0 if they are equal If s1 is

greater than s2 lexicographically (that is according to dictionary order) then a positive

number is returned if it is less than s2 a negative number is returned

The key to using strcmp( ) is to remember that it returns false when the strings


Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 13 of 66

Therefore you will need to use the operator if you want something to occur when

the strings are equal For example the condition controlling the following if statement is

true when str is equal to ―C++

if(strcmp(str C++)

cout ltlt str is C++


The general form of a call to strlen( ) is


Example using strlen

include ltstringhgt

include ltiostreamgt

include ltconiohgt

using namespace std

int main()

char aString1[11] = abcdefghij

aString2[11] = tooShort


unsigned int len1 len2 len3

cout ltlt endl ltlt endl

cout ltlt Please supply a third string

cingetline(aString3 11) n delimiter assumed

len1 = strlen(aString1)

len2 = strlen(aString2)

len3 = strlen(aString3)

cout ltlt endl ltlt String 1 ltlt aString1 ltlt length =

ltlt len1 ltlt endl ltlt String 2 ltlt aString2

ltlt length = ltlt len2 ltlt endl ltlt String 3

ltlt aString3 ltlt length = ltlt len3

cout ltlt endl ltlt endl


return 0

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where s is a string The strlen( ) function returns the length of the string pointed to by s

A String Function Example

The following program illustrates the use of all four string functions

Demonstrate the string functions

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstringhgt

include ltwindowshgt

include ltconiohgt

using namespace std

int main()

char s1[80]s2[80]

strcpy(s1 C++)

strcpy(s2 is power programming)

cout ltlt lengths ltlt strlen(s1)

cout ltlt ltlt strlen(s2) ltlt n

if(strcmp(s1 s2))

cout ltlt The strings are equaln

else cout ltlt not equaln

strcat(s1 s2)

cout ltlt s1 ltlt n

strcpy(s2 s1)

cout ltlt s1 ltlt and ltlt s2 ltlt n

if(strcmp(s1 s2))

cout ltlt s1 and s2 are now the samen


return 0

Here is the output

lengths 3 22

not equal

C++ is power programming

C++ is power programming and C++ is power programming

s1 and s2 are now the same

Using the Null Terminator

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The fact that strings are null-terminated can often be used to simplify various

operations For example the following program converts a string to uppercase

Convert a string to uppercase

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

include ltconiohgt

include ltctypehgt

include ltwindowshgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[80]

int i

strcpy (str this is a test)

for (i=0 str[1] i++)

str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt str


return 0

The output from this program is shown here


This program uses the library function toupper() which returns the uppercase

equivalent of its character argument to convert each character in the string The upper()

function uses the header ltctypehgt

Notice that the test condition of the for loop is simply the array indexed by the

condition variable The reason this works is that a true value is any non-zero value

Remember all character values are non-zero but the null terminating the string is zero

Because the null terminator marks the end of the string the loop stops precisely where it is

supposed to

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Table 1 Character functions in ltctypehgt

Function Function Signature


isalnum() int isalnum(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is alphabetic or numeric

isalpha() int isalpha(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is alphabetic

iscntrl() int iscntrl(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a control character

isdigit() int isdigit(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a digit 0 - 9

isgraph() int isgraph(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a non-blank but printing character

islower() int islower(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a lower case alphabetic character ie a - z

isprint() int isprint(intc) Returns a non-zero if c is printable non-blanks and white

space included

ispunct() int ispunct(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a printable character but not alpha numeric or blank

isspace() int isspace(int c) Returns a non-zero for blanks and these escape sequences

f n r t and v

isupper() int isupper(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is an upper-case alphabetic character

ie A - Z

isxdigit() int isxdigit(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a hexadecimal character 0 - 9 a - f or A - F

tolower() int tolower(int c) Returns the lower case version if c is an upper case character

otherwise returns c

toupper() int toupper(int c) Returns the upper case version if c is a lower case character otherwise returns c

Table 2 Some String Handling Functions in ltstringhgt

Functions Function Signature Description

strcat() char strcat(char s1

const char s2) Adds string s2 onto the end of s1 (conCATenation)

strchr() char strchr(const char

s int c)

Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of c in

string s Returns NULL if c is not found in s

strcmp() int strcmp(const char

s1 const char s2)

Compares s1 and s2 alphabetically Returns a negative zero or positive number depending on

whether s1 is before the same as or after s2 if you

were alphabetizing s1 and s2

strcpy() char strcpy(char s1

const char s2) Copies s2 into s1 and returns a point to s1

strlen() size_t strlen(const char s)

Returns the number of characters in the string s starting at s[0] and ending before the first NULL

strncat() char strncat(char s1

const char s2 size_t n)

Tacks on the first n characters of s2 onto s1 A

pointer to s1 is returned

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 17 of 66

strncmp() int strncmp(const char s1 const char s2 size_t


Compares s1 with the first n characters of s2 Returns a negative zero or positive integer (just like


strncpy() char strncpy(char s1 const chars2 size_t n)

Copies the first n characters of s2 into the first n characters of s1

strrchr() char strrchr(const

chars int c)

Returns a pointer to the last occurence of c in string

s (Compare with strchr())

strstr() char strstr(const char

s1 const char s2)

Returns the address of the first occurence of string s2 that is also in string s1 Returns NULL if s2 is not

found in s1

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 18 of 66

COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 2 COURSE TOPIC String and Handling Function I Objectives To know the String handling function used

Part II String Handling Functions 1 amp 2

1 What is a null-terminated string __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 To hold a string that is 18 characters long how must the character array be __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 Show how to initialize a four-element array of int to the values 123 and 4 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 How can this initialization be rewritten char str[6] = lsquoHrsquo lsquoersquo lsquolrsquo lsquolrsquo lsquoorsquo lsquoOrsquo)


5 Rewrite the following as an unsized array Int nums[4] = 44 55 66 77


Supplementary Programming (50 points) 1 Write a program that prompts the user for two strings and then compares the strings for equality

but ignores case differences Thus ldquookrdquo and ldquoOKrdquo will compare as equal

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 19 of 66

Chapter 4

Introduction to Pointers

A pointer is an object that contains a memory address Very often this address is the

location of another object such as a variable For example if x contains the address of y

then x is said to ―point to y

Pointer variables must be declared as such The general form of a pointer variable

declaration is

type var-name

Here type is the pointerlsquos base type The base type determines what type of data

the pointer will be pointing to var-name is the name of the pointer variable For example

to declare ip to be a pointer to an int use this declaration

int ip

Since the base type of ip is int it can be used to point to int values Here a float

pointer is declared

float fp

In this case the base type of fp is float which means that it can be used to point to

a float value

In general in a declaration statement preceding a variable name with an causes

that variable to become a pointer

The Pointer Operator

There are two special operators that are used with pointers and amp The amp is a

unary operator that returns the memory address of its operand

For example

ptr = amptotal

puts into ptr the memory address of the variable total This address is the location of

total in the computerlsquos internal memory It has nothing to do with the value of total The

operation of amp can be remembered as returning ―the address of the variable it precedes

Therefore the preceding assignment statement could be verbalized as ―ptr receives the

address of total To better understand this assignment assume that the variable total is

located at address 100 Then after the assignment takes place ptr has the value 100 The

second operator is and it is the complement of amp It is a unary operator that returns the

value of the variable located at the address specified by its operand Continuing with the

same example if ptr contains the memory address of the variable total then

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 20 of 66

val = ptr

will place the value of total into val For example if total originally had the value

3200 then val will have the value 3200 because that is the value stored at location 100

the memory address that was assigned to ptr The operation of can be remembered as ―at

address In this case then the statement could be read as ―val receives the value at

address ptr

The following program executes the sequence of the operations just described

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int total

int ptr

int val

total = 3200 assign 3200 to total

ptr = amptotal get address of total

val = ptr get value at that address

cout ltlt Total is ltlt val ltlt n

return 0

It is unfortunate that the multiplication symbol and the ―at address symbol are the

same This fact sometimes confuses newcomers to the C++ language These operators

have no relationship to each other Keep in mind that both amp and have a higher

precedence than any of the arithmetic operators except the unary minus with which they

have equal precedence The act of using a pointer is often called indirection because you are

accessing one variable indirectly through another variable

The Base Type of a Pointer

In the preceding discussion you saw that it was possible to assign val the value of

total indirectly through a pointer At this point you may have thought of this important question How does C++ know how many bytes to copy into val from the address pointed

to by ptr Or more generally how does the compiler transfer the proper number of bytes for any assignment involving a pointer The answer is that the base type of the pointer

determines the type of data upon which the pointer operates In this case because ptr is an

int pointer four bytes of information are copied into val (assuming a 32-bit int) from the address pointed to by ptr However if ptr had been a double pointer for example then

eight bytes would have been copied

It is important to ensure that pointer variables always point to the correct type of data For example when you declare a pointer to be of type int the compiler assumes that

anything it points to will be an integer variable If it doesnlsquot point to an integer variable then trouble is usually not far behind For example the following fragment is incorrect

int p double f p = ampf ERROR

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This fragment is invalid because you cannot assign a double pointer to an integer pointer That is ampf generates a pointer to a double but p is a pointer to an int These two

types are not compatible (In fact the compiler would flag an error at this point and not compile your program) Although two pointers must have compatible types in order for one

to be assigned to another you can override this restriction (at your own risk) using a cast For example the following fragment is now technically correct

int p double f p = (int ) ampf Now technically OK

The cast to int causes the double pointer to be converted to an integer pointer However to use a cast for this purpose is questionable practice The reason is that the base

type of a pointer determines how the compiler treats the data it points to In this case even though p is actually pointing to a floating-point value the compiler still ―thinks that p is

pointing to an int (because p is an int pointer)

To better understand why using a cast to assign one type of pointer to another is not usually a good idea consider the following short program

This program will not work right include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

double xy int p

x = 12323 p = (int ) ampx use cast to assign double to int

y = p what will this do

cout ltlt y what will this print

return 0

Here is the output produced by the program (You might see a different value)


This value is clearly not 12323 Here is why In the program p (which is an integer

pointer) has been assigned the address of x (which is a double) Thus when y is assigned the value pointed to by p y receives only four bytes of data (and not the eight required for

a double value) because p is an integer pointer Therefore the cout statement displays not 12323 but a garbage value instead

Assigning value to pointers

You can use a pointer on the left-hand side of an assignment statement to assign a value to the location pointed to by the pointer Assuming that p is an int pointer this

assigns the value 101 to the location pointed to by p

p = 101

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You can verbalize this assignment like this ―At the location pointed to by p assign the value 101 To increment or decrement the value at the location pointed to by a pointer

you can use a statement like this


The parentheses are necessary because the operator has lower precedence than does the ++ operator

The following program demonstrates an assignment through a pointer

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int p num

p = ampnum

p = 100 assign num the value 100 through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)++ increment num through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)-- decrement num through p cout ltlt num ltlt nlsquo

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

100 101 100

Pointer Expressions

Pointers can be used in most C++ expressions However some special rules apply

Remember also that you may need to surround some parts of a pointer expression with parentheses in order to ensure that the outcome is what you desire

Pointer Arithmetic There are only four arithmetic operators that can be used on

pointers ++ ndash ndash + and ndash To understand what occurs in pointer arithmetic let p1 be an int pointer with a current value of 2000 (that is it contains the address 2000) Assuming

32-bit integers after the expression


The contents of p1 will be 2004 not 2001 The reason for this is that each time p1

is incremented it will point to the next int The same is true of decrements For example again assuming that p1 has the value 2000 the expression

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 23 of 66


causes p1 to have the value 1996

Generalizing from the preceding example the following rules apply to pointer

arithmetic Each time that a pointer is incremented it will point to the memory location of the next element of its base type Each time it is decremented it will point to the location of

the previous element of its base type In the case of character pointers an increment or decrement will appear as ―normal arithmetic because characters are one byte long

However every other type of pointer will increase or decrease by the length of its base

type You are not limited to only increment and decrement operations You can also add or subtract integers to or from pointers The expression

p1 = p1 + 9

makes p1 point to the ninth element of p1lsquos base type beyond the one to which it is

currently pointing

Although you cannot add pointers you can subtract one pointer from another

(provided they are both of the same base type) The remainder will be the number of elements of the base type that separate the two pointers

Other than addition and subtraction of a pointer and an integer or the subtraction of

two pointers no other arithmetic operations can be performed on pointers For example you cannot add or subtract float or double values to or from pointers

To graphically see the effects of pointer arithmetic execute the next short program

It creates an int pointer (i) and a double pointer (f) It then adds the values 0 through 9 to

these pointers and displays the results Observe how each address changes relative to its base type each time the loop is repeated (For most 32-bit compilers i will increase by 4s

and f will increase by 8s) Notice that when using a pointer in a cout statement its address is automatically displayed in the addressing format applicable to the CPU and environment

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int I j[10]

double f g[10] int x

i = j

f = g

for (x=0 xlt10 x++)

cout ltlt i+x ltlt ltlt f+x ltlt nlsquo display the addresses produced by adding x

to each pointer

Here is a sample run (The precise values you see may differ from these)

0012FE5C 09012FE84

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 24 of 66

0012FE60 0012FE8C

0012FE64 0012FE94 0012FE68 0012FE9C

0012FE6C 0012FEA4 0012FE70 0012FEAC

0012FE74 0012FEB4 0012FE78 0012FEBC

0012FE7C 0012FEC4

0012FE80 0012FECC

Pointer Comparisons

Pointers may be compared using the relational operators such as == lt and gt In general for the outcome of a pointer comparison to be meaningful the two pointers must

have some relationship to each other For example both may point to elements within the same array There is however one other type of pointer comparison any pointer can be

compared to the null pointer which is zero

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 25 of 66

I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers in C and its use

II Basic Information Scenario Answer the following using Pointers

1 What is a pointer


2 Show how to declare a long int pointer called valPtr __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 As they relate to pointers what do the and amp operators do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7 What are two pointer operators __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 5

Pointers and Arrays

In C++ there is a close relationship between pointers and arrays In fact frequently a pointer and an array are interchangeable Consider this fragment

char str[80] char p1

p1 = str

Here str is an array of 80 characters and p1 is a character pointer However it is the third line that is of interest In this line p1 is assigned the address of the first element in

the str array (That is after the assignment p1 will point to str[0]) Herelsquos why In C++ using the name of an array without an index generates a pointer to the first element in the

array Thus the assignment

p1 = str

assigns the address of str[0] to p1 This is a crucial point to understand When an


array name is used in an expression it yields a pointer to the first element in the array Since after the assignment p1 points to the beginning of str you can use p1 to


elements in the array For example if you want to access the fifth element in str you can use




Both statements obtain the fifth element Remember array indices start at zero so when str is indexed a 4 is used to access the fifth element A 4 is also added to the pointer

p1 to get the fifth element because p1 currently points to the first element of str

The parentheses surrounding p1+4 are necessary because the operation has a

higher priority than the + operation Without them the expression would first find the value pointed to by p1 (the first location in the array) and then add 4 to it In effect C++ allows

two methods of accessing array elements pointer arithmetic and array indexing This is important because pointer arithmetic can sometimes be faster than array indexingmdash

especially when you are accessing an array in strictly sequential order Since speed is often a consideration in programming the use of pointers to access array elements is very

common in C++ programs Also you can sometimes write tighter code by using pointers

instead of array indexing

Here is an example that demonstrates the difference between using array indexing and pointer arithmetic to access the elements of an array We will create two versions of a

program that reverse the case of letters within a string The first version uses array indexing The second uses pointer arithmetic The first version is shown here

Reverse case using array indexing

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include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = This Is A Test

cout ltlt Original string ltlt str ltlt n

for(i = 0 str[i] i++)

if(isupper(str[i])) str[i] = tolower(str[i]) else if(islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt Inverted-case string ltlt str

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

Original string This Is A Test Inverted-case string tHIS iS a tEST

Notice that the program uses the isupper( ) and islower( ) library functions to determine the case of a letter The isupper( ) function returns true when its argument is an

uppercase letter islower( ) returns true when its argument is a lowercase letter Inside the for loop str is indexed and the case of each letter is checked and changed The loop

iterates until the null terminating str is indexed Since a null is zero (false) the loop stops

Here is the same program rewritten to use pointer arithmetic

Reverse case using array indexing

include ltiostreamgt include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = ―This Is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

for i = 0 str[i] i++) if (iupper(str[i]))

else if (islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i]

cout ltlt ―Inverted-case string ― ltlt str return 0

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In this version p is set to the start of str Then inside the while loop the letter at p

is checked and changed and then p is incremented The loop stops when p points to the null terminator that ends str Because of the way some C++ compilers generate code these

two programs may not be equivalent in performance Generally it takes more machine instructions to index an array than it does to perform arithmetic on a pointer Consequently

in professionally written C++ code it is common to see the pointer version used more frequently However as a beginning C++ programmer feel free to use array indexing until

you are comfortable with pointers

Indexing a Pointer

As you have just seen it is possible to access an array using pointer arithmetic

What you might find surprising is that the reverse is also true In C++ it is possible to index a pointer as if it were an array Here is an example It is a third version of the case-

changing program

index a pointer as if it were an array

include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt

using namespace std


char p int i

char str[80]=This is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

p = str assign the p address of the start of the array now index p

for (I = 0 p[i] i++)

if (isupper(p[i])) p[i] = tolowerp[i])

else if (islower(p[i])

p[i] = toupper(p[i])

cout ltlt ―Inverted ndash case string lt str

return 0

The program creates a char pointer called p and then assigns to that pointer the

address of the first element in str Inside the for loop p is indexed using the normal array indexing syntax This is perfectly valid because in C++ the statement p[i] is function

functionally identical to (p+i) This further illustrates the close relationship between pointers and arrays

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 29 of 66

COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 4 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and Arrays I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers and Arrays using C

II Tasks Procedure Instructions Answer the following questions

1 Can an array be accessed through a pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Can a pointer be indexed as if it were an array __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 An array name used by itself with no index yields what __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 6

Pointers and String

Strings and Constants

You might be wondering how string constants like the one in the fragment shown

here are handled by C++

cout ltlt strlen(Xanadu)

The answer is that when the compiler encounters a string constant it stores it in the

programlsquos string table and generates a pointer to the string Thus ―Xanadu yields a pointer to its entry in the string table Therefore the following program is perfectly valid and prints

the phrase Pointers add power to C++

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char ptr

ptr = ―Pointers add power to C++ n ptr is assigned the address of this string constant

cout ltlt ptr

return 0

In this program the characters that make up a string constant are stored in the string table and ptr is assigned a pointer to the string in that table

Since a pointer into your programlsquos string table is generated automatically whenever

a string constant is used you might be tempted to use this fact to modify the contents of the string table However this is usually not a good idea because many C++ compilers

create optimized tables in which one string constant may be used at two or more different

places in your program Thus changing a string may cause undesired side effects

Reversing a String in Place

Earlier it was mentioned that comparing one pointer to another is meaningful only if the two pointers point to a common object such as an array Now that you understand how

pointers and arrays relate you can apply pointer comparisons to streamline some types of algorithms In this project you will see an example The program developed here reverses

the contents of a string in place Thus instead of copying the string back-to-front into

another array it reverses the contents of the string inside the array that holds it The program uses two pointer variables to accomplish this One initially points to the beginning

of a string and the other initially points to the last character in the string A loop is set up that continues to run as long as the start pointer is less than the end pointer Each time

through the loop the characters pointed to by the pointers are swapped and the pointers are advanced When the start pointer is greater than or equal to the end pointer the string

has been reversed Step by step

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1 Create a file called StrRevcpp 2 Begin by adding these lines to the file

Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test

char start end int len

char t

The string to be reversed is contained in str The pointers start and end will be used

to access the string

3 Add these lines which display the original string obtain the stringlsquos length and set the initial values for the start and end pointers

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

Notice that end points to the last character in the string not the null terminator

4 Add the code that reverse the string

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts

starts = end end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The process works like this As long as the start pointer points to a memory

location that is less than the end pointer the loop iterates Inside the loop the characters being pointed to by start and end are swapped Then start is incremented

and end is decremented When end is greater than or equal to start all of the characters in the string have been reversed Since both start and end point into the

same array their comparison is meaningful

5 Here is the complete StrRevcpp program

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Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test char start end

int len char t

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts starts = end

end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The output from the program is shown here Original this is a test Reversed

tset a si siht

Arrays of Pointers

Pointers can be arrayed like any other data type For example declaration for an int

pointer array of size 10 is

int p[10]

Here pi is an array of ten integer pointers To assign the address of an int variable

called var to the third element of the pointer array you would write

int var

fpi[2] = ampvar

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Remember pi is an array of int pointers The only thing that the array elements can

hold are the addresses of integer valuesmdashnot the values themselves To find the value of var you would write


Like other arrays arrays of pointers can be initialized A common use for initialized

pointer arrays is to hold pointers to strings Here is an example that uses a two-dimensional array of character pointers to implement a small dictionary

Here is a sample run

Enter word network

An interconnected group of computers

When the array dictionary is created it is initialized with a set of words and their

meanings Recall C++ stores all string constants in the string table associated with your program so the array need only store pointers to the strings The program works by testing

the word entered by the user against the strings stored in the dictionary If a match is found the meaning is displayed If no match is found an error message is printed Notice

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that dictionary ends with two null strings These mark the end of the array Recall that a

null string contains only the terminating null character The for loop runs until the first character in a string is null This condition is tested with this expression


The array indices specify a pointer to a string The obtains the character at that

location If this character is null then the expression is false and the loop terminates Otherwise the expression is true and the loop continues

The Null Pointer Convention

After a pointer is declared but before it has been assigned it will contain an arbitrary value Should you try to use the pointer prior to giving it a value you will probably

crash your program While there is no sure way to avoid using an uninitialized pointer C++ programmers have adopted a procedure that helps prevent some errors By convention if a

pointer contains the null (zero) value it is assumed to point to nothing Thus if all unused pointers are given the null value and you avoid the use of a null pointer you can avoid the

accidental misuse of an uninitialized pointer This is a good practice to follow

Any type of pointer can be initialized to null when it is declared For example the

following initializes p to null

float p = 0 p is now a null pointer

To check for a null pointer use an if statement like one of these

if(p) succeeds if p is not null

if(p) succeeds if p is null

Multiple Indirection

A pointer to a pointer is a form of multiple indirection or a chain of pointers Consider Figure 4-2 As you can see in the case of a normal pointer the value of the

pointer is the address of a value In the case of a pointer to a pointer the first pointer

contains the address of the second pointer which points to the location that contains the desired value Multiple indirection can be carried on to whatever extent desired but there

are few cases where more than a pointer to a pointer is needed or indeed even wise to use Excessive indirection is difficult to follow and prone to conceptual errors

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 5 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and String I Objectives To know how is Pointers and String worked using C II Tasks Procedure Instructions Asnwer the following question

1 What is it called when one pointer points to another pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Of what significant is a null pointer in C++ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that counts the uppercase letters in a string Have it display the result

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Chapter 7

Structures in Arrays Functions and Pointers

What is a Structure

Structure is a collection of variables under a single name Variables can be of any type int float char etc The main difference between structure and array is that arrays are

collections of the same data type and structure is a collection of variables under a single name

Declaring a Structure

The structure is declared by using the keyword struct followed by structure name

also called a tag Then the structure members (variables) are defined with their type and variable names inside the open and close braces and Finally the closed braces end with

a semicolon denoted as following the statement The above structure declaration is also called a Structure Specifier


Three variables custnum of type int salary of type int commission of type float are structuremembers and the structure name is Customer This structure is declared as


In the above example it is seen that variables of different types such as int and float are

grouped in a single structure name Customer

Arrays behave in the same way declaring structures does not mean that memory is

allocated Structure declaration gives a skeleton or template for the structure

After declaring the structure the next step is to define a structure variable

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How to declare Structure Variable

This is similar to variable declaration For variable declaration data type is defined followed

by variable name For structure variable declaration the data type is the name of the structure followed by thestructure variable name

In the above example structure variable cust1 is defined as

What happens when this is defined When structure is defined it allocates or reserves space in memory The memory space allocated will be cumulative of all

defined structure members In the above example there are 3 structure members

custnum salary and commission Of these two are of type int and one is of type float If integer space allocated by a system is 2 bytes and float four bytes the above would

allocate 2bytes for custnum 2 bytes for salary and 4 bytes for commission

How to access structure members in C++

To access structure members the operator used is the dot operator denoted by () The

dot operatorfor accessing structure members is used thusly

structure variable namemember name

For example

To assign 2000 for the structure member salary in the above example of structure

Customer with structure variable cust1 this is written as

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Pointers to structures

All that we have discussed so far has been OK but runs into problems when structures have

to be moved between functions for the following reasons

if the structure is large it is more efficient to pass a pointer to the structure instead of the structure its self This techniquepri is also used to pass pointers to

arrays between functions

When passing a structure to a function you actually pass a COPY of the structure Therefore it is not possible to change the values of members within the structure as

the copy is destroyed when the function ends

Here is an example (these are 2 examples the one to the left uses a pointer)

| |

struct x int a int b int c | struct x int a int b int c

| void function(struct x) | void function(struct x )

| main() | main()

| struct x z | struct x z pz 3

| pz = ampz 4 za = 10 1 | za = 10

za++ | za++

| function(z) 2 | function(pz) 5

| |

void function( struct x z) | void function(struct x pz) | 6

printf( first member d n za) | printf( first member d n (pz)a) |


Here is the annotation

1 Give a structure member a value 2 Pass a COPY of the whole structure to the function

3 Define pz a pointer to a structure of type x

4 Put the address of z into pz pz now POINTS to z PLEASE NOTE z is defined to reserve memory equal to the size of the structure pz only holds an address so will

be 4 bytes long 5 Pass the pointer into the function

6 Print the value of the member a

The (pz)a syntax is used a great deal in C and it was decided to create a short hand for

it So

(pz)a == pz-gta

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Structures and Arrays

include ltiostreamgt

include ltfstreamhgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

ofstream outData

input file structure ifstream inData

char menu_id[10] char menu_name[10]

char menu_col[10]

char menu_row[10] char button_id[10]

char button_label_1[10] char button_label_2[10]

char button_label_3[10] char button_col[10]

char button_row[10]

menu file structure

struct menu

int mid char name[20]

int mcol int mrow

int bid char blabel[24]

int bcol

int brow

List of menus

enum menu_id

MAIN = 1

Define Main menu

menu Main_menu[3]

void createMenu(menu newMenu[] int menu_num MAS_Configure_Button_Request_Messagemsg )

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int y = 0

while ((inDatagetline(menu_id10 $)eof()) ampamp (atoi(menu_id) == menu_num))

newMenu[y]mid= atoi(menu_id)

inDatagetline(menu_name 10 $)

newMenu[y]name[0] = 0

strcpy(newMenu[y]namemenu_name) outData ltlt Main Menu Name ltlt newMenu[y]name ltlt

inDatagetline( menu_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]mcol = atoi(menu_col)

inDatagetline( menu_row 10 $) newMenu[y]mrow = atoi(menu_row)

inDatagetline( button_id 10 $) newMenu[y]bid = atoi(button_id)

inDatagetline( button_label_1 10 $)

inDatagetline( button_label_2 10 $) inDatagetline( button_label_3 10 $)

newMenu[y]blabel[0] = 0 strcpy(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_1)


strcat(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_3) outData ltlt newMenu[y]blabel ltlt

inDatagetline( button_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]bcol = atoi(button_col)

inDatagetline( button_row 10 n)

newMenu[y]brow = atoi(button_row) y++

int main()

int loop

inDataopen(datatxt) if (inData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening datatxt End program ltlt endl


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outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

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recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

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Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

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Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

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the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

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main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 58 of 66

It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

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include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 60 of 66

next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

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1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 65 of 66


47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 3: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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This is a simple C++ program

Call this file Samplecpp

This is a comment Like most other programming languages C++ lets you enter a

remark into a programlsquos source code The contents of a comment are ignored by the compiler The purpose of a comment is to describe or explain the operation of a program to

anyone reading its source code In the case of this comment it identifies the program In more complex programs you will use comments to help explain what each feature of the

program is for and how it goes about doing its work

In the case of this comment it identifies the program In more complex programs

you will use comments to help explain what each feature of the program is for and how it goes about doing its work In other words you can use comments to provide a ―play-by-

play description of what your program does

The next line in the program is

using namespace std

This tells the compiler to use the std namespace namespaces are a relatively recent

addition to C++ A namespace creates a declarative region in which various program elements can be placed Elements declared in one namespace are separate from elements

declared in another Namespaces help in the organization of large programs The using statement informs the compiler that you want to use the std namespace This is the

namespace in which the entire Standard C++ library is declared By using the std namespace you simplify access to the standard library

The next line as the preceding comment indicates is where program execution begins

int main()

All C++ programs are composed of one or more functions As explained earlier a function is a subroutine Every C++ function must have a name and the only function that

any C++ program must include is the one shown here called main() The main() function is where program execution begins and (most commonly) ends (Technically speaking a C++

program begins with a call to main() and in most cases ends when main() returns) The

opening curly brace on the line that follows main() marks the start of the main() function code

The next line in the program is

cout ltlt C++ is power programming

This is a console output statement It causes the message C++ is power

programming to be displayed on the screen It accomplishes this by using the output

operator ltlt The ltlt operator causes whatever expression is on its right side to be output to the device specified on its left side cout is a predefined identifier that stands for console

output and generally refers to the computerlsquos screen Thus this statement causes the message to be output to the screen Notice that this statement ends with a semicolon In

fact all C++ statements end with a semicolon

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The message ―C++ is power programming is a string In C++ a string is a

sequence of characters enclosed between double quotes Strings are used frequently in C++

The next line in the program is

return 0

This line terminates main() and causes it to return the value 0 to the calling process

(which is typically the operating system) For most operating systems a return value of 0

signifies that the program is terminating normally Other values indicate that the program is terminating because of some error return is one of C++lsquos keywords and it is used to

return a value from a function All of your programs should return 0 when they terminate normally (that is without error)

Control Statements

Inside a function execution proceeds from one statement to the next top to bottom It is possible however to alter this flow through the use of the various program control

statements supported by C++

The if Statement

if(condition) statement

where condition is an expression that is evaluated to be either true or false In C++ true is

nonzero and false is zero If the condition is true then the statement will execute If it is false then the statement will not execute For example the following fragment displays the

phrase 10 is less than 11 on the screen because 10 is less than 11

if(10 lt 11)

cout ltlt 10 is less than 11

However consider the following

if(10 gt 11)

cout ltlt this does not display

In this case 10 is not greater than 11 so the cout statement is not executed Of course the operands inside an if statement need not be constants They can also be

variables C++ defines a full complement of relational operators that can be used in a conditional expression They are shown here

Operator Meaning

lt Less than

lt= Less than equal to

gt Greater than

gt= Greater that equal to

== Equal to

= Not equal to

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Notice that the test for equality is the double equal sign Here is a program that

illustrates the if statement

include ltiostreamgt

include ltconiohgt using namespace std

int main()

int a b c

a = 2 b = 3

if (a lt b)

cout ltlt a is less than bn An if statement

this wont display anything

if (a == b)

cout ltlt you wont see thisn cout ltltn

c = b - a c now contains 1

cout ltlt c contains 1n

if (cgt= 0) cout ltlt c is non-negative n

if (c lt 0) cout ltlt c is negative n

getch() return 0

The output generated by this program is shown here

a is less than b

c contains -1 c is negative

c contains 1

c is non-negative

The complete form of the if the statement is


statement else


where the targets of the if and else are single statements The else clause is optional The targets of both the if and else can also be blocks of statement The general forms of the if

using blocks of statements is

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statement sequence


statement sequence

If the conditional expression is true the target of the if will be executed otherwise

the target of the else if it exists will be executed At no time will both be executed The

conditional expression controlling the if may be any type of valid C++ expression that produces a true or false result

The following demonstrates the if by playing a simple version of the ―guess the

magic number game The program generates a random numbers prompts for your guess and prints the message Right if you guess the magic number This program also

introduces another C++ library function called rand( ) which returns a randomly selected integer value It requires the ltstdlibgt header

include ltiostreamgt include ltconiohgt

using namespace std


int magic guess

magic = rand()

cout ltlt Enter your guess cin gtgt guess

if (guess == magic) cout ltlt Right


return 0

This program uses the iflsquo statement to determine whether the userlsquos guess matches the magic number If it does the message is printed on the screen

Modular Programming

As programs grow in size it becomes important to break them into separate parts (modules) that communicate with rest of the program through a few well defined interfaces

If we decompose the program into modules well is we can code each module

independently Also if change happens we can localize changes to a particular module without impacting the rest of the programs

For example as is their habit a LCD which we had used in a product went obsolete

We had a written the hardware abstraction layer for the LCD as a separate module We

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 7 of 66

substituted a different LCD and modified the LCD hardware abstraction module while not

impacting rest of the program

How to achieve a modular programming in C

C provides two keywords static and extern that facilitate this Disciplined coding

practice also aids modularization

The key is to have a header file for each module This header file contains

a comment section about the module definition of all constants publicly exposed by the module

definition of all structures publicly exposed by the module all publicly exposed variables defined with extern

all publicly exposed functions defined with extern

In the header file you should only put definitions of constants structures variables and functions that you want to expose

As a coding practice prefix all constant structure variable and function definitions with

the name of the module This makes it easy to identify the source of definition in a larger program with many modules

The implementation file(s) contains the actual definition of variables and

implementations of the functions defined in the header file

The implementation file also contains definitions of those variables structures and constants that are used only in the implementation file It also contains definitions and

implementations of helper functions These should be declared as static to prevent access from outside I all find it a good programming practice to prefix all internal names with _


Header file for a module named node nodeh

Interface for node module

node_var1 is a variable used inside the module node_do_something() is a function in the module

extern int node_var1

extern int node_do_something(void)

Implementation file for module named node nodec

include nodeh

int node_var1

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 8 of 66

static int _node_var2

static void _node_helper_function(void)

int node_do_something(void)

node_var1 = 2

_node_var2 =35


The main file which uses module node

include nodeh

int main(int argc char argv[])



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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 1 COURSE TOPIC Review of Introduction to C Programming language I Objectives

To learn and understand the basic syntax and script delimeters of C

To understand and use CC++ variables and operators II Part I Basic Syntax of C++

1 Where does the C++ program begin execution __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 What is cout __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 What does include ltiostreamgt do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 What does the if statement do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 How is block of code created What does it do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 What is a namespace __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that averages the absolute value of five values entered by the user Display the result

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Chapter 2 amp 3

String Handling Functions

The string handling functions in the standard C++ libraries incorporated from the

standard C libraries do not have a single header file for a source When declaring a

character array that will hold a null-terminated string you need to declare it one character

longer than the largest string that it will hold For example if you want to declare an array

str that could hold a 10-character string

char str[11]

Specifying the size as 11 makes room for the null at the end of the string A string

constant is a list of characters enclosed in double quotes Here are some examples

―hello there ―I like C++ ―Mars ―

It is not necessary to manually add the null terminator onto the end of string

constants the C++ compiler does this for you automatically Therefore the string ―Mars

will appear in memory like this

M a r s 0

The last string shown is This is called a null string It contains only the null

terminator and no other characters Null strings are useful because they represent the

empty string

The easiest way to read a string entered from the keyboard is to use a char array in

a cin statement For example the following program reads a string entered by the user

using cin to read a string from the keyboard

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[80]

cout ltlt ―Enter a string ―

cin gtgt str read a string from keyboard lt-- read a string using cin

cout ltlt ―Here is your string ―

cout ltlt str

return 0

Here is a sample run

Enter a string testing

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Here is your string testing

Although this program is technically correct it will not always work the way you

expect To see why run the program and try entering the string ―This is a test Here is

what you will see

Enter a string This is a test

Here is your string This

When the program redisplays your string it shows only the word ―This not the

entire sentence The reason for this is that the C++ IO system stops reading a string when

the first whitespace character is encountered Whitespace characters include spaces tabs

and newlines

One way to solve the whitespace problem is to use another of C++lsquos library

functions gets( ) The general form of a call to gets( ) is


To read a string call gets( ) with the name of the array without any index as its

argument Upon return from gets( ) the array will hold the string input from the keyboard

The gets( ) function will continue to read characters including whitespace until you enter a

carriage return The header used by gets( ) is ltcstdiogt

This version of the preceding program uses gets( ) to allow the entry of strings

containing spaces

Using gets() to read a string from the keyboard

include ltiostreamgt

include ltcstdiogt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[80]

cout ltlt ―Enter a string ―

gets(str) read a string using gets() Read a string using gets()

cout ltlt ―Here is your string

cout ltlt str

return 0

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Notice that in a cout statement str can be used directly In general the name of a

character array that holds a string can be used any place that a string constant can be used

Keep in mind that neither cin nor gets( ) performs any bounds checking on the array

that receives input Therefore if the user enters a string longer than the size of the array

the array will be overwritten

Some string Library Functions

C++ supports a wide range of string manipulation functions The most common are





The string functions all use the same header ltstringgt Letlsquos take a look at these

functions now


A call to strcpy( ) takes this general form

strcpy(to from)

The strcpy( ) function copies the contents of the string from into to Remember the

array that forms to must be large enough to hold the string contained in from If it isnlsquot the

to array will be overrun which will probably crash your program


A call to strcat( ) takes this form strcat(s1 s2) The strcat( ) function appends s2 to

the end of s1 s2 is unchanged You must ensure that s1 is large enough to hold its original

contents and those of s2


A call to strcmp( ) takes this general form

strcmp(s1 s2)

The strcmp( ) function compares two strings and returns 0 if they are equal If s1 is

greater than s2 lexicographically (that is according to dictionary order) then a positive

number is returned if it is less than s2 a negative number is returned

The key to using strcmp( ) is to remember that it returns false when the strings


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Therefore you will need to use the operator if you want something to occur when

the strings are equal For example the condition controlling the following if statement is

true when str is equal to ―C++

if(strcmp(str C++)

cout ltlt str is C++


The general form of a call to strlen( ) is


Example using strlen

include ltstringhgt

include ltiostreamgt

include ltconiohgt

using namespace std

int main()

char aString1[11] = abcdefghij

aString2[11] = tooShort


unsigned int len1 len2 len3

cout ltlt endl ltlt endl

cout ltlt Please supply a third string

cingetline(aString3 11) n delimiter assumed

len1 = strlen(aString1)

len2 = strlen(aString2)

len3 = strlen(aString3)

cout ltlt endl ltlt String 1 ltlt aString1 ltlt length =

ltlt len1 ltlt endl ltlt String 2 ltlt aString2

ltlt length = ltlt len2 ltlt endl ltlt String 3

ltlt aString3 ltlt length = ltlt len3

cout ltlt endl ltlt endl


return 0

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where s is a string The strlen( ) function returns the length of the string pointed to by s

A String Function Example

The following program illustrates the use of all four string functions

Demonstrate the string functions

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstringhgt

include ltwindowshgt

include ltconiohgt

using namespace std

int main()

char s1[80]s2[80]

strcpy(s1 C++)

strcpy(s2 is power programming)

cout ltlt lengths ltlt strlen(s1)

cout ltlt ltlt strlen(s2) ltlt n

if(strcmp(s1 s2))

cout ltlt The strings are equaln

else cout ltlt not equaln

strcat(s1 s2)

cout ltlt s1 ltlt n

strcpy(s2 s1)

cout ltlt s1 ltlt and ltlt s2 ltlt n

if(strcmp(s1 s2))

cout ltlt s1 and s2 are now the samen


return 0

Here is the output

lengths 3 22

not equal

C++ is power programming

C++ is power programming and C++ is power programming

s1 and s2 are now the same

Using the Null Terminator

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The fact that strings are null-terminated can often be used to simplify various

operations For example the following program converts a string to uppercase

Convert a string to uppercase

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

include ltconiohgt

include ltctypehgt

include ltwindowshgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[80]

int i

strcpy (str this is a test)

for (i=0 str[1] i++)

str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt str


return 0

The output from this program is shown here


This program uses the library function toupper() which returns the uppercase

equivalent of its character argument to convert each character in the string The upper()

function uses the header ltctypehgt

Notice that the test condition of the for loop is simply the array indexed by the

condition variable The reason this works is that a true value is any non-zero value

Remember all character values are non-zero but the null terminating the string is zero

Because the null terminator marks the end of the string the loop stops precisely where it is

supposed to

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Table 1 Character functions in ltctypehgt

Function Function Signature


isalnum() int isalnum(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is alphabetic or numeric

isalpha() int isalpha(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is alphabetic

iscntrl() int iscntrl(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a control character

isdigit() int isdigit(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a digit 0 - 9

isgraph() int isgraph(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a non-blank but printing character

islower() int islower(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a lower case alphabetic character ie a - z

isprint() int isprint(intc) Returns a non-zero if c is printable non-blanks and white

space included

ispunct() int ispunct(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a printable character but not alpha numeric or blank

isspace() int isspace(int c) Returns a non-zero for blanks and these escape sequences

f n r t and v

isupper() int isupper(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is an upper-case alphabetic character

ie A - Z

isxdigit() int isxdigit(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a hexadecimal character 0 - 9 a - f or A - F

tolower() int tolower(int c) Returns the lower case version if c is an upper case character

otherwise returns c

toupper() int toupper(int c) Returns the upper case version if c is a lower case character otherwise returns c

Table 2 Some String Handling Functions in ltstringhgt

Functions Function Signature Description

strcat() char strcat(char s1

const char s2) Adds string s2 onto the end of s1 (conCATenation)

strchr() char strchr(const char

s int c)

Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of c in

string s Returns NULL if c is not found in s

strcmp() int strcmp(const char

s1 const char s2)

Compares s1 and s2 alphabetically Returns a negative zero or positive number depending on

whether s1 is before the same as or after s2 if you

were alphabetizing s1 and s2

strcpy() char strcpy(char s1

const char s2) Copies s2 into s1 and returns a point to s1

strlen() size_t strlen(const char s)

Returns the number of characters in the string s starting at s[0] and ending before the first NULL

strncat() char strncat(char s1

const char s2 size_t n)

Tacks on the first n characters of s2 onto s1 A

pointer to s1 is returned

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strncmp() int strncmp(const char s1 const char s2 size_t


Compares s1 with the first n characters of s2 Returns a negative zero or positive integer (just like


strncpy() char strncpy(char s1 const chars2 size_t n)

Copies the first n characters of s2 into the first n characters of s1

strrchr() char strrchr(const

chars int c)

Returns a pointer to the last occurence of c in string

s (Compare with strchr())

strstr() char strstr(const char

s1 const char s2)

Returns the address of the first occurence of string s2 that is also in string s1 Returns NULL if s2 is not

found in s1

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 2 COURSE TOPIC String and Handling Function I Objectives To know the String handling function used

Part II String Handling Functions 1 amp 2

1 What is a null-terminated string __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 To hold a string that is 18 characters long how must the character array be __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 Show how to initialize a four-element array of int to the values 123 and 4 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 How can this initialization be rewritten char str[6] = lsquoHrsquo lsquoersquo lsquolrsquo lsquolrsquo lsquoorsquo lsquoOrsquo)


5 Rewrite the following as an unsized array Int nums[4] = 44 55 66 77


Supplementary Programming (50 points) 1 Write a program that prompts the user for two strings and then compares the strings for equality

but ignores case differences Thus ldquookrdquo and ldquoOKrdquo will compare as equal

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Chapter 4

Introduction to Pointers

A pointer is an object that contains a memory address Very often this address is the

location of another object such as a variable For example if x contains the address of y

then x is said to ―point to y

Pointer variables must be declared as such The general form of a pointer variable

declaration is

type var-name

Here type is the pointerlsquos base type The base type determines what type of data

the pointer will be pointing to var-name is the name of the pointer variable For example

to declare ip to be a pointer to an int use this declaration

int ip

Since the base type of ip is int it can be used to point to int values Here a float

pointer is declared

float fp

In this case the base type of fp is float which means that it can be used to point to

a float value

In general in a declaration statement preceding a variable name with an causes

that variable to become a pointer

The Pointer Operator

There are two special operators that are used with pointers and amp The amp is a

unary operator that returns the memory address of its operand

For example

ptr = amptotal

puts into ptr the memory address of the variable total This address is the location of

total in the computerlsquos internal memory It has nothing to do with the value of total The

operation of amp can be remembered as returning ―the address of the variable it precedes

Therefore the preceding assignment statement could be verbalized as ―ptr receives the

address of total To better understand this assignment assume that the variable total is

located at address 100 Then after the assignment takes place ptr has the value 100 The

second operator is and it is the complement of amp It is a unary operator that returns the

value of the variable located at the address specified by its operand Continuing with the

same example if ptr contains the memory address of the variable total then

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val = ptr

will place the value of total into val For example if total originally had the value

3200 then val will have the value 3200 because that is the value stored at location 100

the memory address that was assigned to ptr The operation of can be remembered as ―at

address In this case then the statement could be read as ―val receives the value at

address ptr

The following program executes the sequence of the operations just described

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int total

int ptr

int val

total = 3200 assign 3200 to total

ptr = amptotal get address of total

val = ptr get value at that address

cout ltlt Total is ltlt val ltlt n

return 0

It is unfortunate that the multiplication symbol and the ―at address symbol are the

same This fact sometimes confuses newcomers to the C++ language These operators

have no relationship to each other Keep in mind that both amp and have a higher

precedence than any of the arithmetic operators except the unary minus with which they

have equal precedence The act of using a pointer is often called indirection because you are

accessing one variable indirectly through another variable

The Base Type of a Pointer

In the preceding discussion you saw that it was possible to assign val the value of

total indirectly through a pointer At this point you may have thought of this important question How does C++ know how many bytes to copy into val from the address pointed

to by ptr Or more generally how does the compiler transfer the proper number of bytes for any assignment involving a pointer The answer is that the base type of the pointer

determines the type of data upon which the pointer operates In this case because ptr is an

int pointer four bytes of information are copied into val (assuming a 32-bit int) from the address pointed to by ptr However if ptr had been a double pointer for example then

eight bytes would have been copied

It is important to ensure that pointer variables always point to the correct type of data For example when you declare a pointer to be of type int the compiler assumes that

anything it points to will be an integer variable If it doesnlsquot point to an integer variable then trouble is usually not far behind For example the following fragment is incorrect

int p double f p = ampf ERROR

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This fragment is invalid because you cannot assign a double pointer to an integer pointer That is ampf generates a pointer to a double but p is a pointer to an int These two

types are not compatible (In fact the compiler would flag an error at this point and not compile your program) Although two pointers must have compatible types in order for one

to be assigned to another you can override this restriction (at your own risk) using a cast For example the following fragment is now technically correct

int p double f p = (int ) ampf Now technically OK

The cast to int causes the double pointer to be converted to an integer pointer However to use a cast for this purpose is questionable practice The reason is that the base

type of a pointer determines how the compiler treats the data it points to In this case even though p is actually pointing to a floating-point value the compiler still ―thinks that p is

pointing to an int (because p is an int pointer)

To better understand why using a cast to assign one type of pointer to another is not usually a good idea consider the following short program

This program will not work right include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

double xy int p

x = 12323 p = (int ) ampx use cast to assign double to int

y = p what will this do

cout ltlt y what will this print

return 0

Here is the output produced by the program (You might see a different value)


This value is clearly not 12323 Here is why In the program p (which is an integer

pointer) has been assigned the address of x (which is a double) Thus when y is assigned the value pointed to by p y receives only four bytes of data (and not the eight required for

a double value) because p is an integer pointer Therefore the cout statement displays not 12323 but a garbage value instead

Assigning value to pointers

You can use a pointer on the left-hand side of an assignment statement to assign a value to the location pointed to by the pointer Assuming that p is an int pointer this

assigns the value 101 to the location pointed to by p

p = 101

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You can verbalize this assignment like this ―At the location pointed to by p assign the value 101 To increment or decrement the value at the location pointed to by a pointer

you can use a statement like this


The parentheses are necessary because the operator has lower precedence than does the ++ operator

The following program demonstrates an assignment through a pointer

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int p num

p = ampnum

p = 100 assign num the value 100 through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)++ increment num through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)-- decrement num through p cout ltlt num ltlt nlsquo

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

100 101 100

Pointer Expressions

Pointers can be used in most C++ expressions However some special rules apply

Remember also that you may need to surround some parts of a pointer expression with parentheses in order to ensure that the outcome is what you desire

Pointer Arithmetic There are only four arithmetic operators that can be used on

pointers ++ ndash ndash + and ndash To understand what occurs in pointer arithmetic let p1 be an int pointer with a current value of 2000 (that is it contains the address 2000) Assuming

32-bit integers after the expression


The contents of p1 will be 2004 not 2001 The reason for this is that each time p1

is incremented it will point to the next int The same is true of decrements For example again assuming that p1 has the value 2000 the expression

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causes p1 to have the value 1996

Generalizing from the preceding example the following rules apply to pointer

arithmetic Each time that a pointer is incremented it will point to the memory location of the next element of its base type Each time it is decremented it will point to the location of

the previous element of its base type In the case of character pointers an increment or decrement will appear as ―normal arithmetic because characters are one byte long

However every other type of pointer will increase or decrease by the length of its base

type You are not limited to only increment and decrement operations You can also add or subtract integers to or from pointers The expression

p1 = p1 + 9

makes p1 point to the ninth element of p1lsquos base type beyond the one to which it is

currently pointing

Although you cannot add pointers you can subtract one pointer from another

(provided they are both of the same base type) The remainder will be the number of elements of the base type that separate the two pointers

Other than addition and subtraction of a pointer and an integer or the subtraction of

two pointers no other arithmetic operations can be performed on pointers For example you cannot add or subtract float or double values to or from pointers

To graphically see the effects of pointer arithmetic execute the next short program

It creates an int pointer (i) and a double pointer (f) It then adds the values 0 through 9 to

these pointers and displays the results Observe how each address changes relative to its base type each time the loop is repeated (For most 32-bit compilers i will increase by 4s

and f will increase by 8s) Notice that when using a pointer in a cout statement its address is automatically displayed in the addressing format applicable to the CPU and environment

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int I j[10]

double f g[10] int x

i = j

f = g

for (x=0 xlt10 x++)

cout ltlt i+x ltlt ltlt f+x ltlt nlsquo display the addresses produced by adding x

to each pointer

Here is a sample run (The precise values you see may differ from these)

0012FE5C 09012FE84

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0012FE60 0012FE8C

0012FE64 0012FE94 0012FE68 0012FE9C

0012FE6C 0012FEA4 0012FE70 0012FEAC

0012FE74 0012FEB4 0012FE78 0012FEBC

0012FE7C 0012FEC4

0012FE80 0012FECC

Pointer Comparisons

Pointers may be compared using the relational operators such as == lt and gt In general for the outcome of a pointer comparison to be meaningful the two pointers must

have some relationship to each other For example both may point to elements within the same array There is however one other type of pointer comparison any pointer can be

compared to the null pointer which is zero

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I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers in C and its use

II Basic Information Scenario Answer the following using Pointers

1 What is a pointer


2 Show how to declare a long int pointer called valPtr __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 As they relate to pointers what do the and amp operators do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7 What are two pointer operators __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 5

Pointers and Arrays

In C++ there is a close relationship between pointers and arrays In fact frequently a pointer and an array are interchangeable Consider this fragment

char str[80] char p1

p1 = str

Here str is an array of 80 characters and p1 is a character pointer However it is the third line that is of interest In this line p1 is assigned the address of the first element in

the str array (That is after the assignment p1 will point to str[0]) Herelsquos why In C++ using the name of an array without an index generates a pointer to the first element in the

array Thus the assignment

p1 = str

assigns the address of str[0] to p1 This is a crucial point to understand When an


array name is used in an expression it yields a pointer to the first element in the array Since after the assignment p1 points to the beginning of str you can use p1 to


elements in the array For example if you want to access the fifth element in str you can use




Both statements obtain the fifth element Remember array indices start at zero so when str is indexed a 4 is used to access the fifth element A 4 is also added to the pointer

p1 to get the fifth element because p1 currently points to the first element of str

The parentheses surrounding p1+4 are necessary because the operation has a

higher priority than the + operation Without them the expression would first find the value pointed to by p1 (the first location in the array) and then add 4 to it In effect C++ allows

two methods of accessing array elements pointer arithmetic and array indexing This is important because pointer arithmetic can sometimes be faster than array indexingmdash

especially when you are accessing an array in strictly sequential order Since speed is often a consideration in programming the use of pointers to access array elements is very

common in C++ programs Also you can sometimes write tighter code by using pointers

instead of array indexing

Here is an example that demonstrates the difference between using array indexing and pointer arithmetic to access the elements of an array We will create two versions of a

program that reverse the case of letters within a string The first version uses array indexing The second uses pointer arithmetic The first version is shown here

Reverse case using array indexing

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include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = This Is A Test

cout ltlt Original string ltlt str ltlt n

for(i = 0 str[i] i++)

if(isupper(str[i])) str[i] = tolower(str[i]) else if(islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt Inverted-case string ltlt str

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

Original string This Is A Test Inverted-case string tHIS iS a tEST

Notice that the program uses the isupper( ) and islower( ) library functions to determine the case of a letter The isupper( ) function returns true when its argument is an

uppercase letter islower( ) returns true when its argument is a lowercase letter Inside the for loop str is indexed and the case of each letter is checked and changed The loop

iterates until the null terminating str is indexed Since a null is zero (false) the loop stops

Here is the same program rewritten to use pointer arithmetic

Reverse case using array indexing

include ltiostreamgt include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = ―This Is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

for i = 0 str[i] i++) if (iupper(str[i]))

else if (islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i]

cout ltlt ―Inverted-case string ― ltlt str return 0

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In this version p is set to the start of str Then inside the while loop the letter at p

is checked and changed and then p is incremented The loop stops when p points to the null terminator that ends str Because of the way some C++ compilers generate code these

two programs may not be equivalent in performance Generally it takes more machine instructions to index an array than it does to perform arithmetic on a pointer Consequently

in professionally written C++ code it is common to see the pointer version used more frequently However as a beginning C++ programmer feel free to use array indexing until

you are comfortable with pointers

Indexing a Pointer

As you have just seen it is possible to access an array using pointer arithmetic

What you might find surprising is that the reverse is also true In C++ it is possible to index a pointer as if it were an array Here is an example It is a third version of the case-

changing program

index a pointer as if it were an array

include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt

using namespace std


char p int i

char str[80]=This is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

p = str assign the p address of the start of the array now index p

for (I = 0 p[i] i++)

if (isupper(p[i])) p[i] = tolowerp[i])

else if (islower(p[i])

p[i] = toupper(p[i])

cout ltlt ―Inverted ndash case string lt str

return 0

The program creates a char pointer called p and then assigns to that pointer the

address of the first element in str Inside the for loop p is indexed using the normal array indexing syntax This is perfectly valid because in C++ the statement p[i] is function

functionally identical to (p+i) This further illustrates the close relationship between pointers and arrays

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 4 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and Arrays I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers and Arrays using C

II Tasks Procedure Instructions Answer the following questions

1 Can an array be accessed through a pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Can a pointer be indexed as if it were an array __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 An array name used by itself with no index yields what __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 6

Pointers and String

Strings and Constants

You might be wondering how string constants like the one in the fragment shown

here are handled by C++

cout ltlt strlen(Xanadu)

The answer is that when the compiler encounters a string constant it stores it in the

programlsquos string table and generates a pointer to the string Thus ―Xanadu yields a pointer to its entry in the string table Therefore the following program is perfectly valid and prints

the phrase Pointers add power to C++

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char ptr

ptr = ―Pointers add power to C++ n ptr is assigned the address of this string constant

cout ltlt ptr

return 0

In this program the characters that make up a string constant are stored in the string table and ptr is assigned a pointer to the string in that table

Since a pointer into your programlsquos string table is generated automatically whenever

a string constant is used you might be tempted to use this fact to modify the contents of the string table However this is usually not a good idea because many C++ compilers

create optimized tables in which one string constant may be used at two or more different

places in your program Thus changing a string may cause undesired side effects

Reversing a String in Place

Earlier it was mentioned that comparing one pointer to another is meaningful only if the two pointers point to a common object such as an array Now that you understand how

pointers and arrays relate you can apply pointer comparisons to streamline some types of algorithms In this project you will see an example The program developed here reverses

the contents of a string in place Thus instead of copying the string back-to-front into

another array it reverses the contents of the string inside the array that holds it The program uses two pointer variables to accomplish this One initially points to the beginning

of a string and the other initially points to the last character in the string A loop is set up that continues to run as long as the start pointer is less than the end pointer Each time

through the loop the characters pointed to by the pointers are swapped and the pointers are advanced When the start pointer is greater than or equal to the end pointer the string

has been reversed Step by step

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1 Create a file called StrRevcpp 2 Begin by adding these lines to the file

Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test

char start end int len

char t

The string to be reversed is contained in str The pointers start and end will be used

to access the string

3 Add these lines which display the original string obtain the stringlsquos length and set the initial values for the start and end pointers

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

Notice that end points to the last character in the string not the null terminator

4 Add the code that reverse the string

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts

starts = end end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The process works like this As long as the start pointer points to a memory

location that is less than the end pointer the loop iterates Inside the loop the characters being pointed to by start and end are swapped Then start is incremented

and end is decremented When end is greater than or equal to start all of the characters in the string have been reversed Since both start and end point into the

same array their comparison is meaningful

5 Here is the complete StrRevcpp program

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Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test char start end

int len char t

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts starts = end

end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The output from the program is shown here Original this is a test Reversed

tset a si siht

Arrays of Pointers

Pointers can be arrayed like any other data type For example declaration for an int

pointer array of size 10 is

int p[10]

Here pi is an array of ten integer pointers To assign the address of an int variable

called var to the third element of the pointer array you would write

int var

fpi[2] = ampvar

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Remember pi is an array of int pointers The only thing that the array elements can

hold are the addresses of integer valuesmdashnot the values themselves To find the value of var you would write


Like other arrays arrays of pointers can be initialized A common use for initialized

pointer arrays is to hold pointers to strings Here is an example that uses a two-dimensional array of character pointers to implement a small dictionary

Here is a sample run

Enter word network

An interconnected group of computers

When the array dictionary is created it is initialized with a set of words and their

meanings Recall C++ stores all string constants in the string table associated with your program so the array need only store pointers to the strings The program works by testing

the word entered by the user against the strings stored in the dictionary If a match is found the meaning is displayed If no match is found an error message is printed Notice

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that dictionary ends with two null strings These mark the end of the array Recall that a

null string contains only the terminating null character The for loop runs until the first character in a string is null This condition is tested with this expression


The array indices specify a pointer to a string The obtains the character at that

location If this character is null then the expression is false and the loop terminates Otherwise the expression is true and the loop continues

The Null Pointer Convention

After a pointer is declared but before it has been assigned it will contain an arbitrary value Should you try to use the pointer prior to giving it a value you will probably

crash your program While there is no sure way to avoid using an uninitialized pointer C++ programmers have adopted a procedure that helps prevent some errors By convention if a

pointer contains the null (zero) value it is assumed to point to nothing Thus if all unused pointers are given the null value and you avoid the use of a null pointer you can avoid the

accidental misuse of an uninitialized pointer This is a good practice to follow

Any type of pointer can be initialized to null when it is declared For example the

following initializes p to null

float p = 0 p is now a null pointer

To check for a null pointer use an if statement like one of these

if(p) succeeds if p is not null

if(p) succeeds if p is null

Multiple Indirection

A pointer to a pointer is a form of multiple indirection or a chain of pointers Consider Figure 4-2 As you can see in the case of a normal pointer the value of the

pointer is the address of a value In the case of a pointer to a pointer the first pointer

contains the address of the second pointer which points to the location that contains the desired value Multiple indirection can be carried on to whatever extent desired but there

are few cases where more than a pointer to a pointer is needed or indeed even wise to use Excessive indirection is difficult to follow and prone to conceptual errors

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 5 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and String I Objectives To know how is Pointers and String worked using C II Tasks Procedure Instructions Asnwer the following question

1 What is it called when one pointer points to another pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Of what significant is a null pointer in C++ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that counts the uppercase letters in a string Have it display the result

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Chapter 7

Structures in Arrays Functions and Pointers

What is a Structure

Structure is a collection of variables under a single name Variables can be of any type int float char etc The main difference between structure and array is that arrays are

collections of the same data type and structure is a collection of variables under a single name

Declaring a Structure

The structure is declared by using the keyword struct followed by structure name

also called a tag Then the structure members (variables) are defined with their type and variable names inside the open and close braces and Finally the closed braces end with

a semicolon denoted as following the statement The above structure declaration is also called a Structure Specifier


Three variables custnum of type int salary of type int commission of type float are structuremembers and the structure name is Customer This structure is declared as


In the above example it is seen that variables of different types such as int and float are

grouped in a single structure name Customer

Arrays behave in the same way declaring structures does not mean that memory is

allocated Structure declaration gives a skeleton or template for the structure

After declaring the structure the next step is to define a structure variable

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How to declare Structure Variable

This is similar to variable declaration For variable declaration data type is defined followed

by variable name For structure variable declaration the data type is the name of the structure followed by thestructure variable name

In the above example structure variable cust1 is defined as

What happens when this is defined When structure is defined it allocates or reserves space in memory The memory space allocated will be cumulative of all

defined structure members In the above example there are 3 structure members

custnum salary and commission Of these two are of type int and one is of type float If integer space allocated by a system is 2 bytes and float four bytes the above would

allocate 2bytes for custnum 2 bytes for salary and 4 bytes for commission

How to access structure members in C++

To access structure members the operator used is the dot operator denoted by () The

dot operatorfor accessing structure members is used thusly

structure variable namemember name

For example

To assign 2000 for the structure member salary in the above example of structure

Customer with structure variable cust1 this is written as

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Pointers to structures

All that we have discussed so far has been OK but runs into problems when structures have

to be moved between functions for the following reasons

if the structure is large it is more efficient to pass a pointer to the structure instead of the structure its self This techniquepri is also used to pass pointers to

arrays between functions

When passing a structure to a function you actually pass a COPY of the structure Therefore it is not possible to change the values of members within the structure as

the copy is destroyed when the function ends

Here is an example (these are 2 examples the one to the left uses a pointer)

| |

struct x int a int b int c | struct x int a int b int c

| void function(struct x) | void function(struct x )

| main() | main()

| struct x z | struct x z pz 3

| pz = ampz 4 za = 10 1 | za = 10

za++ | za++

| function(z) 2 | function(pz) 5

| |

void function( struct x z) | void function(struct x pz) | 6

printf( first member d n za) | printf( first member d n (pz)a) |


Here is the annotation

1 Give a structure member a value 2 Pass a COPY of the whole structure to the function

3 Define pz a pointer to a structure of type x

4 Put the address of z into pz pz now POINTS to z PLEASE NOTE z is defined to reserve memory equal to the size of the structure pz only holds an address so will

be 4 bytes long 5 Pass the pointer into the function

6 Print the value of the member a

The (pz)a syntax is used a great deal in C and it was decided to create a short hand for

it So

(pz)a == pz-gta

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 39 of 66


Structures and Arrays

include ltiostreamgt

include ltfstreamhgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

ofstream outData

input file structure ifstream inData

char menu_id[10] char menu_name[10]

char menu_col[10]

char menu_row[10] char button_id[10]

char button_label_1[10] char button_label_2[10]

char button_label_3[10] char button_col[10]

char button_row[10]

menu file structure

struct menu

int mid char name[20]

int mcol int mrow

int bid char blabel[24]

int bcol

int brow

List of menus

enum menu_id

MAIN = 1

Define Main menu

menu Main_menu[3]

void createMenu(menu newMenu[] int menu_num MAS_Configure_Button_Request_Messagemsg )

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 40 of 66

int y = 0

while ((inDatagetline(menu_id10 $)eof()) ampamp (atoi(menu_id) == menu_num))

newMenu[y]mid= atoi(menu_id)

inDatagetline(menu_name 10 $)

newMenu[y]name[0] = 0

strcpy(newMenu[y]namemenu_name) outData ltlt Main Menu Name ltlt newMenu[y]name ltlt

inDatagetline( menu_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]mcol = atoi(menu_col)

inDatagetline( menu_row 10 $) newMenu[y]mrow = atoi(menu_row)

inDatagetline( button_id 10 $) newMenu[y]bid = atoi(button_id)

inDatagetline( button_label_1 10 $)

inDatagetline( button_label_2 10 $) inDatagetline( button_label_3 10 $)

newMenu[y]blabel[0] = 0 strcpy(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_1)


strcat(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_3) outData ltlt newMenu[y]blabel ltlt

inDatagetline( button_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]bcol = atoi(button_col)

inDatagetline( button_row 10 n)

newMenu[y]brow = atoi(button_row) y++

int main()

int loop

inDataopen(datatxt) if (inData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening datatxt End program ltlt endl


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outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 42 of 66

recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 43 of 66

Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 44 of 66

Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

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the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 50 of 66

main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

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include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 60 of 66

next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 64 of 66

1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 65 of 66


47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 4: A tutorial on C++ Programming

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 4 of 66

The message ―C++ is power programming is a string In C++ a string is a

sequence of characters enclosed between double quotes Strings are used frequently in C++

The next line in the program is

return 0

This line terminates main() and causes it to return the value 0 to the calling process

(which is typically the operating system) For most operating systems a return value of 0

signifies that the program is terminating normally Other values indicate that the program is terminating because of some error return is one of C++lsquos keywords and it is used to

return a value from a function All of your programs should return 0 when they terminate normally (that is without error)

Control Statements

Inside a function execution proceeds from one statement to the next top to bottom It is possible however to alter this flow through the use of the various program control

statements supported by C++

The if Statement

if(condition) statement

where condition is an expression that is evaluated to be either true or false In C++ true is

nonzero and false is zero If the condition is true then the statement will execute If it is false then the statement will not execute For example the following fragment displays the

phrase 10 is less than 11 on the screen because 10 is less than 11

if(10 lt 11)

cout ltlt 10 is less than 11

However consider the following

if(10 gt 11)

cout ltlt this does not display

In this case 10 is not greater than 11 so the cout statement is not executed Of course the operands inside an if statement need not be constants They can also be

variables C++ defines a full complement of relational operators that can be used in a conditional expression They are shown here

Operator Meaning

lt Less than

lt= Less than equal to

gt Greater than

gt= Greater that equal to

== Equal to

= Not equal to

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Notice that the test for equality is the double equal sign Here is a program that

illustrates the if statement

include ltiostreamgt

include ltconiohgt using namespace std

int main()

int a b c

a = 2 b = 3

if (a lt b)

cout ltlt a is less than bn An if statement

this wont display anything

if (a == b)

cout ltlt you wont see thisn cout ltltn

c = b - a c now contains 1

cout ltlt c contains 1n

if (cgt= 0) cout ltlt c is non-negative n

if (c lt 0) cout ltlt c is negative n

getch() return 0

The output generated by this program is shown here

a is less than b

c contains -1 c is negative

c contains 1

c is non-negative

The complete form of the if the statement is


statement else


where the targets of the if and else are single statements The else clause is optional The targets of both the if and else can also be blocks of statement The general forms of the if

using blocks of statements is

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 6 of 66


statement sequence


statement sequence

If the conditional expression is true the target of the if will be executed otherwise

the target of the else if it exists will be executed At no time will both be executed The

conditional expression controlling the if may be any type of valid C++ expression that produces a true or false result

The following demonstrates the if by playing a simple version of the ―guess the

magic number game The program generates a random numbers prompts for your guess and prints the message Right if you guess the magic number This program also

introduces another C++ library function called rand( ) which returns a randomly selected integer value It requires the ltstdlibgt header

include ltiostreamgt include ltconiohgt

using namespace std


int magic guess

magic = rand()

cout ltlt Enter your guess cin gtgt guess

if (guess == magic) cout ltlt Right


return 0

This program uses the iflsquo statement to determine whether the userlsquos guess matches the magic number If it does the message is printed on the screen

Modular Programming

As programs grow in size it becomes important to break them into separate parts (modules) that communicate with rest of the program through a few well defined interfaces

If we decompose the program into modules well is we can code each module

independently Also if change happens we can localize changes to a particular module without impacting the rest of the programs

For example as is their habit a LCD which we had used in a product went obsolete

We had a written the hardware abstraction layer for the LCD as a separate module We

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 7 of 66

substituted a different LCD and modified the LCD hardware abstraction module while not

impacting rest of the program

How to achieve a modular programming in C

C provides two keywords static and extern that facilitate this Disciplined coding

practice also aids modularization

The key is to have a header file for each module This header file contains

a comment section about the module definition of all constants publicly exposed by the module

definition of all structures publicly exposed by the module all publicly exposed variables defined with extern

all publicly exposed functions defined with extern

In the header file you should only put definitions of constants structures variables and functions that you want to expose

As a coding practice prefix all constant structure variable and function definitions with

the name of the module This makes it easy to identify the source of definition in a larger program with many modules

The implementation file(s) contains the actual definition of variables and

implementations of the functions defined in the header file

The implementation file also contains definitions of those variables structures and constants that are used only in the implementation file It also contains definitions and

implementations of helper functions These should be declared as static to prevent access from outside I all find it a good programming practice to prefix all internal names with _


Header file for a module named node nodeh

Interface for node module

node_var1 is a variable used inside the module node_do_something() is a function in the module

extern int node_var1

extern int node_do_something(void)

Implementation file for module named node nodec

include nodeh

int node_var1

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 8 of 66

static int _node_var2

static void _node_helper_function(void)

int node_do_something(void)

node_var1 = 2

_node_var2 =35


The main file which uses module node

include nodeh

int main(int argc char argv[])



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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 1 COURSE TOPIC Review of Introduction to C Programming language I Objectives

To learn and understand the basic syntax and script delimeters of C

To understand and use CC++ variables and operators II Part I Basic Syntax of C++

1 Where does the C++ program begin execution __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 What is cout __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 What does include ltiostreamgt do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 What does the if statement do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 How is block of code created What does it do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 What is a namespace __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that averages the absolute value of five values entered by the user Display the result

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Chapter 2 amp 3

String Handling Functions

The string handling functions in the standard C++ libraries incorporated from the

standard C libraries do not have a single header file for a source When declaring a

character array that will hold a null-terminated string you need to declare it one character

longer than the largest string that it will hold For example if you want to declare an array

str that could hold a 10-character string

char str[11]

Specifying the size as 11 makes room for the null at the end of the string A string

constant is a list of characters enclosed in double quotes Here are some examples

―hello there ―I like C++ ―Mars ―

It is not necessary to manually add the null terminator onto the end of string

constants the C++ compiler does this for you automatically Therefore the string ―Mars

will appear in memory like this

M a r s 0

The last string shown is This is called a null string It contains only the null

terminator and no other characters Null strings are useful because they represent the

empty string

The easiest way to read a string entered from the keyboard is to use a char array in

a cin statement For example the following program reads a string entered by the user

using cin to read a string from the keyboard

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[80]

cout ltlt ―Enter a string ―

cin gtgt str read a string from keyboard lt-- read a string using cin

cout ltlt ―Here is your string ―

cout ltlt str

return 0

Here is a sample run

Enter a string testing

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Here is your string testing

Although this program is technically correct it will not always work the way you

expect To see why run the program and try entering the string ―This is a test Here is

what you will see

Enter a string This is a test

Here is your string This

When the program redisplays your string it shows only the word ―This not the

entire sentence The reason for this is that the C++ IO system stops reading a string when

the first whitespace character is encountered Whitespace characters include spaces tabs

and newlines

One way to solve the whitespace problem is to use another of C++lsquos library

functions gets( ) The general form of a call to gets( ) is


To read a string call gets( ) with the name of the array without any index as its

argument Upon return from gets( ) the array will hold the string input from the keyboard

The gets( ) function will continue to read characters including whitespace until you enter a

carriage return The header used by gets( ) is ltcstdiogt

This version of the preceding program uses gets( ) to allow the entry of strings

containing spaces

Using gets() to read a string from the keyboard

include ltiostreamgt

include ltcstdiogt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[80]

cout ltlt ―Enter a string ―

gets(str) read a string using gets() Read a string using gets()

cout ltlt ―Here is your string

cout ltlt str

return 0

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Notice that in a cout statement str can be used directly In general the name of a

character array that holds a string can be used any place that a string constant can be used

Keep in mind that neither cin nor gets( ) performs any bounds checking on the array

that receives input Therefore if the user enters a string longer than the size of the array

the array will be overwritten

Some string Library Functions

C++ supports a wide range of string manipulation functions The most common are





The string functions all use the same header ltstringgt Letlsquos take a look at these

functions now


A call to strcpy( ) takes this general form

strcpy(to from)

The strcpy( ) function copies the contents of the string from into to Remember the

array that forms to must be large enough to hold the string contained in from If it isnlsquot the

to array will be overrun which will probably crash your program


A call to strcat( ) takes this form strcat(s1 s2) The strcat( ) function appends s2 to

the end of s1 s2 is unchanged You must ensure that s1 is large enough to hold its original

contents and those of s2


A call to strcmp( ) takes this general form

strcmp(s1 s2)

The strcmp( ) function compares two strings and returns 0 if they are equal If s1 is

greater than s2 lexicographically (that is according to dictionary order) then a positive

number is returned if it is less than s2 a negative number is returned

The key to using strcmp( ) is to remember that it returns false when the strings


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Therefore you will need to use the operator if you want something to occur when

the strings are equal For example the condition controlling the following if statement is

true when str is equal to ―C++

if(strcmp(str C++)

cout ltlt str is C++


The general form of a call to strlen( ) is


Example using strlen

include ltstringhgt

include ltiostreamgt

include ltconiohgt

using namespace std

int main()

char aString1[11] = abcdefghij

aString2[11] = tooShort


unsigned int len1 len2 len3

cout ltlt endl ltlt endl

cout ltlt Please supply a third string

cingetline(aString3 11) n delimiter assumed

len1 = strlen(aString1)

len2 = strlen(aString2)

len3 = strlen(aString3)

cout ltlt endl ltlt String 1 ltlt aString1 ltlt length =

ltlt len1 ltlt endl ltlt String 2 ltlt aString2

ltlt length = ltlt len2 ltlt endl ltlt String 3

ltlt aString3 ltlt length = ltlt len3

cout ltlt endl ltlt endl


return 0

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where s is a string The strlen( ) function returns the length of the string pointed to by s

A String Function Example

The following program illustrates the use of all four string functions

Demonstrate the string functions

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstringhgt

include ltwindowshgt

include ltconiohgt

using namespace std

int main()

char s1[80]s2[80]

strcpy(s1 C++)

strcpy(s2 is power programming)

cout ltlt lengths ltlt strlen(s1)

cout ltlt ltlt strlen(s2) ltlt n

if(strcmp(s1 s2))

cout ltlt The strings are equaln

else cout ltlt not equaln

strcat(s1 s2)

cout ltlt s1 ltlt n

strcpy(s2 s1)

cout ltlt s1 ltlt and ltlt s2 ltlt n

if(strcmp(s1 s2))

cout ltlt s1 and s2 are now the samen


return 0

Here is the output

lengths 3 22

not equal

C++ is power programming

C++ is power programming and C++ is power programming

s1 and s2 are now the same

Using the Null Terminator

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The fact that strings are null-terminated can often be used to simplify various

operations For example the following program converts a string to uppercase

Convert a string to uppercase

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

include ltconiohgt

include ltctypehgt

include ltwindowshgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[80]

int i

strcpy (str this is a test)

for (i=0 str[1] i++)

str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt str


return 0

The output from this program is shown here


This program uses the library function toupper() which returns the uppercase

equivalent of its character argument to convert each character in the string The upper()

function uses the header ltctypehgt

Notice that the test condition of the for loop is simply the array indexed by the

condition variable The reason this works is that a true value is any non-zero value

Remember all character values are non-zero but the null terminating the string is zero

Because the null terminator marks the end of the string the loop stops precisely where it is

supposed to

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Table 1 Character functions in ltctypehgt

Function Function Signature


isalnum() int isalnum(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is alphabetic or numeric

isalpha() int isalpha(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is alphabetic

iscntrl() int iscntrl(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a control character

isdigit() int isdigit(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a digit 0 - 9

isgraph() int isgraph(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a non-blank but printing character

islower() int islower(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a lower case alphabetic character ie a - z

isprint() int isprint(intc) Returns a non-zero if c is printable non-blanks and white

space included

ispunct() int ispunct(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a printable character but not alpha numeric or blank

isspace() int isspace(int c) Returns a non-zero for blanks and these escape sequences

f n r t and v

isupper() int isupper(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is an upper-case alphabetic character

ie A - Z

isxdigit() int isxdigit(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a hexadecimal character 0 - 9 a - f or A - F

tolower() int tolower(int c) Returns the lower case version if c is an upper case character

otherwise returns c

toupper() int toupper(int c) Returns the upper case version if c is a lower case character otherwise returns c

Table 2 Some String Handling Functions in ltstringhgt

Functions Function Signature Description

strcat() char strcat(char s1

const char s2) Adds string s2 onto the end of s1 (conCATenation)

strchr() char strchr(const char

s int c)

Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of c in

string s Returns NULL if c is not found in s

strcmp() int strcmp(const char

s1 const char s2)

Compares s1 and s2 alphabetically Returns a negative zero or positive number depending on

whether s1 is before the same as or after s2 if you

were alphabetizing s1 and s2

strcpy() char strcpy(char s1

const char s2) Copies s2 into s1 and returns a point to s1

strlen() size_t strlen(const char s)

Returns the number of characters in the string s starting at s[0] and ending before the first NULL

strncat() char strncat(char s1

const char s2 size_t n)

Tacks on the first n characters of s2 onto s1 A

pointer to s1 is returned

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 17 of 66

strncmp() int strncmp(const char s1 const char s2 size_t


Compares s1 with the first n characters of s2 Returns a negative zero or positive integer (just like


strncpy() char strncpy(char s1 const chars2 size_t n)

Copies the first n characters of s2 into the first n characters of s1

strrchr() char strrchr(const

chars int c)

Returns a pointer to the last occurence of c in string

s (Compare with strchr())

strstr() char strstr(const char

s1 const char s2)

Returns the address of the first occurence of string s2 that is also in string s1 Returns NULL if s2 is not

found in s1

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 18 of 66

COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 2 COURSE TOPIC String and Handling Function I Objectives To know the String handling function used

Part II String Handling Functions 1 amp 2

1 What is a null-terminated string __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 To hold a string that is 18 characters long how must the character array be __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 Show how to initialize a four-element array of int to the values 123 and 4 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 How can this initialization be rewritten char str[6] = lsquoHrsquo lsquoersquo lsquolrsquo lsquolrsquo lsquoorsquo lsquoOrsquo)


5 Rewrite the following as an unsized array Int nums[4] = 44 55 66 77


Supplementary Programming (50 points) 1 Write a program that prompts the user for two strings and then compares the strings for equality

but ignores case differences Thus ldquookrdquo and ldquoOKrdquo will compare as equal

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 19 of 66

Chapter 4

Introduction to Pointers

A pointer is an object that contains a memory address Very often this address is the

location of another object such as a variable For example if x contains the address of y

then x is said to ―point to y

Pointer variables must be declared as such The general form of a pointer variable

declaration is

type var-name

Here type is the pointerlsquos base type The base type determines what type of data

the pointer will be pointing to var-name is the name of the pointer variable For example

to declare ip to be a pointer to an int use this declaration

int ip

Since the base type of ip is int it can be used to point to int values Here a float

pointer is declared

float fp

In this case the base type of fp is float which means that it can be used to point to

a float value

In general in a declaration statement preceding a variable name with an causes

that variable to become a pointer

The Pointer Operator

There are two special operators that are used with pointers and amp The amp is a

unary operator that returns the memory address of its operand

For example

ptr = amptotal

puts into ptr the memory address of the variable total This address is the location of

total in the computerlsquos internal memory It has nothing to do with the value of total The

operation of amp can be remembered as returning ―the address of the variable it precedes

Therefore the preceding assignment statement could be verbalized as ―ptr receives the

address of total To better understand this assignment assume that the variable total is

located at address 100 Then after the assignment takes place ptr has the value 100 The

second operator is and it is the complement of amp It is a unary operator that returns the

value of the variable located at the address specified by its operand Continuing with the

same example if ptr contains the memory address of the variable total then

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 20 of 66

val = ptr

will place the value of total into val For example if total originally had the value

3200 then val will have the value 3200 because that is the value stored at location 100

the memory address that was assigned to ptr The operation of can be remembered as ―at

address In this case then the statement could be read as ―val receives the value at

address ptr

The following program executes the sequence of the operations just described

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int total

int ptr

int val

total = 3200 assign 3200 to total

ptr = amptotal get address of total

val = ptr get value at that address

cout ltlt Total is ltlt val ltlt n

return 0

It is unfortunate that the multiplication symbol and the ―at address symbol are the

same This fact sometimes confuses newcomers to the C++ language These operators

have no relationship to each other Keep in mind that both amp and have a higher

precedence than any of the arithmetic operators except the unary minus with which they

have equal precedence The act of using a pointer is often called indirection because you are

accessing one variable indirectly through another variable

The Base Type of a Pointer

In the preceding discussion you saw that it was possible to assign val the value of

total indirectly through a pointer At this point you may have thought of this important question How does C++ know how many bytes to copy into val from the address pointed

to by ptr Or more generally how does the compiler transfer the proper number of bytes for any assignment involving a pointer The answer is that the base type of the pointer

determines the type of data upon which the pointer operates In this case because ptr is an

int pointer four bytes of information are copied into val (assuming a 32-bit int) from the address pointed to by ptr However if ptr had been a double pointer for example then

eight bytes would have been copied

It is important to ensure that pointer variables always point to the correct type of data For example when you declare a pointer to be of type int the compiler assumes that

anything it points to will be an integer variable If it doesnlsquot point to an integer variable then trouble is usually not far behind For example the following fragment is incorrect

int p double f p = ampf ERROR

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 21 of 66

This fragment is invalid because you cannot assign a double pointer to an integer pointer That is ampf generates a pointer to a double but p is a pointer to an int These two

types are not compatible (In fact the compiler would flag an error at this point and not compile your program) Although two pointers must have compatible types in order for one

to be assigned to another you can override this restriction (at your own risk) using a cast For example the following fragment is now technically correct

int p double f p = (int ) ampf Now technically OK

The cast to int causes the double pointer to be converted to an integer pointer However to use a cast for this purpose is questionable practice The reason is that the base

type of a pointer determines how the compiler treats the data it points to In this case even though p is actually pointing to a floating-point value the compiler still ―thinks that p is

pointing to an int (because p is an int pointer)

To better understand why using a cast to assign one type of pointer to another is not usually a good idea consider the following short program

This program will not work right include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

double xy int p

x = 12323 p = (int ) ampx use cast to assign double to int

y = p what will this do

cout ltlt y what will this print

return 0

Here is the output produced by the program (You might see a different value)


This value is clearly not 12323 Here is why In the program p (which is an integer

pointer) has been assigned the address of x (which is a double) Thus when y is assigned the value pointed to by p y receives only four bytes of data (and not the eight required for

a double value) because p is an integer pointer Therefore the cout statement displays not 12323 but a garbage value instead

Assigning value to pointers

You can use a pointer on the left-hand side of an assignment statement to assign a value to the location pointed to by the pointer Assuming that p is an int pointer this

assigns the value 101 to the location pointed to by p

p = 101

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You can verbalize this assignment like this ―At the location pointed to by p assign the value 101 To increment or decrement the value at the location pointed to by a pointer

you can use a statement like this


The parentheses are necessary because the operator has lower precedence than does the ++ operator

The following program demonstrates an assignment through a pointer

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int p num

p = ampnum

p = 100 assign num the value 100 through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)++ increment num through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)-- decrement num through p cout ltlt num ltlt nlsquo

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

100 101 100

Pointer Expressions

Pointers can be used in most C++ expressions However some special rules apply

Remember also that you may need to surround some parts of a pointer expression with parentheses in order to ensure that the outcome is what you desire

Pointer Arithmetic There are only four arithmetic operators that can be used on

pointers ++ ndash ndash + and ndash To understand what occurs in pointer arithmetic let p1 be an int pointer with a current value of 2000 (that is it contains the address 2000) Assuming

32-bit integers after the expression


The contents of p1 will be 2004 not 2001 The reason for this is that each time p1

is incremented it will point to the next int The same is true of decrements For example again assuming that p1 has the value 2000 the expression

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 23 of 66


causes p1 to have the value 1996

Generalizing from the preceding example the following rules apply to pointer

arithmetic Each time that a pointer is incremented it will point to the memory location of the next element of its base type Each time it is decremented it will point to the location of

the previous element of its base type In the case of character pointers an increment or decrement will appear as ―normal arithmetic because characters are one byte long

However every other type of pointer will increase or decrease by the length of its base

type You are not limited to only increment and decrement operations You can also add or subtract integers to or from pointers The expression

p1 = p1 + 9

makes p1 point to the ninth element of p1lsquos base type beyond the one to which it is

currently pointing

Although you cannot add pointers you can subtract one pointer from another

(provided they are both of the same base type) The remainder will be the number of elements of the base type that separate the two pointers

Other than addition and subtraction of a pointer and an integer or the subtraction of

two pointers no other arithmetic operations can be performed on pointers For example you cannot add or subtract float or double values to or from pointers

To graphically see the effects of pointer arithmetic execute the next short program

It creates an int pointer (i) and a double pointer (f) It then adds the values 0 through 9 to

these pointers and displays the results Observe how each address changes relative to its base type each time the loop is repeated (For most 32-bit compilers i will increase by 4s

and f will increase by 8s) Notice that when using a pointer in a cout statement its address is automatically displayed in the addressing format applicable to the CPU and environment

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int I j[10]

double f g[10] int x

i = j

f = g

for (x=0 xlt10 x++)

cout ltlt i+x ltlt ltlt f+x ltlt nlsquo display the addresses produced by adding x

to each pointer

Here is a sample run (The precise values you see may differ from these)

0012FE5C 09012FE84

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 24 of 66

0012FE60 0012FE8C

0012FE64 0012FE94 0012FE68 0012FE9C

0012FE6C 0012FEA4 0012FE70 0012FEAC

0012FE74 0012FEB4 0012FE78 0012FEBC

0012FE7C 0012FEC4

0012FE80 0012FECC

Pointer Comparisons

Pointers may be compared using the relational operators such as == lt and gt In general for the outcome of a pointer comparison to be meaningful the two pointers must

have some relationship to each other For example both may point to elements within the same array There is however one other type of pointer comparison any pointer can be

compared to the null pointer which is zero

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I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers in C and its use

II Basic Information Scenario Answer the following using Pointers

1 What is a pointer


2 Show how to declare a long int pointer called valPtr __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 As they relate to pointers what do the and amp operators do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7 What are two pointer operators __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 5

Pointers and Arrays

In C++ there is a close relationship between pointers and arrays In fact frequently a pointer and an array are interchangeable Consider this fragment

char str[80] char p1

p1 = str

Here str is an array of 80 characters and p1 is a character pointer However it is the third line that is of interest In this line p1 is assigned the address of the first element in

the str array (That is after the assignment p1 will point to str[0]) Herelsquos why In C++ using the name of an array without an index generates a pointer to the first element in the

array Thus the assignment

p1 = str

assigns the address of str[0] to p1 This is a crucial point to understand When an


array name is used in an expression it yields a pointer to the first element in the array Since after the assignment p1 points to the beginning of str you can use p1 to


elements in the array For example if you want to access the fifth element in str you can use




Both statements obtain the fifth element Remember array indices start at zero so when str is indexed a 4 is used to access the fifth element A 4 is also added to the pointer

p1 to get the fifth element because p1 currently points to the first element of str

The parentheses surrounding p1+4 are necessary because the operation has a

higher priority than the + operation Without them the expression would first find the value pointed to by p1 (the first location in the array) and then add 4 to it In effect C++ allows

two methods of accessing array elements pointer arithmetic and array indexing This is important because pointer arithmetic can sometimes be faster than array indexingmdash

especially when you are accessing an array in strictly sequential order Since speed is often a consideration in programming the use of pointers to access array elements is very

common in C++ programs Also you can sometimes write tighter code by using pointers

instead of array indexing

Here is an example that demonstrates the difference between using array indexing and pointer arithmetic to access the elements of an array We will create two versions of a

program that reverse the case of letters within a string The first version uses array indexing The second uses pointer arithmetic The first version is shown here

Reverse case using array indexing

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include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = This Is A Test

cout ltlt Original string ltlt str ltlt n

for(i = 0 str[i] i++)

if(isupper(str[i])) str[i] = tolower(str[i]) else if(islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt Inverted-case string ltlt str

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

Original string This Is A Test Inverted-case string tHIS iS a tEST

Notice that the program uses the isupper( ) and islower( ) library functions to determine the case of a letter The isupper( ) function returns true when its argument is an

uppercase letter islower( ) returns true when its argument is a lowercase letter Inside the for loop str is indexed and the case of each letter is checked and changed The loop

iterates until the null terminating str is indexed Since a null is zero (false) the loop stops

Here is the same program rewritten to use pointer arithmetic

Reverse case using array indexing

include ltiostreamgt include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = ―This Is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

for i = 0 str[i] i++) if (iupper(str[i]))

else if (islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i]

cout ltlt ―Inverted-case string ― ltlt str return 0

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In this version p is set to the start of str Then inside the while loop the letter at p

is checked and changed and then p is incremented The loop stops when p points to the null terminator that ends str Because of the way some C++ compilers generate code these

two programs may not be equivalent in performance Generally it takes more machine instructions to index an array than it does to perform arithmetic on a pointer Consequently

in professionally written C++ code it is common to see the pointer version used more frequently However as a beginning C++ programmer feel free to use array indexing until

you are comfortable with pointers

Indexing a Pointer

As you have just seen it is possible to access an array using pointer arithmetic

What you might find surprising is that the reverse is also true In C++ it is possible to index a pointer as if it were an array Here is an example It is a third version of the case-

changing program

index a pointer as if it were an array

include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt

using namespace std


char p int i

char str[80]=This is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

p = str assign the p address of the start of the array now index p

for (I = 0 p[i] i++)

if (isupper(p[i])) p[i] = tolowerp[i])

else if (islower(p[i])

p[i] = toupper(p[i])

cout ltlt ―Inverted ndash case string lt str

return 0

The program creates a char pointer called p and then assigns to that pointer the

address of the first element in str Inside the for loop p is indexed using the normal array indexing syntax This is perfectly valid because in C++ the statement p[i] is function

functionally identical to (p+i) This further illustrates the close relationship between pointers and arrays

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 4 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and Arrays I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers and Arrays using C

II Tasks Procedure Instructions Answer the following questions

1 Can an array be accessed through a pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Can a pointer be indexed as if it were an array __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 An array name used by itself with no index yields what __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 6

Pointers and String

Strings and Constants

You might be wondering how string constants like the one in the fragment shown

here are handled by C++

cout ltlt strlen(Xanadu)

The answer is that when the compiler encounters a string constant it stores it in the

programlsquos string table and generates a pointer to the string Thus ―Xanadu yields a pointer to its entry in the string table Therefore the following program is perfectly valid and prints

the phrase Pointers add power to C++

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char ptr

ptr = ―Pointers add power to C++ n ptr is assigned the address of this string constant

cout ltlt ptr

return 0

In this program the characters that make up a string constant are stored in the string table and ptr is assigned a pointer to the string in that table

Since a pointer into your programlsquos string table is generated automatically whenever

a string constant is used you might be tempted to use this fact to modify the contents of the string table However this is usually not a good idea because many C++ compilers

create optimized tables in which one string constant may be used at two or more different

places in your program Thus changing a string may cause undesired side effects

Reversing a String in Place

Earlier it was mentioned that comparing one pointer to another is meaningful only if the two pointers point to a common object such as an array Now that you understand how

pointers and arrays relate you can apply pointer comparisons to streamline some types of algorithms In this project you will see an example The program developed here reverses

the contents of a string in place Thus instead of copying the string back-to-front into

another array it reverses the contents of the string inside the array that holds it The program uses two pointer variables to accomplish this One initially points to the beginning

of a string and the other initially points to the last character in the string A loop is set up that continues to run as long as the start pointer is less than the end pointer Each time

through the loop the characters pointed to by the pointers are swapped and the pointers are advanced When the start pointer is greater than or equal to the end pointer the string

has been reversed Step by step

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1 Create a file called StrRevcpp 2 Begin by adding these lines to the file

Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test

char start end int len

char t

The string to be reversed is contained in str The pointers start and end will be used

to access the string

3 Add these lines which display the original string obtain the stringlsquos length and set the initial values for the start and end pointers

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

Notice that end points to the last character in the string not the null terminator

4 Add the code that reverse the string

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts

starts = end end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The process works like this As long as the start pointer points to a memory

location that is less than the end pointer the loop iterates Inside the loop the characters being pointed to by start and end are swapped Then start is incremented

and end is decremented When end is greater than or equal to start all of the characters in the string have been reversed Since both start and end point into the

same array their comparison is meaningful

5 Here is the complete StrRevcpp program

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Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test char start end

int len char t

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts starts = end

end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The output from the program is shown here Original this is a test Reversed

tset a si siht

Arrays of Pointers

Pointers can be arrayed like any other data type For example declaration for an int

pointer array of size 10 is

int p[10]

Here pi is an array of ten integer pointers To assign the address of an int variable

called var to the third element of the pointer array you would write

int var

fpi[2] = ampvar

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Remember pi is an array of int pointers The only thing that the array elements can

hold are the addresses of integer valuesmdashnot the values themselves To find the value of var you would write


Like other arrays arrays of pointers can be initialized A common use for initialized

pointer arrays is to hold pointers to strings Here is an example that uses a two-dimensional array of character pointers to implement a small dictionary

Here is a sample run

Enter word network

An interconnected group of computers

When the array dictionary is created it is initialized with a set of words and their

meanings Recall C++ stores all string constants in the string table associated with your program so the array need only store pointers to the strings The program works by testing

the word entered by the user against the strings stored in the dictionary If a match is found the meaning is displayed If no match is found an error message is printed Notice

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that dictionary ends with two null strings These mark the end of the array Recall that a

null string contains only the terminating null character The for loop runs until the first character in a string is null This condition is tested with this expression


The array indices specify a pointer to a string The obtains the character at that

location If this character is null then the expression is false and the loop terminates Otherwise the expression is true and the loop continues

