Research Your Name

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Your Name

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Existing ProductThis is kind of a product that will be similar to my own its just mine will have writing on it. But I chose to annotate this as it does have similar aspects to what I would like to create. For example when doing my product I will be putting my photographs on a white page too like this as in my opinion I do think that when putting your photographs on a white background it makes them stand out way more then if it was another colour. Colour is a very important thing when it comes to nature photography because it can make certain details stand out so having the white background helps with that. But I also think that when using a white background it can make a photography book look more professional and clean. Which is something you want depending on who your target audience is.

For example if your targeting a more business audience then by using a white background your making your work look clean and it will help with what ever reason you want it to. With this book I like the fact that they have two photographs both on different pages black and white as you can see a lot of detail and when using black and white scale on your photographs it can really make certain things stand out and give you more detail. I also like the fact that both photographs are the same size as then it looks nice and clean it doesn't look all over the place. Which wouldn’t be good as then it wouldn’t really appeal to your audience as much as it would make your product look messy. I think to a certain degree this would appeal to my audience. But I also think it wouldn’t as there's not very much on the pages. If it was my product I think I would add a title and some page numbers as then people can actually be able to look for certain pictures they might want to see. But I also don’t think I would have my photographs that big as I would rather have more on the page so that people have more to see.

My product will be different to this as I will include writing with my photographs depending on what responses I get on my questionnaire I don’t know what kind of writing yet. Also depending on my questionnaire responses I don’t know how many photographs I will have on each page. I also think that I will also do some of my own photos black and white because then it gives me a range of different photos . Not all of my photos will be in colour I will have some that may be in black or white or have some photos that are in black and white but somewhere in that photograph there will be some colour as that way it can show off what kind of skills I have.

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Existing Product I decided to annotate this picture because this is more similar to what I have in mind to do. This picture I want to annotate because in my product I wanted to include some writing as well so this gives me an idea of what kind of layout I could also do for my own product. I do like this layout and the fact that the two photographs on the left page are equal and do both go with each other you haven’t got two photographs that are completely different as then that’s just wrong. As you should have two photographs on one page that go with each other and then if you have two photographs that are different to each other then you should put them on separate pages or you will confuse your audience. But I don’t like the fact that on the right page the photographs are different and don’t go with the theme so for me I think if it was a double page I would make sure that all the pictures go and that they fit a certain theme.

I do like the layout of these pages I like the idea that they have two big pictures on one side of the page and then having two smaller ones at the bottom on the other page. So this way they have space for a couple pieces of writing and it makes the layout look nice. Its not boring. I think if it was my work though I would add a title as well so that people actually knew before even looking at the pictures as this way they would be able to know what page they're on. I also would add page numbers as well because this way if someone had a certain page that they liked they could remember the number so this way it would be easier to find the page again. I think this would appeal to my audience. As it has included writing and the layout of it all is nice and neat. But its also different as you don’t just have columns of writing. Instead the writing goes with the pictures and how they're set out. Which I like because that way your basing your writing around the photographs which is your main focus. I think this is something that I might try and do with my own product. So that I can make my photographs the main focus on the page and then have my writing go around them. But I don’t think I will have too much writing but I do like the layout of this book and its something I might do with my own.

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Existing ProductPre 1990s I chose this picture for my pre 1990s because it’s a

polaroid picture which the first polaroid camera came out in 1948. I choose to annotate a polaroid because they do older but you also only have one chance of taking a photo you cant edit them or anything. So it can showcase off real talent in my opinion. I like the fact that with this photo the sunflower is the main focus even though it is out of focus and blurred. But the colour draws your eyes in as it so bright and vibrant against the green of the grass and the blue of the sky; compared to the yellow of the sunflower they see to me quiet dull. Even the brown middle bit of the sunflower is bright in colour. This way since its a lot brighter then the background makes your eyes instantly go to the sunflower and look at that more then anything on the picture.

