09 intelligence

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UNDERSTANDING PSYCHOLOGY 9TH EDITIONBy Robert FeldmanPowerpoint slides by Kimberly Foreman


MODULE 26: What is Intelligence?What are the different definitions and conceptions of intelligence?

What are the major approaches to measuring intelligence, and what do intelligence tests measure?

Theories of Intelligence: Are There Different Kinds of Intelligence? G-factorGeneral factor for mental ability Was thought to underlie performance in every aspect of intelligenceRecent theories view intelligence as a multidimensional concept

Theories of Intelligence: Are There Different Kinds of Intelligence? Fluid IntelligenceReflects information-processing capabilities, reasoning, and memory

Crystallized IntelligenceAccumulation of information, skills, and strategies that people learn through experience

Theories of Intelligence: Are There Different Kinds of Intelligence? Gardners Multiple Intelligences: The Many Ways of Showing IntelligenceEight different forms of intelligence

Theories of Intelligence: Are There Different Kinds of Intelligence?Is Information Processing Intelligence?Information-processing approachWay people store material in memory and use that material to solve intellectual tasks Speed of processing

The Biological Basis of IntelligenceLateral Prefrontal Cortex

Higher intelligence is related to the thickness of the cerebral cortex

Practical Intelligence and Emotional IntelligencePractical IntelligenceRelated to overall success in living

Emotional IntelligenceSet of skills that underlie the accurate assessment, evaluation, expression, and regulation of emotions

Assessing IntelligenceIntelligence TestsQuantify and measure intelligence in an objective manner

Assessing IntelligenceBinet and The Development of IQ testsMental age (MA)Chronological age (CA)Intelligence quotient (IQ)Deviation IQ scoresBell-shaped distributionIQ score = MA x 100 CA

Assessing IntelligenceContemporary IQ Tests: Gauging IntelligenceAchievement testDesigned to determine a persons level of knowledge in a specific subject areaAptitude testDesigned to predict a persons ability in a particular area or line of work

Assessing IntelligenceReliability and Validity: Taking the Measure of TestsReliabilityTests measure consistently what they are trying to measureValidityTests actually measure what they are supposed to measureNorms Standards of test performance that permit the comparison of one persons score on a test to scores of others

Assessing IntelligenceAdaptive Testing: Using Computers to Assess PerformanceAdaptive in the sense that the computer individualizes the test to the test-taker

Scoring Better on Standardized TestsLearn as much as you can about the test before you take itPracticeIf the test is administered on a computer, take practice tests on a computerTime yourself carefullyBe aware of the scoring policyIf it is a paper-and-pencil test, complete answer sheets accurately

MODULE 27: Variations in Intellectual AbilityHow can the extremes of intelligence be characterized?

How can we help people reach their full potential?

Mental RetardationDisability characterized by significant limitations both in intellectual functioning and in conceptual, social, and practical adaptive skillsMild with an IQ of 55 to 69Moderate with an IQ of 40 to 54Severe with an IQ of 25 to 39Profound with an IQ below 25

Mental RetardationIdentifying the Roots of Mental RetardationFetal alcohol syndromeCaused by a mothers use of alcohol while pregnantFamilial retardation No apparent biological defect exists but there is a history of retardation in the family

Mental RetardationIntegrating Individuals with Mental RetardationEducation for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 (Public Law 94-142)Least restrictive environmentMainstreamingFull inclusion

The Intellectually Gifted Have IQ scores greater than 130

Programs for the gifted are designed to provide enrichment that allows participants talents to flourish

MODULE 28: Group Differences in Intelligence: Genetic and Environmental Determinants

Are traditional IQ tests culturally biased?

Are there racial differences in intelligence?

To what degree is intelligence influenced by the environment, and to what degree by heredity?

MODULE 28: Group Differences in Intelligence: Genetic and Environmental Determinants

Background and experiences of test-takers have the potential to affect results

Some standardized IQ tests contain elements that discriminate against minority-group members whose experiences differ from those of the white majority

The Relative Influence of Genetics and Environment: Nature, Nurture, and IQ

Culture-fair IQ TestOne that does not discriminate against the members of any minority group

HeritabilityMeasure of the degree to which a characteristic can be attributed to genetic, inherited factors