The Null Pointer Convention

After a pointer is declared but before it has been assigned it will contain an arbitrary value Should you try to use the pointer prior to giving it a value you will probably

crash your program While there is no sure way to avoid using an uninitialized pointer C++ programmers have adopted a procedure that helps prevent some errors By convention if a

pointer contains the null (zero) value it is assumed to point to nothing Thus if all unused pointers are given the null value and you avoid the use of a null pointer you can avoid the

accidental misuse of an uninitialized pointer This is a good practice to follow

Any type of pointer can be initialized to null when it is declared For example the

following initializes p to null

float p = 0 p is now a null pointer

To check for a null pointer use an if statement like one of these

if(p) succeeds if p is not null

if(p) succeeds if p is null

Multiple Indirection

A pointer to a pointer is a form of multiple indirection or a chain of pointers Consider Figure 4-2 As you can see in the case of a normal pointer the value of the

pointer is the address of a value In the case of a pointer to a pointer the first pointer

contains the address of the second pointer which points to the location that contains the desired value Multiple indirection can be carried on to whatever extent desired but there

are few cases where more than a pointer to a pointer is needed or indeed even wise to use Excessive indirection is difficult to follow and prone to conceptual errors

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 5 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and String I Objectives To know how is Pointers and String worked using C II Tasks Procedure Instructions Asnwer the following question

1 What is it called when one pointer points to another pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Of what significant is a null pointer in C++ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that counts the uppercase letters in a string Have it display the result

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Chapter 7

Structures in Arrays Functions and Pointers

What is a Structure

Structure is a collection of variables under a single name Variables can be of any type int float char etc The main difference between structure and array is that arrays are

collections of the same data type and structure is a collection of variables under a single name

Declaring a Structure

The structure is declared by using the keyword struct followed by structure name

also called a tag Then the structure members (variables) are defined with their type and variable names inside the open and close braces and Finally the closed braces end with

a semicolon denoted as following the statement The above structure declaration is also called a Structure Specifier


Three variables custnum of type int salary of type int commission of type float are structuremembers and the structure name is Customer This structure is declared as


In the above example it is seen that variables of different types such as int and float are

grouped in a single structure name Customer

Arrays behave in the same way declaring structures does not mean that memory is

allocated Structure declaration gives a skeleton or template for the structure

After declaring the structure the next step is to define a structure variable

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How to declare Structure Variable

This is similar to variable declaration For variable declaration data type is defined followed

by variable name For structure variable declaration the data type is the name of the structure followed by thestructure variable name

In the above example structure variable cust1 is defined as

What happens when this is defined When structure is defined it allocates or reserves space in memory The memory space allocated will be cumulative of all

defined structure members In the above example there are 3 structure members

custnum salary and commission Of these two are of type int and one is of type float If integer space allocated by a system is 2 bytes and float four bytes the above would

allocate 2bytes for custnum 2 bytes for salary and 4 bytes for commission

How to access structure members in C++

To access structure members the operator used is the dot operator denoted by () The

dot operatorfor accessing structure members is used thusly

structure variable namemember name

For example

To assign 2000 for the structure member salary in the above example of structure

Customer with structure variable cust1 this is written as

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Pointers to structures

All that we have discussed so far has been OK but runs into problems when structures have

to be moved between functions for the following reasons

if the structure is large it is more efficient to pass a pointer to the structure instead of the structure its self This techniquepri is also used to pass pointers to

arrays between functions

When passing a structure to a function you actually pass a COPY of the structure Therefore it is not possible to change the values of members within the structure as

the copy is destroyed when the function ends

Here is an example (these are 2 examples the one to the left uses a pointer)

| |

struct x int a int b int c | struct x int a int b int c

| void function(struct x) | void function(struct x )

| main() | main()

| struct x z | struct x z pz 3

| pz = ampz 4 za = 10 1 | za = 10

za++ | za++

| function(z) 2 | function(pz) 5

| |

void function( struct x z) | void function(struct x pz) | 6

printf( first member d n za) | printf( first member d n (pz)a) |


Here is the annotation

1 Give a structure member a value 2 Pass a COPY of the whole structure to the function

3 Define pz a pointer to a structure of type x

4 Put the address of z into pz pz now POINTS to z PLEASE NOTE z is defined to reserve memory equal to the size of the structure pz only holds an address so will

be 4 bytes long 5 Pass the pointer into the function

6 Print the value of the member a

The (pz)a syntax is used a great deal in C and it was decided to create a short hand for

it So

(pz)a == pz-gta

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Structures and Arrays

include ltiostreamgt

include ltfstreamhgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

ofstream outData

input file structure ifstream inData

char menu_id[10] char menu_name[10]

char menu_col[10]

char menu_row[10] char button_id[10]

char button_label_1[10] char button_label_2[10]

char button_label_3[10] char button_col[10]

char button_row[10]

menu file structure

struct menu

int mid char name[20]

int mcol int mrow

int bid char blabel[24]

int bcol

int brow

List of menus

enum menu_id

MAIN = 1

Define Main menu

menu Main_menu[3]

void createMenu(menu newMenu[] int menu_num MAS_Configure_Button_Request_Messagemsg )

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 40 of 66

int y = 0

while ((inDatagetline(menu_id10 $)eof()) ampamp (atoi(menu_id) == menu_num))

newMenu[y]mid= atoi(menu_id)

inDatagetline(menu_name 10 $)

newMenu[y]name[0] = 0

strcpy(newMenu[y]namemenu_name) outData ltlt Main Menu Name ltlt newMenu[y]name ltlt

inDatagetline( menu_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]mcol = atoi(menu_col)

inDatagetline( menu_row 10 $) newMenu[y]mrow = atoi(menu_row)

inDatagetline( button_id 10 $) newMenu[y]bid = atoi(button_id)

inDatagetline( button_label_1 10 $)

inDatagetline( button_label_2 10 $) inDatagetline( button_label_3 10 $)

newMenu[y]blabel[0] = 0 strcpy(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_1)


strcat(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_3) outData ltlt newMenu[y]blabel ltlt

inDatagetline( button_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]bcol = atoi(button_col)

inDatagetline( button_row 10 n)

newMenu[y]brow = atoi(button_row) y++

int main()

int loop

inDataopen(datatxt) if (inData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening datatxt End program ltlt endl


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outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 42 of 66

recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 43 of 66

Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

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Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

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the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

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main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

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include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

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next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

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Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

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1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

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47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

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I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 5: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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Notice that the test for equality is the double equal sign Here is a program that

illustrates the if statement

include ltiostreamgt

include ltconiohgt using namespace std

int main()

int a b c

a = 2 b = 3

if (a lt b)

cout ltlt a is less than bn An if statement

this wont display anything

if (a == b)

cout ltlt you wont see thisn cout ltltn

c = b - a c now contains 1

cout ltlt c contains 1n

if (cgt= 0) cout ltlt c is non-negative n

if (c lt 0) cout ltlt c is negative n

getch() return 0

The output generated by this program is shown here

a is less than b

c contains -1 c is negative

c contains 1

c is non-negative

The complete form of the if the statement is


statement else


where the targets of the if and else are single statements The else clause is optional The targets of both the if and else can also be blocks of statement The general forms of the if

using blocks of statements is

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statement sequence


statement sequence

If the conditional expression is true the target of the if will be executed otherwise

the target of the else if it exists will be executed At no time will both be executed The

conditional expression controlling the if may be any type of valid C++ expression that produces a true or false result

The following demonstrates the if by playing a simple version of the ―guess the

magic number game The program generates a random numbers prompts for your guess and prints the message Right if you guess the magic number This program also

introduces another C++ library function called rand( ) which returns a randomly selected integer value It requires the ltstdlibgt header

include ltiostreamgt include ltconiohgt

using namespace std


int magic guess

magic = rand()

cout ltlt Enter your guess cin gtgt guess

if (guess == magic) cout ltlt Right


return 0

This program uses the iflsquo statement to determine whether the userlsquos guess matches the magic number If it does the message is printed on the screen

Modular Programming

As programs grow in size it becomes important to break them into separate parts (modules) that communicate with rest of the program through a few well defined interfaces

If we decompose the program into modules well is we can code each module

independently Also if change happens we can localize changes to a particular module without impacting the rest of the programs

For example as is their habit a LCD which we had used in a product went obsolete

We had a written the hardware abstraction layer for the LCD as a separate module We

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substituted a different LCD and modified the LCD hardware abstraction module while not

impacting rest of the program

How to achieve a modular programming in C

C provides two keywords static and extern that facilitate this Disciplined coding

practice also aids modularization

The key is to have a header file for each module This header file contains

a comment section about the module definition of all constants publicly exposed by the module

definition of all structures publicly exposed by the module all publicly exposed variables defined with extern

all publicly exposed functions defined with extern

In the header file you should only put definitions of constants structures variables and functions that you want to expose

As a coding practice prefix all constant structure variable and function definitions with

the name of the module This makes it easy to identify the source of definition in a larger program with many modules

The implementation file(s) contains the actual definition of variables and

implementations of the functions defined in the header file

The implementation file also contains definitions of those variables structures and constants that are used only in the implementation file It also contains definitions and

implementations of helper functions These should be declared as static to prevent access from outside I all find it a good programming practice to prefix all internal names with _


Header file for a module named node nodeh

Interface for node module

node_var1 is a variable used inside the module node_do_something() is a function in the module

extern int node_var1

extern int node_do_something(void)

Implementation file for module named node nodec

include nodeh

int node_var1

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static int _node_var2

static void _node_helper_function(void)

int node_do_something(void)

node_var1 = 2

_node_var2 =35


The main file which uses module node

include nodeh

int main(int argc char argv[])



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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 1 COURSE TOPIC Review of Introduction to C Programming language I Objectives

To learn and understand the basic syntax and script delimeters of C

To understand and use CC++ variables and operators II Part I Basic Syntax of C++

1 Where does the C++ program begin execution __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 What is cout __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 What does include ltiostreamgt do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 What does the if statement do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 How is block of code created What does it do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 What is a namespace __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that averages the absolute value of five values entered by the user Display the result

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Chapter 2 amp 3

String Handling Functions

The string handling functions in the standard C++ libraries incorporated from the

standard C libraries do not have a single header file for a source When declaring a

character array that will hold a null-terminated string you need to declare it one character

longer than the largest string that it will hold For example if you want to declare an array

str that could hold a 10-character string

char str[11]

Specifying the size as 11 makes room for the null at the end of the string A string

constant is a list of characters enclosed in double quotes Here are some examples

―hello there ―I like C++ ―Mars ―

It is not necessary to manually add the null terminator onto the end of string

constants the C++ compiler does this for you automatically Therefore the string ―Mars

will appear in memory like this

M a r s 0

The last string shown is This is called a null string It contains only the null

terminator and no other characters Null strings are useful because they represent the

empty string

The easiest way to read a string entered from the keyboard is to use a char array in

a cin statement For example the following program reads a string entered by the user

using cin to read a string from the keyboard

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[80]

cout ltlt ―Enter a string ―

cin gtgt str read a string from keyboard lt-- read a string using cin

cout ltlt ―Here is your string ―

cout ltlt str

return 0

Here is a sample run

Enter a string testing

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Here is your string testing

Although this program is technically correct it will not always work the way you

expect To see why run the program and try entering the string ―This is a test Here is

what you will see

Enter a string This is a test

Here is your string This

When the program redisplays your string it shows only the word ―This not the

entire sentence The reason for this is that the C++ IO system stops reading a string when

the first whitespace character is encountered Whitespace characters include spaces tabs

and newlines

One way to solve the whitespace problem is to use another of C++lsquos library

functions gets( ) The general form of a call to gets( ) is


To read a string call gets( ) with the name of the array without any index as its

argument Upon return from gets( ) the array will hold the string input from the keyboard

The gets( ) function will continue to read characters including whitespace until you enter a

carriage return The header used by gets( ) is ltcstdiogt

This version of the preceding program uses gets( ) to allow the entry of strings

containing spaces

Using gets() to read a string from the keyboard

include ltiostreamgt

include ltcstdiogt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[80]

cout ltlt ―Enter a string ―

gets(str) read a string using gets() Read a string using gets()

cout ltlt ―Here is your string

cout ltlt str

return 0

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Notice that in a cout statement str can be used directly In general the name of a

character array that holds a string can be used any place that a string constant can be used

Keep in mind that neither cin nor gets( ) performs any bounds checking on the array

that receives input Therefore if the user enters a string longer than the size of the array

the array will be overwritten

Some string Library Functions

C++ supports a wide range of string manipulation functions The most common are





The string functions all use the same header ltstringgt Letlsquos take a look at these

functions now


A call to strcpy( ) takes this general form

strcpy(to from)

The strcpy( ) function copies the contents of the string from into to Remember the

array that forms to must be large enough to hold the string contained in from If it isnlsquot the

to array will be overrun which will probably crash your program


A call to strcat( ) takes this form strcat(s1 s2) The strcat( ) function appends s2 to

the end of s1 s2 is unchanged You must ensure that s1 is large enough to hold its original

contents and those of s2


A call to strcmp( ) takes this general form

strcmp(s1 s2)

The strcmp( ) function compares two strings and returns 0 if they are equal If s1 is

greater than s2 lexicographically (that is according to dictionary order) then a positive

number is returned if it is less than s2 a negative number is returned

The key to using strcmp( ) is to remember that it returns false when the strings


Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 13 of 66

Therefore you will need to use the operator if you want something to occur when

the strings are equal For example the condition controlling the following if statement is

true when str is equal to ―C++

if(strcmp(str C++)

cout ltlt str is C++


The general form of a call to strlen( ) is


Example using strlen

include ltstringhgt

include ltiostreamgt

include ltconiohgt

using namespace std

int main()

char aString1[11] = abcdefghij

aString2[11] = tooShort


unsigned int len1 len2 len3

cout ltlt endl ltlt endl

cout ltlt Please supply a third string

cingetline(aString3 11) n delimiter assumed

len1 = strlen(aString1)

len2 = strlen(aString2)

len3 = strlen(aString3)

cout ltlt endl ltlt String 1 ltlt aString1 ltlt length =

ltlt len1 ltlt endl ltlt String 2 ltlt aString2

ltlt length = ltlt len2 ltlt endl ltlt String 3

ltlt aString3 ltlt length = ltlt len3

cout ltlt endl ltlt endl


return 0

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where s is a string The strlen( ) function returns the length of the string pointed to by s

A String Function Example

The following program illustrates the use of all four string functions

Demonstrate the string functions

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstringhgt

include ltwindowshgt

include ltconiohgt

using namespace std

int main()

char s1[80]s2[80]

strcpy(s1 C++)

strcpy(s2 is power programming)

cout ltlt lengths ltlt strlen(s1)

cout ltlt ltlt strlen(s2) ltlt n

if(strcmp(s1 s2))

cout ltlt The strings are equaln

else cout ltlt not equaln

strcat(s1 s2)

cout ltlt s1 ltlt n

strcpy(s2 s1)

cout ltlt s1 ltlt and ltlt s2 ltlt n

if(strcmp(s1 s2))

cout ltlt s1 and s2 are now the samen


return 0

Here is the output

lengths 3 22

not equal

C++ is power programming

C++ is power programming and C++ is power programming

s1 and s2 are now the same

Using the Null Terminator

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The fact that strings are null-terminated can often be used to simplify various

operations For example the following program converts a string to uppercase

Convert a string to uppercase

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

include ltconiohgt

include ltctypehgt

include ltwindowshgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[80]

int i

strcpy (str this is a test)

for (i=0 str[1] i++)

str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt str


return 0

The output from this program is shown here


This program uses the library function toupper() which returns the uppercase

equivalent of its character argument to convert each character in the string The upper()

function uses the header ltctypehgt

Notice that the test condition of the for loop is simply the array indexed by the

condition variable The reason this works is that a true value is any non-zero value

Remember all character values are non-zero but the null terminating the string is zero

Because the null terminator marks the end of the string the loop stops precisely where it is

supposed to

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Table 1 Character functions in ltctypehgt

Function Function Signature


isalnum() int isalnum(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is alphabetic or numeric

isalpha() int isalpha(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is alphabetic

iscntrl() int iscntrl(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a control character

isdigit() int isdigit(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a digit 0 - 9

isgraph() int isgraph(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a non-blank but printing character

islower() int islower(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a lower case alphabetic character ie a - z

isprint() int isprint(intc) Returns a non-zero if c is printable non-blanks and white

space included

ispunct() int ispunct(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a printable character but not alpha numeric or blank

isspace() int isspace(int c) Returns a non-zero for blanks and these escape sequences

f n r t and v

isupper() int isupper(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is an upper-case alphabetic character

ie A - Z

isxdigit() int isxdigit(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a hexadecimal character 0 - 9 a - f or A - F

tolower() int tolower(int c) Returns the lower case version if c is an upper case character

otherwise returns c

toupper() int toupper(int c) Returns the upper case version if c is a lower case character otherwise returns c

Table 2 Some String Handling Functions in ltstringhgt

Functions Function Signature Description

strcat() char strcat(char s1

const char s2) Adds string s2 onto the end of s1 (conCATenation)

strchr() char strchr(const char

s int c)

Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of c in

string s Returns NULL if c is not found in s

strcmp() int strcmp(const char

s1 const char s2)

Compares s1 and s2 alphabetically Returns a negative zero or positive number depending on

whether s1 is before the same as or after s2 if you

were alphabetizing s1 and s2

strcpy() char strcpy(char s1

const char s2) Copies s2 into s1 and returns a point to s1

strlen() size_t strlen(const char s)

Returns the number of characters in the string s starting at s[0] and ending before the first NULL

strncat() char strncat(char s1

const char s2 size_t n)

Tacks on the first n characters of s2 onto s1 A

pointer to s1 is returned

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strncmp() int strncmp(const char s1 const char s2 size_t


Compares s1 with the first n characters of s2 Returns a negative zero or positive integer (just like


strncpy() char strncpy(char s1 const chars2 size_t n)

Copies the first n characters of s2 into the first n characters of s1

strrchr() char strrchr(const

chars int c)

Returns a pointer to the last occurence of c in string

s (Compare with strchr())

strstr() char strstr(const char

s1 const char s2)

Returns the address of the first occurence of string s2 that is also in string s1 Returns NULL if s2 is not

found in s1

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 2 COURSE TOPIC String and Handling Function I Objectives To know the String handling function used

Part II String Handling Functions 1 amp 2

1 What is a null-terminated string __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 To hold a string that is 18 characters long how must the character array be __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 Show how to initialize a four-element array of int to the values 123 and 4 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 How can this initialization be rewritten char str[6] = lsquoHrsquo lsquoersquo lsquolrsquo lsquolrsquo lsquoorsquo lsquoOrsquo)


5 Rewrite the following as an unsized array Int nums[4] = 44 55 66 77


Supplementary Programming (50 points) 1 Write a program that prompts the user for two strings and then compares the strings for equality

but ignores case differences Thus ldquookrdquo and ldquoOKrdquo will compare as equal

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Chapter 4

Introduction to Pointers

A pointer is an object that contains a memory address Very often this address is the

location of another object such as a variable For example if x contains the address of y

then x is said to ―point to y

Pointer variables must be declared as such The general form of a pointer variable

declaration is

type var-name

Here type is the pointerlsquos base type The base type determines what type of data

the pointer will be pointing to var-name is the name of the pointer variable For example

to declare ip to be a pointer to an int use this declaration

int ip

Since the base type of ip is int it can be used to point to int values Here a float

pointer is declared

float fp

In this case the base type of fp is float which means that it can be used to point to

a float value

In general in a declaration statement preceding a variable name with an causes

that variable to become a pointer

The Pointer Operator

There are two special operators that are used with pointers and amp The amp is a

unary operator that returns the memory address of its operand

For example

ptr = amptotal

puts into ptr the memory address of the variable total This address is the location of

total in the computerlsquos internal memory It has nothing to do with the value of total The

operation of amp can be remembered as returning ―the address of the variable it precedes

Therefore the preceding assignment statement could be verbalized as ―ptr receives the

address of total To better understand this assignment assume that the variable total is

located at address 100 Then after the assignment takes place ptr has the value 100 The

second operator is and it is the complement of amp It is a unary operator that returns the

value of the variable located at the address specified by its operand Continuing with the

same example if ptr contains the memory address of the variable total then

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 20 of 66

val = ptr

will place the value of total into val For example if total originally had the value

3200 then val will have the value 3200 because that is the value stored at location 100

the memory address that was assigned to ptr The operation of can be remembered as ―at

address In this case then the statement could be read as ―val receives the value at

address ptr

The following program executes the sequence of the operations just described

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int total

int ptr

int val

total = 3200 assign 3200 to total

ptr = amptotal get address of total

val = ptr get value at that address

cout ltlt Total is ltlt val ltlt n

return 0

It is unfortunate that the multiplication symbol and the ―at address symbol are the

same This fact sometimes confuses newcomers to the C++ language These operators

have no relationship to each other Keep in mind that both amp and have a higher

precedence than any of the arithmetic operators except the unary minus with which they

have equal precedence The act of using a pointer is often called indirection because you are

accessing one variable indirectly through another variable

The Base Type of a Pointer

In the preceding discussion you saw that it was possible to assign val the value of

total indirectly through a pointer At this point you may have thought of this important question How does C++ know how many bytes to copy into val from the address pointed

to by ptr Or more generally how does the compiler transfer the proper number of bytes for any assignment involving a pointer The answer is that the base type of the pointer

determines the type of data upon which the pointer operates In this case because ptr is an

int pointer four bytes of information are copied into val (assuming a 32-bit int) from the address pointed to by ptr However if ptr had been a double pointer for example then

eight bytes would have been copied

It is important to ensure that pointer variables always point to the correct type of data For example when you declare a pointer to be of type int the compiler assumes that

anything it points to will be an integer variable If it doesnlsquot point to an integer variable then trouble is usually not far behind For example the following fragment is incorrect

int p double f p = ampf ERROR

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This fragment is invalid because you cannot assign a double pointer to an integer pointer That is ampf generates a pointer to a double but p is a pointer to an int These two

types are not compatible (In fact the compiler would flag an error at this point and not compile your program) Although two pointers must have compatible types in order for one

to be assigned to another you can override this restriction (at your own risk) using a cast For example the following fragment is now technically correct

int p double f p = (int ) ampf Now technically OK

The cast to int causes the double pointer to be converted to an integer pointer However to use a cast for this purpose is questionable practice The reason is that the base

type of a pointer determines how the compiler treats the data it points to In this case even though p is actually pointing to a floating-point value the compiler still ―thinks that p is

pointing to an int (because p is an int pointer)

To better understand why using a cast to assign one type of pointer to another is not usually a good idea consider the following short program

This program will not work right include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

double xy int p

x = 12323 p = (int ) ampx use cast to assign double to int

y = p what will this do

cout ltlt y what will this print

return 0

Here is the output produced by the program (You might see a different value)


This value is clearly not 12323 Here is why In the program p (which is an integer

pointer) has been assigned the address of x (which is a double) Thus when y is assigned the value pointed to by p y receives only four bytes of data (and not the eight required for

a double value) because p is an integer pointer Therefore the cout statement displays not 12323 but a garbage value instead

Assigning value to pointers

You can use a pointer on the left-hand side of an assignment statement to assign a value to the location pointed to by the pointer Assuming that p is an int pointer this

assigns the value 101 to the location pointed to by p

p = 101

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You can verbalize this assignment like this ―At the location pointed to by p assign the value 101 To increment or decrement the value at the location pointed to by a pointer

you can use a statement like this


The parentheses are necessary because the operator has lower precedence than does the ++ operator

The following program demonstrates an assignment through a pointer

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int p num

p = ampnum

p = 100 assign num the value 100 through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)++ increment num through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)-- decrement num through p cout ltlt num ltlt nlsquo

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

100 101 100

Pointer Expressions

Pointers can be used in most C++ expressions However some special rules apply

Remember also that you may need to surround some parts of a pointer expression with parentheses in order to ensure that the outcome is what you desire

Pointer Arithmetic There are only four arithmetic operators that can be used on

pointers ++ ndash ndash + and ndash To understand what occurs in pointer arithmetic let p1 be an int pointer with a current value of 2000 (that is it contains the address 2000) Assuming

32-bit integers after the expression


The contents of p1 will be 2004 not 2001 The reason for this is that each time p1

is incremented it will point to the next int The same is true of decrements For example again assuming that p1 has the value 2000 the expression

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causes p1 to have the value 1996

Generalizing from the preceding example the following rules apply to pointer

arithmetic Each time that a pointer is incremented it will point to the memory location of the next element of its base type Each time it is decremented it will point to the location of

the previous element of its base type In the case of character pointers an increment or decrement will appear as ―normal arithmetic because characters are one byte long

However every other type of pointer will increase or decrease by the length of its base

type You are not limited to only increment and decrement operations You can also add or subtract integers to or from pointers The expression

p1 = p1 + 9

makes p1 point to the ninth element of p1lsquos base type beyond the one to which it is

currently pointing

Although you cannot add pointers you can subtract one pointer from another

(provided they are both of the same base type) The remainder will be the number of elements of the base type that separate the two pointers

Other than addition and subtraction of a pointer and an integer or the subtraction of

two pointers no other arithmetic operations can be performed on pointers For example you cannot add or subtract float or double values to or from pointers

To graphically see the effects of pointer arithmetic execute the next short program

It creates an int pointer (i) and a double pointer (f) It then adds the values 0 through 9 to

these pointers and displays the results Observe how each address changes relative to its base type each time the loop is repeated (For most 32-bit compilers i will increase by 4s

and f will increase by 8s) Notice that when using a pointer in a cout statement its address is automatically displayed in the addressing format applicable to the CPU and environment

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int I j[10]

double f g[10] int x

i = j

f = g

for (x=0 xlt10 x++)

cout ltlt i+x ltlt ltlt f+x ltlt nlsquo display the addresses produced by adding x

to each pointer

Here is a sample run (The precise values you see may differ from these)

0012FE5C 09012FE84

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0012FE60 0012FE8C

0012FE64 0012FE94 0012FE68 0012FE9C

0012FE6C 0012FEA4 0012FE70 0012FEAC

0012FE74 0012FEB4 0012FE78 0012FEBC

0012FE7C 0012FEC4

0012FE80 0012FECC

Pointer Comparisons

Pointers may be compared using the relational operators such as == lt and gt In general for the outcome of a pointer comparison to be meaningful the two pointers must

have some relationship to each other For example both may point to elements within the same array There is however one other type of pointer comparison any pointer can be

compared to the null pointer which is zero

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I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers in C and its use

II Basic Information Scenario Answer the following using Pointers

1 What is a pointer


2 Show how to declare a long int pointer called valPtr __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 As they relate to pointers what do the and amp operators do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7 What are two pointer operators __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 5

Pointers and Arrays

In C++ there is a close relationship between pointers and arrays In fact frequently a pointer and an array are interchangeable Consider this fragment

char str[80] char p1

p1 = str

Here str is an array of 80 characters and p1 is a character pointer However it is the third line that is of interest In this line p1 is assigned the address of the first element in

the str array (That is after the assignment p1 will point to str[0]) Herelsquos why In C++ using the name of an array without an index generates a pointer to the first element in the

array Thus the assignment

p1 = str

assigns the address of str[0] to p1 This is a crucial point to understand When an


array name is used in an expression it yields a pointer to the first element in the array Since after the assignment p1 points to the beginning of str you can use p1 to


elements in the array For example if you want to access the fifth element in str you can use




Both statements obtain the fifth element Remember array indices start at zero so when str is indexed a 4 is used to access the fifth element A 4 is also added to the pointer

p1 to get the fifth element because p1 currently points to the first element of str

The parentheses surrounding p1+4 are necessary because the operation has a

higher priority than the + operation Without them the expression would first find the value pointed to by p1 (the first location in the array) and then add 4 to it In effect C++ allows

two methods of accessing array elements pointer arithmetic and array indexing This is important because pointer arithmetic can sometimes be faster than array indexingmdash

especially when you are accessing an array in strictly sequential order Since speed is often a consideration in programming the use of pointers to access array elements is very

common in C++ programs Also you can sometimes write tighter code by using pointers

instead of array indexing

Here is an example that demonstrates the difference between using array indexing and pointer arithmetic to access the elements of an array We will create two versions of a

program that reverse the case of letters within a string The first version uses array indexing The second uses pointer arithmetic The first version is shown here

Reverse case using array indexing

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include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = This Is A Test

cout ltlt Original string ltlt str ltlt n

for(i = 0 str[i] i++)

if(isupper(str[i])) str[i] = tolower(str[i]) else if(islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt Inverted-case string ltlt str

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

Original string This Is A Test Inverted-case string tHIS iS a tEST

Notice that the program uses the isupper( ) and islower( ) library functions to determine the case of a letter The isupper( ) function returns true when its argument is an

uppercase letter islower( ) returns true when its argument is a lowercase letter Inside the for loop str is indexed and the case of each letter is checked and changed The loop

iterates until the null terminating str is indexed Since a null is zero (false) the loop stops

Here is the same program rewritten to use pointer arithmetic

Reverse case using array indexing

include ltiostreamgt include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = ―This Is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

for i = 0 str[i] i++) if (iupper(str[i]))

else if (islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i]

cout ltlt ―Inverted-case string ― ltlt str return 0

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In this version p is set to the start of str Then inside the while loop the letter at p

is checked and changed and then p is incremented The loop stops when p points to the null terminator that ends str Because of the way some C++ compilers generate code these

two programs may not be equivalent in performance Generally it takes more machine instructions to index an array than it does to perform arithmetic on a pointer Consequently

in professionally written C++ code it is common to see the pointer version used more frequently However as a beginning C++ programmer feel free to use array indexing until

you are comfortable with pointers

Indexing a Pointer

As you have just seen it is possible to access an array using pointer arithmetic

What you might find surprising is that the reverse is also true In C++ it is possible to index a pointer as if it were an array Here is an example It is a third version of the case-

changing program

index a pointer as if it were an array

include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt

using namespace std


char p int i

char str[80]=This is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

p = str assign the p address of the start of the array now index p

for (I = 0 p[i] i++)

if (isupper(p[i])) p[i] = tolowerp[i])

else if (islower(p[i])

p[i] = toupper(p[i])

cout ltlt ―Inverted ndash case string lt str

return 0

The program creates a char pointer called p and then assigns to that pointer the

address of the first element in str Inside the for loop p is indexed using the normal array indexing syntax This is perfectly valid because in C++ the statement p[i] is function

functionally identical to (p+i) This further illustrates the close relationship between pointers and arrays

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 4 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and Arrays I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers and Arrays using C

II Tasks Procedure Instructions Answer the following questions

1 Can an array be accessed through a pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Can a pointer be indexed as if it were an array __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 An array name used by itself with no index yields what __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 6

Pointers and String

Strings and Constants

You might be wondering how string constants like the one in the fragment shown

here are handled by C++

cout ltlt strlen(Xanadu)

The answer is that when the compiler encounters a string constant it stores it in the

programlsquos string table and generates a pointer to the string Thus ―Xanadu yields a pointer to its entry in the string table Therefore the following program is perfectly valid and prints

the phrase Pointers add power to C++

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char ptr

ptr = ―Pointers add power to C++ n ptr is assigned the address of this string constant

cout ltlt ptr

return 0

In this program the characters that make up a string constant are stored in the string table and ptr is assigned a pointer to the string in that table

Since a pointer into your programlsquos string table is generated automatically whenever

a string constant is used you might be tempted to use this fact to modify the contents of the string table However this is usually not a good idea because many C++ compilers

create optimized tables in which one string constant may be used at two or more different

places in your program Thus changing a string may cause undesired side effects

Reversing a String in Place

Earlier it was mentioned that comparing one pointer to another is meaningful only if the two pointers point to a common object such as an array Now that you understand how

pointers and arrays relate you can apply pointer comparisons to streamline some types of algorithms In this project you will see an example The program developed here reverses

the contents of a string in place Thus instead of copying the string back-to-front into

another array it reverses the contents of the string inside the array that holds it The program uses two pointer variables to accomplish this One initially points to the beginning

of a string and the other initially points to the last character in the string A loop is set up that continues to run as long as the start pointer is less than the end pointer Each time

through the loop the characters pointed to by the pointers are swapped and the pointers are advanced When the start pointer is greater than or equal to the end pointer the string

has been reversed Step by step

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1 Create a file called StrRevcpp 2 Begin by adding these lines to the file

Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test

char start end int len

char t

The string to be reversed is contained in str The pointers start and end will be used

to access the string

3 Add these lines which display the original string obtain the stringlsquos length and set the initial values for the start and end pointers

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

Notice that end points to the last character in the string not the null terminator

4 Add the code that reverse the string

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts

starts = end end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The process works like this As long as the start pointer points to a memory

location that is less than the end pointer the loop iterates Inside the loop the characters being pointed to by start and end are swapped Then start is incremented

and end is decremented When end is greater than or equal to start all of the characters in the string have been reversed Since both start and end point into the

same array their comparison is meaningful

5 Here is the complete StrRevcpp program

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Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test char start end

int len char t

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts starts = end

end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The output from the program is shown here Original this is a test Reversed

tset a si siht

Arrays of Pointers

Pointers can be arrayed like any other data type For example declaration for an int

pointer array of size 10 is

int p[10]

Here pi is an array of ten integer pointers To assign the address of an int variable

called var to the third element of the pointer array you would write

int var

fpi[2] = ampvar

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Remember pi is an array of int pointers The only thing that the array elements can

hold are the addresses of integer valuesmdashnot the values themselves To find the value of var you would write


Like other arrays arrays of pointers can be initialized A common use for initialized

pointer arrays is to hold pointers to strings Here is an example that uses a two-dimensional array of character pointers to implement a small dictionary

Here is a sample run

Enter word network

An interconnected group of computers

When the array dictionary is created it is initialized with a set of words and their

meanings Recall C++ stores all string constants in the string table associated with your program so the array need only store pointers to the strings The program works by testing

the word entered by the user against the strings stored in the dictionary If a match is found the meaning is displayed If no match is found an error message is printed Notice

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that dictionary ends with two null strings These mark the end of the array Recall that a

null string contains only the terminating null character The for loop runs until the first character in a string is null This condition is tested with this expression


The array indices specify a pointer to a string The obtains the character at that

location If this character is null then the expression is false and the loop terminates Otherwise the expression is true and the loop continues

The Null Pointer Convention

After a pointer is declared but before it has been assigned it will contain an arbitrary value Should you try to use the pointer prior to giving it a value you will probably

crash your program While there is no sure way to avoid using an uninitialized pointer C++ programmers have adopted a procedure that helps prevent some errors By convention if a

pointer contains the null (zero) value it is assumed to point to nothing Thus if all unused pointers are given the null value and you avoid the use of a null pointer you can avoid the

accidental misuse of an uninitialized pointer This is a good practice to follow

Any type of pointer can be initialized to null when it is declared For example the

following initializes p to null

float p = 0 p is now a null pointer

To check for a null pointer use an if statement like one of these

if(p) succeeds if p is not null

if(p) succeeds if p is null

Multiple Indirection

A pointer to a pointer is a form of multiple indirection or a chain of pointers Consider Figure 4-2 As you can see in the case of a normal pointer the value of the

pointer is the address of a value In the case of a pointer to a pointer the first pointer

contains the address of the second pointer which points to the location that contains the desired value Multiple indirection can be carried on to whatever extent desired but there

are few cases where more than a pointer to a pointer is needed or indeed even wise to use Excessive indirection is difficult to follow and prone to conceptual errors

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 35 of 66

COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 5 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and String I Objectives To know how is Pointers and String worked using C II Tasks Procedure Instructions Asnwer the following question

1 What is it called when one pointer points to another pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Of what significant is a null pointer in C++ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that counts the uppercase letters in a string Have it display the result

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Chapter 7

Structures in Arrays Functions and Pointers

What is a Structure

Structure is a collection of variables under a single name Variables can be of any type int float char etc The main difference between structure and array is that arrays are

collections of the same data type and structure is a collection of variables under a single name

Declaring a Structure

The structure is declared by using the keyword struct followed by structure name

also called a tag Then the structure members (variables) are defined with their type and variable names inside the open and close braces and Finally the closed braces end with

a semicolon denoted as following the statement The above structure declaration is also called a Structure Specifier


Three variables custnum of type int salary of type int commission of type float are structuremembers and the structure name is Customer This structure is declared as


In the above example it is seen that variables of different types such as int and float are

grouped in a single structure name Customer

Arrays behave in the same way declaring structures does not mean that memory is

allocated Structure declaration gives a skeleton or template for the structure

After declaring the structure the next step is to define a structure variable

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How to declare Structure Variable

This is similar to variable declaration For variable declaration data type is defined followed

by variable name For structure variable declaration the data type is the name of the structure followed by thestructure variable name

In the above example structure variable cust1 is defined as

What happens when this is defined When structure is defined it allocates or reserves space in memory The memory space allocated will be cumulative of all

defined structure members In the above example there are 3 structure members

custnum salary and commission Of these two are of type int and one is of type float If integer space allocated by a system is 2 bytes and float four bytes the above would

allocate 2bytes for custnum 2 bytes for salary and 4 bytes for commission

How to access structure members in C++

To access structure members the operator used is the dot operator denoted by () The

dot operatorfor accessing structure members is used thusly

structure variable namemember name

For example

To assign 2000 for the structure member salary in the above example of structure

Customer with structure variable cust1 this is written as

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Pointers to structures

All that we have discussed so far has been OK but runs into problems when structures have

to be moved between functions for the following reasons

if the structure is large it is more efficient to pass a pointer to the structure instead of the structure its self This techniquepri is also used to pass pointers to

arrays between functions

When passing a structure to a function you actually pass a COPY of the structure Therefore it is not possible to change the values of members within the structure as

the copy is destroyed when the function ends

Here is an example (these are 2 examples the one to the left uses a pointer)

| |

struct x int a int b int c | struct x int a int b int c

| void function(struct x) | void function(struct x )

| main() | main()

| struct x z | struct x z pz 3

| pz = ampz 4 za = 10 1 | za = 10

za++ | za++

| function(z) 2 | function(pz) 5

| |

void function( struct x z) | void function(struct x pz) | 6

printf( first member d n za) | printf( first member d n (pz)a) |


Here is the annotation

1 Give a structure member a value 2 Pass a COPY of the whole structure to the function

3 Define pz a pointer to a structure of type x

4 Put the address of z into pz pz now POINTS to z PLEASE NOTE z is defined to reserve memory equal to the size of the structure pz only holds an address so will

be 4 bytes long 5 Pass the pointer into the function

6 Print the value of the member a

The (pz)a syntax is used a great deal in C and it was decided to create a short hand for

it So

(pz)a == pz-gta

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Structures and Arrays

include ltiostreamgt

include ltfstreamhgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

ofstream outData

input file structure ifstream inData

char menu_id[10] char menu_name[10]

char menu_col[10]

char menu_row[10] char button_id[10]

char button_label_1[10] char button_label_2[10]

char button_label_3[10] char button_col[10]

char button_row[10]

menu file structure

struct menu

int mid char name[20]

int mcol int mrow

int bid char blabel[24]

int bcol

int brow

List of menus

enum menu_id

MAIN = 1

Define Main menu

menu Main_menu[3]

void createMenu(menu newMenu[] int menu_num MAS_Configure_Button_Request_Messagemsg )

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 40 of 66

int y = 0

while ((inDatagetline(menu_id10 $)eof()) ampamp (atoi(menu_id) == menu_num))

newMenu[y]mid= atoi(menu_id)

inDatagetline(menu_name 10 $)

newMenu[y]name[0] = 0

strcpy(newMenu[y]namemenu_name) outData ltlt Main Menu Name ltlt newMenu[y]name ltlt

inDatagetline( menu_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]mcol = atoi(menu_col)

inDatagetline( menu_row 10 $) newMenu[y]mrow = atoi(menu_row)

inDatagetline( button_id 10 $) newMenu[y]bid = atoi(button_id)

inDatagetline( button_label_1 10 $)

inDatagetline( button_label_2 10 $) inDatagetline( button_label_3 10 $)

newMenu[y]blabel[0] = 0 strcpy(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_1)


strcat(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_3) outData ltlt newMenu[y]blabel ltlt

inDatagetline( button_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]bcol = atoi(button_col)

inDatagetline( button_row 10 n)

newMenu[y]brow = atoi(button_row) y++

int main()

int loop

inDataopen(datatxt) if (inData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening datatxt End program ltlt endl


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outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 42 of 66

recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

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Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

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Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

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the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 50 of 66

main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 59 of 66

include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 60 of 66

next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 64 of 66

1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 65 of 66


47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 6: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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statement sequence


statement sequence

If the conditional expression is true the target of the if will be executed otherwise

the target of the else if it exists will be executed At no time will both be executed The

conditional expression controlling the if may be any type of valid C++ expression that produces a true or false result

The following demonstrates the if by playing a simple version of the ―guess the

magic number game The program generates a random numbers prompts for your guess and prints the message Right if you guess the magic number This program also

introduces another C++ library function called rand( ) which returns a randomly selected integer value It requires the ltstdlibgt header

include ltiostreamgt include ltconiohgt

using namespace std


int magic guess

magic = rand()

cout ltlt Enter your guess cin gtgt guess

if (guess == magic) cout ltlt Right


return 0

This program uses the iflsquo statement to determine whether the userlsquos guess matches the magic number If it does the message is printed on the screen

Modular Programming

As programs grow in size it becomes important to break them into separate parts (modules) that communicate with rest of the program through a few well defined interfaces

If we decompose the program into modules well is we can code each module

independently Also if change happens we can localize changes to a particular module without impacting the rest of the programs

For example as is their habit a LCD which we had used in a product went obsolete

We had a written the hardware abstraction layer for the LCD as a separate module We

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substituted a different LCD and modified the LCD hardware abstraction module while not

impacting rest of the program

How to achieve a modular programming in C

C provides two keywords static and extern that facilitate this Disciplined coding

practice also aids modularization

The key is to have a header file for each module This header file contains

a comment section about the module definition of all constants publicly exposed by the module

definition of all structures publicly exposed by the module all publicly exposed variables defined with extern

all publicly exposed functions defined with extern

In the header file you should only put definitions of constants structures variables and functions that you want to expose

As a coding practice prefix all constant structure variable and function definitions with

the name of the module This makes it easy to identify the source of definition in a larger program with many modules

The implementation file(s) contains the actual definition of variables and

implementations of the functions defined in the header file

The implementation file also contains definitions of those variables structures and constants that are used only in the implementation file It also contains definitions and

implementations of helper functions These should be declared as static to prevent access from outside I all find it a good programming practice to prefix all internal names with _


Header file for a module named node nodeh

Interface for node module

node_var1 is a variable used inside the module node_do_something() is a function in the module

extern int node_var1

extern int node_do_something(void)

Implementation file for module named node nodec

include nodeh

int node_var1

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 8 of 66

static int _node_var2

static void _node_helper_function(void)

int node_do_something(void)

node_var1 = 2

_node_var2 =35


The main file which uses module node

include nodeh

int main(int argc char argv[])



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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 1 COURSE TOPIC Review of Introduction to C Programming language I Objectives

To learn and understand the basic syntax and script delimeters of C

To understand and use CC++ variables and operators II Part I Basic Syntax of C++

1 Where does the C++ program begin execution __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 What is cout __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 What does include ltiostreamgt do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 What does the if statement do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 How is block of code created What does it do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 What is a namespace __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that averages the absolute value of five values entered by the user Display the result

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Chapter 2 amp 3

String Handling Functions

The string handling functions in the standard C++ libraries incorporated from the

standard C libraries do not have a single header file for a source When declaring a

character array that will hold a null-terminated string you need to declare it one character

longer than the largest string that it will hold For example if you want to declare an array

str that could hold a 10-character string

char str[11]

Specifying the size as 11 makes room for the null at the end of the string A string

constant is a list of characters enclosed in double quotes Here are some examples

―hello there ―I like C++ ―Mars ―

It is not necessary to manually add the null terminator onto the end of string

constants the C++ compiler does this for you automatically Therefore the string ―Mars

will appear in memory like this

M a r s 0

The last string shown is This is called a null string It contains only the null

terminator and no other characters Null strings are useful because they represent the

empty string

The easiest way to read a string entered from the keyboard is to use a char array in

a cin statement For example the following program reads a string entered by the user

using cin to read a string from the keyboard

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[80]

cout ltlt ―Enter a string ―

cin gtgt str read a string from keyboard lt-- read a string using cin

cout ltlt ―Here is your string ―

cout ltlt str

return 0

Here is a sample run

Enter a string testing

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Here is your string testing

Although this program is technically correct it will not always work the way you

expect To see why run the program and try entering the string ―This is a test Here is

what you will see

Enter a string This is a test

Here is your string This

When the program redisplays your string it shows only the word ―This not the

entire sentence The reason for this is that the C++ IO system stops reading a string when

the first whitespace character is encountered Whitespace characters include spaces tabs

and newlines

One way to solve the whitespace problem is to use another of C++lsquos library

functions gets( ) The general form of a call to gets( ) is


To read a string call gets( ) with the name of the array without any index as its

argument Upon return from gets( ) the array will hold the string input from the keyboard

The gets( ) function will continue to read characters including whitespace until you enter a

carriage return The header used by gets( ) is ltcstdiogt

This version of the preceding program uses gets( ) to allow the entry of strings

containing spaces

Using gets() to read a string from the keyboard

include ltiostreamgt

include ltcstdiogt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[80]

cout ltlt ―Enter a string ―

gets(str) read a string using gets() Read a string using gets()

cout ltlt ―Here is your string

cout ltlt str

return 0

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Notice that in a cout statement str can be used directly In general the name of a

character array that holds a string can be used any place that a string constant can be used

Keep in mind that neither cin nor gets( ) performs any bounds checking on the array

that receives input Therefore if the user enters a string longer than the size of the array

the array will be overwritten

Some string Library Functions

C++ supports a wide range of string manipulation functions The most common are





The string functions all use the same header ltstringgt Letlsquos take a look at these

functions now


A call to strcpy( ) takes this general form

strcpy(to from)

The strcpy( ) function copies the contents of the string from into to Remember the

array that forms to must be large enough to hold the string contained in from If it isnlsquot the

to array will be overrun which will probably crash your program


A call to strcat( ) takes this form strcat(s1 s2) The strcat( ) function appends s2 to

the end of s1 s2 is unchanged You must ensure that s1 is large enough to hold its original

contents and those of s2


A call to strcmp( ) takes this general form

strcmp(s1 s2)

The strcmp( ) function compares two strings and returns 0 if they are equal If s1 is

greater than s2 lexicographically (that is according to dictionary order) then a positive

number is returned if it is less than s2 a negative number is returned

The key to using strcmp( ) is to remember that it returns false when the strings


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Therefore you will need to use the operator if you want something to occur when

the strings are equal For example the condition controlling the following if statement is

true when str is equal to ―C++

if(strcmp(str C++)

cout ltlt str is C++


The general form of a call to strlen( ) is


Example using strlen

include ltstringhgt

include ltiostreamgt

include ltconiohgt

using namespace std

int main()

char aString1[11] = abcdefghij

aString2[11] = tooShort


unsigned int len1 len2 len3

cout ltlt endl ltlt endl

cout ltlt Please supply a third string

cingetline(aString3 11) n delimiter assumed

len1 = strlen(aString1)

len2 = strlen(aString2)

len3 = strlen(aString3)

cout ltlt endl ltlt String 1 ltlt aString1 ltlt length =

ltlt len1 ltlt endl ltlt String 2 ltlt aString2

ltlt length = ltlt len2 ltlt endl ltlt String 3

ltlt aString3 ltlt length = ltlt len3

cout ltlt endl ltlt endl


return 0

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where s is a string The strlen( ) function returns the length of the string pointed to by s

A String Function Example

The following program illustrates the use of all four string functions

Demonstrate the string functions

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstringhgt

include ltwindowshgt

include ltconiohgt

using namespace std

int main()

char s1[80]s2[80]

strcpy(s1 C++)

strcpy(s2 is power programming)

cout ltlt lengths ltlt strlen(s1)

cout ltlt ltlt strlen(s2) ltlt n

if(strcmp(s1 s2))

cout ltlt The strings are equaln

else cout ltlt not equaln

strcat(s1 s2)

cout ltlt s1 ltlt n

strcpy(s2 s1)

cout ltlt s1 ltlt and ltlt s2 ltlt n

if(strcmp(s1 s2))

cout ltlt s1 and s2 are now the samen


return 0

Here is the output

lengths 3 22

not equal

C++ is power programming

C++ is power programming and C++ is power programming

s1 and s2 are now the same

Using the Null Terminator

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The fact that strings are null-terminated can often be used to simplify various

operations For example the following program converts a string to uppercase

Convert a string to uppercase

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

include ltconiohgt

include ltctypehgt

include ltwindowshgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[80]

int i

strcpy (str this is a test)

for (i=0 str[1] i++)

str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt str


return 0

The output from this program is shown here


This program uses the library function toupper() which returns the uppercase

equivalent of its character argument to convert each character in the string The upper()

function uses the header ltctypehgt

Notice that the test condition of the for loop is simply the array indexed by the

condition variable The reason this works is that a true value is any non-zero value

Remember all character values are non-zero but the null terminating the string is zero

Because the null terminator marks the end of the string the loop stops precisely where it is

supposed to

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Table 1 Character functions in ltctypehgt

Function Function Signature


isalnum() int isalnum(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is alphabetic or numeric

isalpha() int isalpha(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is alphabetic

iscntrl() int iscntrl(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a control character

isdigit() int isdigit(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a digit 0 - 9

isgraph() int isgraph(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a non-blank but printing character

islower() int islower(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a lower case alphabetic character ie a - z

isprint() int isprint(intc) Returns a non-zero if c is printable non-blanks and white

space included

ispunct() int ispunct(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a printable character but not alpha numeric or blank

isspace() int isspace(int c) Returns a non-zero for blanks and these escape sequences

f n r t and v

isupper() int isupper(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is an upper-case alphabetic character

ie A - Z

isxdigit() int isxdigit(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a hexadecimal character 0 - 9 a - f or A - F

tolower() int tolower(int c) Returns the lower case version if c is an upper case character

otherwise returns c

toupper() int toupper(int c) Returns the upper case version if c is a lower case character otherwise returns c

Table 2 Some String Handling Functions in ltstringhgt

Functions Function Signature Description

strcat() char strcat(char s1

const char s2) Adds string s2 onto the end of s1 (conCATenation)

strchr() char strchr(const char

s int c)

Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of c in

string s Returns NULL if c is not found in s

strcmp() int strcmp(const char

s1 const char s2)

Compares s1 and s2 alphabetically Returns a negative zero or positive number depending on

whether s1 is before the same as or after s2 if you

were alphabetizing s1 and s2

strcpy() char strcpy(char s1

const char s2) Copies s2 into s1 and returns a point to s1

strlen() size_t strlen(const char s)

Returns the number of characters in the string s starting at s[0] and ending before the first NULL

strncat() char strncat(char s1

const char s2 size_t n)

Tacks on the first n characters of s2 onto s1 A

pointer to s1 is returned

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 17 of 66

strncmp() int strncmp(const char s1 const char s2 size_t


Compares s1 with the first n characters of s2 Returns a negative zero or positive integer (just like


strncpy() char strncpy(char s1 const chars2 size_t n)

Copies the first n characters of s2 into the first n characters of s1

strrchr() char strrchr(const

chars int c)

Returns a pointer to the last occurence of c in string

s (Compare with strchr())

strstr() char strstr(const char

s1 const char s2)

Returns the address of the first occurence of string s2 that is also in string s1 Returns NULL if s2 is not

found in s1

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 18 of 66

COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 2 COURSE TOPIC String and Handling Function I Objectives To know the String handling function used

Part II String Handling Functions 1 amp 2

1 What is a null-terminated string __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 To hold a string that is 18 characters long how must the character array be __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 Show how to initialize a four-element array of int to the values 123 and 4 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 How can this initialization be rewritten char str[6] = lsquoHrsquo lsquoersquo lsquolrsquo lsquolrsquo lsquoorsquo lsquoOrsquo)


5 Rewrite the following as an unsized array Int nums[4] = 44 55 66 77


Supplementary Programming (50 points) 1 Write a program that prompts the user for two strings and then compares the strings for equality

but ignores case differences Thus ldquookrdquo and ldquoOKrdquo will compare as equal

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 19 of 66

Chapter 4

Introduction to Pointers

A pointer is an object that contains a memory address Very often this address is the

location of another object such as a variable For example if x contains the address of y

then x is said to ―point to y

Pointer variables must be declared as such The general form of a pointer variable

declaration is

type var-name

Here type is the pointerlsquos base type The base type determines what type of data

the pointer will be pointing to var-name is the name of the pointer variable For example

to declare ip to be a pointer to an int use this declaration

int ip

Since the base type of ip is int it can be used to point to int values Here a float

pointer is declared

float fp

In this case the base type of fp is float which means that it can be used to point to

a float value

In general in a declaration statement preceding a variable name with an causes

that variable to become a pointer

The Pointer Operator

There are two special operators that are used with pointers and amp The amp is a

unary operator that returns the memory address of its operand

For example

ptr = amptotal

puts into ptr the memory address of the variable total This address is the location of

total in the computerlsquos internal memory It has nothing to do with the value of total The

operation of amp can be remembered as returning ―the address of the variable it precedes

Therefore the preceding assignment statement could be verbalized as ―ptr receives the

address of total To better understand this assignment assume that the variable total is

located at address 100 Then after the assignment takes place ptr has the value 100 The

second operator is and it is the complement of amp It is a unary operator that returns the

value of the variable located at the address specified by its operand Continuing with the

same example if ptr contains the memory address of the variable total then

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 20 of 66

val = ptr

will place the value of total into val For example if total originally had the value

3200 then val will have the value 3200 because that is the value stored at location 100

the memory address that was assigned to ptr The operation of can be remembered as ―at

address In this case then the statement could be read as ―val receives the value at

address ptr

The following program executes the sequence of the operations just described

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int total

int ptr

int val

total = 3200 assign 3200 to total

ptr = amptotal get address of total

val = ptr get value at that address

cout ltlt Total is ltlt val ltlt n

return 0

It is unfortunate that the multiplication symbol and the ―at address symbol are the

same This fact sometimes confuses newcomers to the C++ language These operators

have no relationship to each other Keep in mind that both amp and have a higher

precedence than any of the arithmetic operators except the unary minus with which they

have equal precedence The act of using a pointer is often called indirection because you are

accessing one variable indirectly through another variable

The Base Type of a Pointer

In the preceding discussion you saw that it was possible to assign val the value of

total indirectly through a pointer At this point you may have thought of this important question How does C++ know how many bytes to copy into val from the address pointed

to by ptr Or more generally how does the compiler transfer the proper number of bytes for any assignment involving a pointer The answer is that the base type of the pointer

determines the type of data upon which the pointer operates In this case because ptr is an

int pointer four bytes of information are copied into val (assuming a 32-bit int) from the address pointed to by ptr However if ptr had been a double pointer for example then

eight bytes would have been copied

It is important to ensure that pointer variables always point to the correct type of data For example when you declare a pointer to be of type int the compiler assumes that

anything it points to will be an integer variable If it doesnlsquot point to an integer variable then trouble is usually not far behind For example the following fragment is incorrect

int p double f p = ampf ERROR

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This fragment is invalid because you cannot assign a double pointer to an integer pointer That is ampf generates a pointer to a double but p is a pointer to an int These two

types are not compatible (In fact the compiler would flag an error at this point and not compile your program) Although two pointers must have compatible types in order for one

to be assigned to another you can override this restriction (at your own risk) using a cast For example the following fragment is now technically correct

int p double f p = (int ) ampf Now technically OK

The cast to int causes the double pointer to be converted to an integer pointer However to use a cast for this purpose is questionable practice The reason is that the base

type of a pointer determines how the compiler treats the data it points to In this case even though p is actually pointing to a floating-point value the compiler still ―thinks that p is

pointing to an int (because p is an int pointer)

To better understand why using a cast to assign one type of pointer to another is not usually a good idea consider the following short program

This program will not work right include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

double xy int p

x = 12323 p = (int ) ampx use cast to assign double to int

y = p what will this do

cout ltlt y what will this print

return 0

Here is the output produced by the program (You might see a different value)


This value is clearly not 12323 Here is why In the program p (which is an integer

pointer) has been assigned the address of x (which is a double) Thus when y is assigned the value pointed to by p y receives only four bytes of data (and not the eight required for

a double value) because p is an integer pointer Therefore the cout statement displays not 12323 but a garbage value instead

Assigning value to pointers

You can use a pointer on the left-hand side of an assignment statement to assign a value to the location pointed to by the pointer Assuming that p is an int pointer this

assigns the value 101 to the location pointed to by p

p = 101

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You can verbalize this assignment like this ―At the location pointed to by p assign the value 101 To increment or decrement the value at the location pointed to by a pointer

you can use a statement like this


The parentheses are necessary because the operator has lower precedence than does the ++ operator

The following program demonstrates an assignment through a pointer

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int p num

p = ampnum

p = 100 assign num the value 100 through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)++ increment num through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)-- decrement num through p cout ltlt num ltlt nlsquo

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

100 101 100

Pointer Expressions

Pointers can be used in most C++ expressions However some special rules apply

Remember also that you may need to surround some parts of a pointer expression with parentheses in order to ensure that the outcome is what you desire

Pointer Arithmetic There are only four arithmetic operators that can be used on

pointers ++ ndash ndash + and ndash To understand what occurs in pointer arithmetic let p1 be an int pointer with a current value of 2000 (that is it contains the address 2000) Assuming

32-bit integers after the expression


The contents of p1 will be 2004 not 2001 The reason for this is that each time p1

is incremented it will point to the next int The same is true of decrements For example again assuming that p1 has the value 2000 the expression

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 23 of 66


causes p1 to have the value 1996

Generalizing from the preceding example the following rules apply to pointer

arithmetic Each time that a pointer is incremented it will point to the memory location of the next element of its base type Each time it is decremented it will point to the location of

the previous element of its base type In the case of character pointers an increment or decrement will appear as ―normal arithmetic because characters are one byte long

However every other type of pointer will increase or decrease by the length of its base

type You are not limited to only increment and decrement operations You can also add or subtract integers to or from pointers The expression

p1 = p1 + 9

makes p1 point to the ninth element of p1lsquos base type beyond the one to which it is

currently pointing

Although you cannot add pointers you can subtract one pointer from another

(provided they are both of the same base type) The remainder will be the number of elements of the base type that separate the two pointers

Other than addition and subtraction of a pointer and an integer or the subtraction of

two pointers no other arithmetic operations can be performed on pointers For example you cannot add or subtract float or double values to or from pointers

To graphically see the effects of pointer arithmetic execute the next short program

It creates an int pointer (i) and a double pointer (f) It then adds the values 0 through 9 to

these pointers and displays the results Observe how each address changes relative to its base type each time the loop is repeated (For most 32-bit compilers i will increase by 4s

and f will increase by 8s) Notice that when using a pointer in a cout statement its address is automatically displayed in the addressing format applicable to the CPU and environment

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int I j[10]

double f g[10] int x

i = j

f = g

for (x=0 xlt10 x++)

cout ltlt i+x ltlt ltlt f+x ltlt nlsquo display the addresses produced by adding x

to each pointer

Here is a sample run (The precise values you see may differ from these)

0012FE5C 09012FE84

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 24 of 66

0012FE60 0012FE8C

0012FE64 0012FE94 0012FE68 0012FE9C

0012FE6C 0012FEA4 0012FE70 0012FEAC

0012FE74 0012FEB4 0012FE78 0012FEBC

0012FE7C 0012FEC4

0012FE80 0012FECC

Pointer Comparisons

Pointers may be compared using the relational operators such as == lt and gt In general for the outcome of a pointer comparison to be meaningful the two pointers must

have some relationship to each other For example both may point to elements within the same array There is however one other type of pointer comparison any pointer can be

compared to the null pointer which is zero

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I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers in C and its use

II Basic Information Scenario Answer the following using Pointers

1 What is a pointer


2 Show how to declare a long int pointer called valPtr __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 As they relate to pointers what do the and amp operators do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7 What are two pointer operators __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 5

Pointers and Arrays

In C++ there is a close relationship between pointers and arrays In fact frequently a pointer and an array are interchangeable Consider this fragment

char str[80] char p1

p1 = str

Here str is an array of 80 characters and p1 is a character pointer However it is the third line that is of interest In this line p1 is assigned the address of the first element in

the str array (That is after the assignment p1 will point to str[0]) Herelsquos why In C++ using the name of an array without an index generates a pointer to the first element in the

array Thus the assignment

p1 = str

assigns the address of str[0] to p1 This is a crucial point to understand When an


array name is used in an expression it yields a pointer to the first element in the array Since after the assignment p1 points to the beginning of str you can use p1 to


elements in the array For example if you want to access the fifth element in str you can use




Both statements obtain the fifth element Remember array indices start at zero so when str is indexed a 4 is used to access the fifth element A 4 is also added to the pointer

p1 to get the fifth element because p1 currently points to the first element of str

The parentheses surrounding p1+4 are necessary because the operation has a

higher priority than the + operation Without them the expression would first find the value pointed to by p1 (the first location in the array) and then add 4 to it In effect C++ allows

two methods of accessing array elements pointer arithmetic and array indexing This is important because pointer arithmetic can sometimes be faster than array indexingmdash

especially when you are accessing an array in strictly sequential order Since speed is often a consideration in programming the use of pointers to access array elements is very

common in C++ programs Also you can sometimes write tighter code by using pointers

instead of array indexing

Here is an example that demonstrates the difference between using array indexing and pointer arithmetic to access the elements of an array We will create two versions of a

program that reverse the case of letters within a string The first version uses array indexing The second uses pointer arithmetic The first version is shown here

Reverse case using array indexing

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include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = This Is A Test

cout ltlt Original string ltlt str ltlt n

for(i = 0 str[i] i++)

if(isupper(str[i])) str[i] = tolower(str[i]) else if(islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt Inverted-case string ltlt str

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

Original string This Is A Test Inverted-case string tHIS iS a tEST

Notice that the program uses the isupper( ) and islower( ) library functions to determine the case of a letter The isupper( ) function returns true when its argument is an

uppercase letter islower( ) returns true when its argument is a lowercase letter Inside the for loop str is indexed and the case of each letter is checked and changed The loop

iterates until the null terminating str is indexed Since a null is zero (false) the loop stops

Here is the same program rewritten to use pointer arithmetic

Reverse case using array indexing

include ltiostreamgt include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = ―This Is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

for i = 0 str[i] i++) if (iupper(str[i]))

else if (islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i]

cout ltlt ―Inverted-case string ― ltlt str return 0

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In this version p is set to the start of str Then inside the while loop the letter at p

is checked and changed and then p is incremented The loop stops when p points to the null terminator that ends str Because of the way some C++ compilers generate code these

two programs may not be equivalent in performance Generally it takes more machine instructions to index an array than it does to perform arithmetic on a pointer Consequently

in professionally written C++ code it is common to see the pointer version used more frequently However as a beginning C++ programmer feel free to use array indexing until

you are comfortable with pointers

Indexing a Pointer

As you have just seen it is possible to access an array using pointer arithmetic

What you might find surprising is that the reverse is also true In C++ it is possible to index a pointer as if it were an array Here is an example It is a third version of the case-

changing program

index a pointer as if it were an array

include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt

using namespace std


char p int i

char str[80]=This is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

p = str assign the p address of the start of the array now index p

for (I = 0 p[i] i++)

if (isupper(p[i])) p[i] = tolowerp[i])

else if (islower(p[i])

p[i] = toupper(p[i])

cout ltlt ―Inverted ndash case string lt str

return 0

The program creates a char pointer called p and then assigns to that pointer the

address of the first element in str Inside the for loop p is indexed using the normal array indexing syntax This is perfectly valid because in C++ the statement p[i] is function

functionally identical to (p+i) This further illustrates the close relationship between pointers and arrays

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 4 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and Arrays I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers and Arrays using C

II Tasks Procedure Instructions Answer the following questions

1 Can an array be accessed through a pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Can a pointer be indexed as if it were an array __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 An array name used by itself with no index yields what __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 6

Pointers and String

Strings and Constants

You might be wondering how string constants like the one in the fragment shown

here are handled by C++

cout ltlt strlen(Xanadu)

The answer is that when the compiler encounters a string constant it stores it in the

programlsquos string table and generates a pointer to the string Thus ―Xanadu yields a pointer to its entry in the string table Therefore the following program is perfectly valid and prints

the phrase Pointers add power to C++

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char ptr

ptr = ―Pointers add power to C++ n ptr is assigned the address of this string constant

cout ltlt ptr

return 0

In this program the characters that make up a string constant are stored in the string table and ptr is assigned a pointer to the string in that table

Since a pointer into your programlsquos string table is generated automatically whenever

a string constant is used you might be tempted to use this fact to modify the contents of the string table However this is usually not a good idea because many C++ compilers

create optimized tables in which one string constant may be used at two or more different

places in your program Thus changing a string may cause undesired side effects

Reversing a String in Place

Earlier it was mentioned that comparing one pointer to another is meaningful only if the two pointers point to a common object such as an array Now that you understand how

pointers and arrays relate you can apply pointer comparisons to streamline some types of algorithms In this project you will see an example The program developed here reverses

the contents of a string in place Thus instead of copying the string back-to-front into

another array it reverses the contents of the string inside the array that holds it The program uses two pointer variables to accomplish this One initially points to the beginning

of a string and the other initially points to the last character in the string A loop is set up that continues to run as long as the start pointer is less than the end pointer Each time

through the loop the characters pointed to by the pointers are swapped and the pointers are advanced When the start pointer is greater than or equal to the end pointer the string

has been reversed Step by step

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1 Create a file called StrRevcpp 2 Begin by adding these lines to the file

Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test

char start end int len

char t

The string to be reversed is contained in str The pointers start and end will be used

to access the string

3 Add these lines which display the original string obtain the stringlsquos length and set the initial values for the start and end pointers

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

Notice that end points to the last character in the string not the null terminator

4 Add the code that reverse the string

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts

starts = end end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The process works like this As long as the start pointer points to a memory

location that is less than the end pointer the loop iterates Inside the loop the characters being pointed to by start and end are swapped Then start is incremented

and end is decremented When end is greater than or equal to start all of the characters in the string have been reversed Since both start and end point into the

same array their comparison is meaningful

5 Here is the complete StrRevcpp program

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Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test char start end

int len char t

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts starts = end

end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The output from the program is shown here Original this is a test Reversed

tset a si siht

Arrays of Pointers

Pointers can be arrayed like any other data type For example declaration for an int

pointer array of size 10 is

int p[10]

Here pi is an array of ten integer pointers To assign the address of an int variable

called var to the third element of the pointer array you would write

int var

fpi[2] = ampvar

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Remember pi is an array of int pointers The only thing that the array elements can

hold are the addresses of integer valuesmdashnot the values themselves To find the value of var you would write


Like other arrays arrays of pointers can be initialized A common use for initialized

pointer arrays is to hold pointers to strings Here is an example that uses a two-dimensional array of character pointers to implement a small dictionary

Here is a sample run

Enter word network

An interconnected group of computers

When the array dictionary is created it is initialized with a set of words and their

meanings Recall C++ stores all string constants in the string table associated with your program so the array need only store pointers to the strings The program works by testing

the word entered by the user against the strings stored in the dictionary If a match is found the meaning is displayed If no match is found an error message is printed Notice

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that dictionary ends with two null strings These mark the end of the array Recall that a

null string contains only the terminating null character The for loop runs until the first character in a string is null This condition is tested with this expression


The array indices specify a pointer to a string The obtains the character at that

location If this character is null then the expression is false and the loop terminates Otherwise the expression is true and the loop continues

The Null Pointer Convention

After a pointer is declared but before it has been assigned it will contain an arbitrary value Should you try to use the pointer prior to giving it a value you will probably

crash your program While there is no sure way to avoid using an uninitialized pointer C++ programmers have adopted a procedure that helps prevent some errors By convention if a

pointer contains the null (zero) value it is assumed to point to nothing Thus if all unused pointers are given the null value and you avoid the use of a null pointer you can avoid the

accidental misuse of an uninitialized pointer This is a good practice to follow

Any type of pointer can be initialized to null when it is declared For example the

following initializes p to null

float p = 0 p is now a null pointer

To check for a null pointer use an if statement like one of these

if(p) succeeds if p is not null

if(p) succeeds if p is null

Multiple Indirection

A pointer to a pointer is a form of multiple indirection or a chain of pointers Consider Figure 4-2 As you can see in the case of a normal pointer the value of the

pointer is the address of a value In the case of a pointer to a pointer the first pointer

contains the address of the second pointer which points to the location that contains the desired value Multiple indirection can be carried on to whatever extent desired but there

are few cases where more than a pointer to a pointer is needed or indeed even wise to use Excessive indirection is difficult to follow and prone to conceptual errors

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 5 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and String I Objectives To know how is Pointers and String worked using C II Tasks Procedure Instructions Asnwer the following question

1 What is it called when one pointer points to another pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Of what significant is a null pointer in C++ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that counts the uppercase letters in a string Have it display the result

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Chapter 7

Structures in Arrays Functions and Pointers

What is a Structure

Structure is a collection of variables under a single name Variables can be of any type int float char etc The main difference between structure and array is that arrays are

collections of the same data type and structure is a collection of variables under a single name

Declaring a Structure

The structure is declared by using the keyword struct followed by structure name

also called a tag Then the structure members (variables) are defined with their type and variable names inside the open and close braces and Finally the closed braces end with

a semicolon denoted as following the statement The above structure declaration is also called a Structure Specifier


Three variables custnum of type int salary of type int commission of type float are structuremembers and the structure name is Customer This structure is declared as


In the above example it is seen that variables of different types such as int and float are

grouped in a single structure name Customer

Arrays behave in the same way declaring structures does not mean that memory is

allocated Structure declaration gives a skeleton or template for the structure

After declaring the structure the next step is to define a structure variable

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How to declare Structure Variable

This is similar to variable declaration For variable declaration data type is defined followed

by variable name For structure variable declaration the data type is the name of the structure followed by thestructure variable name

In the above example structure variable cust1 is defined as

What happens when this is defined When structure is defined it allocates or reserves space in memory The memory space allocated will be cumulative of all

defined structure members In the above example there are 3 structure members

custnum salary and commission Of these two are of type int and one is of type float If integer space allocated by a system is 2 bytes and float four bytes the above would

allocate 2bytes for custnum 2 bytes for salary and 4 bytes for commission

How to access structure members in C++

To access structure members the operator used is the dot operator denoted by () The

dot operatorfor accessing structure members is used thusly

structure variable namemember name

For example

To assign 2000 for the structure member salary in the above example of structure

Customer with structure variable cust1 this is written as

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Pointers to structures

All that we have discussed so far has been OK but runs into problems when structures have

to be moved between functions for the following reasons

if the structure is large it is more efficient to pass a pointer to the structure instead of the structure its self This techniquepri is also used to pass pointers to

arrays between functions

When passing a structure to a function you actually pass a COPY of the structure Therefore it is not possible to change the values of members within the structure as

the copy is destroyed when the function ends

Here is an example (these are 2 examples the one to the left uses a pointer)

| |

struct x int a int b int c | struct x int a int b int c

| void function(struct x) | void function(struct x )

| main() | main()

| struct x z | struct x z pz 3

| pz = ampz 4 za = 10 1 | za = 10

za++ | za++

| function(z) 2 | function(pz) 5

| |

void function( struct x z) | void function(struct x pz) | 6

printf( first member d n za) | printf( first member d n (pz)a) |


Here is the annotation

1 Give a structure member a value 2 Pass a COPY of the whole structure to the function

3 Define pz a pointer to a structure of type x

4 Put the address of z into pz pz now POINTS to z PLEASE NOTE z is defined to reserve memory equal to the size of the structure pz only holds an address so will

be 4 bytes long 5 Pass the pointer into the function

6 Print the value of the member a

The (pz)a syntax is used a great deal in C and it was decided to create a short hand for

it So

(pz)a == pz-gta

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Structures and Arrays

include ltiostreamgt

include ltfstreamhgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

ofstream outData

input file structure ifstream inData

char menu_id[10] char menu_name[10]

char menu_col[10]

char menu_row[10] char button_id[10]

char button_label_1[10] char button_label_2[10]

char button_label_3[10] char button_col[10]

char button_row[10]

menu file structure

struct menu

int mid char name[20]

int mcol int mrow

int bid char blabel[24]

int bcol

int brow

List of menus

enum menu_id

MAIN = 1

Define Main menu

menu Main_menu[3]

void createMenu(menu newMenu[] int menu_num MAS_Configure_Button_Request_Messagemsg )

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 40 of 66

int y = 0

while ((inDatagetline(menu_id10 $)eof()) ampamp (atoi(menu_id) == menu_num))

newMenu[y]mid= atoi(menu_id)

inDatagetline(menu_name 10 $)

newMenu[y]name[0] = 0

strcpy(newMenu[y]namemenu_name) outData ltlt Main Menu Name ltlt newMenu[y]name ltlt

inDatagetline( menu_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]mcol = atoi(menu_col)

inDatagetline( menu_row 10 $) newMenu[y]mrow = atoi(menu_row)

inDatagetline( button_id 10 $) newMenu[y]bid = atoi(button_id)

inDatagetline( button_label_1 10 $)

inDatagetline( button_label_2 10 $) inDatagetline( button_label_3 10 $)

newMenu[y]blabel[0] = 0 strcpy(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_1)


strcat(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_3) outData ltlt newMenu[y]blabel ltlt

inDatagetline( button_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]bcol = atoi(button_col)

inDatagetline( button_row 10 n)

newMenu[y]brow = atoi(button_row) y++

int main()

int loop

inDataopen(datatxt) if (inData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening datatxt End program ltlt endl


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outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 42 of 66

recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 43 of 66

Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

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Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 48 of 66

Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

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the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

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main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

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include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

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next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

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1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

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47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 7: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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substituted a different LCD and modified the LCD hardware abstraction module while not

impacting rest of the program

How to achieve a modular programming in C

C provides two keywords static and extern that facilitate this Disciplined coding

practice also aids modularization

The key is to have a header file for each module This header file contains

a comment section about the module definition of all constants publicly exposed by the module

definition of all structures publicly exposed by the module all publicly exposed variables defined with extern

all publicly exposed functions defined with extern

In the header file you should only put definitions of constants structures variables and functions that you want to expose

As a coding practice prefix all constant structure variable and function definitions with

the name of the module This makes it easy to identify the source of definition in a larger program with many modules

The implementation file(s) contains the actual definition of variables and

implementations of the functions defined in the header file

The implementation file also contains definitions of those variables structures and constants that are used only in the implementation file It also contains definitions and

implementations of helper functions These should be declared as static to prevent access from outside I all find it a good programming practice to prefix all internal names with _


Header file for a module named node nodeh

Interface for node module

node_var1 is a variable used inside the module node_do_something() is a function in the module

extern int node_var1

extern int node_do_something(void)

Implementation file for module named node nodec

include nodeh

int node_var1

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static int _node_var2

static void _node_helper_function(void)

int node_do_something(void)

node_var1 = 2

_node_var2 =35


The main file which uses module node

include nodeh

int main(int argc char argv[])



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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 1 COURSE TOPIC Review of Introduction to C Programming language I Objectives

To learn and understand the basic syntax and script delimeters of C

To understand and use CC++ variables and operators II Part I Basic Syntax of C++

1 Where does the C++ program begin execution __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 What is cout __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 What does include ltiostreamgt do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 What does the if statement do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 How is block of code created What does it do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 What is a namespace __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that averages the absolute value of five values entered by the user Display the result

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Chapter 2 amp 3

String Handling Functions

The string handling functions in the standard C++ libraries incorporated from the

standard C libraries do not have a single header file for a source When declaring a

character array that will hold a null-terminated string you need to declare it one character

longer than the largest string that it will hold For example if you want to declare an array

str that could hold a 10-character string

char str[11]

Specifying the size as 11 makes room for the null at the end of the string A string

constant is a list of characters enclosed in double quotes Here are some examples

―hello there ―I like C++ ―Mars ―

It is not necessary to manually add the null terminator onto the end of string

constants the C++ compiler does this for you automatically Therefore the string ―Mars

will appear in memory like this

M a r s 0

The last string shown is This is called a null string It contains only the null

terminator and no other characters Null strings are useful because they represent the

empty string

The easiest way to read a string entered from the keyboard is to use a char array in

a cin statement For example the following program reads a string entered by the user

using cin to read a string from the keyboard

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[80]

cout ltlt ―Enter a string ―

cin gtgt str read a string from keyboard lt-- read a string using cin

cout ltlt ―Here is your string ―

cout ltlt str

return 0

Here is a sample run

Enter a string testing

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Here is your string testing

Although this program is technically correct it will not always work the way you

expect To see why run the program and try entering the string ―This is a test Here is

what you will see

Enter a string This is a test

Here is your string This

When the program redisplays your string it shows only the word ―This not the

entire sentence The reason for this is that the C++ IO system stops reading a string when

the first whitespace character is encountered Whitespace characters include spaces tabs

and newlines

One way to solve the whitespace problem is to use another of C++lsquos library

functions gets( ) The general form of a call to gets( ) is


To read a string call gets( ) with the name of the array without any index as its

argument Upon return from gets( ) the array will hold the string input from the keyboard

The gets( ) function will continue to read characters including whitespace until you enter a

carriage return The header used by gets( ) is ltcstdiogt

This version of the preceding program uses gets( ) to allow the entry of strings

containing spaces

Using gets() to read a string from the keyboard

include ltiostreamgt

include ltcstdiogt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[80]

cout ltlt ―Enter a string ―

gets(str) read a string using gets() Read a string using gets()

cout ltlt ―Here is your string

cout ltlt str

return 0

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Notice that in a cout statement str can be used directly In general the name of a

character array that holds a string can be used any place that a string constant can be used

Keep in mind that neither cin nor gets( ) performs any bounds checking on the array

that receives input Therefore if the user enters a string longer than the size of the array

the array will be overwritten

Some string Library Functions

C++ supports a wide range of string manipulation functions The most common are





The string functions all use the same header ltstringgt Letlsquos take a look at these

functions now


A call to strcpy( ) takes this general form

strcpy(to from)

The strcpy( ) function copies the contents of the string from into to Remember the

array that forms to must be large enough to hold the string contained in from If it isnlsquot the

to array will be overrun which will probably crash your program


A call to strcat( ) takes this form strcat(s1 s2) The strcat( ) function appends s2 to

the end of s1 s2 is unchanged You must ensure that s1 is large enough to hold its original

contents and those of s2


A call to strcmp( ) takes this general form

strcmp(s1 s2)

The strcmp( ) function compares two strings and returns 0 if they are equal If s1 is

greater than s2 lexicographically (that is according to dictionary order) then a positive

number is returned if it is less than s2 a negative number is returned

The key to using strcmp( ) is to remember that it returns false when the strings


Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 13 of 66

Therefore you will need to use the operator if you want something to occur when

the strings are equal For example the condition controlling the following if statement is

true when str is equal to ―C++

if(strcmp(str C++)

cout ltlt str is C++


The general form of a call to strlen( ) is


Example using strlen

include ltstringhgt

include ltiostreamgt

include ltconiohgt

using namespace std

int main()

char aString1[11] = abcdefghij

aString2[11] = tooShort


unsigned int len1 len2 len3

cout ltlt endl ltlt endl

cout ltlt Please supply a third string

cingetline(aString3 11) n delimiter assumed

len1 = strlen(aString1)

len2 = strlen(aString2)

len3 = strlen(aString3)

cout ltlt endl ltlt String 1 ltlt aString1 ltlt length =

ltlt len1 ltlt endl ltlt String 2 ltlt aString2

ltlt length = ltlt len2 ltlt endl ltlt String 3

ltlt aString3 ltlt length = ltlt len3

cout ltlt endl ltlt endl


return 0

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where s is a string The strlen( ) function returns the length of the string pointed to by s

A String Function Example

The following program illustrates the use of all four string functions

Demonstrate the string functions

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstringhgt

include ltwindowshgt

include ltconiohgt

using namespace std

int main()

char s1[80]s2[80]

strcpy(s1 C++)

strcpy(s2 is power programming)

cout ltlt lengths ltlt strlen(s1)

cout ltlt ltlt strlen(s2) ltlt n

if(strcmp(s1 s2))

cout ltlt The strings are equaln

else cout ltlt not equaln

strcat(s1 s2)

cout ltlt s1 ltlt n

strcpy(s2 s1)

cout ltlt s1 ltlt and ltlt s2 ltlt n

if(strcmp(s1 s2))

cout ltlt s1 and s2 are now the samen


return 0

Here is the output

lengths 3 22

not equal

C++ is power programming

C++ is power programming and C++ is power programming

s1 and s2 are now the same

Using the Null Terminator

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The fact that strings are null-terminated can often be used to simplify various

operations For example the following program converts a string to uppercase

Convert a string to uppercase

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

include ltconiohgt

include ltctypehgt

include ltwindowshgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[80]

int i

strcpy (str this is a test)

for (i=0 str[1] i++)

str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt str


return 0

The output from this program is shown here


This program uses the library function toupper() which returns the uppercase

equivalent of its character argument to convert each character in the string The upper()

function uses the header ltctypehgt

Notice that the test condition of the for loop is simply the array indexed by the

condition variable The reason this works is that a true value is any non-zero value

Remember all character values are non-zero but the null terminating the string is zero

Because the null terminator marks the end of the string the loop stops precisely where it is

supposed to

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Table 1 Character functions in ltctypehgt

Function Function Signature


isalnum() int isalnum(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is alphabetic or numeric

isalpha() int isalpha(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is alphabetic

iscntrl() int iscntrl(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a control character

isdigit() int isdigit(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a digit 0 - 9

isgraph() int isgraph(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a non-blank but printing character

islower() int islower(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a lower case alphabetic character ie a - z

isprint() int isprint(intc) Returns a non-zero if c is printable non-blanks and white

space included

ispunct() int ispunct(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a printable character but not alpha numeric or blank

isspace() int isspace(int c) Returns a non-zero for blanks and these escape sequences

f n r t and v

isupper() int isupper(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is an upper-case alphabetic character

ie A - Z

isxdigit() int isxdigit(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a hexadecimal character 0 - 9 a - f or A - F

tolower() int tolower(int c) Returns the lower case version if c is an upper case character

otherwise returns c

toupper() int toupper(int c) Returns the upper case version if c is a lower case character otherwise returns c

Table 2 Some String Handling Functions in ltstringhgt

Functions Function Signature Description

strcat() char strcat(char s1

const char s2) Adds string s2 onto the end of s1 (conCATenation)

strchr() char strchr(const char

s int c)

Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of c in

string s Returns NULL if c is not found in s

strcmp() int strcmp(const char

s1 const char s2)

Compares s1 and s2 alphabetically Returns a negative zero or positive number depending on

whether s1 is before the same as or after s2 if you

were alphabetizing s1 and s2

strcpy() char strcpy(char s1

const char s2) Copies s2 into s1 and returns a point to s1

strlen() size_t strlen(const char s)

Returns the number of characters in the string s starting at s[0] and ending before the first NULL

strncat() char strncat(char s1

const char s2 size_t n)

Tacks on the first n characters of s2 onto s1 A

pointer to s1 is returned

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strncmp() int strncmp(const char s1 const char s2 size_t


Compares s1 with the first n characters of s2 Returns a negative zero or positive integer (just like


strncpy() char strncpy(char s1 const chars2 size_t n)

Copies the first n characters of s2 into the first n characters of s1

strrchr() char strrchr(const

chars int c)

Returns a pointer to the last occurence of c in string

s (Compare with strchr())

strstr() char strstr(const char

s1 const char s2)

Returns the address of the first occurence of string s2 that is also in string s1 Returns NULL if s2 is not

found in s1

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 2 COURSE TOPIC String and Handling Function I Objectives To know the String handling function used

Part II String Handling Functions 1 amp 2

1 What is a null-terminated string __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 To hold a string that is 18 characters long how must the character array be __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 Show how to initialize a four-element array of int to the values 123 and 4 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 How can this initialization be rewritten char str[6] = lsquoHrsquo lsquoersquo lsquolrsquo lsquolrsquo lsquoorsquo lsquoOrsquo)


5 Rewrite the following as an unsized array Int nums[4] = 44 55 66 77


Supplementary Programming (50 points) 1 Write a program that prompts the user for two strings and then compares the strings for equality

but ignores case differences Thus ldquookrdquo and ldquoOKrdquo will compare as equal

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Chapter 4

Introduction to Pointers

A pointer is an object that contains a memory address Very often this address is the

location of another object such as a variable For example if x contains the address of y

then x is said to ―point to y

Pointer variables must be declared as such The general form of a pointer variable

declaration is

type var-name

Here type is the pointerlsquos base type The base type determines what type of data

the pointer will be pointing to var-name is the name of the pointer variable For example

to declare ip to be a pointer to an int use this declaration

int ip

Since the base type of ip is int it can be used to point to int values Here a float

pointer is declared

float fp

In this case the base type of fp is float which means that it can be used to point to

a float value

In general in a declaration statement preceding a variable name with an causes

that variable to become a pointer

The Pointer Operator

There are two special operators that are used with pointers and amp The amp is a

unary operator that returns the memory address of its operand

For example

ptr = amptotal

puts into ptr the memory address of the variable total This address is the location of

total in the computerlsquos internal memory It has nothing to do with the value of total The

operation of amp can be remembered as returning ―the address of the variable it precedes

Therefore the preceding assignment statement could be verbalized as ―ptr receives the

address of total To better understand this assignment assume that the variable total is

located at address 100 Then after the assignment takes place ptr has the value 100 The

second operator is and it is the complement of amp It is a unary operator that returns the

value of the variable located at the address specified by its operand Continuing with the

same example if ptr contains the memory address of the variable total then

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 20 of 66

val = ptr

will place the value of total into val For example if total originally had the value

3200 then val will have the value 3200 because that is the value stored at location 100

the memory address that was assigned to ptr The operation of can be remembered as ―at

address In this case then the statement could be read as ―val receives the value at

address ptr

The following program executes the sequence of the operations just described

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int total

int ptr

int val

total = 3200 assign 3200 to total

ptr = amptotal get address of total

val = ptr get value at that address

cout ltlt Total is ltlt val ltlt n

return 0

It is unfortunate that the multiplication symbol and the ―at address symbol are the

same This fact sometimes confuses newcomers to the C++ language These operators

have no relationship to each other Keep in mind that both amp and have a higher

precedence than any of the arithmetic operators except the unary minus with which they

have equal precedence The act of using a pointer is often called indirection because you are

accessing one variable indirectly through another variable

The Base Type of a Pointer

In the preceding discussion you saw that it was possible to assign val the value of

total indirectly through a pointer At this point you may have thought of this important question How does C++ know how many bytes to copy into val from the address pointed

to by ptr Or more generally how does the compiler transfer the proper number of bytes for any assignment involving a pointer The answer is that the base type of the pointer

determines the type of data upon which the pointer operates In this case because ptr is an

int pointer four bytes of information are copied into val (assuming a 32-bit int) from the address pointed to by ptr However if ptr had been a double pointer for example then

eight bytes would have been copied

It is important to ensure that pointer variables always point to the correct type of data For example when you declare a pointer to be of type int the compiler assumes that

anything it points to will be an integer variable If it doesnlsquot point to an integer variable then trouble is usually not far behind For example the following fragment is incorrect

int p double f p = ampf ERROR

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This fragment is invalid because you cannot assign a double pointer to an integer pointer That is ampf generates a pointer to a double but p is a pointer to an int These two

types are not compatible (In fact the compiler would flag an error at this point and not compile your program) Although two pointers must have compatible types in order for one

to be assigned to another you can override this restriction (at your own risk) using a cast For example the following fragment is now technically correct

int p double f p = (int ) ampf Now technically OK

The cast to int causes the double pointer to be converted to an integer pointer However to use a cast for this purpose is questionable practice The reason is that the base

type of a pointer determines how the compiler treats the data it points to In this case even though p is actually pointing to a floating-point value the compiler still ―thinks that p is

pointing to an int (because p is an int pointer)

To better understand why using a cast to assign one type of pointer to another is not usually a good idea consider the following short program

This program will not work right include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

double xy int p

x = 12323 p = (int ) ampx use cast to assign double to int

y = p what will this do

cout ltlt y what will this print

return 0

Here is the output produced by the program (You might see a different value)


This value is clearly not 12323 Here is why In the program p (which is an integer

pointer) has been assigned the address of x (which is a double) Thus when y is assigned the value pointed to by p y receives only four bytes of data (and not the eight required for

a double value) because p is an integer pointer Therefore the cout statement displays not 12323 but a garbage value instead

Assigning value to pointers

You can use a pointer on the left-hand side of an assignment statement to assign a value to the location pointed to by the pointer Assuming that p is an int pointer this

assigns the value 101 to the location pointed to by p

p = 101

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You can verbalize this assignment like this ―At the location pointed to by p assign the value 101 To increment or decrement the value at the location pointed to by a pointer

you can use a statement like this


The parentheses are necessary because the operator has lower precedence than does the ++ operator

The following program demonstrates an assignment through a pointer

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int p num

p = ampnum

p = 100 assign num the value 100 through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)++ increment num through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)-- decrement num through p cout ltlt num ltlt nlsquo

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

100 101 100

Pointer Expressions

Pointers can be used in most C++ expressions However some special rules apply

Remember also that you may need to surround some parts of a pointer expression with parentheses in order to ensure that the outcome is what you desire

Pointer Arithmetic There are only four arithmetic operators that can be used on

pointers ++ ndash ndash + and ndash To understand what occurs in pointer arithmetic let p1 be an int pointer with a current value of 2000 (that is it contains the address 2000) Assuming

32-bit integers after the expression


The contents of p1 will be 2004 not 2001 The reason for this is that each time p1

is incremented it will point to the next int The same is true of decrements For example again assuming that p1 has the value 2000 the expression

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causes p1 to have the value 1996

Generalizing from the preceding example the following rules apply to pointer

arithmetic Each time that a pointer is incremented it will point to the memory location of the next element of its base type Each time it is decremented it will point to the location of

the previous element of its base type In the case of character pointers an increment or decrement will appear as ―normal arithmetic because characters are one byte long

However every other type of pointer will increase or decrease by the length of its base

type You are not limited to only increment and decrement operations You can also add or subtract integers to or from pointers The expression

p1 = p1 + 9

makes p1 point to the ninth element of p1lsquos base type beyond the one to which it is

currently pointing

Although you cannot add pointers you can subtract one pointer from another

(provided they are both of the same base type) The remainder will be the number of elements of the base type that separate the two pointers

Other than addition and subtraction of a pointer and an integer or the subtraction of

two pointers no other arithmetic operations can be performed on pointers For example you cannot add or subtract float or double values to or from pointers

To graphically see the effects of pointer arithmetic execute the next short program

It creates an int pointer (i) and a double pointer (f) It then adds the values 0 through 9 to

these pointers and displays the results Observe how each address changes relative to its base type each time the loop is repeated (For most 32-bit compilers i will increase by 4s

and f will increase by 8s) Notice that when using a pointer in a cout statement its address is automatically displayed in the addressing format applicable to the CPU and environment

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int I j[10]

double f g[10] int x

i = j

f = g

for (x=0 xlt10 x++)

cout ltlt i+x ltlt ltlt f+x ltlt nlsquo display the addresses produced by adding x

to each pointer

Here is a sample run (The precise values you see may differ from these)

0012FE5C 09012FE84

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0012FE60 0012FE8C

0012FE64 0012FE94 0012FE68 0012FE9C

0012FE6C 0012FEA4 0012FE70 0012FEAC

0012FE74 0012FEB4 0012FE78 0012FEBC

0012FE7C 0012FEC4

0012FE80 0012FECC

Pointer Comparisons

Pointers may be compared using the relational operators such as == lt and gt In general for the outcome of a pointer comparison to be meaningful the two pointers must

have some relationship to each other For example both may point to elements within the same array There is however one other type of pointer comparison any pointer can be

compared to the null pointer which is zero

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I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers in C and its use

II Basic Information Scenario Answer the following using Pointers

1 What is a pointer


2 Show how to declare a long int pointer called valPtr __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 As they relate to pointers what do the and amp operators do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7 What are two pointer operators __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 5

Pointers and Arrays

In C++ there is a close relationship between pointers and arrays In fact frequently a pointer and an array are interchangeable Consider this fragment

char str[80] char p1

p1 = str

Here str is an array of 80 characters and p1 is a character pointer However it is the third line that is of interest In this line p1 is assigned the address of the first element in

the str array (That is after the assignment p1 will point to str[0]) Herelsquos why In C++ using the name of an array without an index generates a pointer to the first element in the

array Thus the assignment

p1 = str

assigns the address of str[0] to p1 This is a crucial point to understand When an


array name is used in an expression it yields a pointer to the first element in the array Since after the assignment p1 points to the beginning of str you can use p1 to


elements in the array For example if you want to access the fifth element in str you can use




Both statements obtain the fifth element Remember array indices start at zero so when str is indexed a 4 is used to access the fifth element A 4 is also added to the pointer

p1 to get the fifth element because p1 currently points to the first element of str

The parentheses surrounding p1+4 are necessary because the operation has a

higher priority than the + operation Without them the expression would first find the value pointed to by p1 (the first location in the array) and then add 4 to it In effect C++ allows

two methods of accessing array elements pointer arithmetic and array indexing This is important because pointer arithmetic can sometimes be faster than array indexingmdash

especially when you are accessing an array in strictly sequential order Since speed is often a consideration in programming the use of pointers to access array elements is very

common in C++ programs Also you can sometimes write tighter code by using pointers

instead of array indexing

Here is an example that demonstrates the difference between using array indexing and pointer arithmetic to access the elements of an array We will create two versions of a

program that reverse the case of letters within a string The first version uses array indexing The second uses pointer arithmetic The first version is shown here

Reverse case using array indexing

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include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = This Is A Test

cout ltlt Original string ltlt str ltlt n

for(i = 0 str[i] i++)

if(isupper(str[i])) str[i] = tolower(str[i]) else if(islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt Inverted-case string ltlt str

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

Original string This Is A Test Inverted-case string tHIS iS a tEST

Notice that the program uses the isupper( ) and islower( ) library functions to determine the case of a letter The isupper( ) function returns true when its argument is an

uppercase letter islower( ) returns true when its argument is a lowercase letter Inside the for loop str is indexed and the case of each letter is checked and changed The loop

iterates until the null terminating str is indexed Since a null is zero (false) the loop stops

Here is the same program rewritten to use pointer arithmetic

Reverse case using array indexing

include ltiostreamgt include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = ―This Is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

for i = 0 str[i] i++) if (iupper(str[i]))

else if (islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i]

cout ltlt ―Inverted-case string ― ltlt str return 0

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In this version p is set to the start of str Then inside the while loop the letter at p

is checked and changed and then p is incremented The loop stops when p points to the null terminator that ends str Because of the way some C++ compilers generate code these

two programs may not be equivalent in performance Generally it takes more machine instructions to index an array than it does to perform arithmetic on a pointer Consequently

in professionally written C++ code it is common to see the pointer version used more frequently However as a beginning C++ programmer feel free to use array indexing until

you are comfortable with pointers

Indexing a Pointer

As you have just seen it is possible to access an array using pointer arithmetic

What you might find surprising is that the reverse is also true In C++ it is possible to index a pointer as if it were an array Here is an example It is a third version of the case-

changing program

index a pointer as if it were an array

include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt

using namespace std


char p int i

char str[80]=This is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

p = str assign the p address of the start of the array now index p

for (I = 0 p[i] i++)

if (isupper(p[i])) p[i] = tolowerp[i])

else if (islower(p[i])

p[i] = toupper(p[i])

cout ltlt ―Inverted ndash case string lt str

return 0

The program creates a char pointer called p and then assigns to that pointer the

address of the first element in str Inside the for loop p is indexed using the normal array indexing syntax This is perfectly valid because in C++ the statement p[i] is function

functionally identical to (p+i) This further illustrates the close relationship between pointers and arrays

