EncoreU From Innovation to Revolution Barbara Vacarr February 6, 2015

2015 Academic Affairs Winter Meeting_Barbara Vacarr

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From Innovation to Revolution

Barbara Vacarr

February 6, 2015

A national non-profit building a social

movement to:

• Re-conceptualize retirement.

• Tap the skills and experience of those at mid-life and

beyond to improve communities and create a better

future for future generations.

The Economic & Demographic Imperative

Where is Higher Education?

A Perfect Storm of Opportunity

Concurrent realities:• Aging population

• Longer work lives expected

• Dwindling national market of college aged students

• A growing set of national and global problems

The Economic & Demographic Imperative

• Economy grew by 5% in Q4 2014

• Human capital needed to keep going*

• Education system is unprepared for workforce


• “We are not going to produce enough people to fill


*Assid, HuffPost, Jan. 9, 2015

**Rose as cited in Assid, HuffPost, Jan. 9, 2015

Coming of Age in America:

The Big Idea in 4 minutes


A Compelling Call to Action

“Change is happening quickly. The clock is ticking.

The alternative [for higher education]

is not business as usual—it’s obsolescence.”

(Vacarr, Chronicle of Higher Education, Dec. 8, 2014)

Our Mandate

1. Higher education holds a unique role in our social


2. A response to this challenge fits squarely into the

educational, research and public service missions of

higher education.

Recent Job-Seeking Adults 50+ Say They Lack…

1. the right skills for the available jobs……….40%

2. the right degree or education………………..35%

+2/3’s Strong interest in education and training (2014) Penn Schoen Berland online U.S. interviews of 1,694 people ages 50-70

Interested in certificate or credentialing programs

Want both in-person and online components

Want preparation for continued or supplemental income

Most interested in part-time programsKey findings report responses of the 728 (43%) with some postsecondary education

Encore Movers

University of Washington – relying on retired staff talents to bring encore

opportunities to alumni, current employees, donors and community members

Tulane University - tapping all constituent interests on the way to becoming an

Encore University

Pace University – reaching a new corporate audience with multiple sessions of

The Encore Transition Program

University of Connecticut - training unemployed professionals for nonprofit

management roles through Encore!Hartford


A Catalyst for Change

EncoreU Summit for Senior Leaders

March 20 & 21, 2015

New York University

• 25 higher ed leaders from a diverse range of institutions

• Shape Fall 2015 launch of the EncoreU Presidents’ Pledge

• Develop framework for EncoreU/age-friendly institutions

President’s Leadership Pledge

• Engaging senior leadership to create age and encore

friendly institutions.

• Encore U president leaders will pledge to create

pathways and policies that serve older adults who

want to engage in an encore stage of work that

addresses important social needs.

How to Take ActionBegin a conversation on your campus!

Send your provost to the March Summit:

Contact Jennifer O’Neil, [email protected]


ACE Report: http://www.acenet.edu/news-room/Pages/Faculty-Retirement


Change Magazine: http://www.changemag.org/Archives/Back%20Issues/2013


Chronicle of Higher Ed: http://chronicle.com/article/An-Aging-America-Higher


Huffington Post: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/julian-l-alssid/three-reasons-
