A Foreigner in Britain

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Project about the book "A Foreigner in Britain" (Ed. Burlington) by Rita Bertolín, IES Mediterráneo (Málaga)

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Big Ben River ThamesChinatown

Trafalgar SquareNotting HillWest End

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TRADITIONAL LONDON• In London, pubs close at 11 p.m.• In places where there are a lot of

people, everything is so civilised and nobody speaks loudly.

• In New Year´s Eve, people go to Trafalgar Square to celebrate it, and when the countdown of the Big Ben starts, people start shouthing and nobody can hear the bells.

COSMOPOLITAN LONDON• In the tube, there are people from

lots of countries and nationalities, and it´s something normal for everyone, people from London is not surprised.

• Indian food is typically British.• There is a Caribbean Carnival last

weekend in August. Thousands of people go and eat Indian food and dance Caribbean music.

• There is a strange way of talking called Cockney rhyming slang. Cockneys are from the East End of London.

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York Minster Jorvik Viking Centre

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• Vikings built the city, and there is a Viking museum in York.

• There is a type of hotel, called bed and breakfast, and it´s a house of a person who has some rooms and cooks breakfast for the people who stay there. It´s very cheap.

• There is a window in the York Minster Cathedral which tells the story of the beginning and end of the world.

• There is a place called the Castle Museum, and there people sometimes hear the ghosts of former prisioners at night.

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Oxford UniversityMagdalen College

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• The typical British meal is fish and chips.

• Townspeople and university students don´t get on well. The problem began with the Scholastica Massacre, two drunken students started to fight in a tavern, more people joined in the fight and hundreds of people were killed.

• There is a medieval tradition which celebrates the arrival of spring. It´s called The May Ball and the May Morning. People dance elegant dances very formal dressed, and in the sunrise people jump into a river with their expensives clothes and with bottles of champagne.

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Midnight Mass

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• They celebrate Christmas Eve in a very traditional way, they eat turkey on Chistmas Day.

• They go for a walk on Christmas morning, even if it´s snowing.

• They sing a song called Oh Come, All Ye Faithful.

• There are things called Christmas crackers, they are cylindrical, and made of different-coloured paper. Two people open it by pulling in each end, and inside there is a coloured paper hat, a joke written on a piece of paper and a small present.

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Castle Coch Royal National Eisteddfod

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• A young man gives a lovespoon to the girl he likes as a symbol of his affection of her.

• People do windsurfing on the beaches of Cardiff.


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Tintagel Castle Chapel Porth

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• In Cornwall there are lots of stories about Giants and Piskies. Piskies are old little men, two centimetres tall, who are all indenticall. They help the old and play jokes on people.

• There is a story about a priest who was member of a group of pirates, but when he left the group he was brutally muredered by them.

• Another story is about a Giant called Boster. He had terrorised the people of his village, but he fell in love of a girl. She told him to fill a hole in a mountain and it didn´t have buttom. The giant tried to fill it with his blood, and he died from the loss of blood.

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Old Trafford Stadium Town Hall

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• When people in Manchester see famous people, they get very excited, they start shouting, they try to speak with them and they ask them for their autographs.

• When people have to wait to go into a bar or something, they stay in tidy lines and queues, not in groups of people like in Spain.

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Music Festival of Edinburgh

Old Town of Edinburgh

Edinburgh Castle

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• There is a Music Festival. There is an official programe of classical music, but at the same time it started an unofficial festival on the fringe of the main festival. The festival has free performances and others that you have to pay.

• In the Old City, when you go walking in the street, the actors of the festival advertise their shows by giving leaflets to people who they see. You can collect 12 leaflets in only one street.

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Grampian MountainsLoch Ness

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• In Scotland it´s always raining, and they don´t cancell the events if it rains.

• There are a games called the Highland Games. In these games there are men who prove their strength. They wear kilts.

• A typical food in Scotland is the haggis. It´s sheep´s stomach with lamb inside it and onion, the heart…

• There is a story about the building of a castle. The Lord of Cawdor filled a bag with gold to pay the castle, put the bag on a horse and he built the castle in the place where the horse stopped. The horse stopped under a tree, so he built the castle around it.

• The custom in New Year is that people stay at home until after midnight, and a man with dark hair must come into your home bringing a piece of coal, a bag of salt and a drink.