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 4 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and Arrays I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers and Arrays using C

II Tasks Procedure Instructions Answer the following questions

1 Can an array be accessed through a pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Can a pointer be indexed as if it were an array __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 An array name used by itself with no index yields what __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 6

Pointers and String

Strings and Constants

You might be wondering how string constants like the one in the fragment shown

here are handled by C++

cout ltlt strlen(Xanadu)

The answer is that when the compiler encounters a string constant it stores it in the

programlsquos string table and generates a pointer to the string Thus ―Xanadu yields a pointer to its entry in the string table Therefore the following program is perfectly valid and prints

the phrase Pointers add power to C++

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char ptr

ptr = ―Pointers add power to C++ n ptr is assigned the address of this string constant

cout ltlt ptr

return 0

In this program the characters that make up a string constant are stored in the string table and ptr is assigned a pointer to the string in that table

Since a pointer into your programlsquos string table is generated automatically whenever

a string constant is used you might be tempted to use this fact to modify the contents of the string table However this is usually not a good idea because many C++ compilers

create optimized tables in which one string constant may be used at two or more different

places in your program Thus changing a string may cause undesired side effects

Reversing a String in Place

Earlier it was mentioned that comparing one pointer to another is meaningful only if the two pointers point to a common object such as an array Now that you understand how

pointers and arrays relate you can apply pointer comparisons to streamline some types of algorithms In this project you will see an example The program developed here reverses

the contents of a string in place Thus instead of copying the string back-to-front into

another array it reverses the contents of the string inside the array that holds it The program uses two pointer variables to accomplish this One initially points to the beginning

of a string and the other initially points to the last character in the string A loop is set up that continues to run as long as the start pointer is less than the end pointer Each time

through the loop the characters pointed to by the pointers are swapped and the pointers are advanced When the start pointer is greater than or equal to the end pointer the string

has been reversed Step by step

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1 Create a file called StrRevcpp 2 Begin by adding these lines to the file

Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test

char start end int len

char t

The string to be reversed is contained in str The pointers start and end will be used

to access the string

3 Add these lines which display the original string obtain the stringlsquos length and set the initial values for the start and end pointers

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

Notice that end points to the last character in the string not the null terminator

4 Add the code that reverse the string

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts

starts = end end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The process works like this As long as the start pointer points to a memory

location that is less than the end pointer the loop iterates Inside the loop the characters being pointed to by start and end are swapped Then start is incremented

and end is decremented When end is greater than or equal to start all of the characters in the string have been reversed Since both start and end point into the

same array their comparison is meaningful

5 Here is the complete StrRevcpp program

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 32 of 66

Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test char start end

int len char t

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts starts = end

end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The output from the program is shown here Original this is a test Reversed

tset a si siht

Arrays of Pointers

Pointers can be arrayed like any other data type For example declaration for an int

pointer array of size 10 is

int p[10]

Here pi is an array of ten integer pointers To assign the address of an int variable

called var to the third element of the pointer array you would write

int var

fpi[2] = ampvar

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Remember pi is an array of int pointers The only thing that the array elements can

hold are the addresses of integer valuesmdashnot the values themselves To find the value of var you would write


Like other arrays arrays of pointers can be initialized A common use for initialized

pointer arrays is to hold pointers to strings Here is an example that uses a two-dimensional array of character pointers to implement a small dictionary

Here is a sample run

Enter word network

An interconnected group of computers

When the array dictionary is created it is initialized with a set of words and their

meanings Recall C++ stores all string constants in the string table associated with your program so the array need only store pointers to the strings The program works by testing

the word entered by the user against the strings stored in the dictionary If a match is found the meaning is displayed If no match is found an error message is printed Notice

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that dictionary ends with two null strings These mark the end of the array Recall that a

null string contains only the terminating null character The for loop runs until the first character in a string is null This condition is tested with this expression


The array indices specify a pointer to a string The obtains the character at that

location If this character is null then the expression is false and the loop terminates Otherwise the expression is true and the loop continues

The Null Pointer Convention

After a pointer is declared but before it has been assigned it will contain an arbitrary value Should you try to use the pointer prior to giving it a value you will probably

crash your program While there is no sure way to avoid using an uninitialized pointer C++ programmers have adopted a procedure that helps prevent some errors By convention if a

pointer contains the null (zero) value it is assumed to point to nothing Thus if all unused pointers are given the null value and you avoid the use of a null pointer you can avoid the

accidental misuse of an uninitialized pointer This is a good practice to follow

Any type of pointer can be initialized to null when it is declared For example the

following initializes p to null

float p = 0 p is now a null pointer

To check for a null pointer use an if statement like one of these

if(p) succeeds if p is not null

if(p) succeeds if p is null

Multiple Indirection

A pointer to a pointer is a form of multiple indirection or a chain of pointers Consider Figure 4-2 As you can see in the case of a normal pointer the value of the

pointer is the address of a value In the case of a pointer to a pointer the first pointer

contains the address of the second pointer which points to the location that contains the desired value Multiple indirection can be carried on to whatever extent desired but there

are few cases where more than a pointer to a pointer is needed or indeed even wise to use Excessive indirection is difficult to follow and prone to conceptual errors

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 35 of 66

COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 5 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and String I Objectives To know how is Pointers and String worked using C II Tasks Procedure Instructions Asnwer the following question

1 What is it called when one pointer points to another pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Of what significant is a null pointer in C++ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that counts the uppercase letters in a string Have it display the result

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Chapter 7

Structures in Arrays Functions and Pointers

What is a Structure

Structure is a collection of variables under a single name Variables can be of any type int float char etc The main difference between structure and array is that arrays are

collections of the same data type and structure is a collection of variables under a single name

Declaring a Structure

The structure is declared by using the keyword struct followed by structure name

also called a tag Then the structure members (variables) are defined with their type and variable names inside the open and close braces and Finally the closed braces end with

a semicolon denoted as following the statement The above structure declaration is also called a Structure Specifier


Three variables custnum of type int salary of type int commission of type float are structuremembers and the structure name is Customer This structure is declared as


In the above example it is seen that variables of different types such as int and float are

grouped in a single structure name Customer

Arrays behave in the same way declaring structures does not mean that memory is

allocated Structure declaration gives a skeleton or template for the structure

After declaring the structure the next step is to define a structure variable

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How to declare Structure Variable

This is similar to variable declaration For variable declaration data type is defined followed

by variable name For structure variable declaration the data type is the name of the structure followed by thestructure variable name

In the above example structure variable cust1 is defined as

What happens when this is defined When structure is defined it allocates or reserves space in memory The memory space allocated will be cumulative of all

defined structure members In the above example there are 3 structure members

custnum salary and commission Of these two are of type int and one is of type float If integer space allocated by a system is 2 bytes and float four bytes the above would

allocate 2bytes for custnum 2 bytes for salary and 4 bytes for commission

How to access structure members in C++

To access structure members the operator used is the dot operator denoted by () The

dot operatorfor accessing structure members is used thusly

structure variable namemember name

For example

To assign 2000 for the structure member salary in the above example of structure

Customer with structure variable cust1 this is written as

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Pointers to structures

All that we have discussed so far has been OK but runs into problems when structures have

to be moved between functions for the following reasons

if the structure is large it is more efficient to pass a pointer to the structure instead of the structure its self This techniquepri is also used to pass pointers to

arrays between functions

When passing a structure to a function you actually pass a COPY of the structure Therefore it is not possible to change the values of members within the structure as

the copy is destroyed when the function ends

Here is an example (these are 2 examples the one to the left uses a pointer)

| |

struct x int a int b int c | struct x int a int b int c

| void function(struct x) | void function(struct x )

| main() | main()

| struct x z | struct x z pz 3

| pz = ampz 4 za = 10 1 | za = 10

za++ | za++

| function(z) 2 | function(pz) 5

| |

void function( struct x z) | void function(struct x pz) | 6

printf( first member d n za) | printf( first member d n (pz)a) |


Here is the annotation

1 Give a structure member a value 2 Pass a COPY of the whole structure to the function

3 Define pz a pointer to a structure of type x

4 Put the address of z into pz pz now POINTS to z PLEASE NOTE z is defined to reserve memory equal to the size of the structure pz only holds an address so will

be 4 bytes long 5 Pass the pointer into the function

6 Print the value of the member a

The (pz)a syntax is used a great deal in C and it was decided to create a short hand for

it So

(pz)a == pz-gta

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Structures and Arrays

include ltiostreamgt

include ltfstreamhgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

ofstream outData

input file structure ifstream inData

char menu_id[10] char menu_name[10]

char menu_col[10]

char menu_row[10] char button_id[10]

char button_label_1[10] char button_label_2[10]

char button_label_3[10] char button_col[10]

char button_row[10]

menu file structure

struct menu

int mid char name[20]

int mcol int mrow

int bid char blabel[24]

int bcol

int brow

List of menus

enum menu_id

MAIN = 1

Define Main menu

menu Main_menu[3]

void createMenu(menu newMenu[] int menu_num MAS_Configure_Button_Request_Messagemsg )

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 40 of 66

int y = 0

while ((inDatagetline(menu_id10 $)eof()) ampamp (atoi(menu_id) == menu_num))

newMenu[y]mid= atoi(menu_id)

inDatagetline(menu_name 10 $)

newMenu[y]name[0] = 0

strcpy(newMenu[y]namemenu_name) outData ltlt Main Menu Name ltlt newMenu[y]name ltlt

inDatagetline( menu_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]mcol = atoi(menu_col)

inDatagetline( menu_row 10 $) newMenu[y]mrow = atoi(menu_row)

inDatagetline( button_id 10 $) newMenu[y]bid = atoi(button_id)

inDatagetline( button_label_1 10 $)

inDatagetline( button_label_2 10 $) inDatagetline( button_label_3 10 $)

newMenu[y]blabel[0] = 0 strcpy(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_1)


strcat(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_3) outData ltlt newMenu[y]blabel ltlt

inDatagetline( button_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]bcol = atoi(button_col)

inDatagetline( button_row 10 n)

newMenu[y]brow = atoi(button_row) y++

int main()

int loop

inDataopen(datatxt) if (inData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening datatxt End program ltlt endl


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outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 42 of 66

recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

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Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

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Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

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the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 50 of 66

main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

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include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

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next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

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Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

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Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

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1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

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47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

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I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 8: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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static int _node_var2

static void _node_helper_function(void)

int node_do_something(void)

node_var1 = 2

_node_var2 =35


The main file which uses module node

include nodeh

int main(int argc char argv[])



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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 1 COURSE TOPIC Review of Introduction to C Programming language I Objectives

To learn and understand the basic syntax and script delimeters of C

To understand and use CC++ variables and operators II Part I Basic Syntax of C++

1 Where does the C++ program begin execution __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 What is cout __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 What does include ltiostreamgt do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 What does the if statement do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 How is block of code created What does it do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 What is a namespace __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that averages the absolute value of five values entered by the user Display the result

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Chapter 2 amp 3

String Handling Functions

The string handling functions in the standard C++ libraries incorporated from the

standard C libraries do not have a single header file for a source When declaring a

character array that will hold a null-terminated string you need to declare it one character

longer than the largest string that it will hold For example if you want to declare an array

str that could hold a 10-character string

char str[11]

Specifying the size as 11 makes room for the null at the end of the string A string

constant is a list of characters enclosed in double quotes Here are some examples

―hello there ―I like C++ ―Mars ―

It is not necessary to manually add the null terminator onto the end of string

constants the C++ compiler does this for you automatically Therefore the string ―Mars

will appear in memory like this

M a r s 0

The last string shown is This is called a null string It contains only the null

terminator and no other characters Null strings are useful because they represent the

empty string

The easiest way to read a string entered from the keyboard is to use a char array in

a cin statement For example the following program reads a string entered by the user

using cin to read a string from the keyboard

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[80]

cout ltlt ―Enter a string ―

cin gtgt str read a string from keyboard lt-- read a string using cin

cout ltlt ―Here is your string ―

cout ltlt str

return 0

Here is a sample run

Enter a string testing

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Here is your string testing

Although this program is technically correct it will not always work the way you

expect To see why run the program and try entering the string ―This is a test Here is

what you will see

Enter a string This is a test

Here is your string This

When the program redisplays your string it shows only the word ―This not the

entire sentence The reason for this is that the C++ IO system stops reading a string when

the first whitespace character is encountered Whitespace characters include spaces tabs

and newlines

One way to solve the whitespace problem is to use another of C++lsquos library

functions gets( ) The general form of a call to gets( ) is


To read a string call gets( ) with the name of the array without any index as its

argument Upon return from gets( ) the array will hold the string input from the keyboard

The gets( ) function will continue to read characters including whitespace until you enter a

carriage return The header used by gets( ) is ltcstdiogt

This version of the preceding program uses gets( ) to allow the entry of strings

containing spaces

Using gets() to read a string from the keyboard

include ltiostreamgt

include ltcstdiogt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[80]

cout ltlt ―Enter a string ―

gets(str) read a string using gets() Read a string using gets()

cout ltlt ―Here is your string

cout ltlt str

return 0

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Notice that in a cout statement str can be used directly In general the name of a

character array that holds a string can be used any place that a string constant can be used

Keep in mind that neither cin nor gets( ) performs any bounds checking on the array

that receives input Therefore if the user enters a string longer than the size of the array

the array will be overwritten

Some string Library Functions

C++ supports a wide range of string manipulation functions The most common are





The string functions all use the same header ltstringgt Letlsquos take a look at these

functions now


A call to strcpy( ) takes this general form

strcpy(to from)

The strcpy( ) function copies the contents of the string from into to Remember the

array that forms to must be large enough to hold the string contained in from If it isnlsquot the

to array will be overrun which will probably crash your program


A call to strcat( ) takes this form strcat(s1 s2) The strcat( ) function appends s2 to

the end of s1 s2 is unchanged You must ensure that s1 is large enough to hold its original

contents and those of s2


A call to strcmp( ) takes this general form

strcmp(s1 s2)

The strcmp( ) function compares two strings and returns 0 if they are equal If s1 is

greater than s2 lexicographically (that is according to dictionary order) then a positive

number is returned if it is less than s2 a negative number is returned

The key to using strcmp( ) is to remember that it returns false when the strings


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Therefore you will need to use the operator if you want something to occur when

the strings are equal For example the condition controlling the following if statement is

true when str is equal to ―C++

if(strcmp(str C++)

cout ltlt str is C++


The general form of a call to strlen( ) is


Example using strlen

include ltstringhgt

include ltiostreamgt

include ltconiohgt

using namespace std

int main()

char aString1[11] = abcdefghij

aString2[11] = tooShort


unsigned int len1 len2 len3

cout ltlt endl ltlt endl

cout ltlt Please supply a third string

cingetline(aString3 11) n delimiter assumed

len1 = strlen(aString1)

len2 = strlen(aString2)

len3 = strlen(aString3)

cout ltlt endl ltlt String 1 ltlt aString1 ltlt length =

ltlt len1 ltlt endl ltlt String 2 ltlt aString2

ltlt length = ltlt len2 ltlt endl ltlt String 3

ltlt aString3 ltlt length = ltlt len3

cout ltlt endl ltlt endl


return 0

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where s is a string The strlen( ) function returns the length of the string pointed to by s

A String Function Example

The following program illustrates the use of all four string functions

Demonstrate the string functions

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstringhgt

include ltwindowshgt

include ltconiohgt

using namespace std

int main()

char s1[80]s2[80]

strcpy(s1 C++)

strcpy(s2 is power programming)

cout ltlt lengths ltlt strlen(s1)

cout ltlt ltlt strlen(s2) ltlt n

if(strcmp(s1 s2))

cout ltlt The strings are equaln

else cout ltlt not equaln

strcat(s1 s2)

cout ltlt s1 ltlt n

strcpy(s2 s1)

cout ltlt s1 ltlt and ltlt s2 ltlt n

if(strcmp(s1 s2))

cout ltlt s1 and s2 are now the samen


return 0

Here is the output

lengths 3 22

not equal

C++ is power programming

C++ is power programming and C++ is power programming

s1 and s2 are now the same

Using the Null Terminator

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The fact that strings are null-terminated can often be used to simplify various

operations For example the following program converts a string to uppercase

Convert a string to uppercase

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

include ltconiohgt

include ltctypehgt

include ltwindowshgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[80]

int i

strcpy (str this is a test)

for (i=0 str[1] i++)

str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt str


return 0

The output from this program is shown here


This program uses the library function toupper() which returns the uppercase

equivalent of its character argument to convert each character in the string The upper()

function uses the header ltctypehgt

Notice that the test condition of the for loop is simply the array indexed by the

condition variable The reason this works is that a true value is any non-zero value

Remember all character values are non-zero but the null terminating the string is zero

Because the null terminator marks the end of the string the loop stops precisely where it is

supposed to

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Table 1 Character functions in ltctypehgt

Function Function Signature


isalnum() int isalnum(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is alphabetic or numeric

isalpha() int isalpha(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is alphabetic

iscntrl() int iscntrl(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a control character

isdigit() int isdigit(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a digit 0 - 9

isgraph() int isgraph(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a non-blank but printing character

islower() int islower(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a lower case alphabetic character ie a - z

isprint() int isprint(intc) Returns a non-zero if c is printable non-blanks and white

space included

ispunct() int ispunct(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a printable character but not alpha numeric or blank

isspace() int isspace(int c) Returns a non-zero for blanks and these escape sequences

f n r t and v

isupper() int isupper(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is an upper-case alphabetic character

ie A - Z

isxdigit() int isxdigit(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a hexadecimal character 0 - 9 a - f or A - F

tolower() int tolower(int c) Returns the lower case version if c is an upper case character

otherwise returns c

toupper() int toupper(int c) Returns the upper case version if c is a lower case character otherwise returns c

Table 2 Some String Handling Functions in ltstringhgt

Functions Function Signature Description

strcat() char strcat(char s1

const char s2) Adds string s2 onto the end of s1 (conCATenation)

strchr() char strchr(const char

s int c)

Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of c in

string s Returns NULL if c is not found in s

strcmp() int strcmp(const char

s1 const char s2)

Compares s1 and s2 alphabetically Returns a negative zero or positive number depending on

whether s1 is before the same as or after s2 if you

were alphabetizing s1 and s2

strcpy() char strcpy(char s1

const char s2) Copies s2 into s1 and returns a point to s1

strlen() size_t strlen(const char s)

Returns the number of characters in the string s starting at s[0] and ending before the first NULL

strncat() char strncat(char s1

const char s2 size_t n)

Tacks on the first n characters of s2 onto s1 A

pointer to s1 is returned

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strncmp() int strncmp(const char s1 const char s2 size_t


Compares s1 with the first n characters of s2 Returns a negative zero or positive integer (just like


strncpy() char strncpy(char s1 const chars2 size_t n)

Copies the first n characters of s2 into the first n characters of s1

strrchr() char strrchr(const

chars int c)

Returns a pointer to the last occurence of c in string

s (Compare with strchr())

strstr() char strstr(const char

s1 const char s2)

Returns the address of the first occurence of string s2 that is also in string s1 Returns NULL if s2 is not

found in s1

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 2 COURSE TOPIC String and Handling Function I Objectives To know the String handling function used

Part II String Handling Functions 1 amp 2

1 What is a null-terminated string __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 To hold a string that is 18 characters long how must the character array be __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 Show how to initialize a four-element array of int to the values 123 and 4 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 How can this initialization be rewritten char str[6] = lsquoHrsquo lsquoersquo lsquolrsquo lsquolrsquo lsquoorsquo lsquoOrsquo)


5 Rewrite the following as an unsized array Int nums[4] = 44 55 66 77


Supplementary Programming (50 points) 1 Write a program that prompts the user for two strings and then compares the strings for equality

but ignores case differences Thus ldquookrdquo and ldquoOKrdquo will compare as equal

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Chapter 4

Introduction to Pointers

A pointer is an object that contains a memory address Very often this address is the

location of another object such as a variable For example if x contains the address of y

then x is said to ―point to y

Pointer variables must be declared as such The general form of a pointer variable

declaration is

type var-name

Here type is the pointerlsquos base type The base type determines what type of data

the pointer will be pointing to var-name is the name of the pointer variable For example

to declare ip to be a pointer to an int use this declaration

int ip

Since the base type of ip is int it can be used to point to int values Here a float

pointer is declared

float fp

In this case the base type of fp is float which means that it can be used to point to

a float value

In general in a declaration statement preceding a variable name with an causes

that variable to become a pointer

The Pointer Operator

There are two special operators that are used with pointers and amp The amp is a

unary operator that returns the memory address of its operand

For example

ptr = amptotal

puts into ptr the memory address of the variable total This address is the location of

total in the computerlsquos internal memory It has nothing to do with the value of total The

operation of amp can be remembered as returning ―the address of the variable it precedes

Therefore the preceding assignment statement could be verbalized as ―ptr receives the

address of total To better understand this assignment assume that the variable total is

located at address 100 Then after the assignment takes place ptr has the value 100 The

second operator is and it is the complement of amp It is a unary operator that returns the

value of the variable located at the address specified by its operand Continuing with the

same example if ptr contains the memory address of the variable total then

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val = ptr

will place the value of total into val For example if total originally had the value

3200 then val will have the value 3200 because that is the value stored at location 100

the memory address that was assigned to ptr The operation of can be remembered as ―at

address In this case then the statement could be read as ―val receives the value at

address ptr

The following program executes the sequence of the operations just described

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int total

int ptr

int val

total = 3200 assign 3200 to total

ptr = amptotal get address of total

val = ptr get value at that address

cout ltlt Total is ltlt val ltlt n

return 0

It is unfortunate that the multiplication symbol and the ―at address symbol are the

same This fact sometimes confuses newcomers to the C++ language These operators

have no relationship to each other Keep in mind that both amp and have a higher

precedence than any of the arithmetic operators except the unary minus with which they

have equal precedence The act of using a pointer is often called indirection because you are

accessing one variable indirectly through another variable

The Base Type of a Pointer

In the preceding discussion you saw that it was possible to assign val the value of

total indirectly through a pointer At this point you may have thought of this important question How does C++ know how many bytes to copy into val from the address pointed

to by ptr Or more generally how does the compiler transfer the proper number of bytes for any assignment involving a pointer The answer is that the base type of the pointer

determines the type of data upon which the pointer operates In this case because ptr is an

int pointer four bytes of information are copied into val (assuming a 32-bit int) from the address pointed to by ptr However if ptr had been a double pointer for example then

eight bytes would have been copied

It is important to ensure that pointer variables always point to the correct type of data For example when you declare a pointer to be of type int the compiler assumes that

anything it points to will be an integer variable If it doesnlsquot point to an integer variable then trouble is usually not far behind For example the following fragment is incorrect

int p double f p = ampf ERROR

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This fragment is invalid because you cannot assign a double pointer to an integer pointer That is ampf generates a pointer to a double but p is a pointer to an int These two

types are not compatible (In fact the compiler would flag an error at this point and not compile your program) Although two pointers must have compatible types in order for one

to be assigned to another you can override this restriction (at your own risk) using a cast For example the following fragment is now technically correct

int p double f p = (int ) ampf Now technically OK

The cast to int causes the double pointer to be converted to an integer pointer However to use a cast for this purpose is questionable practice The reason is that the base

type of a pointer determines how the compiler treats the data it points to In this case even though p is actually pointing to a floating-point value the compiler still ―thinks that p is

pointing to an int (because p is an int pointer)

To better understand why using a cast to assign one type of pointer to another is not usually a good idea consider the following short program

This program will not work right include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

double xy int p

x = 12323 p = (int ) ampx use cast to assign double to int

y = p what will this do

cout ltlt y what will this print

return 0

Here is the output produced by the program (You might see a different value)


This value is clearly not 12323 Here is why In the program p (which is an integer

pointer) has been assigned the address of x (which is a double) Thus when y is assigned the value pointed to by p y receives only four bytes of data (and not the eight required for

a double value) because p is an integer pointer Therefore the cout statement displays not 12323 but a garbage value instead

Assigning value to pointers

You can use a pointer on the left-hand side of an assignment statement to assign a value to the location pointed to by the pointer Assuming that p is an int pointer this

assigns the value 101 to the location pointed to by p

p = 101

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You can verbalize this assignment like this ―At the location pointed to by p assign the value 101 To increment or decrement the value at the location pointed to by a pointer

you can use a statement like this


The parentheses are necessary because the operator has lower precedence than does the ++ operator

The following program demonstrates an assignment through a pointer

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int p num

p = ampnum

p = 100 assign num the value 100 through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)++ increment num through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)-- decrement num through p cout ltlt num ltlt nlsquo

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

100 101 100

Pointer Expressions

Pointers can be used in most C++ expressions However some special rules apply

Remember also that you may need to surround some parts of a pointer expression with parentheses in order to ensure that the outcome is what you desire

Pointer Arithmetic There are only four arithmetic operators that can be used on

pointers ++ ndash ndash + and ndash To understand what occurs in pointer arithmetic let p1 be an int pointer with a current value of 2000 (that is it contains the address 2000) Assuming

32-bit integers after the expression


The contents of p1 will be 2004 not 2001 The reason for this is that each time p1

is incremented it will point to the next int The same is true of decrements For example again assuming that p1 has the value 2000 the expression

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causes p1 to have the value 1996

Generalizing from the preceding example the following rules apply to pointer

arithmetic Each time that a pointer is incremented it will point to the memory location of the next element of its base type Each time it is decremented it will point to the location of

the previous element of its base type In the case of character pointers an increment or decrement will appear as ―normal arithmetic because characters are one byte long

However every other type of pointer will increase or decrease by the length of its base

type You are not limited to only increment and decrement operations You can also add or subtract integers to or from pointers The expression

p1 = p1 + 9

makes p1 point to the ninth element of p1lsquos base type beyond the one to which it is

currently pointing

Although you cannot add pointers you can subtract one pointer from another

(provided they are both of the same base type) The remainder will be the number of elements of the base type that separate the two pointers

Other than addition and subtraction of a pointer and an integer or the subtraction of

two pointers no other arithmetic operations can be performed on pointers For example you cannot add or subtract float or double values to or from pointers

To graphically see the effects of pointer arithmetic execute the next short program

It creates an int pointer (i) and a double pointer (f) It then adds the values 0 through 9 to

these pointers and displays the results Observe how each address changes relative to its base type each time the loop is repeated (For most 32-bit compilers i will increase by 4s

and f will increase by 8s) Notice that when using a pointer in a cout statement its address is automatically displayed in the addressing format applicable to the CPU and environment

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int I j[10]

double f g[10] int x

i = j

f = g

for (x=0 xlt10 x++)

cout ltlt i+x ltlt ltlt f+x ltlt nlsquo display the addresses produced by adding x

to each pointer

Here is a sample run (The precise values you see may differ from these)

0012FE5C 09012FE84

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0012FE60 0012FE8C

0012FE64 0012FE94 0012FE68 0012FE9C

0012FE6C 0012FEA4 0012FE70 0012FEAC

0012FE74 0012FEB4 0012FE78 0012FEBC

0012FE7C 0012FEC4

0012FE80 0012FECC

Pointer Comparisons

Pointers may be compared using the relational operators such as == lt and gt In general for the outcome of a pointer comparison to be meaningful the two pointers must

have some relationship to each other For example both may point to elements within the same array There is however one other type of pointer comparison any pointer can be

compared to the null pointer which is zero

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I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers in C and its use

II Basic Information Scenario Answer the following using Pointers

1 What is a pointer


2 Show how to declare a long int pointer called valPtr __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 As they relate to pointers what do the and amp operators do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7 What are two pointer operators __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 5

Pointers and Arrays

In C++ there is a close relationship between pointers and arrays In fact frequently a pointer and an array are interchangeable Consider this fragment

char str[80] char p1

p1 = str

Here str is an array of 80 characters and p1 is a character pointer However it is the third line that is of interest In this line p1 is assigned the address of the first element in

the str array (That is after the assignment p1 will point to str[0]) Herelsquos why In C++ using the name of an array without an index generates a pointer to the first element in the

array Thus the assignment

p1 = str

assigns the address of str[0] to p1 This is a crucial point to understand When an


array name is used in an expression it yields a pointer to the first element in the array Since after the assignment p1 points to the beginning of str you can use p1 to


elements in the array For example if you want to access the fifth element in str you can use




Both statements obtain the fifth element Remember array indices start at zero so when str is indexed a 4 is used to access the fifth element A 4 is also added to the pointer

p1 to get the fifth element because p1 currently points to the first element of str

The parentheses surrounding p1+4 are necessary because the operation has a

higher priority than the + operation Without them the expression would first find the value pointed to by p1 (the first location in the array) and then add 4 to it In effect C++ allows

two methods of accessing array elements pointer arithmetic and array indexing This is important because pointer arithmetic can sometimes be faster than array indexingmdash

especially when you are accessing an array in strictly sequential order Since speed is often a consideration in programming the use of pointers to access array elements is very

common in C++ programs Also you can sometimes write tighter code by using pointers

instead of array indexing

Here is an example that demonstrates the difference between using array indexing and pointer arithmetic to access the elements of an array We will create two versions of a

program that reverse the case of letters within a string The first version uses array indexing The second uses pointer arithmetic The first version is shown here

Reverse case using array indexing

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include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = This Is A Test

cout ltlt Original string ltlt str ltlt n

for(i = 0 str[i] i++)

if(isupper(str[i])) str[i] = tolower(str[i]) else if(islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt Inverted-case string ltlt str

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

Original string This Is A Test Inverted-case string tHIS iS a tEST

Notice that the program uses the isupper( ) and islower( ) library functions to determine the case of a letter The isupper( ) function returns true when its argument is an

uppercase letter islower( ) returns true when its argument is a lowercase letter Inside the for loop str is indexed and the case of each letter is checked and changed The loop

iterates until the null terminating str is indexed Since a null is zero (false) the loop stops

Here is the same program rewritten to use pointer arithmetic

Reverse case using array indexing

include ltiostreamgt include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = ―This Is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

for i = 0 str[i] i++) if (iupper(str[i]))

else if (islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i]

cout ltlt ―Inverted-case string ― ltlt str return 0

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In this version p is set to the start of str Then inside the while loop the letter at p

is checked and changed and then p is incremented The loop stops when p points to the null terminator that ends str Because of the way some C++ compilers generate code these

two programs may not be equivalent in performance Generally it takes more machine instructions to index an array than it does to perform arithmetic on a pointer Consequently

in professionally written C++ code it is common to see the pointer version used more frequently However as a beginning C++ programmer feel free to use array indexing until

you are comfortable with pointers

Indexing a Pointer

As you have just seen it is possible to access an array using pointer arithmetic

What you might find surprising is that the reverse is also true In C++ it is possible to index a pointer as if it were an array Here is an example It is a third version of the case-

changing program

index a pointer as if it were an array

include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt

using namespace std


char p int i

char str[80]=This is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

p = str assign the p address of the start of the array now index p

for (I = 0 p[i] i++)

if (isupper(p[i])) p[i] = tolowerp[i])

else if (islower(p[i])

p[i] = toupper(p[i])

cout ltlt ―Inverted ndash case string lt str

return 0

The program creates a char pointer called p and then assigns to that pointer the

address of the first element in str Inside the for loop p is indexed using the normal array indexing syntax This is perfectly valid because in C++ the statement p[i] is function

functionally identical to (p+i) This further illustrates the close relationship between pointers and arrays

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 4 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and Arrays I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers and Arrays using C

II Tasks Procedure Instructions Answer the following questions

1 Can an array be accessed through a pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Can a pointer be indexed as if it were an array __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 An array name used by itself with no index yields what __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 6

Pointers and String

Strings and Constants

You might be wondering how string constants like the one in the fragment shown

here are handled by C++

cout ltlt strlen(Xanadu)

The answer is that when the compiler encounters a string constant it stores it in the

programlsquos string table and generates a pointer to the string Thus ―Xanadu yields a pointer to its entry in the string table Therefore the following program is perfectly valid and prints

the phrase Pointers add power to C++

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char ptr

ptr = ―Pointers add power to C++ n ptr is assigned the address of this string constant

cout ltlt ptr

return 0

In this program the characters that make up a string constant are stored in the string table and ptr is assigned a pointer to the string in that table

Since a pointer into your programlsquos string table is generated automatically whenever

a string constant is used you might be tempted to use this fact to modify the contents of the string table However this is usually not a good idea because many C++ compilers

create optimized tables in which one string constant may be used at two or more different

places in your program Thus changing a string may cause undesired side effects

Reversing a String in Place

Earlier it was mentioned that comparing one pointer to another is meaningful only if the two pointers point to a common object such as an array Now that you understand how

pointers and arrays relate you can apply pointer comparisons to streamline some types of algorithms In this project you will see an example The program developed here reverses

the contents of a string in place Thus instead of copying the string back-to-front into

another array it reverses the contents of the string inside the array that holds it The program uses two pointer variables to accomplish this One initially points to the beginning

of a string and the other initially points to the last character in the string A loop is set up that continues to run as long as the start pointer is less than the end pointer Each time

through the loop the characters pointed to by the pointers are swapped and the pointers are advanced When the start pointer is greater than or equal to the end pointer the string

has been reversed Step by step

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1 Create a file called StrRevcpp 2 Begin by adding these lines to the file

Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test

char start end int len

char t

The string to be reversed is contained in str The pointers start and end will be used

to access the string

3 Add these lines which display the original string obtain the stringlsquos length and set the initial values for the start and end pointers

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

Notice that end points to the last character in the string not the null terminator

4 Add the code that reverse the string

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts

starts = end end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The process works like this As long as the start pointer points to a memory

location that is less than the end pointer the loop iterates Inside the loop the characters being pointed to by start and end are swapped Then start is incremented

and end is decremented When end is greater than or equal to start all of the characters in the string have been reversed Since both start and end point into the

same array their comparison is meaningful

5 Here is the complete StrRevcpp program

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Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test char start end

int len char t

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts starts = end

end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The output from the program is shown here Original this is a test Reversed

tset a si siht

Arrays of Pointers

Pointers can be arrayed like any other data type For example declaration for an int

pointer array of size 10 is

int p[10]

Here pi is an array of ten integer pointers To assign the address of an int variable

called var to the third element of the pointer array you would write

int var

fpi[2] = ampvar

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Remember pi is an array of int pointers The only thing that the array elements can

hold are the addresses of integer valuesmdashnot the values themselves To find the value of var you would write


Like other arrays arrays of pointers can be initialized A common use for initialized

pointer arrays is to hold pointers to strings Here is an example that uses a two-dimensional array of character pointers to implement a small dictionary

Here is a sample run

Enter word network

An interconnected group of computers

When the array dictionary is created it is initialized with a set of words and their

meanings Recall C++ stores all string constants in the string table associated with your program so the array need only store pointers to the strings The program works by testing

the word entered by the user against the strings stored in the dictionary If a match is found the meaning is displayed If no match is found an error message is printed Notice

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that dictionary ends with two null strings These mark the end of the array Recall that a

null string contains only the terminating null character The for loop runs until the first character in a string is null This condition is tested with this expression


The array indices specify a pointer to a string The obtains the character at that

location If this character is null then the expression is false and the loop terminates Otherwise the expression is true and the loop continues

The Null Pointer Convention

After a pointer is declared but before it has been assigned it will contain an arbitrary value Should you try to use the pointer prior to giving it a value you will probably

crash your program While there is no sure way to avoid using an uninitialized pointer C++ programmers have adopted a procedure that helps prevent some errors By convention if a

pointer contains the null (zero) value it is assumed to point to nothing Thus if all unused pointers are given the null value and you avoid the use of a null pointer you can avoid the

accidental misuse of an uninitialized pointer This is a good practice to follow

Any type of pointer can be initialized to null when it is declared For example the

following initializes p to null

float p = 0 p is now a null pointer

To check for a null pointer use an if statement like one of these

if(p) succeeds if p is not null

if(p) succeeds if p is null

Multiple Indirection

A pointer to a pointer is a form of multiple indirection or a chain of pointers Consider Figure 4-2 As you can see in the case of a normal pointer the value of the

pointer is the address of a value In the case of a pointer to a pointer the first pointer

contains the address of the second pointer which points to the location that contains the desired value Multiple indirection can be carried on to whatever extent desired but there

are few cases where more than a pointer to a pointer is needed or indeed even wise to use Excessive indirection is difficult to follow and prone to conceptual errors

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 5 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and String I Objectives To know how is Pointers and String worked using C II Tasks Procedure Instructions Asnwer the following question

1 What is it called when one pointer points to another pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Of what significant is a null pointer in C++ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that counts the uppercase letters in a string Have it display the result

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Chapter 7

Structures in Arrays Functions and Pointers

What is a Structure

Structure is a collection of variables under a single name Variables can be of any type int float char etc The main difference between structure and array is that arrays are

collections of the same data type and structure is a collection of variables under a single name

Declaring a Structure

The structure is declared by using the keyword struct followed by structure name

also called a tag Then the structure members (variables) are defined with their type and variable names inside the open and close braces and Finally the closed braces end with

a semicolon denoted as following the statement The above structure declaration is also called a Structure Specifier


Three variables custnum of type int salary of type int commission of type float are structuremembers and the structure name is Customer This structure is declared as


In the above example it is seen that variables of different types such as int and float are

grouped in a single structure name Customer

Arrays behave in the same way declaring structures does not mean that memory is

allocated Structure declaration gives a skeleton or template for the structure

After declaring the structure the next step is to define a structure variable

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How to declare Structure Variable

This is similar to variable declaration For variable declaration data type is defined followed

by variable name For structure variable declaration the data type is the name of the structure followed by thestructure variable name

In the above example structure variable cust1 is defined as

What happens when this is defined When structure is defined it allocates or reserves space in memory The memory space allocated will be cumulative of all

defined structure members In the above example there are 3 structure members

custnum salary and commission Of these two are of type int and one is of type float If integer space allocated by a system is 2 bytes and float four bytes the above would

allocate 2bytes for custnum 2 bytes for salary and 4 bytes for commission

How to access structure members in C++

To access structure members the operator used is the dot operator denoted by () The

dot operatorfor accessing structure members is used thusly

structure variable namemember name

For example

To assign 2000 for the structure member salary in the above example of structure

Customer with structure variable cust1 this is written as

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Pointers to structures

All that we have discussed so far has been OK but runs into problems when structures have

to be moved between functions for the following reasons

if the structure is large it is more efficient to pass a pointer to the structure instead of the structure its self This techniquepri is also used to pass pointers to

arrays between functions

When passing a structure to a function you actually pass a COPY of the structure Therefore it is not possible to change the values of members within the structure as

the copy is destroyed when the function ends

Here is an example (these are 2 examples the one to the left uses a pointer)

| |

struct x int a int b int c | struct x int a int b int c

| void function(struct x) | void function(struct x )

| main() | main()

| struct x z | struct x z pz 3

| pz = ampz 4 za = 10 1 | za = 10

za++ | za++

| function(z) 2 | function(pz) 5

| |

void function( struct x z) | void function(struct x pz) | 6

printf( first member d n za) | printf( first member d n (pz)a) |


Here is the annotation

1 Give a structure member a value 2 Pass a COPY of the whole structure to the function

3 Define pz a pointer to a structure of type x

4 Put the address of z into pz pz now POINTS to z PLEASE NOTE z is defined to reserve memory equal to the size of the structure pz only holds an address so will

be 4 bytes long 5 Pass the pointer into the function

6 Print the value of the member a

The (pz)a syntax is used a great deal in C and it was decided to create a short hand for

it So

(pz)a == pz-gta

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Structures and Arrays

include ltiostreamgt

include ltfstreamhgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

ofstream outData

input file structure ifstream inData

char menu_id[10] char menu_name[10]

char menu_col[10]

char menu_row[10] char button_id[10]

char button_label_1[10] char button_label_2[10]

char button_label_3[10] char button_col[10]

char button_row[10]

menu file structure

struct menu

int mid char name[20]

int mcol int mrow

int bid char blabel[24]

int bcol

int brow

List of menus

enum menu_id

MAIN = 1

Define Main menu

menu Main_menu[3]

void createMenu(menu newMenu[] int menu_num MAS_Configure_Button_Request_Messagemsg )

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 40 of 66

int y = 0

while ((inDatagetline(menu_id10 $)eof()) ampamp (atoi(menu_id) == menu_num))

newMenu[y]mid= atoi(menu_id)

inDatagetline(menu_name 10 $)

newMenu[y]name[0] = 0

strcpy(newMenu[y]namemenu_name) outData ltlt Main Menu Name ltlt newMenu[y]name ltlt

inDatagetline( menu_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]mcol = atoi(menu_col)

inDatagetline( menu_row 10 $) newMenu[y]mrow = atoi(menu_row)

inDatagetline( button_id 10 $) newMenu[y]bid = atoi(button_id)

inDatagetline( button_label_1 10 $)

inDatagetline( button_label_2 10 $) inDatagetline( button_label_3 10 $)

newMenu[y]blabel[0] = 0 strcpy(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_1)


strcat(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_3) outData ltlt newMenu[y]blabel ltlt

inDatagetline( button_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]bcol = atoi(button_col)

inDatagetline( button_row 10 n)

newMenu[y]brow = atoi(button_row) y++

int main()

int loop

inDataopen(datatxt) if (inData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening datatxt End program ltlt endl


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outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 42 of 66

recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 43 of 66

Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

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Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 49 of 66

the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

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main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

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include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

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next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

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Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

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1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

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47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 9: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 1 COURSE TOPIC Review of Introduction to C Programming language I Objectives

To learn and understand the basic syntax and script delimeters of C

To understand and use CC++ variables and operators II Part I Basic Syntax of C++

1 Where does the C++ program begin execution __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 What is cout __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 What does include ltiostreamgt do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 What does the if statement do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 How is block of code created What does it do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 What is a namespace __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that averages the absolute value of five values entered by the user Display the result

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Chapter 2 amp 3

String Handling Functions

The string handling functions in the standard C++ libraries incorporated from the

standard C libraries do not have a single header file for a source When declaring a

character array that will hold a null-terminated string you need to declare it one character

longer than the largest string that it will hold For example if you want to declare an array

str that could hold a 10-character string

char str[11]

Specifying the size as 11 makes room for the null at the end of the string A string

constant is a list of characters enclosed in double quotes Here are some examples

―hello there ―I like C++ ―Mars ―

It is not necessary to manually add the null terminator onto the end of string

constants the C++ compiler does this for you automatically Therefore the string ―Mars

will appear in memory like this

M a r s 0

The last string shown is This is called a null string It contains only the null

terminator and no other characters Null strings are useful because they represent the

empty string

The easiest way to read a string entered from the keyboard is to use a char array in

a cin statement For example the following program reads a string entered by the user

using cin to read a string from the keyboard

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[80]

cout ltlt ―Enter a string ―

cin gtgt str read a string from keyboard lt-- read a string using cin

cout ltlt ―Here is your string ―

cout ltlt str

return 0

Here is a sample run

Enter a string testing

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Here is your string testing

Although this program is technically correct it will not always work the way you

expect To see why run the program and try entering the string ―This is a test Here is

what you will see

Enter a string This is a test

Here is your string This

When the program redisplays your string it shows only the word ―This not the

entire sentence The reason for this is that the C++ IO system stops reading a string when

the first whitespace character is encountered Whitespace characters include spaces tabs

and newlines

One way to solve the whitespace problem is to use another of C++lsquos library

functions gets( ) The general form of a call to gets( ) is


To read a string call gets( ) with the name of the array without any index as its

argument Upon return from gets( ) the array will hold the string input from the keyboard

The gets( ) function will continue to read characters including whitespace until you enter a

carriage return The header used by gets( ) is ltcstdiogt

This version of the preceding program uses gets( ) to allow the entry of strings

containing spaces

Using gets() to read a string from the keyboard

include ltiostreamgt

include ltcstdiogt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[80]

cout ltlt ―Enter a string ―

gets(str) read a string using gets() Read a string using gets()

cout ltlt ―Here is your string

cout ltlt str

return 0

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Notice that in a cout statement str can be used directly In general the name of a

character array that holds a string can be used any place that a string constant can be used

Keep in mind that neither cin nor gets( ) performs any bounds checking on the array

that receives input Therefore if the user enters a string longer than the size of the array

the array will be overwritten

Some string Library Functions

C++ supports a wide range of string manipulation functions The most common are





The string functions all use the same header ltstringgt Letlsquos take a look at these

functions now


A call to strcpy( ) takes this general form

strcpy(to from)

The strcpy( ) function copies the contents of the string from into to Remember the

array that forms to must be large enough to hold the string contained in from If it isnlsquot the

to array will be overrun which will probably crash your program


A call to strcat( ) takes this form strcat(s1 s2) The strcat( ) function appends s2 to

the end of s1 s2 is unchanged You must ensure that s1 is large enough to hold its original

contents and those of s2


A call to strcmp( ) takes this general form

strcmp(s1 s2)

The strcmp( ) function compares two strings and returns 0 if they are equal If s1 is

greater than s2 lexicographically (that is according to dictionary order) then a positive

number is returned if it is less than s2 a negative number is returned

The key to using strcmp( ) is to remember that it returns false when the strings


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Therefore you will need to use the operator if you want something to occur when

the strings are equal For example the condition controlling the following if statement is

true when str is equal to ―C++

if(strcmp(str C++)

cout ltlt str is C++


The general form of a call to strlen( ) is


Example using strlen

include ltstringhgt

include ltiostreamgt

include ltconiohgt

using namespace std

int main()

char aString1[11] = abcdefghij

aString2[11] = tooShort


unsigned int len1 len2 len3

cout ltlt endl ltlt endl

cout ltlt Please supply a third string

cingetline(aString3 11) n delimiter assumed

len1 = strlen(aString1)

len2 = strlen(aString2)

len3 = strlen(aString3)

cout ltlt endl ltlt String 1 ltlt aString1 ltlt length =

ltlt len1 ltlt endl ltlt String 2 ltlt aString2

ltlt length = ltlt len2 ltlt endl ltlt String 3

ltlt aString3 ltlt length = ltlt len3

cout ltlt endl ltlt endl


return 0

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where s is a string The strlen( ) function returns the length of the string pointed to by s

A String Function Example

The following program illustrates the use of all four string functions

Demonstrate the string functions

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstringhgt

include ltwindowshgt

include ltconiohgt

using namespace std

int main()

char s1[80]s2[80]

strcpy(s1 C++)

strcpy(s2 is power programming)

cout ltlt lengths ltlt strlen(s1)

cout ltlt ltlt strlen(s2) ltlt n

if(strcmp(s1 s2))

cout ltlt The strings are equaln

else cout ltlt not equaln

strcat(s1 s2)

cout ltlt s1 ltlt n

strcpy(s2 s1)

cout ltlt s1 ltlt and ltlt s2 ltlt n

if(strcmp(s1 s2))

cout ltlt s1 and s2 are now the samen


return 0

Here is the output

lengths 3 22

not equal

C++ is power programming

C++ is power programming and C++ is power programming

s1 and s2 are now the same

Using the Null Terminator

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The fact that strings are null-terminated can often be used to simplify various

operations For example the following program converts a string to uppercase

Convert a string to uppercase

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

include ltconiohgt

include ltctypehgt

include ltwindowshgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[80]

int i

strcpy (str this is a test)

for (i=0 str[1] i++)

str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt str


return 0

The output from this program is shown here


This program uses the library function toupper() which returns the uppercase

equivalent of its character argument to convert each character in the string The upper()

function uses the header ltctypehgt

Notice that the test condition of the for loop is simply the array indexed by the

condition variable The reason this works is that a true value is any non-zero value

Remember all character values are non-zero but the null terminating the string is zero

Because the null terminator marks the end of the string the loop stops precisely where it is

supposed to

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Table 1 Character functions in ltctypehgt

Function Function Signature


isalnum() int isalnum(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is alphabetic or numeric

isalpha() int isalpha(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is alphabetic

iscntrl() int iscntrl(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a control character

isdigit() int isdigit(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a digit 0 - 9

isgraph() int isgraph(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a non-blank but printing character

islower() int islower(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a lower case alphabetic character ie a - z

isprint() int isprint(intc) Returns a non-zero if c is printable non-blanks and white

space included

ispunct() int ispunct(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a printable character but not alpha numeric or blank

isspace() int isspace(int c) Returns a non-zero for blanks and these escape sequences

f n r t and v

isupper() int isupper(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is an upper-case alphabetic character

ie A - Z

isxdigit() int isxdigit(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a hexadecimal character 0 - 9 a - f or A - F

tolower() int tolower(int c) Returns the lower case version if c is an upper case character

otherwise returns c

toupper() int toupper(int c) Returns the upper case version if c is a lower case character otherwise returns c

Table 2 Some String Handling Functions in ltstringhgt

Functions Function Signature Description

strcat() char strcat(char s1

const char s2) Adds string s2 onto the end of s1 (conCATenation)

strchr() char strchr(const char

s int c)

Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of c in

string s Returns NULL if c is not found in s

strcmp() int strcmp(const char

s1 const char s2)

Compares s1 and s2 alphabetically Returns a negative zero or positive number depending on

whether s1 is before the same as or after s2 if you

were alphabetizing s1 and s2

strcpy() char strcpy(char s1

const char s2) Copies s2 into s1 and returns a point to s1

strlen() size_t strlen(const char s)

Returns the number of characters in the string s starting at s[0] and ending before the first NULL

strncat() char strncat(char s1

const char s2 size_t n)

Tacks on the first n characters of s2 onto s1 A

pointer to s1 is returned

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strncmp() int strncmp(const char s1 const char s2 size_t


Compares s1 with the first n characters of s2 Returns a negative zero or positive integer (just like


strncpy() char strncpy(char s1 const chars2 size_t n)

Copies the first n characters of s2 into the first n characters of s1

strrchr() char strrchr(const

chars int c)

Returns a pointer to the last occurence of c in string

s (Compare with strchr())

strstr() char strstr(const char

s1 const char s2)

Returns the address of the first occurence of string s2 that is also in string s1 Returns NULL if s2 is not

found in s1

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 2 COURSE TOPIC String and Handling Function I Objectives To know the String handling function used

Part II String Handling Functions 1 amp 2

1 What is a null-terminated string __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 To hold a string that is 18 characters long how must the character array be __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 Show how to initialize a four-element array of int to the values 123 and 4 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 How can this initialization be rewritten char str[6] = lsquoHrsquo lsquoersquo lsquolrsquo lsquolrsquo lsquoorsquo lsquoOrsquo)


5 Rewrite the following as an unsized array Int nums[4] = 44 55 66 77


Supplementary Programming (50 points) 1 Write a program that prompts the user for two strings and then compares the strings for equality

but ignores case differences Thus ldquookrdquo and ldquoOKrdquo will compare as equal

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Chapter 4

Introduction to Pointers

A pointer is an object that contains a memory address Very often this address is the

location of another object such as a variable For example if x contains the address of y

then x is said to ―point to y

Pointer variables must be declared as such The general form of a pointer variable

declaration is

type var-name

Here type is the pointerlsquos base type The base type determines what type of data

the pointer will be pointing to var-name is the name of the pointer variable For example

to declare ip to be a pointer to an int use this declaration

int ip

Since the base type of ip is int it can be used to point to int values Here a float

pointer is declared

float fp

In this case the base type of fp is float which means that it can be used to point to

a float value

In general in a declaration statement preceding a variable name with an causes

that variable to become a pointer

The Pointer Operator

There are two special operators that are used with pointers and amp The amp is a

unary operator that returns the memory address of its operand

For example

ptr = amptotal

puts into ptr the memory address of the variable total This address is the location of

total in the computerlsquos internal memory It has nothing to do with the value of total The

operation of amp can be remembered as returning ―the address of the variable it precedes

Therefore the preceding assignment statement could be verbalized as ―ptr receives the

address of total To better understand this assignment assume that the variable total is

located at address 100 Then after the assignment takes place ptr has the value 100 The

second operator is and it is the complement of amp It is a unary operator that returns the

value of the variable located at the address specified by its operand Continuing with the

same example if ptr contains the memory address of the variable total then

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val = ptr

will place the value of total into val For example if total originally had the value

3200 then val will have the value 3200 because that is the value stored at location 100

the memory address that was assigned to ptr The operation of can be remembered as ―at

address In this case then the statement could be read as ―val receives the value at

address ptr

The following program executes the sequence of the operations just described

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int total

int ptr

int val

total = 3200 assign 3200 to total

ptr = amptotal get address of total

val = ptr get value at that address

cout ltlt Total is ltlt val ltlt n

return 0

It is unfortunate that the multiplication symbol and the ―at address symbol are the

same This fact sometimes confuses newcomers to the C++ language These operators

have no relationship to each other Keep in mind that both amp and have a higher

precedence than any of the arithmetic operators except the unary minus with which they

have equal precedence The act of using a pointer is often called indirection because you are

accessing one variable indirectly through another variable

The Base Type of a Pointer

In the preceding discussion you saw that it was possible to assign val the value of

total indirectly through a pointer At this point you may have thought of this important question How does C++ know how many bytes to copy into val from the address pointed

to by ptr Or more generally how does the compiler transfer the proper number of bytes for any assignment involving a pointer The answer is that the base type of the pointer

determines the type of data upon which the pointer operates In this case because ptr is an

int pointer four bytes of information are copied into val (assuming a 32-bit int) from the address pointed to by ptr However if ptr had been a double pointer for example then

eight bytes would have been copied

It is important to ensure that pointer variables always point to the correct type of data For example when you declare a pointer to be of type int the compiler assumes that

anything it points to will be an integer variable If it doesnlsquot point to an integer variable then trouble is usually not far behind For example the following fragment is incorrect

int p double f p = ampf ERROR

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This fragment is invalid because you cannot assign a double pointer to an integer pointer That is ampf generates a pointer to a double but p is a pointer to an int These two

types are not compatible (In fact the compiler would flag an error at this point and not compile your program) Although two pointers must have compatible types in order for one

to be assigned to another you can override this restriction (at your own risk) using a cast For example the following fragment is now technically correct

int p double f p = (int ) ampf Now technically OK

The cast to int causes the double pointer to be converted to an integer pointer However to use a cast for this purpose is questionable practice The reason is that the base

type of a pointer determines how the compiler treats the data it points to In this case even though p is actually pointing to a floating-point value the compiler still ―thinks that p is

pointing to an int (because p is an int pointer)

To better understand why using a cast to assign one type of pointer to another is not usually a good idea consider the following short program

This program will not work right include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

double xy int p

x = 12323 p = (int ) ampx use cast to assign double to int

y = p what will this do

cout ltlt y what will this print

return 0

Here is the output produced by the program (You might see a different value)


This value is clearly not 12323 Here is why In the program p (which is an integer

pointer) has been assigned the address of x (which is a double) Thus when y is assigned the value pointed to by p y receives only four bytes of data (and not the eight required for

a double value) because p is an integer pointer Therefore the cout statement displays not 12323 but a garbage value instead

Assigning value to pointers

You can use a pointer on the left-hand side of an assignment statement to assign a value to the location pointed to by the pointer Assuming that p is an int pointer this

assigns the value 101 to the location pointed to by p

p = 101

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You can verbalize this assignment like this ―At the location pointed to by p assign the value 101 To increment or decrement the value at the location pointed to by a pointer

you can use a statement like this


The parentheses are necessary because the operator has lower precedence than does the ++ operator

The following program demonstrates an assignment through a pointer

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int p num

p = ampnum

p = 100 assign num the value 100 through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)++ increment num through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)-- decrement num through p cout ltlt num ltlt nlsquo

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

100 101 100

Pointer Expressions

Pointers can be used in most C++ expressions However some special rules apply

Remember also that you may need to surround some parts of a pointer expression with parentheses in order to ensure that the outcome is what you desire

Pointer Arithmetic There are only four arithmetic operators that can be used on

pointers ++ ndash ndash + and ndash To understand what occurs in pointer arithmetic let p1 be an int pointer with a current value of 2000 (that is it contains the address 2000) Assuming

32-bit integers after the expression


The contents of p1 will be 2004 not 2001 The reason for this is that each time p1

is incremented it will point to the next int The same is true of decrements For example again assuming that p1 has the value 2000 the expression

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causes p1 to have the value 1996

Generalizing from the preceding example the following rules apply to pointer

arithmetic Each time that a pointer is incremented it will point to the memory location of the next element of its base type Each time it is decremented it will point to the location of

the previous element of its base type In the case of character pointers an increment or decrement will appear as ―normal arithmetic because characters are one byte long

However every other type of pointer will increase or decrease by the length of its base

type You are not limited to only increment and decrement operations You can also add or subtract integers to or from pointers The expression

p1 = p1 + 9

makes p1 point to the ninth element of p1lsquos base type beyond the one to which it is

currently pointing

Although you cannot add pointers you can subtract one pointer from another

(provided they are both of the same base type) The remainder will be the number of elements of the base type that separate the two pointers

Other than addition and subtraction of a pointer and an integer or the subtraction of

two pointers no other arithmetic operations can be performed on pointers For example you cannot add or subtract float or double values to or from pointers

To graphically see the effects of pointer arithmetic execute the next short program

It creates an int pointer (i) and a double pointer (f) It then adds the values 0 through 9 to

these pointers and displays the results Observe how each address changes relative to its base type each time the loop is repeated (For most 32-bit compilers i will increase by 4s

and f will increase by 8s) Notice that when using a pointer in a cout statement its address is automatically displayed in the addressing format applicable to the CPU and environment

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int I j[10]

double f g[10] int x

i = j

f = g

for (x=0 xlt10 x++)

cout ltlt i+x ltlt ltlt f+x ltlt nlsquo display the addresses produced by adding x

to each pointer

Here is a sample run (The precise values you see may differ from these)

0012FE5C 09012FE84

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0012FE60 0012FE8C

0012FE64 0012FE94 0012FE68 0012FE9C

0012FE6C 0012FEA4 0012FE70 0012FEAC

0012FE74 0012FEB4 0012FE78 0012FEBC

0012FE7C 0012FEC4

0012FE80 0012FECC

Pointer Comparisons

Pointers may be compared using the relational operators such as == lt and gt In general for the outcome of a pointer comparison to be meaningful the two pointers must

have some relationship to each other For example both may point to elements within the same array There is however one other type of pointer comparison any pointer can be

compared to the null pointer which is zero

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I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers in C and its use

II Basic Information Scenario Answer the following using Pointers

1 What is a pointer


2 Show how to declare a long int pointer called valPtr __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 As they relate to pointers what do the and amp operators do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7 What are two pointer operators __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 5

Pointers and Arrays

In C++ there is a close relationship between pointers and arrays In fact frequently a pointer and an array are interchangeable Consider this fragment

char str[80] char p1

p1 = str

Here str is an array of 80 characters and p1 is a character pointer However it is the third line that is of interest In this line p1 is assigned the address of the first element in

the str array (That is after the assignment p1 will point to str[0]) Herelsquos why In C++ using the name of an array without an index generates a pointer to the first element in the

array Thus the assignment

p1 = str

assigns the address of str[0] to p1 This is a crucial point to understand When an


array name is used in an expression it yields a pointer to the first element in the array Since after the assignment p1 points to the beginning of str you can use p1 to


elements in the array For example if you want to access the fifth element in str you can use




Both statements obtain the fifth element Remember array indices start at zero so when str is indexed a 4 is used to access the fifth element A 4 is also added to the pointer

p1 to get the fifth element because p1 currently points to the first element of str

The parentheses surrounding p1+4 are necessary because the operation has a

higher priority than the + operation Without them the expression would first find the value pointed to by p1 (the first location in the array) and then add 4 to it In effect C++ allows

two methods of accessing array elements pointer arithmetic and array indexing This is important because pointer arithmetic can sometimes be faster than array indexingmdash

especially when you are accessing an array in strictly sequential order Since speed is often a consideration in programming the use of pointers to access array elements is very

common in C++ programs Also you can sometimes write tighter code by using pointers

instead of array indexing

Here is an example that demonstrates the difference between using array indexing and pointer arithmetic to access the elements of an array We will create two versions of a

program that reverse the case of letters within a string The first version uses array indexing The second uses pointer arithmetic The first version is shown here

Reverse case using array indexing

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include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = This Is A Test

cout ltlt Original string ltlt str ltlt n

for(i = 0 str[i] i++)

if(isupper(str[i])) str[i] = tolower(str[i]) else if(islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt Inverted-case string ltlt str

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

Original string This Is A Test Inverted-case string tHIS iS a tEST

Notice that the program uses the isupper( ) and islower( ) library functions to determine the case of a letter The isupper( ) function returns true when its argument is an

uppercase letter islower( ) returns true when its argument is a lowercase letter Inside the for loop str is indexed and the case of each letter is checked and changed The loop

iterates until the null terminating str is indexed Since a null is zero (false) the loop stops

Here is the same program rewritten to use pointer arithmetic

Reverse case using array indexing

include ltiostreamgt include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = ―This Is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

for i = 0 str[i] i++) if (iupper(str[i]))

else if (islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i]

cout ltlt ―Inverted-case string ― ltlt str return 0

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In this version p is set to the start of str Then inside the while loop the letter at p

is checked and changed and then p is incremented The loop stops when p points to the null terminator that ends str Because of the way some C++ compilers generate code these

two programs may not be equivalent in performance Generally it takes more machine instructions to index an array than it does to perform arithmetic on a pointer Consequently

in professionally written C++ code it is common to see the pointer version used more frequently However as a beginning C++ programmer feel free to use array indexing until

you are comfortable with pointers

Indexing a Pointer

As you have just seen it is possible to access an array using pointer arithmetic

What you might find surprising is that the reverse is also true In C++ it is possible to index a pointer as if it were an array Here is an example It is a third version of the case-

changing program

index a pointer as if it were an array

include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt

using namespace std


char p int i

char str[80]=This is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

p = str assign the p address of the start of the array now index p

for (I = 0 p[i] i++)

if (isupper(p[i])) p[i] = tolowerp[i])

else if (islower(p[i])

p[i] = toupper(p[i])

cout ltlt ―Inverted ndash case string lt str

return 0

The program creates a char pointer called p and then assigns to that pointer the

address of the first element in str Inside the for loop p is indexed using the normal array indexing syntax This is perfectly valid because in C++ the statement p[i] is function

functionally identical to (p+i) This further illustrates the close relationship between pointers and arrays

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 4 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and Arrays I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers and Arrays using C

II Tasks Procedure Instructions Answer the following questions

1 Can an array be accessed through a pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Can a pointer be indexed as if it were an array __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 An array name used by itself with no index yields what __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 6

Pointers and String

Strings and Constants

You might be wondering how string constants like the one in the fragment shown

here are handled by C++

cout ltlt strlen(Xanadu)

The answer is that when the compiler encounters a string constant it stores it in the

programlsquos string table and generates a pointer to the string Thus ―Xanadu yields a pointer to its entry in the string table Therefore the following program is perfectly valid and prints

the phrase Pointers add power to C++

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char ptr

ptr = ―Pointers add power to C++ n ptr is assigned the address of this string constant

cout ltlt ptr

return 0

In this program the characters that make up a string constant are stored in the string table and ptr is assigned a pointer to the string in that table

Since a pointer into your programlsquos string table is generated automatically whenever

a string constant is used you might be tempted to use this fact to modify the contents of the string table However this is usually not a good idea because many C++ compilers

create optimized tables in which one string constant may be used at two or more different

places in your program Thus changing a string may cause undesired side effects

Reversing a String in Place

Earlier it was mentioned that comparing one pointer to another is meaningful only if the two pointers point to a common object such as an array Now that you understand how

pointers and arrays relate you can apply pointer comparisons to streamline some types of algorithms In this project you will see an example The program developed here reverses

the contents of a string in place Thus instead of copying the string back-to-front into

another array it reverses the contents of the string inside the array that holds it The program uses two pointer variables to accomplish this One initially points to the beginning

of a string and the other initially points to the last character in the string A loop is set up that continues to run as long as the start pointer is less than the end pointer Each time

through the loop the characters pointed to by the pointers are swapped and the pointers are advanced When the start pointer is greater than or equal to the end pointer the string

has been reversed Step by step

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1 Create a file called StrRevcpp 2 Begin by adding these lines to the file

Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test

char start end int len

char t

The string to be reversed is contained in str The pointers start and end will be used

to access the string

3 Add these lines which display the original string obtain the stringlsquos length and set the initial values for the start and end pointers

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

Notice that end points to the last character in the string not the null terminator

4 Add the code that reverse the string

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts

starts = end end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The process works like this As long as the start pointer points to a memory

location that is less than the end pointer the loop iterates Inside the loop the characters being pointed to by start and end are swapped Then start is incremented

and end is decremented When end is greater than or equal to start all of the characters in the string have been reversed Since both start and end point into the

same array their comparison is meaningful

5 Here is the complete StrRevcpp program

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Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test char start end

int len char t

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts starts = end

end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The output from the program is shown here Original this is a test Reversed

tset a si siht

Arrays of Pointers

Pointers can be arrayed like any other data type For example declaration for an int

pointer array of size 10 is

int p[10]

Here pi is an array of ten integer pointers To assign the address of an int variable

called var to the third element of the pointer array you would write

int var

fpi[2] = ampvar

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Remember pi is an array of int pointers The only thing that the array elements can

hold are the addresses of integer valuesmdashnot the values themselves To find the value of var you would write


Like other arrays arrays of pointers can be initialized A common use for initialized

pointer arrays is to hold pointers to strings Here is an example that uses a two-dimensional array of character pointers to implement a small dictionary

Here is a sample run

Enter word network

An interconnected group of computers

When the array dictionary is created it is initialized with a set of words and their

meanings Recall C++ stores all string constants in the string table associated with your program so the array need only store pointers to the strings The program works by testing

the word entered by the user against the strings stored in the dictionary If a match is found the meaning is displayed If no match is found an error message is printed Notice

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that dictionary ends with two null strings These mark the end of the array Recall that a

null string contains only the terminating null character The for loop runs until the first character in a string is null This condition is tested with this expression


The array indices specify a pointer to a string The obtains the character at that

location If this character is null then the expression is false and the loop terminates Otherwise the expression is true and the loop continues

The Null Pointer Convention

After a pointer is declared but before it has been assigned it will contain an arbitrary value Should you try to use the pointer prior to giving it a value you will probably

crash your program While there is no sure way to avoid using an uninitialized pointer C++ programmers have adopted a procedure that helps prevent some errors By convention if a

pointer contains the null (zero) value it is assumed to point to nothing Thus if all unused pointers are given the null value and you avoid the use of a null pointer you can avoid the

accidental misuse of an uninitialized pointer This is a good practice to follow

Any type of pointer can be initialized to null when it is declared For example the

following initializes p to null

float p = 0 p is now a null pointer

To check for a null pointer use an if statement like one of these

if(p) succeeds if p is not null

if(p) succeeds if p is null

Multiple Indirection

A pointer to a pointer is a form of multiple indirection or a chain of pointers Consider Figure 4-2 As you can see in the case of a normal pointer the value of the

pointer is the address of a value In the case of a pointer to a pointer the first pointer

contains the address of the second pointer which points to the location that contains the desired value Multiple indirection can be carried on to whatever extent desired but there

are few cases where more than a pointer to a pointer is needed or indeed even wise to use Excessive indirection is difficult to follow and prone to conceptual errors

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 5 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and String I Objectives To know how is Pointers and String worked using C II Tasks Procedure Instructions Asnwer the following question

1 What is it called when one pointer points to another pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Of what significant is a null pointer in C++ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that counts the uppercase letters in a string Have it display the result

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Chapter 7

Structures in Arrays Functions and Pointers

What is a Structure

Structure is a collection of variables under a single name Variables can be of any type int float char etc The main difference between structure and array is that arrays are

collections of the same data type and structure is a collection of variables under a single name

Declaring a Structure

The structure is declared by using the keyword struct followed by structure name

also called a tag Then the structure members (variables) are defined with their type and variable names inside the open and close braces and Finally the closed braces end with

a semicolon denoted as following the statement The above structure declaration is also called a Structure Specifier


Three variables custnum of type int salary of type int commission of type float are structuremembers and the structure name is Customer This structure is declared as


In the above example it is seen that variables of different types such as int and float are

grouped in a single structure name Customer

Arrays behave in the same way declaring structures does not mean that memory is

allocated Structure declaration gives a skeleton or template for the structure

After declaring the structure the next step is to define a structure variable

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How to declare Structure Variable

This is similar to variable declaration For variable declaration data type is defined followed

by variable name For structure variable declaration the data type is the name of the structure followed by thestructure variable name

In the above example structure variable cust1 is defined as

What happens when this is defined When structure is defined it allocates or reserves space in memory The memory space allocated will be cumulative of all

defined structure members In the above example there are 3 structure members

custnum salary and commission Of these two are of type int and one is of type float If integer space allocated by a system is 2 bytes and float four bytes the above would

allocate 2bytes for custnum 2 bytes for salary and 4 bytes for commission

How to access structure members in C++

To access structure members the operator used is the dot operator denoted by () The

dot operatorfor accessing structure members is used thusly

structure variable namemember name

For example

To assign 2000 for the structure member salary in the above example of structure

Customer with structure variable cust1 this is written as

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Pointers to structures

All that we have discussed so far has been OK but runs into problems when structures have

to be moved between functions for the following reasons

if the structure is large it is more efficient to pass a pointer to the structure instead of the structure its self This techniquepri is also used to pass pointers to

arrays between functions

When passing a structure to a function you actually pass a COPY of the structure Therefore it is not possible to change the values of members within the structure as

the copy is destroyed when the function ends

Here is an example (these are 2 examples the one to the left uses a pointer)

| |

struct x int a int b int c | struct x int a int b int c

| void function(struct x) | void function(struct x )

| main() | main()

| struct x z | struct x z pz 3

| pz = ampz 4 za = 10 1 | za = 10

za++ | za++

| function(z) 2 | function(pz) 5

| |

void function( struct x z) | void function(struct x pz) | 6

printf( first member d n za) | printf( first member d n (pz)a) |


Here is the annotation

1 Give a structure member a value 2 Pass a COPY of the whole structure to the function

3 Define pz a pointer to a structure of type x

4 Put the address of z into pz pz now POINTS to z PLEASE NOTE z is defined to reserve memory equal to the size of the structure pz only holds an address so will

be 4 bytes long 5 Pass the pointer into the function

6 Print the value of the member a

The (pz)a syntax is used a great deal in C and it was decided to create a short hand for

it So

(pz)a == pz-gta

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 39 of 66


Structures and Arrays

include ltiostreamgt

include ltfstreamhgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

ofstream outData

input file structure ifstream inData

char menu_id[10] char menu_name[10]

char menu_col[10]

char menu_row[10] char button_id[10]

char button_label_1[10] char button_label_2[10]

char button_label_3[10] char button_col[10]

char button_row[10]

menu file structure

struct menu

int mid char name[20]

int mcol int mrow

int bid char blabel[24]

int bcol

int brow

List of menus

enum menu_id

MAIN = 1

Define Main menu

menu Main_menu[3]

void createMenu(menu newMenu[] int menu_num MAS_Configure_Button_Request_Messagemsg )

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 40 of 66

int y = 0

while ((inDatagetline(menu_id10 $)eof()) ampamp (atoi(menu_id) == menu_num))

newMenu[y]mid= atoi(menu_id)

inDatagetline(menu_name 10 $)

newMenu[y]name[0] = 0

strcpy(newMenu[y]namemenu_name) outData ltlt Main Menu Name ltlt newMenu[y]name ltlt

inDatagetline( menu_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]mcol = atoi(menu_col)

inDatagetline( menu_row 10 $) newMenu[y]mrow = atoi(menu_row)

inDatagetline( button_id 10 $) newMenu[y]bid = atoi(button_id)

inDatagetline( button_label_1 10 $)

inDatagetline( button_label_2 10 $) inDatagetline( button_label_3 10 $)

newMenu[y]blabel[0] = 0 strcpy(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_1)


strcat(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_3) outData ltlt newMenu[y]blabel ltlt

inDatagetline( button_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]bcol = atoi(button_col)

inDatagetline( button_row 10 n)

newMenu[y]brow = atoi(button_row) y++

int main()

int loop

inDataopen(datatxt) if (inData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening datatxt End program ltlt endl


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outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 42 of 66

recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 43 of 66

Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 44 of 66

Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

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the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 50 of 66

main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

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include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 60 of 66

next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 64 of 66

1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 65 of 66


47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 10: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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Chapter 2 amp 3

String Handling Functions

The string handling functions in the standard C++ libraries incorporated from the

standard C libraries do not have a single header file for a source When declaring a

character array that will hold a null-terminated string you need to declare it one character

longer than the largest string that it will hold For example if you want to declare an array

str that could hold a 10-character string

char str[11]

Specifying the size as 11 makes room for the null at the end of the string A string

constant is a list of characters enclosed in double quotes Here are some examples

―hello there ―I like C++ ―Mars ―

It is not necessary to manually add the null terminator onto the end of string

constants the C++ compiler does this for you automatically Therefore the string ―Mars

will appear in memory like this

M a r s 0

The last string shown is This is called a null string It contains only the null

terminator and no other characters Null strings are useful because they represent the

empty string

The easiest way to read a string entered from the keyboard is to use a char array in

a cin statement For example the following program reads a string entered by the user

using cin to read a string from the keyboard

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[80]

cout ltlt ―Enter a string ―

cin gtgt str read a string from keyboard lt-- read a string using cin

cout ltlt ―Here is your string ―

cout ltlt str

return 0

Here is a sample run

Enter a string testing

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 11 of 66

Here is your string testing

Although this program is technically correct it will not always work the way you

expect To see why run the program and try entering the string ―This is a test Here is

what you will see

Enter a string This is a test

Here is your string This

When the program redisplays your string it shows only the word ―This not the

entire sentence The reason for this is that the C++ IO system stops reading a string when

the first whitespace character is encountered Whitespace characters include spaces tabs

and newlines

One way to solve the whitespace problem is to use another of C++lsquos library

functions gets( ) The general form of a call to gets( ) is


To read a string call gets( ) with the name of the array without any index as its

argument Upon return from gets( ) the array will hold the string input from the keyboard

The gets( ) function will continue to read characters including whitespace until you enter a

carriage return The header used by gets( ) is ltcstdiogt

This version of the preceding program uses gets( ) to allow the entry of strings

containing spaces

Using gets() to read a string from the keyboard

include ltiostreamgt

include ltcstdiogt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[80]

cout ltlt ―Enter a string ―

gets(str) read a string using gets() Read a string using gets()

cout ltlt ―Here is your string

cout ltlt str

return 0

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Notice that in a cout statement str can be used directly In general the name of a

character array that holds a string can be used any place that a string constant can be used

Keep in mind that neither cin nor gets( ) performs any bounds checking on the array

that receives input Therefore if the user enters a string longer than the size of the array

the array will be overwritten

Some string Library Functions

C++ supports a wide range of string manipulation functions The most common are





The string functions all use the same header ltstringgt Letlsquos take a look at these

functions now


A call to strcpy( ) takes this general form

strcpy(to from)

The strcpy( ) function copies the contents of the string from into to Remember the

array that forms to must be large enough to hold the string contained in from If it isnlsquot the

to array will be overrun which will probably crash your program


A call to strcat( ) takes this form strcat(s1 s2) The strcat( ) function appends s2 to

the end of s1 s2 is unchanged You must ensure that s1 is large enough to hold its original

contents and those of s2


A call to strcmp( ) takes this general form

strcmp(s1 s2)

The strcmp( ) function compares two strings and returns 0 if they are equal If s1 is

greater than s2 lexicographically (that is according to dictionary order) then a positive

number is returned if it is less than s2 a negative number is returned

The key to using strcmp( ) is to remember that it returns false when the strings


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Therefore you will need to use the operator if you want something to occur when

the strings are equal For example the condition controlling the following if statement is

true when str is equal to ―C++

if(strcmp(str C++)

cout ltlt str is C++


The general form of a call to strlen( ) is


Example using strlen

include ltstringhgt

include ltiostreamgt

include ltconiohgt

using namespace std

int main()

char aString1[11] = abcdefghij

aString2[11] = tooShort


unsigned int len1 len2 len3

cout ltlt endl ltlt endl

cout ltlt Please supply a third string

cingetline(aString3 11) n delimiter assumed

len1 = strlen(aString1)

len2 = strlen(aString2)

len3 = strlen(aString3)

cout ltlt endl ltlt String 1 ltlt aString1 ltlt length =

ltlt len1 ltlt endl ltlt String 2 ltlt aString2

ltlt length = ltlt len2 ltlt endl ltlt String 3

ltlt aString3 ltlt length = ltlt len3

cout ltlt endl ltlt endl


return 0

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where s is a string The strlen( ) function returns the length of the string pointed to by s

A String Function Example

The following program illustrates the use of all four string functions

Demonstrate the string functions

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstringhgt

include ltwindowshgt

include ltconiohgt

using namespace std

int main()

char s1[80]s2[80]

strcpy(s1 C++)

strcpy(s2 is power programming)

cout ltlt lengths ltlt strlen(s1)

cout ltlt ltlt strlen(s2) ltlt n

if(strcmp(s1 s2))

cout ltlt The strings are equaln

else cout ltlt not equaln

strcat(s1 s2)

cout ltlt s1 ltlt n

strcpy(s2 s1)

cout ltlt s1 ltlt and ltlt s2 ltlt n

if(strcmp(s1 s2))

cout ltlt s1 and s2 are now the samen


return 0

Here is the output

lengths 3 22

not equal

C++ is power programming

C++ is power programming and C++ is power programming

s1 and s2 are now the same

Using the Null Terminator

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The fact that strings are null-terminated can often be used to simplify various

operations For example the following program converts a string to uppercase

Convert a string to uppercase

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

include ltconiohgt

include ltctypehgt

include ltwindowshgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[80]

int i

strcpy (str this is a test)

for (i=0 str[1] i++)

str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt str


return 0

The output from this program is shown here


This program uses the library function toupper() which returns the uppercase

equivalent of its character argument to convert each character in the string The upper()

function uses the header ltctypehgt

Notice that the test condition of the for loop is simply the array indexed by the

condition variable The reason this works is that a true value is any non-zero value

Remember all character values are non-zero but the null terminating the string is zero

Because the null terminator marks the end of the string the loop stops precisely where it is

supposed to

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Table 1 Character functions in ltctypehgt

Function Function Signature


isalnum() int isalnum(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is alphabetic or numeric

isalpha() int isalpha(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is alphabetic

iscntrl() int iscntrl(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a control character

isdigit() int isdigit(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a digit 0 - 9

isgraph() int isgraph(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a non-blank but printing character

islower() int islower(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a lower case alphabetic character ie a - z

isprint() int isprint(intc) Returns a non-zero if c is printable non-blanks and white

space included

ispunct() int ispunct(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a printable character but not alpha numeric or blank

isspace() int isspace(int c) Returns a non-zero for blanks and these escape sequences

f n r t and v

isupper() int isupper(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is an upper-case alphabetic character

ie A - Z

isxdigit() int isxdigit(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a hexadecimal character 0 - 9 a - f or A - F

tolower() int tolower(int c) Returns the lower case version if c is an upper case character

otherwise returns c

toupper() int toupper(int c) Returns the upper case version if c is a lower case character otherwise returns c

Table 2 Some String Handling Functions in ltstringhgt

Functions Function Signature Description

strcat() char strcat(char s1

const char s2) Adds string s2 onto the end of s1 (conCATenation)

strchr() char strchr(const char

s int c)

Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of c in

string s Returns NULL if c is not found in s

strcmp() int strcmp(const char

s1 const char s2)

Compares s1 and s2 alphabetically Returns a negative zero or positive number depending on

whether s1 is before the same as or after s2 if you

were alphabetizing s1 and s2

strcpy() char strcpy(char s1

const char s2) Copies s2 into s1 and returns a point to s1

strlen() size_t strlen(const char s)

Returns the number of characters in the string s starting at s[0] and ending before the first NULL

strncat() char strncat(char s1

const char s2 size_t n)

Tacks on the first n characters of s2 onto s1 A

pointer to s1 is returned

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strncmp() int strncmp(const char s1 const char s2 size_t


Compares s1 with the first n characters of s2 Returns a negative zero or positive integer (just like


strncpy() char strncpy(char s1 const chars2 size_t n)

Copies the first n characters of s2 into the first n characters of s1

strrchr() char strrchr(const

chars int c)

Returns a pointer to the last occurence of c in string

s (Compare with strchr())

strstr() char strstr(const char

s1 const char s2)

Returns the address of the first occurence of string s2 that is also in string s1 Returns NULL if s2 is not

found in s1

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 2 COURSE TOPIC String and Handling Function I Objectives To know the String handling function used

Part II String Handling Functions 1 amp 2

1 What is a null-terminated string __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 To hold a string that is 18 characters long how must the character array be __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 Show how to initialize a four-element array of int to the values 123 and 4 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 How can this initialization be rewritten char str[6] = lsquoHrsquo lsquoersquo lsquolrsquo lsquolrsquo lsquoorsquo lsquoOrsquo)


5 Rewrite the following as an unsized array Int nums[4] = 44 55 66 77


Supplementary Programming (50 points) 1 Write a program that prompts the user for two strings and then compares the strings for equality

but ignores case differences Thus ldquookrdquo and ldquoOKrdquo will compare as equal

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 19 of 66

Chapter 4

Introduction to Pointers

A pointer is an object that contains a memory address Very often this address is the

location of another object such as a variable For example if x contains the address of y

then x is said to ―point to y

Pointer variables must be declared as such The general form of a pointer variable

declaration is

type var-name

Here type is the pointerlsquos base type The base type determines what type of data

the pointer will be pointing to var-name is the name of the pointer variable For example

to declare ip to be a pointer to an int use this declaration

int ip

Since the base type of ip is int it can be used to point to int values Here a float

pointer is declared

float fp

In this case the base type of fp is float which means that it can be used to point to

a float value

In general in a declaration statement preceding a variable name with an causes

that variable to become a pointer

The Pointer Operator

There are two special operators that are used with pointers and amp The amp is a

unary operator that returns the memory address of its operand

For example

ptr = amptotal

puts into ptr the memory address of the variable total This address is the location of

total in the computerlsquos internal memory It has nothing to do with the value of total The

operation of amp can be remembered as returning ―the address of the variable it precedes

Therefore the preceding assignment statement could be verbalized as ―ptr receives the

address of total To better understand this assignment assume that the variable total is

located at address 100 Then after the assignment takes place ptr has the value 100 The

second operator is and it is the complement of amp It is a unary operator that returns the

value of the variable located at the address specified by its operand Continuing with the

same example if ptr contains the memory address of the variable total then

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 20 of 66

val = ptr

will place the value of total into val For example if total originally had the value

3200 then val will have the value 3200 because that is the value stored at location 100

the memory address that was assigned to ptr The operation of can be remembered as ―at

address In this case then the statement could be read as ―val receives the value at

address ptr

The following program executes the sequence of the operations just described

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int total

int ptr

int val

total = 3200 assign 3200 to total

ptr = amptotal get address of total

val = ptr get value at that address

cout ltlt Total is ltlt val ltlt n

return 0

It is unfortunate that the multiplication symbol and the ―at address symbol are the

same This fact sometimes confuses newcomers to the C++ language These operators

have no relationship to each other Keep in mind that both amp and have a higher

precedence than any of the arithmetic operators except the unary minus with which they

have equal precedence The act of using a pointer is often called indirection because you are

accessing one variable indirectly through another variable

The Base Type of a Pointer

In the preceding discussion you saw that it was possible to assign val the value of

total indirectly through a pointer At this point you may have thought of this important question How does C++ know how many bytes to copy into val from the address pointed

to by ptr Or more generally how does the compiler transfer the proper number of bytes for any assignment involving a pointer The answer is that the base type of the pointer

determines the type of data upon which the pointer operates In this case because ptr is an

int pointer four bytes of information are copied into val (assuming a 32-bit int) from the address pointed to by ptr However if ptr had been a double pointer for example then

eight bytes would have been copied

It is important to ensure that pointer variables always point to the correct type of data For example when you declare a pointer to be of type int the compiler assumes that

anything it points to will be an integer variable If it doesnlsquot point to an integer variable then trouble is usually not far behind For example the following fragment is incorrect

int p double f p = ampf ERROR

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 21 of 66

This fragment is invalid because you cannot assign a double pointer to an integer pointer That is ampf generates a pointer to a double but p is a pointer to an int These two

types are not compatible (In fact the compiler would flag an error at this point and not compile your program) Although two pointers must have compatible types in order for one

to be assigned to another you can override this restriction (at your own risk) using a cast For example the following fragment is now technically correct

int p double f p = (int ) ampf Now technically OK

The cast to int causes the double pointer to be converted to an integer pointer However to use a cast for this purpose is questionable practice The reason is that the base

type of a pointer determines how the compiler treats the data it points to In this case even though p is actually pointing to a floating-point value the compiler still ―thinks that p is

pointing to an int (because p is an int pointer)

To better understand why using a cast to assign one type of pointer to another is not usually a good idea consider the following short program

This program will not work right include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

double xy int p

x = 12323 p = (int ) ampx use cast to assign double to int

y = p what will this do

cout ltlt y what will this print

return 0

Here is the output produced by the program (You might see a different value)


This value is clearly not 12323 Here is why In the program p (which is an integer

pointer) has been assigned the address of x (which is a double) Thus when y is assigned the value pointed to by p y receives only four bytes of data (and not the eight required for

a double value) because p is an integer pointer Therefore the cout statement displays not 12323 but a garbage value instead

Assigning value to pointers

You can use a pointer on the left-hand side of an assignment statement to assign a value to the location pointed to by the pointer Assuming that p is an int pointer this

assigns the value 101 to the location pointed to by p

p = 101

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You can verbalize this assignment like this ―At the location pointed to by p assign the value 101 To increment or decrement the value at the location pointed to by a pointer

you can use a statement like this


The parentheses are necessary because the operator has lower precedence than does the ++ operator

The following program demonstrates an assignment through a pointer

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int p num

p = ampnum

p = 100 assign num the value 100 through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)++ increment num through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)-- decrement num through p cout ltlt num ltlt nlsquo

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

100 101 100

Pointer Expressions

Pointers can be used in most C++ expressions However some special rules apply

Remember also that you may need to surround some parts of a pointer expression with parentheses in order to ensure that the outcome is what you desire

Pointer Arithmetic There are only four arithmetic operators that can be used on

pointers ++ ndash ndash + and ndash To understand what occurs in pointer arithmetic let p1 be an int pointer with a current value of 2000 (that is it contains the address 2000) Assuming

32-bit integers after the expression


The contents of p1 will be 2004 not 2001 The reason for this is that each time p1

is incremented it will point to the next int The same is true of decrements For example again assuming that p1 has the value 2000 the expression

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 23 of 66


causes p1 to have the value 1996

Generalizing from the preceding example the following rules apply to pointer

arithmetic Each time that a pointer is incremented it will point to the memory location of the next element of its base type Each time it is decremented it will point to the location of

the previous element of its base type In the case of character pointers an increment or decrement will appear as ―normal arithmetic because characters are one byte long

However every other type of pointer will increase or decrease by the length of its base

type You are not limited to only increment and decrement operations You can also add or subtract integers to or from pointers The expression

p1 = p1 + 9

makes p1 point to the ninth element of p1lsquos base type beyond the one to which it is

currently pointing

Although you cannot add pointers you can subtract one pointer from another

(provided they are both of the same base type) The remainder will be the number of elements of the base type that separate the two pointers

Other than addition and subtraction of a pointer and an integer or the subtraction of

two pointers no other arithmetic operations can be performed on pointers For example you cannot add or subtract float or double values to or from pointers

To graphically see the effects of pointer arithmetic execute the next short program

It creates an int pointer (i) and a double pointer (f) It then adds the values 0 through 9 to

these pointers and displays the results Observe how each address changes relative to its base type each time the loop is repeated (For most 32-bit compilers i will increase by 4s

and f will increase by 8s) Notice that when using a pointer in a cout statement its address is automatically displayed in the addressing format applicable to the CPU and environment

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int I j[10]

double f g[10] int x

i = j

f = g

for (x=0 xlt10 x++)

cout ltlt i+x ltlt ltlt f+x ltlt nlsquo display the addresses produced by adding x

to each pointer

Here is a sample run (The precise values you see may differ from these)

0012FE5C 09012FE84

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 24 of 66

0012FE60 0012FE8C

0012FE64 0012FE94 0012FE68 0012FE9C

0012FE6C 0012FEA4 0012FE70 0012FEAC

0012FE74 0012FEB4 0012FE78 0012FEBC

0012FE7C 0012FEC4

0012FE80 0012FECC

Pointer Comparisons

Pointers may be compared using the relational operators such as == lt and gt In general for the outcome of a pointer comparison to be meaningful the two pointers must

have some relationship to each other For example both may point to elements within the same array There is however one other type of pointer comparison any pointer can be

compared to the null pointer which is zero

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I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers in C and its use

II Basic Information Scenario Answer the following using Pointers

1 What is a pointer


2 Show how to declare a long int pointer called valPtr __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 As they relate to pointers what do the and amp operators do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7 What are two pointer operators __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 5

Pointers and Arrays

In C++ there is a close relationship between pointers and arrays In fact frequently a pointer and an array are interchangeable Consider this fragment

char str[80] char p1

p1 = str

Here str is an array of 80 characters and p1 is a character pointer However it is the third line that is of interest In this line p1 is assigned the address of the first element in

the str array (That is after the assignment p1 will point to str[0]) Herelsquos why In C++ using the name of an array without an index generates a pointer to the first element in the

array Thus the assignment

p1 = str

assigns the address of str[0] to p1 This is a crucial point to understand When an


array name is used in an expression it yields a pointer to the first element in the array Since after the assignment p1 points to the beginning of str you can use p1 to


elements in the array For example if you want to access the fifth element in str you can use




Both statements obtain the fifth element Remember array indices start at zero so when str is indexed a 4 is used to access the fifth element A 4 is also added to the pointer

p1 to get the fifth element because p1 currently points to the first element of str

The parentheses surrounding p1+4 are necessary because the operation has a

higher priority than the + operation Without them the expression would first find the value pointed to by p1 (the first location in the array) and then add 4 to it In effect C++ allows

two methods of accessing array elements pointer arithmetic and array indexing This is important because pointer arithmetic can sometimes be faster than array indexingmdash

especially when you are accessing an array in strictly sequential order Since speed is often a consideration in programming the use of pointers to access array elements is very

common in C++ programs Also you can sometimes write tighter code by using pointers

instead of array indexing

Here is an example that demonstrates the difference between using array indexing and pointer arithmetic to access the elements of an array We will create two versions of a

program that reverse the case of letters within a string The first version uses array indexing The second uses pointer arithmetic The first version is shown here

Reverse case using array indexing

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include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = This Is A Test

cout ltlt Original string ltlt str ltlt n

for(i = 0 str[i] i++)

if(isupper(str[i])) str[i] = tolower(str[i]) else if(islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt Inverted-case string ltlt str

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

Original string This Is A Test Inverted-case string tHIS iS a tEST

Notice that the program uses the isupper( ) and islower( ) library functions to determine the case of a letter The isupper( ) function returns true when its argument is an

uppercase letter islower( ) returns true when its argument is a lowercase letter Inside the for loop str is indexed and the case of each letter is checked and changed The loop

iterates until the null terminating str is indexed Since a null is zero (false) the loop stops

Here is the same program rewritten to use pointer arithmetic

Reverse case using array indexing

include ltiostreamgt include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = ―This Is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

for i = 0 str[i] i++) if (iupper(str[i]))

else if (islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i]

cout ltlt ―Inverted-case string ― ltlt str return 0

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 28 of 66

In this version p is set to the start of str Then inside the while loop the letter at p

is checked and changed and then p is incremented The loop stops when p points to the null terminator that ends str Because of the way some C++ compilers generate code these

two programs may not be equivalent in performance Generally it takes more machine instructions to index an array than it does to perform arithmetic on a pointer Consequently

in professionally written C++ code it is common to see the pointer version used more frequently However as a beginning C++ programmer feel free to use array indexing until

you are comfortable with pointers

Indexing a Pointer

As you have just seen it is possible to access an array using pointer arithmetic

What you might find surprising is that the reverse is also true In C++ it is possible to index a pointer as if it were an array Here is an example It is a third version of the case-

changing program

index a pointer as if it were an array

include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt

using namespace std


char p int i

char str[80]=This is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

p = str assign the p address of the start of the array now index p

for (I = 0 p[i] i++)

if (isupper(p[i])) p[i] = tolowerp[i])

else if (islower(p[i])

p[i] = toupper(p[i])

cout ltlt ―Inverted ndash case string lt str

return 0

The program creates a char pointer called p and then assigns to that pointer the

address of the first element in str Inside the for loop p is indexed using the normal array indexing syntax This is perfectly valid because in C++ the statement p[i] is function

functionally identical to (p+i) This further illustrates the close relationship between pointers and arrays

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 4 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and Arrays I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers and Arrays using C

II Tasks Procedure Instructions Answer the following questions

1 Can an array be accessed through a pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Can a pointer be indexed as if it were an array __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 An array name used by itself with no index yields what __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 6

Pointers and String

Strings and Constants

You might be wondering how string constants like the one in the fragment shown

here are handled by C++

cout ltlt strlen(Xanadu)

The answer is that when the compiler encounters a string constant it stores it in the

programlsquos string table and generates a pointer to the string Thus ―Xanadu yields a pointer to its entry in the string table Therefore the following program is perfectly valid and prints

the phrase Pointers add power to C++

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char ptr

ptr = ―Pointers add power to C++ n ptr is assigned the address of this string constant

cout ltlt ptr

return 0

In this program the characters that make up a string constant are stored in the string table and ptr is assigned a pointer to the string in that table

Since a pointer into your programlsquos string table is generated automatically whenever

a string constant is used you might be tempted to use this fact to modify the contents of the string table However this is usually not a good idea because many C++ compilers

create optimized tables in which one string constant may be used at two or more different

places in your program Thus changing a string may cause undesired side effects

Reversing a String in Place

Earlier it was mentioned that comparing one pointer to another is meaningful only if the two pointers point to a common object such as an array Now that you understand how

pointers and arrays relate you can apply pointer comparisons to streamline some types of algorithms In this project you will see an example The program developed here reverses

the contents of a string in place Thus instead of copying the string back-to-front into

another array it reverses the contents of the string inside the array that holds it The program uses two pointer variables to accomplish this One initially points to the beginning

of a string and the other initially points to the last character in the string A loop is set up that continues to run as long as the start pointer is less than the end pointer Each time

through the loop the characters pointed to by the pointers are swapped and the pointers are advanced When the start pointer is greater than or equal to the end pointer the string

has been reversed Step by step

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1 Create a file called StrRevcpp 2 Begin by adding these lines to the file

Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test

char start end int len

char t

The string to be reversed is contained in str The pointers start and end will be used

to access the string

3 Add these lines which display the original string obtain the stringlsquos length and set the initial values for the start and end pointers

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

Notice that end points to the last character in the string not the null terminator

4 Add the code that reverse the string

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts

starts = end end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The process works like this As long as the start pointer points to a memory

location that is less than the end pointer the loop iterates Inside the loop the characters being pointed to by start and end are swapped Then start is incremented

and end is decremented When end is greater than or equal to start all of the characters in the string have been reversed Since both start and end point into the

same array their comparison is meaningful

5 Here is the complete StrRevcpp program

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Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test char start end

int len char t

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts starts = end

end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The output from the program is shown here Original this is a test Reversed

tset a si siht

Arrays of Pointers

Pointers can be arrayed like any other data type For example declaration for an int

pointer array of size 10 is

int p[10]

Here pi is an array of ten integer pointers To assign the address of an int variable

called var to the third element of the pointer array you would write

int var

fpi[2] = ampvar

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Remember pi is an array of int pointers The only thing that the array elements can

hold are the addresses of integer valuesmdashnot the values themselves To find the value of var you would write


Like other arrays arrays of pointers can be initialized A common use for initialized

pointer arrays is to hold pointers to strings Here is an example that uses a two-dimensional array of character pointers to implement a small dictionary

Here is a sample run

Enter word network

An interconnected group of computers

When the array dictionary is created it is initialized with a set of words and their

meanings Recall C++ stores all string constants in the string table associated with your program so the array need only store pointers to the strings The program works by testing

the word entered by the user against the strings stored in the dictionary If a match is found the meaning is displayed If no match is found an error message is printed Notice

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that dictionary ends with two null strings These mark the end of the array Recall that a

null string contains only the terminating null character The for loop runs until the first character in a string is null This condition is tested with this expression


The array indices specify a pointer to a string The obtains the character at that

location If this character is null then the expression is false and the loop terminates Otherwise the expression is true and the loop continues

The Null Pointer Convention

After a pointer is declared but before it has been assigned it will contain an arbitrary value Should you try to use the pointer prior to giving it a value you will probably

crash your program While there is no sure way to avoid using an uninitialized pointer C++ programmers have adopted a procedure that helps prevent some errors By convention if a

pointer contains the null (zero) value it is assumed to point to nothing Thus if all unused pointers are given the null value and you avoid the use of a null pointer you can avoid the

accidental misuse of an uninitialized pointer This is a good practice to follow

Any type of pointer can be initialized to null when it is declared For example the

following initializes p to null

float p = 0 p is now a null pointer

To check for a null pointer use an if statement like one of these

if(p) succeeds if p is not null

if(p) succeeds if p is null

Multiple Indirection

A pointer to a pointer is a form of multiple indirection or a chain of pointers Consider Figure 4-2 As you can see in the case of a normal pointer the value of the

pointer is the address of a value In the case of a pointer to a pointer the first pointer

contains the address of the second pointer which points to the location that contains the desired value Multiple indirection can be carried on to whatever extent desired but there

are few cases where more than a pointer to a pointer is needed or indeed even wise to use Excessive indirection is difficult to follow and prone to conceptual errors

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 5 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and String I Objectives To know how is Pointers and String worked using C II Tasks Procedure Instructions Asnwer the following question

1 What is it called when one pointer points to another pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Of what significant is a null pointer in C++ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that counts the uppercase letters in a string Have it display the result

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Chapter 7

Structures in Arrays Functions and Pointers

What is a Structure

Structure is a collection of variables under a single name Variables can be of any type int float char etc The main difference between structure and array is that arrays are

collections of the same data type and structure is a collection of variables under a single name

Declaring a Structure

The structure is declared by using the keyword struct followed by structure name

also called a tag Then the structure members (variables) are defined with their type and variable names inside the open and close braces and Finally the closed braces end with

a semicolon denoted as following the statement The above structure declaration is also called a Structure Specifier


Three variables custnum of type int salary of type int commission of type float are structuremembers and the structure name is Customer This structure is declared as


In the above example it is seen that variables of different types such as int and float are

grouped in a single structure name Customer

Arrays behave in the same way declaring structures does not mean that memory is

allocated Structure declaration gives a skeleton or template for the structure

After declaring the structure the next step is to define a structure variable

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How to declare Structure Variable

This is similar to variable declaration For variable declaration data type is defined followed

by variable name For structure variable declaration the data type is the name of the structure followed by thestructure variable name

In the above example structure variable cust1 is defined as

What happens when this is defined When structure is defined it allocates or reserves space in memory The memory space allocated will be cumulative of all

defined structure members In the above example there are 3 structure members

custnum salary and commission Of these two are of type int and one is of type float If integer space allocated by a system is 2 bytes and float four bytes the above would

allocate 2bytes for custnum 2 bytes for salary and 4 bytes for commission

How to access structure members in C++

To access structure members the operator used is the dot operator denoted by () The

dot operatorfor accessing structure members is used thusly

structure variable namemember name

For example

To assign 2000 for the structure member salary in the above example of structure

Customer with structure variable cust1 this is written as

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Pointers to structures

All that we have discussed so far has been OK but runs into problems when structures have

to be moved between functions for the following reasons

if the structure is large it is more efficient to pass a pointer to the structure instead of the structure its self This techniquepri is also used to pass pointers to

arrays between functions

When passing a structure to a function you actually pass a COPY of the structure Therefore it is not possible to change the values of members within the structure as

the copy is destroyed when the function ends

Here is an example (these are 2 examples the one to the left uses a pointer)

| |

struct x int a int b int c | struct x int a int b int c

| void function(struct x) | void function(struct x )

| main() | main()

| struct x z | struct x z pz 3

| pz = ampz 4 za = 10 1 | za = 10

za++ | za++

| function(z) 2 | function(pz) 5

| |

void function( struct x z) | void function(struct x pz) | 6

printf( first member d n za) | printf( first member d n (pz)a) |


Here is the annotation

1 Give a structure member a value 2 Pass a COPY of the whole structure to the function

3 Define pz a pointer to a structure of type x

4 Put the address of z into pz pz now POINTS to z PLEASE NOTE z is defined to reserve memory equal to the size of the structure pz only holds an address so will

be 4 bytes long 5 Pass the pointer into the function

6 Print the value of the member a

The (pz)a syntax is used a great deal in C and it was decided to create a short hand for

it So

(pz)a == pz-gta

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Structures and Arrays

include ltiostreamgt

include ltfstreamhgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

ofstream outData

input file structure ifstream inData

char menu_id[10] char menu_name[10]

char menu_col[10]

char menu_row[10] char button_id[10]

char button_label_1[10] char button_label_2[10]

char button_label_3[10] char button_col[10]

char button_row[10]

menu file structure

struct menu

int mid char name[20]

int mcol int mrow

int bid char blabel[24]

int bcol

int brow

List of menus

enum menu_id

MAIN = 1

Define Main menu

menu Main_menu[3]

void createMenu(menu newMenu[] int menu_num MAS_Configure_Button_Request_Messagemsg )

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 40 of 66

int y = 0

while ((inDatagetline(menu_id10 $)eof()) ampamp (atoi(menu_id) == menu_num))

newMenu[y]mid= atoi(menu_id)

inDatagetline(menu_name 10 $)

newMenu[y]name[0] = 0

strcpy(newMenu[y]namemenu_name) outData ltlt Main Menu Name ltlt newMenu[y]name ltlt

inDatagetline( menu_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]mcol = atoi(menu_col)

inDatagetline( menu_row 10 $) newMenu[y]mrow = atoi(menu_row)

inDatagetline( button_id 10 $) newMenu[y]bid = atoi(button_id)

inDatagetline( button_label_1 10 $)

inDatagetline( button_label_2 10 $) inDatagetline( button_label_3 10 $)

newMenu[y]blabel[0] = 0 strcpy(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_1)


strcat(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_3) outData ltlt newMenu[y]blabel ltlt

inDatagetline( button_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]bcol = atoi(button_col)

inDatagetline( button_row 10 n)

newMenu[y]brow = atoi(button_row) y++

int main()

int loop

inDataopen(datatxt) if (inData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening datatxt End program ltlt endl


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outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

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recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

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Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

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Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

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the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

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main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

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include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 60 of 66

next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

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1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 65 of 66


47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 11: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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Here is your string testing

Although this program is technically correct it will not always work the way you

expect To see why run the program and try entering the string ―This is a test Here is

what you will see

Enter a string This is a test

Here is your string This

When the program redisplays your string it shows only the word ―This not the

entire sentence The reason for this is that the C++ IO system stops reading a string when

the first whitespace character is encountered Whitespace characters include spaces tabs

and newlines

One way to solve the whitespace problem is to use another of C++lsquos library

functions gets( ) The general form of a call to gets( ) is


To read a string call gets( ) with the name of the array without any index as its

argument Upon return from gets( ) the array will hold the string input from the keyboard

The gets( ) function will continue to read characters including whitespace until you enter a

carriage return The header used by gets( ) is ltcstdiogt

This version of the preceding program uses gets( ) to allow the entry of strings

containing spaces

Using gets() to read a string from the keyboard

include ltiostreamgt

include ltcstdiogt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[80]

cout ltlt ―Enter a string ―

gets(str) read a string using gets() Read a string using gets()

cout ltlt ―Here is your string

cout ltlt str

return 0

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Notice that in a cout statement str can be used directly In general the name of a

character array that holds a string can be used any place that a string constant can be used

Keep in mind that neither cin nor gets( ) performs any bounds checking on the array

that receives input Therefore if the user enters a string longer than the size of the array

the array will be overwritten

Some string Library Functions

C++ supports a wide range of string manipulation functions The most common are





The string functions all use the same header ltstringgt Letlsquos take a look at these

functions now


A call to strcpy( ) takes this general form

strcpy(to from)

The strcpy( ) function copies the contents of the string from into to Remember the

array that forms to must be large enough to hold the string contained in from If it isnlsquot the

to array will be overrun which will probably crash your program


A call to strcat( ) takes this form strcat(s1 s2) The strcat( ) function appends s2 to

the end of s1 s2 is unchanged You must ensure that s1 is large enough to hold its original

contents and those of s2


A call to strcmp( ) takes this general form

strcmp(s1 s2)

The strcmp( ) function compares two strings and returns 0 if they are equal If s1 is

greater than s2 lexicographically (that is according to dictionary order) then a positive

number is returned if it is less than s2 a negative number is returned

The key to using strcmp( ) is to remember that it returns false when the strings


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Therefore you will need to use the operator if you want something to occur when

the strings are equal For example the condition controlling the following if statement is

true when str is equal to ―C++

if(strcmp(str C++)

cout ltlt str is C++


The general form of a call to strlen( ) is


Example using strlen

include ltstringhgt

include ltiostreamgt

include ltconiohgt

using namespace std

int main()

char aString1[11] = abcdefghij

aString2[11] = tooShort


unsigned int len1 len2 len3

cout ltlt endl ltlt endl

cout ltlt Please supply a third string

cingetline(aString3 11) n delimiter assumed

len1 = strlen(aString1)

len2 = strlen(aString2)

len3 = strlen(aString3)

cout ltlt endl ltlt String 1 ltlt aString1 ltlt length =

ltlt len1 ltlt endl ltlt String 2 ltlt aString2

ltlt length = ltlt len2 ltlt endl ltlt String 3

ltlt aString3 ltlt length = ltlt len3

cout ltlt endl ltlt endl


return 0

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where s is a string The strlen( ) function returns the length of the string pointed to by s

A String Function Example

The following program illustrates the use of all four string functions

Demonstrate the string functions

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstringhgt

include ltwindowshgt

include ltconiohgt

using namespace std

int main()

char s1[80]s2[80]

strcpy(s1 C++)

strcpy(s2 is power programming)

cout ltlt lengths ltlt strlen(s1)

cout ltlt ltlt strlen(s2) ltlt n

if(strcmp(s1 s2))

cout ltlt The strings are equaln

else cout ltlt not equaln

strcat(s1 s2)

cout ltlt s1 ltlt n

strcpy(s2 s1)

cout ltlt s1 ltlt and ltlt s2 ltlt n

if(strcmp(s1 s2))

cout ltlt s1 and s2 are now the samen


return 0

Here is the output

lengths 3 22

not equal

C++ is power programming

C++ is power programming and C++ is power programming

s1 and s2 are now the same

Using the Null Terminator

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The fact that strings are null-terminated can often be used to simplify various

operations For example the following program converts a string to uppercase

Convert a string to uppercase

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

include ltconiohgt

include ltctypehgt

include ltwindowshgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[80]

int i

strcpy (str this is a test)

for (i=0 str[1] i++)

str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt str


return 0

The output from this program is shown here


This program uses the library function toupper() which returns the uppercase

equivalent of its character argument to convert each character in the string The upper()

function uses the header ltctypehgt

Notice that the test condition of the for loop is simply the array indexed by the

condition variable The reason this works is that a true value is any non-zero value

Remember all character values are non-zero but the null terminating the string is zero

Because the null terminator marks the end of the string the loop stops precisely where it is

supposed to

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Table 1 Character functions in ltctypehgt

Function Function Signature


isalnum() int isalnum(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is alphabetic or numeric

isalpha() int isalpha(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is alphabetic

iscntrl() int iscntrl(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a control character

isdigit() int isdigit(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a digit 0 - 9

isgraph() int isgraph(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a non-blank but printing character

islower() int islower(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a lower case alphabetic character ie a - z

isprint() int isprint(intc) Returns a non-zero if c is printable non-blanks and white

space included

ispunct() int ispunct(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a printable character but not alpha numeric or blank

isspace() int isspace(int c) Returns a non-zero for blanks and these escape sequences

f n r t and v

isupper() int isupper(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is an upper-case alphabetic character

ie A - Z

isxdigit() int isxdigit(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a hexadecimal character 0 - 9 a - f or A - F

tolower() int tolower(int c) Returns the lower case version if c is an upper case character

otherwise returns c

toupper() int toupper(int c) Returns the upper case version if c is a lower case character otherwise returns c

Table 2 Some String Handling Functions in ltstringhgt

Functions Function Signature Description

strcat() char strcat(char s1

const char s2) Adds string s2 onto the end of s1 (conCATenation)

strchr() char strchr(const char

s int c)

Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of c in

string s Returns NULL if c is not found in s

strcmp() int strcmp(const char

s1 const char s2)

Compares s1 and s2 alphabetically Returns a negative zero or positive number depending on

whether s1 is before the same as or after s2 if you

were alphabetizing s1 and s2

strcpy() char strcpy(char s1

const char s2) Copies s2 into s1 and returns a point to s1

strlen() size_t strlen(const char s)

Returns the number of characters in the string s starting at s[0] and ending before the first NULL

strncat() char strncat(char s1

const char s2 size_t n)

Tacks on the first n characters of s2 onto s1 A

pointer to s1 is returned

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strncmp() int strncmp(const char s1 const char s2 size_t


Compares s1 with the first n characters of s2 Returns a negative zero or positive integer (just like


strncpy() char strncpy(char s1 const chars2 size_t n)

Copies the first n characters of s2 into the first n characters of s1

strrchr() char strrchr(const

chars int c)

Returns a pointer to the last occurence of c in string

s (Compare with strchr())

strstr() char strstr(const char

s1 const char s2)

Returns the address of the first occurence of string s2 that is also in string s1 Returns NULL if s2 is not

found in s1

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 2 COURSE TOPIC String and Handling Function I Objectives To know the String handling function used

Part II String Handling Functions 1 amp 2

1 What is a null-terminated string __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 To hold a string that is 18 characters long how must the character array be __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 Show how to initialize a four-element array of int to the values 123 and 4 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 How can this initialization be rewritten char str[6] = lsquoHrsquo lsquoersquo lsquolrsquo lsquolrsquo lsquoorsquo lsquoOrsquo)


5 Rewrite the following as an unsized array Int nums[4] = 44 55 66 77


Supplementary Programming (50 points) 1 Write a program that prompts the user for two strings and then compares the strings for equality

but ignores case differences Thus ldquookrdquo and ldquoOKrdquo will compare as equal

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Chapter 4

Introduction to Pointers

A pointer is an object that contains a memory address Very often this address is the

location of another object such as a variable For example if x contains the address of y

then x is said to ―point to y

Pointer variables must be declared as such The general form of a pointer variable

declaration is

type var-name

Here type is the pointerlsquos base type The base type determines what type of data

the pointer will be pointing to var-name is the name of the pointer variable For example

to declare ip to be a pointer to an int use this declaration

int ip

Since the base type of ip is int it can be used to point to int values Here a float

pointer is declared

float fp

In this case the base type of fp is float which means that it can be used to point to

a float value

In general in a declaration statement preceding a variable name with an causes

that variable to become a pointer

The Pointer Operator

There are two special operators that are used with pointers and amp The amp is a

unary operator that returns the memory address of its operand

For example

ptr = amptotal

puts into ptr the memory address of the variable total This address is the location of

total in the computerlsquos internal memory It has nothing to do with the value of total The

operation of amp can be remembered as returning ―the address of the variable it precedes

Therefore the preceding assignment statement could be verbalized as ―ptr receives the

address of total To better understand this assignment assume that the variable total is

located at address 100 Then after the assignment takes place ptr has the value 100 The

second operator is and it is the complement of amp It is a unary operator that returns the

value of the variable located at the address specified by its operand Continuing with the

same example if ptr contains the memory address of the variable total then

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 20 of 66

val = ptr

will place the value of total into val For example if total originally had the value

3200 then val will have the value 3200 because that is the value stored at location 100

the memory address that was assigned to ptr The operation of can be remembered as ―at

address In this case then the statement could be read as ―val receives the value at

address ptr

The following program executes the sequence of the operations just described

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int total

int ptr

int val

total = 3200 assign 3200 to total

ptr = amptotal get address of total

val = ptr get value at that address

cout ltlt Total is ltlt val ltlt n

return 0

It is unfortunate that the multiplication symbol and the ―at address symbol are the

same This fact sometimes confuses newcomers to the C++ language These operators

have no relationship to each other Keep in mind that both amp and have a higher

precedence than any of the arithmetic operators except the unary minus with which they

have equal precedence The act of using a pointer is often called indirection because you are

accessing one variable indirectly through another variable

The Base Type of a Pointer

In the preceding discussion you saw that it was possible to assign val the value of

total indirectly through a pointer At this point you may have thought of this important question How does C++ know how many bytes to copy into val from the address pointed

to by ptr Or more generally how does the compiler transfer the proper number of bytes for any assignment involving a pointer The answer is that the base type of the pointer

determines the type of data upon which the pointer operates In this case because ptr is an

int pointer four bytes of information are copied into val (assuming a 32-bit int) from the address pointed to by ptr However if ptr had been a double pointer for example then

eight bytes would have been copied

It is important to ensure that pointer variables always point to the correct type of data For example when you declare a pointer to be of type int the compiler assumes that

anything it points to will be an integer variable If it doesnlsquot point to an integer variable then trouble is usually not far behind For example the following fragment is incorrect

int p double f p = ampf ERROR

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 21 of 66

This fragment is invalid because you cannot assign a double pointer to an integer pointer That is ampf generates a pointer to a double but p is a pointer to an int These two

types are not compatible (In fact the compiler would flag an error at this point and not compile your program) Although two pointers must have compatible types in order for one

to be assigned to another you can override this restriction (at your own risk) using a cast For example the following fragment is now technically correct

int p double f p = (int ) ampf Now technically OK

The cast to int causes the double pointer to be converted to an integer pointer However to use a cast for this purpose is questionable practice The reason is that the base

type of a pointer determines how the compiler treats the data it points to In this case even though p is actually pointing to a floating-point value the compiler still ―thinks that p is

pointing to an int (because p is an int pointer)

To better understand why using a cast to assign one type of pointer to another is not usually a good idea consider the following short program

This program will not work right include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

double xy int p

x = 12323 p = (int ) ampx use cast to assign double to int

y = p what will this do

cout ltlt y what will this print

return 0

Here is the output produced by the program (You might see a different value)


This value is clearly not 12323 Here is why In the program p (which is an integer

pointer) has been assigned the address of x (which is a double) Thus when y is assigned the value pointed to by p y receives only four bytes of data (and not the eight required for

a double value) because p is an integer pointer Therefore the cout statement displays not 12323 but a garbage value instead

Assigning value to pointers

You can use a pointer on the left-hand side of an assignment statement to assign a value to the location pointed to by the pointer Assuming that p is an int pointer this

assigns the value 101 to the location pointed to by p

p = 101

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You can verbalize this assignment like this ―At the location pointed to by p assign the value 101 To increment or decrement the value at the location pointed to by a pointer

you can use a statement like this


The parentheses are necessary because the operator has lower precedence than does the ++ operator

The following program demonstrates an assignment through a pointer

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int p num

p = ampnum

p = 100 assign num the value 100 through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)++ increment num through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)-- decrement num through p cout ltlt num ltlt nlsquo

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

100 101 100

Pointer Expressions

Pointers can be used in most C++ expressions However some special rules apply

Remember also that you may need to surround some parts of a pointer expression with parentheses in order to ensure that the outcome is what you desire

Pointer Arithmetic There are only four arithmetic operators that can be used on

pointers ++ ndash ndash + and ndash To understand what occurs in pointer arithmetic let p1 be an int pointer with a current value of 2000 (that is it contains the address 2000) Assuming

32-bit integers after the expression


The contents of p1 will be 2004 not 2001 The reason for this is that each time p1

is incremented it will point to the next int The same is true of decrements For example again assuming that p1 has the value 2000 the expression

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causes p1 to have the value 1996

Generalizing from the preceding example the following rules apply to pointer

arithmetic Each time that a pointer is incremented it will point to the memory location of the next element of its base type Each time it is decremented it will point to the location of

the previous element of its base type In the case of character pointers an increment or decrement will appear as ―normal arithmetic because characters are one byte long

However every other type of pointer will increase or decrease by the length of its base

type You are not limited to only increment and decrement operations You can also add or subtract integers to or from pointers The expression

p1 = p1 + 9

makes p1 point to the ninth element of p1lsquos base type beyond the one to which it is

currently pointing

Although you cannot add pointers you can subtract one pointer from another

(provided they are both of the same base type) The remainder will be the number of elements of the base type that separate the two pointers

Other than addition and subtraction of a pointer and an integer or the subtraction of

two pointers no other arithmetic operations can be performed on pointers For example you cannot add or subtract float or double values to or from pointers

To graphically see the effects of pointer arithmetic execute the next short program

It creates an int pointer (i) and a double pointer (f) It then adds the values 0 through 9 to

these pointers and displays the results Observe how each address changes relative to its base type each time the loop is repeated (For most 32-bit compilers i will increase by 4s

and f will increase by 8s) Notice that when using a pointer in a cout statement its address is automatically displayed in the addressing format applicable to the CPU and environment

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int I j[10]

double f g[10] int x

i = j

f = g

for (x=0 xlt10 x++)

cout ltlt i+x ltlt ltlt f+x ltlt nlsquo display the addresses produced by adding x

to each pointer

Here is a sample run (The precise values you see may differ from these)

0012FE5C 09012FE84

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 24 of 66

0012FE60 0012FE8C

0012FE64 0012FE94 0012FE68 0012FE9C

0012FE6C 0012FEA4 0012FE70 0012FEAC

0012FE74 0012FEB4 0012FE78 0012FEBC

0012FE7C 0012FEC4

0012FE80 0012FECC

Pointer Comparisons

Pointers may be compared using the relational operators such as == lt and gt In general for the outcome of a pointer comparison to be meaningful the two pointers must

have some relationship to each other For example both may point to elements within the same array There is however one other type of pointer comparison any pointer can be

compared to the null pointer which is zero

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I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers in C and its use

II Basic Information Scenario Answer the following using Pointers

1 What is a pointer


2 Show how to declare a long int pointer called valPtr __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 As they relate to pointers what do the and amp operators do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7 What are two pointer operators __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 5

Pointers and Arrays

In C++ there is a close relationship between pointers and arrays In fact frequently a pointer and an array are interchangeable Consider this fragment

char str[80] char p1

p1 = str

Here str is an array of 80 characters and p1 is a character pointer However it is the third line that is of interest In this line p1 is assigned the address of the first element in

the str array (That is after the assignment p1 will point to str[0]) Herelsquos why In C++ using the name of an array without an index generates a pointer to the first element in the

array Thus the assignment

p1 = str

assigns the address of str[0] to p1 This is a crucial point to understand When an


array name is used in an expression it yields a pointer to the first element in the array Since after the assignment p1 points to the beginning of str you can use p1 to


elements in the array For example if you want to access the fifth element in str you can use




Both statements obtain the fifth element Remember array indices start at zero so when str is indexed a 4 is used to access the fifth element A 4 is also added to the pointer

p1 to get the fifth element because p1 currently points to the first element of str

The parentheses surrounding p1+4 are necessary because the operation has a

higher priority than the + operation Without them the expression would first find the value pointed to by p1 (the first location in the array) and then add 4 to it In effect C++ allows

two methods of accessing array elements pointer arithmetic and array indexing This is important because pointer arithmetic can sometimes be faster than array indexingmdash

especially when you are accessing an array in strictly sequential order Since speed is often a consideration in programming the use of pointers to access array elements is very

common in C++ programs Also you can sometimes write tighter code by using pointers

instead of array indexing

Here is an example that demonstrates the difference between using array indexing and pointer arithmetic to access the elements of an array We will create two versions of a

program that reverse the case of letters within a string The first version uses array indexing The second uses pointer arithmetic The first version is shown here

Reverse case using array indexing

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include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = This Is A Test

cout ltlt Original string ltlt str ltlt n

for(i = 0 str[i] i++)

if(isupper(str[i])) str[i] = tolower(str[i]) else if(islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt Inverted-case string ltlt str

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

Original string This Is A Test Inverted-case string tHIS iS a tEST

Notice that the program uses the isupper( ) and islower( ) library functions to determine the case of a letter The isupper( ) function returns true when its argument is an

uppercase letter islower( ) returns true when its argument is a lowercase letter Inside the for loop str is indexed and the case of each letter is checked and changed The loop

iterates until the null terminating str is indexed Since a null is zero (false) the loop stops

Here is the same program rewritten to use pointer arithmetic

Reverse case using array indexing

include ltiostreamgt include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = ―This Is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

for i = 0 str[i] i++) if (iupper(str[i]))

else if (islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i]

cout ltlt ―Inverted-case string ― ltlt str return 0

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In this version p is set to the start of str Then inside the while loop the letter at p

is checked and changed and then p is incremented The loop stops when p points to the null terminator that ends str Because of the way some C++ compilers generate code these

two programs may not be equivalent in performance Generally it takes more machine instructions to index an array than it does to perform arithmetic on a pointer Consequently

in professionally written C++ code it is common to see the pointer version used more frequently However as a beginning C++ programmer feel free to use array indexing until

you are comfortable with pointers

Indexing a Pointer

As you have just seen it is possible to access an array using pointer arithmetic

What you might find surprising is that the reverse is also true In C++ it is possible to index a pointer as if it were an array Here is an example It is a third version of the case-

changing program

index a pointer as if it were an array

include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt

using namespace std


char p int i

char str[80]=This is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

p = str assign the p address of the start of the array now index p

for (I = 0 p[i] i++)

if (isupper(p[i])) p[i] = tolowerp[i])

else if (islower(p[i])

p[i] = toupper(p[i])

cout ltlt ―Inverted ndash case string lt str

return 0

The program creates a char pointer called p and then assigns to that pointer the

address of the first element in str Inside the for loop p is indexed using the normal array indexing syntax This is perfectly valid because in C++ the statement p[i] is function

functionally identical to (p+i) This further illustrates the close relationship between pointers and arrays

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 4 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and Arrays I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers and Arrays using C

II Tasks Procedure Instructions Answer the following questions

1 Can an array be accessed through a pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Can a pointer be indexed as if it were an array __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 An array name used by itself with no index yields what __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 6

Pointers and String

Strings and Constants

You might be wondering how string constants like the one in the fragment shown

here are handled by C++

cout ltlt strlen(Xanadu)

The answer is that when the compiler encounters a string constant it stores it in the

programlsquos string table and generates a pointer to the string Thus ―Xanadu yields a pointer to its entry in the string table Therefore the following program is perfectly valid and prints

the phrase Pointers add power to C++

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char ptr

ptr = ―Pointers add power to C++ n ptr is assigned the address of this string constant

cout ltlt ptr

return 0

In this program the characters that make up a string constant are stored in the string table and ptr is assigned a pointer to the string in that table

Since a pointer into your programlsquos string table is generated automatically whenever

a string constant is used you might be tempted to use this fact to modify the contents of the string table However this is usually not a good idea because many C++ compilers

create optimized tables in which one string constant may be used at two or more different

places in your program Thus changing a string may cause undesired side effects

Reversing a String in Place

Earlier it was mentioned that comparing one pointer to another is meaningful only if the two pointers point to a common object such as an array Now that you understand how

pointers and arrays relate you can apply pointer comparisons to streamline some types of algorithms In this project you will see an example The program developed here reverses

the contents of a string in place Thus instead of copying the string back-to-front into

another array it reverses the contents of the string inside the array that holds it The program uses two pointer variables to accomplish this One initially points to the beginning

of a string and the other initially points to the last character in the string A loop is set up that continues to run as long as the start pointer is less than the end pointer Each time

through the loop the characters pointed to by the pointers are swapped and the pointers are advanced When the start pointer is greater than or equal to the end pointer the string

has been reversed Step by step

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1 Create a file called StrRevcpp 2 Begin by adding these lines to the file

Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test

char start end int len

char t

The string to be reversed is contained in str The pointers start and end will be used

to access the string

3 Add these lines which display the original string obtain the stringlsquos length and set the initial values for the start and end pointers

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

Notice that end points to the last character in the string not the null terminator

4 Add the code that reverse the string

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts

starts = end end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The process works like this As long as the start pointer points to a memory

location that is less than the end pointer the loop iterates Inside the loop the characters being pointed to by start and end are swapped Then start is incremented

and end is decremented When end is greater than or equal to start all of the characters in the string have been reversed Since both start and end point into the

same array their comparison is meaningful

5 Here is the complete StrRevcpp program

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Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test char start end

int len char t

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts starts = end

end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The output from the program is shown here Original this is a test Reversed

tset a si siht

Arrays of Pointers

Pointers can be arrayed like any other data type For example declaration for an int

pointer array of size 10 is

int p[10]

Here pi is an array of ten integer pointers To assign the address of an int variable

called var to the third element of the pointer array you would write

int var

fpi[2] = ampvar

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Remember pi is an array of int pointers The only thing that the array elements can

hold are the addresses of integer valuesmdashnot the values themselves To find the value of var you would write


Like other arrays arrays of pointers can be initialized A common use for initialized

pointer arrays is to hold pointers to strings Here is an example that uses a two-dimensional array of character pointers to implement a small dictionary

Here is a sample run

Enter word network

An interconnected group of computers

When the array dictionary is created it is initialized with a set of words and their

meanings Recall C++ stores all string constants in the string table associated with your program so the array need only store pointers to the strings The program works by testing

the word entered by the user against the strings stored in the dictionary If a match is found the meaning is displayed If no match is found an error message is printed Notice

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that dictionary ends with two null strings These mark the end of the array Recall that a

null string contains only the terminating null character The for loop runs until the first character in a string is null This condition is tested with this expression


The array indices specify a pointer to a string The obtains the character at that

location If this character is null then the expression is false and the loop terminates Otherwise the expression is true and the loop continues

The Null Pointer Convention

After a pointer is declared but before it has been assigned it will contain an arbitrary value Should you try to use the pointer prior to giving it a value you will probably

crash your program While there is no sure way to avoid using an uninitialized pointer C++ programmers have adopted a procedure that helps prevent some errors By convention if a

pointer contains the null (zero) value it is assumed to point to nothing Thus if all unused pointers are given the null value and you avoid the use of a null pointer you can avoid the

accidental misuse of an uninitialized pointer This is a good practice to follow

Any type of pointer can be initialized to null when it is declared For example the

following initializes p to null

float p = 0 p is now a null pointer

To check for a null pointer use an if statement like one of these

if(p) succeeds if p is not null

if(p) succeeds if p is null

Multiple Indirection

A pointer to a pointer is a form of multiple indirection or a chain of pointers Consider Figure 4-2 As you can see in the case of a normal pointer the value of the

pointer is the address of a value In the case of a pointer to a pointer the first pointer

contains the address of the second pointer which points to the location that contains the desired value Multiple indirection can be carried on to whatever extent desired but there

are few cases where more than a pointer to a pointer is needed or indeed even wise to use Excessive indirection is difficult to follow and prone to conceptual errors

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 5 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and String I Objectives To know how is Pointers and String worked using C II Tasks Procedure Instructions Asnwer the following question

1 What is it called when one pointer points to another pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Of what significant is a null pointer in C++ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that counts the uppercase letters in a string Have it display the result

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Chapter 7

Structures in Arrays Functions and Pointers

What is a Structure

Structure is a collection of variables under a single name Variables can be of any type int float char etc The main difference between structure and array is that arrays are

collections of the same data type and structure is a collection of variables under a single name

Declaring a Structure

The structure is declared by using the keyword struct followed by structure name

also called a tag Then the structure members (variables) are defined with their type and variable names inside the open and close braces and Finally the closed braces end with

a semicolon denoted as following the statement The above structure declaration is also called a Structure Specifier


Three variables custnum of type int salary of type int commission of type float are structuremembers and the structure name is Customer This structure is declared as


In the above example it is seen that variables of different types such as int and float are

grouped in a single structure name Customer

Arrays behave in the same way declaring structures does not mean that memory is

allocated Structure declaration gives a skeleton or template for the structure

After declaring the structure the next step is to define a structure variable

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How to declare Structure Variable

This is similar to variable declaration For variable declaration data type is defined followed

by variable name For structure variable declaration the data type is the name of the structure followed by thestructure variable name

In the above example structure variable cust1 is defined as

What happens when this is defined When structure is defined it allocates or reserves space in memory The memory space allocated will be cumulative of all

defined structure members In the above example there are 3 structure members

custnum salary and commission Of these two are of type int and one is of type float If integer space allocated by a system is 2 bytes and float four bytes the above would

allocate 2bytes for custnum 2 bytes for salary and 4 bytes for commission

How to access structure members in C++

To access structure members the operator used is the dot operator denoted by () The

dot operatorfor accessing structure members is used thusly

structure variable namemember name

For example

To assign 2000 for the structure member salary in the above example of structure

Customer with structure variable cust1 this is written as

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Pointers to structures

All that we have discussed so far has been OK but runs into problems when structures have

to be moved between functions for the following reasons

if the structure is large it is more efficient to pass a pointer to the structure instead of the structure its self This techniquepri is also used to pass pointers to

arrays between functions

When passing a structure to a function you actually pass a COPY of the structure Therefore it is not possible to change the values of members within the structure as

the copy is destroyed when the function ends

Here is an example (these are 2 examples the one to the left uses a pointer)

| |

struct x int a int b int c | struct x int a int b int c

| void function(struct x) | void function(struct x )

| main() | main()

| struct x z | struct x z pz 3

| pz = ampz 4 za = 10 1 | za = 10

za++ | za++

| function(z) 2 | function(pz) 5

| |

void function( struct x z) | void function(struct x pz) | 6

printf( first member d n za) | printf( first member d n (pz)a) |


Here is the annotation

1 Give a structure member a value 2 Pass a COPY of the whole structure to the function

3 Define pz a pointer to a structure of type x

4 Put the address of z into pz pz now POINTS to z PLEASE NOTE z is defined to reserve memory equal to the size of the structure pz only holds an address so will

be 4 bytes long 5 Pass the pointer into the function

6 Print the value of the member a

The (pz)a syntax is used a great deal in C and it was decided to create a short hand for

it So

(pz)a == pz-gta

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Structures and Arrays

include ltiostreamgt

include ltfstreamhgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

ofstream outData

input file structure ifstream inData

char menu_id[10] char menu_name[10]

char menu_col[10]

char menu_row[10] char button_id[10]

char button_label_1[10] char button_label_2[10]

char button_label_3[10] char button_col[10]

char button_row[10]

menu file structure

struct menu

int mid char name[20]

int mcol int mrow

int bid char blabel[24]

int bcol

int brow

List of menus

enum menu_id

MAIN = 1

Define Main menu

menu Main_menu[3]

void createMenu(menu newMenu[] int menu_num MAS_Configure_Button_Request_Messagemsg )

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 40 of 66

int y = 0

while ((inDatagetline(menu_id10 $)eof()) ampamp (atoi(menu_id) == menu_num))

newMenu[y]mid= atoi(menu_id)

inDatagetline(menu_name 10 $)

newMenu[y]name[0] = 0

strcpy(newMenu[y]namemenu_name) outData ltlt Main Menu Name ltlt newMenu[y]name ltlt

inDatagetline( menu_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]mcol = atoi(menu_col)

inDatagetline( menu_row 10 $) newMenu[y]mrow = atoi(menu_row)

inDatagetline( button_id 10 $) newMenu[y]bid = atoi(button_id)

inDatagetline( button_label_1 10 $)

inDatagetline( button_label_2 10 $) inDatagetline( button_label_3 10 $)

newMenu[y]blabel[0] = 0 strcpy(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_1)


strcat(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_3) outData ltlt newMenu[y]blabel ltlt

inDatagetline( button_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]bcol = atoi(button_col)

inDatagetline( button_row 10 n)

newMenu[y]brow = atoi(button_row) y++

int main()

int loop

inDataopen(datatxt) if (inData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening datatxt End program ltlt endl


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outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 42 of 66

recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 43 of 66

Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

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Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

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the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

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main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

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include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

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next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

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1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

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47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 12: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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Notice that in a cout statement str can be used directly In general the name of a

character array that holds a string can be used any place that a string constant can be used

Keep in mind that neither cin nor gets( ) performs any bounds checking on the array

that receives input Therefore if the user enters a string longer than the size of the array

the array will be overwritten

Some string Library Functions

C++ supports a wide range of string manipulation functions The most common are





The string functions all use the same header ltstringgt Letlsquos take a look at these

functions now


A call to strcpy( ) takes this general form

strcpy(to from)

The strcpy( ) function copies the contents of the string from into to Remember the

array that forms to must be large enough to hold the string contained in from If it isnlsquot the

to array will be overrun which will probably crash your program


A call to strcat( ) takes this form strcat(s1 s2) The strcat( ) function appends s2 to

the end of s1 s2 is unchanged You must ensure that s1 is large enough to hold its original

contents and those of s2


A call to strcmp( ) takes this general form

strcmp(s1 s2)

The strcmp( ) function compares two strings and returns 0 if they are equal If s1 is

greater than s2 lexicographically (that is according to dictionary order) then a positive

number is returned if it is less than s2 a negative number is returned

The key to using strcmp( ) is to remember that it returns false when the strings


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Therefore you will need to use the operator if you want something to occur when

the strings are equal For example the condition controlling the following if statement is

true when str is equal to ―C++

if(strcmp(str C++)

cout ltlt str is C++


The general form of a call to strlen( ) is


Example using strlen

include ltstringhgt

include ltiostreamgt

include ltconiohgt

using namespace std

int main()

char aString1[11] = abcdefghij

aString2[11] = tooShort


unsigned int len1 len2 len3

cout ltlt endl ltlt endl

cout ltlt Please supply a third string

cingetline(aString3 11) n delimiter assumed

len1 = strlen(aString1)

len2 = strlen(aString2)

len3 = strlen(aString3)

cout ltlt endl ltlt String 1 ltlt aString1 ltlt length =

ltlt len1 ltlt endl ltlt String 2 ltlt aString2

ltlt length = ltlt len2 ltlt endl ltlt String 3

ltlt aString3 ltlt length = ltlt len3

cout ltlt endl ltlt endl


return 0

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where s is a string The strlen( ) function returns the length of the string pointed to by s

A String Function Example

The following program illustrates the use of all four string functions

Demonstrate the string functions

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstringhgt

include ltwindowshgt

include ltconiohgt

using namespace std

int main()

char s1[80]s2[80]

strcpy(s1 C++)

strcpy(s2 is power programming)

cout ltlt lengths ltlt strlen(s1)

cout ltlt ltlt strlen(s2) ltlt n

if(strcmp(s1 s2))

cout ltlt The strings are equaln

else cout ltlt not equaln

strcat(s1 s2)

cout ltlt s1 ltlt n

strcpy(s2 s1)

cout ltlt s1 ltlt and ltlt s2 ltlt n

if(strcmp(s1 s2))

cout ltlt s1 and s2 are now the samen


return 0

Here is the output

lengths 3 22

not equal

C++ is power programming

C++ is power programming and C++ is power programming

s1 and s2 are now the same

Using the Null Terminator

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The fact that strings are null-terminated can often be used to simplify various

operations For example the following program converts a string to uppercase

Convert a string to uppercase

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

include ltconiohgt

include ltctypehgt

include ltwindowshgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[80]

int i

strcpy (str this is a test)

for (i=0 str[1] i++)

str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt str


return 0

The output from this program is shown here


This program uses the library function toupper() which returns the uppercase

equivalent of its character argument to convert each character in the string The upper()

function uses the header ltctypehgt

Notice that the test condition of the for loop is simply the array indexed by the

condition variable The reason this works is that a true value is any non-zero value

Remember all character values are non-zero but the null terminating the string is zero

Because the null terminator marks the end of the string the loop stops precisely where it is

supposed to

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Table 1 Character functions in ltctypehgt

Function Function Signature


isalnum() int isalnum(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is alphabetic or numeric

isalpha() int isalpha(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is alphabetic

iscntrl() int iscntrl(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a control character

isdigit() int isdigit(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a digit 0 - 9

isgraph() int isgraph(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a non-blank but printing character

islower() int islower(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a lower case alphabetic character ie a - z

isprint() int isprint(intc) Returns a non-zero if c is printable non-blanks and white

space included

ispunct() int ispunct(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a printable character but not alpha numeric or blank

isspace() int isspace(int c) Returns a non-zero for blanks and these escape sequences

f n r t and v

isupper() int isupper(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is an upper-case alphabetic character

ie A - Z

isxdigit() int isxdigit(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a hexadecimal character 0 - 9 a - f or A - F

tolower() int tolower(int c) Returns the lower case version if c is an upper case character

otherwise returns c

toupper() int toupper(int c) Returns the upper case version if c is a lower case character otherwise returns c

Table 2 Some String Handling Functions in ltstringhgt

Functions Function Signature Description

strcat() char strcat(char s1

const char s2) Adds string s2 onto the end of s1 (conCATenation)

strchr() char strchr(const char

s int c)

Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of c in

string s Returns NULL if c is not found in s

strcmp() int strcmp(const char

s1 const char s2)

Compares s1 and s2 alphabetically Returns a negative zero or positive number depending on

whether s1 is before the same as or after s2 if you

were alphabetizing s1 and s2

strcpy() char strcpy(char s1

const char s2) Copies s2 into s1 and returns a point to s1

strlen() size_t strlen(const char s)

Returns the number of characters in the string s starting at s[0] and ending before the first NULL

strncat() char strncat(char s1

const char s2 size_t n)

Tacks on the first n characters of s2 onto s1 A

pointer to s1 is returned

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strncmp() int strncmp(const char s1 const char s2 size_t


Compares s1 with the first n characters of s2 Returns a negative zero or positive integer (just like


strncpy() char strncpy(char s1 const chars2 size_t n)

Copies the first n characters of s2 into the first n characters of s1

strrchr() char strrchr(const

chars int c)

Returns a pointer to the last occurence of c in string

s (Compare with strchr())

strstr() char strstr(const char

s1 const char s2)

Returns the address of the first occurence of string s2 that is also in string s1 Returns NULL if s2 is not

found in s1

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 2 COURSE TOPIC String and Handling Function I Objectives To know the String handling function used

Part II String Handling Functions 1 amp 2

1 What is a null-terminated string __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 To hold a string that is 18 characters long how must the character array be __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 Show how to initialize a four-element array of int to the values 123 and 4 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 How can this initialization be rewritten char str[6] = lsquoHrsquo lsquoersquo lsquolrsquo lsquolrsquo lsquoorsquo lsquoOrsquo)


5 Rewrite the following as an unsized array Int nums[4] = 44 55 66 77


Supplementary Programming (50 points) 1 Write a program that prompts the user for two strings and then compares the strings for equality

but ignores case differences Thus ldquookrdquo and ldquoOKrdquo will compare as equal

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Chapter 4

Introduction to Pointers

A pointer is an object that contains a memory address Very often this address is the

location of another object such as a variable For example if x contains the address of y

then x is said to ―point to y

Pointer variables must be declared as such The general form of a pointer variable

declaration is

type var-name

Here type is the pointerlsquos base type The base type determines what type of data

the pointer will be pointing to var-name is the name of the pointer variable For example

to declare ip to be a pointer to an int use this declaration

int ip

Since the base type of ip is int it can be used to point to int values Here a float

pointer is declared

float fp

In this case the base type of fp is float which means that it can be used to point to

a float value

In general in a declaration statement preceding a variable name with an causes

that variable to become a pointer

The Pointer Operator

There are two special operators that are used with pointers and amp The amp is a

unary operator that returns the memory address of its operand

For example

ptr = amptotal

puts into ptr the memory address of the variable total This address is the location of

total in the computerlsquos internal memory It has nothing to do with the value of total The

operation of amp can be remembered as returning ―the address of the variable it precedes

Therefore the preceding assignment statement could be verbalized as ―ptr receives the

address of total To better understand this assignment assume that the variable total is

located at address 100 Then after the assignment takes place ptr has the value 100 The

second operator is and it is the complement of amp It is a unary operator that returns the

value of the variable located at the address specified by its operand Continuing with the

same example if ptr contains the memory address of the variable total then

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val = ptr

will place the value of total into val For example if total originally had the value

3200 then val will have the value 3200 because that is the value stored at location 100

the memory address that was assigned to ptr The operation of can be remembered as ―at

address In this case then the statement could be read as ―val receives the value at

address ptr

The following program executes the sequence of the operations just described

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int total

int ptr

int val

total = 3200 assign 3200 to total

ptr = amptotal get address of total

val = ptr get value at that address

cout ltlt Total is ltlt val ltlt n

return 0

It is unfortunate that the multiplication symbol and the ―at address symbol are the

same This fact sometimes confuses newcomers to the C++ language These operators

have no relationship to each other Keep in mind that both amp and have a higher

precedence than any of the arithmetic operators except the unary minus with which they

have equal precedence The act of using a pointer is often called indirection because you are

accessing one variable indirectly through another variable

The Base Type of a Pointer

In the preceding discussion you saw that it was possible to assign val the value of

total indirectly through a pointer At this point you may have thought of this important question How does C++ know how many bytes to copy into val from the address pointed

to by ptr Or more generally how does the compiler transfer the proper number of bytes for any assignment involving a pointer The answer is that the base type of the pointer

determines the type of data upon which the pointer operates In this case because ptr is an

int pointer four bytes of information are copied into val (assuming a 32-bit int) from the address pointed to by ptr However if ptr had been a double pointer for example then

eight bytes would have been copied

It is important to ensure that pointer variables always point to the correct type of data For example when you declare a pointer to be of type int the compiler assumes that

anything it points to will be an integer variable If it doesnlsquot point to an integer variable then trouble is usually not far behind For example the following fragment is incorrect

int p double f p = ampf ERROR

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This fragment is invalid because you cannot assign a double pointer to an integer pointer That is ampf generates a pointer to a double but p is a pointer to an int These two

types are not compatible (In fact the compiler would flag an error at this point and not compile your program) Although two pointers must have compatible types in order for one

to be assigned to another you can override this restriction (at your own risk) using a cast For example the following fragment is now technically correct

int p double f p = (int ) ampf Now technically OK

The cast to int causes the double pointer to be converted to an integer pointer However to use a cast for this purpose is questionable practice The reason is that the base

type of a pointer determines how the compiler treats the data it points to In this case even though p is actually pointing to a floating-point value the compiler still ―thinks that p is

pointing to an int (because p is an int pointer)

To better understand why using a cast to assign one type of pointer to another is not usually a good idea consider the following short program

This program will not work right include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

double xy int p

x = 12323 p = (int ) ampx use cast to assign double to int

y = p what will this do

cout ltlt y what will this print

return 0

Here is the output produced by the program (You might see a different value)


This value is clearly not 12323 Here is why In the program p (which is an integer

pointer) has been assigned the address of x (which is a double) Thus when y is assigned the value pointed to by p y receives only four bytes of data (and not the eight required for

a double value) because p is an integer pointer Therefore the cout statement displays not 12323 but a garbage value instead

Assigning value to pointers

You can use a pointer on the left-hand side of an assignment statement to assign a value to the location pointed to by the pointer Assuming that p is an int pointer this

assigns the value 101 to the location pointed to by p

p = 101

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You can verbalize this assignment like this ―At the location pointed to by p assign the value 101 To increment or decrement the value at the location pointed to by a pointer

you can use a statement like this


The parentheses are necessary because the operator has lower precedence than does the ++ operator

The following program demonstrates an assignment through a pointer

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int p num

p = ampnum

p = 100 assign num the value 100 through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)++ increment num through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)-- decrement num through p cout ltlt num ltlt nlsquo

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

100 101 100

Pointer Expressions

Pointers can be used in most C++ expressions However some special rules apply

Remember also that you may need to surround some parts of a pointer expression with parentheses in order to ensure that the outcome is what you desire

Pointer Arithmetic There are only four arithmetic operators that can be used on

pointers ++ ndash ndash + and ndash To understand what occurs in pointer arithmetic let p1 be an int pointer with a current value of 2000 (that is it contains the address 2000) Assuming

32-bit integers after the expression


The contents of p1 will be 2004 not 2001 The reason for this is that each time p1

is incremented it will point to the next int The same is true of decrements For example again assuming that p1 has the value 2000 the expression

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causes p1 to have the value 1996

Generalizing from the preceding example the following rules apply to pointer

arithmetic Each time that a pointer is incremented it will point to the memory location of the next element of its base type Each time it is decremented it will point to the location of

the previous element of its base type In the case of character pointers an increment or decrement will appear as ―normal arithmetic because characters are one byte long

However every other type of pointer will increase or decrease by the length of its base

type You are not limited to only increment and decrement operations You can also add or subtract integers to or from pointers The expression

p1 = p1 + 9

makes p1 point to the ninth element of p1lsquos base type beyond the one to which it is

currently pointing

Although you cannot add pointers you can subtract one pointer from another

(provided they are both of the same base type) The remainder will be the number of elements of the base type that separate the two pointers

Other than addition and subtraction of a pointer and an integer or the subtraction of

two pointers no other arithmetic operations can be performed on pointers For example you cannot add or subtract float or double values to or from pointers

To graphically see the effects of pointer arithmetic execute the next short program

It creates an int pointer (i) and a double pointer (f) It then adds the values 0 through 9 to

these pointers and displays the results Observe how each address changes relative to its base type each time the loop is repeated (For most 32-bit compilers i will increase by 4s

and f will increase by 8s) Notice that when using a pointer in a cout statement its address is automatically displayed in the addressing format applicable to the CPU and environment

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int I j[10]

double f g[10] int x

i = j

f = g

for (x=0 xlt10 x++)

cout ltlt i+x ltlt ltlt f+x ltlt nlsquo display the addresses produced by adding x

to each pointer

Here is a sample run (The precise values you see may differ from these)

0012FE5C 09012FE84

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0012FE60 0012FE8C

0012FE64 0012FE94 0012FE68 0012FE9C

0012FE6C 0012FEA4 0012FE70 0012FEAC

0012FE74 0012FEB4 0012FE78 0012FEBC

0012FE7C 0012FEC4

0012FE80 0012FECC

Pointer Comparisons

Pointers may be compared using the relational operators such as == lt and gt In general for the outcome of a pointer comparison to be meaningful the two pointers must

have some relationship to each other For example both may point to elements within the same array There is however one other type of pointer comparison any pointer can be

compared to the null pointer which is zero

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I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers in C and its use

II Basic Information Scenario Answer the following using Pointers

1 What is a pointer


2 Show how to declare a long int pointer called valPtr __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 As they relate to pointers what do the and amp operators do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7 What are two pointer operators __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 5

Pointers and Arrays

In C++ there is a close relationship between pointers and arrays In fact frequently a pointer and an array are interchangeable Consider this fragment

char str[80] char p1

p1 = str

Here str is an array of 80 characters and p1 is a character pointer However it is the third line that is of interest In this line p1 is assigned the address of the first element in

the str array (That is after the assignment p1 will point to str[0]) Herelsquos why In C++ using the name of an array without an index generates a pointer to the first element in the

array Thus the assignment

p1 = str

assigns the address of str[0] to p1 This is a crucial point to understand When an


array name is used in an expression it yields a pointer to the first element in the array Since after the assignment p1 points to the beginning of str you can use p1 to


elements in the array For example if you want to access the fifth element in str you can use




Both statements obtain the fifth element Remember array indices start at zero so when str is indexed a 4 is used to access the fifth element A 4 is also added to the pointer

p1 to get the fifth element because p1 currently points to the first element of str

The parentheses surrounding p1+4 are necessary because the operation has a

higher priority than the + operation Without them the expression would first find the value pointed to by p1 (the first location in the array) and then add 4 to it In effect C++ allows

two methods of accessing array elements pointer arithmetic and array indexing This is important because pointer arithmetic can sometimes be faster than array indexingmdash

especially when you are accessing an array in strictly sequential order Since speed is often a consideration in programming the use of pointers to access array elements is very

common in C++ programs Also you can sometimes write tighter code by using pointers

instead of array indexing

Here is an example that demonstrates the difference between using array indexing and pointer arithmetic to access the elements of an array We will create two versions of a

program that reverse the case of letters within a string The first version uses array indexing The second uses pointer arithmetic The first version is shown here

Reverse case using array indexing

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include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = This Is A Test

cout ltlt Original string ltlt str ltlt n

for(i = 0 str[i] i++)

if(isupper(str[i])) str[i] = tolower(str[i]) else if(islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt Inverted-case string ltlt str

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

Original string This Is A Test Inverted-case string tHIS iS a tEST

Notice that the program uses the isupper( ) and islower( ) library functions to determine the case of a letter The isupper( ) function returns true when its argument is an

uppercase letter islower( ) returns true when its argument is a lowercase letter Inside the for loop str is indexed and the case of each letter is checked and changed The loop

iterates until the null terminating str is indexed Since a null is zero (false) the loop stops

Here is the same program rewritten to use pointer arithmetic

Reverse case using array indexing

include ltiostreamgt include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = ―This Is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

for i = 0 str[i] i++) if (iupper(str[i]))

else if (islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i]

cout ltlt ―Inverted-case string ― ltlt str return 0

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In this version p is set to the start of str Then inside the while loop the letter at p

is checked and changed and then p is incremented The loop stops when p points to the null terminator that ends str Because of the way some C++ compilers generate code these

two programs may not be equivalent in performance Generally it takes more machine instructions to index an array than it does to perform arithmetic on a pointer Consequently

in professionally written C++ code it is common to see the pointer version used more frequently However as a beginning C++ programmer feel free to use array indexing until

you are comfortable with pointers

Indexing a Pointer

As you have just seen it is possible to access an array using pointer arithmetic

What you might find surprising is that the reverse is also true In C++ it is possible to index a pointer as if it were an array Here is an example It is a third version of the case-

changing program

index a pointer as if it were an array

include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt

using namespace std


char p int i

char str[80]=This is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

p = str assign the p address of the start of the array now index p

for (I = 0 p[i] i++)

if (isupper(p[i])) p[i] = tolowerp[i])

else if (islower(p[i])

p[i] = toupper(p[i])

cout ltlt ―Inverted ndash case string lt str

return 0

The program creates a char pointer called p and then assigns to that pointer the

address of the first element in str Inside the for loop p is indexed using the normal array indexing syntax This is perfectly valid because in C++ the statement p[i] is function

functionally identical to (p+i) This further illustrates the close relationship between pointers and arrays

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 4 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and Arrays I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers and Arrays using C

II Tasks Procedure Instructions Answer the following questions

1 Can an array be accessed through a pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Can a pointer be indexed as if it were an array __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 An array name used by itself with no index yields what __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 6

Pointers and String

Strings and Constants

You might be wondering how string constants like the one in the fragment shown

here are handled by C++

cout ltlt strlen(Xanadu)

The answer is that when the compiler encounters a string constant it stores it in the

programlsquos string table and generates a pointer to the string Thus ―Xanadu yields a pointer to its entry in the string table Therefore the following program is perfectly valid and prints

the phrase Pointers add power to C++

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char ptr

ptr = ―Pointers add power to C++ n ptr is assigned the address of this string constant

cout ltlt ptr

return 0

In this program the characters that make up a string constant are stored in the string table and ptr is assigned a pointer to the string in that table

Since a pointer into your programlsquos string table is generated automatically whenever

a string constant is used you might be tempted to use this fact to modify the contents of the string table However this is usually not a good idea because many C++ compilers

create optimized tables in which one string constant may be used at two or more different

places in your program Thus changing a string may cause undesired side effects

Reversing a String in Place

Earlier it was mentioned that comparing one pointer to another is meaningful only if the two pointers point to a common object such as an array Now that you understand how

pointers and arrays relate you can apply pointer comparisons to streamline some types of algorithms In this project you will see an example The program developed here reverses

the contents of a string in place Thus instead of copying the string back-to-front into

another array it reverses the contents of the string inside the array that holds it The program uses two pointer variables to accomplish this One initially points to the beginning

of a string and the other initially points to the last character in the string A loop is set up that continues to run as long as the start pointer is less than the end pointer Each time

through the loop the characters pointed to by the pointers are swapped and the pointers are advanced When the start pointer is greater than or equal to the end pointer the string

has been reversed Step by step

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1 Create a file called StrRevcpp 2 Begin by adding these lines to the file

Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test

char start end int len

char t

The string to be reversed is contained in str The pointers start and end will be used

to access the string

3 Add these lines which display the original string obtain the stringlsquos length and set the initial values for the start and end pointers

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

Notice that end points to the last character in the string not the null terminator

4 Add the code that reverse the string

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts

starts = end end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The process works like this As long as the start pointer points to a memory

location that is less than the end pointer the loop iterates Inside the loop the characters being pointed to by start and end are swapped Then start is incremented

and end is decremented When end is greater than or equal to start all of the characters in the string have been reversed Since both start and end point into the

same array their comparison is meaningful

5 Here is the complete StrRevcpp program

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Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test char start end

int len char t

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts starts = end

end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The output from the program is shown here Original this is a test Reversed

tset a si siht

Arrays of Pointers

Pointers can be arrayed like any other data type For example declaration for an int

pointer array of size 10 is

int p[10]

Here pi is an array of ten integer pointers To assign the address of an int variable

called var to the third element of the pointer array you would write

int var

fpi[2] = ampvar

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Remember pi is an array of int pointers The only thing that the array elements can

hold are the addresses of integer valuesmdashnot the values themselves To find the value of var you would write


Like other arrays arrays of pointers can be initialized A common use for initialized

pointer arrays is to hold pointers to strings Here is an example that uses a two-dimensional array of character pointers to implement a small dictionary

Here is a sample run

Enter word network

An interconnected group of computers

When the array dictionary is created it is initialized with a set of words and their

meanings Recall C++ stores all string constants in the string table associated with your program so the array need only store pointers to the strings The program works by testing

the word entered by the user against the strings stored in the dictionary If a match is found the meaning is displayed If no match is found an error message is printed Notice

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that dictionary ends with two null strings These mark the end of the array Recall that a

null string contains only the terminating null character The for loop runs until the first character in a string is null This condition is tested with this expression


The array indices specify a pointer to a string The obtains the character at that

location If this character is null then the expression is false and the loop terminates Otherwise the expression is true and the loop continues

The Null Pointer Convention

After a pointer is declared but before it has been assigned it will contain an arbitrary value Should you try to use the pointer prior to giving it a value you will probably

crash your program While there is no sure way to avoid using an uninitialized pointer C++ programmers have adopted a procedure that helps prevent some errors By convention if a

pointer contains the null (zero) value it is assumed to point to nothing Thus if all unused pointers are given the null value and you avoid the use of a null pointer you can avoid the

accidental misuse of an uninitialized pointer This is a good practice to follow

Any type of pointer can be initialized to null when it is declared For example the

following initializes p to null

float p = 0 p is now a null pointer

To check for a null pointer use an if statement like one of these

if(p) succeeds if p is not null

if(p) succeeds if p is null

Multiple Indirection

A pointer to a pointer is a form of multiple indirection or a chain of pointers Consider Figure 4-2 As you can see in the case of a normal pointer the value of the

pointer is the address of a value In the case of a pointer to a pointer the first pointer

contains the address of the second pointer which points to the location that contains the desired value Multiple indirection can be carried on to whatever extent desired but there

are few cases where more than a pointer to a pointer is needed or indeed even wise to use Excessive indirection is difficult to follow and prone to conceptual errors

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 5 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and String I Objectives To know how is Pointers and String worked using C II Tasks Procedure Instructions Asnwer the following question

1 What is it called when one pointer points to another pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Of what significant is a null pointer in C++ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that counts the uppercase letters in a string Have it display the result

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Chapter 7

Structures in Arrays Functions and Pointers

What is a Structure

Structure is a collection of variables under a single name Variables can be of any type int float char etc The main difference between structure and array is that arrays are

collections of the same data type and structure is a collection of variables under a single name

Declaring a Structure

The structure is declared by using the keyword struct followed by structure name

also called a tag Then the structure members (variables) are defined with their type and variable names inside the open and close braces and Finally the closed braces end with

a semicolon denoted as following the statement The above structure declaration is also called a Structure Specifier


Three variables custnum of type int salary of type int commission of type float are structuremembers and the structure name is Customer This structure is declared as


In the above example it is seen that variables of different types such as int and float are

grouped in a single structure name Customer

Arrays behave in the same way declaring structures does not mean that memory is

allocated Structure declaration gives a skeleton or template for the structure

After declaring the structure the next step is to define a structure variable

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How to declare Structure Variable

This is similar to variable declaration For variable declaration data type is defined followed

by variable name For structure variable declaration the data type is the name of the structure followed by thestructure variable name

In the above example structure variable cust1 is defined as

What happens when this is defined When structure is defined it allocates or reserves space in memory The memory space allocated will be cumulative of all

defined structure members In the above example there are 3 structure members

custnum salary and commission Of these two are of type int and one is of type float If integer space allocated by a system is 2 bytes and float four bytes the above would

allocate 2bytes for custnum 2 bytes for salary and 4 bytes for commission

How to access structure members in C++

To access structure members the operator used is the dot operator denoted by () The

dot operatorfor accessing structure members is used thusly

structure variable namemember name

For example

To assign 2000 for the structure member salary in the above example of structure

Customer with structure variable cust1 this is written as

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Pointers to structures

All that we have discussed so far has been OK but runs into problems when structures have

to be moved between functions for the following reasons

if the structure is large it is more efficient to pass a pointer to the structure instead of the structure its self This techniquepri is also used to pass pointers to

arrays between functions

When passing a structure to a function you actually pass a COPY of the structure Therefore it is not possible to change the values of members within the structure as

the copy is destroyed when the function ends

Here is an example (these are 2 examples the one to the left uses a pointer)

| |

struct x int a int b int c | struct x int a int b int c

| void function(struct x) | void function(struct x )

| main() | main()

| struct x z | struct x z pz 3

| pz = ampz 4 za = 10 1 | za = 10

za++ | za++

| function(z) 2 | function(pz) 5

| |

void function( struct x z) | void function(struct x pz) | 6

printf( first member d n za) | printf( first member d n (pz)a) |


Here is the annotation

1 Give a structure member a value 2 Pass a COPY of the whole structure to the function

3 Define pz a pointer to a structure of type x

4 Put the address of z into pz pz now POINTS to z PLEASE NOTE z is defined to reserve memory equal to the size of the structure pz only holds an address so will

be 4 bytes long 5 Pass the pointer into the function

6 Print the value of the member a

The (pz)a syntax is used a great deal in C and it was decided to create a short hand for

it So

(pz)a == pz-gta

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 39 of 66


Structures and Arrays

include ltiostreamgt

include ltfstreamhgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

ofstream outData

input file structure ifstream inData

char menu_id[10] char menu_name[10]

char menu_col[10]

char menu_row[10] char button_id[10]

char button_label_1[10] char button_label_2[10]

char button_label_3[10] char button_col[10]

char button_row[10]

menu file structure

struct menu

int mid char name[20]

int mcol int mrow

int bid char blabel[24]

int bcol

int brow

List of menus

enum menu_id

MAIN = 1

Define Main menu

menu Main_menu[3]

void createMenu(menu newMenu[] int menu_num MAS_Configure_Button_Request_Messagemsg )

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 40 of 66

int y = 0

while ((inDatagetline(menu_id10 $)eof()) ampamp (atoi(menu_id) == menu_num))

newMenu[y]mid= atoi(menu_id)

inDatagetline(menu_name 10 $)

newMenu[y]name[0] = 0

strcpy(newMenu[y]namemenu_name) outData ltlt Main Menu Name ltlt newMenu[y]name ltlt

inDatagetline( menu_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]mcol = atoi(menu_col)

inDatagetline( menu_row 10 $) newMenu[y]mrow = atoi(menu_row)

inDatagetline( button_id 10 $) newMenu[y]bid = atoi(button_id)

inDatagetline( button_label_1 10 $)

inDatagetline( button_label_2 10 $) inDatagetline( button_label_3 10 $)

newMenu[y]blabel[0] = 0 strcpy(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_1)


strcat(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_3) outData ltlt newMenu[y]blabel ltlt

inDatagetline( button_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]bcol = atoi(button_col)

inDatagetline( button_row 10 n)

newMenu[y]brow = atoi(button_row) y++

int main()

int loop

inDataopen(datatxt) if (inData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening datatxt End program ltlt endl


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outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 42 of 66

recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 43 of 66

Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 44 of 66

Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

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the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 50 of 66

main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

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include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 60 of 66

next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 64 of 66

1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 65 of 66


47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 13: A tutorial on C++ Programming

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 13 of 66

Therefore you will need to use the operator if you want something to occur when

the strings are equal For example the condition controlling the following if statement is

true when str is equal to ―C++

if(strcmp(str C++)

cout ltlt str is C++


The general form of a call to strlen( ) is


Example using strlen

include ltstringhgt

include ltiostreamgt

include ltconiohgt

using namespace std

int main()

char aString1[11] = abcdefghij

aString2[11] = tooShort


unsigned int len1 len2 len3

cout ltlt endl ltlt endl

cout ltlt Please supply a third string

cingetline(aString3 11) n delimiter assumed

len1 = strlen(aString1)

len2 = strlen(aString2)

len3 = strlen(aString3)

cout ltlt endl ltlt String 1 ltlt aString1 ltlt length =

ltlt len1 ltlt endl ltlt String 2 ltlt aString2

ltlt length = ltlt len2 ltlt endl ltlt String 3

ltlt aString3 ltlt length = ltlt len3

cout ltlt endl ltlt endl


return 0

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where s is a string The strlen( ) function returns the length of the string pointed to by s

A String Function Example

The following program illustrates the use of all four string functions

Demonstrate the string functions

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstringhgt

include ltwindowshgt

include ltconiohgt

using namespace std

int main()

char s1[80]s2[80]

strcpy(s1 C++)

strcpy(s2 is power programming)

cout ltlt lengths ltlt strlen(s1)

cout ltlt ltlt strlen(s2) ltlt n

if(strcmp(s1 s2))

cout ltlt The strings are equaln

else cout ltlt not equaln

strcat(s1 s2)

cout ltlt s1 ltlt n

strcpy(s2 s1)

cout ltlt s1 ltlt and ltlt s2 ltlt n

if(strcmp(s1 s2))

cout ltlt s1 and s2 are now the samen


return 0

Here is the output

lengths 3 22

not equal

C++ is power programming

C++ is power programming and C++ is power programming

s1 and s2 are now the same

Using the Null Terminator

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The fact that strings are null-terminated can often be used to simplify various

operations For example the following program converts a string to uppercase

Convert a string to uppercase

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

include ltconiohgt

include ltctypehgt

include ltwindowshgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[80]

int i

strcpy (str this is a test)

for (i=0 str[1] i++)

str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt str


return 0

The output from this program is shown here


This program uses the library function toupper() which returns the uppercase

equivalent of its character argument to convert each character in the string The upper()

function uses the header ltctypehgt

Notice that the test condition of the for loop is simply the array indexed by the

condition variable The reason this works is that a true value is any non-zero value

Remember all character values are non-zero but the null terminating the string is zero

Because the null terminator marks the end of the string the loop stops precisely where it is

supposed to

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Table 1 Character functions in ltctypehgt

Function Function Signature


isalnum() int isalnum(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is alphabetic or numeric

isalpha() int isalpha(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is alphabetic

iscntrl() int iscntrl(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a control character

isdigit() int isdigit(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a digit 0 - 9

isgraph() int isgraph(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a non-blank but printing character

islower() int islower(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a lower case alphabetic character ie a - z

isprint() int isprint(intc) Returns a non-zero if c is printable non-blanks and white

space included

ispunct() int ispunct(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a printable character but not alpha numeric or blank

isspace() int isspace(int c) Returns a non-zero for blanks and these escape sequences

f n r t and v

isupper() int isupper(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is an upper-case alphabetic character

ie A - Z

isxdigit() int isxdigit(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a hexadecimal character 0 - 9 a - f or A - F

tolower() int tolower(int c) Returns the lower case version if c is an upper case character

otherwise returns c

toupper() int toupper(int c) Returns the upper case version if c is a lower case character otherwise returns c

Table 2 Some String Handling Functions in ltstringhgt

Functions Function Signature Description

strcat() char strcat(char s1

const char s2) Adds string s2 onto the end of s1 (conCATenation)

strchr() char strchr(const char

s int c)

Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of c in

string s Returns NULL if c is not found in s

strcmp() int strcmp(const char

s1 const char s2)

Compares s1 and s2 alphabetically Returns a negative zero or positive number depending on

whether s1 is before the same as or after s2 if you

were alphabetizing s1 and s2

strcpy() char strcpy(char s1

const char s2) Copies s2 into s1 and returns a point to s1

strlen() size_t strlen(const char s)

Returns the number of characters in the string s starting at s[0] and ending before the first NULL

strncat() char strncat(char s1

const char s2 size_t n)

Tacks on the first n characters of s2 onto s1 A

pointer to s1 is returned

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strncmp() int strncmp(const char s1 const char s2 size_t


Compares s1 with the first n characters of s2 Returns a negative zero or positive integer (just like


strncpy() char strncpy(char s1 const chars2 size_t n)

Copies the first n characters of s2 into the first n characters of s1

strrchr() char strrchr(const

chars int c)

Returns a pointer to the last occurence of c in string

s (Compare with strchr())

strstr() char strstr(const char

s1 const char s2)

Returns the address of the first occurence of string s2 that is also in string s1 Returns NULL if s2 is not

found in s1

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 2 COURSE TOPIC String and Handling Function I Objectives To know the String handling function used

Part II String Handling Functions 1 amp 2

1 What is a null-terminated string __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 To hold a string that is 18 characters long how must the character array be __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 Show how to initialize a four-element array of int to the values 123 and 4 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 How can this initialization be rewritten char str[6] = lsquoHrsquo lsquoersquo lsquolrsquo lsquolrsquo lsquoorsquo lsquoOrsquo)


5 Rewrite the following as an unsized array Int nums[4] = 44 55 66 77


Supplementary Programming (50 points) 1 Write a program that prompts the user for two strings and then compares the strings for equality

but ignores case differences Thus ldquookrdquo and ldquoOKrdquo will compare as equal

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 19 of 66

Chapter 4

Introduction to Pointers

A pointer is an object that contains a memory address Very often this address is the

location of another object such as a variable For example if x contains the address of y

then x is said to ―point to y

Pointer variables must be declared as such The general form of a pointer variable

declaration is

type var-name

Here type is the pointerlsquos base type The base type determines what type of data

the pointer will be pointing to var-name is the name of the pointer variable For example

to declare ip to be a pointer to an int use this declaration

int ip

Since the base type of ip is int it can be used to point to int values Here a float

pointer is declared

float fp

In this case the base type of fp is float which means that it can be used to point to

a float value

In general in a declaration statement preceding a variable name with an causes

that variable to become a pointer

The Pointer Operator

There are two special operators that are used with pointers and amp The amp is a

unary operator that returns the memory address of its operand

For example

ptr = amptotal

puts into ptr the memory address of the variable total This address is the location of

total in the computerlsquos internal memory It has nothing to do with the value of total The

operation of amp can be remembered as returning ―the address of the variable it precedes

Therefore the preceding assignment statement could be verbalized as ―ptr receives the

address of total To better understand this assignment assume that the variable total is

located at address 100 Then after the assignment takes place ptr has the value 100 The

second operator is and it is the complement of amp It is a unary operator that returns the

value of the variable located at the address specified by its operand Continuing with the

same example if ptr contains the memory address of the variable total then

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 20 of 66

val = ptr

will place the value of total into val For example if total originally had the value

3200 then val will have the value 3200 because that is the value stored at location 100

the memory address that was assigned to ptr The operation of can be remembered as ―at

address In this case then the statement could be read as ―val receives the value at

address ptr

The following program executes the sequence of the operations just described

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int total

int ptr

int val

total = 3200 assign 3200 to total

ptr = amptotal get address of total

val = ptr get value at that address

cout ltlt Total is ltlt val ltlt n

return 0

It is unfortunate that the multiplication symbol and the ―at address symbol are the

same This fact sometimes confuses newcomers to the C++ language These operators

have no relationship to each other Keep in mind that both amp and have a higher

precedence than any of the arithmetic operators except the unary minus with which they

have equal precedence The act of using a pointer is often called indirection because you are

accessing one variable indirectly through another variable

The Base Type of a Pointer

In the preceding discussion you saw that it was possible to assign val the value of

total indirectly through a pointer At this point you may have thought of this important question How does C++ know how many bytes to copy into val from the address pointed

to by ptr Or more generally how does the compiler transfer the proper number of bytes for any assignment involving a pointer The answer is that the base type of the pointer

determines the type of data upon which the pointer operates In this case because ptr is an

int pointer four bytes of information are copied into val (assuming a 32-bit int) from the address pointed to by ptr However if ptr had been a double pointer for example then

eight bytes would have been copied

It is important to ensure that pointer variables always point to the correct type of data For example when you declare a pointer to be of type int the compiler assumes that

anything it points to will be an integer variable If it doesnlsquot point to an integer variable then trouble is usually not far behind For example the following fragment is incorrect

int p double f p = ampf ERROR

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This fragment is invalid because you cannot assign a double pointer to an integer pointer That is ampf generates a pointer to a double but p is a pointer to an int These two

types are not compatible (In fact the compiler would flag an error at this point and not compile your program) Although two pointers must have compatible types in order for one

to be assigned to another you can override this restriction (at your own risk) using a cast For example the following fragment is now technically correct

int p double f p = (int ) ampf Now technically OK

The cast to int causes the double pointer to be converted to an integer pointer However to use a cast for this purpose is questionable practice The reason is that the base

type of a pointer determines how the compiler treats the data it points to In this case even though p is actually pointing to a floating-point value the compiler still ―thinks that p is

pointing to an int (because p is an int pointer)

To better understand why using a cast to assign one type of pointer to another is not usually a good idea consider the following short program

This program will not work right include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

double xy int p

x = 12323 p = (int ) ampx use cast to assign double to int

y = p what will this do

cout ltlt y what will this print

return 0

Here is the output produced by the program (You might see a different value)


This value is clearly not 12323 Here is why In the program p (which is an integer

pointer) has been assigned the address of x (which is a double) Thus when y is assigned the value pointed to by p y receives only four bytes of data (and not the eight required for

a double value) because p is an integer pointer Therefore the cout statement displays not 12323 but a garbage value instead

Assigning value to pointers

You can use a pointer on the left-hand side of an assignment statement to assign a value to the location pointed to by the pointer Assuming that p is an int pointer this

assigns the value 101 to the location pointed to by p

p = 101

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You can verbalize this assignment like this ―At the location pointed to by p assign the value 101 To increment or decrement the value at the location pointed to by a pointer

you can use a statement like this


The parentheses are necessary because the operator has lower precedence than does the ++ operator

The following program demonstrates an assignment through a pointer

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int p num

p = ampnum

p = 100 assign num the value 100 through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)++ increment num through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)-- decrement num through p cout ltlt num ltlt nlsquo

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

100 101 100

Pointer Expressions

Pointers can be used in most C++ expressions However some special rules apply

Remember also that you may need to surround some parts of a pointer expression with parentheses in order to ensure that the outcome is what you desire

Pointer Arithmetic There are only four arithmetic operators that can be used on

pointers ++ ndash ndash + and ndash To understand what occurs in pointer arithmetic let p1 be an int pointer with a current value of 2000 (that is it contains the address 2000) Assuming

32-bit integers after the expression


The contents of p1 will be 2004 not 2001 The reason for this is that each time p1

is incremented it will point to the next int The same is true of decrements For example again assuming that p1 has the value 2000 the expression

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 23 of 66


causes p1 to have the value 1996

Generalizing from the preceding example the following rules apply to pointer

arithmetic Each time that a pointer is incremented it will point to the memory location of the next element of its base type Each time it is decremented it will point to the location of

the previous element of its base type In the case of character pointers an increment or decrement will appear as ―normal arithmetic because characters are one byte long

However every other type of pointer will increase or decrease by the length of its base

type You are not limited to only increment and decrement operations You can also add or subtract integers to or from pointers The expression

p1 = p1 + 9

makes p1 point to the ninth element of p1lsquos base type beyond the one to which it is

currently pointing

Although you cannot add pointers you can subtract one pointer from another

(provided they are both of the same base type) The remainder will be the number of elements of the base type that separate the two pointers

Other than addition and subtraction of a pointer and an integer or the subtraction of

two pointers no other arithmetic operations can be performed on pointers For example you cannot add or subtract float or double values to or from pointers

To graphically see the effects of pointer arithmetic execute the next short program

It creates an int pointer (i) and a double pointer (f) It then adds the values 0 through 9 to

these pointers and displays the results Observe how each address changes relative to its base type each time the loop is repeated (For most 32-bit compilers i will increase by 4s

and f will increase by 8s) Notice that when using a pointer in a cout statement its address is automatically displayed in the addressing format applicable to the CPU and environment

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int I j[10]

double f g[10] int x

i = j

f = g

for (x=0 xlt10 x++)

cout ltlt i+x ltlt ltlt f+x ltlt nlsquo display the addresses produced by adding x

to each pointer

Here is a sample run (The precise values you see may differ from these)

0012FE5C 09012FE84

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 24 of 66

0012FE60 0012FE8C

0012FE64 0012FE94 0012FE68 0012FE9C

0012FE6C 0012FEA4 0012FE70 0012FEAC

0012FE74 0012FEB4 0012FE78 0012FEBC

0012FE7C 0012FEC4

0012FE80 0012FECC

Pointer Comparisons

Pointers may be compared using the relational operators such as == lt and gt In general for the outcome of a pointer comparison to be meaningful the two pointers must

have some relationship to each other For example both may point to elements within the same array There is however one other type of pointer comparison any pointer can be

compared to the null pointer which is zero

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I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers in C and its use

II Basic Information Scenario Answer the following using Pointers

1 What is a pointer


2 Show how to declare a long int pointer called valPtr __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 As they relate to pointers what do the and amp operators do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7 What are two pointer operators __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 5

Pointers and Arrays

In C++ there is a close relationship between pointers and arrays In fact frequently a pointer and an array are interchangeable Consider this fragment

char str[80] char p1

p1 = str

Here str is an array of 80 characters and p1 is a character pointer However it is the third line that is of interest In this line p1 is assigned the address of the first element in

the str array (That is after the assignment p1 will point to str[0]) Herelsquos why In C++ using the name of an array without an index generates a pointer to the first element in the

array Thus the assignment

p1 = str

assigns the address of str[0] to p1 This is a crucial point to understand When an


array name is used in an expression it yields a pointer to the first element in the array Since after the assignment p1 points to the beginning of str you can use p1 to


elements in the array For example if you want to access the fifth element in str you can use




Both statements obtain the fifth element Remember array indices start at zero so when str is indexed a 4 is used to access the fifth element A 4 is also added to the pointer

p1 to get the fifth element because p1 currently points to the first element of str

The parentheses surrounding p1+4 are necessary because the operation has a

higher priority than the + operation Without them the expression would first find the value pointed to by p1 (the first location in the array) and then add 4 to it In effect C++ allows

two methods of accessing array elements pointer arithmetic and array indexing This is important because pointer arithmetic can sometimes be faster than array indexingmdash

especially when you are accessing an array in strictly sequential order Since speed is often a consideration in programming the use of pointers to access array elements is very

common in C++ programs Also you can sometimes write tighter code by using pointers

instead of array indexing

Here is an example that demonstrates the difference between using array indexing and pointer arithmetic to access the elements of an array We will create two versions of a

program that reverse the case of letters within a string The first version uses array indexing The second uses pointer arithmetic The first version is shown here

Reverse case using array indexing

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include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = This Is A Test

cout ltlt Original string ltlt str ltlt n

for(i = 0 str[i] i++)

if(isupper(str[i])) str[i] = tolower(str[i]) else if(islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt Inverted-case string ltlt str

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

Original string This Is A Test Inverted-case string tHIS iS a tEST

Notice that the program uses the isupper( ) and islower( ) library functions to determine the case of a letter The isupper( ) function returns true when its argument is an

uppercase letter islower( ) returns true when its argument is a lowercase letter Inside the for loop str is indexed and the case of each letter is checked and changed The loop

iterates until the null terminating str is indexed Since a null is zero (false) the loop stops

Here is the same program rewritten to use pointer arithmetic

Reverse case using array indexing

include ltiostreamgt include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = ―This Is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

for i = 0 str[i] i++) if (iupper(str[i]))

else if (islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i]

cout ltlt ―Inverted-case string ― ltlt str return 0

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In this version p is set to the start of str Then inside the while loop the letter at p

is checked and changed and then p is incremented The loop stops when p points to the null terminator that ends str Because of the way some C++ compilers generate code these

two programs may not be equivalent in performance Generally it takes more machine instructions to index an array than it does to perform arithmetic on a pointer Consequently

in professionally written C++ code it is common to see the pointer version used more frequently However as a beginning C++ programmer feel free to use array indexing until

you are comfortable with pointers

Indexing a Pointer

As you have just seen it is possible to access an array using pointer arithmetic

What you might find surprising is that the reverse is also true In C++ it is possible to index a pointer as if it were an array Here is an example It is a third version of the case-

changing program

index a pointer as if it were an array

include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt

using namespace std


char p int i

char str[80]=This is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

p = str assign the p address of the start of the array now index p

for (I = 0 p[i] i++)

if (isupper(p[i])) p[i] = tolowerp[i])

else if (islower(p[i])

p[i] = toupper(p[i])

cout ltlt ―Inverted ndash case string lt str

return 0

The program creates a char pointer called p and then assigns to that pointer the

address of the first element in str Inside the for loop p is indexed using the normal array indexing syntax This is perfectly valid because in C++ the statement p[i] is function

functionally identical to (p+i) This further illustrates the close relationship between pointers and arrays

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 4 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and Arrays I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers and Arrays using C

II Tasks Procedure Instructions Answer the following questions

1 Can an array be accessed through a pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Can a pointer be indexed as if it were an array __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 An array name used by itself with no index yields what __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 6

Pointers and String

Strings and Constants

You might be wondering how string constants like the one in the fragment shown

here are handled by C++

cout ltlt strlen(Xanadu)

The answer is that when the compiler encounters a string constant it stores it in the

programlsquos string table and generates a pointer to the string Thus ―Xanadu yields a pointer to its entry in the string table Therefore the following program is perfectly valid and prints

the phrase Pointers add power to C++

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char ptr

ptr = ―Pointers add power to C++ n ptr is assigned the address of this string constant

cout ltlt ptr

return 0

In this program the characters that make up a string constant are stored in the string table and ptr is assigned a pointer to the string in that table

Since a pointer into your programlsquos string table is generated automatically whenever

a string constant is used you might be tempted to use this fact to modify the contents of the string table However this is usually not a good idea because many C++ compilers

create optimized tables in which one string constant may be used at two or more different

places in your program Thus changing a string may cause undesired side effects

Reversing a String in Place

Earlier it was mentioned that comparing one pointer to another is meaningful only if the two pointers point to a common object such as an array Now that you understand how

pointers and arrays relate you can apply pointer comparisons to streamline some types of algorithms In this project you will see an example The program developed here reverses

the contents of a string in place Thus instead of copying the string back-to-front into

another array it reverses the contents of the string inside the array that holds it The program uses two pointer variables to accomplish this One initially points to the beginning

of a string and the other initially points to the last character in the string A loop is set up that continues to run as long as the start pointer is less than the end pointer Each time

through the loop the characters pointed to by the pointers are swapped and the pointers are advanced When the start pointer is greater than or equal to the end pointer the string

has been reversed Step by step

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 31 of 66

1 Create a file called StrRevcpp 2 Begin by adding these lines to the file

Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test

char start end int len

char t

The string to be reversed is contained in str The pointers start and end will be used

to access the string

3 Add these lines which display the original string obtain the stringlsquos length and set the initial values for the start and end pointers

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

Notice that end points to the last character in the string not the null terminator

4 Add the code that reverse the string

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts

starts = end end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The process works like this As long as the start pointer points to a memory

location that is less than the end pointer the loop iterates Inside the loop the characters being pointed to by start and end are swapped Then start is incremented

and end is decremented When end is greater than or equal to start all of the characters in the string have been reversed Since both start and end point into the

same array their comparison is meaningful

5 Here is the complete StrRevcpp program

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 32 of 66

Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test char start end

int len char t

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts starts = end

end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The output from the program is shown here Original this is a test Reversed

tset a si siht

Arrays of Pointers

Pointers can be arrayed like any other data type For example declaration for an int

pointer array of size 10 is

int p[10]

Here pi is an array of ten integer pointers To assign the address of an int variable

called var to the third element of the pointer array you would write

int var

fpi[2] = ampvar

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 33 of 66

Remember pi is an array of int pointers The only thing that the array elements can

hold are the addresses of integer valuesmdashnot the values themselves To find the value of var you would write


Like other arrays arrays of pointers can be initialized A common use for initialized

pointer arrays is to hold pointers to strings Here is an example that uses a two-dimensional array of character pointers to implement a small dictionary

Here is a sample run

Enter word network

An interconnected group of computers

When the array dictionary is created it is initialized with a set of words and their

meanings Recall C++ stores all string constants in the string table associated with your program so the array need only store pointers to the strings The program works by testing

the word entered by the user against the strings stored in the dictionary If a match is found the meaning is displayed If no match is found an error message is printed Notice

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that dictionary ends with two null strings These mark the end of the array Recall that a

null string contains only the terminating null character The for loop runs until the first character in a string is null This condition is tested with this expression


The array indices specify a pointer to a string The obtains the character at that

location If this character is null then the expression is false and the loop terminates Otherwise the expression is true and the loop continues

The Null Pointer Convention

After a pointer is declared but before it has been assigned it will contain an arbitrary value Should you try to use the pointer prior to giving it a value you will probably

crash your program While there is no sure way to avoid using an uninitialized pointer C++ programmers have adopted a procedure that helps prevent some errors By convention if a

pointer contains the null (zero) value it is assumed to point to nothing Thus if all unused pointers are given the null value and you avoid the use of a null pointer you can avoid the

accidental misuse of an uninitialized pointer This is a good practice to follow

Any type of pointer can be initialized to null when it is declared For example the

following initializes p to null

float p = 0 p is now a null pointer

To check for a null pointer use an if statement like one of these

if(p) succeeds if p is not null

if(p) succeeds if p is null

Multiple Indirection

A pointer to a pointer is a form of multiple indirection or a chain of pointers Consider Figure 4-2 As you can see in the case of a normal pointer the value of the

pointer is the address of a value In the case of a pointer to a pointer the first pointer

contains the address of the second pointer which points to the location that contains the desired value Multiple indirection can be carried on to whatever extent desired but there

are few cases where more than a pointer to a pointer is needed or indeed even wise to use Excessive indirection is difficult to follow and prone to conceptual errors

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 5 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and String I Objectives To know how is Pointers and String worked using C II Tasks Procedure Instructions Asnwer the following question

1 What is it called when one pointer points to another pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Of what significant is a null pointer in C++ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that counts the uppercase letters in a string Have it display the result

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Chapter 7

Structures in Arrays Functions and Pointers

What is a Structure

Structure is a collection of variables under a single name Variables can be of any type int float char etc The main difference between structure and array is that arrays are

collections of the same data type and structure is a collection of variables under a single name

Declaring a Structure

The structure is declared by using the keyword struct followed by structure name

also called a tag Then the structure members (variables) are defined with their type and variable names inside the open and close braces and Finally the closed braces end with

a semicolon denoted as following the statement The above structure declaration is also called a Structure Specifier


Three variables custnum of type int salary of type int commission of type float are structuremembers and the structure name is Customer This structure is declared as


In the above example it is seen that variables of different types such as int and float are

grouped in a single structure name Customer

Arrays behave in the same way declaring structures does not mean that memory is

allocated Structure declaration gives a skeleton or template for the structure

After declaring the structure the next step is to define a structure variable

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How to declare Structure Variable

This is similar to variable declaration For variable declaration data type is defined followed

by variable name For structure variable declaration the data type is the name of the structure followed by thestructure variable name

In the above example structure variable cust1 is defined as

What happens when this is defined When structure is defined it allocates or reserves space in memory The memory space allocated will be cumulative of all

defined structure members In the above example there are 3 structure members

custnum salary and commission Of these two are of type int and one is of type float If integer space allocated by a system is 2 bytes and float four bytes the above would

allocate 2bytes for custnum 2 bytes for salary and 4 bytes for commission

How to access structure members in C++

To access structure members the operator used is the dot operator denoted by () The

dot operatorfor accessing structure members is used thusly

structure variable namemember name

For example

To assign 2000 for the structure member salary in the above example of structure

Customer with structure variable cust1 this is written as

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Pointers to structures

All that we have discussed so far has been OK but runs into problems when structures have

to be moved between functions for the following reasons

if the structure is large it is more efficient to pass a pointer to the structure instead of the structure its self This techniquepri is also used to pass pointers to

arrays between functions

When passing a structure to a function you actually pass a COPY of the structure Therefore it is not possible to change the values of members within the structure as

the copy is destroyed when the function ends

Here is an example (these are 2 examples the one to the left uses a pointer)

| |

struct x int a int b int c | struct x int a int b int c

| void function(struct x) | void function(struct x )

| main() | main()

| struct x z | struct x z pz 3

| pz = ampz 4 za = 10 1 | za = 10

za++ | za++

| function(z) 2 | function(pz) 5

| |

void function( struct x z) | void function(struct x pz) | 6

printf( first member d n za) | printf( first member d n (pz)a) |


Here is the annotation

1 Give a structure member a value 2 Pass a COPY of the whole structure to the function

3 Define pz a pointer to a structure of type x

4 Put the address of z into pz pz now POINTS to z PLEASE NOTE z is defined to reserve memory equal to the size of the structure pz only holds an address so will

be 4 bytes long 5 Pass the pointer into the function

6 Print the value of the member a

The (pz)a syntax is used a great deal in C and it was decided to create a short hand for

it So

(pz)a == pz-gta

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Structures and Arrays

include ltiostreamgt

include ltfstreamhgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

ofstream outData

input file structure ifstream inData

char menu_id[10] char menu_name[10]

char menu_col[10]

char menu_row[10] char button_id[10]

char button_label_1[10] char button_label_2[10]

char button_label_3[10] char button_col[10]

char button_row[10]

menu file structure

struct menu

int mid char name[20]

int mcol int mrow

int bid char blabel[24]

int bcol

int brow

List of menus

enum menu_id

MAIN = 1

Define Main menu

menu Main_menu[3]

void createMenu(menu newMenu[] int menu_num MAS_Configure_Button_Request_Messagemsg )

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 40 of 66

int y = 0

while ((inDatagetline(menu_id10 $)eof()) ampamp (atoi(menu_id) == menu_num))

newMenu[y]mid= atoi(menu_id)

inDatagetline(menu_name 10 $)

newMenu[y]name[0] = 0

strcpy(newMenu[y]namemenu_name) outData ltlt Main Menu Name ltlt newMenu[y]name ltlt

inDatagetline( menu_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]mcol = atoi(menu_col)

inDatagetline( menu_row 10 $) newMenu[y]mrow = atoi(menu_row)

inDatagetline( button_id 10 $) newMenu[y]bid = atoi(button_id)

inDatagetline( button_label_1 10 $)

inDatagetline( button_label_2 10 $) inDatagetline( button_label_3 10 $)

newMenu[y]blabel[0] = 0 strcpy(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_1)


strcat(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_3) outData ltlt newMenu[y]blabel ltlt

inDatagetline( button_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]bcol = atoi(button_col)

inDatagetline( button_row 10 n)

newMenu[y]brow = atoi(button_row) y++

int main()

int loop

inDataopen(datatxt) if (inData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening datatxt End program ltlt endl


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outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

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recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

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Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

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Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

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the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

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main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 58 of 66

It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 59 of 66

include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 60 of 66

next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

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1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

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47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 14: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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where s is a string The strlen( ) function returns the length of the string pointed to by s

A String Function Example

The following program illustrates the use of all four string functions

Demonstrate the string functions

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstringhgt

include ltwindowshgt

include ltconiohgt

using namespace std

int main()

char s1[80]s2[80]

strcpy(s1 C++)

strcpy(s2 is power programming)

cout ltlt lengths ltlt strlen(s1)

cout ltlt ltlt strlen(s2) ltlt n

if(strcmp(s1 s2))

cout ltlt The strings are equaln

else cout ltlt not equaln

strcat(s1 s2)

cout ltlt s1 ltlt n

strcpy(s2 s1)

cout ltlt s1 ltlt and ltlt s2 ltlt n

if(strcmp(s1 s2))

cout ltlt s1 and s2 are now the samen


return 0

Here is the output

lengths 3 22

not equal

C++ is power programming

C++ is power programming and C++ is power programming

s1 and s2 are now the same

Using the Null Terminator

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The fact that strings are null-terminated can often be used to simplify various

operations For example the following program converts a string to uppercase

Convert a string to uppercase

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

include ltconiohgt

include ltctypehgt

include ltwindowshgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[80]

int i

strcpy (str this is a test)

for (i=0 str[1] i++)

str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt str


return 0

The output from this program is shown here


This program uses the library function toupper() which returns the uppercase

equivalent of its character argument to convert each character in the string The upper()

function uses the header ltctypehgt

Notice that the test condition of the for loop is simply the array indexed by the

condition variable The reason this works is that a true value is any non-zero value

