How to make the 'right Poster

A small presentation about academic poster making!

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How to make the right academic posters!

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  • 1. How to make the 'right Poster

2. Aims of this lecture To understand the basic concepts and skills that are needed to make high impact posters. A starting point for activity 4 in this assignment. 3. What are posters? Printed materials to provide information or spread a message Eg: advertisements, promotion of particular services, message poster, scientific and research posters Should ideally be self explanatory ( American College of Physicians, 2012) 4. Example: Poster with a message 5. Example: Advertisement 6. Example: Replica of an artwork, article or a place 7. A good poster.... Always SHOWS information!!!!!! Summarizes information in a clear and concise manner Is easy to understand and read Attracts an audience Provides details about important information Acknowledges the source ( Hess et. al, 2006) 8. A bad poster... (The evergreen state college, 2008; Hess et al 2006) Has no or little structure Is extremely wordy Repeats information JARGON Uses Many font styles!! has many colours Different font sizes Includinglittleornoreferences Nosignposting SuddenlyHAS CAPITALLETTERS mixedwithsmall alphabets Isntspelcheckd UNNECESSARY PICTURES 9. Posters in education An effective way of presenting information Creatively facilitates adult or pedagogical learning due to its flexibility Attractively describes scientific and research findings ( Hess et al 2006) 10. Example: A good scientific poster (MedEdMentoring, 2011) 11. Example: A bad scientific poster (Purrington , 2011) 12. How to make that impressive poster? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNS2RXqFIrI&fe ature=related (You tube 2009) 13. References American college of physicians 2012 http://www.acponline.org/residents_fellows/competitions/ abstract/prepare/pos_pres.htm Hess, G.R., K. Tosney, and L. Liegel. 2006 http://www.nuigalway.ie/remedi/poster/media/Posters_Good_ and_bad.pdf MedEdMentoring. http://www.mededmentoring.org/good_poster.html Purrington 2011 http://colinpurrington.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/bad scientific-poster-example.jpg You tube 2009 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNS2RXqFIrI&feature=rel ated