4 initial ideas

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This documentary will be about if being cruel to people makes you cool. I will be investigating if it is true. This idea came from when I saw that people in the masses are always singling someone out and

being cruel to them.

My primary target audience is males and females between the ages of 12-18. This is because they will still be in education and school

and is most likely going to be interested in this topic. I will use cool hip hop music, and my costume will be informal (hoody) also the

mise en scene will be in schools or around school.

My secondary target audience is males and females between the ages of 12-18 because almost everyone would have experienced ether being cruel or being harassed by the people being cruel.


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My mode of address will be informal to connect with the audience and so I can be on a more personal level. The

music will be relaxed to make the viewers comfortable and feel as if I am talking directly to them. My costume will be


There will be a presenter. It will be an observational and investigative documentary as I will be observing and investigating the topic. It will also be a biographical

documentary as I will be following 3 students and there experiences.


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Conventions:Voxpop- what makes someone cool?

-what makes someone cruel? -I will give them scenarios and ask them which is the cool

one.Participate- 3 students

Music- relaxed music. Instrumentals.Filming the school for cutaways.

Archive footage of people being cruel to look cool.(YouTube)

An interview of an expert from the anti-bullying agency.Location- in school/ on streets


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My purpose for making this is to show what young people views are on being cool and how it is linked to being cruel

to people. It is to raise awareness of the problems with peoples views. It will be on E4 around 5-8pm because that’s when my target audience are most likely to get back from school. The reason I have chosen E4 because there target

audience is the same as mine, 12-18 year olds. I will promote this using below the line advertising such as social media. I can use Facebook twitter etc. I have chosen

social media because it reaches a wide audience also because it is very relevant to the topic (trolling)

It will around 3-5 minutes long.


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Secondary research:What Culture suggest that movies/TV influence the behavior of

children.Pacer Kids suggest that people are mean to people to look cool

because they are paranoid about not being part of there group of friends.


YouTube clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3rqtxSCV-E

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Primary Research:Question on Yahoo


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From my questionnaire the feedback I got was that many people think that you don't need to be cruel to be cool however many people chose the gang as the cool people and the student is not. The description of someone cool was that there rebels. And someone not cool is nerds/geeks.

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This documentary will be about feminism and if it is fair. This idea came from a YouTube clip I saw of a man who defends himself from a women on

a train and got charged. This is an original idea because most feminist documentary's are about the struggles of women but this one is about the

struggles of man.

My primary target audience is males and females from the age range of 16-20 because they would have grown up with feminism. They will also be attracted by the this as everyone talks about feminism. The style of of my

documentary will be formal and neat so it looks professional because professional people will like to see my documentary because it is a serious

subject and people costumes should reflect that.

My secondary target audience are females from the age of 20-25 as most females believe in feminism and I will be questioning it.


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My mode of address will be at formal at some parts and informal when I want to connect with the audience. When I

am trying to be formal there will be no music so all the focus is on the information.

There will be a presenter and voice overs to narrate what is happening. This documentary will be an investigative



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Conventions:Voxpop- what is feminism?

-Do you think it is fair?-what is a feminazi? (corrupt feminist)

Presenter-Me also will narrate what is happening through the use of voiceovers.

Music-instrumentals. Type of music will be dictated by the mood.Archive footage- feminism not being fair. (viral YouTube clips)

Maybe an interview. Contacted feminist group- London feminist network. They are the largest feminist group in London.

A local teacher and NUT rep who is concerned with feminist politics.


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My purpose for making this is to find out if feminism is fair or dose it just benefit females and give them more rights over males. Its to raise awareness about the struggles of

man due to feminism. It will be on BBC1 or ITV4 or Channel 4 because these channels deal with controversial topics.

Also I will I it on YouTube and Vice for people to see it and vice deals with controversial topics in the UK. I will

promote this trough below the line advertisements. So I will use social media to promotesuch as twitter and Facebook.