Remember all character values are non-zero but the null terminating the string is zero

Because the null terminator marks the end of the string the loop stops precisely where it is

supposed to

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Table 1 Character functions in ltctypehgt

Function Function Signature


isalnum() int isalnum(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is alphabetic or numeric

isalpha() int isalpha(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is alphabetic

iscntrl() int iscntrl(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a control character

isdigit() int isdigit(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a digit 0 - 9

isgraph() int isgraph(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a non-blank but printing character

islower() int islower(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a lower case alphabetic character ie a - z

isprint() int isprint(intc) Returns a non-zero if c is printable non-blanks and white

space included

ispunct() int ispunct(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a printable character but not alpha numeric or blank

isspace() int isspace(int c) Returns a non-zero for blanks and these escape sequences

f n r t and v

isupper() int isupper(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is an upper-case alphabetic character

ie A - Z

isxdigit() int isxdigit(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a hexadecimal character 0 - 9 a - f or A - F

tolower() int tolower(int c) Returns the lower case version if c is an upper case character

otherwise returns c

toupper() int toupper(int c) Returns the upper case version if c is a lower case character otherwise returns c

Table 2 Some String Handling Functions in ltstringhgt

Functions Function Signature Description

strcat() char strcat(char s1

const char s2) Adds string s2 onto the end of s1 (conCATenation)

strchr() char strchr(const char

s int c)

Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of c in

string s Returns NULL if c is not found in s

strcmp() int strcmp(const char

s1 const char s2)

Compares s1 and s2 alphabetically Returns a negative zero or positive number depending on

whether s1 is before the same as or after s2 if you

were alphabetizing s1 and s2

strcpy() char strcpy(char s1

const char s2) Copies s2 into s1 and returns a point to s1

strlen() size_t strlen(const char s)

Returns the number of characters in the string s starting at s[0] and ending before the first NULL

strncat() char strncat(char s1

const char s2 size_t n)

Tacks on the first n characters of s2 onto s1 A

pointer to s1 is returned

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strncmp() int strncmp(const char s1 const char s2 size_t


Compares s1 with the first n characters of s2 Returns a negative zero or positive integer (just like


strncpy() char strncpy(char s1 const chars2 size_t n)

Copies the first n characters of s2 into the first n characters of s1

strrchr() char strrchr(const

chars int c)

Returns a pointer to the last occurence of c in string

s (Compare with strchr())

strstr() char strstr(const char

s1 const char s2)

Returns the address of the first occurence of string s2 that is also in string s1 Returns NULL if s2 is not

found in s1

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 2 COURSE TOPIC String and Handling Function I Objectives To know the String handling function used

Part II String Handling Functions 1 amp 2

1 What is a null-terminated string __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 To hold a string that is 18 characters long how must the character array be __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 Show how to initialize a four-element array of int to the values 123 and 4 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 How can this initialization be rewritten char str[6] = lsquoHrsquo lsquoersquo lsquolrsquo lsquolrsquo lsquoorsquo lsquoOrsquo)


5 Rewrite the following as an unsized array Int nums[4] = 44 55 66 77


Supplementary Programming (50 points) 1 Write a program that prompts the user for two strings and then compares the strings for equality

but ignores case differences Thus ldquookrdquo and ldquoOKrdquo will compare as equal

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Chapter 4

Introduction to Pointers

A pointer is an object that contains a memory address Very often this address is the

location of another object such as a variable For example if x contains the address of y

then x is said to ―point to y

Pointer variables must be declared as such The general form of a pointer variable

declaration is

type var-name

Here type is the pointerlsquos base type The base type determines what type of data

the pointer will be pointing to var-name is the name of the pointer variable For example

to declare ip to be a pointer to an int use this declaration

int ip

Since the base type of ip is int it can be used to point to int values Here a float

pointer is declared

float fp

In this case the base type of fp is float which means that it can be used to point to

a float value

In general in a declaration statement preceding a variable name with an causes

that variable to become a pointer

The Pointer Operator

There are two special operators that are used with pointers and amp The amp is a

unary operator that returns the memory address of its operand

For example

ptr = amptotal

puts into ptr the memory address of the variable total This address is the location of

total in the computerlsquos internal memory It has nothing to do with the value of total The

operation of amp can be remembered as returning ―the address of the variable it precedes

Therefore the preceding assignment statement could be verbalized as ―ptr receives the

address of total To better understand this assignment assume that the variable total is

located at address 100 Then after the assignment takes place ptr has the value 100 The

second operator is and it is the complement of amp It is a unary operator that returns the

value of the variable located at the address specified by its operand Continuing with the

same example if ptr contains the memory address of the variable total then

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 20 of 66

val = ptr

will place the value of total into val For example if total originally had the value

3200 then val will have the value 3200 because that is the value stored at location 100

the memory address that was assigned to ptr The operation of can be remembered as ―at

address In this case then the statement could be read as ―val receives the value at

address ptr

The following program executes the sequence of the operations just described

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int total

int ptr

int val

total = 3200 assign 3200 to total

ptr = amptotal get address of total

val = ptr get value at that address

cout ltlt Total is ltlt val ltlt n

return 0

It is unfortunate that the multiplication symbol and the ―at address symbol are the

same This fact sometimes confuses newcomers to the C++ language These operators

have no relationship to each other Keep in mind that both amp and have a higher

precedence than any of the arithmetic operators except the unary minus with which they

have equal precedence The act of using a pointer is often called indirection because you are

accessing one variable indirectly through another variable

The Base Type of a Pointer

In the preceding discussion you saw that it was possible to assign val the value of

total indirectly through a pointer At this point you may have thought of this important question How does C++ know how many bytes to copy into val from the address pointed

to by ptr Or more generally how does the compiler transfer the proper number of bytes for any assignment involving a pointer The answer is that the base type of the pointer

determines the type of data upon which the pointer operates In this case because ptr is an

int pointer four bytes of information are copied into val (assuming a 32-bit int) from the address pointed to by ptr However if ptr had been a double pointer for example then

eight bytes would have been copied

It is important to ensure that pointer variables always point to the correct type of data For example when you declare a pointer to be of type int the compiler assumes that

anything it points to will be an integer variable If it doesnlsquot point to an integer variable then trouble is usually not far behind For example the following fragment is incorrect

int p double f p = ampf ERROR

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This fragment is invalid because you cannot assign a double pointer to an integer pointer That is ampf generates a pointer to a double but p is a pointer to an int These two

types are not compatible (In fact the compiler would flag an error at this point and not compile your program) Although two pointers must have compatible types in order for one

to be assigned to another you can override this restriction (at your own risk) using a cast For example the following fragment is now technically correct

int p double f p = (int ) ampf Now technically OK

The cast to int causes the double pointer to be converted to an integer pointer However to use a cast for this purpose is questionable practice The reason is that the base

type of a pointer determines how the compiler treats the data it points to In this case even though p is actually pointing to a floating-point value the compiler still ―thinks that p is

pointing to an int (because p is an int pointer)

To better understand why using a cast to assign one type of pointer to another is not usually a good idea consider the following short program

This program will not work right include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

double xy int p

x = 12323 p = (int ) ampx use cast to assign double to int

y = p what will this do

cout ltlt y what will this print

return 0

Here is the output produced by the program (You might see a different value)


This value is clearly not 12323 Here is why In the program p (which is an integer

pointer) has been assigned the address of x (which is a double) Thus when y is assigned the value pointed to by p y receives only four bytes of data (and not the eight required for

a double value) because p is an integer pointer Therefore the cout statement displays not 12323 but a garbage value instead

Assigning value to pointers

You can use a pointer on the left-hand side of an assignment statement to assign a value to the location pointed to by the pointer Assuming that p is an int pointer this

assigns the value 101 to the location pointed to by p

p = 101

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You can verbalize this assignment like this ―At the location pointed to by p assign the value 101 To increment or decrement the value at the location pointed to by a pointer

you can use a statement like this


The parentheses are necessary because the operator has lower precedence than does the ++ operator

The following program demonstrates an assignment through a pointer

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int p num

p = ampnum

p = 100 assign num the value 100 through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)++ increment num through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)-- decrement num through p cout ltlt num ltlt nlsquo

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

100 101 100

Pointer Expressions

Pointers can be used in most C++ expressions However some special rules apply

Remember also that you may need to surround some parts of a pointer expression with parentheses in order to ensure that the outcome is what you desire

Pointer Arithmetic There are only four arithmetic operators that can be used on

pointers ++ ndash ndash + and ndash To understand what occurs in pointer arithmetic let p1 be an int pointer with a current value of 2000 (that is it contains the address 2000) Assuming

32-bit integers after the expression


The contents of p1 will be 2004 not 2001 The reason for this is that each time p1

is incremented it will point to the next int The same is true of decrements For example again assuming that p1 has the value 2000 the expression

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causes p1 to have the value 1996

Generalizing from the preceding example the following rules apply to pointer

arithmetic Each time that a pointer is incremented it will point to the memory location of the next element of its base type Each time it is decremented it will point to the location of

the previous element of its base type In the case of character pointers an increment or decrement will appear as ―normal arithmetic because characters are one byte long

However every other type of pointer will increase or decrease by the length of its base

type You are not limited to only increment and decrement operations You can also add or subtract integers to or from pointers The expression

p1 = p1 + 9

makes p1 point to the ninth element of p1lsquos base type beyond the one to which it is

currently pointing

Although you cannot add pointers you can subtract one pointer from another

(provided they are both of the same base type) The remainder will be the number of elements of the base type that separate the two pointers

Other than addition and subtraction of a pointer and an integer or the subtraction of

two pointers no other arithmetic operations can be performed on pointers For example you cannot add or subtract float or double values to or from pointers

To graphically see the effects of pointer arithmetic execute the next short program

It creates an int pointer (i) and a double pointer (f) It then adds the values 0 through 9 to

these pointers and displays the results Observe how each address changes relative to its base type each time the loop is repeated (For most 32-bit compilers i will increase by 4s

and f will increase by 8s) Notice that when using a pointer in a cout statement its address is automatically displayed in the addressing format applicable to the CPU and environment

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int I j[10]

double f g[10] int x

i = j

f = g

for (x=0 xlt10 x++)

cout ltlt i+x ltlt ltlt f+x ltlt nlsquo display the addresses produced by adding x

to each pointer

Here is a sample run (The precise values you see may differ from these)

0012FE5C 09012FE84

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 24 of 66

0012FE60 0012FE8C

0012FE64 0012FE94 0012FE68 0012FE9C

0012FE6C 0012FEA4 0012FE70 0012FEAC

0012FE74 0012FEB4 0012FE78 0012FEBC

0012FE7C 0012FEC4

0012FE80 0012FECC

Pointer Comparisons

Pointers may be compared using the relational operators such as == lt and gt In general for the outcome of a pointer comparison to be meaningful the two pointers must

have some relationship to each other For example both may point to elements within the same array There is however one other type of pointer comparison any pointer can be

compared to the null pointer which is zero

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I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers in C and its use

II Basic Information Scenario Answer the following using Pointers

1 What is a pointer


2 Show how to declare a long int pointer called valPtr __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 As they relate to pointers what do the and amp operators do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7 What are two pointer operators __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 5

Pointers and Arrays

In C++ there is a close relationship between pointers and arrays In fact frequently a pointer and an array are interchangeable Consider this fragment

char str[80] char p1

p1 = str

Here str is an array of 80 characters and p1 is a character pointer However it is the third line that is of interest In this line p1 is assigned the address of the first element in

the str array (That is after the assignment p1 will point to str[0]) Herelsquos why In C++ using the name of an array without an index generates a pointer to the first element in the

array Thus the assignment

p1 = str

assigns the address of str[0] to p1 This is a crucial point to understand When an


array name is used in an expression it yields a pointer to the first element in the array Since after the assignment p1 points to the beginning of str you can use p1 to


elements in the array For example if you want to access the fifth element in str you can use




Both statements obtain the fifth element Remember array indices start at zero so when str is indexed a 4 is used to access the fifth element A 4 is also added to the pointer

p1 to get the fifth element because p1 currently points to the first element of str

The parentheses surrounding p1+4 are necessary because the operation has a

higher priority than the + operation Without them the expression would first find the value pointed to by p1 (the first location in the array) and then add 4 to it In effect C++ allows

two methods of accessing array elements pointer arithmetic and array indexing This is important because pointer arithmetic can sometimes be faster than array indexingmdash

especially when you are accessing an array in strictly sequential order Since speed is often a consideration in programming the use of pointers to access array elements is very

common in C++ programs Also you can sometimes write tighter code by using pointers

instead of array indexing

Here is an example that demonstrates the difference between using array indexing and pointer arithmetic to access the elements of an array We will create two versions of a

program that reverse the case of letters within a string The first version uses array indexing The second uses pointer arithmetic The first version is shown here

Reverse case using array indexing

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include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = This Is A Test

cout ltlt Original string ltlt str ltlt n

for(i = 0 str[i] i++)

if(isupper(str[i])) str[i] = tolower(str[i]) else if(islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt Inverted-case string ltlt str

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

Original string This Is A Test Inverted-case string tHIS iS a tEST

Notice that the program uses the isupper( ) and islower( ) library functions to determine the case of a letter The isupper( ) function returns true when its argument is an

uppercase letter islower( ) returns true when its argument is a lowercase letter Inside the for loop str is indexed and the case of each letter is checked and changed The loop

iterates until the null terminating str is indexed Since a null is zero (false) the loop stops

Here is the same program rewritten to use pointer arithmetic

Reverse case using array indexing

include ltiostreamgt include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = ―This Is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

for i = 0 str[i] i++) if (iupper(str[i]))

else if (islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i]

cout ltlt ―Inverted-case string ― ltlt str return 0

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In this version p is set to the start of str Then inside the while loop the letter at p

is checked and changed and then p is incremented The loop stops when p points to the null terminator that ends str Because of the way some C++ compilers generate code these

two programs may not be equivalent in performance Generally it takes more machine instructions to index an array than it does to perform arithmetic on a pointer Consequently

in professionally written C++ code it is common to see the pointer version used more frequently However as a beginning C++ programmer feel free to use array indexing until

you are comfortable with pointers

Indexing a Pointer

As you have just seen it is possible to access an array using pointer arithmetic

What you might find surprising is that the reverse is also true In C++ it is possible to index a pointer as if it were an array Here is an example It is a third version of the case-

changing program

index a pointer as if it were an array

include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt

using namespace std


char p int i

char str[80]=This is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

p = str assign the p address of the start of the array now index p

for (I = 0 p[i] i++)

if (isupper(p[i])) p[i] = tolowerp[i])

else if (islower(p[i])

p[i] = toupper(p[i])

cout ltlt ―Inverted ndash case string lt str

return 0

The program creates a char pointer called p and then assigns to that pointer the

address of the first element in str Inside the for loop p is indexed using the normal array indexing syntax This is perfectly valid because in C++ the statement p[i] is function

functionally identical to (p+i) This further illustrates the close relationship between pointers and arrays

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 4 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and Arrays I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers and Arrays using C

II Tasks Procedure Instructions Answer the following questions

1 Can an array be accessed through a pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Can a pointer be indexed as if it were an array __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 An array name used by itself with no index yields what __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 6

Pointers and String

Strings and Constants

You might be wondering how string constants like the one in the fragment shown

here are handled by C++

cout ltlt strlen(Xanadu)

The answer is that when the compiler encounters a string constant it stores it in the

programlsquos string table and generates a pointer to the string Thus ―Xanadu yields a pointer to its entry in the string table Therefore the following program is perfectly valid and prints

the phrase Pointers add power to C++

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char ptr

ptr = ―Pointers add power to C++ n ptr is assigned the address of this string constant

cout ltlt ptr

return 0

In this program the characters that make up a string constant are stored in the string table and ptr is assigned a pointer to the string in that table

Since a pointer into your programlsquos string table is generated automatically whenever

a string constant is used you might be tempted to use this fact to modify the contents of the string table However this is usually not a good idea because many C++ compilers

create optimized tables in which one string constant may be used at two or more different

places in your program Thus changing a string may cause undesired side effects

Reversing a String in Place

Earlier it was mentioned that comparing one pointer to another is meaningful only if the two pointers point to a common object such as an array Now that you understand how

pointers and arrays relate you can apply pointer comparisons to streamline some types of algorithms In this project you will see an example The program developed here reverses

the contents of a string in place Thus instead of copying the string back-to-front into

another array it reverses the contents of the string inside the array that holds it The program uses two pointer variables to accomplish this One initially points to the beginning

of a string and the other initially points to the last character in the string A loop is set up that continues to run as long as the start pointer is less than the end pointer Each time

through the loop the characters pointed to by the pointers are swapped and the pointers are advanced When the start pointer is greater than or equal to the end pointer the string

has been reversed Step by step

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1 Create a file called StrRevcpp 2 Begin by adding these lines to the file

Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test

char start end int len

char t

The string to be reversed is contained in str The pointers start and end will be used

to access the string

3 Add these lines which display the original string obtain the stringlsquos length and set the initial values for the start and end pointers

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

Notice that end points to the last character in the string not the null terminator

4 Add the code that reverse the string

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts

starts = end end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The process works like this As long as the start pointer points to a memory

location that is less than the end pointer the loop iterates Inside the loop the characters being pointed to by start and end are swapped Then start is incremented

and end is decremented When end is greater than or equal to start all of the characters in the string have been reversed Since both start and end point into the

same array their comparison is meaningful

5 Here is the complete StrRevcpp program

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Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test char start end

int len char t

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts starts = end

end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The output from the program is shown here Original this is a test Reversed

tset a si siht

Arrays of Pointers

Pointers can be arrayed like any other data type For example declaration for an int

pointer array of size 10 is

int p[10]

Here pi is an array of ten integer pointers To assign the address of an int variable

called var to the third element of the pointer array you would write

int var

fpi[2] = ampvar

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Remember pi is an array of int pointers The only thing that the array elements can

hold are the addresses of integer valuesmdashnot the values themselves To find the value of var you would write


Like other arrays arrays of pointers can be initialized A common use for initialized

pointer arrays is to hold pointers to strings Here is an example that uses a two-dimensional array of character pointers to implement a small dictionary

Here is a sample run

Enter word network

An interconnected group of computers

When the array dictionary is created it is initialized with a set of words and their

meanings Recall C++ stores all string constants in the string table associated with your program so the array need only store pointers to the strings The program works by testing

the word entered by the user against the strings stored in the dictionary If a match is found the meaning is displayed If no match is found an error message is printed Notice

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that dictionary ends with two null strings These mark the end of the array Recall that a

null string contains only the terminating null character The for loop runs until the first character in a string is null This condition is tested with this expression


The array indices specify a pointer to a string The obtains the character at that

location If this character is null then the expression is false and the loop terminates Otherwise the expression is true and the loop continues

The Null Pointer Convention

After a pointer is declared but before it has been assigned it will contain an arbitrary value Should you try to use the pointer prior to giving it a value you will probably

crash your program While there is no sure way to avoid using an uninitialized pointer C++ programmers have adopted a procedure that helps prevent some errors By convention if a

pointer contains the null (zero) value it is assumed to point to nothing Thus if all unused pointers are given the null value and you avoid the use of a null pointer you can avoid the

accidental misuse of an uninitialized pointer This is a good practice to follow

Any type of pointer can be initialized to null when it is declared For example the

following initializes p to null

float p = 0 p is now a null pointer

To check for a null pointer use an if statement like one of these

if(p) succeeds if p is not null

if(p) succeeds if p is null

Multiple Indirection

A pointer to a pointer is a form of multiple indirection or a chain of pointers Consider Figure 4-2 As you can see in the case of a normal pointer the value of the

pointer is the address of a value In the case of a pointer to a pointer the first pointer

contains the address of the second pointer which points to the location that contains the desired value Multiple indirection can be carried on to whatever extent desired but there

are few cases where more than a pointer to a pointer is needed or indeed even wise to use Excessive indirection is difficult to follow and prone to conceptual errors

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 5 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and String I Objectives To know how is Pointers and String worked using C II Tasks Procedure Instructions Asnwer the following question

1 What is it called when one pointer points to another pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Of what significant is a null pointer in C++ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that counts the uppercase letters in a string Have it display the result

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Chapter 7

Structures in Arrays Functions and Pointers

What is a Structure

Structure is a collection of variables under a single name Variables can be of any type int float char etc The main difference between structure and array is that arrays are

collections of the same data type and structure is a collection of variables under a single name

Declaring a Structure

The structure is declared by using the keyword struct followed by structure name

also called a tag Then the structure members (variables) are defined with their type and variable names inside the open and close braces and Finally the closed braces end with

a semicolon denoted as following the statement The above structure declaration is also called a Structure Specifier


Three variables custnum of type int salary of type int commission of type float are structuremembers and the structure name is Customer This structure is declared as


In the above example it is seen that variables of different types such as int and float are

grouped in a single structure name Customer

Arrays behave in the same way declaring structures does not mean that memory is

allocated Structure declaration gives a skeleton or template for the structure

After declaring the structure the next step is to define a structure variable

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How to declare Structure Variable

This is similar to variable declaration For variable declaration data type is defined followed

by variable name For structure variable declaration the data type is the name of the structure followed by thestructure variable name

In the above example structure variable cust1 is defined as

What happens when this is defined When structure is defined it allocates or reserves space in memory The memory space allocated will be cumulative of all

defined structure members In the above example there are 3 structure members

custnum salary and commission Of these two are of type int and one is of type float If integer space allocated by a system is 2 bytes and float four bytes the above would

allocate 2bytes for custnum 2 bytes for salary and 4 bytes for commission

How to access structure members in C++

To access structure members the operator used is the dot operator denoted by () The

dot operatorfor accessing structure members is used thusly

structure variable namemember name

For example

To assign 2000 for the structure member salary in the above example of structure

Customer with structure variable cust1 this is written as

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Pointers to structures

All that we have discussed so far has been OK but runs into problems when structures have

to be moved between functions for the following reasons

if the structure is large it is more efficient to pass a pointer to the structure instead of the structure its self This techniquepri is also used to pass pointers to

arrays between functions

When passing a structure to a function you actually pass a COPY of the structure Therefore it is not possible to change the values of members within the structure as

the copy is destroyed when the function ends

Here is an example (these are 2 examples the one to the left uses a pointer)

| |

struct x int a int b int c | struct x int a int b int c

| void function(struct x) | void function(struct x )

| main() | main()

| struct x z | struct x z pz 3

| pz = ampz 4 za = 10 1 | za = 10

za++ | za++

| function(z) 2 | function(pz) 5

| |

void function( struct x z) | void function(struct x pz) | 6

printf( first member d n za) | printf( first member d n (pz)a) |


Here is the annotation

1 Give a structure member a value 2 Pass a COPY of the whole structure to the function

3 Define pz a pointer to a structure of type x

4 Put the address of z into pz pz now POINTS to z PLEASE NOTE z is defined to reserve memory equal to the size of the structure pz only holds an address so will

be 4 bytes long 5 Pass the pointer into the function

6 Print the value of the member a

The (pz)a syntax is used a great deal in C and it was decided to create a short hand for

it So

(pz)a == pz-gta

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Structures and Arrays

include ltiostreamgt

include ltfstreamhgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

ofstream outData

input file structure ifstream inData

char menu_id[10] char menu_name[10]

char menu_col[10]

char menu_row[10] char button_id[10]

char button_label_1[10] char button_label_2[10]

char button_label_3[10] char button_col[10]

char button_row[10]

menu file structure

struct menu

int mid char name[20]

int mcol int mrow

int bid char blabel[24]

int bcol

int brow

List of menus

enum menu_id

MAIN = 1

Define Main menu

menu Main_menu[3]

void createMenu(menu newMenu[] int menu_num MAS_Configure_Button_Request_Messagemsg )

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int y = 0

while ((inDatagetline(menu_id10 $)eof()) ampamp (atoi(menu_id) == menu_num))

newMenu[y]mid= atoi(menu_id)

inDatagetline(menu_name 10 $)

newMenu[y]name[0] = 0

strcpy(newMenu[y]namemenu_name) outData ltlt Main Menu Name ltlt newMenu[y]name ltlt

inDatagetline( menu_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]mcol = atoi(menu_col)

inDatagetline( menu_row 10 $) newMenu[y]mrow = atoi(menu_row)

inDatagetline( button_id 10 $) newMenu[y]bid = atoi(button_id)

inDatagetline( button_label_1 10 $)

inDatagetline( button_label_2 10 $) inDatagetline( button_label_3 10 $)

newMenu[y]blabel[0] = 0 strcpy(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_1)


strcat(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_3) outData ltlt newMenu[y]blabel ltlt

inDatagetline( button_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]bcol = atoi(button_col)

inDatagetline( button_row 10 n)

newMenu[y]brow = atoi(button_row) y++

int main()

int loop

inDataopen(datatxt) if (inData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening datatxt End program ltlt endl


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outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

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recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

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Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

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Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

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the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

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main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

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include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

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next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

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Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

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Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

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1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

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47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

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I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 15: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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The fact that strings are null-terminated can often be used to simplify various

operations For example the following program converts a string to uppercase

Convert a string to uppercase

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

include ltconiohgt

include ltctypehgt

include ltwindowshgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[80]

int i

strcpy (str this is a test)

for (i=0 str[1] i++)

str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt str


return 0

The output from this program is shown here


This program uses the library function toupper() which returns the uppercase

equivalent of its character argument to convert each character in the string The upper()

function uses the header ltctypehgt

Notice that the test condition of the for loop is simply the array indexed by the

condition variable The reason this works is that a true value is any non-zero value

Remember all character values are non-zero but the null terminating the string is zero

Because the null terminator marks the end of the string the loop stops precisely where it is

supposed to

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Table 1 Character functions in ltctypehgt

Function Function Signature


isalnum() int isalnum(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is alphabetic or numeric

isalpha() int isalpha(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is alphabetic

iscntrl() int iscntrl(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a control character

isdigit() int isdigit(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a digit 0 - 9

isgraph() int isgraph(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a non-blank but printing character

islower() int islower(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a lower case alphabetic character ie a - z

isprint() int isprint(intc) Returns a non-zero if c is printable non-blanks and white

space included

ispunct() int ispunct(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a printable character but not alpha numeric or blank

isspace() int isspace(int c) Returns a non-zero for blanks and these escape sequences

f n r t and v

isupper() int isupper(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is an upper-case alphabetic character

ie A - Z

isxdigit() int isxdigit(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a hexadecimal character 0 - 9 a - f or A - F

tolower() int tolower(int c) Returns the lower case version if c is an upper case character

otherwise returns c

toupper() int toupper(int c) Returns the upper case version if c is a lower case character otherwise returns c

Table 2 Some String Handling Functions in ltstringhgt

Functions Function Signature Description

strcat() char strcat(char s1

const char s2) Adds string s2 onto the end of s1 (conCATenation)

strchr() char strchr(const char

s int c)

Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of c in

string s Returns NULL if c is not found in s

strcmp() int strcmp(const char

s1 const char s2)

Compares s1 and s2 alphabetically Returns a negative zero or positive number depending on

whether s1 is before the same as or after s2 if you

were alphabetizing s1 and s2

strcpy() char strcpy(char s1

const char s2) Copies s2 into s1 and returns a point to s1

strlen() size_t strlen(const char s)

Returns the number of characters in the string s starting at s[0] and ending before the first NULL

strncat() char strncat(char s1

const char s2 size_t n)

Tacks on the first n characters of s2 onto s1 A

pointer to s1 is returned

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strncmp() int strncmp(const char s1 const char s2 size_t


Compares s1 with the first n characters of s2 Returns a negative zero or positive integer (just like


strncpy() char strncpy(char s1 const chars2 size_t n)

Copies the first n characters of s2 into the first n characters of s1

strrchr() char strrchr(const

chars int c)

Returns a pointer to the last occurence of c in string

s (Compare with strchr())

strstr() char strstr(const char

s1 const char s2)

Returns the address of the first occurence of string s2 that is also in string s1 Returns NULL if s2 is not

found in s1

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 2 COURSE TOPIC String and Handling Function I Objectives To know the String handling function used

Part II String Handling Functions 1 amp 2

1 What is a null-terminated string __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 To hold a string that is 18 characters long how must the character array be __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 Show how to initialize a four-element array of int to the values 123 and 4 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 How can this initialization be rewritten char str[6] = lsquoHrsquo lsquoersquo lsquolrsquo lsquolrsquo lsquoorsquo lsquoOrsquo)


5 Rewrite the following as an unsized array Int nums[4] = 44 55 66 77


Supplementary Programming (50 points) 1 Write a program that prompts the user for two strings and then compares the strings for equality

but ignores case differences Thus ldquookrdquo and ldquoOKrdquo will compare as equal

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Chapter 4

Introduction to Pointers

A pointer is an object that contains a memory address Very often this address is the

location of another object such as a variable For example if x contains the address of y

then x is said to ―point to y

Pointer variables must be declared as such The general form of a pointer variable

declaration is

type var-name

Here type is the pointerlsquos base type The base type determines what type of data

the pointer will be pointing to var-name is the name of the pointer variable For example

to declare ip to be a pointer to an int use this declaration

int ip

Since the base type of ip is int it can be used to point to int values Here a float

pointer is declared

float fp

In this case the base type of fp is float which means that it can be used to point to

a float value

In general in a declaration statement preceding a variable name with an causes

that variable to become a pointer

The Pointer Operator

There are two special operators that are used with pointers and amp The amp is a

unary operator that returns the memory address of its operand

For example

ptr = amptotal

puts into ptr the memory address of the variable total This address is the location of

total in the computerlsquos internal memory It has nothing to do with the value of total The

operation of amp can be remembered as returning ―the address of the variable it precedes

Therefore the preceding assignment statement could be verbalized as ―ptr receives the

address of total To better understand this assignment assume that the variable total is

located at address 100 Then after the assignment takes place ptr has the value 100 The

second operator is and it is the complement of amp It is a unary operator that returns the

value of the variable located at the address specified by its operand Continuing with the

same example if ptr contains the memory address of the variable total then

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 20 of 66

val = ptr

will place the value of total into val For example if total originally had the value

3200 then val will have the value 3200 because that is the value stored at location 100

the memory address that was assigned to ptr The operation of can be remembered as ―at

address In this case then the statement could be read as ―val receives the value at

address ptr

The following program executes the sequence of the operations just described

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int total

int ptr

int val

total = 3200 assign 3200 to total

ptr = amptotal get address of total

val = ptr get value at that address

cout ltlt Total is ltlt val ltlt n

return 0

It is unfortunate that the multiplication symbol and the ―at address symbol are the

same This fact sometimes confuses newcomers to the C++ language These operators

have no relationship to each other Keep in mind that both amp and have a higher

precedence than any of the arithmetic operators except the unary minus with which they

have equal precedence The act of using a pointer is often called indirection because you are

accessing one variable indirectly through another variable

The Base Type of a Pointer

In the preceding discussion you saw that it was possible to assign val the value of

total indirectly through a pointer At this point you may have thought of this important question How does C++ know how many bytes to copy into val from the address pointed

to by ptr Or more generally how does the compiler transfer the proper number of bytes for any assignment involving a pointer The answer is that the base type of the pointer

determines the type of data upon which the pointer operates In this case because ptr is an

int pointer four bytes of information are copied into val (assuming a 32-bit int) from the address pointed to by ptr However if ptr had been a double pointer for example then

eight bytes would have been copied

It is important to ensure that pointer variables always point to the correct type of data For example when you declare a pointer to be of type int the compiler assumes that

anything it points to will be an integer variable If it doesnlsquot point to an integer variable then trouble is usually not far behind For example the following fragment is incorrect

int p double f p = ampf ERROR

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This fragment is invalid because you cannot assign a double pointer to an integer pointer That is ampf generates a pointer to a double but p is a pointer to an int These two

types are not compatible (In fact the compiler would flag an error at this point and not compile your program) Although two pointers must have compatible types in order for one

to be assigned to another you can override this restriction (at your own risk) using a cast For example the following fragment is now technically correct

int p double f p = (int ) ampf Now technically OK

The cast to int causes the double pointer to be converted to an integer pointer However to use a cast for this purpose is questionable practice The reason is that the base

type of a pointer determines how the compiler treats the data it points to In this case even though p is actually pointing to a floating-point value the compiler still ―thinks that p is

pointing to an int (because p is an int pointer)

To better understand why using a cast to assign one type of pointer to another is not usually a good idea consider the following short program

This program will not work right include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

double xy int p

x = 12323 p = (int ) ampx use cast to assign double to int

y = p what will this do

cout ltlt y what will this print

return 0

Here is the output produced by the program (You might see a different value)


This value is clearly not 12323 Here is why In the program p (which is an integer

pointer) has been assigned the address of x (which is a double) Thus when y is assigned the value pointed to by p y receives only four bytes of data (and not the eight required for

a double value) because p is an integer pointer Therefore the cout statement displays not 12323 but a garbage value instead

Assigning value to pointers

You can use a pointer on the left-hand side of an assignment statement to assign a value to the location pointed to by the pointer Assuming that p is an int pointer this

assigns the value 101 to the location pointed to by p

p = 101

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You can verbalize this assignment like this ―At the location pointed to by p assign the value 101 To increment or decrement the value at the location pointed to by a pointer

you can use a statement like this


The parentheses are necessary because the operator has lower precedence than does the ++ operator

The following program demonstrates an assignment through a pointer

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int p num

p = ampnum

p = 100 assign num the value 100 through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)++ increment num through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)-- decrement num through p cout ltlt num ltlt nlsquo

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

100 101 100

Pointer Expressions

Pointers can be used in most C++ expressions However some special rules apply

Remember also that you may need to surround some parts of a pointer expression with parentheses in order to ensure that the outcome is what you desire

Pointer Arithmetic There are only four arithmetic operators that can be used on

pointers ++ ndash ndash + and ndash To understand what occurs in pointer arithmetic let p1 be an int pointer with a current value of 2000 (that is it contains the address 2000) Assuming

32-bit integers after the expression


The contents of p1 will be 2004 not 2001 The reason for this is that each time p1

is incremented it will point to the next int The same is true of decrements For example again assuming that p1 has the value 2000 the expression

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causes p1 to have the value 1996

Generalizing from the preceding example the following rules apply to pointer

arithmetic Each time that a pointer is incremented it will point to the memory location of the next element of its base type Each time it is decremented it will point to the location of

the previous element of its base type In the case of character pointers an increment or decrement will appear as ―normal arithmetic because characters are one byte long

However every other type of pointer will increase or decrease by the length of its base

type You are not limited to only increment and decrement operations You can also add or subtract integers to or from pointers The expression

p1 = p1 + 9

makes p1 point to the ninth element of p1lsquos base type beyond the one to which it is

currently pointing

Although you cannot add pointers you can subtract one pointer from another

(provided they are both of the same base type) The remainder will be the number of elements of the base type that separate the two pointers

Other than addition and subtraction of a pointer and an integer or the subtraction of

two pointers no other arithmetic operations can be performed on pointers For example you cannot add or subtract float or double values to or from pointers

To graphically see the effects of pointer arithmetic execute the next short program

It creates an int pointer (i) and a double pointer (f) It then adds the values 0 through 9 to

these pointers and displays the results Observe how each address changes relative to its base type each time the loop is repeated (For most 32-bit compilers i will increase by 4s

and f will increase by 8s) Notice that when using a pointer in a cout statement its address is automatically displayed in the addressing format applicable to the CPU and environment

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int I j[10]

double f g[10] int x

i = j

f = g

for (x=0 xlt10 x++)

cout ltlt i+x ltlt ltlt f+x ltlt nlsquo display the addresses produced by adding x

to each pointer

Here is a sample run (The precise values you see may differ from these)

0012FE5C 09012FE84

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 24 of 66

0012FE60 0012FE8C

0012FE64 0012FE94 0012FE68 0012FE9C

0012FE6C 0012FEA4 0012FE70 0012FEAC

0012FE74 0012FEB4 0012FE78 0012FEBC

0012FE7C 0012FEC4

0012FE80 0012FECC

Pointer Comparisons

Pointers may be compared using the relational operators such as == lt and gt In general for the outcome of a pointer comparison to be meaningful the two pointers must

have some relationship to each other For example both may point to elements within the same array There is however one other type of pointer comparison any pointer can be

compared to the null pointer which is zero

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I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers in C and its use

II Basic Information Scenario Answer the following using Pointers

1 What is a pointer


2 Show how to declare a long int pointer called valPtr __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 As they relate to pointers what do the and amp operators do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7 What are two pointer operators __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 5

Pointers and Arrays

In C++ there is a close relationship between pointers and arrays In fact frequently a pointer and an array are interchangeable Consider this fragment

char str[80] char p1

p1 = str

Here str is an array of 80 characters and p1 is a character pointer However it is the third line that is of interest In this line p1 is assigned the address of the first element in

the str array (That is after the assignment p1 will point to str[0]) Herelsquos why In C++ using the name of an array without an index generates a pointer to the first element in the

array Thus the assignment

p1 = str

assigns the address of str[0] to p1 This is a crucial point to understand When an


array name is used in an expression it yields a pointer to the first element in the array Since after the assignment p1 points to the beginning of str you can use p1 to


elements in the array For example if you want to access the fifth element in str you can use




Both statements obtain the fifth element Remember array indices start at zero so when str is indexed a 4 is used to access the fifth element A 4 is also added to the pointer

p1 to get the fifth element because p1 currently points to the first element of str

The parentheses surrounding p1+4 are necessary because the operation has a

higher priority than the + operation Without them the expression would first find the value pointed to by p1 (the first location in the array) and then add 4 to it In effect C++ allows

two methods of accessing array elements pointer arithmetic and array indexing This is important because pointer arithmetic can sometimes be faster than array indexingmdash

especially when you are accessing an array in strictly sequential order Since speed is often a consideration in programming the use of pointers to access array elements is very

common in C++ programs Also you can sometimes write tighter code by using pointers

instead of array indexing

Here is an example that demonstrates the difference between using array indexing and pointer arithmetic to access the elements of an array We will create two versions of a

program that reverse the case of letters within a string The first version uses array indexing The second uses pointer arithmetic The first version is shown here

Reverse case using array indexing

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include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = This Is A Test

cout ltlt Original string ltlt str ltlt n

for(i = 0 str[i] i++)

if(isupper(str[i])) str[i] = tolower(str[i]) else if(islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt Inverted-case string ltlt str

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

Original string This Is A Test Inverted-case string tHIS iS a tEST

Notice that the program uses the isupper( ) and islower( ) library functions to determine the case of a letter The isupper( ) function returns true when its argument is an

uppercase letter islower( ) returns true when its argument is a lowercase letter Inside the for loop str is indexed and the case of each letter is checked and changed The loop

iterates until the null terminating str is indexed Since a null is zero (false) the loop stops

Here is the same program rewritten to use pointer arithmetic

Reverse case using array indexing

include ltiostreamgt include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = ―This Is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

for i = 0 str[i] i++) if (iupper(str[i]))

else if (islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i]

cout ltlt ―Inverted-case string ― ltlt str return 0

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In this version p is set to the start of str Then inside the while loop the letter at p

is checked and changed and then p is incremented The loop stops when p points to the null terminator that ends str Because of the way some C++ compilers generate code these

two programs may not be equivalent in performance Generally it takes more machine instructions to index an array than it does to perform arithmetic on a pointer Consequently

in professionally written C++ code it is common to see the pointer version used more frequently However as a beginning C++ programmer feel free to use array indexing until

you are comfortable with pointers

Indexing a Pointer

As you have just seen it is possible to access an array using pointer arithmetic

What you might find surprising is that the reverse is also true In C++ it is possible to index a pointer as if it were an array Here is an example It is a third version of the case-

changing program

index a pointer as if it were an array

include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt

using namespace std


char p int i

char str[80]=This is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

p = str assign the p address of the start of the array now index p

for (I = 0 p[i] i++)

if (isupper(p[i])) p[i] = tolowerp[i])

else if (islower(p[i])

p[i] = toupper(p[i])

cout ltlt ―Inverted ndash case string lt str

return 0

The program creates a char pointer called p and then assigns to that pointer the

address of the first element in str Inside the for loop p is indexed using the normal array indexing syntax This is perfectly valid because in C++ the statement p[i] is function

functionally identical to (p+i) This further illustrates the close relationship between pointers and arrays

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 4 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and Arrays I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers and Arrays using C

II Tasks Procedure Instructions Answer the following questions

1 Can an array be accessed through a pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Can a pointer be indexed as if it were an array __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 An array name used by itself with no index yields what __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 6

Pointers and String

Strings and Constants

You might be wondering how string constants like the one in the fragment shown

here are handled by C++

cout ltlt strlen(Xanadu)

The answer is that when the compiler encounters a string constant it stores it in the

programlsquos string table and generates a pointer to the string Thus ―Xanadu yields a pointer to its entry in the string table Therefore the following program is perfectly valid and prints

the phrase Pointers add power to C++

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char ptr

ptr = ―Pointers add power to C++ n ptr is assigned the address of this string constant

cout ltlt ptr

return 0

In this program the characters that make up a string constant are stored in the string table and ptr is assigned a pointer to the string in that table

Since a pointer into your programlsquos string table is generated automatically whenever

a string constant is used you might be tempted to use this fact to modify the contents of the string table However this is usually not a good idea because many C++ compilers

create optimized tables in which one string constant may be used at two or more different

places in your program Thus changing a string may cause undesired side effects

Reversing a String in Place

Earlier it was mentioned that comparing one pointer to another is meaningful only if the two pointers point to a common object such as an array Now that you understand how

pointers and arrays relate you can apply pointer comparisons to streamline some types of algorithms In this project you will see an example The program developed here reverses

the contents of a string in place Thus instead of copying the string back-to-front into

another array it reverses the contents of the string inside the array that holds it The program uses two pointer variables to accomplish this One initially points to the beginning

of a string and the other initially points to the last character in the string A loop is set up that continues to run as long as the start pointer is less than the end pointer Each time

through the loop the characters pointed to by the pointers are swapped and the pointers are advanced When the start pointer is greater than or equal to the end pointer the string

has been reversed Step by step

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1 Create a file called StrRevcpp 2 Begin by adding these lines to the file

Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test

char start end int len

char t

The string to be reversed is contained in str The pointers start and end will be used

to access the string

3 Add these lines which display the original string obtain the stringlsquos length and set the initial values for the start and end pointers

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

Notice that end points to the last character in the string not the null terminator

4 Add the code that reverse the string

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts

starts = end end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The process works like this As long as the start pointer points to a memory

location that is less than the end pointer the loop iterates Inside the loop the characters being pointed to by start and end are swapped Then start is incremented

and end is decremented When end is greater than or equal to start all of the characters in the string have been reversed Since both start and end point into the

same array their comparison is meaningful

5 Here is the complete StrRevcpp program

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Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test char start end

int len char t

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts starts = end

end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The output from the program is shown here Original this is a test Reversed

tset a si siht

Arrays of Pointers

Pointers can be arrayed like any other data type For example declaration for an int

pointer array of size 10 is

int p[10]

Here pi is an array of ten integer pointers To assign the address of an int variable

called var to the third element of the pointer array you would write

int var

fpi[2] = ampvar

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Remember pi is an array of int pointers The only thing that the array elements can

hold are the addresses of integer valuesmdashnot the values themselves To find the value of var you would write


Like other arrays arrays of pointers can be initialized A common use for initialized

pointer arrays is to hold pointers to strings Here is an example that uses a two-dimensional array of character pointers to implement a small dictionary

Here is a sample run

Enter word network

An interconnected group of computers

When the array dictionary is created it is initialized with a set of words and their

meanings Recall C++ stores all string constants in the string table associated with your program so the array need only store pointers to the strings The program works by testing

the word entered by the user against the strings stored in the dictionary If a match is found the meaning is displayed If no match is found an error message is printed Notice

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that dictionary ends with two null strings These mark the end of the array Recall that a

null string contains only the terminating null character The for loop runs until the first character in a string is null This condition is tested with this expression


The array indices specify a pointer to a string The obtains the character at that

location If this character is null then the expression is false and the loop terminates Otherwise the expression is true and the loop continues

The Null Pointer Convention

After a pointer is declared but before it has been assigned it will contain an arbitrary value Should you try to use the pointer prior to giving it a value you will probably

crash your program While there is no sure way to avoid using an uninitialized pointer C++ programmers have adopted a procedure that helps prevent some errors By convention if a

pointer contains the null (zero) value it is assumed to point to nothing Thus if all unused pointers are given the null value and you avoid the use of a null pointer you can avoid the

accidental misuse of an uninitialized pointer This is a good practice to follow

Any type of pointer can be initialized to null when it is declared For example the

following initializes p to null

float p = 0 p is now a null pointer

To check for a null pointer use an if statement like one of these

if(p) succeeds if p is not null

if(p) succeeds if p is null

Multiple Indirection

A pointer to a pointer is a form of multiple indirection or a chain of pointers Consider Figure 4-2 As you can see in the case of a normal pointer the value of the

pointer is the address of a value In the case of a pointer to a pointer the first pointer

contains the address of the second pointer which points to the location that contains the desired value Multiple indirection can be carried on to whatever extent desired but there

are few cases where more than a pointer to a pointer is needed or indeed even wise to use Excessive indirection is difficult to follow and prone to conceptual errors

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 5 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and String I Objectives To know how is Pointers and String worked using C II Tasks Procedure Instructions Asnwer the following question

1 What is it called when one pointer points to another pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Of what significant is a null pointer in C++ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that counts the uppercase letters in a string Have it display the result

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Chapter 7

Structures in Arrays Functions and Pointers

What is a Structure

Structure is a collection of variables under a single name Variables can be of any type int float char etc The main difference between structure and array is that arrays are

collections of the same data type and structure is a collection of variables under a single name

Declaring a Structure

The structure is declared by using the keyword struct followed by structure name

also called a tag Then the structure members (variables) are defined with their type and variable names inside the open and close braces and Finally the closed braces end with

a semicolon denoted as following the statement The above structure declaration is also called a Structure Specifier


Three variables custnum of type int salary of type int commission of type float are structuremembers and the structure name is Customer This structure is declared as


In the above example it is seen that variables of different types such as int and float are

grouped in a single structure name Customer

Arrays behave in the same way declaring structures does not mean that memory is

allocated Structure declaration gives a skeleton or template for the structure

After declaring the structure the next step is to define a structure variable

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How to declare Structure Variable

This is similar to variable declaration For variable declaration data type is defined followed

by variable name For structure variable declaration the data type is the name of the structure followed by thestructure variable name

In the above example structure variable cust1 is defined as

What happens when this is defined When structure is defined it allocates or reserves space in memory The memory space allocated will be cumulative of all

defined structure members In the above example there are 3 structure members

custnum salary and commission Of these two are of type int and one is of type float If integer space allocated by a system is 2 bytes and float four bytes the above would

allocate 2bytes for custnum 2 bytes for salary and 4 bytes for commission

How to access structure members in C++

To access structure members the operator used is the dot operator denoted by () The

dot operatorfor accessing structure members is used thusly

structure variable namemember name

For example

To assign 2000 for the structure member salary in the above example of structure

Customer with structure variable cust1 this is written as

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Pointers to structures

All that we have discussed so far has been OK but runs into problems when structures have

to be moved between functions for the following reasons

if the structure is large it is more efficient to pass a pointer to the structure instead of the structure its self This techniquepri is also used to pass pointers to

arrays between functions

When passing a structure to a function you actually pass a COPY of the structure Therefore it is not possible to change the values of members within the structure as

the copy is destroyed when the function ends

Here is an example (these are 2 examples the one to the left uses a pointer)

| |

struct x int a int b int c | struct x int a int b int c

| void function(struct x) | void function(struct x )

| main() | main()

| struct x z | struct x z pz 3

| pz = ampz 4 za = 10 1 | za = 10

za++ | za++

| function(z) 2 | function(pz) 5

| |

void function( struct x z) | void function(struct x pz) | 6

printf( first member d n za) | printf( first member d n (pz)a) |


Here is the annotation

1 Give a structure member a value 2 Pass a COPY of the whole structure to the function

3 Define pz a pointer to a structure of type x

4 Put the address of z into pz pz now POINTS to z PLEASE NOTE z is defined to reserve memory equal to the size of the structure pz only holds an address so will

be 4 bytes long 5 Pass the pointer into the function

6 Print the value of the member a

The (pz)a syntax is used a great deal in C and it was decided to create a short hand for

it So

(pz)a == pz-gta

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Structures and Arrays

include ltiostreamgt

include ltfstreamhgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

ofstream outData

input file structure ifstream inData

char menu_id[10] char menu_name[10]

char menu_col[10]

char menu_row[10] char button_id[10]

char button_label_1[10] char button_label_2[10]

char button_label_3[10] char button_col[10]

char button_row[10]

menu file structure

struct menu

int mid char name[20]

int mcol int mrow

int bid char blabel[24]

int bcol

int brow

List of menus

enum menu_id

MAIN = 1

Define Main menu

menu Main_menu[3]

void createMenu(menu newMenu[] int menu_num MAS_Configure_Button_Request_Messagemsg )

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 40 of 66

int y = 0

while ((inDatagetline(menu_id10 $)eof()) ampamp (atoi(menu_id) == menu_num))

newMenu[y]mid= atoi(menu_id)

inDatagetline(menu_name 10 $)

newMenu[y]name[0] = 0

strcpy(newMenu[y]namemenu_name) outData ltlt Main Menu Name ltlt newMenu[y]name ltlt

inDatagetline( menu_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]mcol = atoi(menu_col)

inDatagetline( menu_row 10 $) newMenu[y]mrow = atoi(menu_row)

inDatagetline( button_id 10 $) newMenu[y]bid = atoi(button_id)

inDatagetline( button_label_1 10 $)

inDatagetline( button_label_2 10 $) inDatagetline( button_label_3 10 $)

newMenu[y]blabel[0] = 0 strcpy(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_1)


strcat(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_3) outData ltlt newMenu[y]blabel ltlt

inDatagetline( button_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]bcol = atoi(button_col)

inDatagetline( button_row 10 n)

newMenu[y]brow = atoi(button_row) y++

int main()

int loop

inDataopen(datatxt) if (inData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening datatxt End program ltlt endl


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outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 42 of 66

recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 43 of 66

Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

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Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 48 of 66

Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 49 of 66

the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

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main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

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include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

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next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

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1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

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47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

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I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 16: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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Table 1 Character functions in ltctypehgt

Function Function Signature


isalnum() int isalnum(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is alphabetic or numeric

isalpha() int isalpha(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is alphabetic

iscntrl() int iscntrl(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a control character

isdigit() int isdigit(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a digit 0 - 9

isgraph() int isgraph(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a non-blank but printing character

islower() int islower(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a lower case alphabetic character ie a - z

isprint() int isprint(intc) Returns a non-zero if c is printable non-blanks and white

space included

ispunct() int ispunct(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a printable character but not alpha numeric or blank

isspace() int isspace(int c) Returns a non-zero for blanks and these escape sequences

f n r t and v

isupper() int isupper(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is an upper-case alphabetic character

ie A - Z

isxdigit() int isxdigit(int c) Returns a non-zero if c is a hexadecimal character 0 - 9 a - f or A - F

tolower() int tolower(int c) Returns the lower case version if c is an upper case character

otherwise returns c

toupper() int toupper(int c) Returns the upper case version if c is a lower case character otherwise returns c

Table 2 Some String Handling Functions in ltstringhgt

Functions Function Signature Description

strcat() char strcat(char s1

const char s2) Adds string s2 onto the end of s1 (conCATenation)

strchr() char strchr(const char

s int c)

Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of c in

string s Returns NULL if c is not found in s

strcmp() int strcmp(const char

s1 const char s2)

Compares s1 and s2 alphabetically Returns a negative zero or positive number depending on

whether s1 is before the same as or after s2 if you

were alphabetizing s1 and s2

strcpy() char strcpy(char s1

const char s2) Copies s2 into s1 and returns a point to s1

strlen() size_t strlen(const char s)

Returns the number of characters in the string s starting at s[0] and ending before the first NULL

strncat() char strncat(char s1

const char s2 size_t n)

Tacks on the first n characters of s2 onto s1 A

pointer to s1 is returned

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strncmp() int strncmp(const char s1 const char s2 size_t


Compares s1 with the first n characters of s2 Returns a negative zero or positive integer (just like


strncpy() char strncpy(char s1 const chars2 size_t n)

Copies the first n characters of s2 into the first n characters of s1

strrchr() char strrchr(const

chars int c)

Returns a pointer to the last occurence of c in string

s (Compare with strchr())

strstr() char strstr(const char

s1 const char s2)

Returns the address of the first occurence of string s2 that is also in string s1 Returns NULL if s2 is not

found in s1

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 2 COURSE TOPIC String and Handling Function I Objectives To know the String handling function used

Part II String Handling Functions 1 amp 2

1 What is a null-terminated string __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 To hold a string that is 18 characters long how must the character array be __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 Show how to initialize a four-element array of int to the values 123 and 4 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 How can this initialization be rewritten char str[6] = lsquoHrsquo lsquoersquo lsquolrsquo lsquolrsquo lsquoorsquo lsquoOrsquo)


5 Rewrite the following as an unsized array Int nums[4] = 44 55 66 77


Supplementary Programming (50 points) 1 Write a program that prompts the user for two strings and then compares the strings for equality

but ignores case differences Thus ldquookrdquo and ldquoOKrdquo will compare as equal

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Chapter 4

Introduction to Pointers

A pointer is an object that contains a memory address Very often this address is the

location of another object such as a variable For example if x contains the address of y

then x is said to ―point to y

Pointer variables must be declared as such The general form of a pointer variable

declaration is

type var-name

Here type is the pointerlsquos base type The base type determines what type of data

the pointer will be pointing to var-name is the name of the pointer variable For example

to declare ip to be a pointer to an int use this declaration

int ip

Since the base type of ip is int it can be used to point to int values Here a float

pointer is declared

float fp

In this case the base type of fp is float which means that it can be used to point to

a float value

In general in a declaration statement preceding a variable name with an causes

that variable to become a pointer

The Pointer Operator

There are two special operators that are used with pointers and amp The amp is a

unary operator that returns the memory address of its operand

For example

ptr = amptotal

puts into ptr the memory address of the variable total This address is the location of

total in the computerlsquos internal memory It has nothing to do with the value of total The

operation of amp can be remembered as returning ―the address of the variable it precedes

Therefore the preceding assignment statement could be verbalized as ―ptr receives the

address of total To better understand this assignment assume that the variable total is

located at address 100 Then after the assignment takes place ptr has the value 100 The

second operator is and it is the complement of amp It is a unary operator that returns the

value of the variable located at the address specified by its operand Continuing with the

same example if ptr contains the memory address of the variable total then

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 20 of 66

val = ptr

will place the value of total into val For example if total originally had the value

3200 then val will have the value 3200 because that is the value stored at location 100

the memory address that was assigned to ptr The operation of can be remembered as ―at

address In this case then the statement could be read as ―val receives the value at

address ptr

The following program executes the sequence of the operations just described

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int total

int ptr

int val

total = 3200 assign 3200 to total

ptr = amptotal get address of total

val = ptr get value at that address

cout ltlt Total is ltlt val ltlt n

return 0

It is unfortunate that the multiplication symbol and the ―at address symbol are the

same This fact sometimes confuses newcomers to the C++ language These operators

have no relationship to each other Keep in mind that both amp and have a higher

precedence than any of the arithmetic operators except the unary minus with which they

have equal precedence The act of using a pointer is often called indirection because you are

accessing one variable indirectly through another variable

The Base Type of a Pointer

In the preceding discussion you saw that it was possible to assign val the value of

total indirectly through a pointer At this point you may have thought of this important question How does C++ know how many bytes to copy into val from the address pointed

to by ptr Or more generally how does the compiler transfer the proper number of bytes for any assignment involving a pointer The answer is that the base type of the pointer

determines the type of data upon which the pointer operates In this case because ptr is an

int pointer four bytes of information are copied into val (assuming a 32-bit int) from the address pointed to by ptr However if ptr had been a double pointer for example then

eight bytes would have been copied

It is important to ensure that pointer variables always point to the correct type of data For example when you declare a pointer to be of type int the compiler assumes that

anything it points to will be an integer variable If it doesnlsquot point to an integer variable then trouble is usually not far behind For example the following fragment is incorrect

int p double f p = ampf ERROR

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 21 of 66

This fragment is invalid because you cannot assign a double pointer to an integer pointer That is ampf generates a pointer to a double but p is a pointer to an int These two

types are not compatible (In fact the compiler would flag an error at this point and not compile your program) Although two pointers must have compatible types in order for one

to be assigned to another you can override this restriction (at your own risk) using a cast For example the following fragment is now technically correct

int p double f p = (int ) ampf Now technically OK

The cast to int causes the double pointer to be converted to an integer pointer However to use a cast for this purpose is questionable practice The reason is that the base

type of a pointer determines how the compiler treats the data it points to In this case even though p is actually pointing to a floating-point value the compiler still ―thinks that p is

pointing to an int (because p is an int pointer)

To better understand why using a cast to assign one type of pointer to another is not usually a good idea consider the following short program

This program will not work right include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

double xy int p

x = 12323 p = (int ) ampx use cast to assign double to int

y = p what will this do

cout ltlt y what will this print

return 0

Here is the output produced by the program (You might see a different value)


This value is clearly not 12323 Here is why In the program p (which is an integer

pointer) has been assigned the address of x (which is a double) Thus when y is assigned the value pointed to by p y receives only four bytes of data (and not the eight required for

a double value) because p is an integer pointer Therefore the cout statement displays not 12323 but a garbage value instead

Assigning value to pointers

You can use a pointer on the left-hand side of an assignment statement to assign a value to the location pointed to by the pointer Assuming that p is an int pointer this

assigns the value 101 to the location pointed to by p

p = 101

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You can verbalize this assignment like this ―At the location pointed to by p assign the value 101 To increment or decrement the value at the location pointed to by a pointer

you can use a statement like this


The parentheses are necessary because the operator has lower precedence than does the ++ operator

The following program demonstrates an assignment through a pointer

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int p num

p = ampnum

p = 100 assign num the value 100 through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)++ increment num through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)-- decrement num through p cout ltlt num ltlt nlsquo

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

100 101 100

Pointer Expressions

Pointers can be used in most C++ expressions However some special rules apply

Remember also that you may need to surround some parts of a pointer expression with parentheses in order to ensure that the outcome is what you desire

Pointer Arithmetic There are only four arithmetic operators that can be used on

pointers ++ ndash ndash + and ndash To understand what occurs in pointer arithmetic let p1 be an int pointer with a current value of 2000 (that is it contains the address 2000) Assuming

32-bit integers after the expression


The contents of p1 will be 2004 not 2001 The reason for this is that each time p1

is incremented it will point to the next int The same is true of decrements For example again assuming that p1 has the value 2000 the expression

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 23 of 66


causes p1 to have the value 1996

Generalizing from the preceding example the following rules apply to pointer

arithmetic Each time that a pointer is incremented it will point to the memory location of the next element of its base type Each time it is decremented it will point to the location of

the previous element of its base type In the case of character pointers an increment or decrement will appear as ―normal arithmetic because characters are one byte long

However every other type of pointer will increase or decrease by the length of its base

type You are not limited to only increment and decrement operations You can also add or subtract integers to or from pointers The expression

p1 = p1 + 9

makes p1 point to the ninth element of p1lsquos base type beyond the one to which it is

currently pointing

Although you cannot add pointers you can subtract one pointer from another

(provided they are both of the same base type) The remainder will be the number of elements of the base type that separate the two pointers

Other than addition and subtraction of a pointer and an integer or the subtraction of

two pointers no other arithmetic operations can be performed on pointers For example you cannot add or subtract float or double values to or from pointers

To graphically see the effects of pointer arithmetic execute the next short program

It creates an int pointer (i) and a double pointer (f) It then adds the values 0 through 9 to

these pointers and displays the results Observe how each address changes relative to its base type each time the loop is repeated (For most 32-bit compilers i will increase by 4s

and f will increase by 8s) Notice that when using a pointer in a cout statement its address is automatically displayed in the addressing format applicable to the CPU and environment

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int I j[10]

double f g[10] int x

i = j

f = g

for (x=0 xlt10 x++)

cout ltlt i+x ltlt ltlt f+x ltlt nlsquo display the addresses produced by adding x

to each pointer

Here is a sample run (The precise values you see may differ from these)

0012FE5C 09012FE84

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 24 of 66

0012FE60 0012FE8C

0012FE64 0012FE94 0012FE68 0012FE9C

0012FE6C 0012FEA4 0012FE70 0012FEAC

0012FE74 0012FEB4 0012FE78 0012FEBC

0012FE7C 0012FEC4

0012FE80 0012FECC

Pointer Comparisons

Pointers may be compared using the relational operators such as == lt and gt In general for the outcome of a pointer comparison to be meaningful the two pointers must

have some relationship to each other For example both may point to elements within the same array There is however one other type of pointer comparison any pointer can be

compared to the null pointer which is zero

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I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers in C and its use

II Basic Information Scenario Answer the following using Pointers

1 What is a pointer


2 Show how to declare a long int pointer called valPtr __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 As they relate to pointers what do the and amp operators do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7 What are two pointer operators __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 5

Pointers and Arrays

In C++ there is a close relationship between pointers and arrays In fact frequently a pointer and an array are interchangeable Consider this fragment

char str[80] char p1

p1 = str

Here str is an array of 80 characters and p1 is a character pointer However it is the third line that is of interest In this line p1 is assigned the address of the first element in

the str array (That is after the assignment p1 will point to str[0]) Herelsquos why In C++ using the name of an array without an index generates a pointer to the first element in the

array Thus the assignment

p1 = str

assigns the address of str[0] to p1 This is a crucial point to understand When an


array name is used in an expression it yields a pointer to the first element in the array Since after the assignment p1 points to the beginning of str you can use p1 to


elements in the array For example if you want to access the fifth element in str you can use




Both statements obtain the fifth element Remember array indices start at zero so when str is indexed a 4 is used to access the fifth element A 4 is also added to the pointer

p1 to get the fifth element because p1 currently points to the first element of str

The parentheses surrounding p1+4 are necessary because the operation has a

higher priority than the + operation Without them the expression would first find the value pointed to by p1 (the first location in the array) and then add 4 to it In effect C++ allows

two methods of accessing array elements pointer arithmetic and array indexing This is important because pointer arithmetic can sometimes be faster than array indexingmdash

especially when you are accessing an array in strictly sequential order Since speed is often a consideration in programming the use of pointers to access array elements is very

common in C++ programs Also you can sometimes write tighter code by using pointers

instead of array indexing

Here is an example that demonstrates the difference between using array indexing and pointer arithmetic to access the elements of an array We will create two versions of a

program that reverse the case of letters within a string The first version uses array indexing The second uses pointer arithmetic The first version is shown here

Reverse case using array indexing

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include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = This Is A Test

cout ltlt Original string ltlt str ltlt n

for(i = 0 str[i] i++)

if(isupper(str[i])) str[i] = tolower(str[i]) else if(islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt Inverted-case string ltlt str

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

Original string This Is A Test Inverted-case string tHIS iS a tEST

Notice that the program uses the isupper( ) and islower( ) library functions to determine the case of a letter The isupper( ) function returns true when its argument is an

uppercase letter islower( ) returns true when its argument is a lowercase letter Inside the for loop str is indexed and the case of each letter is checked and changed The loop

iterates until the null terminating str is indexed Since a null is zero (false) the loop stops

Here is the same program rewritten to use pointer arithmetic

Reverse case using array indexing

include ltiostreamgt include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = ―This Is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

for i = 0 str[i] i++) if (iupper(str[i]))

else if (islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i]

cout ltlt ―Inverted-case string ― ltlt str return 0

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In this version p is set to the start of str Then inside the while loop the letter at p

is checked and changed and then p is incremented The loop stops when p points to the null terminator that ends str Because of the way some C++ compilers generate code these

two programs may not be equivalent in performance Generally it takes more machine instructions to index an array than it does to perform arithmetic on a pointer Consequently

in professionally written C++ code it is common to see the pointer version used more frequently However as a beginning C++ programmer feel free to use array indexing until

you are comfortable with pointers

Indexing a Pointer

As you have just seen it is possible to access an array using pointer arithmetic

What you might find surprising is that the reverse is also true In C++ it is possible to index a pointer as if it were an array Here is an example It is a third version of the case-

changing program

index a pointer as if it were an array

include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt

using namespace std


char p int i

char str[80]=This is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

p = str assign the p address of the start of the array now index p

for (I = 0 p[i] i++)

if (isupper(p[i])) p[i] = tolowerp[i])

else if (islower(p[i])

p[i] = toupper(p[i])

cout ltlt ―Inverted ndash case string lt str

return 0

The program creates a char pointer called p and then assigns to that pointer the

address of the first element in str Inside the for loop p is indexed using the normal array indexing syntax This is perfectly valid because in C++ the statement p[i] is function

functionally identical to (p+i) This further illustrates the close relationship between pointers and arrays

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 4 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and Arrays I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers and Arrays using C

II Tasks Procedure Instructions Answer the following questions

1 Can an array be accessed through a pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Can a pointer be indexed as if it were an array __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 An array name used by itself with no index yields what __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 6

Pointers and String

Strings and Constants

You might be wondering how string constants like the one in the fragment shown

here are handled by C++

cout ltlt strlen(Xanadu)

The answer is that when the compiler encounters a string constant it stores it in the

programlsquos string table and generates a pointer to the string Thus ―Xanadu yields a pointer to its entry in the string table Therefore the following program is perfectly valid and prints

the phrase Pointers add power to C++

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char ptr

ptr = ―Pointers add power to C++ n ptr is assigned the address of this string constant

cout ltlt ptr

return 0

In this program the characters that make up a string constant are stored in the string table and ptr is assigned a pointer to the string in that table

Since a pointer into your programlsquos string table is generated automatically whenever

a string constant is used you might be tempted to use this fact to modify the contents of the string table However this is usually not a good idea because many C++ compilers

create optimized tables in which one string constant may be used at two or more different

places in your program Thus changing a string may cause undesired side effects

Reversing a String in Place

Earlier it was mentioned that comparing one pointer to another is meaningful only if the two pointers point to a common object such as an array Now that you understand how

pointers and arrays relate you can apply pointer comparisons to streamline some types of algorithms In this project you will see an example The program developed here reverses

the contents of a string in place Thus instead of copying the string back-to-front into

another array it reverses the contents of the string inside the array that holds it The program uses two pointer variables to accomplish this One initially points to the beginning

of a string and the other initially points to the last character in the string A loop is set up that continues to run as long as the start pointer is less than the end pointer Each time

through the loop the characters pointed to by the pointers are swapped and the pointers are advanced When the start pointer is greater than or equal to the end pointer the string

has been reversed Step by step

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1 Create a file called StrRevcpp 2 Begin by adding these lines to the file

Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test

char start end int len

char t

The string to be reversed is contained in str The pointers start and end will be used

to access the string

3 Add these lines which display the original string obtain the stringlsquos length and set the initial values for the start and end pointers

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

Notice that end points to the last character in the string not the null terminator

4 Add the code that reverse the string

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts

starts = end end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The process works like this As long as the start pointer points to a memory

location that is less than the end pointer the loop iterates Inside the loop the characters being pointed to by start and end are swapped Then start is incremented

and end is decremented When end is greater than or equal to start all of the characters in the string have been reversed Since both start and end point into the

same array their comparison is meaningful

5 Here is the complete StrRevcpp program

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Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test char start end

int len char t

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts starts = end

end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The output from the program is shown here Original this is a test Reversed

tset a si siht

Arrays of Pointers

Pointers can be arrayed like any other data type For example declaration for an int

pointer array of size 10 is

int p[10]

Here pi is an array of ten integer pointers To assign the address of an int variable

called var to the third element of the pointer array you would write

int var

fpi[2] = ampvar

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Remember pi is an array of int pointers The only thing that the array elements can

hold are the addresses of integer valuesmdashnot the values themselves To find the value of var you would write


Like other arrays arrays of pointers can be initialized A common use for initialized

pointer arrays is to hold pointers to strings Here is an example that uses a two-dimensional array of character pointers to implement a small dictionary

Here is a sample run

Enter word network

An interconnected group of computers

When the array dictionary is created it is initialized with a set of words and their

meanings Recall C++ stores all string constants in the string table associated with your program so the array need only store pointers to the strings The program works by testing

the word entered by the user against the strings stored in the dictionary If a match is found the meaning is displayed If no match is found an error message is printed Notice

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that dictionary ends with two null strings These mark the end of the array Recall that a

null string contains only the terminating null character The for loop runs until the first character in a string is null This condition is tested with this expression


The array indices specify a pointer to a string The obtains the character at that

location If this character is null then the expression is false and the loop terminates Otherwise the expression is true and the loop continues

The Null Pointer Convention

After a pointer is declared but before it has been assigned it will contain an arbitrary value Should you try to use the pointer prior to giving it a value you will probably

crash your program While there is no sure way to avoid using an uninitialized pointer C++ programmers have adopted a procedure that helps prevent some errors By convention if a

pointer contains the null (zero) value it is assumed to point to nothing Thus if all unused pointers are given the null value and you avoid the use of a null pointer you can avoid the

accidental misuse of an uninitialized pointer This is a good practice to follow

Any type of pointer can be initialized to null when it is declared For example the

following initializes p to null

float p = 0 p is now a null pointer

To check for a null pointer use an if statement like one of these

if(p) succeeds if p is not null

if(p) succeeds if p is null

Multiple Indirection

A pointer to a pointer is a form of multiple indirection or a chain of pointers Consider Figure 4-2 As you can see in the case of a normal pointer the value of the

pointer is the address of a value In the case of a pointer to a pointer the first pointer

contains the address of the second pointer which points to the location that contains the desired value Multiple indirection can be carried on to whatever extent desired but there

are few cases where more than a pointer to a pointer is needed or indeed even wise to use Excessive indirection is difficult to follow and prone to conceptual errors

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 5 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and String I Objectives To know how is Pointers and String worked using C II Tasks Procedure Instructions Asnwer the following question

1 What is it called when one pointer points to another pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Of what significant is a null pointer in C++ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that counts the uppercase letters in a string Have it display the result

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Chapter 7

Structures in Arrays Functions and Pointers

What is a Structure

Structure is a collection of variables under a single name Variables can be of any type int float char etc The main difference between structure and array is that arrays are

collections of the same data type and structure is a collection of variables under a single name

Declaring a Structure

The structure is declared by using the keyword struct followed by structure name

also called a tag Then the structure members (variables) are defined with their type and variable names inside the open and close braces and Finally the closed braces end with

a semicolon denoted as following the statement The above structure declaration is also called a Structure Specifier


Three variables custnum of type int salary of type int commission of type float are structuremembers and the structure name is Customer This structure is declared as


In the above example it is seen that variables of different types such as int and float are

grouped in a single structure name Customer

Arrays behave in the same way declaring structures does not mean that memory is

allocated Structure declaration gives a skeleton or template for the structure

After declaring the structure the next step is to define a structure variable

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How to declare Structure Variable

This is similar to variable declaration For variable declaration data type is defined followed

by variable name For structure variable declaration the data type is the name of the structure followed by thestructure variable name

In the above example structure variable cust1 is defined as

What happens when this is defined When structure is defined it allocates or reserves space in memory The memory space allocated will be cumulative of all

defined structure members In the above example there are 3 structure members

custnum salary and commission Of these two are of type int and one is of type float If integer space allocated by a system is 2 bytes and float four bytes the above would

allocate 2bytes for custnum 2 bytes for salary and 4 bytes for commission

How to access structure members in C++

To access structure members the operator used is the dot operator denoted by () The

dot operatorfor accessing structure members is used thusly

structure variable namemember name

For example

To assign 2000 for the structure member salary in the above example of structure

Customer with structure variable cust1 this is written as

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Pointers to structures

All that we have discussed so far has been OK but runs into problems when structures have

to be moved between functions for the following reasons

if the structure is large it is more efficient to pass a pointer to the structure instead of the structure its self This techniquepri is also used to pass pointers to

arrays between functions

When passing a structure to a function you actually pass a COPY of the structure Therefore it is not possible to change the values of members within the structure as

the copy is destroyed when the function ends

Here is an example (these are 2 examples the one to the left uses a pointer)

| |

struct x int a int b int c | struct x int a int b int c

| void function(struct x) | void function(struct x )

| main() | main()

| struct x z | struct x z pz 3

| pz = ampz 4 za = 10 1 | za = 10

za++ | za++

| function(z) 2 | function(pz) 5

| |

void function( struct x z) | void function(struct x pz) | 6

printf( first member d n za) | printf( first member d n (pz)a) |


Here is the annotation

1 Give a structure member a value 2 Pass a COPY of the whole structure to the function

3 Define pz a pointer to a structure of type x

4 Put the address of z into pz pz now POINTS to z PLEASE NOTE z is defined to reserve memory equal to the size of the structure pz only holds an address so will

be 4 bytes long 5 Pass the pointer into the function

6 Print the value of the member a

The (pz)a syntax is used a great deal in C and it was decided to create a short hand for

it So

(pz)a == pz-gta

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Structures and Arrays

include ltiostreamgt

include ltfstreamhgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

ofstream outData

input file structure ifstream inData

char menu_id[10] char menu_name[10]

char menu_col[10]

char menu_row[10] char button_id[10]

char button_label_1[10] char button_label_2[10]

char button_label_3[10] char button_col[10]

char button_row[10]

menu file structure

struct menu

int mid char name[20]

int mcol int mrow

int bid char blabel[24]

int bcol

int brow

List of menus

enum menu_id

MAIN = 1

Define Main menu

menu Main_menu[3]

void createMenu(menu newMenu[] int menu_num MAS_Configure_Button_Request_Messagemsg )

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 40 of 66

int y = 0

while ((inDatagetline(menu_id10 $)eof()) ampamp (atoi(menu_id) == menu_num))

newMenu[y]mid= atoi(menu_id)

inDatagetline(menu_name 10 $)

newMenu[y]name[0] = 0

strcpy(newMenu[y]namemenu_name) outData ltlt Main Menu Name ltlt newMenu[y]name ltlt

inDatagetline( menu_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]mcol = atoi(menu_col)

inDatagetline( menu_row 10 $) newMenu[y]mrow = atoi(menu_row)

inDatagetline( button_id 10 $) newMenu[y]bid = atoi(button_id)

inDatagetline( button_label_1 10 $)

inDatagetline( button_label_2 10 $) inDatagetline( button_label_3 10 $)

newMenu[y]blabel[0] = 0 strcpy(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_1)


strcat(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_3) outData ltlt newMenu[y]blabel ltlt

inDatagetline( button_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]bcol = atoi(button_col)

inDatagetline( button_row 10 n)

newMenu[y]brow = atoi(button_row) y++

int main()

int loop

inDataopen(datatxt) if (inData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening datatxt End program ltlt endl


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outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 42 of 66

recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 43 of 66

Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

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Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

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the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

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main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

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include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

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next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

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Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

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Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

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1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

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47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

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I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 17: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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strncmp() int strncmp(const char s1 const char s2 size_t


Compares s1 with the first n characters of s2 Returns a negative zero or positive integer (just like


strncpy() char strncpy(char s1 const chars2 size_t n)

Copies the first n characters of s2 into the first n characters of s1

strrchr() char strrchr(const

chars int c)

Returns a pointer to the last occurence of c in string

s (Compare with strchr())

strstr() char strstr(const char

s1 const char s2)

Returns the address of the first occurence of string s2 that is also in string s1 Returns NULL if s2 is not

found in s1

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 2 COURSE TOPIC String and Handling Function I Objectives To know the String handling function used

Part II String Handling Functions 1 amp 2

1 What is a null-terminated string __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 To hold a string that is 18 characters long how must the character array be __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 Show how to initialize a four-element array of int to the values 123 and 4 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 How can this initialization be rewritten char str[6] = lsquoHrsquo lsquoersquo lsquolrsquo lsquolrsquo lsquoorsquo lsquoOrsquo)


5 Rewrite the following as an unsized array Int nums[4] = 44 55 66 77


Supplementary Programming (50 points) 1 Write a program that prompts the user for two strings and then compares the strings for equality

but ignores case differences Thus ldquookrdquo and ldquoOKrdquo will compare as equal

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Chapter 4

Introduction to Pointers

A pointer is an object that contains a memory address Very often this address is the

location of another object such as a variable For example if x contains the address of y

then x is said to ―point to y

Pointer variables must be declared as such The general form of a pointer variable

declaration is

type var-name

Here type is the pointerlsquos base type The base type determines what type of data

the pointer will be pointing to var-name is the name of the pointer variable For example

to declare ip to be a pointer to an int use this declaration

int ip

Since the base type of ip is int it can be used to point to int values Here a float

pointer is declared

float fp

In this case the base type of fp is float which means that it can be used to point to

a float value

In general in a declaration statement preceding a variable name with an causes

that variable to become a pointer

The Pointer Operator

There are two special operators that are used with pointers and amp The amp is a

unary operator that returns the memory address of its operand

For example

ptr = amptotal

puts into ptr the memory address of the variable total This address is the location of

total in the computerlsquos internal memory It has nothing to do with the value of total The

operation of amp can be remembered as returning ―the address of the variable it precedes

Therefore the preceding assignment statement could be verbalized as ―ptr receives the

address of total To better understand this assignment assume that the variable total is

located at address 100 Then after the assignment takes place ptr has the value 100 The

second operator is and it is the complement of amp It is a unary operator that returns the

value of the variable located at the address specified by its operand Continuing with the

same example if ptr contains the memory address of the variable total then

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val = ptr

will place the value of total into val For example if total originally had the value

3200 then val will have the value 3200 because that is the value stored at location 100

the memory address that was assigned to ptr The operation of can be remembered as ―at

address In this case then the statement could be read as ―val receives the value at

address ptr

The following program executes the sequence of the operations just described

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int total

int ptr

int val

total = 3200 assign 3200 to total

ptr = amptotal get address of total

val = ptr get value at that address

cout ltlt Total is ltlt val ltlt n

return 0

It is unfortunate that the multiplication symbol and the ―at address symbol are the

same This fact sometimes confuses newcomers to the C++ language These operators

have no relationship to each other Keep in mind that both amp and have a higher

precedence than any of the arithmetic operators except the unary minus with which they

have equal precedence The act of using a pointer is often called indirection because you are

accessing one variable indirectly through another variable

The Base Type of a Pointer

In the preceding discussion you saw that it was possible to assign val the value of

total indirectly through a pointer At this point you may have thought of this important question How does C++ know how many bytes to copy into val from the address pointed

to by ptr Or more generally how does the compiler transfer the proper number of bytes for any assignment involving a pointer The answer is that the base type of the pointer

determines the type of data upon which the pointer operates In this case because ptr is an

int pointer four bytes of information are copied into val (assuming a 32-bit int) from the address pointed to by ptr However if ptr had been a double pointer for example then

eight bytes would have been copied

It is important to ensure that pointer variables always point to the correct type of data For example when you declare a pointer to be of type int the compiler assumes that

anything it points to will be an integer variable If it doesnlsquot point to an integer variable then trouble is usually not far behind For example the following fragment is incorrect

int p double f p = ampf ERROR

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 21 of 66

This fragment is invalid because you cannot assign a double pointer to an integer pointer That is ampf generates a pointer to a double but p is a pointer to an int These two

types are not compatible (In fact the compiler would flag an error at this point and not compile your program) Although two pointers must have compatible types in order for one

to be assigned to another you can override this restriction (at your own risk) using a cast For example the following fragment is now technically correct

int p double f p = (int ) ampf Now technically OK

The cast to int causes the double pointer to be converted to an integer pointer However to use a cast for this purpose is questionable practice The reason is that the base

type of a pointer determines how the compiler treats the data it points to In this case even though p is actually pointing to a floating-point value the compiler still ―thinks that p is

pointing to an int (because p is an int pointer)

To better understand why using a cast to assign one type of pointer to another is not usually a good idea consider the following short program

This program will not work right include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

double xy int p

x = 12323 p = (int ) ampx use cast to assign double to int

y = p what will this do

cout ltlt y what will this print

return 0

Here is the output produced by the program (You might see a different value)


This value is clearly not 12323 Here is why In the program p (which is an integer

pointer) has been assigned the address of x (which is a double) Thus when y is assigned the value pointed to by p y receives only four bytes of data (and not the eight required for

a double value) because p is an integer pointer Therefore the cout statement displays not 12323 but a garbage value instead

Assigning value to pointers

You can use a pointer on the left-hand side of an assignment statement to assign a value to the location pointed to by the pointer Assuming that p is an int pointer this

assigns the value 101 to the location pointed to by p

p = 101

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You can verbalize this assignment like this ―At the location pointed to by p assign the value 101 To increment or decrement the value at the location pointed to by a pointer

you can use a statement like this


The parentheses are necessary because the operator has lower precedence than does the ++ operator

The following program demonstrates an assignment through a pointer

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int p num

p = ampnum

p = 100 assign num the value 100 through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)++ increment num through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)-- decrement num through p cout ltlt num ltlt nlsquo

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

100 101 100

Pointer Expressions

Pointers can be used in most C++ expressions However some special rules apply

Remember also that you may need to surround some parts of a pointer expression with parentheses in order to ensure that the outcome is what you desire

Pointer Arithmetic There are only four arithmetic operators that can be used on

pointers ++ ndash ndash + and ndash To understand what occurs in pointer arithmetic let p1 be an int pointer with a current value of 2000 (that is it contains the address 2000) Assuming

32-bit integers after the expression


The contents of p1 will be 2004 not 2001 The reason for this is that each time p1

is incremented it will point to the next int The same is true of decrements For example again assuming that p1 has the value 2000 the expression

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 23 of 66


causes p1 to have the value 1996

Generalizing from the preceding example the following rules apply to pointer

arithmetic Each time that a pointer is incremented it will point to the memory location of the next element of its base type Each time it is decremented it will point to the location of

the previous element of its base type In the case of character pointers an increment or decrement will appear as ―normal arithmetic because characters are one byte long

However every other type of pointer will increase or decrease by the length of its base

type You are not limited to only increment and decrement operations You can also add or subtract integers to or from pointers The expression

p1 = p1 + 9

makes p1 point to the ninth element of p1lsquos base type beyond the one to which it is

currently pointing

Although you cannot add pointers you can subtract one pointer from another

(provided they are both of the same base type) The remainder will be the number of elements of the base type that separate the two pointers

Other than addition and subtraction of a pointer and an integer or the subtraction of

two pointers no other arithmetic operations can be performed on pointers For example you cannot add or subtract float or double values to or from pointers

To graphically see the effects of pointer arithmetic execute the next short program

It creates an int pointer (i) and a double pointer (f) It then adds the values 0 through 9 to

these pointers and displays the results Observe how each address changes relative to its base type each time the loop is repeated (For most 32-bit compilers i will increase by 4s

and f will increase by 8s) Notice that when using a pointer in a cout statement its address is automatically displayed in the addressing format applicable to the CPU and environment

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int I j[10]

double f g[10] int x

i = j

f = g

for (x=0 xlt10 x++)

cout ltlt i+x ltlt ltlt f+x ltlt nlsquo display the addresses produced by adding x

to each pointer

Here is a sample run (The precise values you see may differ from these)

0012FE5C 09012FE84

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 24 of 66

0012FE60 0012FE8C

0012FE64 0012FE94 0012FE68 0012FE9C

0012FE6C 0012FEA4 0012FE70 0012FEAC

0012FE74 0012FEB4 0012FE78 0012FEBC

0012FE7C 0012FEC4

0012FE80 0012FECC

Pointer Comparisons

Pointers may be compared using the relational operators such as == lt and gt In general for the outcome of a pointer comparison to be meaningful the two pointers must

have some relationship to each other For example both may point to elements within the same array There is however one other type of pointer comparison any pointer can be

compared to the null pointer which is zero

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I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers in C and its use

II Basic Information Scenario Answer the following using Pointers

1 What is a pointer


2 Show how to declare a long int pointer called valPtr __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 As they relate to pointers what do the and amp operators do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7 What are two pointer operators __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 5

Pointers and Arrays

In C++ there is a close relationship between pointers and arrays In fact frequently a pointer and an array are interchangeable Consider this fragment

char str[80] char p1

p1 = str

Here str is an array of 80 characters and p1 is a character pointer However it is the third line that is of interest In this line p1 is assigned the address of the first element in

the str array (That is after the assignment p1 will point to str[0]) Herelsquos why In C++ using the name of an array without an index generates a pointer to the first element in the

array Thus the assignment

p1 = str

assigns the address of str[0] to p1 This is a crucial point to understand When an


array name is used in an expression it yields a pointer to the first element in the array Since after the assignment p1 points to the beginning of str you can use p1 to


elements in the array For example if you want to access the fifth element in str you can use




Both statements obtain the fifth element Remember array indices start at zero so when str is indexed a 4 is used to access the fifth element A 4 is also added to the pointer

p1 to get the fifth element because p1 currently points to the first element of str

The parentheses surrounding p1+4 are necessary because the operation has a

higher priority than the + operation Without them the expression would first find the value pointed to by p1 (the first location in the array) and then add 4 to it In effect C++ allows

two methods of accessing array elements pointer arithmetic and array indexing This is important because pointer arithmetic can sometimes be faster than array indexingmdash

especially when you are accessing an array in strictly sequential order Since speed is often a consideration in programming the use of pointers to access array elements is very

common in C++ programs Also you can sometimes write tighter code by using pointers

instead of array indexing

Here is an example that demonstrates the difference between using array indexing and pointer arithmetic to access the elements of an array We will create two versions of a

program that reverse the case of letters within a string The first version uses array indexing The second uses pointer arithmetic The first version is shown here

Reverse case using array indexing

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include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = This Is A Test

cout ltlt Original string ltlt str ltlt n

for(i = 0 str[i] i++)

if(isupper(str[i])) str[i] = tolower(str[i]) else if(islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt Inverted-case string ltlt str

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

Original string This Is A Test Inverted-case string tHIS iS a tEST

Notice that the program uses the isupper( ) and islower( ) library functions to determine the case of a letter The isupper( ) function returns true when its argument is an

uppercase letter islower( ) returns true when its argument is a lowercase letter Inside the for loop str is indexed and the case of each letter is checked and changed The loop

iterates until the null terminating str is indexed Since a null is zero (false) the loop stops

Here is the same program rewritten to use pointer arithmetic

Reverse case using array indexing

include ltiostreamgt include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = ―This Is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

for i = 0 str[i] i++) if (iupper(str[i]))

else if (islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i]

cout ltlt ―Inverted-case string ― ltlt str return 0

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In this version p is set to the start of str Then inside the while loop the letter at p

is checked and changed and then p is incremented The loop stops when p points to the null terminator that ends str Because of the way some C++ compilers generate code these

two programs may not be equivalent in performance Generally it takes more machine instructions to index an array than it does to perform arithmetic on a pointer Consequently

in professionally written C++ code it is common to see the pointer version used more frequently However as a beginning C++ programmer feel free to use array indexing until

you are comfortable with pointers

Indexing a Pointer

As you have just seen it is possible to access an array using pointer arithmetic

What you might find surprising is that the reverse is also true In C++ it is possible to index a pointer as if it were an array Here is an example It is a third version of the case-

changing program

index a pointer as if it were an array

include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt

using namespace std


char p int i

char str[80]=This is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

p = str assign the p address of the start of the array now index p

for (I = 0 p[i] i++)

if (isupper(p[i])) p[i] = tolowerp[i])

else if (islower(p[i])

p[i] = toupper(p[i])

cout ltlt ―Inverted ndash case string lt str

return 0

The program creates a char pointer called p and then assigns to that pointer the

address of the first element in str Inside the for loop p is indexed using the normal array indexing syntax This is perfectly valid because in C++ the statement p[i] is function

functionally identical to (p+i) This further illustrates the close relationship between pointers and arrays

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 4 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and Arrays I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers and Arrays using C

II Tasks Procedure Instructions Answer the following questions

1 Can an array be accessed through a pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Can a pointer be indexed as if it were an array __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 An array name used by itself with no index yields what __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 6

Pointers and String

Strings and Constants

You might be wondering how string constants like the one in the fragment shown

here are handled by C++

cout ltlt strlen(Xanadu)

The answer is that when the compiler encounters a string constant it stores it in the

programlsquos string table and generates a pointer to the string Thus ―Xanadu yields a pointer to its entry in the string table Therefore the following program is perfectly valid and prints

the phrase Pointers add power to C++

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char ptr

ptr = ―Pointers add power to C++ n ptr is assigned the address of this string constant

cout ltlt ptr

return 0

In this program the characters that make up a string constant are stored in the string table and ptr is assigned a pointer to the string in that table

Since a pointer into your programlsquos string table is generated automatically whenever

a string constant is used you might be tempted to use this fact to modify the contents of the string table However this is usually not a good idea because many C++ compilers

create optimized tables in which one string constant may be used at two or more different

places in your program Thus changing a string may cause undesired side effects

Reversing a String in Place

Earlier it was mentioned that comparing one pointer to another is meaningful only if the two pointers point to a common object such as an array Now that you understand how

pointers and arrays relate you can apply pointer comparisons to streamline some types of algorithms In this project you will see an example The program developed here reverses

the contents of a string in place Thus instead of copying the string back-to-front into

another array it reverses the contents of the string inside the array that holds it The program uses two pointer variables to accomplish this One initially points to the beginning

of a string and the other initially points to the last character in the string A loop is set up that continues to run as long as the start pointer is less than the end pointer Each time

through the loop the characters pointed to by the pointers are swapped and the pointers are advanced When the start pointer is greater than or equal to the end pointer the string

has been reversed Step by step

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1 Create a file called StrRevcpp 2 Begin by adding these lines to the file

Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test

char start end int len

char t

The string to be reversed is contained in str The pointers start and end will be used

to access the string

3 Add these lines which display the original string obtain the stringlsquos length and set the initial values for the start and end pointers

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

Notice that end points to the last character in the string not the null terminator

4 Add the code that reverse the string

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts

starts = end end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The process works like this As long as the start pointer points to a memory

location that is less than the end pointer the loop iterates Inside the loop the characters being pointed to by start and end are swapped Then start is incremented

and end is decremented When end is greater than or equal to start all of the characters in the string have been reversed Since both start and end point into the

same array their comparison is meaningful

5 Here is the complete StrRevcpp program

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Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test char start end

int len char t

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts starts = end

end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The output from the program is shown here Original this is a test Reversed

tset a si siht

Arrays of Pointers

Pointers can be arrayed like any other data type For example declaration for an int

pointer array of size 10 is

int p[10]

Here pi is an array of ten integer pointers To assign the address of an int variable

called var to the third element of the pointer array you would write

int var

fpi[2] = ampvar

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Remember pi is an array of int pointers The only thing that the array elements can

hold are the addresses of integer valuesmdashnot the values themselves To find the value of var you would write


Like other arrays arrays of pointers can be initialized A common use for initialized

pointer arrays is to hold pointers to strings Here is an example that uses a two-dimensional array of character pointers to implement a small dictionary

Here is a sample run

Enter word network

An interconnected group of computers

When the array dictionary is created it is initialized with a set of words and their

meanings Recall C++ stores all string constants in the string table associated with your program so the array need only store pointers to the strings The program works by testing

the word entered by the user against the strings stored in the dictionary If a match is found the meaning is displayed If no match is found an error message is printed Notice

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that dictionary ends with two null strings These mark the end of the array Recall that a

null string contains only the terminating null character The for loop runs until the first character in a string is null This condition is tested with this expression


The array indices specify a pointer to a string The obtains the character at that

location If this character is null then the expression is false and the loop terminates Otherwise the expression is true and the loop continues

The Null Pointer Convention

After a pointer is declared but before it has been assigned it will contain an arbitrary value Should you try to use the pointer prior to giving it a value you will probably

crash your program While there is no sure way to avoid using an uninitialized pointer C++ programmers have adopted a procedure that helps prevent some errors By convention if a

pointer contains the null (zero) value it is assumed to point to nothing Thus if all unused pointers are given the null value and you avoid the use of a null pointer you can avoid the

accidental misuse of an uninitialized pointer This is a good practice to follow

Any type of pointer can be initialized to null when it is declared For example the

following initializes p to null

float p = 0 p is now a null pointer

To check for a null pointer use an if statement like one of these

if(p) succeeds if p is not null

if(p) succeeds if p is null

Multiple Indirection

A pointer to a pointer is a form of multiple indirection or a chain of pointers Consider Figure 4-2 As you can see in the case of a normal pointer the value of the

pointer is the address of a value In the case of a pointer to a pointer the first pointer

contains the address of the second pointer which points to the location that contains the desired value Multiple indirection can be carried on to whatever extent desired but there

are few cases where more than a pointer to a pointer is needed or indeed even wise to use Excessive indirection is difficult to follow and prone to conceptual errors

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 35 of 66

COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 5 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and String I Objectives To know how is Pointers and String worked using C II Tasks Procedure Instructions Asnwer the following question

1 What is it called when one pointer points to another pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Of what significant is a null pointer in C++ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that counts the uppercase letters in a string Have it display the result

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Chapter 7

Structures in Arrays Functions and Pointers

What is a Structure

Structure is a collection of variables under a single name Variables can be of any type int float char etc The main difference between structure and array is that arrays are

collections of the same data type and structure is a collection of variables under a single name

Declaring a Structure

The structure is declared by using the keyword struct followed by structure name

also called a tag Then the structure members (variables) are defined with their type and variable names inside the open and close braces and Finally the closed braces end with

a semicolon denoted as following the statement The above structure declaration is also called a Structure Specifier


Three variables custnum of type int salary of type int commission of type float are structuremembers and the structure name is Customer This structure is declared as


In the above example it is seen that variables of different types such as int and float are

grouped in a single structure name Customer

Arrays behave in the same way declaring structures does not mean that memory is

allocated Structure declaration gives a skeleton or template for the structure

After declaring the structure the next step is to define a structure variable

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How to declare Structure Variable

This is similar to variable declaration For variable declaration data type is defined followed

by variable name For structure variable declaration the data type is the name of the structure followed by thestructure variable name

