9 last minute mantras for exam My dear readers you are studying about last 9 mantras for exams what all should be follow by the student for the exams. As according to my experience and knowledge I don’t have magic mantras which will increase your performance in 9 minute you will study not at all for the exams and these mantras help you out. So I make a clear to all firstly these are basic tips which everyone know since childhood but don’t follow. Teachers’ parents and our elder always instruct before the exams do this or don’t do beside it many specialist give various tips which should be follow by the student. Check the pens and required stationary in the exams Check the ID card Calculator if required or allow Take Proper food at the time of exams. Revise all important topics before the exams. Some times in the tension of exams student forget their ID card and stationary box at home so be careful about this and student should have the extra photocopy of ID card is one is missed another can be used otherwise it can create for the problems. Many more tips you can get on internet which given by professionals and every student also about that I think no need to tell me about this. I want to tell you to readers basic mantras which will help in exams and many other situation of the life exams Is not limited word for university or board exams as a thought every step of the life is like a exam and exam means not to fail or pass every student has a fear of failure. I make a

9 last minute mantras for exam

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9 last minute mantras for exam

My dear readers you are studying about last 9 mantras for exams what all should be follow by the student for the exams. As according to my experience and knowledge I don’t have magic mantras which will increase your performance in 9 minute you will study not at all for the exams and these mantras help you out. So I make a clear to all firstly these are basic tips which everyone know since childhood but don’t follow. Teachers’ parents and our elder always instruct before the exams do this or don’t do beside it many specialist give various tips which should be follow by the student.

Check the pens and required stationary in the exams Check the ID card Calculator if required or allow Take Proper food at the time of exams. Revise all important topics before the exams.

Some times in the tension of exams student forget their ID card and stationary box at home so be careful about this and student should have the extra photocopy of ID card is one is missed another can be used otherwise it can create for the problems.

Many more tips you can get on internet which given by professionals and every student also about that I think no need to tell me about this. I want to tell you to readers basic mantras which will help in exams and many other situation of the life exams Is not limited word for university or board exams as a thought every step of the life is like a exam and exam means not to fail or pass every student has a fear of failure. I make a clear to all failure not mean to fail in exams according to university/ board norms but when student do not get marks or result according to their expectation that a failure .

Before starting I want to make a clear to all this is not just theoretically thinking it is can be applicable practically. All thoughts are scientifically proven.

Study for yourself not for showing to others

It is a basic thought which is sad by our elders , parents and teachers whatever you are doing you should happy with that if you are doing something reason should not that any other want reason should be you want to that. So it also applying for the preparation for exams does study freely not in pressure. Make a time table according to your comfort. Before the exam if you are thinking that you have studied and you have revised so do not get distract with others be calm.

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Be yourself

Most student get pressurize in exams about result they their marks should not be less than with their friend and always have a compare their selves with other so second mantra believe In yourself do not compare your marks with other or duration of study every student has different capability and every one cannot study for long. So do according to yourself don’t copy others

Do not care about result

As Lord Krishna also sad in Mahabharata “Do the work , without thinking its consequences’ so you all are aware about this but question is that is really we follow or just say how can be it can be applied in our actions . I give you a small example when we play a game then we think about the win or loss or just enjoy the game. That time do not care who will lose or win give full attention and energy and fully enjoy to game. It as simple as it for the game you can studies without any worry. So enjoying the study like the game

Do not compare yourself with others

It’s a genuine problem of every student and their family members they compare to their child with other. According to the theories of Psychology everyone has a unique personality has a different mind and a different thought process so two different person cant not think same in a same situation so how can they get same marks may they are studied equally .So if you think about it is not possible practically I am not telling you just theoretical its all practically proven

Example -In a family there are two child parents give same treatment to each but is it possible that both have same quality or same like or dislike. some quality can be same but not all .when in a family two child cannot be same then how can be you think that you will get marks equal to other Everyone has its capability there is a need to recognize yourself.

Think after a time no one ask to you your marks

It is a truth of our life in the student we are worry about marks result but after a time no one will ask you how much marks did you get think? In the job interview no matter for the interviewer you are a topper of your class or college or not. If really matters for him that is your knowledge, skills, confidence, and other.

So it’s a time to thinking for that we are all worried that does not have a value in our life after some time I am also a student at now and searching for a job and faced many interview no one ask about my percentage. Think we our studying for the job and do get success but my friend success and marks do not have any relation that does not mean you will not studied and get failed it is mean do not take a pressure for the studies enjoying this time and try to upgrade your knowledge not just keep yourself limited to the exams tension.

Be calm and believe yourself

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All the best