6. production reflection(2)

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Production ReflectionJordanne Kay


These are the main characters and props in my shot animation game. I have a Bee and ladybird for the main characters and these get used in the slingshot to try knock the wood over to reach the stars to gain points. To create all of theses I got ideas off the internet, I then used the out lone to get the main shape then finished it my self, this made it easier to create everything at it was hard to think how to create the bee and ladybird in pixels. After creating all of the props, characters and backgrounds I then got onto animating the short game. At first I couldnt work out what I was doing wrong as nothing would work I then figured out that I needed to make different layers for example for the wood I had to make lots of different layers so when I wanted it to fall I had to use a different layer on each slide or it wouldnt work.

Process This is all of the text that I have used in my animation, this is to tell the audience what their score is and if they have lost. The black text is actually on the screen when they are playing in the top left corner this is just in case they want to know and they can always see. The yellow text is at the end of each level telling them if they have won or lost.

ProcessThis is the first part of my short animation game, I have made the slingshot move so it looks like the bee is been moved backwards then thrown forward, I have done this so you can tell what it is. I have also made the bee fly by using my arrow keys to move it slightly on each slide making it look like the bee is flying and not just been placed randomly. I then had to made different layers for the wood to make it look like it was falling over then the bee could reach the star giving him 500 points. I again used my arrow keys to move the wood slightly making it look like its falling. Once the wood has hit the floor and the bee has reached the star they all disappear this is so that the game can carry on.

Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.4


This is the other part of the short animation game. Apart form here the insects has turned to a ladybird instead of a bee and the star is worth 1000 points rather then 500 points.

Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.5

ProcessAt the end of that level I have added in another slide with just the points that they scored all together, I made it look like this was flashing I didnt this by missing a slide then adding it in again I did this a couple to give it the effect of slashing out at you, I also added in stars because this is another way of showing them they completed the level. This is juts a good way of telling the audience as they might not have had time to see what the scored or even not have seen it.

Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.6


I have also created another level to show what happens when you miss the wood and dont reach the star. When you dont reach the star and you have already used the other insects it automatically ends the game because they is no way you can get the star and get all the points. It also shows that the insects can come in any order its not always the same.

Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.7


This is what pops up after you miss and they is no way of winning the stars. It flashes like when you win to tell you that you have lost. It just simply says GAME OVER this is because it is simple but you know what it means.

Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.8


This is the theme tune/ backing track I have adding in to my short animation game I have got this track of YouTube, in my animation I have cute the track where I wanted it to start as I dont like the first part. I used Adobe Premiere Pro to add in my theme tune, I had to export my animation in Photoshop to place it in to Premiere to the add my theme tune this way I can edit my theme tune with out editing my animation.

Production reflection App icon

Process Here I have created a app icon for the short animation game I have made, this is the same as the one I planned out in my planning it worked out and was easy to put together I found it easy to create the app shape and the put everything in that I wanted, background, character and title.
