Reasons I Haven’t Commented On Your Blog (Yet) By Michelle Shaeffer www.michelleshaeffer.com

Top 10 Reasons I Haven't Commented on Your Blog (Yet)

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From Solo-E expert Michelle Shaeffer - presentation transcript for Top 10 Reasons I Haven't Commented On Your Blog (Yet)

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Page 1: Top 10 Reasons I Haven't Commented on Your Blog (Yet)

Reasons I Haven’t Commented

On Your Blog (Yet)

By Michelle Shaeffer


Page 2: Top 10 Reasons I Haven't Commented on Your Blog (Yet)

10. I’m not an acrobat.

I refuse to jump through hoops including multiple layers of logins, captchas, checkboxes, and anything else you require to prove I'm human. Are there really that many aliens hitting your blog comments? Photo Credit milkovasa/StockFresh

Page 3: Top 10 Reasons I Haven't Commented on Your Blog (Yet)

9. It was 5 screens of solid


Were ALL those words really necessary? Ever think about a Part 1 and Part 2? Or headings and lists to break it up a bit? I don't have that kind of time at the moment. Have you seen my to do list?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse viverra, dolor sed aliquampharetra, nunc lacus vehicula mauris, ac volutpat tortor mauris nec sem. Nulla a tellus et arcu viverrablandit et sed turpis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculusmus. Praesent et orci at turpis consequat molestie. In aliquam, mauris eu luctus pretium, libero semvenenatis turpis, non consequat velit tortor vitae lacus.

Fusce pharetra diam id arcu lobortis ut convallis ligula porttitor. Fusce lobortis tortor a erat molestiefaucibus. Aenean et sem gravida lorem mollis pulvinar a vitae orci. Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiamgravida, massa in iaculis viverra, risus nibh sodales turpis, eget rhoncus justo libero eget mauris. Vivamuscongue congue iaculis. Phasellus ut justo id erat lobortis sagittis. Morbi ut diam feugiat lacus lobortiseuismod. Duis ornare tellus vel urna commodo non varius diam tempus. Donec et rutrum metus. Maurisbibendum congue risus, at vestibulum lectus feugiat quis. Quisque tincidunt quam volutpat eros pretiumnec convallis elit blandit. Quisque dui sem, cursus malesuada porta sed, adipiscing vitae sem.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse viverra, dolor sed aliquampharetra, nunc lacus vehicula mauris, ac volutpat tortor mauris nec sem. Nulla a tellus et arcu viverrablandit et sed turpis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculusmus. Praesent et orci at turpis consequat molestie.

In aliquam, mauris eu luctus pretium, libero sem venenatis turpis, non consequat velit tortor vitae lacus.Fusce pharetra diam id arcu lobortis ut convallis ligula porttitor. Fusce lobortis tortor a erat molestiefaucibus. Aenean et sem gravida lorem mollis pulvinar a vitae orci. Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiamgravida, massa in iaculis viverra, risus nibh sodales turpis, eget rhoncus justo libero eget mauris. Vivamuscongue congue iaculis. Phasellus ut justo id erat lobortis sagittis. Morbi ut diam feugiat lacus lobortiseuismod. Duis ornare tellus vel urna commodo non varius diam tempus.

Donec et rutrum metus. Mauris bibendum congue risus, at vestibulum lectus feugiat quis. Quisquetincidunt quam volutpat eros pretium nec convallis elit blandit. Quisque dui sem, cursus malesuada portased, adipiscing vitae sem.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse viverra, dolor sed aliquampharetra, nunc lacus vehicula mauris, ac volutpat tortor mauris nec sem.

Photo Credit lunamarina/StockFresh

Page 4: Top 10 Reasons I Haven't Commented on Your Blog (Yet)

8. I don’t think you care.

Yeah, this does matter to me. If you aren't reading your comments why should I bother sharing my brilliant thoughts?

Photo Credit moori/StockFresh

Page 5: Top 10 Reasons I Haven't Commented on Your Blog (Yet)

7. "Great post" doesn't cut it.

Someone else already said that. It's kind of like me telling you I love my MacBook. I don't want to chime in like another fan boy.

Photo Credit iofoto/StockFresh

Page 6: Top 10 Reasons I Haven't Commented on Your Blog (Yet)

6. I’m not about to admit…

…an addiction, crime, or other personal flaw with my name attached. Big Brother's watching so I don't want to talk about politics or the government either. Give me something else to talk about or an anonymous way to share my feedback.

Photo Credit joebelanger/StockFresh

Page 7: Top 10 Reasons I Haven't Commented on Your Blog (Yet)

5. Couldn't find the comment box.

I'm sure it's probably buried there somewhere under all the ads, cross promos, subscribe boxes, and things blinking and talking at me but I'm scared to keep looking. I feel claustrophobic. Photo Credit yuri_arcurs/StockFresh

Page 8: Top 10 Reasons I Haven't Commented on Your Blog (Yet)

4. No one else is commenting.

If someone else jumps off the bridge first, my mother always said I'd follow them. People follow the crowd.

Photo Credit Paha L/StockFresh

Page 9: Top 10 Reasons I Haven't Commented on Your Blog (Yet)

3. I’m afraid of your commenters.

They're tearing each other to pieces! I'm not up for that kind of challenge.

Photo Credit RTimages/StockFresh

Page 10: Top 10 Reasons I Haven't Commented on Your Blog (Yet)

2. You didn’t ask me to.

Great post, you said everything, there's nothing I can think of to add and you didn't ask me any questions.

Photo Credit lisafx/StockFresh

Page 11: Top 10 Reasons I Haven't Commented on Your Blog (Yet)

1. I’m no detective.

I haven't discovered your blog yet. Are you promoting it and leaving REALLY obvious clues?

Photo Credit antonprado/StockFresh

Page 12: Top 10 Reasons I Haven't Commented on Your Blog (Yet)

Looking to improve your


I’d love to help YOU learn how to create a blog that gets people talking, sharing, and learning. Visit www.michelleshaeffer.comand sign up for free daily tips on blogging, marketing and more.

Photo Credit iqoncept/StockFresh