Randall’s Initial Research Question I want to study how nonprofits use Electronic media to solicit donations //www.flickr.com/photos/crystaljingsr/3915514014/

714 Database & Web Research

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Library presentation for JOMC 714, Database & Web Research, February 2014.

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Page 1: 714 Database & Web Research

Randall’s Initial Research Question

I want to study how nonprofits use

Electronic mediato solicit



Page 2: 714 Database & Web Research

Parse the Question• Pick out keywords– Nonprofits– Electronic media– Solicit– Donations

• Consider relationship between the concepts– All of these are unique concepts– Link with AND

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“nonprofits AND electronic media AND solicit AND donations” 1 hit in EBSCO “Trio”




Electronic media

1 result at the intersection of these 4 concepts



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Yipes! 1 result??

• We know intuitively that there should be some articles out there …

• How can we refine & get results?


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How Do We Get More?Truncation / wildcard *– donat* = donate, donates, donation, donations– nonprofit* = nonprofit, nonprofits

Look at EBSCO subject terms & add to above– ENDOWMENT*– Internet

More synonyms– E-mail* OR email*– fund-rais*

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In English / CMMC-ese• (nonprofit* or non-profit*) AND (electronic

media OR email* OR e-mail* OR Internet ) AND ( donation* OR endow* OR fund-rais* )

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nonprofit* or non-profit*

electronic media OR

email* OR e-mail* OR Internet

donation* OR endow* OR fund-rais*

Boolean Search with Synonyms 1,511 articles in EBSCO “Trio”

1,511 results at the intersection of these 2 concepts 1,511

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Is That a “Good” Number?

• Hmmm• Probably not.• That’s too many to go

through – Too many “false

positives” or articles that aren’t relevant


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How Do We Get More Refine?

• Use the “Subject: Thesaurus Term” on EBSCO’s left

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Narrow by Source Type and/or Database

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DO NOT Refine by Full-text

Why?Full-text via Find @ UNC

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Use Find @ UNC if no pdf, html link

Full-text of articlesomewhere else

Options for gettingfull-text via Interlibrary Loan

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If article is not online …

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Lather, Rinse, Repeat• Try in different databases– PubMed– PsycINFO

• Try with new search terms