In the above example structure variable cust1 is defined as

What happens when this is defined When structure is defined it allocates or reserves space in memory The memory space allocated will be cumulative of all

defined structure members In the above example there are 3 structure members

custnum salary and commission Of these two are of type int and one is of type float If integer space allocated by a system is 2 bytes and float four bytes the above would

allocate 2bytes for custnum 2 bytes for salary and 4 bytes for commission

How to access structure members in C++

To access structure members the operator used is the dot operator denoted by () The

dot operatorfor accessing structure members is used thusly

structure variable namemember name

For example

To assign 2000 for the structure member salary in the above example of structure

Customer with structure variable cust1 this is written as

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Pointers to structures

All that we have discussed so far has been OK but runs into problems when structures have

to be moved between functions for the following reasons

if the structure is large it is more efficient to pass a pointer to the structure instead of the structure its self This techniquepri is also used to pass pointers to

arrays between functions

When passing a structure to a function you actually pass a COPY of the structure Therefore it is not possible to change the values of members within the structure as

the copy is destroyed when the function ends

Here is an example (these are 2 examples the one to the left uses a pointer)

| |

struct x int a int b int c | struct x int a int b int c

| void function(struct x) | void function(struct x )

| main() | main()

| struct x z | struct x z pz 3

| pz = ampz 4 za = 10 1 | za = 10

za++ | za++

| function(z) 2 | function(pz) 5

| |

void function( struct x z) | void function(struct x pz) | 6

printf( first member d n za) | printf( first member d n (pz)a) |


Here is the annotation

1 Give a structure member a value 2 Pass a COPY of the whole structure to the function

3 Define pz a pointer to a structure of type x

4 Put the address of z into pz pz now POINTS to z PLEASE NOTE z is defined to reserve memory equal to the size of the structure pz only holds an address so will

be 4 bytes long 5 Pass the pointer into the function

6 Print the value of the member a

The (pz)a syntax is used a great deal in C and it was decided to create a short hand for

it So

(pz)a == pz-gta

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Structures and Arrays

include ltiostreamgt

include ltfstreamhgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

ofstream outData

input file structure ifstream inData

char menu_id[10] char menu_name[10]

char menu_col[10]

char menu_row[10] char button_id[10]

char button_label_1[10] char button_label_2[10]

char button_label_3[10] char button_col[10]

char button_row[10]

menu file structure

struct menu

int mid char name[20]

int mcol int mrow

int bid char blabel[24]

int bcol

int brow

List of menus

enum menu_id

MAIN = 1

Define Main menu

menu Main_menu[3]

void createMenu(menu newMenu[] int menu_num MAS_Configure_Button_Request_Messagemsg )

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 40 of 66

int y = 0

while ((inDatagetline(menu_id10 $)eof()) ampamp (atoi(menu_id) == menu_num))

newMenu[y]mid= atoi(menu_id)

inDatagetline(menu_name 10 $)

newMenu[y]name[0] = 0

strcpy(newMenu[y]namemenu_name) outData ltlt Main Menu Name ltlt newMenu[y]name ltlt

inDatagetline( menu_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]mcol = atoi(menu_col)

inDatagetline( menu_row 10 $) newMenu[y]mrow = atoi(menu_row)

inDatagetline( button_id 10 $) newMenu[y]bid = atoi(button_id)

inDatagetline( button_label_1 10 $)

inDatagetline( button_label_2 10 $) inDatagetline( button_label_3 10 $)

newMenu[y]blabel[0] = 0 strcpy(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_1)


strcat(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_3) outData ltlt newMenu[y]blabel ltlt

inDatagetline( button_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]bcol = atoi(button_col)

inDatagetline( button_row 10 n)

newMenu[y]brow = atoi(button_row) y++

int main()

int loop

inDataopen(datatxt) if (inData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening datatxt End program ltlt endl


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outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 42 of 66

recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 43 of 66

Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

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Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

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the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

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main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

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include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

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next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

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Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

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1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

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47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 18: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 2 COURSE TOPIC String and Handling Function I Objectives To know the String handling function used

Part II String Handling Functions 1 amp 2

1 What is a null-terminated string __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 To hold a string that is 18 characters long how must the character array be __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 Show how to initialize a four-element array of int to the values 123 and 4 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 How can this initialization be rewritten char str[6] = lsquoHrsquo lsquoersquo lsquolrsquo lsquolrsquo lsquoorsquo lsquoOrsquo)


5 Rewrite the following as an unsized array Int nums[4] = 44 55 66 77


Supplementary Programming (50 points) 1 Write a program that prompts the user for two strings and then compares the strings for equality

but ignores case differences Thus ldquookrdquo and ldquoOKrdquo will compare as equal

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Chapter 4

Introduction to Pointers

A pointer is an object that contains a memory address Very often this address is the

location of another object such as a variable For example if x contains the address of y

then x is said to ―point to y

Pointer variables must be declared as such The general form of a pointer variable

declaration is

type var-name

Here type is the pointerlsquos base type The base type determines what type of data

the pointer will be pointing to var-name is the name of the pointer variable For example

to declare ip to be a pointer to an int use this declaration

int ip

Since the base type of ip is int it can be used to point to int values Here a float

pointer is declared

float fp

In this case the base type of fp is float which means that it can be used to point to

a float value

In general in a declaration statement preceding a variable name with an causes

that variable to become a pointer

The Pointer Operator

There are two special operators that are used with pointers and amp The amp is a

unary operator that returns the memory address of its operand

For example

ptr = amptotal

puts into ptr the memory address of the variable total This address is the location of

total in the computerlsquos internal memory It has nothing to do with the value of total The

operation of amp can be remembered as returning ―the address of the variable it precedes

Therefore the preceding assignment statement could be verbalized as ―ptr receives the

address of total To better understand this assignment assume that the variable total is

located at address 100 Then after the assignment takes place ptr has the value 100 The

second operator is and it is the complement of amp It is a unary operator that returns the

value of the variable located at the address specified by its operand Continuing with the

same example if ptr contains the memory address of the variable total then

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 20 of 66

val = ptr

will place the value of total into val For example if total originally had the value

3200 then val will have the value 3200 because that is the value stored at location 100

the memory address that was assigned to ptr The operation of can be remembered as ―at

address In this case then the statement could be read as ―val receives the value at

address ptr

The following program executes the sequence of the operations just described

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int total

int ptr

int val

total = 3200 assign 3200 to total

ptr = amptotal get address of total

val = ptr get value at that address

cout ltlt Total is ltlt val ltlt n

return 0

It is unfortunate that the multiplication symbol and the ―at address symbol are the

same This fact sometimes confuses newcomers to the C++ language These operators

have no relationship to each other Keep in mind that both amp and have a higher

precedence than any of the arithmetic operators except the unary minus with which they

have equal precedence The act of using a pointer is often called indirection because you are

accessing one variable indirectly through another variable

The Base Type of a Pointer

In the preceding discussion you saw that it was possible to assign val the value of

total indirectly through a pointer At this point you may have thought of this important question How does C++ know how many bytes to copy into val from the address pointed

to by ptr Or more generally how does the compiler transfer the proper number of bytes for any assignment involving a pointer The answer is that the base type of the pointer

determines the type of data upon which the pointer operates In this case because ptr is an

int pointer four bytes of information are copied into val (assuming a 32-bit int) from the address pointed to by ptr However if ptr had been a double pointer for example then

eight bytes would have been copied

It is important to ensure that pointer variables always point to the correct type of data For example when you declare a pointer to be of type int the compiler assumes that

anything it points to will be an integer variable If it doesnlsquot point to an integer variable then trouble is usually not far behind For example the following fragment is incorrect

int p double f p = ampf ERROR

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 21 of 66

This fragment is invalid because you cannot assign a double pointer to an integer pointer That is ampf generates a pointer to a double but p is a pointer to an int These two

types are not compatible (In fact the compiler would flag an error at this point and not compile your program) Although two pointers must have compatible types in order for one

to be assigned to another you can override this restriction (at your own risk) using a cast For example the following fragment is now technically correct

int p double f p = (int ) ampf Now technically OK

The cast to int causes the double pointer to be converted to an integer pointer However to use a cast for this purpose is questionable practice The reason is that the base

type of a pointer determines how the compiler treats the data it points to In this case even though p is actually pointing to a floating-point value the compiler still ―thinks that p is

pointing to an int (because p is an int pointer)

To better understand why using a cast to assign one type of pointer to another is not usually a good idea consider the following short program

This program will not work right include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

double xy int p

x = 12323 p = (int ) ampx use cast to assign double to int

y = p what will this do

cout ltlt y what will this print

return 0

Here is the output produced by the program (You might see a different value)


This value is clearly not 12323 Here is why In the program p (which is an integer

pointer) has been assigned the address of x (which is a double) Thus when y is assigned the value pointed to by p y receives only four bytes of data (and not the eight required for

a double value) because p is an integer pointer Therefore the cout statement displays not 12323 but a garbage value instead

Assigning value to pointers

You can use a pointer on the left-hand side of an assignment statement to assign a value to the location pointed to by the pointer Assuming that p is an int pointer this

assigns the value 101 to the location pointed to by p

p = 101

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You can verbalize this assignment like this ―At the location pointed to by p assign the value 101 To increment or decrement the value at the location pointed to by a pointer

you can use a statement like this


The parentheses are necessary because the operator has lower precedence than does the ++ operator

The following program demonstrates an assignment through a pointer

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int p num

p = ampnum

p = 100 assign num the value 100 through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)++ increment num through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)-- decrement num through p cout ltlt num ltlt nlsquo

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

100 101 100

Pointer Expressions

Pointers can be used in most C++ expressions However some special rules apply

Remember also that you may need to surround some parts of a pointer expression with parentheses in order to ensure that the outcome is what you desire

Pointer Arithmetic There are only four arithmetic operators that can be used on

pointers ++ ndash ndash + and ndash To understand what occurs in pointer arithmetic let p1 be an int pointer with a current value of 2000 (that is it contains the address 2000) Assuming

32-bit integers after the expression


The contents of p1 will be 2004 not 2001 The reason for this is that each time p1

is incremented it will point to the next int The same is true of decrements For example again assuming that p1 has the value 2000 the expression

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 23 of 66


causes p1 to have the value 1996

Generalizing from the preceding example the following rules apply to pointer

arithmetic Each time that a pointer is incremented it will point to the memory location of the next element of its base type Each time it is decremented it will point to the location of

the previous element of its base type In the case of character pointers an increment or decrement will appear as ―normal arithmetic because characters are one byte long

However every other type of pointer will increase or decrease by the length of its base

type You are not limited to only increment and decrement operations You can also add or subtract integers to or from pointers The expression

p1 = p1 + 9

makes p1 point to the ninth element of p1lsquos base type beyond the one to which it is

currently pointing

Although you cannot add pointers you can subtract one pointer from another

(provided they are both of the same base type) The remainder will be the number of elements of the base type that separate the two pointers

Other than addition and subtraction of a pointer and an integer or the subtraction of

two pointers no other arithmetic operations can be performed on pointers For example you cannot add or subtract float or double values to or from pointers

To graphically see the effects of pointer arithmetic execute the next short program

It creates an int pointer (i) and a double pointer (f) It then adds the values 0 through 9 to

these pointers and displays the results Observe how each address changes relative to its base type each time the loop is repeated (For most 32-bit compilers i will increase by 4s

and f will increase by 8s) Notice that when using a pointer in a cout statement its address is automatically displayed in the addressing format applicable to the CPU and environment

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int I j[10]

double f g[10] int x

i = j

f = g

for (x=0 xlt10 x++)

cout ltlt i+x ltlt ltlt f+x ltlt nlsquo display the addresses produced by adding x

to each pointer

Here is a sample run (The precise values you see may differ from these)

0012FE5C 09012FE84

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 24 of 66

0012FE60 0012FE8C

0012FE64 0012FE94 0012FE68 0012FE9C

0012FE6C 0012FEA4 0012FE70 0012FEAC

0012FE74 0012FEB4 0012FE78 0012FEBC

0012FE7C 0012FEC4

0012FE80 0012FECC

Pointer Comparisons

Pointers may be compared using the relational operators such as == lt and gt In general for the outcome of a pointer comparison to be meaningful the two pointers must

have some relationship to each other For example both may point to elements within the same array There is however one other type of pointer comparison any pointer can be

compared to the null pointer which is zero

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I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers in C and its use

II Basic Information Scenario Answer the following using Pointers

1 What is a pointer


2 Show how to declare a long int pointer called valPtr __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 As they relate to pointers what do the and amp operators do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7 What are two pointer operators __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 5

Pointers and Arrays

In C++ there is a close relationship between pointers and arrays In fact frequently a pointer and an array are interchangeable Consider this fragment

char str[80] char p1

p1 = str

Here str is an array of 80 characters and p1 is a character pointer However it is the third line that is of interest In this line p1 is assigned the address of the first element in

the str array (That is after the assignment p1 will point to str[0]) Herelsquos why In C++ using the name of an array without an index generates a pointer to the first element in the

array Thus the assignment

p1 = str

assigns the address of str[0] to p1 This is a crucial point to understand When an


array name is used in an expression it yields a pointer to the first element in the array Since after the assignment p1 points to the beginning of str you can use p1 to


elements in the array For example if you want to access the fifth element in str you can use




Both statements obtain the fifth element Remember array indices start at zero so when str is indexed a 4 is used to access the fifth element A 4 is also added to the pointer

p1 to get the fifth element because p1 currently points to the first element of str

The parentheses surrounding p1+4 are necessary because the operation has a

higher priority than the + operation Without them the expression would first find the value pointed to by p1 (the first location in the array) and then add 4 to it In effect C++ allows

two methods of accessing array elements pointer arithmetic and array indexing This is important because pointer arithmetic can sometimes be faster than array indexingmdash

especially when you are accessing an array in strictly sequential order Since speed is often a consideration in programming the use of pointers to access array elements is very

common in C++ programs Also you can sometimes write tighter code by using pointers

instead of array indexing

Here is an example that demonstrates the difference between using array indexing and pointer arithmetic to access the elements of an array We will create two versions of a

program that reverse the case of letters within a string The first version uses array indexing The second uses pointer arithmetic The first version is shown here

Reverse case using array indexing

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include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = This Is A Test

cout ltlt Original string ltlt str ltlt n

for(i = 0 str[i] i++)

if(isupper(str[i])) str[i] = tolower(str[i]) else if(islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt Inverted-case string ltlt str

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

Original string This Is A Test Inverted-case string tHIS iS a tEST

Notice that the program uses the isupper( ) and islower( ) library functions to determine the case of a letter The isupper( ) function returns true when its argument is an

uppercase letter islower( ) returns true when its argument is a lowercase letter Inside the for loop str is indexed and the case of each letter is checked and changed The loop

iterates until the null terminating str is indexed Since a null is zero (false) the loop stops

Here is the same program rewritten to use pointer arithmetic

Reverse case using array indexing

include ltiostreamgt include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = ―This Is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

for i = 0 str[i] i++) if (iupper(str[i]))

else if (islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i]

cout ltlt ―Inverted-case string ― ltlt str return 0

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In this version p is set to the start of str Then inside the while loop the letter at p

is checked and changed and then p is incremented The loop stops when p points to the null terminator that ends str Because of the way some C++ compilers generate code these

two programs may not be equivalent in performance Generally it takes more machine instructions to index an array than it does to perform arithmetic on a pointer Consequently

in professionally written C++ code it is common to see the pointer version used more frequently However as a beginning C++ programmer feel free to use array indexing until

you are comfortable with pointers

Indexing a Pointer

As you have just seen it is possible to access an array using pointer arithmetic

What you might find surprising is that the reverse is also true In C++ it is possible to index a pointer as if it were an array Here is an example It is a third version of the case-

changing program

index a pointer as if it were an array

include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt

using namespace std


char p int i

char str[80]=This is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

p = str assign the p address of the start of the array now index p

for (I = 0 p[i] i++)

if (isupper(p[i])) p[i] = tolowerp[i])

else if (islower(p[i])

p[i] = toupper(p[i])

cout ltlt ―Inverted ndash case string lt str

return 0

The program creates a char pointer called p and then assigns to that pointer the

address of the first element in str Inside the for loop p is indexed using the normal array indexing syntax This is perfectly valid because in C++ the statement p[i] is function

functionally identical to (p+i) This further illustrates the close relationship between pointers and arrays

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 4 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and Arrays I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers and Arrays using C

II Tasks Procedure Instructions Answer the following questions

1 Can an array be accessed through a pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Can a pointer be indexed as if it were an array __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 An array name used by itself with no index yields what __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 6

Pointers and String

Strings and Constants

You might be wondering how string constants like the one in the fragment shown

here are handled by C++

cout ltlt strlen(Xanadu)

The answer is that when the compiler encounters a string constant it stores it in the

programlsquos string table and generates a pointer to the string Thus ―Xanadu yields a pointer to its entry in the string table Therefore the following program is perfectly valid and prints

the phrase Pointers add power to C++

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char ptr

ptr = ―Pointers add power to C++ n ptr is assigned the address of this string constant

cout ltlt ptr

return 0

In this program the characters that make up a string constant are stored in the string table and ptr is assigned a pointer to the string in that table

Since a pointer into your programlsquos string table is generated automatically whenever

a string constant is used you might be tempted to use this fact to modify the contents of the string table However this is usually not a good idea because many C++ compilers

create optimized tables in which one string constant may be used at two or more different

places in your program Thus changing a string may cause undesired side effects

Reversing a String in Place

Earlier it was mentioned that comparing one pointer to another is meaningful only if the two pointers point to a common object such as an array Now that you understand how

pointers and arrays relate you can apply pointer comparisons to streamline some types of algorithms In this project you will see an example The program developed here reverses

the contents of a string in place Thus instead of copying the string back-to-front into

another array it reverses the contents of the string inside the array that holds it The program uses two pointer variables to accomplish this One initially points to the beginning

of a string and the other initially points to the last character in the string A loop is set up that continues to run as long as the start pointer is less than the end pointer Each time

through the loop the characters pointed to by the pointers are swapped and the pointers are advanced When the start pointer is greater than or equal to the end pointer the string

has been reversed Step by step

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1 Create a file called StrRevcpp 2 Begin by adding these lines to the file

Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test

char start end int len

char t

The string to be reversed is contained in str The pointers start and end will be used

to access the string

3 Add these lines which display the original string obtain the stringlsquos length and set the initial values for the start and end pointers

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

Notice that end points to the last character in the string not the null terminator

4 Add the code that reverse the string

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts

starts = end end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The process works like this As long as the start pointer points to a memory

location that is less than the end pointer the loop iterates Inside the loop the characters being pointed to by start and end are swapped Then start is incremented

and end is decremented When end is greater than or equal to start all of the characters in the string have been reversed Since both start and end point into the

same array their comparison is meaningful

5 Here is the complete StrRevcpp program

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 32 of 66

Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test char start end

int len char t

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts starts = end

end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The output from the program is shown here Original this is a test Reversed

tset a si siht

Arrays of Pointers

Pointers can be arrayed like any other data type For example declaration for an int

pointer array of size 10 is

int p[10]

Here pi is an array of ten integer pointers To assign the address of an int variable

called var to the third element of the pointer array you would write

int var

fpi[2] = ampvar

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Remember pi is an array of int pointers The only thing that the array elements can

hold are the addresses of integer valuesmdashnot the values themselves To find the value of var you would write


Like other arrays arrays of pointers can be initialized A common use for initialized

pointer arrays is to hold pointers to strings Here is an example that uses a two-dimensional array of character pointers to implement a small dictionary

Here is a sample run

Enter word network

An interconnected group of computers

When the array dictionary is created it is initialized with a set of words and their

meanings Recall C++ stores all string constants in the string table associated with your program so the array need only store pointers to the strings The program works by testing

the word entered by the user against the strings stored in the dictionary If a match is found the meaning is displayed If no match is found an error message is printed Notice

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 34 of 66

that dictionary ends with two null strings These mark the end of the array Recall that a

null string contains only the terminating null character The for loop runs until the first character in a string is null This condition is tested with this expression


The array indices specify a pointer to a string The obtains the character at that

location If this character is null then the expression is false and the loop terminates Otherwise the expression is true and the loop continues

The Null Pointer Convention

After a pointer is declared but before it has been assigned it will contain an arbitrary value Should you try to use the pointer prior to giving it a value you will probably

crash your program While there is no sure way to avoid using an uninitialized pointer C++ programmers have adopted a procedure that helps prevent some errors By convention if a

pointer contains the null (zero) value it is assumed to point to nothing Thus if all unused pointers are given the null value and you avoid the use of a null pointer you can avoid the

accidental misuse of an uninitialized pointer This is a good practice to follow

Any type of pointer can be initialized to null when it is declared For example the

following initializes p to null

float p = 0 p is now a null pointer

To check for a null pointer use an if statement like one of these

if(p) succeeds if p is not null

if(p) succeeds if p is null

Multiple Indirection

A pointer to a pointer is a form of multiple indirection or a chain of pointers Consider Figure 4-2 As you can see in the case of a normal pointer the value of the

pointer is the address of a value In the case of a pointer to a pointer the first pointer

contains the address of the second pointer which points to the location that contains the desired value Multiple indirection can be carried on to whatever extent desired but there

are few cases where more than a pointer to a pointer is needed or indeed even wise to use Excessive indirection is difficult to follow and prone to conceptual errors

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 35 of 66

COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 5 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and String I Objectives To know how is Pointers and String worked using C II Tasks Procedure Instructions Asnwer the following question

1 What is it called when one pointer points to another pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Of what significant is a null pointer in C++ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that counts the uppercase letters in a string Have it display the result

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Chapter 7

Structures in Arrays Functions and Pointers

What is a Structure

Structure is a collection of variables under a single name Variables can be of any type int float char etc The main difference between structure and array is that arrays are

collections of the same data type and structure is a collection of variables under a single name

Declaring a Structure

The structure is declared by using the keyword struct followed by structure name

also called a tag Then the structure members (variables) are defined with their type and variable names inside the open and close braces and Finally the closed braces end with

a semicolon denoted as following the statement The above structure declaration is also called a Structure Specifier


Three variables custnum of type int salary of type int commission of type float are structuremembers and the structure name is Customer This structure is declared as


In the above example it is seen that variables of different types such as int and float are

grouped in a single structure name Customer

Arrays behave in the same way declaring structures does not mean that memory is

allocated Structure declaration gives a skeleton or template for the structure

After declaring the structure the next step is to define a structure variable

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How to declare Structure Variable

This is similar to variable declaration For variable declaration data type is defined followed

by variable name For structure variable declaration the data type is the name of the structure followed by thestructure variable name

In the above example structure variable cust1 is defined as

What happens when this is defined When structure is defined it allocates or reserves space in memory The memory space allocated will be cumulative of all

defined structure members In the above example there are 3 structure members

custnum salary and commission Of these two are of type int and one is of type float If integer space allocated by a system is 2 bytes and float four bytes the above would

allocate 2bytes for custnum 2 bytes for salary and 4 bytes for commission

How to access structure members in C++

To access structure members the operator used is the dot operator denoted by () The

dot operatorfor accessing structure members is used thusly

structure variable namemember name

For example

To assign 2000 for the structure member salary in the above example of structure

Customer with structure variable cust1 this is written as

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Pointers to structures

All that we have discussed so far has been OK but runs into problems when structures have

to be moved between functions for the following reasons

if the structure is large it is more efficient to pass a pointer to the structure instead of the structure its self This techniquepri is also used to pass pointers to

arrays between functions

When passing a structure to a function you actually pass a COPY of the structure Therefore it is not possible to change the values of members within the structure as

the copy is destroyed when the function ends

Here is an example (these are 2 examples the one to the left uses a pointer)

| |

struct x int a int b int c | struct x int a int b int c

| void function(struct x) | void function(struct x )

| main() | main()

| struct x z | struct x z pz 3

| pz = ampz 4 za = 10 1 | za = 10

za++ | za++

| function(z) 2 | function(pz) 5

| |

void function( struct x z) | void function(struct x pz) | 6

printf( first member d n za) | printf( first member d n (pz)a) |


Here is the annotation

1 Give a structure member a value 2 Pass a COPY of the whole structure to the function

3 Define pz a pointer to a structure of type x

4 Put the address of z into pz pz now POINTS to z PLEASE NOTE z is defined to reserve memory equal to the size of the structure pz only holds an address so will

be 4 bytes long 5 Pass the pointer into the function

6 Print the value of the member a

The (pz)a syntax is used a great deal in C and it was decided to create a short hand for

it So

(pz)a == pz-gta

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Structures and Arrays

include ltiostreamgt

include ltfstreamhgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

ofstream outData

input file structure ifstream inData

char menu_id[10] char menu_name[10]

char menu_col[10]

char menu_row[10] char button_id[10]

char button_label_1[10] char button_label_2[10]

char button_label_3[10] char button_col[10]

char button_row[10]

menu file structure

struct menu

int mid char name[20]

int mcol int mrow

int bid char blabel[24]

int bcol

int brow

List of menus

enum menu_id

MAIN = 1

Define Main menu

menu Main_menu[3]

void createMenu(menu newMenu[] int menu_num MAS_Configure_Button_Request_Messagemsg )

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 40 of 66

int y = 0

while ((inDatagetline(menu_id10 $)eof()) ampamp (atoi(menu_id) == menu_num))

newMenu[y]mid= atoi(menu_id)

inDatagetline(menu_name 10 $)

newMenu[y]name[0] = 0

strcpy(newMenu[y]namemenu_name) outData ltlt Main Menu Name ltlt newMenu[y]name ltlt

inDatagetline( menu_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]mcol = atoi(menu_col)

inDatagetline( menu_row 10 $) newMenu[y]mrow = atoi(menu_row)

inDatagetline( button_id 10 $) newMenu[y]bid = atoi(button_id)

inDatagetline( button_label_1 10 $)

inDatagetline( button_label_2 10 $) inDatagetline( button_label_3 10 $)

newMenu[y]blabel[0] = 0 strcpy(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_1)


strcat(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_3) outData ltlt newMenu[y]blabel ltlt

inDatagetline( button_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]bcol = atoi(button_col)

inDatagetline( button_row 10 n)

newMenu[y]brow = atoi(button_row) y++

int main()

int loop

inDataopen(datatxt) if (inData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening datatxt End program ltlt endl


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outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 42 of 66

recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 43 of 66

Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 44 of 66

Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

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the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

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main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

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include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

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next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

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1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

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47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 19: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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Chapter 4

Introduction to Pointers

A pointer is an object that contains a memory address Very often this address is the

location of another object such as a variable For example if x contains the address of y

then x is said to ―point to y

Pointer variables must be declared as such The general form of a pointer variable

declaration is

type var-name

Here type is the pointerlsquos base type The base type determines what type of data

the pointer will be pointing to var-name is the name of the pointer variable For example

to declare ip to be a pointer to an int use this declaration

int ip

Since the base type of ip is int it can be used to point to int values Here a float

pointer is declared

float fp

In this case the base type of fp is float which means that it can be used to point to

a float value

In general in a declaration statement preceding a variable name with an causes

that variable to become a pointer

The Pointer Operator

There are two special operators that are used with pointers and amp The amp is a

unary operator that returns the memory address of its operand

For example

ptr = amptotal

puts into ptr the memory address of the variable total This address is the location of

total in the computerlsquos internal memory It has nothing to do with the value of total The

operation of amp can be remembered as returning ―the address of the variable it precedes

Therefore the preceding assignment statement could be verbalized as ―ptr receives the

address of total To better understand this assignment assume that the variable total is

located at address 100 Then after the assignment takes place ptr has the value 100 The

second operator is and it is the complement of amp It is a unary operator that returns the

value of the variable located at the address specified by its operand Continuing with the

same example if ptr contains the memory address of the variable total then

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 20 of 66

val = ptr

will place the value of total into val For example if total originally had the value

3200 then val will have the value 3200 because that is the value stored at location 100

the memory address that was assigned to ptr The operation of can be remembered as ―at

address In this case then the statement could be read as ―val receives the value at

address ptr

The following program executes the sequence of the operations just described

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int total

int ptr

int val

total = 3200 assign 3200 to total

ptr = amptotal get address of total

val = ptr get value at that address

cout ltlt Total is ltlt val ltlt n

return 0

It is unfortunate that the multiplication symbol and the ―at address symbol are the

same This fact sometimes confuses newcomers to the C++ language These operators

have no relationship to each other Keep in mind that both amp and have a higher

precedence than any of the arithmetic operators except the unary minus with which they

have equal precedence The act of using a pointer is often called indirection because you are

accessing one variable indirectly through another variable

The Base Type of a Pointer

In the preceding discussion you saw that it was possible to assign val the value of

total indirectly through a pointer At this point you may have thought of this important question How does C++ know how many bytes to copy into val from the address pointed

to by ptr Or more generally how does the compiler transfer the proper number of bytes for any assignment involving a pointer The answer is that the base type of the pointer

determines the type of data upon which the pointer operates In this case because ptr is an

int pointer four bytes of information are copied into val (assuming a 32-bit int) from the address pointed to by ptr However if ptr had been a double pointer for example then

eight bytes would have been copied

It is important to ensure that pointer variables always point to the correct type of data For example when you declare a pointer to be of type int the compiler assumes that

anything it points to will be an integer variable If it doesnlsquot point to an integer variable then trouble is usually not far behind For example the following fragment is incorrect

int p double f p = ampf ERROR

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 21 of 66

This fragment is invalid because you cannot assign a double pointer to an integer pointer That is ampf generates a pointer to a double but p is a pointer to an int These two

types are not compatible (In fact the compiler would flag an error at this point and not compile your program) Although two pointers must have compatible types in order for one

to be assigned to another you can override this restriction (at your own risk) using a cast For example the following fragment is now technically correct

int p double f p = (int ) ampf Now technically OK

The cast to int causes the double pointer to be converted to an integer pointer However to use a cast for this purpose is questionable practice The reason is that the base

type of a pointer determines how the compiler treats the data it points to In this case even though p is actually pointing to a floating-point value the compiler still ―thinks that p is

pointing to an int (because p is an int pointer)

To better understand why using a cast to assign one type of pointer to another is not usually a good idea consider the following short program

This program will not work right include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

double xy int p

x = 12323 p = (int ) ampx use cast to assign double to int

y = p what will this do

cout ltlt y what will this print

return 0

Here is the output produced by the program (You might see a different value)


This value is clearly not 12323 Here is why In the program p (which is an integer

pointer) has been assigned the address of x (which is a double) Thus when y is assigned the value pointed to by p y receives only four bytes of data (and not the eight required for

a double value) because p is an integer pointer Therefore the cout statement displays not 12323 but a garbage value instead

Assigning value to pointers

You can use a pointer on the left-hand side of an assignment statement to assign a value to the location pointed to by the pointer Assuming that p is an int pointer this

assigns the value 101 to the location pointed to by p

p = 101

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You can verbalize this assignment like this ―At the location pointed to by p assign the value 101 To increment or decrement the value at the location pointed to by a pointer

you can use a statement like this


The parentheses are necessary because the operator has lower precedence than does the ++ operator

The following program demonstrates an assignment through a pointer

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int p num

p = ampnum

p = 100 assign num the value 100 through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)++ increment num through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)-- decrement num through p cout ltlt num ltlt nlsquo

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

100 101 100

Pointer Expressions

Pointers can be used in most C++ expressions However some special rules apply

Remember also that you may need to surround some parts of a pointer expression with parentheses in order to ensure that the outcome is what you desire

Pointer Arithmetic There are only four arithmetic operators that can be used on

pointers ++ ndash ndash + and ndash To understand what occurs in pointer arithmetic let p1 be an int pointer with a current value of 2000 (that is it contains the address 2000) Assuming

32-bit integers after the expression


The contents of p1 will be 2004 not 2001 The reason for this is that each time p1

is incremented it will point to the next int The same is true of decrements For example again assuming that p1 has the value 2000 the expression

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 23 of 66


causes p1 to have the value 1996

Generalizing from the preceding example the following rules apply to pointer

arithmetic Each time that a pointer is incremented it will point to the memory location of the next element of its base type Each time it is decremented it will point to the location of

the previous element of its base type In the case of character pointers an increment or decrement will appear as ―normal arithmetic because characters are one byte long

However every other type of pointer will increase or decrease by the length of its base

type You are not limited to only increment and decrement operations You can also add or subtract integers to or from pointers The expression

p1 = p1 + 9

makes p1 point to the ninth element of p1lsquos base type beyond the one to which it is

currently pointing

Although you cannot add pointers you can subtract one pointer from another

(provided they are both of the same base type) The remainder will be the number of elements of the base type that separate the two pointers

Other than addition and subtraction of a pointer and an integer or the subtraction of

two pointers no other arithmetic operations can be performed on pointers For example you cannot add or subtract float or double values to or from pointers

To graphically see the effects of pointer arithmetic execute the next short program

It creates an int pointer (i) and a double pointer (f) It then adds the values 0 through 9 to

these pointers and displays the results Observe how each address changes relative to its base type each time the loop is repeated (For most 32-bit compilers i will increase by 4s

and f will increase by 8s) Notice that when using a pointer in a cout statement its address is automatically displayed in the addressing format applicable to the CPU and environment

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int I j[10]

double f g[10] int x

i = j

f = g

for (x=0 xlt10 x++)

cout ltlt i+x ltlt ltlt f+x ltlt nlsquo display the addresses produced by adding x

to each pointer

Here is a sample run (The precise values you see may differ from these)

0012FE5C 09012FE84

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 24 of 66

0012FE60 0012FE8C

0012FE64 0012FE94 0012FE68 0012FE9C

0012FE6C 0012FEA4 0012FE70 0012FEAC

0012FE74 0012FEB4 0012FE78 0012FEBC

0012FE7C 0012FEC4

0012FE80 0012FECC

Pointer Comparisons

Pointers may be compared using the relational operators such as == lt and gt In general for the outcome of a pointer comparison to be meaningful the two pointers must

have some relationship to each other For example both may point to elements within the same array There is however one other type of pointer comparison any pointer can be

compared to the null pointer which is zero

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I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers in C and its use

II Basic Information Scenario Answer the following using Pointers

1 What is a pointer


2 Show how to declare a long int pointer called valPtr __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 As they relate to pointers what do the and amp operators do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7 What are two pointer operators __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 5

Pointers and Arrays

In C++ there is a close relationship between pointers and arrays In fact frequently a pointer and an array are interchangeable Consider this fragment

char str[80] char p1

p1 = str

Here str is an array of 80 characters and p1 is a character pointer However it is the third line that is of interest In this line p1 is assigned the address of the first element in

the str array (That is after the assignment p1 will point to str[0]) Herelsquos why In C++ using the name of an array without an index generates a pointer to the first element in the

array Thus the assignment

p1 = str

assigns the address of str[0] to p1 This is a crucial point to understand When an


array name is used in an expression it yields a pointer to the first element in the array Since after the assignment p1 points to the beginning of str you can use p1 to


elements in the array For example if you want to access the fifth element in str you can use




Both statements obtain the fifth element Remember array indices start at zero so when str is indexed a 4 is used to access the fifth element A 4 is also added to the pointer

p1 to get the fifth element because p1 currently points to the first element of str

The parentheses surrounding p1+4 are necessary because the operation has a

higher priority than the + operation Without them the expression would first find the value pointed to by p1 (the first location in the array) and then add 4 to it In effect C++ allows

two methods of accessing array elements pointer arithmetic and array indexing This is important because pointer arithmetic can sometimes be faster than array indexingmdash

especially when you are accessing an array in strictly sequential order Since speed is often a consideration in programming the use of pointers to access array elements is very

common in C++ programs Also you can sometimes write tighter code by using pointers

instead of array indexing

Here is an example that demonstrates the difference between using array indexing and pointer arithmetic to access the elements of an array We will create two versions of a

program that reverse the case of letters within a string The first version uses array indexing The second uses pointer arithmetic The first version is shown here

Reverse case using array indexing

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include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = This Is A Test

cout ltlt Original string ltlt str ltlt n

for(i = 0 str[i] i++)

if(isupper(str[i])) str[i] = tolower(str[i]) else if(islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt Inverted-case string ltlt str

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

Original string This Is A Test Inverted-case string tHIS iS a tEST

Notice that the program uses the isupper( ) and islower( ) library functions to determine the case of a letter The isupper( ) function returns true when its argument is an

uppercase letter islower( ) returns true when its argument is a lowercase letter Inside the for loop str is indexed and the case of each letter is checked and changed The loop

iterates until the null terminating str is indexed Since a null is zero (false) the loop stops

Here is the same program rewritten to use pointer arithmetic

Reverse case using array indexing

include ltiostreamgt include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = ―This Is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

for i = 0 str[i] i++) if (iupper(str[i]))

else if (islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i]

cout ltlt ―Inverted-case string ― ltlt str return 0

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In this version p is set to the start of str Then inside the while loop the letter at p

is checked and changed and then p is incremented The loop stops when p points to the null terminator that ends str Because of the way some C++ compilers generate code these

two programs may not be equivalent in performance Generally it takes more machine instructions to index an array than it does to perform arithmetic on a pointer Consequently

in professionally written C++ code it is common to see the pointer version used more frequently However as a beginning C++ programmer feel free to use array indexing until

you are comfortable with pointers

Indexing a Pointer

As you have just seen it is possible to access an array using pointer arithmetic

What you might find surprising is that the reverse is also true In C++ it is possible to index a pointer as if it were an array Here is an example It is a third version of the case-

changing program

index a pointer as if it were an array

include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt

using namespace std


char p int i

char str[80]=This is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

p = str assign the p address of the start of the array now index p

for (I = 0 p[i] i++)

if (isupper(p[i])) p[i] = tolowerp[i])

else if (islower(p[i])

p[i] = toupper(p[i])

cout ltlt ―Inverted ndash case string lt str

return 0

The program creates a char pointer called p and then assigns to that pointer the

address of the first element in str Inside the for loop p is indexed using the normal array indexing syntax This is perfectly valid because in C++ the statement p[i] is function

functionally identical to (p+i) This further illustrates the close relationship between pointers and arrays

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 4 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and Arrays I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers and Arrays using C

II Tasks Procedure Instructions Answer the following questions

1 Can an array be accessed through a pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Can a pointer be indexed as if it were an array __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 An array name used by itself with no index yields what __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 6

Pointers and String

Strings and Constants

You might be wondering how string constants like the one in the fragment shown

here are handled by C++

cout ltlt strlen(Xanadu)

The answer is that when the compiler encounters a string constant it stores it in the

programlsquos string table and generates a pointer to the string Thus ―Xanadu yields a pointer to its entry in the string table Therefore the following program is perfectly valid and prints

the phrase Pointers add power to C++

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char ptr

ptr = ―Pointers add power to C++ n ptr is assigned the address of this string constant

cout ltlt ptr

return 0

In this program the characters that make up a string constant are stored in the string table and ptr is assigned a pointer to the string in that table

Since a pointer into your programlsquos string table is generated automatically whenever

a string constant is used you might be tempted to use this fact to modify the contents of the string table However this is usually not a good idea because many C++ compilers

create optimized tables in which one string constant may be used at two or more different

places in your program Thus changing a string may cause undesired side effects

Reversing a String in Place

Earlier it was mentioned that comparing one pointer to another is meaningful only if the two pointers point to a common object such as an array Now that you understand how

pointers and arrays relate you can apply pointer comparisons to streamline some types of algorithms In this project you will see an example The program developed here reverses

the contents of a string in place Thus instead of copying the string back-to-front into

another array it reverses the contents of the string inside the array that holds it The program uses two pointer variables to accomplish this One initially points to the beginning

of a string and the other initially points to the last character in the string A loop is set up that continues to run as long as the start pointer is less than the end pointer Each time

through the loop the characters pointed to by the pointers are swapped and the pointers are advanced When the start pointer is greater than or equal to the end pointer the string

has been reversed Step by step

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1 Create a file called StrRevcpp 2 Begin by adding these lines to the file

Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test

char start end int len

char t

The string to be reversed is contained in str The pointers start and end will be used

to access the string

3 Add these lines which display the original string obtain the stringlsquos length and set the initial values for the start and end pointers

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

Notice that end points to the last character in the string not the null terminator

4 Add the code that reverse the string

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts

starts = end end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The process works like this As long as the start pointer points to a memory

location that is less than the end pointer the loop iterates Inside the loop the characters being pointed to by start and end are swapped Then start is incremented

and end is decremented When end is greater than or equal to start all of the characters in the string have been reversed Since both start and end point into the

same array their comparison is meaningful

5 Here is the complete StrRevcpp program

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 32 of 66

Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test char start end

int len char t

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts starts = end

end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The output from the program is shown here Original this is a test Reversed

tset a si siht

Arrays of Pointers

Pointers can be arrayed like any other data type For example declaration for an int

pointer array of size 10 is

int p[10]

Here pi is an array of ten integer pointers To assign the address of an int variable

called var to the third element of the pointer array you would write

int var

fpi[2] = ampvar

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Remember pi is an array of int pointers The only thing that the array elements can

hold are the addresses of integer valuesmdashnot the values themselves To find the value of var you would write


Like other arrays arrays of pointers can be initialized A common use for initialized

pointer arrays is to hold pointers to strings Here is an example that uses a two-dimensional array of character pointers to implement a small dictionary

Here is a sample run

Enter word network

An interconnected group of computers

When the array dictionary is created it is initialized with a set of words and their

meanings Recall C++ stores all string constants in the string table associated with your program so the array need only store pointers to the strings The program works by testing

the word entered by the user against the strings stored in the dictionary If a match is found the meaning is displayed If no match is found an error message is printed Notice

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 34 of 66

that dictionary ends with two null strings These mark the end of the array Recall that a

null string contains only the terminating null character The for loop runs until the first character in a string is null This condition is tested with this expression


The array indices specify a pointer to a string The obtains the character at that

location If this character is null then the expression is false and the loop terminates Otherwise the expression is true and the loop continues

The Null Pointer Convention

After a pointer is declared but before it has been assigned it will contain an arbitrary value Should you try to use the pointer prior to giving it a value you will probably

crash your program While there is no sure way to avoid using an uninitialized pointer C++ programmers have adopted a procedure that helps prevent some errors By convention if a

pointer contains the null (zero) value it is assumed to point to nothing Thus if all unused pointers are given the null value and you avoid the use of a null pointer you can avoid the

accidental misuse of an uninitialized pointer This is a good practice to follow

Any type of pointer can be initialized to null when it is declared For example the

following initializes p to null

float p = 0 p is now a null pointer

To check for a null pointer use an if statement like one of these

if(p) succeeds if p is not null

if(p) succeeds if p is null

Multiple Indirection

A pointer to a pointer is a form of multiple indirection or a chain of pointers Consider Figure 4-2 As you can see in the case of a normal pointer the value of the

pointer is the address of a value In the case of a pointer to a pointer the first pointer

contains the address of the second pointer which points to the location that contains the desired value Multiple indirection can be carried on to whatever extent desired but there

are few cases where more than a pointer to a pointer is needed or indeed even wise to use Excessive indirection is difficult to follow and prone to conceptual errors

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 35 of 66

COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 5 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and String I Objectives To know how is Pointers and String worked using C II Tasks Procedure Instructions Asnwer the following question

1 What is it called when one pointer points to another pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Of what significant is a null pointer in C++ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that counts the uppercase letters in a string Have it display the result

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Chapter 7

Structures in Arrays Functions and Pointers

What is a Structure

Structure is a collection of variables under a single name Variables can be of any type int float char etc The main difference between structure and array is that arrays are

collections of the same data type and structure is a collection of variables under a single name

Declaring a Structure

The structure is declared by using the keyword struct followed by structure name

also called a tag Then the structure members (variables) are defined with their type and variable names inside the open and close braces and Finally the closed braces end with

a semicolon denoted as following the statement The above structure declaration is also called a Structure Specifier


Three variables custnum of type int salary of type int commission of type float are structuremembers and the structure name is Customer This structure is declared as


In the above example it is seen that variables of different types such as int and float are

grouped in a single structure name Customer

Arrays behave in the same way declaring structures does not mean that memory is

allocated Structure declaration gives a skeleton or template for the structure

After declaring the structure the next step is to define a structure variable

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How to declare Structure Variable

This is similar to variable declaration For variable declaration data type is defined followed

by variable name For structure variable declaration the data type is the name of the structure followed by thestructure variable name

In the above example structure variable cust1 is defined as

What happens when this is defined When structure is defined it allocates or reserves space in memory The memory space allocated will be cumulative of all

defined structure members In the above example there are 3 structure members

custnum salary and commission Of these two are of type int and one is of type float If integer space allocated by a system is 2 bytes and float four bytes the above would

allocate 2bytes for custnum 2 bytes for salary and 4 bytes for commission

How to access structure members in C++

To access structure members the operator used is the dot operator denoted by () The

dot operatorfor accessing structure members is used thusly

structure variable namemember name

For example

To assign 2000 for the structure member salary in the above example of structure

Customer with structure variable cust1 this is written as

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Pointers to structures

All that we have discussed so far has been OK but runs into problems when structures have

to be moved between functions for the following reasons

if the structure is large it is more efficient to pass a pointer to the structure instead of the structure its self This techniquepri is also used to pass pointers to

arrays between functions

When passing a structure to a function you actually pass a COPY of the structure Therefore it is not possible to change the values of members within the structure as

the copy is destroyed when the function ends

Here is an example (these are 2 examples the one to the left uses a pointer)

| |

struct x int a int b int c | struct x int a int b int c

| void function(struct x) | void function(struct x )

| main() | main()

| struct x z | struct x z pz 3

| pz = ampz 4 za = 10 1 | za = 10

za++ | za++

| function(z) 2 | function(pz) 5

| |

void function( struct x z) | void function(struct x pz) | 6

printf( first member d n za) | printf( first member d n (pz)a) |


Here is the annotation

1 Give a structure member a value 2 Pass a COPY of the whole structure to the function

3 Define pz a pointer to a structure of type x

4 Put the address of z into pz pz now POINTS to z PLEASE NOTE z is defined to reserve memory equal to the size of the structure pz only holds an address so will

be 4 bytes long 5 Pass the pointer into the function

6 Print the value of the member a

The (pz)a syntax is used a great deal in C and it was decided to create a short hand for

it So

(pz)a == pz-gta

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Structures and Arrays

include ltiostreamgt

include ltfstreamhgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

ofstream outData

input file structure ifstream inData

char menu_id[10] char menu_name[10]

char menu_col[10]

char menu_row[10] char button_id[10]

char button_label_1[10] char button_label_2[10]

char button_label_3[10] char button_col[10]

char button_row[10]

menu file structure

struct menu

int mid char name[20]

int mcol int mrow

int bid char blabel[24]

int bcol

int brow

List of menus

enum menu_id

MAIN = 1

Define Main menu

menu Main_menu[3]

void createMenu(menu newMenu[] int menu_num MAS_Configure_Button_Request_Messagemsg )

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 40 of 66

int y = 0

while ((inDatagetline(menu_id10 $)eof()) ampamp (atoi(menu_id) == menu_num))

newMenu[y]mid= atoi(menu_id)

inDatagetline(menu_name 10 $)

newMenu[y]name[0] = 0

strcpy(newMenu[y]namemenu_name) outData ltlt Main Menu Name ltlt newMenu[y]name ltlt

inDatagetline( menu_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]mcol = atoi(menu_col)

inDatagetline( menu_row 10 $) newMenu[y]mrow = atoi(menu_row)

inDatagetline( button_id 10 $) newMenu[y]bid = atoi(button_id)

inDatagetline( button_label_1 10 $)

inDatagetline( button_label_2 10 $) inDatagetline( button_label_3 10 $)

newMenu[y]blabel[0] = 0 strcpy(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_1)


strcat(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_3) outData ltlt newMenu[y]blabel ltlt

inDatagetline( button_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]bcol = atoi(button_col)

inDatagetline( button_row 10 n)

newMenu[y]brow = atoi(button_row) y++

int main()

int loop

inDataopen(datatxt) if (inData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening datatxt End program ltlt endl


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outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 42 of 66

recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 43 of 66

Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 44 of 66

Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

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the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

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main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

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include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

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next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

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1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

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47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 20: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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val = ptr

will place the value of total into val For example if total originally had the value

3200 then val will have the value 3200 because that is the value stored at location 100

the memory address that was assigned to ptr The operation of can be remembered as ―at

address In this case then the statement could be read as ―val receives the value at

address ptr

The following program executes the sequence of the operations just described

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int total

int ptr

int val

total = 3200 assign 3200 to total

ptr = amptotal get address of total

val = ptr get value at that address

cout ltlt Total is ltlt val ltlt n

return 0

It is unfortunate that the multiplication symbol and the ―at address symbol are the

same This fact sometimes confuses newcomers to the C++ language These operators

have no relationship to each other Keep in mind that both amp and have a higher

precedence than any of the arithmetic operators except the unary minus with which they

have equal precedence The act of using a pointer is often called indirection because you are

accessing one variable indirectly through another variable

The Base Type of a Pointer

In the preceding discussion you saw that it was possible to assign val the value of

total indirectly through a pointer At this point you may have thought of this important question How does C++ know how many bytes to copy into val from the address pointed

to by ptr Or more generally how does the compiler transfer the proper number of bytes for any assignment involving a pointer The answer is that the base type of the pointer

determines the type of data upon which the pointer operates In this case because ptr is an

int pointer four bytes of information are copied into val (assuming a 32-bit int) from the address pointed to by ptr However if ptr had been a double pointer for example then

eight bytes would have been copied

It is important to ensure that pointer variables always point to the correct type of data For example when you declare a pointer to be of type int the compiler assumes that

anything it points to will be an integer variable If it doesnlsquot point to an integer variable then trouble is usually not far behind For example the following fragment is incorrect

int p double f p = ampf ERROR

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This fragment is invalid because you cannot assign a double pointer to an integer pointer That is ampf generates a pointer to a double but p is a pointer to an int These two

types are not compatible (In fact the compiler would flag an error at this point and not compile your program) Although two pointers must have compatible types in order for one

to be assigned to another you can override this restriction (at your own risk) using a cast For example the following fragment is now technically correct

int p double f p = (int ) ampf Now technically OK

The cast to int causes the double pointer to be converted to an integer pointer However to use a cast for this purpose is questionable practice The reason is that the base

type of a pointer determines how the compiler treats the data it points to In this case even though p is actually pointing to a floating-point value the compiler still ―thinks that p is

pointing to an int (because p is an int pointer)

To better understand why using a cast to assign one type of pointer to another is not usually a good idea consider the following short program

This program will not work right include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

double xy int p

x = 12323 p = (int ) ampx use cast to assign double to int

y = p what will this do

cout ltlt y what will this print

return 0

Here is the output produced by the program (You might see a different value)


This value is clearly not 12323 Here is why In the program p (which is an integer

pointer) has been assigned the address of x (which is a double) Thus when y is assigned the value pointed to by p y receives only four bytes of data (and not the eight required for

a double value) because p is an integer pointer Therefore the cout statement displays not 12323 but a garbage value instead

Assigning value to pointers

You can use a pointer on the left-hand side of an assignment statement to assign a value to the location pointed to by the pointer Assuming that p is an int pointer this

assigns the value 101 to the location pointed to by p

p = 101

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You can verbalize this assignment like this ―At the location pointed to by p assign the value 101 To increment or decrement the value at the location pointed to by a pointer

you can use a statement like this


The parentheses are necessary because the operator has lower precedence than does the ++ operator

The following program demonstrates an assignment through a pointer

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int p num

p = ampnum

p = 100 assign num the value 100 through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)++ increment num through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)-- decrement num through p cout ltlt num ltlt nlsquo

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

100 101 100

Pointer Expressions

Pointers can be used in most C++ expressions However some special rules apply

Remember also that you may need to surround some parts of a pointer expression with parentheses in order to ensure that the outcome is what you desire

Pointer Arithmetic There are only four arithmetic operators that can be used on

pointers ++ ndash ndash + and ndash To understand what occurs in pointer arithmetic let p1 be an int pointer with a current value of 2000 (that is it contains the address 2000) Assuming

32-bit integers after the expression


The contents of p1 will be 2004 not 2001 The reason for this is that each time p1

is incremented it will point to the next int The same is true of decrements For example again assuming that p1 has the value 2000 the expression

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 23 of 66


causes p1 to have the value 1996

Generalizing from the preceding example the following rules apply to pointer

arithmetic Each time that a pointer is incremented it will point to the memory location of the next element of its base type Each time it is decremented it will point to the location of

the previous element of its base type In the case of character pointers an increment or decrement will appear as ―normal arithmetic because characters are one byte long

However every other type of pointer will increase or decrease by the length of its base

type You are not limited to only increment and decrement operations You can also add or subtract integers to or from pointers The expression

p1 = p1 + 9

makes p1 point to the ninth element of p1lsquos base type beyond the one to which it is

currently pointing

Although you cannot add pointers you can subtract one pointer from another

(provided they are both of the same base type) The remainder will be the number of elements of the base type that separate the two pointers

Other than addition and subtraction of a pointer and an integer or the subtraction of

two pointers no other arithmetic operations can be performed on pointers For example you cannot add or subtract float or double values to or from pointers

To graphically see the effects of pointer arithmetic execute the next short program

It creates an int pointer (i) and a double pointer (f) It then adds the values 0 through 9 to

these pointers and displays the results Observe how each address changes relative to its base type each time the loop is repeated (For most 32-bit compilers i will increase by 4s

and f will increase by 8s) Notice that when using a pointer in a cout statement its address is automatically displayed in the addressing format applicable to the CPU and environment

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int I j[10]

double f g[10] int x

i = j

f = g

for (x=0 xlt10 x++)

cout ltlt i+x ltlt ltlt f+x ltlt nlsquo display the addresses produced by adding x

to each pointer

Here is a sample run (The precise values you see may differ from these)

0012FE5C 09012FE84

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 24 of 66

0012FE60 0012FE8C

0012FE64 0012FE94 0012FE68 0012FE9C

0012FE6C 0012FEA4 0012FE70 0012FEAC

0012FE74 0012FEB4 0012FE78 0012FEBC

0012FE7C 0012FEC4

0012FE80 0012FECC

Pointer Comparisons

Pointers may be compared using the relational operators such as == lt and gt In general for the outcome of a pointer comparison to be meaningful the two pointers must

have some relationship to each other For example both may point to elements within the same array There is however one other type of pointer comparison any pointer can be

compared to the null pointer which is zero

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I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers in C and its use

II Basic Information Scenario Answer the following using Pointers

1 What is a pointer


2 Show how to declare a long int pointer called valPtr __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 As they relate to pointers what do the and amp operators do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7 What are two pointer operators __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 5

Pointers and Arrays

In C++ there is a close relationship between pointers and arrays In fact frequently a pointer and an array are interchangeable Consider this fragment

char str[80] char p1

p1 = str

Here str is an array of 80 characters and p1 is a character pointer However it is the third line that is of interest In this line p1 is assigned the address of the first element in

the str array (That is after the assignment p1 will point to str[0]) Herelsquos why In C++ using the name of an array without an index generates a pointer to the first element in the

array Thus the assignment

p1 = str

assigns the address of str[0] to p1 This is a crucial point to understand When an


array name is used in an expression it yields a pointer to the first element in the array Since after the assignment p1 points to the beginning of str you can use p1 to


elements in the array For example if you want to access the fifth element in str you can use




Both statements obtain the fifth element Remember array indices start at zero so when str is indexed a 4 is used to access the fifth element A 4 is also added to the pointer

p1 to get the fifth element because p1 currently points to the first element of str

The parentheses surrounding p1+4 are necessary because the operation has a

higher priority than the + operation Without them the expression would first find the value pointed to by p1 (the first location in the array) and then add 4 to it In effect C++ allows

two methods of accessing array elements pointer arithmetic and array indexing This is important because pointer arithmetic can sometimes be faster than array indexingmdash

especially when you are accessing an array in strictly sequential order Since speed is often a consideration in programming the use of pointers to access array elements is very

common in C++ programs Also you can sometimes write tighter code by using pointers

instead of array indexing

Here is an example that demonstrates the difference between using array indexing and pointer arithmetic to access the elements of an array We will create two versions of a

program that reverse the case of letters within a string The first version uses array indexing The second uses pointer arithmetic The first version is shown here

Reverse case using array indexing

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include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = This Is A Test

cout ltlt Original string ltlt str ltlt n

for(i = 0 str[i] i++)

if(isupper(str[i])) str[i] = tolower(str[i]) else if(islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt Inverted-case string ltlt str

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

Original string This Is A Test Inverted-case string tHIS iS a tEST

Notice that the program uses the isupper( ) and islower( ) library functions to determine the case of a letter The isupper( ) function returns true when its argument is an

uppercase letter islower( ) returns true when its argument is a lowercase letter Inside the for loop str is indexed and the case of each letter is checked and changed The loop

iterates until the null terminating str is indexed Since a null is zero (false) the loop stops

Here is the same program rewritten to use pointer arithmetic

Reverse case using array indexing

include ltiostreamgt include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = ―This Is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

for i = 0 str[i] i++) if (iupper(str[i]))

else if (islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i]

cout ltlt ―Inverted-case string ― ltlt str return 0

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In this version p is set to the start of str Then inside the while loop the letter at p

is checked and changed and then p is incremented The loop stops when p points to the null terminator that ends str Because of the way some C++ compilers generate code these

two programs may not be equivalent in performance Generally it takes more machine instructions to index an array than it does to perform arithmetic on a pointer Consequently

in professionally written C++ code it is common to see the pointer version used more frequently However as a beginning C++ programmer feel free to use array indexing until

you are comfortable with pointers

Indexing a Pointer

As you have just seen it is possible to access an array using pointer arithmetic

What you might find surprising is that the reverse is also true In C++ it is possible to index a pointer as if it were an array Here is an example It is a third version of the case-

changing program

index a pointer as if it were an array

include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt

using namespace std


char p int i

char str[80]=This is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

p = str assign the p address of the start of the array now index p

for (I = 0 p[i] i++)

if (isupper(p[i])) p[i] = tolowerp[i])

else if (islower(p[i])

p[i] = toupper(p[i])

cout ltlt ―Inverted ndash case string lt str

return 0

The program creates a char pointer called p and then assigns to that pointer the

address of the first element in str Inside the for loop p is indexed using the normal array indexing syntax This is perfectly valid because in C++ the statement p[i] is function

functionally identical to (p+i) This further illustrates the close relationship between pointers and arrays

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 4 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and Arrays I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers and Arrays using C

II Tasks Procedure Instructions Answer the following questions

1 Can an array be accessed through a pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Can a pointer be indexed as if it were an array __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 An array name used by itself with no index yields what __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 6

Pointers and String

Strings and Constants

You might be wondering how string constants like the one in the fragment shown

here are handled by C++

cout ltlt strlen(Xanadu)

The answer is that when the compiler encounters a string constant it stores it in the

programlsquos string table and generates a pointer to the string Thus ―Xanadu yields a pointer to its entry in the string table Therefore the following program is perfectly valid and prints

the phrase Pointers add power to C++

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char ptr

ptr = ―Pointers add power to C++ n ptr is assigned the address of this string constant

cout ltlt ptr

return 0

In this program the characters that make up a string constant are stored in the string table and ptr is assigned a pointer to the string in that table

Since a pointer into your programlsquos string table is generated automatically whenever

a string constant is used you might be tempted to use this fact to modify the contents of the string table However this is usually not a good idea because many C++ compilers

create optimized tables in which one string constant may be used at two or more different

places in your program Thus changing a string may cause undesired side effects

Reversing a String in Place

Earlier it was mentioned that comparing one pointer to another is meaningful only if the two pointers point to a common object such as an array Now that you understand how

pointers and arrays relate you can apply pointer comparisons to streamline some types of algorithms In this project you will see an example The program developed here reverses

the contents of a string in place Thus instead of copying the string back-to-front into

another array it reverses the contents of the string inside the array that holds it The program uses two pointer variables to accomplish this One initially points to the beginning

of a string and the other initially points to the last character in the string A loop is set up that continues to run as long as the start pointer is less than the end pointer Each time

through the loop the characters pointed to by the pointers are swapped and the pointers are advanced When the start pointer is greater than or equal to the end pointer the string

has been reversed Step by step

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1 Create a file called StrRevcpp 2 Begin by adding these lines to the file

Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test

char start end int len

char t

The string to be reversed is contained in str The pointers start and end will be used

to access the string

3 Add these lines which display the original string obtain the stringlsquos length and set the initial values for the start and end pointers

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

Notice that end points to the last character in the string not the null terminator

4 Add the code that reverse the string

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts

starts = end end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The process works like this As long as the start pointer points to a memory

location that is less than the end pointer the loop iterates Inside the loop the characters being pointed to by start and end are swapped Then start is incremented

and end is decremented When end is greater than or equal to start all of the characters in the string have been reversed Since both start and end point into the

same array their comparison is meaningful

5 Here is the complete StrRevcpp program

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Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test char start end

int len char t

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts starts = end

end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The output from the program is shown here Original this is a test Reversed

tset a si siht

Arrays of Pointers

Pointers can be arrayed like any other data type For example declaration for an int

pointer array of size 10 is

int p[10]

Here pi is an array of ten integer pointers To assign the address of an int variable

called var to the third element of the pointer array you would write

int var

fpi[2] = ampvar

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Remember pi is an array of int pointers The only thing that the array elements can

hold are the addresses of integer valuesmdashnot the values themselves To find the value of var you would write


Like other arrays arrays of pointers can be initialized A common use for initialized

pointer arrays is to hold pointers to strings Here is an example that uses a two-dimensional array of character pointers to implement a small dictionary

Here is a sample run

Enter word network

An interconnected group of computers

When the array dictionary is created it is initialized with a set of words and their

meanings Recall C++ stores all string constants in the string table associated with your program so the array need only store pointers to the strings The program works by testing

the word entered by the user against the strings stored in the dictionary If a match is found the meaning is displayed If no match is found an error message is printed Notice

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that dictionary ends with two null strings These mark the end of the array Recall that a

null string contains only the terminating null character The for loop runs until the first character in a string is null This condition is tested with this expression


The array indices specify a pointer to a string The obtains the character at that

location If this character is null then the expression is false and the loop terminates Otherwise the expression is true and the loop continues

The Null Pointer Convention

After a pointer is declared but before it has been assigned it will contain an arbitrary value Should you try to use the pointer prior to giving it a value you will probably

crash your program While there is no sure way to avoid using an uninitialized pointer C++ programmers have adopted a procedure that helps prevent some errors By convention if a

pointer contains the null (zero) value it is assumed to point to nothing Thus if all unused pointers are given the null value and you avoid the use of a null pointer you can avoid the

accidental misuse of an uninitialized pointer This is a good practice to follow

Any type of pointer can be initialized to null when it is declared For example the

following initializes p to null

float p = 0 p is now a null pointer

To check for a null pointer use an if statement like one of these

if(p) succeeds if p is not null

if(p) succeeds if p is null

Multiple Indirection

A pointer to a pointer is a form of multiple indirection or a chain of pointers Consider Figure 4-2 As you can see in the case of a normal pointer the value of the

pointer is the address of a value In the case of a pointer to a pointer the first pointer

contains the address of the second pointer which points to the location that contains the desired value Multiple indirection can be carried on to whatever extent desired but there

are few cases where more than a pointer to a pointer is needed or indeed even wise to use Excessive indirection is difficult to follow and prone to conceptual errors

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 5 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and String I Objectives To know how is Pointers and String worked using C II Tasks Procedure Instructions Asnwer the following question

1 What is it called when one pointer points to another pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Of what significant is a null pointer in C++ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that counts the uppercase letters in a string Have it display the result

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Chapter 7

Structures in Arrays Functions and Pointers

What is a Structure

Structure is a collection of variables under a single name Variables can be of any type int float char etc The main difference between structure and array is that arrays are

collections of the same data type and structure is a collection of variables under a single name

Declaring a Structure

The structure is declared by using the keyword struct followed by structure name

also called a tag Then the structure members (variables) are defined with their type and variable names inside the open and close braces and Finally the closed braces end with

a semicolon denoted as following the statement The above structure declaration is also called a Structure Specifier


Three variables custnum of type int salary of type int commission of type float are structuremembers and the structure name is Customer This structure is declared as


In the above example it is seen that variables of different types such as int and float are

grouped in a single structure name Customer

Arrays behave in the same way declaring structures does not mean that memory is

allocated Structure declaration gives a skeleton or template for the structure

After declaring the structure the next step is to define a structure variable

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How to declare Structure Variable

This is similar to variable declaration For variable declaration data type is defined followed

by variable name For structure variable declaration the data type is the name of the structure followed by thestructure variable name

In the above example structure variable cust1 is defined as

What happens when this is defined When structure is defined it allocates or reserves space in memory The memory space allocated will be cumulative of all

defined structure members In the above example there are 3 structure members

custnum salary and commission Of these two are of type int and one is of type float If integer space allocated by a system is 2 bytes and float four bytes the above would

allocate 2bytes for custnum 2 bytes for salary and 4 bytes for commission

How to access structure members in C++

To access structure members the operator used is the dot operator denoted by () The

dot operatorfor accessing structure members is used thusly

structure variable namemember name

For example

To assign 2000 for the structure member salary in the above example of structure

Customer with structure variable cust1 this is written as

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Pointers to structures

All that we have discussed so far has been OK but runs into problems when structures have

to be moved between functions for the following reasons

if the structure is large it is more efficient to pass a pointer to the structure instead of the structure its self This techniquepri is also used to pass pointers to

arrays between functions

When passing a structure to a function you actually pass a COPY of the structure Therefore it is not possible to change the values of members within the structure as

the copy is destroyed when the function ends

Here is an example (these are 2 examples the one to the left uses a pointer)

| |

struct x int a int b int c | struct x int a int b int c

| void function(struct x) | void function(struct x )

| main() | main()

| struct x z | struct x z pz 3

| pz = ampz 4 za = 10 1 | za = 10

za++ | za++

| function(z) 2 | function(pz) 5

| |

void function( struct x z) | void function(struct x pz) | 6

printf( first member d n za) | printf( first member d n (pz)a) |


Here is the annotation

1 Give a structure member a value 2 Pass a COPY of the whole structure to the function

3 Define pz a pointer to a structure of type x

4 Put the address of z into pz pz now POINTS to z PLEASE NOTE z is defined to reserve memory equal to the size of the structure pz only holds an address so will

be 4 bytes long 5 Pass the pointer into the function

6 Print the value of the member a

The (pz)a syntax is used a great deal in C and it was decided to create a short hand for

it So

(pz)a == pz-gta

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Structures and Arrays

include ltiostreamgt

include ltfstreamhgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

ofstream outData

input file structure ifstream inData

char menu_id[10] char menu_name[10]

char menu_col[10]

char menu_row[10] char button_id[10]

char button_label_1[10] char button_label_2[10]

char button_label_3[10] char button_col[10]

char button_row[10]

menu file structure

struct menu

int mid char name[20]

int mcol int mrow

int bid char blabel[24]

int bcol

int brow

List of menus

enum menu_id

MAIN = 1

Define Main menu

menu Main_menu[3]

void createMenu(menu newMenu[] int menu_num MAS_Configure_Button_Request_Messagemsg )

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 40 of 66

int y = 0

while ((inDatagetline(menu_id10 $)eof()) ampamp (atoi(menu_id) == menu_num))

newMenu[y]mid= atoi(menu_id)

inDatagetline(menu_name 10 $)

newMenu[y]name[0] = 0

strcpy(newMenu[y]namemenu_name) outData ltlt Main Menu Name ltlt newMenu[y]name ltlt

inDatagetline( menu_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]mcol = atoi(menu_col)

inDatagetline( menu_row 10 $) newMenu[y]mrow = atoi(menu_row)

inDatagetline( button_id 10 $) newMenu[y]bid = atoi(button_id)

inDatagetline( button_label_1 10 $)

inDatagetline( button_label_2 10 $) inDatagetline( button_label_3 10 $)

newMenu[y]blabel[0] = 0 strcpy(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_1)


strcat(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_3) outData ltlt newMenu[y]blabel ltlt

inDatagetline( button_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]bcol = atoi(button_col)

inDatagetline( button_row 10 n)

newMenu[y]brow = atoi(button_row) y++

int main()

int loop

inDataopen(datatxt) if (inData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening datatxt End program ltlt endl


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outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 42 of 66

recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 43 of 66

Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 44 of 66

Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

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the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

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main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

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include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

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next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

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Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

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Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

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1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

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47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

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I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 21: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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This fragment is invalid because you cannot assign a double pointer to an integer pointer That is ampf generates a pointer to a double but p is a pointer to an int These two

types are not compatible (In fact the compiler would flag an error at this point and not compile your program) Although two pointers must have compatible types in order for one

to be assigned to another you can override this restriction (at your own risk) using a cast For example the following fragment is now technically correct

int p double f p = (int ) ampf Now technically OK

The cast to int causes the double pointer to be converted to an integer pointer However to use a cast for this purpose is questionable practice The reason is that the base

type of a pointer determines how the compiler treats the data it points to In this case even though p is actually pointing to a floating-point value the compiler still ―thinks that p is

pointing to an int (because p is an int pointer)

To better understand why using a cast to assign one type of pointer to another is not usually a good idea consider the following short program

This program will not work right include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

double xy int p

x = 12323 p = (int ) ampx use cast to assign double to int

y = p what will this do

cout ltlt y what will this print

return 0

Here is the output produced by the program (You might see a different value)


This value is clearly not 12323 Here is why In the program p (which is an integer

pointer) has been assigned the address of x (which is a double) Thus when y is assigned the value pointed to by p y receives only four bytes of data (and not the eight required for

a double value) because p is an integer pointer Therefore the cout statement displays not 12323 but a garbage value instead

Assigning value to pointers

You can use a pointer on the left-hand side of an assignment statement to assign a value to the location pointed to by the pointer Assuming that p is an int pointer this

assigns the value 101 to the location pointed to by p

p = 101

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You can verbalize this assignment like this ―At the location pointed to by p assign the value 101 To increment or decrement the value at the location pointed to by a pointer

you can use a statement like this


The parentheses are necessary because the operator has lower precedence than does the ++ operator

The following program demonstrates an assignment through a pointer

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int p num

p = ampnum

p = 100 assign num the value 100 through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)++ increment num through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)-- decrement num through p cout ltlt num ltlt nlsquo

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

100 101 100

Pointer Expressions

Pointers can be used in most C++ expressions However some special rules apply

Remember also that you may need to surround some parts of a pointer expression with parentheses in order to ensure that the outcome is what you desire

Pointer Arithmetic There are only four arithmetic operators that can be used on

pointers ++ ndash ndash + and ndash To understand what occurs in pointer arithmetic let p1 be an int pointer with a current value of 2000 (that is it contains the address 2000) Assuming

32-bit integers after the expression


The contents of p1 will be 2004 not 2001 The reason for this is that each time p1

is incremented it will point to the next int The same is true of decrements For example again assuming that p1 has the value 2000 the expression

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causes p1 to have the value 1996

Generalizing from the preceding example the following rules apply to pointer

arithmetic Each time that a pointer is incremented it will point to the memory location of the next element of its base type Each time it is decremented it will point to the location of

the previous element of its base type In the case of character pointers an increment or decrement will appear as ―normal arithmetic because characters are one byte long

However every other type of pointer will increase or decrease by the length of its base

type You are not limited to only increment and decrement operations You can also add or subtract integers to or from pointers The expression

p1 = p1 + 9

makes p1 point to the ninth element of p1lsquos base type beyond the one to which it is

currently pointing

Although you cannot add pointers you can subtract one pointer from another

(provided they are both of the same base type) The remainder will be the number of elements of the base type that separate the two pointers

Other than addition and subtraction of a pointer and an integer or the subtraction of

two pointers no other arithmetic operations can be performed on pointers For example you cannot add or subtract float or double values to or from pointers

To graphically see the effects of pointer arithmetic execute the next short program

It creates an int pointer (i) and a double pointer (f) It then adds the values 0 through 9 to

these pointers and displays the results Observe how each address changes relative to its base type each time the loop is repeated (For most 32-bit compilers i will increase by 4s

and f will increase by 8s) Notice that when using a pointer in a cout statement its address is automatically displayed in the addressing format applicable to the CPU and environment

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int I j[10]

double f g[10] int x

i = j

f = g

for (x=0 xlt10 x++)

cout ltlt i+x ltlt ltlt f+x ltlt nlsquo display the addresses produced by adding x

to each pointer

Here is a sample run (The precise values you see may differ from these)

0012FE5C 09012FE84

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 24 of 66

0012FE60 0012FE8C

0012FE64 0012FE94 0012FE68 0012FE9C

0012FE6C 0012FEA4 0012FE70 0012FEAC

0012FE74 0012FEB4 0012FE78 0012FEBC

0012FE7C 0012FEC4

0012FE80 0012FECC

Pointer Comparisons

Pointers may be compared using the relational operators such as == lt and gt In general for the outcome of a pointer comparison to be meaningful the two pointers must

have some relationship to each other For example both may point to elements within the same array There is however one other type of pointer comparison any pointer can be

compared to the null pointer which is zero

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I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers in C and its use

II Basic Information Scenario Answer the following using Pointers

1 What is a pointer


2 Show how to declare a long int pointer called valPtr __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 As they relate to pointers what do the and amp operators do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7 What are two pointer operators __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 5

Pointers and Arrays

In C++ there is a close relationship between pointers and arrays In fact frequently a pointer and an array are interchangeable Consider this fragment

char str[80] char p1

p1 = str

Here str is an array of 80 characters and p1 is a character pointer However it is the third line that is of interest In this line p1 is assigned the address of the first element in

the str array (That is after the assignment p1 will point to str[0]) Herelsquos why In C++ using the name of an array without an index generates a pointer to the first element in the

array Thus the assignment

p1 = str

assigns the address of str[0] to p1 This is a crucial point to understand When an


array name is used in an expression it yields a pointer to the first element in the array Since after the assignment p1 points to the beginning of str you can use p1 to


elements in the array For example if you want to access the fifth element in str you can use




Both statements obtain the fifth element Remember array indices start at zero so when str is indexed a 4 is used to access the fifth element A 4 is also added to the pointer

p1 to get the fifth element because p1 currently points to the first element of str

The parentheses surrounding p1+4 are necessary because the operation has a

higher priority than the + operation Without them the expression would first find the value pointed to by p1 (the first location in the array) and then add 4 to it In effect C++ allows

two methods of accessing array elements pointer arithmetic and array indexing This is important because pointer arithmetic can sometimes be faster than array indexingmdash

especially when you are accessing an array in strictly sequential order Since speed is often a consideration in programming the use of pointers to access array elements is very

common in C++ programs Also you can sometimes write tighter code by using pointers

instead of array indexing

Here is an example that demonstrates the difference between using array indexing and pointer arithmetic to access the elements of an array We will create two versions of a

program that reverse the case of letters within a string The first version uses array indexing The second uses pointer arithmetic The first version is shown here

Reverse case using array indexing

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include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = This Is A Test

cout ltlt Original string ltlt str ltlt n

for(i = 0 str[i] i++)

if(isupper(str[i])) str[i] = tolower(str[i]) else if(islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt Inverted-case string ltlt str

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

Original string This Is A Test Inverted-case string tHIS iS a tEST

Notice that the program uses the isupper( ) and islower( ) library functions to determine the case of a letter The isupper( ) function returns true when its argument is an

uppercase letter islower( ) returns true when its argument is a lowercase letter Inside the for loop str is indexed and the case of each letter is checked and changed The loop

iterates until the null terminating str is indexed Since a null is zero (false) the loop stops

Here is the same program rewritten to use pointer arithmetic

Reverse case using array indexing

include ltiostreamgt include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = ―This Is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

for i = 0 str[i] i++) if (iupper(str[i]))

else if (islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i]

cout ltlt ―Inverted-case string ― ltlt str return 0

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In this version p is set to the start of str Then inside the while loop the letter at p

is checked and changed and then p is incremented The loop stops when p points to the null terminator that ends str Because of the way some C++ compilers generate code these

two programs may not be equivalent in performance Generally it takes more machine instructions to index an array than it does to perform arithmetic on a pointer Consequently

in professionally written C++ code it is common to see the pointer version used more frequently However as a beginning C++ programmer feel free to use array indexing until

you are comfortable with pointers

Indexing a Pointer

As you have just seen it is possible to access an array using pointer arithmetic

What you might find surprising is that the reverse is also true In C++ it is possible to index a pointer as if it were an array Here is an example It is a third version of the case-

changing program

index a pointer as if it were an array

include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt

using namespace std


char p int i

char str[80]=This is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

p = str assign the p address of the start of the array now index p

for (I = 0 p[i] i++)

if (isupper(p[i])) p[i] = tolowerp[i])

else if (islower(p[i])

p[i] = toupper(p[i])

cout ltlt ―Inverted ndash case string lt str

return 0

The program creates a char pointer called p and then assigns to that pointer the

address of the first element in str Inside the for loop p is indexed using the normal array indexing syntax This is perfectly valid because in C++ the statement p[i] is function

functionally identical to (p+i) This further illustrates the close relationship between pointers and arrays

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 4 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and Arrays I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers and Arrays using C

II Tasks Procedure Instructions Answer the following questions

1 Can an array be accessed through a pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Can a pointer be indexed as if it were an array __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 An array name used by itself with no index yields what __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 6

Pointers and String

Strings and Constants

You might be wondering how string constants like the one in the fragment shown

here are handled by C++

cout ltlt strlen(Xanadu)

The answer is that when the compiler encounters a string constant it stores it in the

programlsquos string table and generates a pointer to the string Thus ―Xanadu yields a pointer to its entry in the string table Therefore the following program is perfectly valid and prints

the phrase Pointers add power to C++

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char ptr

ptr = ―Pointers add power to C++ n ptr is assigned the address of this string constant

cout ltlt ptr

return 0

In this program the characters that make up a string constant are stored in the string table and ptr is assigned a pointer to the string in that table

Since a pointer into your programlsquos string table is generated automatically whenever

a string constant is used you might be tempted to use this fact to modify the contents of the string table However this is usually not a good idea because many C++ compilers

create optimized tables in which one string constant may be used at two or more different

places in your program Thus changing a string may cause undesired side effects

Reversing a String in Place

Earlier it was mentioned that comparing one pointer to another is meaningful only if the two pointers point to a common object such as an array Now that you understand how

pointers and arrays relate you can apply pointer comparisons to streamline some types of algorithms In this project you will see an example The program developed here reverses

the contents of a string in place Thus instead of copying the string back-to-front into

another array it reverses the contents of the string inside the array that holds it The program uses two pointer variables to accomplish this One initially points to the beginning

of a string and the other initially points to the last character in the string A loop is set up that continues to run as long as the start pointer is less than the end pointer Each time

through the loop the characters pointed to by the pointers are swapped and the pointers are advanced When the start pointer is greater than or equal to the end pointer the string

has been reversed Step by step

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1 Create a file called StrRevcpp 2 Begin by adding these lines to the file

Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test

char start end int len

char t

The string to be reversed is contained in str The pointers start and end will be used

to access the string

3 Add these lines which display the original string obtain the stringlsquos length and set the initial values for the start and end pointers

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

Notice that end points to the last character in the string not the null terminator

4 Add the code that reverse the string

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts

starts = end end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The process works like this As long as the start pointer points to a memory

location that is less than the end pointer the loop iterates Inside the loop the characters being pointed to by start and end are swapped Then start is incremented

and end is decremented When end is greater than or equal to start all of the characters in the string have been reversed Since both start and end point into the

same array their comparison is meaningful

5 Here is the complete StrRevcpp program

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Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test char start end

int len char t

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts starts = end

end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The output from the program is shown here Original this is a test Reversed

tset a si siht

Arrays of Pointers

Pointers can be arrayed like any other data type For example declaration for an int

pointer array of size 10 is

int p[10]

Here pi is an array of ten integer pointers To assign the address of an int variable

called var to the third element of the pointer array you would write

int var

fpi[2] = ampvar

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Remember pi is an array of int pointers The only thing that the array elements can

hold are the addresses of integer valuesmdashnot the values themselves To find the value of var you would write


Like other arrays arrays of pointers can be initialized A common use for initialized

pointer arrays is to hold pointers to strings Here is an example that uses a two-dimensional array of character pointers to implement a small dictionary

Here is a sample run

Enter word network

An interconnected group of computers

When the array dictionary is created it is initialized with a set of words and their

meanings Recall C++ stores all string constants in the string table associated with your program so the array need only store pointers to the strings The program works by testing

the word entered by the user against the strings stored in the dictionary If a match is found the meaning is displayed If no match is found an error message is printed Notice

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that dictionary ends with two null strings These mark the end of the array Recall that a

null string contains only the terminating null character The for loop runs until the first character in a string is null This condition is tested with this expression


The array indices specify a pointer to a string The obtains the character at that

location If this character is null then the expression is false and the loop terminates Otherwise the expression is true and the loop continues

The Null Pointer Convention

After a pointer is declared but before it has been assigned it will contain an arbitrary value Should you try to use the pointer prior to giving it a value you will probably

crash your program While there is no sure way to avoid using an uninitialized pointer C++ programmers have adopted a procedure that helps prevent some errors By convention if a

pointer contains the null (zero) value it is assumed to point to nothing Thus if all unused pointers are given the null value and you avoid the use of a null pointer you can avoid the

accidental misuse of an uninitialized pointer This is a good practice to follow

Any type of pointer can be initialized to null when it is declared For example the

following initializes p to null

float p = 0 p is now a null pointer

To check for a null pointer use an if statement like one of these

if(p) succeeds if p is not null

if(p) succeeds if p is null

Multiple Indirection

A pointer to a pointer is a form of multiple indirection or a chain of pointers Consider Figure 4-2 As you can see in the case of a normal pointer the value of the

pointer is the address of a value In the case of a pointer to a pointer the first pointer

contains the address of the second pointer which points to the location that contains the desired value Multiple indirection can be carried on to whatever extent desired but there

are few cases where more than a pointer to a pointer is needed or indeed even wise to use Excessive indirection is difficult to follow and prone to conceptual errors

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 5 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and String I Objectives To know how is Pointers and String worked using C II Tasks Procedure Instructions Asnwer the following question

1 What is it called when one pointer points to another pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Of what significant is a null pointer in C++ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that counts the uppercase letters in a string Have it display the result

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Chapter 7

Structures in Arrays Functions and Pointers

What is a Structure

Structure is a collection of variables under a single name Variables can be of any type int float char etc The main difference between structure and array is that arrays are

collections of the same data type and structure is a collection of variables under a single name

Declaring a Structure

The structure is declared by using the keyword struct followed by structure name

also called a tag Then the structure members (variables) are defined with their type and variable names inside the open and close braces and Finally the closed braces end with

a semicolon denoted as following the statement The above structure declaration is also called a Structure Specifier


Three variables custnum of type int salary of type int commission of type float are structuremembers and the structure name is Customer This structure is declared as


In the above example it is seen that variables of different types such as int and float are

grouped in a single structure name Customer

Arrays behave in the same way declaring structures does not mean that memory is

allocated Structure declaration gives a skeleton or template for the structure

After declaring the structure the next step is to define a structure variable

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How to declare Structure Variable

This is similar to variable declaration For variable declaration data type is defined followed

by variable name For structure variable declaration the data type is the name of the structure followed by thestructure variable name

In the above example structure variable cust1 is defined as

What happens when this is defined When structure is defined it allocates or reserves space in memory The memory space allocated will be cumulative of all

defined structure members In the above example there are 3 structure members

custnum salary and commission Of these two are of type int and one is of type float If integer space allocated by a system is 2 bytes and float four bytes the above would

allocate 2bytes for custnum 2 bytes for salary and 4 bytes for commission

How to access structure members in C++

To access structure members the operator used is the dot operator denoted by () The

dot operatorfor accessing structure members is used thusly

structure variable namemember name

For example

To assign 2000 for the structure member salary in the above example of structure

Customer with structure variable cust1 this is written as

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Pointers to structures

All that we have discussed so far has been OK but runs into problems when structures have

to be moved between functions for the following reasons

if the structure is large it is more efficient to pass a pointer to the structure instead of the structure its self This techniquepri is also used to pass pointers to

arrays between functions

When passing a structure to a function you actually pass a COPY of the structure Therefore it is not possible to change the values of members within the structure as

the copy is destroyed when the function ends

Here is an example (these are 2 examples the one to the left uses a pointer)

| |

struct x int a int b int c | struct x int a int b int c

| void function(struct x) | void function(struct x )

| main() | main()

| struct x z | struct x z pz 3

| pz = ampz 4 za = 10 1 | za = 10

za++ | za++

| function(z) 2 | function(pz) 5

| |

void function( struct x z) | void function(struct x pz) | 6

printf( first member d n za) | printf( first member d n (pz)a) |


Here is the annotation

1 Give a structure member a value 2 Pass a COPY of the whole structure to the function

3 Define pz a pointer to a structure of type x

4 Put the address of z into pz pz now POINTS to z PLEASE NOTE z is defined to reserve memory equal to the size of the structure pz only holds an address so will

be 4 bytes long 5 Pass the pointer into the function

6 Print the value of the member a

The (pz)a syntax is used a great deal in C and it was decided to create a short hand for

it So

(pz)a == pz-gta

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Structures and Arrays

include ltiostreamgt

include ltfstreamhgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

ofstream outData

input file structure ifstream inData

char menu_id[10] char menu_name[10]

char menu_col[10]

char menu_row[10] char button_id[10]

char button_label_1[10] char button_label_2[10]

char button_label_3[10] char button_col[10]

char button_row[10]

menu file structure

struct menu

int mid char name[20]

int mcol int mrow

int bid char blabel[24]

int bcol

int brow

List of menus

enum menu_id

MAIN = 1

Define Main menu

menu Main_menu[3]

void createMenu(menu newMenu[] int menu_num MAS_Configure_Button_Request_Messagemsg )

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 40 of 66

int y = 0

while ((inDatagetline(menu_id10 $)eof()) ampamp (atoi(menu_id) == menu_num))

newMenu[y]mid= atoi(menu_id)

inDatagetline(menu_name 10 $)

newMenu[y]name[0] = 0

strcpy(newMenu[y]namemenu_name) outData ltlt Main Menu Name ltlt newMenu[y]name ltlt

inDatagetline( menu_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]mcol = atoi(menu_col)

inDatagetline( menu_row 10 $) newMenu[y]mrow = atoi(menu_row)

inDatagetline( button_id 10 $) newMenu[y]bid = atoi(button_id)

inDatagetline( button_label_1 10 $)

inDatagetline( button_label_2 10 $) inDatagetline( button_label_3 10 $)

newMenu[y]blabel[0] = 0 strcpy(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_1)


strcat(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_3) outData ltlt newMenu[y]blabel ltlt

inDatagetline( button_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]bcol = atoi(button_col)

inDatagetline( button_row 10 n)

newMenu[y]brow = atoi(button_row) y++

int main()

int loop

inDataopen(datatxt) if (inData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening datatxt End program ltlt endl


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outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 42 of 66

recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 43 of 66

Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

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Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 48 of 66

Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

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the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

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main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

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include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

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next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

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Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

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1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

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47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 22: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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You can verbalize this assignment like this ―At the location pointed to by p assign the value 101 To increment or decrement the value at the location pointed to by a pointer

you can use a statement like this


The parentheses are necessary because the operator has lower precedence than does the ++ operator

The following program demonstrates an assignment through a pointer

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int p num

p = ampnum

p = 100 assign num the value 100 through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)++ increment num through p cout ltlt num ltlt

(p)-- decrement num through p cout ltlt num ltlt nlsquo

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

100 101 100

Pointer Expressions

Pointers can be used in most C++ expressions However some special rules apply

Remember also that you may need to surround some parts of a pointer expression with parentheses in order to ensure that the outcome is what you desire

Pointer Arithmetic There are only four arithmetic operators that can be used on

pointers ++ ndash ndash + and ndash To understand what occurs in pointer arithmetic let p1 be an int pointer with a current value of 2000 (that is it contains the address 2000) Assuming

32-bit integers after the expression


The contents of p1 will be 2004 not 2001 The reason for this is that each time p1

is incremented it will point to the next int The same is true of decrements For example again assuming that p1 has the value 2000 the expression

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causes p1 to have the value 1996

Generalizing from the preceding example the following rules apply to pointer

arithmetic Each time that a pointer is incremented it will point to the memory location of the next element of its base type Each time it is decremented it will point to the location of

the previous element of its base type In the case of character pointers an increment or decrement will appear as ―normal arithmetic because characters are one byte long

However every other type of pointer will increase or decrease by the length of its base

type You are not limited to only increment and decrement operations You can also add or subtract integers to or from pointers The expression

p1 = p1 + 9

makes p1 point to the ninth element of p1lsquos base type beyond the one to which it is

currently pointing

Although you cannot add pointers you can subtract one pointer from another

(provided they are both of the same base type) The remainder will be the number of elements of the base type that separate the two pointers

Other than addition and subtraction of a pointer and an integer or the subtraction of

two pointers no other arithmetic operations can be performed on pointers For example you cannot add or subtract float or double values to or from pointers

To graphically see the effects of pointer arithmetic execute the next short program

It creates an int pointer (i) and a double pointer (f) It then adds the values 0 through 9 to

these pointers and displays the results Observe how each address changes relative to its base type each time the loop is repeated (For most 32-bit compilers i will increase by 4s

and f will increase by 8s) Notice that when using a pointer in a cout statement its address is automatically displayed in the addressing format applicable to the CPU and environment

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int I j[10]

double f g[10] int x

i = j

f = g

for (x=0 xlt10 x++)

cout ltlt i+x ltlt ltlt f+x ltlt nlsquo display the addresses produced by adding x

to each pointer

Here is a sample run (The precise values you see may differ from these)

0012FE5C 09012FE84

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0012FE60 0012FE8C

0012FE64 0012FE94 0012FE68 0012FE9C

0012FE6C 0012FEA4 0012FE70 0012FEAC

0012FE74 0012FEB4 0012FE78 0012FEBC

0012FE7C 0012FEC4

0012FE80 0012FECC

Pointer Comparisons

Pointers may be compared using the relational operators such as == lt and gt In general for the outcome of a pointer comparison to be meaningful the two pointers must

have some relationship to each other For example both may point to elements within the same array There is however one other type of pointer comparison any pointer can be

compared to the null pointer which is zero

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I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers in C and its use

II Basic Information Scenario Answer the following using Pointers

1 What is a pointer


2 Show how to declare a long int pointer called valPtr __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 As they relate to pointers what do the and amp operators do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7 What are two pointer operators __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 5

Pointers and Arrays

In C++ there is a close relationship between pointers and arrays In fact frequently a pointer and an array are interchangeable Consider this fragment

char str[80] char p1

p1 = str

Here str is an array of 80 characters and p1 is a character pointer However it is the third line that is of interest In this line p1 is assigned the address of the first element in

the str array (That is after the assignment p1 will point to str[0]) Herelsquos why In C++ using the name of an array without an index generates a pointer to the first element in the

array Thus the assignment

p1 = str

assigns the address of str[0] to p1 This is a crucial point to understand When an


array name is used in an expression it yields a pointer to the first element in the array Since after the assignment p1 points to the beginning of str you can use p1 to


elements in the array For example if you want to access the fifth element in str you can use




Both statements obtain the fifth element Remember array indices start at zero so when str is indexed a 4 is used to access the fifth element A 4 is also added to the pointer

p1 to get the fifth element because p1 currently points to the first element of str

The parentheses surrounding p1+4 are necessary because the operation has a

higher priority than the + operation Without them the expression would first find the value pointed to by p1 (the first location in the array) and then add 4 to it In effect C++ allows

two methods of accessing array elements pointer arithmetic and array indexing This is important because pointer arithmetic can sometimes be faster than array indexingmdash

especially when you are accessing an array in strictly sequential order Since speed is often a consideration in programming the use of pointers to access array elements is very

common in C++ programs Also you can sometimes write tighter code by using pointers

instead of array indexing

Here is an example that demonstrates the difference between using array indexing and pointer arithmetic to access the elements of an array We will create two versions of a

program that reverse the case of letters within a string The first version uses array indexing The second uses pointer arithmetic The first version is shown here

Reverse case using array indexing

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include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = This Is A Test

cout ltlt Original string ltlt str ltlt n

for(i = 0 str[i] i++)

if(isupper(str[i])) str[i] = tolower(str[i]) else if(islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt Inverted-case string ltlt str

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

Original string This Is A Test Inverted-case string tHIS iS a tEST

Notice that the program uses the isupper( ) and islower( ) library functions to determine the case of a letter The isupper( ) function returns true when its argument is an

uppercase letter islower( ) returns true when its argument is a lowercase letter Inside the for loop str is indexed and the case of each letter is checked and changed The loop

iterates until the null terminating str is indexed Since a null is zero (false) the loop stops

Here is the same program rewritten to use pointer arithmetic

Reverse case using array indexing

include ltiostreamgt include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = ―This Is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

for i = 0 str[i] i++) if (iupper(str[i]))

else if (islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i]

cout ltlt ―Inverted-case string ― ltlt str return 0

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In this version p is set to the start of str Then inside the while loop the letter at p

is checked and changed and then p is incremented The loop stops when p points to the null terminator that ends str Because of the way some C++ compilers generate code these

two programs may not be equivalent in performance Generally it takes more machine instructions to index an array than it does to perform arithmetic on a pointer Consequently

in professionally written C++ code it is common to see the pointer version used more frequently However as a beginning C++ programmer feel free to use array indexing until

you are comfortable with pointers

Indexing a Pointer

As you have just seen it is possible to access an array using pointer arithmetic

What you might find surprising is that the reverse is also true In C++ it is possible to index a pointer as if it were an array Here is an example It is a third version of the case-

changing program

index a pointer as if it were an array

include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt

using namespace std


char p int i

char str[80]=This is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

p = str assign the p address of the start of the array now index p

for (I = 0 p[i] i++)

if (isupper(p[i])) p[i] = tolowerp[i])

else if (islower(p[i])

p[i] = toupper(p[i])

cout ltlt ―Inverted ndash case string lt str

return 0

The program creates a char pointer called p and then assigns to that pointer the

address of the first element in str Inside the for loop p is indexed using the normal array indexing syntax This is perfectly valid because in C++ the statement p[i] is function

functionally identical to (p+i) This further illustrates the close relationship between pointers and arrays

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 4 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and Arrays I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers and Arrays using C

II Tasks Procedure Instructions Answer the following questions

1 Can an array be accessed through a pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Can a pointer be indexed as if it were an array __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 An array name used by itself with no index yields what __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 6

Pointers and String

Strings and Constants

You might be wondering how string constants like the one in the fragment shown

here are handled by C++

cout ltlt strlen(Xanadu)

The answer is that when the compiler encounters a string constant it stores it in the

programlsquos string table and generates a pointer to the string Thus ―Xanadu yields a pointer to its entry in the string table Therefore the following program is perfectly valid and prints

the phrase Pointers add power to C++

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char ptr

ptr = ―Pointers add power to C++ n ptr is assigned the address of this string constant

cout ltlt ptr

return 0

In this program the characters that make up a string constant are stored in the string table and ptr is assigned a pointer to the string in that table