I chose this photograph to annotate because is was a pre 1990 photograph as it is another polaroid photograph. You can tell that the photograph is old as in the actual photograph you can see where its started to age and you start losing some of the actual photograph. But I like this photograph because I think the colours are really interesting as they are quiet dark apart you have that quiet light patch and light patch's through out where my picture as started to get old and lose its original colour. I like the fact that the picture does look old because it makes it harder to actually pick out what some of the things on the picture are. You have to really concentrate on what your looking at.

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Existing Product I think with this photograph I love the colours even though in this photograph you only have about 2 main colours that your eyes are instantly drawn too. I think with this photograph my eyes are instantly drawn to the line of blossom the runs down the middle of the photograph. As that is the part of the photograph that is actual in focus were as the background to this blossom is more out of focus and blurry even though you can still tell what is in the background. For example you can see that you have more blossom.

I like the fact that the background is blurry because that way when people see the photograph they know instantly were to look. But also I think the colour adds in to that and the fact that you can see the detail in the blossom. But I like the pink and the fact that in the middle of the blossom you have a darker pink and I'm glad you can see that in this photograph as it gives more detail to the photograph. I like the fact that the blue of the sky contrast well with the light pink of the blossom because in my opinion I think it makes them both stand out a lot more.

I think this would appeal to my audience because if I was to do this kind of photograph with my product I think it would contrast really well with the white background that I will have. But I also think that it will make say the pink of the blossom and the blue in the sky be even more brighter then you can see on this photograph.

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Research Analysis

What common features do the researched products have?A common feature that all my research has is that there all to do with photography and what I would like to do for my own product as this way it will be easier for my to do my product. Give me ideas of what photos I could take for example that blossom photo. I think another feature that is common between all my photos is the colour that they have and how bright it is. Another common feature in my research is that when I did look at photography books the background was just white so then you can see more of the photograph and make sure that my photographs are the main focus. What aspects of the research will you include within your on work?The aspects of my research that I will include in my own product is the colour and how bright is an be because I think that’s what draws people to look at your photographs. Another thing that I think I will include in my product is having a white background that I will put my photographs on as this I think makes your photographs stand out a lot more then if it was another colour because I think another colour would just drown it in colour. Another aspect that I have decided to include in my own product is having writing and like the one in my research I think I will try and work the writing around my photographs so that I can make sure my photographs are the main focus when people look at the pages.

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Questionnaire Analysis

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Audience research Observation- The bar graph shows that 27.27% of the people that responded to my questionnaire were female. Where as the other 72.73% of my responses for my questionnaire were male.

What this says about my audience- This says that the majority of the people that responded to my questionnaire were male. Then there was only a small amount of people that responded that were female.

How will your product appeal to this audience- I will make sure that my product will appeal to both female and males even though the majority that answered were male but this is just a small majority of my audience that answered my questionnaire. So its best if I did appeal to both as that does also make my product appeal to a bigger audience then it would if I should appealed to the male side of the audience. But since my product will be just nature photography I think it will appeal to both genders anyway as there's not much things with nature photography that would just appeal to one gender.

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Audience research Observation-This shows that from the people that answered my questionnaire no one was 15 or under. Most of the people that responded to my questionnaire were between the ages of 16 and 19 with the percentage of 90.91%. Then with the percentage of 9.09% the people that responded to my questionnaire were 20+.

What this says about my audience- This says that the majority of the people that responded are between the ages of 16-19 and you had a few that were 20+. You didn't’t have any that was 15 and under.

How will your product appeal to this audience- My product will appeal to this audience because I did want my product to be around 12 for the youngest age in my opinion that would view my product. So I've already set myself to wanting to appeal to this audience. But I think my audience will appeal to this audience because it will also contain writing about the photographs so for the people that are older and would like to know certain thing its there for them to read if they would like to.

