7. evaluation(2)

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RESEARCH My strengths for research would have to be finding games that

linked to my idea that I had, they all wasn’t the same game but they all had insects and the aim was to get points and beat your last score. This helped my in my product; as it helped me think where I would place things and set everything out, backgrounds, props, characters ect.

My weakness for research, I think because I had one idea in my head what I really wanted to do I tried to look for that when they was no games like it so I had work around this and find and pick games that had point system, insects ect. To improve this I could have spent more time looking at different games getting more of an idea this would have helped and maybe improved how my final piece turned out.

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PLANNING My strengths of my planning would have to be choosing my colour

schemes and fonts I wanted to use, this is because I had thought about it so I knew what I was looking for, unfortunately I couldn’t use any of these fonts as when I tried to use them you couldn’t read them as it was all pixelated so I ended up using OCRAExtended that is just a standard font on Photoshop. I found putting the layouts together helped me produce my final product, it give me an idea of what I was looking to do making it easier to make when it came to it.

My weakness for planning would have to be the contingency planning and the health and safety as it is hard to think of everything and you always forget something or you can never think of more then two things. Maybe if I had known these faster it would have helped me have longer producing my game. Because I couldn’t have move on with out finishing these as they needed to be done and you can never miss anything out.

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I think that I managed my time very well as I got everything done before dead lines and was a few PowerPoint’s ahead, I think this is good as I had longer to produce my game, so I had time to keep going back and changing things making it better ect. If I had more time I would have made the animation longer and done a variety of backgrounds more character and harder levels to show my audience what the game is.

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TECHNICAL QUALITIESThe similarities in the two products are they both have a scoring system on the game, this is an easy way of showing the person that’s playing what their score is and how well they are playing, This can also be use to beat each other if you wanted to play against friends it allows you to see what the best score is. The layout of the game is also the same from how the character is placed and what they are trying to reach (star, little pig) by them been the same lay out people that play he game may find it easier and know an idea of how to play. The differences in the two products are in the one I produced you have to collect starts where as the on that I found that already exists you have to try kill green pigs. Also the existing product has a theme background, it is based on Halloween where as mine is just a city by having a theme like this it means more promotion for the game as it is just for one time of year this is a good way of getting more viewers for the game.

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AESTHETIC QUALITIESo I think the work that I have produced gets across what its meant to be,

you can see clearly what the aim of the game is. I think that my game could have been more creative as it is like a game that has been produced before however I did change what they collect(star) background and characters but it is the same aim of the game, if I have more time I would have been able to think about this more, done more research in to more games and produced something that’s original. The thing i like the most is how i have managed to make the slingshot look like it is been used by been pulled back then thrown forward. If i was to inprove something it would have to be what the insectes have to collect. To do this i would do more research in to what they could collect and what other games are like.

o My strengths of making this animation game would have to be drawing the backgrounds, characters and props in pixels, as i found it easy to create everything and make them look like what its meant to, you could still tell what everythhing was meant to be.

o My weakness of making this animation will have to be the animation moving all the props and characters and making it look realistic because it was so hard moving them slightly as i had to make several new layes to create the box moving because i couldn’t just more it as it would move it on all the other slides aswell.

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I have appealed to my target audience (4-10) by looking in to what this age range would like to play, I did this by looking at existing games and what people think of them. By making sure the game was suitable so nothing would scare them or anything that wasn’t suitable to be seen by a young audience, I have still made the game fun for the audience but made sure that it meant the target audience and was suitable at all times. In my game I also used bright colours this will appeal to the audience as bright colours mean happiness and fun this is what the children what to have when playing games. I have used insects for the characters this will help the young children learn what the different insects are and look like. I think that the older audience will like the facts that they can use a slingshot to try win points, this is also a good way of trying to beat your friends that can also play the game, this way you can try beat each other making it fun. Also you will be able to find this on many platforms meaning you’ll be able to play it anyway and anytime, you could find it on a smartphone, tablet, computer and may more this is also a good way of playing against each other.

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What did you like about the product? What I liked about the game was, the music, its

very jazzy, also the outlay of the game is very clear and the graphics are very good, also I like the fact that the counting up of points is clear.

What improvements could have been made to the product? Although I liked the music, I think the target

group that it’s aimed at would after a while find it annoying, and I think more slides could have been put on to make the points score higher.


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What did you like about the product? The visual elements were really nice, especially the

design of the characters and the way the background was interactive with the action animated. The music suited the pace of the animation and also the target audience of the game.

What improvements could have been made to the product? The ‘points’ and ‘game over’ screens could have been

clearer in the contrast of the colours chosen as the gradient left the yellow writing slightly difficult to see. These frames could have been slightly more interactive also or visually interesting, maybe with the character on it or a trophy.


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What did you like about the product? I like how the slingshot moves with the insects

and well detailed so we can see what it is meant to represent. I also like how the music fits in the game and it isn’t to fast or slow it just fits in with the game well.

What improvements could have been made to the product? You could make sure the all the writing is the

same font and is readable.


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PEER FEEDBACK SUMMARY What do you agree with from your peer

feedback? I agree that the sound may become annoying

after a period of time but is suitable for my target audience, I also agree that the characters are well designed and you can tell what they are.

What do you disagree with from your peer feedback? They is nothing from my feed back that I

disagree with, I think that what everyone has said is a valid point and it needs changing or improving.

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From my peer feed back I would take in to consideration that I may need to change the fonts and colours I have used as it is hard to understand you can only just work out what its meant to say. Also relating to the text I think that adding in the characters they used to win or lose and maybe a trophy to give the younger children encouragement. From the music side I don’t know if I would change it or not as it is a catchy tune and will appeal to the target audience, I may try find another background tune to see if that’s any better but the tune I have now fits perfect with the type of game.