Since a pointer into your programlsquos string table is generated automatically whenever

a string constant is used you might be tempted to use this fact to modify the contents of the string table However this is usually not a good idea because many C++ compilers

create optimized tables in which one string constant may be used at two or more different

places in your program Thus changing a string may cause undesired side effects

Reversing a String in Place

Earlier it was mentioned that comparing one pointer to another is meaningful only if the two pointers point to a common object such as an array Now that you understand how

pointers and arrays relate you can apply pointer comparisons to streamline some types of algorithms In this project you will see an example The program developed here reverses

the contents of a string in place Thus instead of copying the string back-to-front into

another array it reverses the contents of the string inside the array that holds it The program uses two pointer variables to accomplish this One initially points to the beginning

of a string and the other initially points to the last character in the string A loop is set up that continues to run as long as the start pointer is less than the end pointer Each time

through the loop the characters pointed to by the pointers are swapped and the pointers are advanced When the start pointer is greater than or equal to the end pointer the string

has been reversed Step by step

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1 Create a file called StrRevcpp 2 Begin by adding these lines to the file

Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test

char start end int len

char t

The string to be reversed is contained in str The pointers start and end will be used

to access the string

3 Add these lines which display the original string obtain the stringlsquos length and set the initial values for the start and end pointers

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

Notice that end points to the last character in the string not the null terminator

4 Add the code that reverse the string

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts

starts = end end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The process works like this As long as the start pointer points to a memory

location that is less than the end pointer the loop iterates Inside the loop the characters being pointed to by start and end are swapped Then start is incremented

and end is decremented When end is greater than or equal to start all of the characters in the string have been reversed Since both start and end point into the

same array their comparison is meaningful

5 Here is the complete StrRevcpp program

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Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test char start end

int len char t

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts starts = end

end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The output from the program is shown here Original this is a test Reversed

tset a si siht

Arrays of Pointers

Pointers can be arrayed like any other data type For example declaration for an int

pointer array of size 10 is

int p[10]

Here pi is an array of ten integer pointers To assign the address of an int variable

called var to the third element of the pointer array you would write

int var

fpi[2] = ampvar

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Remember pi is an array of int pointers The only thing that the array elements can

hold are the addresses of integer valuesmdashnot the values themselves To find the value of var you would write


Like other arrays arrays of pointers can be initialized A common use for initialized

pointer arrays is to hold pointers to strings Here is an example that uses a two-dimensional array of character pointers to implement a small dictionary

Here is a sample run

Enter word network

An interconnected group of computers

When the array dictionary is created it is initialized with a set of words and their

meanings Recall C++ stores all string constants in the string table associated with your program so the array need only store pointers to the strings The program works by testing

the word entered by the user against the strings stored in the dictionary If a match is found the meaning is displayed If no match is found an error message is printed Notice

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that dictionary ends with two null strings These mark the end of the array Recall that a

null string contains only the terminating null character The for loop runs until the first character in a string is null This condition is tested with this expression


The array indices specify a pointer to a string The obtains the character at that

location If this character is null then the expression is false and the loop terminates Otherwise the expression is true and the loop continues

The Null Pointer Convention

After a pointer is declared but before it has been assigned it will contain an arbitrary value Should you try to use the pointer prior to giving it a value you will probably

crash your program While there is no sure way to avoid using an uninitialized pointer C++ programmers have adopted a procedure that helps prevent some errors By convention if a

pointer contains the null (zero) value it is assumed to point to nothing Thus if all unused pointers are given the null value and you avoid the use of a null pointer you can avoid the

accidental misuse of an uninitialized pointer This is a good practice to follow

Any type of pointer can be initialized to null when it is declared For example the

following initializes p to null

float p = 0 p is now a null pointer

To check for a null pointer use an if statement like one of these

if(p) succeeds if p is not null

if(p) succeeds if p is null

Multiple Indirection

A pointer to a pointer is a form of multiple indirection or a chain of pointers Consider Figure 4-2 As you can see in the case of a normal pointer the value of the

pointer is the address of a value In the case of a pointer to a pointer the first pointer

contains the address of the second pointer which points to the location that contains the desired value Multiple indirection can be carried on to whatever extent desired but there

are few cases where more than a pointer to a pointer is needed or indeed even wise to use Excessive indirection is difficult to follow and prone to conceptual errors

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 5 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and String I Objectives To know how is Pointers and String worked using C II Tasks Procedure Instructions Asnwer the following question

1 What is it called when one pointer points to another pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Of what significant is a null pointer in C++ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that counts the uppercase letters in a string Have it display the result

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Chapter 7

Structures in Arrays Functions and Pointers

What is a Structure

Structure is a collection of variables under a single name Variables can be of any type int float char etc The main difference between structure and array is that arrays are

collections of the same data type and structure is a collection of variables under a single name

Declaring a Structure

The structure is declared by using the keyword struct followed by structure name

also called a tag Then the structure members (variables) are defined with their type and variable names inside the open and close braces and Finally the closed braces end with

a semicolon denoted as following the statement The above structure declaration is also called a Structure Specifier


Three variables custnum of type int salary of type int commission of type float are structuremembers and the structure name is Customer This structure is declared as


In the above example it is seen that variables of different types such as int and float are

grouped in a single structure name Customer

Arrays behave in the same way declaring structures does not mean that memory is

allocated Structure declaration gives a skeleton or template for the structure

After declaring the structure the next step is to define a structure variable

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How to declare Structure Variable

This is similar to variable declaration For variable declaration data type is defined followed

by variable name For structure variable declaration the data type is the name of the structure followed by thestructure variable name

In the above example structure variable cust1 is defined as

What happens when this is defined When structure is defined it allocates or reserves space in memory The memory space allocated will be cumulative of all

defined structure members In the above example there are 3 structure members

custnum salary and commission Of these two are of type int and one is of type float If integer space allocated by a system is 2 bytes and float four bytes the above would

allocate 2bytes for custnum 2 bytes for salary and 4 bytes for commission

How to access structure members in C++

To access structure members the operator used is the dot operator denoted by () The

dot operatorfor accessing structure members is used thusly

structure variable namemember name

For example

To assign 2000 for the structure member salary in the above example of structure

Customer with structure variable cust1 this is written as

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Pointers to structures

All that we have discussed so far has been OK but runs into problems when structures have

to be moved between functions for the following reasons

if the structure is large it is more efficient to pass a pointer to the structure instead of the structure its self This techniquepri is also used to pass pointers to

arrays between functions

When passing a structure to a function you actually pass a COPY of the structure Therefore it is not possible to change the values of members within the structure as

the copy is destroyed when the function ends

Here is an example (these are 2 examples the one to the left uses a pointer)

| |

struct x int a int b int c | struct x int a int b int c

| void function(struct x) | void function(struct x )

| main() | main()

| struct x z | struct x z pz 3

| pz = ampz 4 za = 10 1 | za = 10

za++ | za++

| function(z) 2 | function(pz) 5

| |

void function( struct x z) | void function(struct x pz) | 6

printf( first member d n za) | printf( first member d n (pz)a) |


Here is the annotation

1 Give a structure member a value 2 Pass a COPY of the whole structure to the function

3 Define pz a pointer to a structure of type x

4 Put the address of z into pz pz now POINTS to z PLEASE NOTE z is defined to reserve memory equal to the size of the structure pz only holds an address so will

be 4 bytes long 5 Pass the pointer into the function

6 Print the value of the member a

The (pz)a syntax is used a great deal in C and it was decided to create a short hand for

it So

(pz)a == pz-gta

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Structures and Arrays

include ltiostreamgt

include ltfstreamhgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

ofstream outData

input file structure ifstream inData

char menu_id[10] char menu_name[10]

char menu_col[10]

char menu_row[10] char button_id[10]

char button_label_1[10] char button_label_2[10]

char button_label_3[10] char button_col[10]

char button_row[10]

menu file structure

struct menu

int mid char name[20]

int mcol int mrow

int bid char blabel[24]

int bcol

int brow

List of menus

enum menu_id

MAIN = 1

Define Main menu

menu Main_menu[3]

void createMenu(menu newMenu[] int menu_num MAS_Configure_Button_Request_Messagemsg )

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int y = 0

while ((inDatagetline(menu_id10 $)eof()) ampamp (atoi(menu_id) == menu_num))

newMenu[y]mid= atoi(menu_id)

inDatagetline(menu_name 10 $)

newMenu[y]name[0] = 0

strcpy(newMenu[y]namemenu_name) outData ltlt Main Menu Name ltlt newMenu[y]name ltlt

inDatagetline( menu_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]mcol = atoi(menu_col)

inDatagetline( menu_row 10 $) newMenu[y]mrow = atoi(menu_row)

inDatagetline( button_id 10 $) newMenu[y]bid = atoi(button_id)

inDatagetline( button_label_1 10 $)

inDatagetline( button_label_2 10 $) inDatagetline( button_label_3 10 $)

newMenu[y]blabel[0] = 0 strcpy(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_1)


strcat(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_3) outData ltlt newMenu[y]blabel ltlt

inDatagetline( button_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]bcol = atoi(button_col)

inDatagetline( button_row 10 n)

newMenu[y]brow = atoi(button_row) y++

int main()

int loop

inDataopen(datatxt) if (inData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening datatxt End program ltlt endl


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outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

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recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

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Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

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Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

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the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

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main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

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include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

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next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

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Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

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Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

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1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

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47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

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I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 23: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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causes p1 to have the value 1996

Generalizing from the preceding example the following rules apply to pointer

arithmetic Each time that a pointer is incremented it will point to the memory location of the next element of its base type Each time it is decremented it will point to the location of

the previous element of its base type In the case of character pointers an increment or decrement will appear as ―normal arithmetic because characters are one byte long

However every other type of pointer will increase or decrease by the length of its base

type You are not limited to only increment and decrement operations You can also add or subtract integers to or from pointers The expression

p1 = p1 + 9

makes p1 point to the ninth element of p1lsquos base type beyond the one to which it is

currently pointing

Although you cannot add pointers you can subtract one pointer from another

(provided they are both of the same base type) The remainder will be the number of elements of the base type that separate the two pointers

Other than addition and subtraction of a pointer and an integer or the subtraction of

two pointers no other arithmetic operations can be performed on pointers For example you cannot add or subtract float or double values to or from pointers

To graphically see the effects of pointer arithmetic execute the next short program

It creates an int pointer (i) and a double pointer (f) It then adds the values 0 through 9 to

these pointers and displays the results Observe how each address changes relative to its base type each time the loop is repeated (For most 32-bit compilers i will increase by 4s

and f will increase by 8s) Notice that when using a pointer in a cout statement its address is automatically displayed in the addressing format applicable to the CPU and environment

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

int I j[10]

double f g[10] int x

i = j

f = g

for (x=0 xlt10 x++)

cout ltlt i+x ltlt ltlt f+x ltlt nlsquo display the addresses produced by adding x

to each pointer

Here is a sample run (The precise values you see may differ from these)

0012FE5C 09012FE84

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0012FE60 0012FE8C

0012FE64 0012FE94 0012FE68 0012FE9C

0012FE6C 0012FEA4 0012FE70 0012FEAC

0012FE74 0012FEB4 0012FE78 0012FEBC

0012FE7C 0012FEC4

0012FE80 0012FECC

Pointer Comparisons

Pointers may be compared using the relational operators such as == lt and gt In general for the outcome of a pointer comparison to be meaningful the two pointers must

have some relationship to each other For example both may point to elements within the same array There is however one other type of pointer comparison any pointer can be

compared to the null pointer which is zero

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I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers in C and its use

II Basic Information Scenario Answer the following using Pointers

1 What is a pointer


2 Show how to declare a long int pointer called valPtr __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 As they relate to pointers what do the and amp operators do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7 What are two pointer operators __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 5

Pointers and Arrays

In C++ there is a close relationship between pointers and arrays In fact frequently a pointer and an array are interchangeable Consider this fragment

char str[80] char p1

p1 = str

Here str is an array of 80 characters and p1 is a character pointer However it is the third line that is of interest In this line p1 is assigned the address of the first element in

the str array (That is after the assignment p1 will point to str[0]) Herelsquos why In C++ using the name of an array without an index generates a pointer to the first element in the

array Thus the assignment

p1 = str

assigns the address of str[0] to p1 This is a crucial point to understand When an


array name is used in an expression it yields a pointer to the first element in the array Since after the assignment p1 points to the beginning of str you can use p1 to


elements in the array For example if you want to access the fifth element in str you can use




Both statements obtain the fifth element Remember array indices start at zero so when str is indexed a 4 is used to access the fifth element A 4 is also added to the pointer

p1 to get the fifth element because p1 currently points to the first element of str

The parentheses surrounding p1+4 are necessary because the operation has a

higher priority than the + operation Without them the expression would first find the value pointed to by p1 (the first location in the array) and then add 4 to it In effect C++ allows

two methods of accessing array elements pointer arithmetic and array indexing This is important because pointer arithmetic can sometimes be faster than array indexingmdash

especially when you are accessing an array in strictly sequential order Since speed is often a consideration in programming the use of pointers to access array elements is very

common in C++ programs Also you can sometimes write tighter code by using pointers

instead of array indexing

Here is an example that demonstrates the difference between using array indexing and pointer arithmetic to access the elements of an array We will create two versions of a

program that reverse the case of letters within a string The first version uses array indexing The second uses pointer arithmetic The first version is shown here

Reverse case using array indexing

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include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = This Is A Test

cout ltlt Original string ltlt str ltlt n

for(i = 0 str[i] i++)

if(isupper(str[i])) str[i] = tolower(str[i]) else if(islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt Inverted-case string ltlt str

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

Original string This Is A Test Inverted-case string tHIS iS a tEST

Notice that the program uses the isupper( ) and islower( ) library functions to determine the case of a letter The isupper( ) function returns true when its argument is an

uppercase letter islower( ) returns true when its argument is a lowercase letter Inside the for loop str is indexed and the case of each letter is checked and changed The loop

iterates until the null terminating str is indexed Since a null is zero (false) the loop stops

Here is the same program rewritten to use pointer arithmetic

Reverse case using array indexing

include ltiostreamgt include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = ―This Is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

for i = 0 str[i] i++) if (iupper(str[i]))

else if (islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i]

cout ltlt ―Inverted-case string ― ltlt str return 0

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In this version p is set to the start of str Then inside the while loop the letter at p

is checked and changed and then p is incremented The loop stops when p points to the null terminator that ends str Because of the way some C++ compilers generate code these

two programs may not be equivalent in performance Generally it takes more machine instructions to index an array than it does to perform arithmetic on a pointer Consequently

in professionally written C++ code it is common to see the pointer version used more frequently However as a beginning C++ programmer feel free to use array indexing until

you are comfortable with pointers

Indexing a Pointer

As you have just seen it is possible to access an array using pointer arithmetic

What you might find surprising is that the reverse is also true In C++ it is possible to index a pointer as if it were an array Here is an example It is a third version of the case-

changing program

index a pointer as if it were an array

include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt

using namespace std


char p int i

char str[80]=This is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

p = str assign the p address of the start of the array now index p

for (I = 0 p[i] i++)

if (isupper(p[i])) p[i] = tolowerp[i])

else if (islower(p[i])

p[i] = toupper(p[i])

cout ltlt ―Inverted ndash case string lt str

return 0

The program creates a char pointer called p and then assigns to that pointer the

address of the first element in str Inside the for loop p is indexed using the normal array indexing syntax This is perfectly valid because in C++ the statement p[i] is function

functionally identical to (p+i) This further illustrates the close relationship between pointers and arrays

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 4 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and Arrays I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers and Arrays using C

II Tasks Procedure Instructions Answer the following questions

1 Can an array be accessed through a pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Can a pointer be indexed as if it were an array __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 An array name used by itself with no index yields what __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 6

Pointers and String

Strings and Constants

You might be wondering how string constants like the one in the fragment shown

here are handled by C++

cout ltlt strlen(Xanadu)

The answer is that when the compiler encounters a string constant it stores it in the

programlsquos string table and generates a pointer to the string Thus ―Xanadu yields a pointer to its entry in the string table Therefore the following program is perfectly valid and prints

the phrase Pointers add power to C++

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char ptr

ptr = ―Pointers add power to C++ n ptr is assigned the address of this string constant

cout ltlt ptr

return 0

In this program the characters that make up a string constant are stored in the string table and ptr is assigned a pointer to the string in that table

Since a pointer into your programlsquos string table is generated automatically whenever

a string constant is used you might be tempted to use this fact to modify the contents of the string table However this is usually not a good idea because many C++ compilers

create optimized tables in which one string constant may be used at two or more different

places in your program Thus changing a string may cause undesired side effects

Reversing a String in Place

Earlier it was mentioned that comparing one pointer to another is meaningful only if the two pointers point to a common object such as an array Now that you understand how

pointers and arrays relate you can apply pointer comparisons to streamline some types of algorithms In this project you will see an example The program developed here reverses

the contents of a string in place Thus instead of copying the string back-to-front into

another array it reverses the contents of the string inside the array that holds it The program uses two pointer variables to accomplish this One initially points to the beginning

of a string and the other initially points to the last character in the string A loop is set up that continues to run as long as the start pointer is less than the end pointer Each time

through the loop the characters pointed to by the pointers are swapped and the pointers are advanced When the start pointer is greater than or equal to the end pointer the string

has been reversed Step by step

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1 Create a file called StrRevcpp 2 Begin by adding these lines to the file

Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test

char start end int len

char t

The string to be reversed is contained in str The pointers start and end will be used

to access the string

3 Add these lines which display the original string obtain the stringlsquos length and set the initial values for the start and end pointers

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

Notice that end points to the last character in the string not the null terminator

4 Add the code that reverse the string

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts

starts = end end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The process works like this As long as the start pointer points to a memory

location that is less than the end pointer the loop iterates Inside the loop the characters being pointed to by start and end are swapped Then start is incremented

and end is decremented When end is greater than or equal to start all of the characters in the string have been reversed Since both start and end point into the

same array their comparison is meaningful

5 Here is the complete StrRevcpp program

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Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test char start end

int len char t

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts starts = end

end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The output from the program is shown here Original this is a test Reversed

tset a si siht

Arrays of Pointers

Pointers can be arrayed like any other data type For example declaration for an int

pointer array of size 10 is

int p[10]

Here pi is an array of ten integer pointers To assign the address of an int variable

called var to the third element of the pointer array you would write

int var

fpi[2] = ampvar

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Remember pi is an array of int pointers The only thing that the array elements can

hold are the addresses of integer valuesmdashnot the values themselves To find the value of var you would write


Like other arrays arrays of pointers can be initialized A common use for initialized

pointer arrays is to hold pointers to strings Here is an example that uses a two-dimensional array of character pointers to implement a small dictionary

Here is a sample run

Enter word network

An interconnected group of computers

When the array dictionary is created it is initialized with a set of words and their

meanings Recall C++ stores all string constants in the string table associated with your program so the array need only store pointers to the strings The program works by testing

the word entered by the user against the strings stored in the dictionary If a match is found the meaning is displayed If no match is found an error message is printed Notice

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 34 of 66

that dictionary ends with two null strings These mark the end of the array Recall that a

null string contains only the terminating null character The for loop runs until the first character in a string is null This condition is tested with this expression


The array indices specify a pointer to a string The obtains the character at that

location If this character is null then the expression is false and the loop terminates Otherwise the expression is true and the loop continues

The Null Pointer Convention

After a pointer is declared but before it has been assigned it will contain an arbitrary value Should you try to use the pointer prior to giving it a value you will probably

crash your program While there is no sure way to avoid using an uninitialized pointer C++ programmers have adopted a procedure that helps prevent some errors By convention if a

pointer contains the null (zero) value it is assumed to point to nothing Thus if all unused pointers are given the null value and you avoid the use of a null pointer you can avoid the

accidental misuse of an uninitialized pointer This is a good practice to follow

Any type of pointer can be initialized to null when it is declared For example the

following initializes p to null

float p = 0 p is now a null pointer

To check for a null pointer use an if statement like one of these

if(p) succeeds if p is not null

if(p) succeeds if p is null

Multiple Indirection

A pointer to a pointer is a form of multiple indirection or a chain of pointers Consider Figure 4-2 As you can see in the case of a normal pointer the value of the

pointer is the address of a value In the case of a pointer to a pointer the first pointer

contains the address of the second pointer which points to the location that contains the desired value Multiple indirection can be carried on to whatever extent desired but there

are few cases where more than a pointer to a pointer is needed or indeed even wise to use Excessive indirection is difficult to follow and prone to conceptual errors

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 5 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and String I Objectives To know how is Pointers and String worked using C II Tasks Procedure Instructions Asnwer the following question

1 What is it called when one pointer points to another pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Of what significant is a null pointer in C++ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that counts the uppercase letters in a string Have it display the result

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Chapter 7

Structures in Arrays Functions and Pointers

What is a Structure

Structure is a collection of variables under a single name Variables can be of any type int float char etc The main difference between structure and array is that arrays are

collections of the same data type and structure is a collection of variables under a single name

Declaring a Structure

The structure is declared by using the keyword struct followed by structure name

also called a tag Then the structure members (variables) are defined with their type and variable names inside the open and close braces and Finally the closed braces end with

a semicolon denoted as following the statement The above structure declaration is also called a Structure Specifier


Three variables custnum of type int salary of type int commission of type float are structuremembers and the structure name is Customer This structure is declared as


In the above example it is seen that variables of different types such as int and float are

grouped in a single structure name Customer

Arrays behave in the same way declaring structures does not mean that memory is

allocated Structure declaration gives a skeleton or template for the structure

After declaring the structure the next step is to define a structure variable

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How to declare Structure Variable

This is similar to variable declaration For variable declaration data type is defined followed

by variable name For structure variable declaration the data type is the name of the structure followed by thestructure variable name

In the above example structure variable cust1 is defined as

What happens when this is defined When structure is defined it allocates or reserves space in memory The memory space allocated will be cumulative of all

defined structure members In the above example there are 3 structure members

custnum salary and commission Of these two are of type int and one is of type float If integer space allocated by a system is 2 bytes and float four bytes the above would

allocate 2bytes for custnum 2 bytes for salary and 4 bytes for commission

How to access structure members in C++

To access structure members the operator used is the dot operator denoted by () The

dot operatorfor accessing structure members is used thusly

structure variable namemember name

For example

To assign 2000 for the structure member salary in the above example of structure

Customer with structure variable cust1 this is written as

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Pointers to structures

All that we have discussed so far has been OK but runs into problems when structures have

to be moved between functions for the following reasons

if the structure is large it is more efficient to pass a pointer to the structure instead of the structure its self This techniquepri is also used to pass pointers to

arrays between functions

When passing a structure to a function you actually pass a COPY of the structure Therefore it is not possible to change the values of members within the structure as

the copy is destroyed when the function ends

Here is an example (these are 2 examples the one to the left uses a pointer)

| |

struct x int a int b int c | struct x int a int b int c

| void function(struct x) | void function(struct x )

| main() | main()

| struct x z | struct x z pz 3

| pz = ampz 4 za = 10 1 | za = 10

za++ | za++

| function(z) 2 | function(pz) 5

| |

void function( struct x z) | void function(struct x pz) | 6

printf( first member d n za) | printf( first member d n (pz)a) |


Here is the annotation

1 Give a structure member a value 2 Pass a COPY of the whole structure to the function

3 Define pz a pointer to a structure of type x

4 Put the address of z into pz pz now POINTS to z PLEASE NOTE z is defined to reserve memory equal to the size of the structure pz only holds an address so will

be 4 bytes long 5 Pass the pointer into the function

6 Print the value of the member a

The (pz)a syntax is used a great deal in C and it was decided to create a short hand for

it So

(pz)a == pz-gta

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Structures and Arrays

include ltiostreamgt

include ltfstreamhgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

ofstream outData

input file structure ifstream inData

char menu_id[10] char menu_name[10]

char menu_col[10]

char menu_row[10] char button_id[10]

char button_label_1[10] char button_label_2[10]

char button_label_3[10] char button_col[10]

char button_row[10]

menu file structure

struct menu

int mid char name[20]

int mcol int mrow

int bid char blabel[24]

int bcol

int brow

List of menus

enum menu_id

MAIN = 1

Define Main menu

menu Main_menu[3]

void createMenu(menu newMenu[] int menu_num MAS_Configure_Button_Request_Messagemsg )

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 40 of 66

int y = 0

while ((inDatagetline(menu_id10 $)eof()) ampamp (atoi(menu_id) == menu_num))

newMenu[y]mid= atoi(menu_id)

inDatagetline(menu_name 10 $)

newMenu[y]name[0] = 0

strcpy(newMenu[y]namemenu_name) outData ltlt Main Menu Name ltlt newMenu[y]name ltlt

inDatagetline( menu_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]mcol = atoi(menu_col)

inDatagetline( menu_row 10 $) newMenu[y]mrow = atoi(menu_row)

inDatagetline( button_id 10 $) newMenu[y]bid = atoi(button_id)

inDatagetline( button_label_1 10 $)

inDatagetline( button_label_2 10 $) inDatagetline( button_label_3 10 $)

newMenu[y]blabel[0] = 0 strcpy(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_1)


strcat(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_3) outData ltlt newMenu[y]blabel ltlt

inDatagetline( button_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]bcol = atoi(button_col)

inDatagetline( button_row 10 n)

newMenu[y]brow = atoi(button_row) y++

int main()

int loop

inDataopen(datatxt) if (inData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening datatxt End program ltlt endl


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outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

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recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

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Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

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Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

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the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

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main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 58 of 66

It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

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include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

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next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

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1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

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47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

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I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 24: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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0012FE60 0012FE8C

0012FE64 0012FE94 0012FE68 0012FE9C

0012FE6C 0012FEA4 0012FE70 0012FEAC

0012FE74 0012FEB4 0012FE78 0012FEBC

0012FE7C 0012FEC4

0012FE80 0012FECC

Pointer Comparisons

Pointers may be compared using the relational operators such as == lt and gt In general for the outcome of a pointer comparison to be meaningful the two pointers must

have some relationship to each other For example both may point to elements within the same array There is however one other type of pointer comparison any pointer can be

compared to the null pointer which is zero

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I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers in C and its use

II Basic Information Scenario Answer the following using Pointers

1 What is a pointer


2 Show how to declare a long int pointer called valPtr __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 As they relate to pointers what do the and amp operators do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7 What are two pointer operators __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 5

Pointers and Arrays

In C++ there is a close relationship between pointers and arrays In fact frequently a pointer and an array are interchangeable Consider this fragment

char str[80] char p1

p1 = str

Here str is an array of 80 characters and p1 is a character pointer However it is the third line that is of interest In this line p1 is assigned the address of the first element in

the str array (That is after the assignment p1 will point to str[0]) Herelsquos why In C++ using the name of an array without an index generates a pointer to the first element in the

array Thus the assignment

p1 = str

assigns the address of str[0] to p1 This is a crucial point to understand When an


array name is used in an expression it yields a pointer to the first element in the array Since after the assignment p1 points to the beginning of str you can use p1 to


elements in the array For example if you want to access the fifth element in str you can use




Both statements obtain the fifth element Remember array indices start at zero so when str is indexed a 4 is used to access the fifth element A 4 is also added to the pointer

p1 to get the fifth element because p1 currently points to the first element of str

The parentheses surrounding p1+4 are necessary because the operation has a

higher priority than the + operation Without them the expression would first find the value pointed to by p1 (the first location in the array) and then add 4 to it In effect C++ allows

two methods of accessing array elements pointer arithmetic and array indexing This is important because pointer arithmetic can sometimes be faster than array indexingmdash

especially when you are accessing an array in strictly sequential order Since speed is often a consideration in programming the use of pointers to access array elements is very

common in C++ programs Also you can sometimes write tighter code by using pointers

instead of array indexing

Here is an example that demonstrates the difference between using array indexing and pointer arithmetic to access the elements of an array We will create two versions of a

program that reverse the case of letters within a string The first version uses array indexing The second uses pointer arithmetic The first version is shown here

Reverse case using array indexing

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include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = This Is A Test

cout ltlt Original string ltlt str ltlt n

for(i = 0 str[i] i++)

if(isupper(str[i])) str[i] = tolower(str[i]) else if(islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt Inverted-case string ltlt str

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

Original string This Is A Test Inverted-case string tHIS iS a tEST

Notice that the program uses the isupper( ) and islower( ) library functions to determine the case of a letter The isupper( ) function returns true when its argument is an

uppercase letter islower( ) returns true when its argument is a lowercase letter Inside the for loop str is indexed and the case of each letter is checked and changed The loop

iterates until the null terminating str is indexed Since a null is zero (false) the loop stops

Here is the same program rewritten to use pointer arithmetic

Reverse case using array indexing

include ltiostreamgt include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = ―This Is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

for i = 0 str[i] i++) if (iupper(str[i]))

else if (islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i]

cout ltlt ―Inverted-case string ― ltlt str return 0

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In this version p is set to the start of str Then inside the while loop the letter at p

is checked and changed and then p is incremented The loop stops when p points to the null terminator that ends str Because of the way some C++ compilers generate code these

two programs may not be equivalent in performance Generally it takes more machine instructions to index an array than it does to perform arithmetic on a pointer Consequently

in professionally written C++ code it is common to see the pointer version used more frequently However as a beginning C++ programmer feel free to use array indexing until

you are comfortable with pointers

Indexing a Pointer

As you have just seen it is possible to access an array using pointer arithmetic

What you might find surprising is that the reverse is also true In C++ it is possible to index a pointer as if it were an array Here is an example It is a third version of the case-

changing program

index a pointer as if it were an array

include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt

using namespace std


char p int i

char str[80]=This is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

p = str assign the p address of the start of the array now index p

for (I = 0 p[i] i++)

if (isupper(p[i])) p[i] = tolowerp[i])

else if (islower(p[i])

p[i] = toupper(p[i])

cout ltlt ―Inverted ndash case string lt str

return 0

The program creates a char pointer called p and then assigns to that pointer the

address of the first element in str Inside the for loop p is indexed using the normal array indexing syntax This is perfectly valid because in C++ the statement p[i] is function

functionally identical to (p+i) This further illustrates the close relationship between pointers and arrays

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 4 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and Arrays I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers and Arrays using C

II Tasks Procedure Instructions Answer the following questions

1 Can an array be accessed through a pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Can a pointer be indexed as if it were an array __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 An array name used by itself with no index yields what __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 6

Pointers and String

Strings and Constants

You might be wondering how string constants like the one in the fragment shown

here are handled by C++

cout ltlt strlen(Xanadu)

The answer is that when the compiler encounters a string constant it stores it in the

programlsquos string table and generates a pointer to the string Thus ―Xanadu yields a pointer to its entry in the string table Therefore the following program is perfectly valid and prints

the phrase Pointers add power to C++

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char ptr

ptr = ―Pointers add power to C++ n ptr is assigned the address of this string constant

cout ltlt ptr

return 0

In this program the characters that make up a string constant are stored in the string table and ptr is assigned a pointer to the string in that table

Since a pointer into your programlsquos string table is generated automatically whenever

a string constant is used you might be tempted to use this fact to modify the contents of the string table However this is usually not a good idea because many C++ compilers

create optimized tables in which one string constant may be used at two or more different

places in your program Thus changing a string may cause undesired side effects

Reversing a String in Place

Earlier it was mentioned that comparing one pointer to another is meaningful only if the two pointers point to a common object such as an array Now that you understand how

pointers and arrays relate you can apply pointer comparisons to streamline some types of algorithms In this project you will see an example The program developed here reverses

the contents of a string in place Thus instead of copying the string back-to-front into

another array it reverses the contents of the string inside the array that holds it The program uses two pointer variables to accomplish this One initially points to the beginning

of a string and the other initially points to the last character in the string A loop is set up that continues to run as long as the start pointer is less than the end pointer Each time

through the loop the characters pointed to by the pointers are swapped and the pointers are advanced When the start pointer is greater than or equal to the end pointer the string

has been reversed Step by step

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1 Create a file called StrRevcpp 2 Begin by adding these lines to the file

Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test

char start end int len

char t

The string to be reversed is contained in str The pointers start and end will be used

to access the string

3 Add these lines which display the original string obtain the stringlsquos length and set the initial values for the start and end pointers

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

Notice that end points to the last character in the string not the null terminator

4 Add the code that reverse the string

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts

starts = end end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The process works like this As long as the start pointer points to a memory

location that is less than the end pointer the loop iterates Inside the loop the characters being pointed to by start and end are swapped Then start is incremented

and end is decremented When end is greater than or equal to start all of the characters in the string have been reversed Since both start and end point into the

same array their comparison is meaningful

5 Here is the complete StrRevcpp program

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Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test char start end

int len char t

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts starts = end

end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The output from the program is shown here Original this is a test Reversed

tset a si siht

Arrays of Pointers

Pointers can be arrayed like any other data type For example declaration for an int

pointer array of size 10 is

int p[10]

Here pi is an array of ten integer pointers To assign the address of an int variable

called var to the third element of the pointer array you would write

int var

fpi[2] = ampvar

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Remember pi is an array of int pointers The only thing that the array elements can

hold are the addresses of integer valuesmdashnot the values themselves To find the value of var you would write


Like other arrays arrays of pointers can be initialized A common use for initialized

pointer arrays is to hold pointers to strings Here is an example that uses a two-dimensional array of character pointers to implement a small dictionary

Here is a sample run

Enter word network

An interconnected group of computers

When the array dictionary is created it is initialized with a set of words and their

meanings Recall C++ stores all string constants in the string table associated with your program so the array need only store pointers to the strings The program works by testing

the word entered by the user against the strings stored in the dictionary If a match is found the meaning is displayed If no match is found an error message is printed Notice

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that dictionary ends with two null strings These mark the end of the array Recall that a

null string contains only the terminating null character The for loop runs until the first character in a string is null This condition is tested with this expression


The array indices specify a pointer to a string The obtains the character at that

location If this character is null then the expression is false and the loop terminates Otherwise the expression is true and the loop continues

The Null Pointer Convention

After a pointer is declared but before it has been assigned it will contain an arbitrary value Should you try to use the pointer prior to giving it a value you will probably

crash your program While there is no sure way to avoid using an uninitialized pointer C++ programmers have adopted a procedure that helps prevent some errors By convention if a

pointer contains the null (zero) value it is assumed to point to nothing Thus if all unused pointers are given the null value and you avoid the use of a null pointer you can avoid the

accidental misuse of an uninitialized pointer This is a good practice to follow

Any type of pointer can be initialized to null when it is declared For example the

following initializes p to null

float p = 0 p is now a null pointer

To check for a null pointer use an if statement like one of these

if(p) succeeds if p is not null

if(p) succeeds if p is null

Multiple Indirection

A pointer to a pointer is a form of multiple indirection or a chain of pointers Consider Figure 4-2 As you can see in the case of a normal pointer the value of the

pointer is the address of a value In the case of a pointer to a pointer the first pointer

contains the address of the second pointer which points to the location that contains the desired value Multiple indirection can be carried on to whatever extent desired but there

are few cases where more than a pointer to a pointer is needed or indeed even wise to use Excessive indirection is difficult to follow and prone to conceptual errors

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 5 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and String I Objectives To know how is Pointers and String worked using C II Tasks Procedure Instructions Asnwer the following question

1 What is it called when one pointer points to another pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Of what significant is a null pointer in C++ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that counts the uppercase letters in a string Have it display the result

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Chapter 7

Structures in Arrays Functions and Pointers

What is a Structure

Structure is a collection of variables under a single name Variables can be of any type int float char etc The main difference between structure and array is that arrays are

collections of the same data type and structure is a collection of variables under a single name

Declaring a Structure

The structure is declared by using the keyword struct followed by structure name

also called a tag Then the structure members (variables) are defined with their type and variable names inside the open and close braces and Finally the closed braces end with

a semicolon denoted as following the statement The above structure declaration is also called a Structure Specifier


Three variables custnum of type int salary of type int commission of type float are structuremembers and the structure name is Customer This structure is declared as


In the above example it is seen that variables of different types such as int and float are

grouped in a single structure name Customer

Arrays behave in the same way declaring structures does not mean that memory is

allocated Structure declaration gives a skeleton or template for the structure

After declaring the structure the next step is to define a structure variable

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How to declare Structure Variable

This is similar to variable declaration For variable declaration data type is defined followed

by variable name For structure variable declaration the data type is the name of the structure followed by thestructure variable name

In the above example structure variable cust1 is defined as

What happens when this is defined When structure is defined it allocates or reserves space in memory The memory space allocated will be cumulative of all

defined structure members In the above example there are 3 structure members

custnum salary and commission Of these two are of type int and one is of type float If integer space allocated by a system is 2 bytes and float four bytes the above would

allocate 2bytes for custnum 2 bytes for salary and 4 bytes for commission

How to access structure members in C++

To access structure members the operator used is the dot operator denoted by () The

dot operatorfor accessing structure members is used thusly

structure variable namemember name

For example

To assign 2000 for the structure member salary in the above example of structure

Customer with structure variable cust1 this is written as

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Pointers to structures

All that we have discussed so far has been OK but runs into problems when structures have

to be moved between functions for the following reasons

if the structure is large it is more efficient to pass a pointer to the structure instead of the structure its self This techniquepri is also used to pass pointers to

arrays between functions

When passing a structure to a function you actually pass a COPY of the structure Therefore it is not possible to change the values of members within the structure as

the copy is destroyed when the function ends

Here is an example (these are 2 examples the one to the left uses a pointer)

| |

struct x int a int b int c | struct x int a int b int c

| void function(struct x) | void function(struct x )

| main() | main()

| struct x z | struct x z pz 3

| pz = ampz 4 za = 10 1 | za = 10

za++ | za++

| function(z) 2 | function(pz) 5

| |

void function( struct x z) | void function(struct x pz) | 6

printf( first member d n za) | printf( first member d n (pz)a) |


Here is the annotation

1 Give a structure member a value 2 Pass a COPY of the whole structure to the function

3 Define pz a pointer to a structure of type x

4 Put the address of z into pz pz now POINTS to z PLEASE NOTE z is defined to reserve memory equal to the size of the structure pz only holds an address so will

be 4 bytes long 5 Pass the pointer into the function

6 Print the value of the member a

The (pz)a syntax is used a great deal in C and it was decided to create a short hand for

it So

(pz)a == pz-gta

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Structures and Arrays

include ltiostreamgt

include ltfstreamhgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

ofstream outData

input file structure ifstream inData

char menu_id[10] char menu_name[10]

char menu_col[10]

char menu_row[10] char button_id[10]

char button_label_1[10] char button_label_2[10]

char button_label_3[10] char button_col[10]

char button_row[10]

menu file structure

struct menu

int mid char name[20]

int mcol int mrow

int bid char blabel[24]

int bcol

int brow

List of menus

enum menu_id

MAIN = 1

Define Main menu

menu Main_menu[3]

void createMenu(menu newMenu[] int menu_num MAS_Configure_Button_Request_Messagemsg )

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 40 of 66

int y = 0

while ((inDatagetline(menu_id10 $)eof()) ampamp (atoi(menu_id) == menu_num))

newMenu[y]mid= atoi(menu_id)

inDatagetline(menu_name 10 $)

newMenu[y]name[0] = 0

strcpy(newMenu[y]namemenu_name) outData ltlt Main Menu Name ltlt newMenu[y]name ltlt

inDatagetline( menu_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]mcol = atoi(menu_col)

inDatagetline( menu_row 10 $) newMenu[y]mrow = atoi(menu_row)

inDatagetline( button_id 10 $) newMenu[y]bid = atoi(button_id)

inDatagetline( button_label_1 10 $)

inDatagetline( button_label_2 10 $) inDatagetline( button_label_3 10 $)

newMenu[y]blabel[0] = 0 strcpy(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_1)


strcat(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_3) outData ltlt newMenu[y]blabel ltlt

inDatagetline( button_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]bcol = atoi(button_col)

inDatagetline( button_row 10 n)

newMenu[y]brow = atoi(button_row) y++

int main()

int loop

inDataopen(datatxt) if (inData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening datatxt End program ltlt endl


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outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 42 of 66

recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 43 of 66

Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 44 of 66

Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 45 of 66

To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 48 of 66

Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 49 of 66

the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 50 of 66

main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

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include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 60 of 66

next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 64 of 66

1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 65 of 66


47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 25: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers in C and its use

II Basic Information Scenario Answer the following using Pointers

1 What is a pointer


2 Show how to declare a long int pointer called valPtr __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 As they relate to pointers what do the and amp operators do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7 What are two pointer operators __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 5

Pointers and Arrays

In C++ there is a close relationship between pointers and arrays In fact frequently a pointer and an array are interchangeable Consider this fragment

char str[80] char p1

p1 = str

Here str is an array of 80 characters and p1 is a character pointer However it is the third line that is of interest In this line p1 is assigned the address of the first element in

the str array (That is after the assignment p1 will point to str[0]) Herelsquos why In C++ using the name of an array without an index generates a pointer to the first element in the

array Thus the assignment

p1 = str

assigns the address of str[0] to p1 This is a crucial point to understand When an


array name is used in an expression it yields a pointer to the first element in the array Since after the assignment p1 points to the beginning of str you can use p1 to


elements in the array For example if you want to access the fifth element in str you can use




Both statements obtain the fifth element Remember array indices start at zero so when str is indexed a 4 is used to access the fifth element A 4 is also added to the pointer

p1 to get the fifth element because p1 currently points to the first element of str

The parentheses surrounding p1+4 are necessary because the operation has a

higher priority than the + operation Without them the expression would first find the value pointed to by p1 (the first location in the array) and then add 4 to it In effect C++ allows

two methods of accessing array elements pointer arithmetic and array indexing This is important because pointer arithmetic can sometimes be faster than array indexingmdash

especially when you are accessing an array in strictly sequential order Since speed is often a consideration in programming the use of pointers to access array elements is very

common in C++ programs Also you can sometimes write tighter code by using pointers

instead of array indexing

Here is an example that demonstrates the difference between using array indexing and pointer arithmetic to access the elements of an array We will create two versions of a

program that reverse the case of letters within a string The first version uses array indexing The second uses pointer arithmetic The first version is shown here

Reverse case using array indexing

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include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = This Is A Test

cout ltlt Original string ltlt str ltlt n

for(i = 0 str[i] i++)

if(isupper(str[i])) str[i] = tolower(str[i]) else if(islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt Inverted-case string ltlt str

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

Original string This Is A Test Inverted-case string tHIS iS a tEST

Notice that the program uses the isupper( ) and islower( ) library functions to determine the case of a letter The isupper( ) function returns true when its argument is an

uppercase letter islower( ) returns true when its argument is a lowercase letter Inside the for loop str is indexed and the case of each letter is checked and changed The loop

iterates until the null terminating str is indexed Since a null is zero (false) the loop stops

Here is the same program rewritten to use pointer arithmetic

Reverse case using array indexing

include ltiostreamgt include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = ―This Is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

for i = 0 str[i] i++) if (iupper(str[i]))

else if (islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i]

cout ltlt ―Inverted-case string ― ltlt str return 0

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In this version p is set to the start of str Then inside the while loop the letter at p

is checked and changed and then p is incremented The loop stops when p points to the null terminator that ends str Because of the way some C++ compilers generate code these

two programs may not be equivalent in performance Generally it takes more machine instructions to index an array than it does to perform arithmetic on a pointer Consequently

in professionally written C++ code it is common to see the pointer version used more frequently However as a beginning C++ programmer feel free to use array indexing until

you are comfortable with pointers

Indexing a Pointer

As you have just seen it is possible to access an array using pointer arithmetic

What you might find surprising is that the reverse is also true In C++ it is possible to index a pointer as if it were an array Here is an example It is a third version of the case-

changing program

index a pointer as if it were an array

include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt

using namespace std


char p int i

char str[80]=This is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

p = str assign the p address of the start of the array now index p

for (I = 0 p[i] i++)

if (isupper(p[i])) p[i] = tolowerp[i])

else if (islower(p[i])

p[i] = toupper(p[i])

cout ltlt ―Inverted ndash case string lt str

return 0

The program creates a char pointer called p and then assigns to that pointer the

address of the first element in str Inside the for loop p is indexed using the normal array indexing syntax This is perfectly valid because in C++ the statement p[i] is function

functionally identical to (p+i) This further illustrates the close relationship between pointers and arrays

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 4 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and Arrays I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers and Arrays using C

II Tasks Procedure Instructions Answer the following questions

1 Can an array be accessed through a pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Can a pointer be indexed as if it were an array __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 An array name used by itself with no index yields what __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 6

Pointers and String

Strings and Constants

You might be wondering how string constants like the one in the fragment shown

here are handled by C++

cout ltlt strlen(Xanadu)

The answer is that when the compiler encounters a string constant it stores it in the

programlsquos string table and generates a pointer to the string Thus ―Xanadu yields a pointer to its entry in the string table Therefore the following program is perfectly valid and prints

the phrase Pointers add power to C++

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char ptr

ptr = ―Pointers add power to C++ n ptr is assigned the address of this string constant

cout ltlt ptr

return 0

In this program the characters that make up a string constant are stored in the string table and ptr is assigned a pointer to the string in that table

Since a pointer into your programlsquos string table is generated automatically whenever

a string constant is used you might be tempted to use this fact to modify the contents of the string table However this is usually not a good idea because many C++ compilers

create optimized tables in which one string constant may be used at two or more different

places in your program Thus changing a string may cause undesired side effects

Reversing a String in Place

Earlier it was mentioned that comparing one pointer to another is meaningful only if the two pointers point to a common object such as an array Now that you understand how

pointers and arrays relate you can apply pointer comparisons to streamline some types of algorithms In this project you will see an example The program developed here reverses

the contents of a string in place Thus instead of copying the string back-to-front into

another array it reverses the contents of the string inside the array that holds it The program uses two pointer variables to accomplish this One initially points to the beginning

of a string and the other initially points to the last character in the string A loop is set up that continues to run as long as the start pointer is less than the end pointer Each time

through the loop the characters pointed to by the pointers are swapped and the pointers are advanced When the start pointer is greater than or equal to the end pointer the string

has been reversed Step by step

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1 Create a file called StrRevcpp 2 Begin by adding these lines to the file

Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test

char start end int len

char t

The string to be reversed is contained in str The pointers start and end will be used

to access the string

3 Add these lines which display the original string obtain the stringlsquos length and set the initial values for the start and end pointers

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

Notice that end points to the last character in the string not the null terminator

4 Add the code that reverse the string

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts

starts = end end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The process works like this As long as the start pointer points to a memory

location that is less than the end pointer the loop iterates Inside the loop the characters being pointed to by start and end are swapped Then start is incremented

and end is decremented When end is greater than or equal to start all of the characters in the string have been reversed Since both start and end point into the

same array their comparison is meaningful

5 Here is the complete StrRevcpp program

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Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test char start end

int len char t

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts starts = end

end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The output from the program is shown here Original this is a test Reversed

tset a si siht

Arrays of Pointers

Pointers can be arrayed like any other data type For example declaration for an int

pointer array of size 10 is

int p[10]

Here pi is an array of ten integer pointers To assign the address of an int variable

called var to the third element of the pointer array you would write

int var

fpi[2] = ampvar

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Remember pi is an array of int pointers The only thing that the array elements can

hold are the addresses of integer valuesmdashnot the values themselves To find the value of var you would write


Like other arrays arrays of pointers can be initialized A common use for initialized

pointer arrays is to hold pointers to strings Here is an example that uses a two-dimensional array of character pointers to implement a small dictionary

Here is a sample run

Enter word network

An interconnected group of computers

When the array dictionary is created it is initialized with a set of words and their

meanings Recall C++ stores all string constants in the string table associated with your program so the array need only store pointers to the strings The program works by testing

the word entered by the user against the strings stored in the dictionary If a match is found the meaning is displayed If no match is found an error message is printed Notice

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that dictionary ends with two null strings These mark the end of the array Recall that a

null string contains only the terminating null character The for loop runs until the first character in a string is null This condition is tested with this expression


The array indices specify a pointer to a string The obtains the character at that

location If this character is null then the expression is false and the loop terminates Otherwise the expression is true and the loop continues

The Null Pointer Convention

After a pointer is declared but before it has been assigned it will contain an arbitrary value Should you try to use the pointer prior to giving it a value you will probably

crash your program While there is no sure way to avoid using an uninitialized pointer C++ programmers have adopted a procedure that helps prevent some errors By convention if a

pointer contains the null (zero) value it is assumed to point to nothing Thus if all unused pointers are given the null value and you avoid the use of a null pointer you can avoid the

accidental misuse of an uninitialized pointer This is a good practice to follow

Any type of pointer can be initialized to null when it is declared For example the

following initializes p to null

float p = 0 p is now a null pointer

To check for a null pointer use an if statement like one of these

if(p) succeeds if p is not null

if(p) succeeds if p is null

Multiple Indirection

A pointer to a pointer is a form of multiple indirection or a chain of pointers Consider Figure 4-2 As you can see in the case of a normal pointer the value of the

pointer is the address of a value In the case of a pointer to a pointer the first pointer

contains the address of the second pointer which points to the location that contains the desired value Multiple indirection can be carried on to whatever extent desired but there

are few cases where more than a pointer to a pointer is needed or indeed even wise to use Excessive indirection is difficult to follow and prone to conceptual errors

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 5 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and String I Objectives To know how is Pointers and String worked using C II Tasks Procedure Instructions Asnwer the following question

1 What is it called when one pointer points to another pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Of what significant is a null pointer in C++ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that counts the uppercase letters in a string Have it display the result

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Chapter 7

Structures in Arrays Functions and Pointers

What is a Structure

Structure is a collection of variables under a single name Variables can be of any type int float char etc The main difference between structure and array is that arrays are

collections of the same data type and structure is a collection of variables under a single name

Declaring a Structure

The structure is declared by using the keyword struct followed by structure name

also called a tag Then the structure members (variables) are defined with their type and variable names inside the open and close braces and Finally the closed braces end with

a semicolon denoted as following the statement The above structure declaration is also called a Structure Specifier


Three variables custnum of type int salary of type int commission of type float are structuremembers and the structure name is Customer This structure is declared as


In the above example it is seen that variables of different types such as int and float are

grouped in a single structure name Customer

Arrays behave in the same way declaring structures does not mean that memory is

allocated Structure declaration gives a skeleton or template for the structure

After declaring the structure the next step is to define a structure variable

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How to declare Structure Variable

This is similar to variable declaration For variable declaration data type is defined followed

by variable name For structure variable declaration the data type is the name of the structure followed by thestructure variable name

In the above example structure variable cust1 is defined as

What happens when this is defined When structure is defined it allocates or reserves space in memory The memory space allocated will be cumulative of all

defined structure members In the above example there are 3 structure members

custnum salary and commission Of these two are of type int and one is of type float If integer space allocated by a system is 2 bytes and float four bytes the above would

allocate 2bytes for custnum 2 bytes for salary and 4 bytes for commission

How to access structure members in C++

To access structure members the operator used is the dot operator denoted by () The

dot operatorfor accessing structure members is used thusly

structure variable namemember name

For example

To assign 2000 for the structure member salary in the above example of structure

Customer with structure variable cust1 this is written as

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Pointers to structures

All that we have discussed so far has been OK but runs into problems when structures have

to be moved between functions for the following reasons

if the structure is large it is more efficient to pass a pointer to the structure instead of the structure its self This techniquepri is also used to pass pointers to

arrays between functions

When passing a structure to a function you actually pass a COPY of the structure Therefore it is not possible to change the values of members within the structure as

the copy is destroyed when the function ends

Here is an example (these are 2 examples the one to the left uses a pointer)

| |

struct x int a int b int c | struct x int a int b int c

| void function(struct x) | void function(struct x )

| main() | main()

| struct x z | struct x z pz 3

| pz = ampz 4 za = 10 1 | za = 10

za++ | za++

| function(z) 2 | function(pz) 5

| |

void function( struct x z) | void function(struct x pz) | 6

printf( first member d n za) | printf( first member d n (pz)a) |


Here is the annotation

1 Give a structure member a value 2 Pass a COPY of the whole structure to the function

3 Define pz a pointer to a structure of type x

4 Put the address of z into pz pz now POINTS to z PLEASE NOTE z is defined to reserve memory equal to the size of the structure pz only holds an address so will

be 4 bytes long 5 Pass the pointer into the function

6 Print the value of the member a

The (pz)a syntax is used a great deal in C and it was decided to create a short hand for

it So

(pz)a == pz-gta

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Structures and Arrays

include ltiostreamgt

include ltfstreamhgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

ofstream outData

input file structure ifstream inData

char menu_id[10] char menu_name[10]

char menu_col[10]

char menu_row[10] char button_id[10]

char button_label_1[10] char button_label_2[10]

char button_label_3[10] char button_col[10]

char button_row[10]

menu file structure

struct menu

int mid char name[20]

int mcol int mrow

int bid char blabel[24]

int bcol

int brow

List of menus

enum menu_id

MAIN = 1

Define Main menu

menu Main_menu[3]

void createMenu(menu newMenu[] int menu_num MAS_Configure_Button_Request_Messagemsg )

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 40 of 66

int y = 0

while ((inDatagetline(menu_id10 $)eof()) ampamp (atoi(menu_id) == menu_num))

newMenu[y]mid= atoi(menu_id)

inDatagetline(menu_name 10 $)

newMenu[y]name[0] = 0

strcpy(newMenu[y]namemenu_name) outData ltlt Main Menu Name ltlt newMenu[y]name ltlt

inDatagetline( menu_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]mcol = atoi(menu_col)

inDatagetline( menu_row 10 $) newMenu[y]mrow = atoi(menu_row)

inDatagetline( button_id 10 $) newMenu[y]bid = atoi(button_id)

inDatagetline( button_label_1 10 $)

inDatagetline( button_label_2 10 $) inDatagetline( button_label_3 10 $)

newMenu[y]blabel[0] = 0 strcpy(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_1)


strcat(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_3) outData ltlt newMenu[y]blabel ltlt

inDatagetline( button_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]bcol = atoi(button_col)

inDatagetline( button_row 10 n)

newMenu[y]brow = atoi(button_row) y++

int main()

int loop

inDataopen(datatxt) if (inData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening datatxt End program ltlt endl


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outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 42 of 66

recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 43 of 66

Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 44 of 66

Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 49 of 66

the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

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main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

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include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

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next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

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Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

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1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

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47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

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I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 26: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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Chapter 5

Pointers and Arrays

In C++ there is a close relationship between pointers and arrays In fact frequently a pointer and an array are interchangeable Consider this fragment

char str[80] char p1

p1 = str

Here str is an array of 80 characters and p1 is a character pointer However it is the third line that is of interest In this line p1 is assigned the address of the first element in

the str array (That is after the assignment p1 will point to str[0]) Herelsquos why In C++ using the name of an array without an index generates a pointer to the first element in the

array Thus the assignment

p1 = str

assigns the address of str[0] to p1 This is a crucial point to understand When an


array name is used in an expression it yields a pointer to the first element in the array Since after the assignment p1 points to the beginning of str you can use p1 to


elements in the array For example if you want to access the fifth element in str you can use




Both statements obtain the fifth element Remember array indices start at zero so when str is indexed a 4 is used to access the fifth element A 4 is also added to the pointer

p1 to get the fifth element because p1 currently points to the first element of str

The parentheses surrounding p1+4 are necessary because the operation has a

higher priority than the + operation Without them the expression would first find the value pointed to by p1 (the first location in the array) and then add 4 to it In effect C++ allows

two methods of accessing array elements pointer arithmetic and array indexing This is important because pointer arithmetic can sometimes be faster than array indexingmdash

especially when you are accessing an array in strictly sequential order Since speed is often a consideration in programming the use of pointers to access array elements is very

common in C++ programs Also you can sometimes write tighter code by using pointers

instead of array indexing

Here is an example that demonstrates the difference between using array indexing and pointer arithmetic to access the elements of an array We will create two versions of a

program that reverse the case of letters within a string The first version uses array indexing The second uses pointer arithmetic The first version is shown here

Reverse case using array indexing

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include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = This Is A Test

cout ltlt Original string ltlt str ltlt n

for(i = 0 str[i] i++)

if(isupper(str[i])) str[i] = tolower(str[i]) else if(islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt Inverted-case string ltlt str

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

Original string This Is A Test Inverted-case string tHIS iS a tEST

Notice that the program uses the isupper( ) and islower( ) library functions to determine the case of a letter The isupper( ) function returns true when its argument is an

uppercase letter islower( ) returns true when its argument is a lowercase letter Inside the for loop str is indexed and the case of each letter is checked and changed The loop

iterates until the null terminating str is indexed Since a null is zero (false) the loop stops

Here is the same program rewritten to use pointer arithmetic

Reverse case using array indexing

include ltiostreamgt include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = ―This Is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

for i = 0 str[i] i++) if (iupper(str[i]))

else if (islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i]

cout ltlt ―Inverted-case string ― ltlt str return 0

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In this version p is set to the start of str Then inside the while loop the letter at p

is checked and changed and then p is incremented The loop stops when p points to the null terminator that ends str Because of the way some C++ compilers generate code these

two programs may not be equivalent in performance Generally it takes more machine instructions to index an array than it does to perform arithmetic on a pointer Consequently

in professionally written C++ code it is common to see the pointer version used more frequently However as a beginning C++ programmer feel free to use array indexing until

you are comfortable with pointers

Indexing a Pointer

As you have just seen it is possible to access an array using pointer arithmetic

What you might find surprising is that the reverse is also true In C++ it is possible to index a pointer as if it were an array Here is an example It is a third version of the case-

changing program

index a pointer as if it were an array

include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt

using namespace std


char p int i

char str[80]=This is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

p = str assign the p address of the start of the array now index p

for (I = 0 p[i] i++)

if (isupper(p[i])) p[i] = tolowerp[i])

else if (islower(p[i])

p[i] = toupper(p[i])

cout ltlt ―Inverted ndash case string lt str

return 0

The program creates a char pointer called p and then assigns to that pointer the

address of the first element in str Inside the for loop p is indexed using the normal array indexing syntax This is perfectly valid because in C++ the statement p[i] is function

functionally identical to (p+i) This further illustrates the close relationship between pointers and arrays

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 4 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and Arrays I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers and Arrays using C

II Tasks Procedure Instructions Answer the following questions

1 Can an array be accessed through a pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Can a pointer be indexed as if it were an array __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 An array name used by itself with no index yields what __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 6

Pointers and String

Strings and Constants

You might be wondering how string constants like the one in the fragment shown

here are handled by C++

cout ltlt strlen(Xanadu)

The answer is that when the compiler encounters a string constant it stores it in the

programlsquos string table and generates a pointer to the string Thus ―Xanadu yields a pointer to its entry in the string table Therefore the following program is perfectly valid and prints

the phrase Pointers add power to C++

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char ptr

ptr = ―Pointers add power to C++ n ptr is assigned the address of this string constant

cout ltlt ptr

return 0

In this program the characters that make up a string constant are stored in the string table and ptr is assigned a pointer to the string in that table

Since a pointer into your programlsquos string table is generated automatically whenever

a string constant is used you might be tempted to use this fact to modify the contents of the string table However this is usually not a good idea because many C++ compilers

create optimized tables in which one string constant may be used at two or more different

places in your program Thus changing a string may cause undesired side effects

Reversing a String in Place

Earlier it was mentioned that comparing one pointer to another is meaningful only if the two pointers point to a common object such as an array Now that you understand how

pointers and arrays relate you can apply pointer comparisons to streamline some types of algorithms In this project you will see an example The program developed here reverses

the contents of a string in place Thus instead of copying the string back-to-front into

another array it reverses the contents of the string inside the array that holds it The program uses two pointer variables to accomplish this One initially points to the beginning

of a string and the other initially points to the last character in the string A loop is set up that continues to run as long as the start pointer is less than the end pointer Each time

through the loop the characters pointed to by the pointers are swapped and the pointers are advanced When the start pointer is greater than or equal to the end pointer the string

has been reversed Step by step

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1 Create a file called StrRevcpp 2 Begin by adding these lines to the file

Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test

char start end int len

char t

The string to be reversed is contained in str The pointers start and end will be used

to access the string

3 Add these lines which display the original string obtain the stringlsquos length and set the initial values for the start and end pointers

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

Notice that end points to the last character in the string not the null terminator

4 Add the code that reverse the string

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts

starts = end end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The process works like this As long as the start pointer points to a memory

location that is less than the end pointer the loop iterates Inside the loop the characters being pointed to by start and end are swapped Then start is incremented

and end is decremented When end is greater than or equal to start all of the characters in the string have been reversed Since both start and end point into the

same array their comparison is meaningful

5 Here is the complete StrRevcpp program

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Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test char start end

int len char t

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts starts = end

end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The output from the program is shown here Original this is a test Reversed

tset a si siht

Arrays of Pointers

Pointers can be arrayed like any other data type For example declaration for an int

pointer array of size 10 is

int p[10]

Here pi is an array of ten integer pointers To assign the address of an int variable

called var to the third element of the pointer array you would write

int var

fpi[2] = ampvar

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 33 of 66

Remember pi is an array of int pointers The only thing that the array elements can

hold are the addresses of integer valuesmdashnot the values themselves To find the value of var you would write


Like other arrays arrays of pointers can be initialized A common use for initialized

pointer arrays is to hold pointers to strings Here is an example that uses a two-dimensional array of character pointers to implement a small dictionary

Here is a sample run

Enter word network

An interconnected group of computers

When the array dictionary is created it is initialized with a set of words and their

meanings Recall C++ stores all string constants in the string table associated with your program so the array need only store pointers to the strings The program works by testing

the word entered by the user against the strings stored in the dictionary If a match is found the meaning is displayed If no match is found an error message is printed Notice

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that dictionary ends with two null strings These mark the end of the array Recall that a

null string contains only the terminating null character The for loop runs until the first character in a string is null This condition is tested with this expression


The array indices specify a pointer to a string The obtains the character at that

location If this character is null then the expression is false and the loop terminates Otherwise the expression is true and the loop continues

The Null Pointer Convention

After a pointer is declared but before it has been assigned it will contain an arbitrary value Should you try to use the pointer prior to giving it a value you will probably

crash your program While there is no sure way to avoid using an uninitialized pointer C++ programmers have adopted a procedure that helps prevent some errors By convention if a

pointer contains the null (zero) value it is assumed to point to nothing Thus if all unused pointers are given the null value and you avoid the use of a null pointer you can avoid the

accidental misuse of an uninitialized pointer This is a good practice to follow

Any type of pointer can be initialized to null when it is declared For example the

following initializes p to null

float p = 0 p is now a null pointer

To check for a null pointer use an if statement like one of these

if(p) succeeds if p is not null

if(p) succeeds if p is null

Multiple Indirection

A pointer to a pointer is a form of multiple indirection or a chain of pointers Consider Figure 4-2 As you can see in the case of a normal pointer the value of the

pointer is the address of a value In the case of a pointer to a pointer the first pointer

contains the address of the second pointer which points to the location that contains the desired value Multiple indirection can be carried on to whatever extent desired but there

are few cases where more than a pointer to a pointer is needed or indeed even wise to use Excessive indirection is difficult to follow and prone to conceptual errors

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 5 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and String I Objectives To know how is Pointers and String worked using C II Tasks Procedure Instructions Asnwer the following question

1 What is it called when one pointer points to another pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Of what significant is a null pointer in C++ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that counts the uppercase letters in a string Have it display the result

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Chapter 7

Structures in Arrays Functions and Pointers

What is a Structure

Structure is a collection of variables under a single name Variables can be of any type int float char etc The main difference between structure and array is that arrays are

collections of the same data type and structure is a collection of variables under a single name

Declaring a Structure

The structure is declared by using the keyword struct followed by structure name

also called a tag Then the structure members (variables) are defined with their type and variable names inside the open and close braces and Finally the closed braces end with

a semicolon denoted as following the statement The above structure declaration is also called a Structure Specifier


Three variables custnum of type int salary of type int commission of type float are structuremembers and the structure name is Customer This structure is declared as


In the above example it is seen that variables of different types such as int and float are

grouped in a single structure name Customer

Arrays behave in the same way declaring structures does not mean that memory is

allocated Structure declaration gives a skeleton or template for the structure

After declaring the structure the next step is to define a structure variable

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How to declare Structure Variable

This is similar to variable declaration For variable declaration data type is defined followed

by variable name For structure variable declaration the data type is the name of the structure followed by thestructure variable name

In the above example structure variable cust1 is defined as

What happens when this is defined When structure is defined it allocates or reserves space in memory The memory space allocated will be cumulative of all

defined structure members In the above example there are 3 structure members

custnum salary and commission Of these two are of type int and one is of type float If integer space allocated by a system is 2 bytes and float four bytes the above would

allocate 2bytes for custnum 2 bytes for salary and 4 bytes for commission

How to access structure members in C++

To access structure members the operator used is the dot operator denoted by () The

dot operatorfor accessing structure members is used thusly

structure variable namemember name

For example

To assign 2000 for the structure member salary in the above example of structure

Customer with structure variable cust1 this is written as

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Pointers to structures

All that we have discussed so far has been OK but runs into problems when structures have

to be moved between functions for the following reasons

if the structure is large it is more efficient to pass a pointer to the structure instead of the structure its self This techniquepri is also used to pass pointers to

arrays between functions

When passing a structure to a function you actually pass a COPY of the structure Therefore it is not possible to change the values of members within the structure as

the copy is destroyed when the function ends

Here is an example (these are 2 examples the one to the left uses a pointer)

| |

struct x int a int b int c | struct x int a int b int c

| void function(struct x) | void function(struct x )

| main() | main()

| struct x z | struct x z pz 3

| pz = ampz 4 za = 10 1 | za = 10

za++ | za++

| function(z) 2 | function(pz) 5

| |

void function( struct x z) | void function(struct x pz) | 6

printf( first member d n za) | printf( first member d n (pz)a) |


Here is the annotation

1 Give a structure member a value 2 Pass a COPY of the whole structure to the function

3 Define pz a pointer to a structure of type x

4 Put the address of z into pz pz now POINTS to z PLEASE NOTE z is defined to reserve memory equal to the size of the structure pz only holds an address so will

be 4 bytes long 5 Pass the pointer into the function

6 Print the value of the member a

The (pz)a syntax is used a great deal in C and it was decided to create a short hand for

it So

(pz)a == pz-gta

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Structures and Arrays

include ltiostreamgt

include ltfstreamhgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

ofstream outData

input file structure ifstream inData

char menu_id[10] char menu_name[10]

char menu_col[10]

char menu_row[10] char button_id[10]

char button_label_1[10] char button_label_2[10]

char button_label_3[10] char button_col[10]

char button_row[10]

menu file structure

struct menu

int mid char name[20]

int mcol int mrow

int bid char blabel[24]

int bcol

int brow

List of menus

enum menu_id

MAIN = 1

Define Main menu

menu Main_menu[3]

void createMenu(menu newMenu[] int menu_num MAS_Configure_Button_Request_Messagemsg )

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 40 of 66

int y = 0

while ((inDatagetline(menu_id10 $)eof()) ampamp (atoi(menu_id) == menu_num))

newMenu[y]mid= atoi(menu_id)

inDatagetline(menu_name 10 $)

newMenu[y]name[0] = 0

strcpy(newMenu[y]namemenu_name) outData ltlt Main Menu Name ltlt newMenu[y]name ltlt

inDatagetline( menu_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]mcol = atoi(menu_col)

inDatagetline( menu_row 10 $) newMenu[y]mrow = atoi(menu_row)

inDatagetline( button_id 10 $) newMenu[y]bid = atoi(button_id)

inDatagetline( button_label_1 10 $)

inDatagetline( button_label_2 10 $) inDatagetline( button_label_3 10 $)

newMenu[y]blabel[0] = 0 strcpy(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_1)


strcat(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_3) outData ltlt newMenu[y]blabel ltlt

inDatagetline( button_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]bcol = atoi(button_col)

inDatagetline( button_row 10 n)

newMenu[y]brow = atoi(button_row) y++

int main()

int loop

inDataopen(datatxt) if (inData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening datatxt End program ltlt endl


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outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

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recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

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Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

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Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

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the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

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main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 58 of 66

It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 59 of 66

include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 60 of 66

next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 64 of 66

1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 65 of 66


47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 27: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = This Is A Test

cout ltlt Original string ltlt str ltlt n

for(i = 0 str[i] i++)

if(isupper(str[i])) str[i] = tolower(str[i]) else if(islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i])

cout ltlt Inverted-case string ltlt str

return 0

The output from the program is shown here

Original string This Is A Test Inverted-case string tHIS iS a tEST

Notice that the program uses the isupper( ) and islower( ) library functions to determine the case of a letter The isupper( ) function returns true when its argument is an

uppercase letter islower( ) returns true when its argument is a lowercase letter Inside the for loop str is indexed and the case of each letter is checked and changed The loop

iterates until the null terminating str is indexed Since a null is zero (false) the loop stops

Here is the same program rewritten to use pointer arithmetic

Reverse case using array indexing

include ltiostreamgt include ltctypehgt using namespace std

int main()

int i char str[80] = ―This Is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

for i = 0 str[i] i++) if (iupper(str[i]))

else if (islower(str[i])) str[i] = toupper(str[i]

cout ltlt ―Inverted-case string ― ltlt str return 0

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In this version p is set to the start of str Then inside the while loop the letter at p

is checked and changed and then p is incremented The loop stops when p points to the null terminator that ends str Because of the way some C++ compilers generate code these

two programs may not be equivalent in performance Generally it takes more machine instructions to index an array than it does to perform arithmetic on a pointer Consequently

in professionally written C++ code it is common to see the pointer version used more frequently However as a beginning C++ programmer feel free to use array indexing until

you are comfortable with pointers

Indexing a Pointer

As you have just seen it is possible to access an array using pointer arithmetic

What you might find surprising is that the reverse is also true In C++ it is possible to index a pointer as if it were an array Here is an example It is a third version of the case-

changing program

index a pointer as if it were an array

include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt

using namespace std


char p int i

char str[80]=This is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

p = str assign the p address of the start of the array now index p

for (I = 0 p[i] i++)

if (isupper(p[i])) p[i] = tolowerp[i])

else if (islower(p[i])

p[i] = toupper(p[i])

cout ltlt ―Inverted ndash case string lt str

return 0

The program creates a char pointer called p and then assigns to that pointer the

address of the first element in str Inside the for loop p is indexed using the normal array indexing syntax This is perfectly valid because in C++ the statement p[i] is function

functionally identical to (p+i) This further illustrates the close relationship between pointers and arrays

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 4 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and Arrays I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers and Arrays using C

II Tasks Procedure Instructions Answer the following questions

1 Can an array be accessed through a pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Can a pointer be indexed as if it were an array __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 An array name used by itself with no index yields what __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 6

Pointers and String

Strings and Constants

You might be wondering how string constants like the one in the fragment shown

here are handled by C++

cout ltlt strlen(Xanadu)

The answer is that when the compiler encounters a string constant it stores it in the

programlsquos string table and generates a pointer to the string Thus ―Xanadu yields a pointer to its entry in the string table Therefore the following program is perfectly valid and prints

the phrase Pointers add power to C++

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char ptr

ptr = ―Pointers add power to C++ n ptr is assigned the address of this string constant

cout ltlt ptr

return 0

In this program the characters that make up a string constant are stored in the string table and ptr is assigned a pointer to the string in that table

Since a pointer into your programlsquos string table is generated automatically whenever

a string constant is used you might be tempted to use this fact to modify the contents of the string table However this is usually not a good idea because many C++ compilers

create optimized tables in which one string constant may be used at two or more different

places in your program Thus changing a string may cause undesired side effects

Reversing a String in Place

Earlier it was mentioned that comparing one pointer to another is meaningful only if the two pointers point to a common object such as an array Now that you understand how

pointers and arrays relate you can apply pointer comparisons to streamline some types of algorithms In this project you will see an example The program developed here reverses

the contents of a string in place Thus instead of copying the string back-to-front into

another array it reverses the contents of the string inside the array that holds it The program uses two pointer variables to accomplish this One initially points to the beginning

of a string and the other initially points to the last character in the string A loop is set up that continues to run as long as the start pointer is less than the end pointer Each time

through the loop the characters pointed to by the pointers are swapped and the pointers are advanced When the start pointer is greater than or equal to the end pointer the string

has been reversed Step by step

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1 Create a file called StrRevcpp 2 Begin by adding these lines to the file

Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test

char start end int len

char t

The string to be reversed is contained in str The pointers start and end will be used

to access the string

3 Add these lines which display the original string obtain the stringlsquos length and set the initial values for the start and end pointers

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

Notice that end points to the last character in the string not the null terminator

4 Add the code that reverse the string

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts

starts = end end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The process works like this As long as the start pointer points to a memory

location that is less than the end pointer the loop iterates Inside the loop the characters being pointed to by start and end are swapped Then start is incremented

and end is decremented When end is greater than or equal to start all of the characters in the string have been reversed Since both start and end point into the

same array their comparison is meaningful

5 Here is the complete StrRevcpp program

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Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test char start end

int len char t

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts starts = end

end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The output from the program is shown here Original this is a test Reversed

tset a si siht

Arrays of Pointers

Pointers can be arrayed like any other data type For example declaration for an int

pointer array of size 10 is

int p[10]

Here pi is an array of ten integer pointers To assign the address of an int variable

called var to the third element of the pointer array you would write

int var

fpi[2] = ampvar

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Remember pi is an array of int pointers The only thing that the array elements can

hold are the addresses of integer valuesmdashnot the values themselves To find the value of var you would write


Like other arrays arrays of pointers can be initialized A common use for initialized

pointer arrays is to hold pointers to strings Here is an example that uses a two-dimensional array of character pointers to implement a small dictionary

Here is a sample run

Enter word network

An interconnected group of computers

When the array dictionary is created it is initialized with a set of words and their

meanings Recall C++ stores all string constants in the string table associated with your program so the array need only store pointers to the strings The program works by testing

the word entered by the user against the strings stored in the dictionary If a match is found the meaning is displayed If no match is found an error message is printed Notice

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 34 of 66

that dictionary ends with two null strings These mark the end of the array Recall that a

null string contains only the terminating null character The for loop runs until the first character in a string is null This condition is tested with this expression


The array indices specify a pointer to a string The obtains the character at that

location If this character is null then the expression is false and the loop terminates Otherwise the expression is true and the loop continues

The Null Pointer Convention

After a pointer is declared but before it has been assigned it will contain an arbitrary value Should you try to use the pointer prior to giving it a value you will probably

crash your program While there is no sure way to avoid using an uninitialized pointer C++ programmers have adopted a procedure that helps prevent some errors By convention if a

pointer contains the null (zero) value it is assumed to point to nothing Thus if all unused pointers are given the null value and you avoid the use of a null pointer you can avoid the

accidental misuse of an uninitialized pointer This is a good practice to follow

Any type of pointer can be initialized to null when it is declared For example the

following initializes p to null

float p = 0 p is now a null pointer

To check for a null pointer use an if statement like one of these

if(p) succeeds if p is not null

if(p) succeeds if p is null

Multiple Indirection

A pointer to a pointer is a form of multiple indirection or a chain of pointers Consider Figure 4-2 As you can see in the case of a normal pointer the value of the

pointer is the address of a value In the case of a pointer to a pointer the first pointer

contains the address of the second pointer which points to the location that contains the desired value Multiple indirection can be carried on to whatever extent desired but there

are few cases where more than a pointer to a pointer is needed or indeed even wise to use Excessive indirection is difficult to follow and prone to conceptual errors

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 5 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and String I Objectives To know how is Pointers and String worked using C II Tasks Procedure Instructions Asnwer the following question

1 What is it called when one pointer points to another pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Of what significant is a null pointer in C++ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that counts the uppercase letters in a string Have it display the result

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Chapter 7

Structures in Arrays Functions and Pointers

What is a Structure

Structure is a collection of variables under a single name Variables can be of any type int float char etc The main difference between structure and array is that arrays are

collections of the same data type and structure is a collection of variables under a single name

Declaring a Structure

The structure is declared by using the keyword struct followed by structure name

also called a tag Then the structure members (variables) are defined with their type and variable names inside the open and close braces and Finally the closed braces end with

a semicolon denoted as following the statement The above structure declaration is also called a Structure Specifier


Three variables custnum of type int salary of type int commission of type float are structuremembers and the structure name is Customer This structure is declared as


In the above example it is seen that variables of different types such as int and float are

grouped in a single structure name Customer

Arrays behave in the same way declaring structures does not mean that memory is

allocated Structure declaration gives a skeleton or template for the structure

After declaring the structure the next step is to define a structure variable

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How to declare Structure Variable

This is similar to variable declaration For variable declaration data type is defined followed

by variable name For structure variable declaration the data type is the name of the structure followed by thestructure variable name

In the above example structure variable cust1 is defined as

What happens when this is defined When structure is defined it allocates or reserves space in memory The memory space allocated will be cumulative of all

defined structure members In the above example there are 3 structure members

custnum salary and commission Of these two are of type int and one is of type float If integer space allocated by a system is 2 bytes and float four bytes the above would

allocate 2bytes for custnum 2 bytes for salary and 4 bytes for commission

How to access structure members in C++

To access structure members the operator used is the dot operator denoted by () The

dot operatorfor accessing structure members is used thusly

structure variable namemember name

For example

To assign 2000 for the structure member salary in the above example of structure

Customer with structure variable cust1 this is written as

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Pointers to structures

All that we have discussed so far has been OK but runs into problems when structures have

to be moved between functions for the following reasons

if the structure is large it is more efficient to pass a pointer to the structure instead of the structure its self This techniquepri is also used to pass pointers to

arrays between functions

When passing a structure to a function you actually pass a COPY of the structure Therefore it is not possible to change the values of members within the structure as

the copy is destroyed when the function ends

Here is an example (these are 2 examples the one to the left uses a pointer)

| |

struct x int a int b int c | struct x int a int b int c

| void function(struct x) | void function(struct x )

| main() | main()

| struct x z | struct x z pz 3

| pz = ampz 4 za = 10 1 | za = 10

za++ | za++

| function(z) 2 | function(pz) 5

| |

void function( struct x z) | void function(struct x pz) | 6

printf( first member d n za) | printf( first member d n (pz)a) |


Here is the annotation

1 Give a structure member a value 2 Pass a COPY of the whole structure to the function

3 Define pz a pointer to a structure of type x

4 Put the address of z into pz pz now POINTS to z PLEASE NOTE z is defined to reserve memory equal to the size of the structure pz only holds an address so will

be 4 bytes long 5 Pass the pointer into the function

6 Print the value of the member a

The (pz)a syntax is used a great deal in C and it was decided to create a short hand for

it So

(pz)a == pz-gta

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 39 of 66


Structures and Arrays

include ltiostreamgt

include ltfstreamhgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

ofstream outData

input file structure ifstream inData

char menu_id[10] char menu_name[10]

char menu_col[10]

char menu_row[10] char button_id[10]

char button_label_1[10] char button_label_2[10]

char button_label_3[10] char button_col[10]

char button_row[10]

menu file structure

struct menu

int mid char name[20]

int mcol int mrow

int bid char blabel[24]

int bcol

int brow

List of menus

enum menu_id

MAIN = 1

Define Main menu

menu Main_menu[3]

void createMenu(menu newMenu[] int menu_num MAS_Configure_Button_Request_Messagemsg )

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 40 of 66

int y = 0

while ((inDatagetline(menu_id10 $)eof()) ampamp (atoi(menu_id) == menu_num))

newMenu[y]mid= atoi(menu_id)

inDatagetline(menu_name 10 $)

newMenu[y]name[0] = 0

strcpy(newMenu[y]namemenu_name) outData ltlt Main Menu Name ltlt newMenu[y]name ltlt

inDatagetline( menu_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]mcol = atoi(menu_col)

inDatagetline( menu_row 10 $) newMenu[y]mrow = atoi(menu_row)

inDatagetline( button_id 10 $) newMenu[y]bid = atoi(button_id)

inDatagetline( button_label_1 10 $)

inDatagetline( button_label_2 10 $) inDatagetline( button_label_3 10 $)

newMenu[y]blabel[0] = 0 strcpy(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_1)


strcat(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_3) outData ltlt newMenu[y]blabel ltlt

inDatagetline( button_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]bcol = atoi(button_col)

inDatagetline( button_row 10 n)

newMenu[y]brow = atoi(button_row) y++

int main()

int loop

inDataopen(datatxt) if (inData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening datatxt End program ltlt endl


Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 41 of 66

outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 42 of 66

recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 43 of 66

Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 44 of 66

Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

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the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

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main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

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include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

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next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

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1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

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47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 28: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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In this version p is set to the start of str Then inside the while loop the letter at p

is checked and changed and then p is incremented The loop stops when p points to the null terminator that ends str Because of the way some C++ compilers generate code these

two programs may not be equivalent in performance Generally it takes more machine instructions to index an array than it does to perform arithmetic on a pointer Consequently

in professionally written C++ code it is common to see the pointer version used more frequently However as a beginning C++ programmer feel free to use array indexing until

you are comfortable with pointers

Indexing a Pointer

As you have just seen it is possible to access an array using pointer arithmetic

What you might find surprising is that the reverse is also true In C++ it is possible to index a pointer as if it were an array Here is an example It is a third version of the case-

changing program

index a pointer as if it were an array

include ltiostreamgt

include ltctypehgt

using namespace std


char p int i

char str[80]=This is A Test

cout ltlt ―Original string ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

p = str assign the p address of the start of the array now index p

for (I = 0 p[i] i++)

if (isupper(p[i])) p[i] = tolowerp[i])

else if (islower(p[i])

p[i] = toupper(p[i])

cout ltlt ―Inverted ndash case string lt str

return 0

The program creates a char pointer called p and then assigns to that pointer the

address of the first element in str Inside the for loop p is indexed using the normal array indexing syntax This is perfectly valid because in C++ the statement p[i] is function

functionally identical to (p+i) This further illustrates the close relationship between pointers and arrays

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 4 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and Arrays I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers and Arrays using C

II Tasks Procedure Instructions Answer the following questions

1 Can an array be accessed through a pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Can a pointer be indexed as if it were an array __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 An array name used by itself with no index yields what __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 6

Pointers and String

Strings and Constants

You might be wondering how string constants like the one in the fragment shown

here are handled by C++

cout ltlt strlen(Xanadu)

The answer is that when the compiler encounters a string constant it stores it in the

programlsquos string table and generates a pointer to the string Thus ―Xanadu yields a pointer to its entry in the string table Therefore the following program is perfectly valid and prints

the phrase Pointers add power to C++

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char ptr

ptr = ―Pointers add power to C++ n ptr is assigned the address of this string constant

cout ltlt ptr

return 0

In this program the characters that make up a string constant are stored in the string table and ptr is assigned a pointer to the string in that table

Since a pointer into your programlsquos string table is generated automatically whenever

a string constant is used you might be tempted to use this fact to modify the contents of the string table However this is usually not a good idea because many C++ compilers

create optimized tables in which one string constant may be used at two or more different

places in your program Thus changing a string may cause undesired side effects

Reversing a String in Place

Earlier it was mentioned that comparing one pointer to another is meaningful only if the two pointers point to a common object such as an array Now that you understand how

pointers and arrays relate you can apply pointer comparisons to streamline some types of algorithms In this project you will see an example The program developed here reverses

the contents of a string in place Thus instead of copying the string back-to-front into

another array it reverses the contents of the string inside the array that holds it The program uses two pointer variables to accomplish this One initially points to the beginning

of a string and the other initially points to the last character in the string A loop is set up that continues to run as long as the start pointer is less than the end pointer Each time

through the loop the characters pointed to by the pointers are swapped and the pointers are advanced When the start pointer is greater than or equal to the end pointer the string

has been reversed Step by step

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1 Create a file called StrRevcpp 2 Begin by adding these lines to the file

Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test

char start end int len

char t

The string to be reversed is contained in str The pointers start and end will be used

to access the string

3 Add these lines which display the original string obtain the stringlsquos length and set the initial values for the start and end pointers

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

Notice that end points to the last character in the string not the null terminator

4 Add the code that reverse the string

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts

starts = end end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The process works like this As long as the start pointer points to a memory

location that is less than the end pointer the loop iterates Inside the loop the characters being pointed to by start and end are swapped Then start is incremented

and end is decremented When end is greater than or equal to start all of the characters in the string have been reversed Since both start and end point into the

same array their comparison is meaningful

5 Here is the complete StrRevcpp program

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Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test char start end

int len char t

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts starts = end

end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The output from the program is shown here Original this is a test Reversed

tset a si siht

Arrays of Pointers

Pointers can be arrayed like any other data type For example declaration for an int

pointer array of size 10 is

int p[10]

Here pi is an array of ten integer pointers To assign the address of an int variable

called var to the third element of the pointer array you would write

int var

fpi[2] = ampvar

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Remember pi is an array of int pointers The only thing that the array elements can

hold are the addresses of integer valuesmdashnot the values themselves To find the value of var you would write


Like other arrays arrays of pointers can be initialized A common use for initialized

pointer arrays is to hold pointers to strings Here is an example that uses a two-dimensional array of character pointers to implement a small dictionary

Here is a sample run

Enter word network

An interconnected group of computers

When the array dictionary is created it is initialized with a set of words and their

meanings Recall C++ stores all string constants in the string table associated with your program so the array need only store pointers to the strings The program works by testing

the word entered by the user against the strings stored in the dictionary If a match is found the meaning is displayed If no match is found an error message is printed Notice

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that dictionary ends with two null strings These mark the end of the array Recall that a

null string contains only the terminating null character The for loop runs until the first character in a string is null This condition is tested with this expression


The array indices specify a pointer to a string The obtains the character at that

location If this character is null then the expression is false and the loop terminates Otherwise the expression is true and the loop continues

The Null Pointer Convention

After a pointer is declared but before it has been assigned it will contain an arbitrary value Should you try to use the pointer prior to giving it a value you will probably

crash your program While there is no sure way to avoid using an uninitialized pointer C++ programmers have adopted a procedure that helps prevent some errors By convention if a

pointer contains the null (zero) value it is assumed to point to nothing Thus if all unused pointers are given the null value and you avoid the use of a null pointer you can avoid the

accidental misuse of an uninitialized pointer This is a good practice to follow

Any type of pointer can be initialized to null when it is declared For example the

following initializes p to null

float p = 0 p is now a null pointer

To check for a null pointer use an if statement like one of these

if(p) succeeds if p is not null

if(p) succeeds if p is null

Multiple Indirection

A pointer to a pointer is a form of multiple indirection or a chain of pointers Consider Figure 4-2 As you can see in the case of a normal pointer the value of the

pointer is the address of a value In the case of a pointer to a pointer the first pointer

contains the address of the second pointer which points to the location that contains the desired value Multiple indirection can be carried on to whatever extent desired but there

are few cases where more than a pointer to a pointer is needed or indeed even wise to use Excessive indirection is difficult to follow and prone to conceptual errors

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 5 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and String I Objectives To know how is Pointers and String worked using C II Tasks Procedure Instructions Asnwer the following question

1 What is it called when one pointer points to another pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Of what significant is a null pointer in C++ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that counts the uppercase letters in a string Have it display the result

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Chapter 7

Structures in Arrays Functions and Pointers

What is a Structure

Structure is a collection of variables under a single name Variables can be of any type int float char etc The main difference between structure and array is that arrays are

collections of the same data type and structure is a collection of variables under a single name

Declaring a Structure

The structure is declared by using the keyword struct followed by structure name

also called a tag Then the structure members (variables) are defined with their type and variable names inside the open and close braces and Finally the closed braces end with

a semicolon denoted as following the statement The above structure declaration is also called a Structure Specifier


Three variables custnum of type int salary of type int commission of type float are structuremembers and the structure name is Customer This structure is declared as


In the above example it is seen that variables of different types such as int and float are

grouped in a single structure name Customer

Arrays behave in the same way declaring structures does not mean that memory is

allocated Structure declaration gives a skeleton or template for the structure

After declaring the structure the next step is to define a structure variable

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How to declare Structure Variable

This is similar to variable declaration For variable declaration data type is defined followed

by variable name For structure variable declaration the data type is the name of the structure followed by thestructure variable name

In the above example structure variable cust1 is defined as

What happens when this is defined When structure is defined it allocates or reserves space in memory The memory space allocated will be cumulative of all

defined structure members In the above example there are 3 structure members

custnum salary and commission Of these two are of type int and one is of type float If integer space allocated by a system is 2 bytes and float four bytes the above would

allocate 2bytes for custnum 2 bytes for salary and 4 bytes for commission

How to access structure members in C++

To access structure members the operator used is the dot operator denoted by () The

dot operatorfor accessing structure members is used thusly

structure variable namemember name

For example

To assign 2000 for the structure member salary in the above example of structure

Customer with structure variable cust1 this is written as

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Pointers to structures

All that we have discussed so far has been OK but runs into problems when structures have

to be moved between functions for the following reasons

if the structure is large it is more efficient to pass a pointer to the structure instead of the structure its self This techniquepri is also used to pass pointers to

arrays between functions

When passing a structure to a function you actually pass a COPY of the structure Therefore it is not possible to change the values of members within the structure as

the copy is destroyed when the function ends

Here is an example (these are 2 examples the one to the left uses a pointer)

| |

struct x int a int b int c | struct x int a int b int c

| void function(struct x) | void function(struct x )

| main() | main()

| struct x z | struct x z pz 3

| pz = ampz 4 za = 10 1 | za = 10

za++ | za++

| function(z) 2 | function(pz) 5

| |

void function( struct x z) | void function(struct x pz) | 6

printf( first member d n za) | printf( first member d n (pz)a) |


Here is the annotation

1 Give a structure member a value 2 Pass a COPY of the whole structure to the function

3 Define pz a pointer to a structure of type x

4 Put the address of z into pz pz now POINTS to z PLEASE NOTE z is defined to reserve memory equal to the size of the structure pz only holds an address so will

be 4 bytes long 5 Pass the pointer into the function

6 Print the value of the member a

The (pz)a syntax is used a great deal in C and it was decided to create a short hand for

it So

(pz)a == pz-gta

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Structures and Arrays

include ltiostreamgt

include ltfstreamhgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

ofstream outData

input file structure ifstream inData

char menu_id[10] char menu_name[10]

char menu_col[10]

char menu_row[10] char button_id[10]

char button_label_1[10] char button_label_2[10]

char button_label_3[10] char button_col[10]

char button_row[10]

menu file structure

struct menu

int mid char name[20]

int mcol int mrow

int bid char blabel[24]

int bcol

int brow

List of menus

enum menu_id

MAIN = 1

Define Main menu

menu Main_menu[3]

void createMenu(menu newMenu[] int menu_num MAS_Configure_Button_Request_Messagemsg )

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 40 of 66

int y = 0

while ((inDatagetline(menu_id10 $)eof()) ampamp (atoi(menu_id) == menu_num))

newMenu[y]mid= atoi(menu_id)

inDatagetline(menu_name 10 $)

newMenu[y]name[0] = 0

strcpy(newMenu[y]namemenu_name) outData ltlt Main Menu Name ltlt newMenu[y]name ltlt

inDatagetline( menu_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]mcol = atoi(menu_col)

inDatagetline( menu_row 10 $) newMenu[y]mrow = atoi(menu_row)

inDatagetline( button_id 10 $) newMenu[y]bid = atoi(button_id)

inDatagetline( button_label_1 10 $)

inDatagetline( button_label_2 10 $) inDatagetline( button_label_3 10 $)

newMenu[y]blabel[0] = 0 strcpy(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_1)


strcat(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_3) outData ltlt newMenu[y]blabel ltlt

inDatagetline( button_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]bcol = atoi(button_col)

inDatagetline( button_row 10 n)

newMenu[y]brow = atoi(button_row) y++

int main()

int loop

inDataopen(datatxt) if (inData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening datatxt End program ltlt endl


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outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

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recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

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Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

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Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

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the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

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main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 58 of 66

It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 59 of 66

include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 60 of 66

next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

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1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 65 of 66


47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 29: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 4 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and Arrays I Objectives To identify the use of Pointers and Arrays using C

II Tasks Procedure Instructions Answer the following questions

1 Can an array be accessed through a pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Can a pointer be indexed as if it were an array __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 An array name used by itself with no index yields what __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 All pointer arithmetic is performed relative to the _____ of the pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 Assuming the double is 8 bytes long when a double pointer is incremented by how much is its value increased __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 6

Pointers and String

Strings and Constants

You might be wondering how string constants like the one in the fragment shown

here are handled by C++

cout ltlt strlen(Xanadu)

The answer is that when the compiler encounters a string constant it stores it in the

programlsquos string table and generates a pointer to the string Thus ―Xanadu yields a pointer to its entry in the string table Therefore the following program is perfectly valid and prints

the phrase Pointers add power to C++

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char ptr

ptr = ―Pointers add power to C++ n ptr is assigned the address of this string constant

cout ltlt ptr

return 0

In this program the characters that make up a string constant are stored in the string table and ptr is assigned a pointer to the string in that table

Since a pointer into your programlsquos string table is generated automatically whenever

a string constant is used you might be tempted to use this fact to modify the contents of the string table However this is usually not a good idea because many C++ compilers

create optimized tables in which one string constant may be used at two or more different

places in your program Thus changing a string may cause undesired side effects

Reversing a String in Place

Earlier it was mentioned that comparing one pointer to another is meaningful only if the two pointers point to a common object such as an array Now that you understand how

pointers and arrays relate you can apply pointer comparisons to streamline some types of algorithms In this project you will see an example The program developed here reverses

the contents of a string in place Thus instead of copying the string back-to-front into

another array it reverses the contents of the string inside the array that holds it The program uses two pointer variables to accomplish this One initially points to the beginning

of a string and the other initially points to the last character in the string A loop is set up that continues to run as long as the start pointer is less than the end pointer Each time

through the loop the characters pointed to by the pointers are swapped and the pointers are advanced When the start pointer is greater than or equal to the end pointer the string

has been reversed Step by step

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1 Create a file called StrRevcpp 2 Begin by adding these lines to the file

Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test

char start end int len

char t

The string to be reversed is contained in str The pointers start and end will be used

to access the string

3 Add these lines which display the original string obtain the stringlsquos length and set the initial values for the start and end pointers

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

Notice that end points to the last character in the string not the null terminator

4 Add the code that reverse the string

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts

starts = end end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The process works like this As long as the start pointer points to a memory

location that is less than the end pointer the loop iterates Inside the loop the characters being pointed to by start and end are swapped Then start is incremented

and end is decremented When end is greater than or equal to start all of the characters in the string have been reversed Since both start and end point into the

same array their comparison is meaningful

5 Here is the complete StrRevcpp program

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Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test char start end

int len char t

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts starts = end

end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The output from the program is shown here Original this is a test Reversed

tset a si siht

Arrays of Pointers

Pointers can be arrayed like any other data type For example declaration for an int

pointer array of size 10 is

int p[10]

Here pi is an array of ten integer pointers To assign the address of an int variable

called var to the third element of the pointer array you would write

int var

fpi[2] = ampvar

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 33 of 66

Remember pi is an array of int pointers The only thing that the array elements can

hold are the addresses of integer valuesmdashnot the values themselves To find the value of var you would write