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Audience research Observation- This shows that only a few people would like to see 1 photograph per page with the percentage of 9.09%. Then the majority of people that responded to my questionnaire said that they would like to see 2 photographs per page with the percentage of 54.55%. Then you had some people that said they would like to see 3+ photos per page with the percentage off 34.36%. What this says about my audience- This says that the majority of people that responded to my questionnaire said that they would like to see 2 photographs per page then you had a few more said that they would like to see 3+ per page. Then only a small portion of people said that they would like to see just 1 photograph per page.

How will your product appeal to this audience- my product will appeal to this audience because I will do at least 2 photos per page. But I will try and make sure that the photos are actually photos that go together rather then just having two random pictures that don't go together at all. But to appeal to my audience and what people have said I will but two photos on each page. But with every page I have and the two pictures I have on them I will change where I put the photos so that each time I'm changing it so that people can expect something different rather then just the same thing over and over again.

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Audience research Observation-This shows that a few people that answered my questionnaire said that they would like a description on how I edited the photographs with a percentage of 18.18%. Then most people that responded said that they would like to see writing on why I took that certain photo. With the percentage of 54.55%. Then with the percentage of 27.27% a couple of people responded that they would like the writing to be about how I took that photo. What this says about my audience- This says that the majority of my audience would like to see the writing on the page with my paragraphs to be about why I took that photo. So what inspired me to take the photo.

How will your product appeal to this audience- My product will appeal to my audience because I might do the top two that the audience wanted. So that would be that I do writing on why I took that photo but also writing on how I took that photo. As then I'm changing it up a little and all my pages wont be the same but this way I'm also appealing to bigger audience rather then just going off on what the majority of my audience said. But I still going off what the majority said as the writing on how I took that photo did get the second majority of the responses on my questionnaire.

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Audience research Observation- This shows that some of the people that responded to my questionnaire wanted the title to be Nature Photography with the percentage of 18.18%. Whereas the majority of people responded that they would like the title to be Through the Robyn's eye. With the percentage of 81.82%. What this says about my audience- This says that my audience would prefer it if I called my kind off photography magazine type Through the Robyn's eye rather then my photography.

How will your product appeal to this audience- To appeal to my audience I will name my photography magazine Through the Robyn's eye which I also liked more then My Photography but I wanted my audience to decide more as at the end of the day they would be the ones buying my product. But also this way it involves your audience more in the out look of what my product will look like.

So to appeal to m audience I will have the title Through the Robyn's eye which I would put on mine cover photo and depending on what people have responded on my questionnaire I don’t know what else I will have on my cover as long with the title that the majority of the people responded to on my questionnaire.

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Audience research Observation- This shows that the majority of the people that responded do look at photography in their spare time with the percentage of 72.73%. Then the rest of the people that responded said that they don’t look at photography in their spare time with the percentage of 27.27%. What this says about my audience- This says that the majority of my audience does look at photography in their spare time. How will your product appeal to this audience- My product will appeal to the majority of this audience because my product is all about photography. But for the small amount of people that said that they didn’t my product could still appeal to them as you never know one day they might fancy looking at photography one day. But it was still a very small amount of people that didn’t look at photography in their spare time.

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Audience research Observation- This shows that the people that responded to my questionnaire couldn’t decide if they wanted some writing, title and a photograph or to just have one photograph and a title for my cover. As both had the percentage of 36.36%. Then the rest of the people responded that they wanted a couple of photographs and a title with the percentage of 27.27%. What this says about my audience- This says that most of my audience couldn’t decide over having just one photograph and the title and having some writing, title and a photograph. Then only some people decided that they would like a couple of photographs and a title for my cover.

How will your product appeal to this audience- My product will appeal to this audience because since it was a tie between two of my options I think I will choose which one I prefer because then I'm since going with what the majority of my audience will like. I think I will choose just having one photograph and the title on my cover page because this way there wont be too much on my cover it will be simple but effective.