It will be around 3-5 minutes long.


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Secondary research:Conservativewomen suggest that men should stand up to

feminism.Mirror Online view on train fight.


YouTube clip of Train fight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTIAuj3pHgk&safe=active

YouTube Clip- Lauren Southernhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNErQFmOwq0

YouTube clip- social experimenthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtVHnZX8E50

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Primary research:



My feedback was that many people knew what a feminist and no one knew what a feminazi is, also everyone thought it was fair. Many people thought that feminist only effects women however some said men. Everyone said that there is no male feminist.

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Primary research I also conducted a focus group with 2 male students and 2

females students

Key findings-Males have more rights than females so females need more

protection,Feminism is fair,

Feminazi do not exist.


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This documentary will be exploring the topic of “does rap promote violence” this is an original idea because “does rap promote violence” is an age old question. Mine is different as I will be showing the other side of rap which is against violence. I was inspired to make this because I listen to rap music however I do not do acts of violence so it confuses me when people say it has connects directly to people doing violence.

My primary target audience is males from the age of 16-25, because they would have listen to modern day rap. I will attract them by using

rap music. Informal costume. Mise en scene will be on the streets.

My secondary target audience is males and females of the age of 20-27 who don’t know about this culture and why rappers talk about violence

because they have never been exposed to their reality.


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My mode of address will be informal so I can really communicate with the audience. Also people who listen to

rap (teenagers) would not be attracted to a formal documentary.

There will be a presenter however I will also do voice overs so that all the focus is on the information.

It will be an investigative documentary as I am investingating what people think.


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Conventions:Voxpop- does rap equal violence?

Who is the target audience for rap?Participate- people who listen to rap.

- People who don’t listen to rap Music- rap music instrumentals.

Film streets for cutaways Music videos and violent scene for archive footage.


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My purpose for making this is that I want to find out if rap really does promote violence or is it just a myth and a scape goat for people bad behavior. It is to raise question whether rap does promote violence and if people do acts of violence

due to rap.

I will be around 3-5 minutes long.


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Secondary research:BBC suggest that that rappers influence people to do

violenceYouTube video defends rap.



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Primary research:



Feedback: 4/6 people said rap does promote violence however everyone said it does increase chance of doing violence. 5/6 people said people shouldn't listen to rap. 3 common words they used to describe rap was guns,drugs,sex.

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This documentary will be about the views on terrorism from the general public and how this is linked to Muslims. Also the views on the latest terrorist threats. I was inspired to

make by all the news about Muslim terrorist. This is original because there are a lot of documentaries on this

however mine has a different angle as I will show how it is not linked together. It is a real cliché idea but mine is

different as I will be going on the conspiracy route as well.

My primary target audience is males and females from the age of 16-20 who are Muslims. This is because my

documentary will be about Muslims.My secondary target audience is males and females from the ages of 16-20 who don’t know about Muslims but does

know about the terrorism in the world.


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My mode of address will be informal so I can be on a personal level and that the information really hits home.

There will be no presenter, only voiceovers to narrate what is happening.

This will be an observational documentary as I will be observing the views of the general public.


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Conventions:Voxpops- what is terrorism.

-who are terrorist-what do Muslims believe in.

Music- instrumentals- music will dictate mood.

Archive footage- of terrorist -of Muslims praying in Mosques

Film mosque/streets for cutaway footage.

Interview with a Muslim scholar.


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My purpose for making this is is to educate people on the actual views of Muslims. It is to raise awareness of the Muslim struggle of being linked to terrorism every day.

It will be 3-5 minutes long.


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Secondary Research:Independent showing Muslims rebelling against terrorism


YouTube Clip –https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KC10-_BU5_U

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Primary Research:



Feedback : everyone said that terrorist have different religions. Majority are Muslims. 4/5 said we should fight against terrorism also, 2/5 said we should go to war. 1/5 people said that there is terrorism in the UK.