Like other arrays arrays of pointers can be initialized A common use for initialized

pointer arrays is to hold pointers to strings Here is an example that uses a two-dimensional array of character pointers to implement a small dictionary

Here is a sample run

Enter word network

An interconnected group of computers

When the array dictionary is created it is initialized with a set of words and their

meanings Recall C++ stores all string constants in the string table associated with your program so the array need only store pointers to the strings The program works by testing

the word entered by the user against the strings stored in the dictionary If a match is found the meaning is displayed If no match is found an error message is printed Notice

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 34 of 66

that dictionary ends with two null strings These mark the end of the array Recall that a

null string contains only the terminating null character The for loop runs until the first character in a string is null This condition is tested with this expression


The array indices specify a pointer to a string The obtains the character at that

location If this character is null then the expression is false and the loop terminates Otherwise the expression is true and the loop continues

The Null Pointer Convention

After a pointer is declared but before it has been assigned it will contain an arbitrary value Should you try to use the pointer prior to giving it a value you will probably

crash your program While there is no sure way to avoid using an uninitialized pointer C++ programmers have adopted a procedure that helps prevent some errors By convention if a

pointer contains the null (zero) value it is assumed to point to nothing Thus if all unused pointers are given the null value and you avoid the use of a null pointer you can avoid the

accidental misuse of an uninitialized pointer This is a good practice to follow

Any type of pointer can be initialized to null when it is declared For example the

following initializes p to null

float p = 0 p is now a null pointer

To check for a null pointer use an if statement like one of these

if(p) succeeds if p is not null

if(p) succeeds if p is null

Multiple Indirection

A pointer to a pointer is a form of multiple indirection or a chain of pointers Consider Figure 4-2 As you can see in the case of a normal pointer the value of the

pointer is the address of a value In the case of a pointer to a pointer the first pointer

contains the address of the second pointer which points to the location that contains the desired value Multiple indirection can be carried on to whatever extent desired but there

are few cases where more than a pointer to a pointer is needed or indeed even wise to use Excessive indirection is difficult to follow and prone to conceptual errors

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 5 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and String I Objectives To know how is Pointers and String worked using C II Tasks Procedure Instructions Asnwer the following question

1 What is it called when one pointer points to another pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Of what significant is a null pointer in C++ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that counts the uppercase letters in a string Have it display the result

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Chapter 7

Structures in Arrays Functions and Pointers

What is a Structure

Structure is a collection of variables under a single name Variables can be of any type int float char etc The main difference between structure and array is that arrays are

collections of the same data type and structure is a collection of variables under a single name

Declaring a Structure

The structure is declared by using the keyword struct followed by structure name

also called a tag Then the structure members (variables) are defined with their type and variable names inside the open and close braces and Finally the closed braces end with

a semicolon denoted as following the statement The above structure declaration is also called a Structure Specifier


Three variables custnum of type int salary of type int commission of type float are structuremembers and the structure name is Customer This structure is declared as


In the above example it is seen that variables of different types such as int and float are

grouped in a single structure name Customer

Arrays behave in the same way declaring structures does not mean that memory is

allocated Structure declaration gives a skeleton or template for the structure

After declaring the structure the next step is to define a structure variable

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How to declare Structure Variable

This is similar to variable declaration For variable declaration data type is defined followed

by variable name For structure variable declaration the data type is the name of the structure followed by thestructure variable name

In the above example structure variable cust1 is defined as

What happens when this is defined When structure is defined it allocates or reserves space in memory The memory space allocated will be cumulative of all

defined structure members In the above example there are 3 structure members

custnum salary and commission Of these two are of type int and one is of type float If integer space allocated by a system is 2 bytes and float four bytes the above would

allocate 2bytes for custnum 2 bytes for salary and 4 bytes for commission

How to access structure members in C++

To access structure members the operator used is the dot operator denoted by () The

dot operatorfor accessing structure members is used thusly

structure variable namemember name

For example

To assign 2000 for the structure member salary in the above example of structure

Customer with structure variable cust1 this is written as

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Pointers to structures

All that we have discussed so far has been OK but runs into problems when structures have

to be moved between functions for the following reasons

if the structure is large it is more efficient to pass a pointer to the structure instead of the structure its self This techniquepri is also used to pass pointers to

arrays between functions

When passing a structure to a function you actually pass a COPY of the structure Therefore it is not possible to change the values of members within the structure as

the copy is destroyed when the function ends

Here is an example (these are 2 examples the one to the left uses a pointer)

| |

struct x int a int b int c | struct x int a int b int c

| void function(struct x) | void function(struct x )

| main() | main()

| struct x z | struct x z pz 3

| pz = ampz 4 za = 10 1 | za = 10

za++ | za++

| function(z) 2 | function(pz) 5

| |

void function( struct x z) | void function(struct x pz) | 6

printf( first member d n za) | printf( first member d n (pz)a) |


Here is the annotation

1 Give a structure member a value 2 Pass a COPY of the whole structure to the function

3 Define pz a pointer to a structure of type x

4 Put the address of z into pz pz now POINTS to z PLEASE NOTE z is defined to reserve memory equal to the size of the structure pz only holds an address so will

be 4 bytes long 5 Pass the pointer into the function

6 Print the value of the member a

The (pz)a syntax is used a great deal in C and it was decided to create a short hand for

it So

(pz)a == pz-gta

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Structures and Arrays

include ltiostreamgt

include ltfstreamhgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

ofstream outData

input file structure ifstream inData

char menu_id[10] char menu_name[10]

char menu_col[10]

char menu_row[10] char button_id[10]

char button_label_1[10] char button_label_2[10]

char button_label_3[10] char button_col[10]

char button_row[10]

menu file structure

struct menu

int mid char name[20]

int mcol int mrow

int bid char blabel[24]

int bcol

int brow

List of menus

enum menu_id

MAIN = 1

Define Main menu

menu Main_menu[3]

void createMenu(menu newMenu[] int menu_num MAS_Configure_Button_Request_Messagemsg )

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 40 of 66

int y = 0

while ((inDatagetline(menu_id10 $)eof()) ampamp (atoi(menu_id) == menu_num))

newMenu[y]mid= atoi(menu_id)

inDatagetline(menu_name 10 $)

newMenu[y]name[0] = 0

strcpy(newMenu[y]namemenu_name) outData ltlt Main Menu Name ltlt newMenu[y]name ltlt

inDatagetline( menu_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]mcol = atoi(menu_col)

inDatagetline( menu_row 10 $) newMenu[y]mrow = atoi(menu_row)

inDatagetline( button_id 10 $) newMenu[y]bid = atoi(button_id)

inDatagetline( button_label_1 10 $)

inDatagetline( button_label_2 10 $) inDatagetline( button_label_3 10 $)

newMenu[y]blabel[0] = 0 strcpy(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_1)


strcat(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_3) outData ltlt newMenu[y]blabel ltlt

inDatagetline( button_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]bcol = atoi(button_col)

inDatagetline( button_row 10 n)

newMenu[y]brow = atoi(button_row) y++

int main()

int loop

inDataopen(datatxt) if (inData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening datatxt End program ltlt endl


Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 41 of 66

outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 42 of 66

recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

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Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

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Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

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the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

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main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

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include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

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next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

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Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

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1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

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47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 30: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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Chapter 6

Pointers and String

Strings and Constants

You might be wondering how string constants like the one in the fragment shown

here are handled by C++

cout ltlt strlen(Xanadu)

The answer is that when the compiler encounters a string constant it stores it in the

programlsquos string table and generates a pointer to the string Thus ―Xanadu yields a pointer to its entry in the string table Therefore the following program is perfectly valid and prints

the phrase Pointers add power to C++

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char ptr

ptr = ―Pointers add power to C++ n ptr is assigned the address of this string constant

cout ltlt ptr

return 0

In this program the characters that make up a string constant are stored in the string table and ptr is assigned a pointer to the string in that table

Since a pointer into your programlsquos string table is generated automatically whenever

a string constant is used you might be tempted to use this fact to modify the contents of the string table However this is usually not a good idea because many C++ compilers

create optimized tables in which one string constant may be used at two or more different

places in your program Thus changing a string may cause undesired side effects

Reversing a String in Place

Earlier it was mentioned that comparing one pointer to another is meaningful only if the two pointers point to a common object such as an array Now that you understand how

pointers and arrays relate you can apply pointer comparisons to streamline some types of algorithms In this project you will see an example The program developed here reverses

the contents of a string in place Thus instead of copying the string back-to-front into

another array it reverses the contents of the string inside the array that holds it The program uses two pointer variables to accomplish this One initially points to the beginning

of a string and the other initially points to the last character in the string A loop is set up that continues to run as long as the start pointer is less than the end pointer Each time

through the loop the characters pointed to by the pointers are swapped and the pointers are advanced When the start pointer is greater than or equal to the end pointer the string

has been reversed Step by step

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1 Create a file called StrRevcpp 2 Begin by adding these lines to the file

Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test

char start end int len

char t

The string to be reversed is contained in str The pointers start and end will be used

to access the string

3 Add these lines which display the original string obtain the stringlsquos length and set the initial values for the start and end pointers

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

Notice that end points to the last character in the string not the null terminator

4 Add the code that reverse the string

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts

starts = end end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The process works like this As long as the start pointer points to a memory

location that is less than the end pointer the loop iterates Inside the loop the characters being pointed to by start and end are swapped Then start is incremented

and end is decremented When end is greater than or equal to start all of the characters in the string have been reversed Since both start and end point into the

same array their comparison is meaningful

5 Here is the complete StrRevcpp program

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Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test char start end

int len char t

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts starts = end

end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The output from the program is shown here Original this is a test Reversed

tset a si siht

Arrays of Pointers

Pointers can be arrayed like any other data type For example declaration for an int

pointer array of size 10 is

int p[10]

Here pi is an array of ten integer pointers To assign the address of an int variable

called var to the third element of the pointer array you would write

int var

fpi[2] = ampvar

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Remember pi is an array of int pointers The only thing that the array elements can

hold are the addresses of integer valuesmdashnot the values themselves To find the value of var you would write


Like other arrays arrays of pointers can be initialized A common use for initialized

pointer arrays is to hold pointers to strings Here is an example that uses a two-dimensional array of character pointers to implement a small dictionary

Here is a sample run

Enter word network

An interconnected group of computers

When the array dictionary is created it is initialized with a set of words and their

meanings Recall C++ stores all string constants in the string table associated with your program so the array need only store pointers to the strings The program works by testing

the word entered by the user against the strings stored in the dictionary If a match is found the meaning is displayed If no match is found an error message is printed Notice

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that dictionary ends with two null strings These mark the end of the array Recall that a

null string contains only the terminating null character The for loop runs until the first character in a string is null This condition is tested with this expression


The array indices specify a pointer to a string The obtains the character at that

location If this character is null then the expression is false and the loop terminates Otherwise the expression is true and the loop continues

The Null Pointer Convention

After a pointer is declared but before it has been assigned it will contain an arbitrary value Should you try to use the pointer prior to giving it a value you will probably

crash your program While there is no sure way to avoid using an uninitialized pointer C++ programmers have adopted a procedure that helps prevent some errors By convention if a

pointer contains the null (zero) value it is assumed to point to nothing Thus if all unused pointers are given the null value and you avoid the use of a null pointer you can avoid the

accidental misuse of an uninitialized pointer This is a good practice to follow

Any type of pointer can be initialized to null when it is declared For example the

following initializes p to null

float p = 0 p is now a null pointer

To check for a null pointer use an if statement like one of these

if(p) succeeds if p is not null

if(p) succeeds if p is null

Multiple Indirection

A pointer to a pointer is a form of multiple indirection or a chain of pointers Consider Figure 4-2 As you can see in the case of a normal pointer the value of the

pointer is the address of a value In the case of a pointer to a pointer the first pointer

contains the address of the second pointer which points to the location that contains the desired value Multiple indirection can be carried on to whatever extent desired but there

are few cases where more than a pointer to a pointer is needed or indeed even wise to use Excessive indirection is difficult to follow and prone to conceptual errors

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 5 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and String I Objectives To know how is Pointers and String worked using C II Tasks Procedure Instructions Asnwer the following question

1 What is it called when one pointer points to another pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Of what significant is a null pointer in C++ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that counts the uppercase letters in a string Have it display the result

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Chapter 7

Structures in Arrays Functions and Pointers

What is a Structure

Structure is a collection of variables under a single name Variables can be of any type int float char etc The main difference between structure and array is that arrays are

collections of the same data type and structure is a collection of variables under a single name

Declaring a Structure

The structure is declared by using the keyword struct followed by structure name

also called a tag Then the structure members (variables) are defined with their type and variable names inside the open and close braces and Finally the closed braces end with

a semicolon denoted as following the statement The above structure declaration is also called a Structure Specifier


Three variables custnum of type int salary of type int commission of type float are structuremembers and the structure name is Customer This structure is declared as


In the above example it is seen that variables of different types such as int and float are

grouped in a single structure name Customer

Arrays behave in the same way declaring structures does not mean that memory is

allocated Structure declaration gives a skeleton or template for the structure

After declaring the structure the next step is to define a structure variable

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How to declare Structure Variable

This is similar to variable declaration For variable declaration data type is defined followed

by variable name For structure variable declaration the data type is the name of the structure followed by thestructure variable name

In the above example structure variable cust1 is defined as

What happens when this is defined When structure is defined it allocates or reserves space in memory The memory space allocated will be cumulative of all

defined structure members In the above example there are 3 structure members

custnum salary and commission Of these two are of type int and one is of type float If integer space allocated by a system is 2 bytes and float four bytes the above would

allocate 2bytes for custnum 2 bytes for salary and 4 bytes for commission

How to access structure members in C++

To access structure members the operator used is the dot operator denoted by () The

dot operatorfor accessing structure members is used thusly

structure variable namemember name

For example

To assign 2000 for the structure member salary in the above example of structure

Customer with structure variable cust1 this is written as

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Pointers to structures

All that we have discussed so far has been OK but runs into problems when structures have

to be moved between functions for the following reasons

if the structure is large it is more efficient to pass a pointer to the structure instead of the structure its self This techniquepri is also used to pass pointers to

arrays between functions

When passing a structure to a function you actually pass a COPY of the structure Therefore it is not possible to change the values of members within the structure as

the copy is destroyed when the function ends

Here is an example (these are 2 examples the one to the left uses a pointer)

| |

struct x int a int b int c | struct x int a int b int c

| void function(struct x) | void function(struct x )

| main() | main()

| struct x z | struct x z pz 3

| pz = ampz 4 za = 10 1 | za = 10

za++ | za++

| function(z) 2 | function(pz) 5

| |

void function( struct x z) | void function(struct x pz) | 6

printf( first member d n za) | printf( first member d n (pz)a) |


Here is the annotation

1 Give a structure member a value 2 Pass a COPY of the whole structure to the function

3 Define pz a pointer to a structure of type x

4 Put the address of z into pz pz now POINTS to z PLEASE NOTE z is defined to reserve memory equal to the size of the structure pz only holds an address so will

be 4 bytes long 5 Pass the pointer into the function

6 Print the value of the member a

The (pz)a syntax is used a great deal in C and it was decided to create a short hand for

it So

(pz)a == pz-gta

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Structures and Arrays

include ltiostreamgt

include ltfstreamhgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

ofstream outData

input file structure ifstream inData

char menu_id[10] char menu_name[10]

char menu_col[10]

char menu_row[10] char button_id[10]

char button_label_1[10] char button_label_2[10]

char button_label_3[10] char button_col[10]

char button_row[10]

menu file structure

struct menu

int mid char name[20]

int mcol int mrow

int bid char blabel[24]

int bcol

int brow

List of menus

enum menu_id

MAIN = 1

Define Main menu

menu Main_menu[3]

void createMenu(menu newMenu[] int menu_num MAS_Configure_Button_Request_Messagemsg )

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int y = 0

while ((inDatagetline(menu_id10 $)eof()) ampamp (atoi(menu_id) == menu_num))

newMenu[y]mid= atoi(menu_id)

inDatagetline(menu_name 10 $)

newMenu[y]name[0] = 0

strcpy(newMenu[y]namemenu_name) outData ltlt Main Menu Name ltlt newMenu[y]name ltlt

inDatagetline( menu_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]mcol = atoi(menu_col)

inDatagetline( menu_row 10 $) newMenu[y]mrow = atoi(menu_row)

inDatagetline( button_id 10 $) newMenu[y]bid = atoi(button_id)

inDatagetline( button_label_1 10 $)

inDatagetline( button_label_2 10 $) inDatagetline( button_label_3 10 $)

newMenu[y]blabel[0] = 0 strcpy(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_1)


strcat(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_3) outData ltlt newMenu[y]blabel ltlt

inDatagetline( button_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]bcol = atoi(button_col)

inDatagetline( button_row 10 n)

newMenu[y]brow = atoi(button_row) y++

int main()

int loop

inDataopen(datatxt) if (inData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening datatxt End program ltlt endl


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outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

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recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

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Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

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Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

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the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

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main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 55 of 66

Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 56 of 66

After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 58 of 66

It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 59 of 66

include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 60 of 66

next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

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1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 65 of 66


47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 31: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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1 Create a file called StrRevcpp 2 Begin by adding these lines to the file

Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt

include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test

char start end int len

char t

The string to be reversed is contained in str The pointers start and end will be used

to access the string

3 Add these lines which display the original string obtain the stringlsquos length and set the initial values for the start and end pointers

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

Notice that end points to the last character in the string not the null terminator

4 Add the code that reverse the string

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts

starts = end end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The process works like this As long as the start pointer points to a memory

location that is less than the end pointer the loop iterates Inside the loop the characters being pointed to by start and end are swapped Then start is incremented

and end is decremented When end is greater than or equal to start all of the characters in the string have been reversed Since both start and end point into the

same array their comparison is meaningful

5 Here is the complete StrRevcpp program

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Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test char start end

int len char t

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts starts = end

end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The output from the program is shown here Original this is a test Reversed

tset a si siht

Arrays of Pointers

Pointers can be arrayed like any other data type For example declaration for an int

pointer array of size 10 is

int p[10]

Here pi is an array of ten integer pointers To assign the address of an int variable

called var to the third element of the pointer array you would write

int var

fpi[2] = ampvar

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 33 of 66

Remember pi is an array of int pointers The only thing that the array elements can

hold are the addresses of integer valuesmdashnot the values themselves To find the value of var you would write


Like other arrays arrays of pointers can be initialized A common use for initialized

pointer arrays is to hold pointers to strings Here is an example that uses a two-dimensional array of character pointers to implement a small dictionary

Here is a sample run

Enter word network

An interconnected group of computers

When the array dictionary is created it is initialized with a set of words and their

meanings Recall C++ stores all string constants in the string table associated with your program so the array need only store pointers to the strings The program works by testing

the word entered by the user against the strings stored in the dictionary If a match is found the meaning is displayed If no match is found an error message is printed Notice

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 34 of 66

that dictionary ends with two null strings These mark the end of the array Recall that a

null string contains only the terminating null character The for loop runs until the first character in a string is null This condition is tested with this expression


The array indices specify a pointer to a string The obtains the character at that

location If this character is null then the expression is false and the loop terminates Otherwise the expression is true and the loop continues

The Null Pointer Convention

After a pointer is declared but before it has been assigned it will contain an arbitrary value Should you try to use the pointer prior to giving it a value you will probably

crash your program While there is no sure way to avoid using an uninitialized pointer C++ programmers have adopted a procedure that helps prevent some errors By convention if a

pointer contains the null (zero) value it is assumed to point to nothing Thus if all unused pointers are given the null value and you avoid the use of a null pointer you can avoid the

accidental misuse of an uninitialized pointer This is a good practice to follow

Any type of pointer can be initialized to null when it is declared For example the

following initializes p to null

float p = 0 p is now a null pointer

To check for a null pointer use an if statement like one of these

if(p) succeeds if p is not null

if(p) succeeds if p is null

Multiple Indirection

A pointer to a pointer is a form of multiple indirection or a chain of pointers Consider Figure 4-2 As you can see in the case of a normal pointer the value of the

pointer is the address of a value In the case of a pointer to a pointer the first pointer

contains the address of the second pointer which points to the location that contains the desired value Multiple indirection can be carried on to whatever extent desired but there

are few cases where more than a pointer to a pointer is needed or indeed even wise to use Excessive indirection is difficult to follow and prone to conceptual errors

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 5 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and String I Objectives To know how is Pointers and String worked using C II Tasks Procedure Instructions Asnwer the following question

1 What is it called when one pointer points to another pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Of what significant is a null pointer in C++ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that counts the uppercase letters in a string Have it display the result

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Chapter 7

Structures in Arrays Functions and Pointers

What is a Structure

Structure is a collection of variables under a single name Variables can be of any type int float char etc The main difference between structure and array is that arrays are

collections of the same data type and structure is a collection of variables under a single name

Declaring a Structure

The structure is declared by using the keyword struct followed by structure name

also called a tag Then the structure members (variables) are defined with their type and variable names inside the open and close braces and Finally the closed braces end with

a semicolon denoted as following the statement The above structure declaration is also called a Structure Specifier


Three variables custnum of type int salary of type int commission of type float are structuremembers and the structure name is Customer This structure is declared as


In the above example it is seen that variables of different types such as int and float are

grouped in a single structure name Customer

Arrays behave in the same way declaring structures does not mean that memory is

allocated Structure declaration gives a skeleton or template for the structure

After declaring the structure the next step is to define a structure variable

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 37 of 66

How to declare Structure Variable

This is similar to variable declaration For variable declaration data type is defined followed

by variable name For structure variable declaration the data type is the name of the structure followed by thestructure variable name

In the above example structure variable cust1 is defined as

What happens when this is defined When structure is defined it allocates or reserves space in memory The memory space allocated will be cumulative of all

defined structure members In the above example there are 3 structure members

custnum salary and commission Of these two are of type int and one is of type float If integer space allocated by a system is 2 bytes and float four bytes the above would

allocate 2bytes for custnum 2 bytes for salary and 4 bytes for commission

How to access structure members in C++

To access structure members the operator used is the dot operator denoted by () The

dot operatorfor accessing structure members is used thusly

structure variable namemember name

For example

To assign 2000 for the structure member salary in the above example of structure

Customer with structure variable cust1 this is written as

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Pointers to structures

All that we have discussed so far has been OK but runs into problems when structures have

to be moved between functions for the following reasons

if the structure is large it is more efficient to pass a pointer to the structure instead of the structure its self This techniquepri is also used to pass pointers to

arrays between functions

When passing a structure to a function you actually pass a COPY of the structure Therefore it is not possible to change the values of members within the structure as

the copy is destroyed when the function ends

Here is an example (these are 2 examples the one to the left uses a pointer)

| |

struct x int a int b int c | struct x int a int b int c

| void function(struct x) | void function(struct x )

| main() | main()

| struct x z | struct x z pz 3

| pz = ampz 4 za = 10 1 | za = 10

za++ | za++

| function(z) 2 | function(pz) 5

| |

void function( struct x z) | void function(struct x pz) | 6

printf( first member d n za) | printf( first member d n (pz)a) |


Here is the annotation

1 Give a structure member a value 2 Pass a COPY of the whole structure to the function

3 Define pz a pointer to a structure of type x

4 Put the address of z into pz pz now POINTS to z PLEASE NOTE z is defined to reserve memory equal to the size of the structure pz only holds an address so will

be 4 bytes long 5 Pass the pointer into the function

6 Print the value of the member a

The (pz)a syntax is used a great deal in C and it was decided to create a short hand for

it So

(pz)a == pz-gta

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Structures and Arrays

include ltiostreamgt

include ltfstreamhgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

ofstream outData

input file structure ifstream inData

char menu_id[10] char menu_name[10]

char menu_col[10]

char menu_row[10] char button_id[10]

char button_label_1[10] char button_label_2[10]

char button_label_3[10] char button_col[10]

char button_row[10]

menu file structure

struct menu

int mid char name[20]

int mcol int mrow

int bid char blabel[24]

int bcol

int brow

List of menus

enum menu_id

MAIN = 1

Define Main menu

menu Main_menu[3]

void createMenu(menu newMenu[] int menu_num MAS_Configure_Button_Request_Messagemsg )

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 40 of 66

int y = 0

while ((inDatagetline(menu_id10 $)eof()) ampamp (atoi(menu_id) == menu_num))

newMenu[y]mid= atoi(menu_id)

inDatagetline(menu_name 10 $)

newMenu[y]name[0] = 0

strcpy(newMenu[y]namemenu_name) outData ltlt Main Menu Name ltlt newMenu[y]name ltlt

inDatagetline( menu_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]mcol = atoi(menu_col)

inDatagetline( menu_row 10 $) newMenu[y]mrow = atoi(menu_row)

inDatagetline( button_id 10 $) newMenu[y]bid = atoi(button_id)

inDatagetline( button_label_1 10 $)

inDatagetline( button_label_2 10 $) inDatagetline( button_label_3 10 $)

newMenu[y]blabel[0] = 0 strcpy(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_1)


strcat(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_3) outData ltlt newMenu[y]blabel ltlt

inDatagetline( button_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]bcol = atoi(button_col)

inDatagetline( button_row 10 n)

newMenu[y]brow = atoi(button_row) y++

int main()

int loop

inDataopen(datatxt) if (inData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening datatxt End program ltlt endl


Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 41 of 66

outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 42 of 66

recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 43 of 66

Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 44 of 66

Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 45 of 66

To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 46 of 66

Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

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the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

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main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

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include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

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next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

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Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

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Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

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1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

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47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

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I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 32: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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Reverse a string in place

include ltiostreamgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

int main()

char str[ ] = ―this is a test char start end

int len char t

cout ltlt ―Original ― ltlt str ltlt ―n

len = str(str)

start = strend=ampstr[len-1]

while (start lt end) swap chars

t = starts starts = end

end = t

advance pointers

starts++ end--

The output from the program is shown here Original this is a test Reversed

tset a si siht

Arrays of Pointers

Pointers can be arrayed like any other data type For example declaration for an int

pointer array of size 10 is

int p[10]

Here pi is an array of ten integer pointers To assign the address of an int variable

called var to the third element of the pointer array you would write

int var

fpi[2] = ampvar

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Remember pi is an array of int pointers The only thing that the array elements can

hold are the addresses of integer valuesmdashnot the values themselves To find the value of var you would write


Like other arrays arrays of pointers can be initialized A common use for initialized

pointer arrays is to hold pointers to strings Here is an example that uses a two-dimensional array of character pointers to implement a small dictionary

Here is a sample run

Enter word network

An interconnected group of computers

When the array dictionary is created it is initialized with a set of words and their

meanings Recall C++ stores all string constants in the string table associated with your program so the array need only store pointers to the strings The program works by testing

the word entered by the user against the strings stored in the dictionary If a match is found the meaning is displayed If no match is found an error message is printed Notice

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that dictionary ends with two null strings These mark the end of the array Recall that a

null string contains only the terminating null character The for loop runs until the first character in a string is null This condition is tested with this expression


The array indices specify a pointer to a string The obtains the character at that

location If this character is null then the expression is false and the loop terminates Otherwise the expression is true and the loop continues

The Null Pointer Convention

After a pointer is declared but before it has been assigned it will contain an arbitrary value Should you try to use the pointer prior to giving it a value you will probably

crash your program While there is no sure way to avoid using an uninitialized pointer C++ programmers have adopted a procedure that helps prevent some errors By convention if a

pointer contains the null (zero) value it is assumed to point to nothing Thus if all unused pointers are given the null value and you avoid the use of a null pointer you can avoid the

accidental misuse of an uninitialized pointer This is a good practice to follow

Any type of pointer can be initialized to null when it is declared For example the

following initializes p to null

float p = 0 p is now a null pointer

To check for a null pointer use an if statement like one of these

if(p) succeeds if p is not null

if(p) succeeds if p is null

Multiple Indirection

A pointer to a pointer is a form of multiple indirection or a chain of pointers Consider Figure 4-2 As you can see in the case of a normal pointer the value of the

pointer is the address of a value In the case of a pointer to a pointer the first pointer

contains the address of the second pointer which points to the location that contains the desired value Multiple indirection can be carried on to whatever extent desired but there

are few cases where more than a pointer to a pointer is needed or indeed even wise to use Excessive indirection is difficult to follow and prone to conceptual errors

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 5 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and String I Objectives To know how is Pointers and String worked using C II Tasks Procedure Instructions Asnwer the following question

1 What is it called when one pointer points to another pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Of what significant is a null pointer in C++ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that counts the uppercase letters in a string Have it display the result

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Chapter 7

Structures in Arrays Functions and Pointers

What is a Structure

Structure is a collection of variables under a single name Variables can be of any type int float char etc The main difference between structure and array is that arrays are

collections of the same data type and structure is a collection of variables under a single name

Declaring a Structure

The structure is declared by using the keyword struct followed by structure name

also called a tag Then the structure members (variables) are defined with their type and variable names inside the open and close braces and Finally the closed braces end with

a semicolon denoted as following the statement The above structure declaration is also called a Structure Specifier


Three variables custnum of type int salary of type int commission of type float are structuremembers and the structure name is Customer This structure is declared as


In the above example it is seen that variables of different types such as int and float are

grouped in a single structure name Customer

Arrays behave in the same way declaring structures does not mean that memory is

allocated Structure declaration gives a skeleton or template for the structure

After declaring the structure the next step is to define a structure variable

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 37 of 66

How to declare Structure Variable

This is similar to variable declaration For variable declaration data type is defined followed

by variable name For structure variable declaration the data type is the name of the structure followed by thestructure variable name

In the above example structure variable cust1 is defined as

What happens when this is defined When structure is defined it allocates or reserves space in memory The memory space allocated will be cumulative of all

defined structure members In the above example there are 3 structure members

custnum salary and commission Of these two are of type int and one is of type float If integer space allocated by a system is 2 bytes and float four bytes the above would

allocate 2bytes for custnum 2 bytes for salary and 4 bytes for commission

How to access structure members in C++

To access structure members the operator used is the dot operator denoted by () The

dot operatorfor accessing structure members is used thusly

structure variable namemember name

For example

To assign 2000 for the structure member salary in the above example of structure

Customer with structure variable cust1 this is written as

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Pointers to structures

All that we have discussed so far has been OK but runs into problems when structures have

to be moved between functions for the following reasons

if the structure is large it is more efficient to pass a pointer to the structure instead of the structure its self This techniquepri is also used to pass pointers to

arrays between functions

When passing a structure to a function you actually pass a COPY of the structure Therefore it is not possible to change the values of members within the structure as

the copy is destroyed when the function ends

Here is an example (these are 2 examples the one to the left uses a pointer)

| |

struct x int a int b int c | struct x int a int b int c

| void function(struct x) | void function(struct x )

| main() | main()

| struct x z | struct x z pz 3

| pz = ampz 4 za = 10 1 | za = 10

za++ | za++

| function(z) 2 | function(pz) 5

| |

void function( struct x z) | void function(struct x pz) | 6

printf( first member d n za) | printf( first member d n (pz)a) |


Here is the annotation

1 Give a structure member a value 2 Pass a COPY of the whole structure to the function

3 Define pz a pointer to a structure of type x

4 Put the address of z into pz pz now POINTS to z PLEASE NOTE z is defined to reserve memory equal to the size of the structure pz only holds an address so will

be 4 bytes long 5 Pass the pointer into the function

6 Print the value of the member a

The (pz)a syntax is used a great deal in C and it was decided to create a short hand for

it So

(pz)a == pz-gta

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Structures and Arrays

include ltiostreamgt

include ltfstreamhgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

ofstream outData

input file structure ifstream inData

char menu_id[10] char menu_name[10]

char menu_col[10]

char menu_row[10] char button_id[10]

char button_label_1[10] char button_label_2[10]

char button_label_3[10] char button_col[10]

char button_row[10]

menu file structure

struct menu

int mid char name[20]

int mcol int mrow

int bid char blabel[24]

int bcol

int brow

List of menus

enum menu_id

MAIN = 1

Define Main menu

menu Main_menu[3]

void createMenu(menu newMenu[] int menu_num MAS_Configure_Button_Request_Messagemsg )

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 40 of 66

int y = 0

while ((inDatagetline(menu_id10 $)eof()) ampamp (atoi(menu_id) == menu_num))

newMenu[y]mid= atoi(menu_id)

inDatagetline(menu_name 10 $)

newMenu[y]name[0] = 0

strcpy(newMenu[y]namemenu_name) outData ltlt Main Menu Name ltlt newMenu[y]name ltlt

inDatagetline( menu_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]mcol = atoi(menu_col)

inDatagetline( menu_row 10 $) newMenu[y]mrow = atoi(menu_row)

inDatagetline( button_id 10 $) newMenu[y]bid = atoi(button_id)

inDatagetline( button_label_1 10 $)

inDatagetline( button_label_2 10 $) inDatagetline( button_label_3 10 $)

newMenu[y]blabel[0] = 0 strcpy(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_1)


strcat(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_3) outData ltlt newMenu[y]blabel ltlt

inDatagetline( button_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]bcol = atoi(button_col)

inDatagetline( button_row 10 n)

newMenu[y]brow = atoi(button_row) y++

int main()

int loop

inDataopen(datatxt) if (inData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening datatxt End program ltlt endl


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outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 42 of 66

recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 43 of 66

Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

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Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

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the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 50 of 66

main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

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include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 60 of 66

next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 64 of 66

1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 65 of 66


47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 33: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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Remember pi is an array of int pointers The only thing that the array elements can

hold are the addresses of integer valuesmdashnot the values themselves To find the value of var you would write


Like other arrays arrays of pointers can be initialized A common use for initialized

pointer arrays is to hold pointers to strings Here is an example that uses a two-dimensional array of character pointers to implement a small dictionary

Here is a sample run

Enter word network

An interconnected group of computers

When the array dictionary is created it is initialized with a set of words and their

meanings Recall C++ stores all string constants in the string table associated with your program so the array need only store pointers to the strings The program works by testing

the word entered by the user against the strings stored in the dictionary If a match is found the meaning is displayed If no match is found an error message is printed Notice

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that dictionary ends with two null strings These mark the end of the array Recall that a

null string contains only the terminating null character The for loop runs until the first character in a string is null This condition is tested with this expression


The array indices specify a pointer to a string The obtains the character at that

location If this character is null then the expression is false and the loop terminates Otherwise the expression is true and the loop continues

The Null Pointer Convention

After a pointer is declared but before it has been assigned it will contain an arbitrary value Should you try to use the pointer prior to giving it a value you will probably

crash your program While there is no sure way to avoid using an uninitialized pointer C++ programmers have adopted a procedure that helps prevent some errors By convention if a

pointer contains the null (zero) value it is assumed to point to nothing Thus if all unused pointers are given the null value and you avoid the use of a null pointer you can avoid the

accidental misuse of an uninitialized pointer This is a good practice to follow

Any type of pointer can be initialized to null when it is declared For example the

following initializes p to null

float p = 0 p is now a null pointer

To check for a null pointer use an if statement like one of these

if(p) succeeds if p is not null

if(p) succeeds if p is null

Multiple Indirection

A pointer to a pointer is a form of multiple indirection or a chain of pointers Consider Figure 4-2 As you can see in the case of a normal pointer the value of the

pointer is the address of a value In the case of a pointer to a pointer the first pointer

contains the address of the second pointer which points to the location that contains the desired value Multiple indirection can be carried on to whatever extent desired but there

are few cases where more than a pointer to a pointer is needed or indeed even wise to use Excessive indirection is difficult to follow and prone to conceptual errors

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 5 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and String I Objectives To know how is Pointers and String worked using C II Tasks Procedure Instructions Asnwer the following question

1 What is it called when one pointer points to another pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Of what significant is a null pointer in C++ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that counts the uppercase letters in a string Have it display the result

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Chapter 7

Structures in Arrays Functions and Pointers

What is a Structure

Structure is a collection of variables under a single name Variables can be of any type int float char etc The main difference between structure and array is that arrays are

collections of the same data type and structure is a collection of variables under a single name

Declaring a Structure

The structure is declared by using the keyword struct followed by structure name

also called a tag Then the structure members (variables) are defined with their type and variable names inside the open and close braces and Finally the closed braces end with

a semicolon denoted as following the statement The above structure declaration is also called a Structure Specifier


Three variables custnum of type int salary of type int commission of type float are structuremembers and the structure name is Customer This structure is declared as


In the above example it is seen that variables of different types such as int and float are

grouped in a single structure name Customer

Arrays behave in the same way declaring structures does not mean that memory is

allocated Structure declaration gives a skeleton or template for the structure

After declaring the structure the next step is to define a structure variable

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How to declare Structure Variable

This is similar to variable declaration For variable declaration data type is defined followed

by variable name For structure variable declaration the data type is the name of the structure followed by thestructure variable name

In the above example structure variable cust1 is defined as

What happens when this is defined When structure is defined it allocates or reserves space in memory The memory space allocated will be cumulative of all

defined structure members In the above example there are 3 structure members

custnum salary and commission Of these two are of type int and one is of type float If integer space allocated by a system is 2 bytes and float four bytes the above would

allocate 2bytes for custnum 2 bytes for salary and 4 bytes for commission

How to access structure members in C++

To access structure members the operator used is the dot operator denoted by () The

dot operatorfor accessing structure members is used thusly

structure variable namemember name

For example

To assign 2000 for the structure member salary in the above example of structure

Customer with structure variable cust1 this is written as

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Pointers to structures

All that we have discussed so far has been OK but runs into problems when structures have

to be moved between functions for the following reasons

if the structure is large it is more efficient to pass a pointer to the structure instead of the structure its self This techniquepri is also used to pass pointers to

arrays between functions

When passing a structure to a function you actually pass a COPY of the structure Therefore it is not possible to change the values of members within the structure as

the copy is destroyed when the function ends

Here is an example (these are 2 examples the one to the left uses a pointer)

| |

struct x int a int b int c | struct x int a int b int c

| void function(struct x) | void function(struct x )

| main() | main()

| struct x z | struct x z pz 3

| pz = ampz 4 za = 10 1 | za = 10

za++ | za++

| function(z) 2 | function(pz) 5

| |

void function( struct x z) | void function(struct x pz) | 6

printf( first member d n za) | printf( first member d n (pz)a) |


Here is the annotation

1 Give a structure member a value 2 Pass a COPY of the whole structure to the function

3 Define pz a pointer to a structure of type x

4 Put the address of z into pz pz now POINTS to z PLEASE NOTE z is defined to reserve memory equal to the size of the structure pz only holds an address so will

be 4 bytes long 5 Pass the pointer into the function

6 Print the value of the member a

The (pz)a syntax is used a great deal in C and it was decided to create a short hand for

it So

(pz)a == pz-gta

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Structures and Arrays

include ltiostreamgt

include ltfstreamhgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

ofstream outData

input file structure ifstream inData

char menu_id[10] char menu_name[10]

char menu_col[10]

char menu_row[10] char button_id[10]

char button_label_1[10] char button_label_2[10]

char button_label_3[10] char button_col[10]

char button_row[10]

menu file structure

struct menu

int mid char name[20]

int mcol int mrow

int bid char blabel[24]

int bcol

int brow

List of menus

enum menu_id

MAIN = 1

Define Main menu

menu Main_menu[3]

void createMenu(menu newMenu[] int menu_num MAS_Configure_Button_Request_Messagemsg )

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 40 of 66

int y = 0

while ((inDatagetline(menu_id10 $)eof()) ampamp (atoi(menu_id) == menu_num))

newMenu[y]mid= atoi(menu_id)

inDatagetline(menu_name 10 $)

newMenu[y]name[0] = 0

strcpy(newMenu[y]namemenu_name) outData ltlt Main Menu Name ltlt newMenu[y]name ltlt

inDatagetline( menu_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]mcol = atoi(menu_col)

inDatagetline( menu_row 10 $) newMenu[y]mrow = atoi(menu_row)

inDatagetline( button_id 10 $) newMenu[y]bid = atoi(button_id)

inDatagetline( button_label_1 10 $)

inDatagetline( button_label_2 10 $) inDatagetline( button_label_3 10 $)

newMenu[y]blabel[0] = 0 strcpy(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_1)


strcat(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_3) outData ltlt newMenu[y]blabel ltlt

inDatagetline( button_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]bcol = atoi(button_col)

inDatagetline( button_row 10 n)

newMenu[y]brow = atoi(button_row) y++

int main()

int loop

inDataopen(datatxt) if (inData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening datatxt End program ltlt endl


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outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 42 of 66

recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 43 of 66

Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

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Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

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the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 50 of 66

main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

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include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

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next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

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Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

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Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

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1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

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47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 34: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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that dictionary ends with two null strings These mark the end of the array Recall that a

null string contains only the terminating null character The for loop runs until the first character in a string is null This condition is tested with this expression


The array indices specify a pointer to a string The obtains the character at that

location If this character is null then the expression is false and the loop terminates Otherwise the expression is true and the loop continues

The Null Pointer Convention

After a pointer is declared but before it has been assigned it will contain an arbitrary value Should you try to use the pointer prior to giving it a value you will probably

crash your program While there is no sure way to avoid using an uninitialized pointer C++ programmers have adopted a procedure that helps prevent some errors By convention if a

pointer contains the null (zero) value it is assumed to point to nothing Thus if all unused pointers are given the null value and you avoid the use of a null pointer you can avoid the

accidental misuse of an uninitialized pointer This is a good practice to follow

Any type of pointer can be initialized to null when it is declared For example the

following initializes p to null

float p = 0 p is now a null pointer

To check for a null pointer use an if statement like one of these

if(p) succeeds if p is not null

if(p) succeeds if p is null

Multiple Indirection

A pointer to a pointer is a form of multiple indirection or a chain of pointers Consider Figure 4-2 As you can see in the case of a normal pointer the value of the

pointer is the address of a value In the case of a pointer to a pointer the first pointer

contains the address of the second pointer which points to the location that contains the desired value Multiple indirection can be carried on to whatever extent desired but there

are few cases where more than a pointer to a pointer is needed or indeed even wise to use Excessive indirection is difficult to follow and prone to conceptual errors

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 5 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and String I Objectives To know how is Pointers and String worked using C II Tasks Procedure Instructions Asnwer the following question

1 What is it called when one pointer points to another pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Of what significant is a null pointer in C++ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that counts the uppercase letters in a string Have it display the result

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Chapter 7

Structures in Arrays Functions and Pointers

What is a Structure

Structure is a collection of variables under a single name Variables can be of any type int float char etc The main difference between structure and array is that arrays are

collections of the same data type and structure is a collection of variables under a single name

Declaring a Structure

The structure is declared by using the keyword struct followed by structure name

also called a tag Then the structure members (variables) are defined with their type and variable names inside the open and close braces and Finally the closed braces end with

a semicolon denoted as following the statement The above structure declaration is also called a Structure Specifier


Three variables custnum of type int salary of type int commission of type float are structuremembers and the structure name is Customer This structure is declared as


In the above example it is seen that variables of different types such as int and float are

grouped in a single structure name Customer

Arrays behave in the same way declaring structures does not mean that memory is

allocated Structure declaration gives a skeleton or template for the structure

After declaring the structure the next step is to define a structure variable

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How to declare Structure Variable

This is similar to variable declaration For variable declaration data type is defined followed

by variable name For structure variable declaration the data type is the name of the structure followed by thestructure variable name

In the above example structure variable cust1 is defined as

What happens when this is defined When structure is defined it allocates or reserves space in memory The memory space allocated will be cumulative of all

defined structure members In the above example there are 3 structure members

custnum salary and commission Of these two are of type int and one is of type float If integer space allocated by a system is 2 bytes and float four bytes the above would

allocate 2bytes for custnum 2 bytes for salary and 4 bytes for commission

How to access structure members in C++

To access structure members the operator used is the dot operator denoted by () The

dot operatorfor accessing structure members is used thusly

structure variable namemember name

For example

To assign 2000 for the structure member salary in the above example of structure

Customer with structure variable cust1 this is written as

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Pointers to structures

All that we have discussed so far has been OK but runs into problems when structures have

to be moved between functions for the following reasons

if the structure is large it is more efficient to pass a pointer to the structure instead of the structure its self This techniquepri is also used to pass pointers to

arrays between functions

When passing a structure to a function you actually pass a COPY of the structure Therefore it is not possible to change the values of members within the structure as

the copy is destroyed when the function ends

Here is an example (these are 2 examples the one to the left uses a pointer)

| |

struct x int a int b int c | struct x int a int b int c

| void function(struct x) | void function(struct x )

| main() | main()

| struct x z | struct x z pz 3

| pz = ampz 4 za = 10 1 | za = 10

za++ | za++

| function(z) 2 | function(pz) 5

| |

void function( struct x z) | void function(struct x pz) | 6

printf( first member d n za) | printf( first member d n (pz)a) |


Here is the annotation

1 Give a structure member a value 2 Pass a COPY of the whole structure to the function

3 Define pz a pointer to a structure of type x

4 Put the address of z into pz pz now POINTS to z PLEASE NOTE z is defined to reserve memory equal to the size of the structure pz only holds an address so will

be 4 bytes long 5 Pass the pointer into the function

6 Print the value of the member a

The (pz)a syntax is used a great deal in C and it was decided to create a short hand for

it So

(pz)a == pz-gta

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Structures and Arrays

include ltiostreamgt

include ltfstreamhgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

ofstream outData

input file structure ifstream inData

char menu_id[10] char menu_name[10]

char menu_col[10]

char menu_row[10] char button_id[10]

char button_label_1[10] char button_label_2[10]

char button_label_3[10] char button_col[10]

char button_row[10]

menu file structure

struct menu

int mid char name[20]

int mcol int mrow

int bid char blabel[24]

int bcol

int brow

List of menus

enum menu_id

MAIN = 1

Define Main menu

menu Main_menu[3]

void createMenu(menu newMenu[] int menu_num MAS_Configure_Button_Request_Messagemsg )

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 40 of 66

int y = 0

while ((inDatagetline(menu_id10 $)eof()) ampamp (atoi(menu_id) == menu_num))

newMenu[y]mid= atoi(menu_id)

inDatagetline(menu_name 10 $)

newMenu[y]name[0] = 0

strcpy(newMenu[y]namemenu_name) outData ltlt Main Menu Name ltlt newMenu[y]name ltlt

inDatagetline( menu_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]mcol = atoi(menu_col)

inDatagetline( menu_row 10 $) newMenu[y]mrow = atoi(menu_row)

inDatagetline( button_id 10 $) newMenu[y]bid = atoi(button_id)

inDatagetline( button_label_1 10 $)

inDatagetline( button_label_2 10 $) inDatagetline( button_label_3 10 $)

newMenu[y]blabel[0] = 0 strcpy(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_1)


strcat(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_3) outData ltlt newMenu[y]blabel ltlt

inDatagetline( button_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]bcol = atoi(button_col)

inDatagetline( button_row 10 n)

newMenu[y]brow = atoi(button_row) y++

int main()

int loop

inDataopen(datatxt) if (inData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening datatxt End program ltlt endl


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outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 42 of 66

recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 43 of 66

Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 44 of 66

Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

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the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

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main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

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include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

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next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

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Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

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Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

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1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

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47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

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I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 35: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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COURSE TITLE ITEC223 ndash Advance Programming EXERCISE NUMBER 5 COURSE TOPIC Pointers and String I Objectives To know how is Pointers and String worked using C II Tasks Procedure Instructions Asnwer the following question

1 What is it called when one pointer points to another pointer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Of what significant is a null pointer in C++ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

1 Write a program that counts the uppercase letters in a string Have it display the result

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Chapter 7

Structures in Arrays Functions and Pointers

What is a Structure

Structure is a collection of variables under a single name Variables can be of any type int float char etc The main difference between structure and array is that arrays are

collections of the same data type and structure is a collection of variables under a single name

Declaring a Structure

The structure is declared by using the keyword struct followed by structure name

also called a tag Then the structure members (variables) are defined with their type and variable names inside the open and close braces and Finally the closed braces end with

a semicolon denoted as following the statement The above structure declaration is also called a Structure Specifier


Three variables custnum of type int salary of type int commission of type float are structuremembers and the structure name is Customer This structure is declared as


In the above example it is seen that variables of different types such as int and float are

grouped in a single structure name Customer

Arrays behave in the same way declaring structures does not mean that memory is

allocated Structure declaration gives a skeleton or template for the structure

After declaring the structure the next step is to define a structure variable

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How to declare Structure Variable

This is similar to variable declaration For variable declaration data type is defined followed

by variable name For structure variable declaration the data type is the name of the structure followed by thestructure variable name

In the above example structure variable cust1 is defined as

What happens when this is defined When structure is defined it allocates or reserves space in memory The memory space allocated will be cumulative of all

defined structure members In the above example there are 3 structure members

custnum salary and commission Of these two are of type int and one is of type float If integer space allocated by a system is 2 bytes and float four bytes the above would

allocate 2bytes for custnum 2 bytes for salary and 4 bytes for commission

How to access structure members in C++

To access structure members the operator used is the dot operator denoted by () The

dot operatorfor accessing structure members is used thusly

structure variable namemember name

For example

To assign 2000 for the structure member salary in the above example of structure

Customer with structure variable cust1 this is written as

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Pointers to structures

All that we have discussed so far has been OK but runs into problems when structures have

to be moved between functions for the following reasons

if the structure is large it is more efficient to pass a pointer to the structure instead of the structure its self This techniquepri is also used to pass pointers to

arrays between functions

When passing a structure to a function you actually pass a COPY of the structure Therefore it is not possible to change the values of members within the structure as

the copy is destroyed when the function ends

Here is an example (these are 2 examples the one to the left uses a pointer)

| |

struct x int a int b int c | struct x int a int b int c

| void function(struct x) | void function(struct x )

| main() | main()

| struct x z | struct x z pz 3

| pz = ampz 4 za = 10 1 | za = 10

za++ | za++

| function(z) 2 | function(pz) 5

| |

void function( struct x z) | void function(struct x pz) | 6

printf( first member d n za) | printf( first member d n (pz)a) |


Here is the annotation

1 Give a structure member a value 2 Pass a COPY of the whole structure to the function

3 Define pz a pointer to a structure of type x

4 Put the address of z into pz pz now POINTS to z PLEASE NOTE z is defined to reserve memory equal to the size of the structure pz only holds an address so will

be 4 bytes long 5 Pass the pointer into the function

6 Print the value of the member a

The (pz)a syntax is used a great deal in C and it was decided to create a short hand for

it So

(pz)a == pz-gta

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Structures and Arrays

include ltiostreamgt

include ltfstreamhgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

ofstream outData

input file structure ifstream inData

char menu_id[10] char menu_name[10]

char menu_col[10]

char menu_row[10] char button_id[10]

char button_label_1[10] char button_label_2[10]

char button_label_3[10] char button_col[10]

char button_row[10]

menu file structure

struct menu

int mid char name[20]

int mcol int mrow

int bid char blabel[24]

int bcol

int brow

List of menus

enum menu_id

MAIN = 1

Define Main menu

menu Main_menu[3]

void createMenu(menu newMenu[] int menu_num MAS_Configure_Button_Request_Messagemsg )

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int y = 0

while ((inDatagetline(menu_id10 $)eof()) ampamp (atoi(menu_id) == menu_num))

newMenu[y]mid= atoi(menu_id)

inDatagetline(menu_name 10 $)

newMenu[y]name[0] = 0

strcpy(newMenu[y]namemenu_name) outData ltlt Main Menu Name ltlt newMenu[y]name ltlt

inDatagetline( menu_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]mcol = atoi(menu_col)

inDatagetline( menu_row 10 $) newMenu[y]mrow = atoi(menu_row)

inDatagetline( button_id 10 $) newMenu[y]bid = atoi(button_id)

inDatagetline( button_label_1 10 $)

inDatagetline( button_label_2 10 $) inDatagetline( button_label_3 10 $)

newMenu[y]blabel[0] = 0 strcpy(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_1)


strcat(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_3) outData ltlt newMenu[y]blabel ltlt

inDatagetline( button_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]bcol = atoi(button_col)

inDatagetline( button_row 10 n)

newMenu[y]brow = atoi(button_row) y++

int main()

int loop

inDataopen(datatxt) if (inData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening datatxt End program ltlt endl


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outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

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recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

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Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

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Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

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the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

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main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

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include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

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next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

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Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

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Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 64 of 66

1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 65 of 66


47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 36: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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Chapter 7

Structures in Arrays Functions and Pointers

What is a Structure

Structure is a collection of variables under a single name Variables can be of any type int float char etc The main difference between structure and array is that arrays are

collections of the same data type and structure is a collection of variables under a single name

Declaring a Structure

The structure is declared by using the keyword struct followed by structure name

also called a tag Then the structure members (variables) are defined with their type and variable names inside the open and close braces and Finally the closed braces end with

a semicolon denoted as following the statement The above structure declaration is also called a Structure Specifier


Three variables custnum of type int salary of type int commission of type float are structuremembers and the structure name is Customer This structure is declared as


In the above example it is seen that variables of different types such as int and float are

grouped in a single structure name Customer

Arrays behave in the same way declaring structures does not mean that memory is

allocated Structure declaration gives a skeleton or template for the structure

After declaring the structure the next step is to define a structure variable

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 37 of 66

How to declare Structure Variable

This is similar to variable declaration For variable declaration data type is defined followed

by variable name For structure variable declaration the data type is the name of the structure followed by thestructure variable name

In the above example structure variable cust1 is defined as

What happens when this is defined When structure is defined it allocates or reserves space in memory The memory space allocated will be cumulative of all

defined structure members In the above example there are 3 structure members

custnum salary and commission Of these two are of type int and one is of type float If integer space allocated by a system is 2 bytes and float four bytes the above would

allocate 2bytes for custnum 2 bytes for salary and 4 bytes for commission

How to access structure members in C++

To access structure members the operator used is the dot operator denoted by () The

dot operatorfor accessing structure members is used thusly

structure variable namemember name

For example

To assign 2000 for the structure member salary in the above example of structure

Customer with structure variable cust1 this is written as

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Pointers to structures

All that we have discussed so far has been OK but runs into problems when structures have

to be moved between functions for the following reasons

if the structure is large it is more efficient to pass a pointer to the structure instead of the structure its self This techniquepri is also used to pass pointers to

arrays between functions

When passing a structure to a function you actually pass a COPY of the structure Therefore it is not possible to change the values of members within the structure as

the copy is destroyed when the function ends

Here is an example (these are 2 examples the one to the left uses a pointer)

| |

struct x int a int b int c | struct x int a int b int c

| void function(struct x) | void function(struct x )

| main() | main()

| struct x z | struct x z pz 3

| pz = ampz 4 za = 10 1 | za = 10

za++ | za++

| function(z) 2 | function(pz) 5

| |

void function( struct x z) | void function(struct x pz) | 6

printf( first member d n za) | printf( first member d n (pz)a) |


Here is the annotation

1 Give a structure member a value 2 Pass a COPY of the whole structure to the function

3 Define pz a pointer to a structure of type x

4 Put the address of z into pz pz now POINTS to z PLEASE NOTE z is defined to reserve memory equal to the size of the structure pz only holds an address so will

be 4 bytes long 5 Pass the pointer into the function

6 Print the value of the member a

The (pz)a syntax is used a great deal in C and it was decided to create a short hand for

it So

(pz)a == pz-gta

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Structures and Arrays

include ltiostreamgt

include ltfstreamhgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

ofstream outData

input file structure ifstream inData

char menu_id[10] char menu_name[10]

char menu_col[10]

char menu_row[10] char button_id[10]

char button_label_1[10] char button_label_2[10]

char button_label_3[10] char button_col[10]

char button_row[10]

menu file structure

struct menu

int mid char name[20]

int mcol int mrow

int bid char blabel[24]

int bcol

int brow

List of menus

enum menu_id

MAIN = 1

Define Main menu

menu Main_menu[3]

void createMenu(menu newMenu[] int menu_num MAS_Configure_Button_Request_Messagemsg )

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 40 of 66

int y = 0

while ((inDatagetline(menu_id10 $)eof()) ampamp (atoi(menu_id) == menu_num))

newMenu[y]mid= atoi(menu_id)

inDatagetline(menu_name 10 $)

newMenu[y]name[0] = 0

strcpy(newMenu[y]namemenu_name) outData ltlt Main Menu Name ltlt newMenu[y]name ltlt

inDatagetline( menu_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]mcol = atoi(menu_col)

inDatagetline( menu_row 10 $) newMenu[y]mrow = atoi(menu_row)

inDatagetline( button_id 10 $) newMenu[y]bid = atoi(button_id)

inDatagetline( button_label_1 10 $)

inDatagetline( button_label_2 10 $) inDatagetline( button_label_3 10 $)

newMenu[y]blabel[0] = 0 strcpy(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_1)


strcat(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_3) outData ltlt newMenu[y]blabel ltlt

inDatagetline( button_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]bcol = atoi(button_col)

inDatagetline( button_row 10 n)

newMenu[y]brow = atoi(button_row) y++

int main()

int loop

inDataopen(datatxt) if (inData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening datatxt End program ltlt endl


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outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 42 of 66

recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

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Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

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Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

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the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 50 of 66

main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 54 of 66

Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 55 of 66

Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 58 of 66

It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 59 of 66

include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 60 of 66

next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 64 of 66

1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 65 of 66


47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 37: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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How to declare Structure Variable

This is similar to variable declaration For variable declaration data type is defined followed

by variable name For structure variable declaration the data type is the name of the structure followed by thestructure variable name

In the above example structure variable cust1 is defined as

What happens when this is defined When structure is defined it allocates or reserves space in memory The memory space allocated will be cumulative of all

defined structure members In the above example there are 3 structure members

custnum salary and commission Of these two are of type int and one is of type float If integer space allocated by a system is 2 bytes and float four bytes the above would

allocate 2bytes for custnum 2 bytes for salary and 4 bytes for commission

How to access structure members in C++

To access structure members the operator used is the dot operator denoted by () The

dot operatorfor accessing structure members is used thusly

structure variable namemember name

For example

To assign 2000 for the structure member salary in the above example of structure

Customer with structure variable cust1 this is written as

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Pointers to structures

All that we have discussed so far has been OK but runs into problems when structures have

to be moved between functions for the following reasons

if the structure is large it is more efficient to pass a pointer to the structure instead of the structure its self This techniquepri is also used to pass pointers to

arrays between functions

When passing a structure to a function you actually pass a COPY of the structure Therefore it is not possible to change the values of members within the structure as

the copy is destroyed when the function ends

Here is an example (these are 2 examples the one to the left uses a pointer)

| |

struct x int a int b int c | struct x int a int b int c

| void function(struct x) | void function(struct x )

| main() | main()

| struct x z | struct x z pz 3

| pz = ampz 4 za = 10 1 | za = 10

za++ | za++

| function(z) 2 | function(pz) 5

| |

void function( struct x z) | void function(struct x pz) | 6

printf( first member d n za) | printf( first member d n (pz)a) |


Here is the annotation

1 Give a structure member a value 2 Pass a COPY of the whole structure to the function

3 Define pz a pointer to a structure of type x

4 Put the address of z into pz pz now POINTS to z PLEASE NOTE z is defined to reserve memory equal to the size of the structure pz only holds an address so will

be 4 bytes long 5 Pass the pointer into the function

6 Print the value of the member a

The (pz)a syntax is used a great deal in C and it was decided to create a short hand for

it So

(pz)a == pz-gta

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Structures and Arrays

include ltiostreamgt

include ltfstreamhgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

ofstream outData

input file structure ifstream inData

char menu_id[10] char menu_name[10]

char menu_col[10]

char menu_row[10] char button_id[10]

char button_label_1[10] char button_label_2[10]

char button_label_3[10] char button_col[10]

char button_row[10]

menu file structure

struct menu

int mid char name[20]

int mcol int mrow

int bid char blabel[24]

int bcol

int brow

List of menus

enum menu_id

MAIN = 1

Define Main menu

menu Main_menu[3]

void createMenu(menu newMenu[] int menu_num MAS_Configure_Button_Request_Messagemsg )

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 40 of 66

int y = 0

while ((inDatagetline(menu_id10 $)eof()) ampamp (atoi(menu_id) == menu_num))

newMenu[y]mid= atoi(menu_id)

inDatagetline(menu_name 10 $)

newMenu[y]name[0] = 0

strcpy(newMenu[y]namemenu_name) outData ltlt Main Menu Name ltlt newMenu[y]name ltlt

inDatagetline( menu_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]mcol = atoi(menu_col)

inDatagetline( menu_row 10 $) newMenu[y]mrow = atoi(menu_row)

inDatagetline( button_id 10 $) newMenu[y]bid = atoi(button_id)

inDatagetline( button_label_1 10 $)

inDatagetline( button_label_2 10 $) inDatagetline( button_label_3 10 $)

newMenu[y]blabel[0] = 0 strcpy(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_1)


strcat(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_3) outData ltlt newMenu[y]blabel ltlt

inDatagetline( button_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]bcol = atoi(button_col)

inDatagetline( button_row 10 n)

newMenu[y]brow = atoi(button_row) y++

int main()

int loop

inDataopen(datatxt) if (inData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening datatxt End program ltlt endl


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outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 42 of 66

recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 43 of 66

Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

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Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 49 of 66

the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 50 of 66

main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 55 of 66

Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 59 of 66

include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 60 of 66

next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 64 of 66

1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 65 of 66


47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 38: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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Pointers to structures

All that we have discussed so far has been OK but runs into problems when structures have

to be moved between functions for the following reasons

if the structure is large it is more efficient to pass a pointer to the structure instead of the structure its self This techniquepri is also used to pass pointers to

arrays between functions

When passing a structure to a function you actually pass a COPY of the structure Therefore it is not possible to change the values of members within the structure as

the copy is destroyed when the function ends

Here is an example (these are 2 examples the one to the left uses a pointer)

| |

struct x int a int b int c | struct x int a int b int c

| void function(struct x) | void function(struct x )

| main() | main()

| struct x z | struct x z pz 3

| pz = ampz 4 za = 10 1 | za = 10

za++ | za++

| function(z) 2 | function(pz) 5

| |

void function( struct x z) | void function(struct x pz) | 6

printf( first member d n za) | printf( first member d n (pz)a) |


Here is the annotation

1 Give a structure member a value 2 Pass a COPY of the whole structure to the function

3 Define pz a pointer to a structure of type x

4 Put the address of z into pz pz now POINTS to z PLEASE NOTE z is defined to reserve memory equal to the size of the structure pz only holds an address so will

be 4 bytes long 5 Pass the pointer into the function

6 Print the value of the member a

The (pz)a syntax is used a great deal in C and it was decided to create a short hand for

it So

(pz)a == pz-gta

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Structures and Arrays

include ltiostreamgt

include ltfstreamhgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

ofstream outData

input file structure ifstream inData

char menu_id[10] char menu_name[10]

char menu_col[10]

char menu_row[10] char button_id[10]

char button_label_1[10] char button_label_2[10]

char button_label_3[10] char button_col[10]

char button_row[10]

menu file structure

struct menu

int mid char name[20]

int mcol int mrow

int bid char blabel[24]

int bcol

int brow

List of menus

enum menu_id

MAIN = 1

Define Main menu

menu Main_menu[3]

void createMenu(menu newMenu[] int menu_num MAS_Configure_Button_Request_Messagemsg )

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 40 of 66

int y = 0

while ((inDatagetline(menu_id10 $)eof()) ampamp (atoi(menu_id) == menu_num))

newMenu[y]mid= atoi(menu_id)

inDatagetline(menu_name 10 $)

newMenu[y]name[0] = 0

strcpy(newMenu[y]namemenu_name) outData ltlt Main Menu Name ltlt newMenu[y]name ltlt

inDatagetline( menu_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]mcol = atoi(menu_col)

inDatagetline( menu_row 10 $) newMenu[y]mrow = atoi(menu_row)

inDatagetline( button_id 10 $) newMenu[y]bid = atoi(button_id)

inDatagetline( button_label_1 10 $)

inDatagetline( button_label_2 10 $) inDatagetline( button_label_3 10 $)

newMenu[y]blabel[0] = 0 strcpy(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_1)


strcat(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_3) outData ltlt newMenu[y]blabel ltlt

inDatagetline( button_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]bcol = atoi(button_col)

inDatagetline( button_row 10 n)

newMenu[y]brow = atoi(button_row) y++

int main()

int loop

inDataopen(datatxt) if (inData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening datatxt End program ltlt endl


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outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 42 of 66

recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 43 of 66

Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 44 of 66

Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 49 of 66

the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 50 of 66

main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 59 of 66

include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

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next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

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1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 65 of 66


47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 39: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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Structures and Arrays

include ltiostreamgt

include ltfstreamhgt include ltstringhgt

using namespace std

ofstream outData

input file structure ifstream inData

char menu_id[10] char menu_name[10]

char menu_col[10]

char menu_row[10] char button_id[10]

char button_label_1[10] char button_label_2[10]

char button_label_3[10] char button_col[10]

char button_row[10]

menu file structure

struct menu

int mid char name[20]

int mcol int mrow

int bid char blabel[24]

int bcol

int brow

List of menus

enum menu_id

MAIN = 1

Define Main menu

menu Main_menu[3]

void createMenu(menu newMenu[] int menu_num MAS_Configure_Button_Request_Messagemsg )

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 40 of 66

int y = 0

while ((inDatagetline(menu_id10 $)eof()) ampamp (atoi(menu_id) == menu_num))

newMenu[y]mid= atoi(menu_id)

inDatagetline(menu_name 10 $)

newMenu[y]name[0] = 0

strcpy(newMenu[y]namemenu_name) outData ltlt Main Menu Name ltlt newMenu[y]name ltlt

inDatagetline( menu_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]mcol = atoi(menu_col)

inDatagetline( menu_row 10 $) newMenu[y]mrow = atoi(menu_row)

inDatagetline( button_id 10 $) newMenu[y]bid = atoi(button_id)

inDatagetline( button_label_1 10 $)

inDatagetline( button_label_2 10 $) inDatagetline( button_label_3 10 $)

newMenu[y]blabel[0] = 0 strcpy(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_1)


strcat(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_3) outData ltlt newMenu[y]blabel ltlt

inDatagetline( button_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]bcol = atoi(button_col)

inDatagetline( button_row 10 n)

newMenu[y]brow = atoi(button_row) y++

int main()

int loop

inDataopen(datatxt) if (inData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening datatxt End program ltlt endl


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outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 42 of 66

recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

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Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 44 of 66

Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 47 of 66

appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 48 of 66

Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 49 of 66

the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 50 of 66

main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

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include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

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next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

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1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 65 of 66


47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 40: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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int y = 0

while ((inDatagetline(menu_id10 $)eof()) ampamp (atoi(menu_id) == menu_num))

newMenu[y]mid= atoi(menu_id)

inDatagetline(menu_name 10 $)

newMenu[y]name[0] = 0

strcpy(newMenu[y]namemenu_name) outData ltlt Main Menu Name ltlt newMenu[y]name ltlt

inDatagetline( menu_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]mcol = atoi(menu_col)

inDatagetline( menu_row 10 $) newMenu[y]mrow = atoi(menu_row)

inDatagetline( button_id 10 $) newMenu[y]bid = atoi(button_id)

inDatagetline( button_label_1 10 $)

inDatagetline( button_label_2 10 $) inDatagetline( button_label_3 10 $)

newMenu[y]blabel[0] = 0 strcpy(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_1)


strcat(newMenu[y]blabelbutton_label_3) outData ltlt newMenu[y]blabel ltlt

inDatagetline( button_col 10 $)

newMenu[y]bcol = atoi(button_col)

inDatagetline( button_row 10 n)

newMenu[y]brow = atoi(button_row) y++

int main()

int loop

inDataopen(datatxt) if (inData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening datatxt End program ltlt endl


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outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 42 of 66

recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

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Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

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Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 46 of 66

Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 49 of 66

the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 50 of 66

main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

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include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 60 of 66

next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

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1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

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47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 41: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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outDataopen(testtxt) if (outData)

cout ltlt Problem with opening testtxt End program ltlt endl


createMenu(Main_menu MAIN msg) for (loop = 0 loop lt 3 loop ++)

outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]bid ltlt endl outData ltlt Main menu ltlt Main_menu[loop]blabel ltlt endl



return 0


Example1 A Simple use of structures

Herelsquos a program that uses a struct variable to manage the records in the given file

Andy DeGeneres Math 98

Gail Stevens English 100

Lia Jacobs Science 99

include ltiostreamhgt

struct record

char fname[10]

char lname[10]

char subject[10] int grades

record stud record has become like a variable that we can use to define the stud variable char n1[10]

char n2[10] char s[10]

int gr


this is how you assign a value to struct elements

recordfname = ―Andy

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recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

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Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 44 of 66

Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

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the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 50 of 66

main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

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include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

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next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

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1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

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47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 42: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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recordlname = ―DeGeneres

recordsubject = ―Math recordgrade = 98

this is how you assign an inputted value to struct elements

coutltltEnter a First Name

cingtgtn1 coutltltEnter a Last Name


coutltltEnter a subject cingtgts

coutltltEnter a grade cingtgtgr

recordfname = n1

recordlname = n2 recordsubject = s

recordgrade = gr

this is how you retrieve values from a struct

coutltntStudent 1

coutltltnt FnamettLnamettSubjectttGrade coutltltntltltrecordfnameltlttt ltltrecordlname

coutltlttt ltltrecordsubjectltlttt ltltrecordgrade

End of Example 1

Example2 Stuctures Pointers and Functions

struct x int a int b int c Declare the structure

void function(struct x ) the function prototype


Declare two variables

z == type struct x pz == a pointer to type struct x

struct x z pz

pz = ampz put the address of z into pz za = 10 initialize za

za++ Increment za

print the contents of za using the pointer pz

printf( first member before the function call d n pz-gta)

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Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

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Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

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the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

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main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

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include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

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next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

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Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

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Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

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1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

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47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

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I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 43: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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Call function passing the pointer pz


Print the NEW value of za using three different notations

printf( first member after the function call d n pz-gta) printf( first member after the function call d n (pz)a)

printf( first member after the function call d n za)

void function(struct x pz)

Print the value of za by referencing the pointer pz

which holds the address of z

printf( first member inside the function d n pz-gta)

Increment the value of za this is the source location

in memory pz-gta++

End of Example 2

Example 3 Arrays and Structures

include ltiostreamhgt

Declare a structure It MUST be declared before use

struct record_format

char name[20] int age

main ()

int count=0

struct record_format record[]=

Joe Brown 21

James Dean 34 David Williams 54

Neil Harrison 62 EOF -1

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Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

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the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

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main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

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include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

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next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

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Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

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Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

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1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

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47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

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I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 44: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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Print the contents of the structure

while( record[count]age = -1)

coutltltname is s tage is d n record[count]name record[count]age


Program will produce

name is Joe Brown age is 21 name is James Dean age is 34

name is David Williams age is 54

name is Neil Harrison age is 62

End of Example 3


COURSE TOPIC Applying Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays III Objectives

To learn and understand how to declare a structure

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 47 of 66

appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 49 of 66

the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

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main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

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include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

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next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

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1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

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47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 45: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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To understand and use structures with the previously learned constructs particularly pointers functions and arrays

IV Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

7 What is the syntax in declaring a structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What is the use of the dot () operator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 How do you display the content a structure element (you may use an example to answer this) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 How do you declare an array of structures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What is a member ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 True or False A structure once declared is used similarly to variables Show an example _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

2 Write a program that defines a structure to add two fractions together


File Handling

What is a File

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 49 of 66

the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

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main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

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include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

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next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

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1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

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47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

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I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 46: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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Abstractly a file is a collection of bytes stored on a secondary storage device which

is generally a disk of some kind The collection of bytes may be interpreted for example as characters words lines paragraphs and pages from a textual document fields and records

belonging to a database or pixels from a graphical image The meaning attached to a particular file is determined entirely by the data structures and operations used by a

program to process the file It is conceivable (and it sometimes happens) that a graphics file will be read and displayed by a program designed to process textual data The result is that

no meaningful output occurs (probably) and this is to be expected A file is simply a machine decipherable storage media where programs and data are stored for machine


Essentially there are two kinds of files that programmers deal with text files and binary files These two classes of files will be discussed in the following sections

ASCII Text files

A text file can be a stream of characters that a computer can process sequentially It

is not only processed sequentially but only in forward direction For this reason a text file is usually opened for only one kind of operation (reading writing or appending) at any given


Similarly since text files only process characters they can only read or write data

one character at a time (In C Programming Language Functions are provided that deal with lines of text but these still essentially process data one character at a time) A text

stream in C is a special kind of file Depending on the requirements of the operating system

newline characters may be converted to or from carriage-returnlinefeed combinations depending on whether data is being written to or read from the file Other character

conversions may also occur to satisfy the storage requirements of the operating system These translations occur transparently and they occur because the programmer has

signalled the intention to process a text file

Binary files

A binary file is no different to a text file It is a collection of bytes In C Programming Language a byte and a character are equivalent Hence a binary file is also referred to as a

character stream but there are two essential differences 1 No special processing of the data occurs and each byte of data is transferred to or

from the disk unprocessed 2 C Programming Language places no constructs on the file and it may be read from

or written to in any manner chosen by the programmer

Binary files can be either processed sequentially or depending on the needs of the application they can be processed using random access techniques In C Programming

Language processing a file using random access techniques involves moving the current file position to an appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data This indicates a

second characteristic of binary files is that they are generally processed using read and write operations simultaneously

For example a database file will be created and processed as a binary file A record

update operation will involve locating the appropriate record reading the record into

memory modifying it in some way and finally writing the record back to disk at its

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

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the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

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main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 55 of 66

Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

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include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

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next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

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1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

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47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 47: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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appropriate location in the file These kinds of operations are common to many binary files

but are rarely found in applications that process text files

Creating a file and output some data

In order to create files we have to learn about File IO ie how to write data into a

file and how to read data from a file We will start this section with an example of writing data to a file We begin as before with the include statement for stdioh then define some

variables for use in the example including a rather strange looking new type


Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

The type FILE is used for a file variable and is defined in the stdioh file It is used to define

a file pointer for use in file operations Before we can write to a file we must open it What

this really means is that we must tell the system that we want to write to a file and what the file name is We do this with the fopen() function illustrated in the first line of the

program The file pointer fp in our case points to the file and two arguments are required in the parentheses the file name first followed by the file type

The file name is any valid DOS file name and can be expressed in upper or lower case letters or even mixed if you so desire It is enclosed in double quotes For this example we

have chosen the name TENLINESTXT This file should not exist on your disk at this time If you have a file with this name you should change its name or move it because when we

execute this program its contents will be erased If you donlsquot have a file by this name that

is good because we will create one and put some data into it You are permitted to include a directory with the file nameThe directory must of course be a valid directory otherwise an

error will occur Also because of the way C handles literal strings the directory separation character must be written twice For example if the file is to be stored in the PROJECTS

sub directory then the file name should be entered as ―PROJECTSTENLINESTXT The second parameter is the file attribute and can be any of three letters r w or a and must

be lower case

Reading (r)

When an r is used the file is opened for reading a w is used to indicate a file to be used for writing and an a indicates that you desire to append additional data to the data

already in an existing file Most C compilers have other file attributes available check your

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

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the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 50 of 66

main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 57 of 66

If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 58 of 66

It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 59 of 66

include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 60 of 66

next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 64 of 66

1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 65 of 66


47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 48: A tutorial on C++ Programming

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Reference Manual for details Using the r indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Opening a file for reading requires that the file already exist If it does not exist the file pointer will be set to NULL and can be checked by the program


Here is a small program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Writing (w)

When a file is opened for writing it will be created if it does not already exist and it

will be reset if it does resulting in the deletion of any data already there Using the w indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file


Here is the program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Appending (a)

When a file is opened for appending it will be created if it does not already exist and it will be initially empty If it does exist the data input point will be positioned at the end of

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 49 of 66

the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 50 of 66

main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 53 of 66


COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 55 of 66

Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 58 of 66

It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 59 of 66

include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 60 of 66

next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 64 of 66

1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 65 of 66


47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

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the present data so that any new data will be added to any data that already exists in the

file Using the a indicates that the file is assumed to be a text file

Here is a program that will add text to a file which already exists and there is some text in

the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxta)

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) append some text


return 0

Outputting to the file

The job of actually outputting to the file is nearly identical to the outputting we have

already done to the standard output device The only real differences are the new function

names and the addition of the file pointer as one of the function arguments In the example program fprintf replaces our familiar printf function name and the file pointer defined

earlier is the first argument within the parentheses The remainder of the statement looks like and in fact is identical to the printf statement

Closing a file

To close a file you simply use the function fclose with the file pointer in the parentheses Actually in this simple program it is not necessary to close the file because

the system will close all open files before returning to DOS but it is good programming practice for you to close all files in spite of the fact that they will be closed automatically

because that would act as a reminder to you of what files are open at the end of each program

You can open a file for writing close it and reopen it for reading then close it and open it again for appending etc Each time you open it you could use the same file pointer

or you could use a different one The file pointer is simply a tool that you use to point to a file and you decide what file it will point to Compile and run this program When you run it

you will not get any output to the monitor because it doesnacirceurotradet generate any After running it look at your directory for a file named TENLINESTXT and type it that is where

your output will be Compare the output with that specified in the program they should agree Do not erase the file named TENLINESTXT yet we will use it in

some of the other examples in this section

Reading from a text file

Now for our first program that reads from a file This program begins with the familiar include some data definitions and the file opening statement which should require

no explanation except for the fact that an r is used here because we want to read it

include ltstdiohgt

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 50 of 66

main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

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include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 60 of 66

next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 64 of 66

1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 65 of 66


47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

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main( )


char c

funny = fopen(TENLINESTXT r)

if (fp == NULL)

printf(File doesnt existn)



c = getc(fp) get one character from the file

putchar(c) display it on the monitor

while (c = EOF) repeat until EOF (end of file)


In this program we check to see that the file exists and if it does we execute the main

body of the program If it doesnlsquot we print a message and quit If the file does not exist the system will set the pointer equal to NULL which we can test The main body of the

program is one do while loop in which a single character is read from the file and output to

the monitor until an EOF (end of file) is detected from the input file The file is then closed and the program is terminated At this point we have the potential for one of the most

common and most perplexing problems of programming in C The variable returned from the getc function is a character so we can use a char variable for this purpose There is a

problem that could develop here if we happened to use an unsigned char however because C usually returns a minus one for an EOF ndash which an unsigned char type variable is not

capable of containing An unsigned char type variable can only have the values of zero to 255 so it will return a 255 for a minus one in C This is a very frustrating problem to try to

find The program can never find the EOF and will therefore never terminate the loop This

is easy to prevent always have a char or int type variable for use in returning an EOF There is another problem with this program but we will worry about it when we get to the

next program and solve it with the one following that

After you compile and run this program and are satisfied with the results it would be a good

exercise to change the name of TENLINESTXT and run the program again to see that the NULL test actually works as stated Be sure to change the name back because we are still

not finished with TENLINESTXT

File Handling

In C++ we say data flows as streams into and out of programs There are different kinds of streams of data flow for input and output Each stream is associated with a class which

contains member functions and definitions for dealing with that particular kind of flow For example the if stream class represents the input disc files Thus each file in C++ is an

object of a particular stream class


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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 55 of 66

Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 56 of 66

After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 57 of 66

If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 58 of 66

It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 59 of 66

include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 60 of 66

next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 61 of 66

Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 64 of 66

1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 65 of 66


47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

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EXAMPLE 1 Program to create a file and write some data the file

include ltstdiohgt

include ltstdiohgt

main( )


char stuff[25]

int index

fp = fopen(TENLINESTXTw) open for writing

strcpy(stuffThis is an example line)

for (index = 1 index lt= 10 index++)

fprintf(fps Line number dn stuff index)

fclose(fp) close the file before ending program

Example 2 A program that reads a file and display its contents on screen

Program to display the contents of a file on screen

include ltstdiohgt

void main()

FILE fopen() fp

int c

fp = fopen(progcr)

c = getc(fp)

while (c= EOF)


c = getc(fp)


Example 3 A program to create a file and write some data into the file

include ltstdiohgt

int main()


file = fopen(filetxtw)

Create a file and add text

fprintf(fpsThis is just an example )) writes data to the file

fclose(fp) done

return 0

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 52 of 66

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COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 54 of 66

Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 55 of 66

Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 56 of 66

After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 57 of 66

If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 58 of 66

It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 59 of 66

include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 60 of 66

next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 61 of 66

Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 64 of 66

1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 65 of 66


47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

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Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 52 of 66

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 53 of 66


COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 54 of 66

Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 55 of 66

Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 56 of 66

After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 57 of 66

If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 58 of 66

It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 59 of 66

include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 60 of 66

next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 61 of 66

Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 64 of 66

1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 65 of 66


47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 53: A tutorial on C++ Programming

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 53 of 66


COURSE TOPIC File Handling V Objectives

To learn and understand how to manage external files particularly txt formats

To create write to read from and append to files using c++ constructs VI Tasks Procedure Instructions

Part I Declaration of Structures in Functions Pointers and Arrays

1 What is a file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 When do we use the r command ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 TRUE Or FALSE When you open a file for appending a new one will be created if the file is not yet existing ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Supplementary Programming (50 points)

5 Write a program that will count characters in a file Prompt the user for file and the count the number of characters and lines in it Sample Output

The program must prompt the user to enter another file if the file entered

cannot be opened


Enter Filename

There are ltngt characters in lt filenamegt

There are ltngt lines

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 54 of 66

Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 55 of 66

Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 56 of 66

After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 57 of 66

If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 58 of 66

It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 59 of 66

include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 60 of 66

next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 61 of 66

Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 64 of 66

1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 65 of 66


47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

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Introduction to Visual C++

Visual C++ comes within Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio also contains Visual Basic

Visual C and Visual J Using Visual Studio you can mix and match languages within one solution We will however focus on developing C++ code throughout these labs

For your first C++ program you will build a console mode application that displays a

greeting message This (ie a console mode application) is the kind of VC++ programs that

you will build for all your lab and class exercisesassignments

Console mode programs are often simpler to build than Windows applications and this example will take you through the steps of creating building and executing a program in

Visual C++ We first assume that you use the built-in code editor in Visual Studio to edit your code then we will show you how to build and run your C++ programs that you have

created with any external editors

111 How to start

Press on your window desktop choose All Programs from the popup menu then

choose Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio

112 Starting Your First Program

Select Visual C++ Development Settings then click on Start Visual Studio Note If

you want to choose another environment later click on Tools menu -gt Import and

Export -gtReset all Settings -gtNext then you can pick either save current settings or

overwrite current settings

The next thing you will see is the Start Page

To get started on your first program you must create a project that will keep track

of all the parts of your program including the C++ source code the header files etc

Therefore click the Create Project link A New Project dialogue box similar to the

one below will appear

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

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include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

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next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

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Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

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Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

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1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

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47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

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Follow these steps

For a Name type a project name (hello) Location you can leave it in default location DVS2008

Note files created on D drive will not be deleted unless the user do so Click on OK

The Win32 Application Wizard will appear As demonstrated below click on Application

Settings and select Empty Project

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

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It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 59 of 66

include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

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next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


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Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

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Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

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Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

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1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

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47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

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After this click on Finish You will notice that it doesnt appear like anything has

changed (you still see the Start Page) However look at the Solution Explorer on the left-hand side you will see Solution hello (1 project)

You want to add C++ source code to this project

Select Project --gt Add New Item from the main menu and select C++ File (cpp) from the Templates section on the right-hand side Type in the file name

hellocpp in the Namebox Click on Add This file will be added to the hello work space

that we have just created and a blank document will be opened for editing


Type this code in the code window

FILE hellocpp

PURPOSE An example of a simple IO stream

include ltiostreamgt

using namespace std

int main()

char name[50]

cout ltlt Please enter your name ltlt endl

cin gtgt name

cout ltlt Hello ltlt name ltlt endl

return 0

SAVE it as Hellocpp

Building the hello Project

In order to compile any code in Visual C++ you have to create a project A project holds three major types of information

1) It remembers all of the source code files that combine together to create one executable

In this simple example the file hellocpp will be the only source file but in larger applications you often break the code up into several different files to make it easier to

understand (and also to make it possible for several people to work on it simultaneously)

The project maintains a list of the different source files and compiles all of them as necessary each time you want to create a new executable

2) It remembers compiler and linker options particular to this specific application For

example it remembers which libraries to link into the executable whether or not you want to use pre-compiled headers and so on

3) It remembers what type of project you wish to build a console application a windows

application etc

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If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 58 of 66

It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 59 of 66

include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 60 of 66

next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 61 of 66

Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 64 of 66

1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 65 of 66


47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 57: A tutorial on C++ Programming

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 57 of 66

If you are familiar with makefiles then it is easy to think of a project as a machine-

generated makefile that has a very easy-to-understand user interface to manipulate it For now we will create a very simple project file and use it to compile hellocpp

1 Compile the hello project by selecting Build --gt Compile from the main menu

It simply compiles the source file and forms the object file (helloobj) for it It does not perform a link so it is useful only for quickly compiling a file to check for errors

2 Select Build --gt Build hello from the menu bar to link the program

It compiles all of the source files in the project that have been modified since the last build and then links them to create an executable

3 Choose Debug --gt to run the program A DOS window

will popup

If errors or warnings are displayed in the Build status window there is probably an error in the source file Check your source file again for missing semicolons quotes or braces

Now we will continue using Visual C++ in another project so select File --gt Close

Solution This will return you to the Start Page

How to compile link and execute a program with multiple files

The preceding section showed the procedure for creating a C++ program with only one file

component hellocpp and we used the built-in VC++ source code editor to edit the file However when you are working on a large program you would break your program into

smaller more manageable parts In other words your project would contain more than one C++ source files Moreover you might not have used the VC++ source code editor to edit

your files

The following section demonstrates how to create compile and execute a VC++ project with more than one file


121 Creating the project

Step 1 Select File --gt New --gt Project

Step 2 Set the project name to lab1 Step 3 Pick a project location for example DVS2008

Step 4 Click on OK to create the project

Step 5 Under Application Settings select Empty project Step 6 Click on Finish

You have now created a project that has information stored in the following folder


You can get to this folder through the Workarea icon on the desktop

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 58 of 66

It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 59 of 66

include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 60 of 66

next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 61 of 66

Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 64 of 66

1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 65 of 66


47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 58: A tutorial on C++ Programming

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 58 of 66

It is always a good practice to put the source files in this folder Lets do that now

Get multiple files using anonymous FTP

Obtain the files you need for this lab by clicking here CS Dept FTP Server

Right click on these files and save them to your project folder 1 dateh

2 datecpp

3 maincpp

The three files are now copied so the next step is to place them in a folder on your


Move your cursor over your local system DVS2008lab1 folder and right-click Select the Paste option in the resultant pop-up menu

Even though the files are in the appropriate directory you must tell Visual Studio that these

files are part of the project

Adding existing files to the project

1 Select Project --gt Add Existing Item

2 You should be looking in the lab1 directory Highlight the h and cpp files datecpp dateh and maincpp

3 Select Add to add the files to the project

To view the contents of any of these files double click on the file name in the Solution Explorer

Compile build and execute your progam

1 Select Build --gt Build lab1 (This will compile and link the files)

2 Select Debug --gt Start Without Debugging


Example Small program for beginners demonstrating the use of loops and iostream + iomanip


Program to make a pyramid of characters based on input from user Purpose is to examine use of ltiomaniphgt and how setw is used

Created by Gary Paduana email gary3141homecom

Written on 41501

include ltiostreamhgt

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 59 of 66

include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 60 of 66

next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 61 of 66

Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 64 of 66

1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 65 of 66


47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 59: A tutorial on C++ Programming

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 59 of 66

include ltiomaniphgt library that has the setw output manipulator

int main ()

char letter letter is the symbol or letter made into a giant triangle int width width is how far to go into the center of screen

int base base is how many symbols are on bottom line int a a is how many lines down the triangle is

int b = 1 b is how many symbols are displayed on each line

int counter = 0 counter is how many times the loop executed

coutltltThis program will make a triangle of the symbol enteredltltendl coutltltIt must be an odd number for the triangle to form properlyltltendl

coutltltIf an even number is entered it will be lowered to the previous oddltltendl

while(cin) This allows the program to loop until the user closes the window

coutltltEnter a symbol or characterltltendl


coutltltEnter the number of characters the base should haveltltendl


width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it

starts outputting the symbol It must first be given a value before it enters the loop

a = 1 a is how many lines down the triangle is and natuarally it starts on the first line

while(width gt 5) It will loop and continue to output the symbol until it

reaches 5 spaces from the left margin so that everything isnt jammed against the side

width = (base 2) + 5 - counter This is how far into the center it should space until it starts outputting the symbol

coutltltsetw(width) setw is an output manipulator in the ltiomaniphgt

library this tell the compiler how many lines to move until it first sends a character to the screen

It is currently set to move the value of width spaces to the right before it outputs

while(b gt 0) This while loop will continue to output the desired symbol to the current line until it is equal to 1

coutltltletter outputs the letter or symbol entered

b-- b is decremented so only so many letters are outputted per line

coutltltendl an endl is used to jump to the next line to output the

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 60 of 66

next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 61 of 66

Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 64 of 66

1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 65 of 66


47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 60: A tutorial on C++ Programming

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 60 of 66

next part of the triangle

b = (a 2) - 1 the number of symbols per line is found using this equation

width-- the width is decremented so that everything is

spaced properly b = b + 2 b is given 2 more symbols because it is on the next line

and every line has 2 more than the previous a++ this is how many lines into the triangle it is

counter++ the counter is used to ensure proper spacing done

by the width variable

coutltltendlltltendl endl is used to add some space between each time the program is executed

b = 1 b is returned to 1 because the program started over counter = 0 counter is returned to 0 because the program started

return 0

End of Example


Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 61 of 66

Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 64 of 66

1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 65 of 66


47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 61: A tutorial on C++ Programming

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 61 of 66

Microsoft Foundations Classes

The MFC library provides it own version of Cs file processing This is done through a class

named CStdioFile The CStdioFile class is derived from CFile

As done for the FILE structure to start normal file inputoutputoperations declare a

variable of type CStdioFile This class has five constructors whose syntaxes are


CStdioFile(CAtlTransactionManager pTM)

CStdioFile(FILE pOpenStream)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags)

CStdioFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName UINT nOpenFlags CAtlTransactionManager


The default constructor allows you to initiate file processing without giving much detail If

you use it you can then call the Open() method that the CStdioFile class inherits fromCFile Pass the same arguments you would for a CFile variable

1 To create a new application on the main menu click File -gt New Project

2 In the middle list click MFC Application

3 Set the Name to LoanPreparation1

4 Click OK

5 In the first page of the MFC Application Wizard click Next

6 In the second page of the wizard click Dialog Box

7 Click Next

8 In the third page of the wizard change the Dialog Title to Loan Preparation

9 Click Next twice

10 Click Finish

11 On the dialog box click TODO and press Delete

12 Press the OK button and press Delete

13 Click the Cancel button to select it

14 In the Properties window click Caption type Close and press Enter

15 Design the dialog box as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 64 of 66

1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 65 of 66


47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 62: A tutorial on C++ Programming

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 62 of 66

Control Caption ID Right Align Text

Static Text Prepared By


Static Text Prepared For


Static Text ________________

Static Text Loan Amount

Edit Control IDC_PRINCIPAL True

Static Text Interest Rate


Static Text

Static Text Paid In

Edit Control IDC_PERIODS True

Static Text Months

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 64 of 66

1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 65 of 66


47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 63: A tutorial on C++ Programming

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 63 of 66

Button Evaluate IDC_EVALUATE

Static Text _________________

Static Text Future Value


Static Text Monthly Payment


Static Text _________________

Static Text Save As

Edit Control IDC_FILESAVE True

Button Save IDC_SAVE_BTN

Static Text File to Open

Edit Control IDC_FILEOPEN True

Button Open IDC_OPEN_BTN

Static Text File Name

Button Reset IDC_RESET_BTN

Button Close IDCANCEL

16 Right-click each edit control click Add Variable select the category as Value set the

options as follows and click Finish on each

Control ID Category Variable Type Variable Name

IDC_CUSTOMERNAME Value CString m_CustomerName

IDC_EMPLOYEENAME Value CString m_EmployeeName

IDC_PRINCIPAL Value CString m_Principal

IDC_INTERESTRATE Value CString m_InterestRate

IDC_PERIODS Value CString m_Periods

IDC_FUTUREVALUE Value CString m_FutureValue

IDC_MONTHLYPAYMENT Value CString m_MonthlyPayment

IDC_FILESAVE Value CString m_FileSave

IDC_FILEOPEN Value CString m_FileOpen

17 Access the source file of the dialog box and change the initializations in the

constructor as follows

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 64 of 66

1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 65 of 66


47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 64: A tutorial on C++ Programming

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 64 of 66

1 CLoanPreparation1DlgCLoanPreparation1Dlg(CWnd pParent =NULL)

2 CDialogEx(CLoanPreparation1DlgIDD pParent)

3 m_CustomerName(_T())

4 m_EmployeeName(_T())

5 m_Principal(_T(000))

6 m_InterestRate(_T(000))

7 m_Periods(_T(0))

8 m_FutureValue(_T(000))

9 m_MonthlyPayment(_T(000))

10 m_FileSave(_T())

11 m_FileOpen(_T())


13 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()-gtLoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME)

14 Return to the dialog box

15 Double-click the Evaluate button

16 Implement the event as follows

17 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedEvaluate()


19 UpdateData(TRUE)


21 double Principal = _wtof(m_Principal)

22 double InterestRate = _wtof(m_InterestRate) 100

23 double Periods = _wtof(m_Periods) 12

24 double InterestAmount = Principal InterestRate Periods

25 double FutureValue = Principal + InterestAmount

26 double MonthlyPayment = FutureValue _wtof(m_Periods)


28 m_FutureValueFormat(L2f FutureValue)

29 m_MonthlyPaymentFormat(L2f MonthlyPayment)


31 UpdateData(FALSE)

32 Return to the dialog box

33 Double-click the Reset button

34 Implement the event as follows

35 void CLoanPreparation1DlgOnBnClickedResetBtn()


37 m_CustomerName = L

38 m_EmployeeName = L

39 m_Principal = L000

40 m_InterestRate = L000

41 m_Periods = L000

42 m_FutureValue = L000

43 m_MonthlyPayment = L000

44 m_FileSave = L

45 m_FileOpen = L

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 65 of 66


47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 65: A tutorial on C++ Programming

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 65 of 66


47 UpdateData(FALSE)


COURSE TOPIC Introduction to Visual C++ MFC Application

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below

Page 66: A tutorial on C++ Programming

Prof Erwin M Globio MSIT Page 66 of 66

I Objectives

To learn and understand how to use visual c++ objects

To be able to apply Microsoft Foundation Classes

II Tasks Procedure Instructions

Make an MFC application that would ask the users to enter a pizza combo Each

combination has a corresponding price (set your own prices) Additional fees will be due for every extra toppings that the users may wish to add The application must

also compute for the total amount payable by the user (customer)

See the sample output below