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Interview 1

Would you like to see both the edited photo and the original ? Please state your answer and why? I would like to see both the edited photo and the original so you can see the change and the difference with the effects, such as the contrast or the brightness.

Would you prefer if there was more photographs compared to writing? Please state your answer and why? I would like to see more writing such as explaining the reason for the picture and the steps you took to editing it and where the photo was taken.

Do you think my writing should be in black or a different colour? If you choose other colour please state what colour. State which you prefer and why? I think the writing should be black because then it wouldn’t take the colour away from the picture.

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Interview 1ObservationThe person who answered my questions that I had chosen I would like answers too so that I could get more information from my audience on what they would like to see in my product. So for the first question I asked if they would like to see both the original and the edited version to which the person answering my questions said yes they would. The next question I asked was if my audience would prefer more writing to photographs to which the person replied that they would like to see writing on why I took that certain photo and the steps I took it to get to how I wanted it to be. Then the final question I asked was about what colour text they would like to see to which this person said they would like to see black so that it didn’t take away the focus from mine photographs.

What this says about my audienceI think this says that my audience would like to know how I edited my photos but to also see the original so that they can see the difference it can make to just tweak a little bit of your photograph. I think this also says that my audience would like the main focus to be on my photographs rather then anything else on the page such as the writing.

How will your product appeal to this audienceMy product will appeal to my audience because I think I will include both the original and photo shopped photograph on a page as when I did my questionnaire people said they would like to see two photographs per page so this way it will be easier to that rather then finding two photographs that go together. Next to appeal to my audience I will include writing on how I edited my photograph so this way it will be easier for my audience to try and have a go at what I did.

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Interview 2Would you like to see both the edited photo and the original ? Please state your answer and why? Yes, it would be good to see the differences between the two photos and to know what they are.

Would you prefer if there was more photographs compared to writing? Please state your answer and why? Yes, as I prefer more visual information as appose to reading.

Do you think my writing should be in black or a different colour? If you choose other colour please state what colour. State which you prefer and why? A colour would be good, as it would stand out more. Maybe green, as I like the colour.

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Interview 2ObservationI asked 3 more questions to people who would be my audience so that I can know for sure what it is my audience would like to see in my product. The first question I asked was if they would like to see the original photograph as long with the edited one to which they responded that they would like to see both. The next question I asked was if they wanted to see more photographs to writing to which they yet again replied that they would like to see my photographs then writing. As they weren’t to fond of writing. The last question that I asked was what colour font they would like me to have as I know some people cant really read black of white so I canted to make sure that my product appealed to everyone. The person answered that they would actually prefer if the text was green as that was a colour which they liked.

What this says about my audienceThis says that my audience would like to see the original photograph a long with the edited version as this way they get to see the difference between them and what a little bit of editing can do for your photographs. I think my audience would also like to see less writing and more photographs as not many people do like a lot of reading they would rather look then have to read a lot of things. Then lastly the last question that I asked if they would like to see another colour other then black for my product to which my audience said that they would like to see the colour green to be the colour for my text because that is a colour that they like.

How will your product appeal to this audienceI think my product will appeal to this audience because since my audience on my questionnaires also said that they would like to see two photographs per page and the person that answered my questions said that they would like to see both the edited and the original version so I think this is how I can appeal to both sides of the audience. The next think I can do to appeal this audience is to but little writing in put still enough for the people that would like writing so that way I can try to appeal to both rather then just one side of the audience. Lastly I'm not too sure what I'm going to do with the writing and what colour I should do it as the person who answered these questions said they would like to see green but I wouldn't’t be too sure. I think if I was to change the colour of the writing it would be either black or blue.

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Interview 3

Would you like to see both the edited photo and the original ? Please state your answer and why? yes, I would like to see both the edited and original photo because it would be good to see the difference between the two, so you know what was edited.

Would you prefer if there was more photographs compared to writing? Please state your answer and why? I would prefer to see more writing than photographs, my reason for this is because I would like to know how you edited them step by step so anyone can follow the steps and replicate on another image.

Do you think my writing should be in black or a different colour? If you choose other colour please state what colour. State which you prefer and why? I think the writing for should be different colour for each step so it stands out and doesn’t blend in with the title, also if it is a different colour it will be eye catching.

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Interview 3ObservationI asked 3 questions to some of my audience so that I can try and get more information for what my audience would like my product to look like. The first question that I asked was if they would to see both the edited version and the original photograph to which this person said they would like to see both the original and edited photograph. The next question that I asked was if they would prefer more writing then pictures to which the person answered that they would like to see more writing then photographs. Then the last question I asked was if they would like to see a different colour other then black to which the person replied that they would like to see a different colour for each step that I may write about.

What this says about my audienceI think that this says about my audience is that they would like to see both the original and edited version of my photo so this way they can see the difference of the editing. It will show them what you can do in Photoshop with only little time. This also says that my audience would like to see step by step writing on how I edited my photograph so that this way if they wanted too they would be able to recreate the editing but with their own photographs. So in a way its inspiring my audience to be able to go out and discover their own talents. Another thing that this says about my audience is that they would like to see different colours in my fonts for example a different colour for each step there is to doing what I did with my work. So this way they wouldn’t have to read all the writing to find which part of the text they would actually like.

How will your product appeal to this audienceMy product will appeal to my audience because I will be having two photographer per page anyway as this is what my audience said when I did my questionnaire so it will be easier for me to show both the original and edited version like the audience that answered my questions would like to see. So this way I can appeal to both audiences. Another way I will appeal to my audience is by writing with my photographs step by step what I did to create that photograph I edited in Photoshop. But I will try to not do too much writing for the people that wouldn’t want me too but I will do enough writing for the people that do like writing and reading about my photograph. As this way I can try and keep my whole audience happy and appeal to them all rather then a small majority of my audience. Lastly I don’t know what I'm going to do with the font colour to appeal to this audience because I don’t think I would like to use a range of different colours I would rather use on colour. Or if I was to use a range of colours I would use a different one per page but I think that would hurt peoples eyes and wouldn’t make my product look as professional as I would like it to look.

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Audience Profile

Category Demographic Content to appeal to this audience

Age RangeI would say that my age will be 12+.

I've said this age because I think any lower then 12 and they wont really get it as much as they should. Whereas at 12 I guess they start to respect things and I think they will actually understand what I'm trying to show at that age.

GenderMy product will be for both genders

I will just be having photographs of nature which really doesn't appeal to just one certain gender. Instead it just appeals to anyone that likes nature photography.

PsychographicMy product will be for both achievers and emulators.

My product will appeal to the achievers because they could get inspired to go out and take their own photos from looking at the photos in my product and want I have to say about them. Then my product can also appeal to emulators because now a days photography is becoming quiet popular so they might see this and go out an do it themselves so that they can fit in.

Social StatusI would say that my product will be the social balance.

Anyone would be able to afford my product to look at it as it wouldn’t be too expensive. As it is just a book filled with photography and taking about them photos. Which is for anyone that would like nature photography and looking at it maybe in their spare time. But it would also be for people in the photography business as it would be a chance for them to see what I can do and the skills I have developed.

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Research Evaluation

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Research EvaluationGive an overview of how you conducted your research. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each method Product ResearchI liked doing product research because it gives me a chance to see what other people have done similar to my own product so that I can get more ideas of what I could do. It gives me a chance to be able to plan my product out more and what I would like to do, a chance for me to actual picture what I would like to do and it to look like. Also with research it gives me a chance to try and research all aspects of my product idea. For example for m research I was able to research into actual layouts of what my product could look like so that I could see how differently I would like mine to look like compared to already existing products. Another thing that I researched was another book layout which was different to the one that I had already researched as this one had no writing on but it was helpful because it gave me a chance to see two different things and how they're different from each other. Which I think is an advantage because its allowing me to see the difference in things and to annotate that. I also got to research just photographs as well which I think is an advantage because its allowing me to get inspiration and to see what I can do with my own photographs and what I can take photographs for my own product. I don’t think there is a weakness for doing research I think all of research is a strength as its allowing you to learn and see what you ca do with your own product.

QuestionnairesI think questionnaires can be a strength as it’s a chance for you to hear back from your audience and what they would like to see in your product. So this way you can make sure that you do appeal to what they're saying and you do include aspects of what they’re saying. This way your including your audience more in your product rather then you just thinking about what the audience would like. So I think that is a strength with questionnaires is that you don’t have to guess about what you think your audience would like to see in your product instead you can ask them a couple of questions that your unsure about so that you can make sure that your product will appeal to the majority of the audience that answered your questions. But also with this combined with your research you can start and get more of an idea and picture of what your product may end up looking like which can really help you when it comes to production as you know what to do and your not stuck of what you want to actually do and what you would like your product to actually look like. But its not just how your product will look that the audience can help with, they can help with what you could do in Photoshop. So overall your questionnaire is a great way to get the opinions of your audience on everything that you plan to do as then they feel more involved in your product as well.

InterviewsInterview I think in my opinion is a great way to try and get more feedback from your audience so if something wasn’t clear on your questionnaire then you can ask a question based on that in your interview and that way you can get an answer to help. But say you want more detailed answer on a certain question this is where you can ask it and get the detailed answer you need. So interviews is a great way to get more of an answer out of your audience. Which can really help bring the picture of your product together and if you ask the right question of course it can really help you actually have a perfect idea of what your product is going to look like in the end of it all. But I think there are a lot more weakness’ with this type of research as when answering your question your audience may not give you the detailed answer that you want instead your audience may answer with just a simple sentence which can be really hard to pick the information out of it and understand what it is your audience would like to see in your product. Also I've noticed that also another thing that can happen is when the person answering your questions doesn't actually understand it to well so they could end up giving you an answer you didn’t really want. So it can really confuse you and make it harder a little bit to understand what it is that your audience would like to see in your product.

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Research EvaluationWhat sort of a response did you get?In my survey I did get good responses most people actually went fro the answers that I wanted them too really. For example the name of my product I gave my audience 2 options and the majority went for the name that I wanted and liked more. But I wanted to give my audience the chance to decide want they wanted it to be called. As that way my audience will feel a lot more involved in my product. I think the survey did really help a lot in what my audience would like to see and to actually get an image in my head of what my product will look like in the end. But it helps me actually know what my audience would like to see which is good because this way I can really make sure that I actually meet my target audience and making sure that my product does appeal to my target audience. But this way I don't have to worry about not appealing to my audience and just guessing what they would like to see instead I can ask them. How did you distribute your survey? Give an advantage and a disadvantageI distributed my survey on blackboard once I had come up with all the questions that I wanted to ask my audience. Then once it was on blackboard other students got the chance to be able to answer my question. Which I would say is a strength as the ages of the students ranged between 16-20 which would be in my target age as I said 12+. But I think at the same time you could say that it is a weakness because its only a small majority of part of my target audience so maybe it would’ve been better to get a more range of ages to answer my survey. But another strength is that setting out the survey and everything this way means that I can make sure that I actually do get answers for my questions instead of maybe just getting one reply if I set it out differently. But this goes with age as well I would say as I do get only a small percentage of people that answer my survey so maybe it would’ve been better if I got more people to answer my survey as then I can get more of an idea of what my audience would like to see in my product. As also since it is such a small percentage of people that did answer my survey what if most of them don’t even like photography then I'm not getting the answers that I would like or that would help my product. As it would be better if someone that did like photography answered my survey as then I would be getting genuine answers.